HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Bill 7.B-Attch10 09/13/2004Item 7 .
Riv.as Subdivt
al Coresponerce
Tie fl'c ael Joseph
Group, LL
789 Lombardi "Ct, tl ?208
Santa Rosa, CA. 95407
(707) 542 -5464
FAX 542 -1942
COMPANY: City of Petaluma' DATE. 9/9/2004 _ TIME: 3:58 PM
Community Development 6Pt
ATTN: lrem Borba,
FAX: 707.778.4498 FROM: Joe Swicegood
RE: Bantam Way'Subdivisimi !Annexation PAGES`: 5 (including: cover sheet)
U Urgent O Message below O Please reply ❑ Per. your request
Please see attached letter to<George White the report from Horticultural
If you have any .questions, please _call me at 4 707A95.9772
oll pgges or jfyou,r ceived this FAX In error,. please contact our:office i nm
C: \My Documents \Forms \Fax\TMJG Faxform.doc
SEP 0 2004
CiTy M .6 c"
Td . WdSO:£0 tOOE- 60 'daS 'Ohl xUj WO6j
The WhikO Joseph Croup LL.C.
I'.Q.Btnt;7967 Ganta.'K, 09a, C4, 95407
City of I?etalutm. 3cpu cvbcr 1, 20[)4
• i English. St, ,
%Wtn intt, Via, 94992
ATINa.Gcuu VVliitc. Plonitir 'Director
. Baaaam WAY SubdiYiswi>! Annaa.1don
Allot rctiavtag:atopyof die Ivc.
could rticrive soatc elurifiaattntutttid or dieCt►ti4 from youritill�:
l7egardi_ thc iirto'thb,a
g . ughb rhooci, etpeoialiy to the -west The
colght�orllood tty the wost`is;au oldcr't1e>�;(�lrarhi ofnwcad arcbitcxtutt; and size. We would
e9pocialig liics aorne clariS►caiio�m ma ca what tJtiA rrC u+ We:uitderstAUd that wc+ need N deli ii
hor to t tnto t}ie no igl 6or hoa i lint KdOr *9 odmr m>eiAbochoalt: la a:geneca! tii:ooticu
' riiekos,st:diHictilf for,ifio dasigr><r.to coni�ly:
Rogarding tLe crcattpn of 8::peilesti`ian walltvvay at =ilie utiizty easeiuent, QI? hC surfaci; this sccmcd
lilts a'gcod iGca tote,! we had t ne:timt to fefln (on (hc ptrasibilitit , Sbould aithtu p nopafty. do
I;wvr side of the fright of ` tY dec4e'te fgwo their PrOPC'rril4is would effec y cteate,aa,alley
Way; CYOAhnga't►wwuvl whetc`uri�superviscd'�Iutdces� c�ri�ht,Ue �vNlcia� to school Wouldthis qfeats '
an attrac." puisanoO „
R aft,the rimt of"046 n:and`huildumg t}mc:rvacllto City of Petaluma 4mdards,for ftitum
devebpn t.; Since ttre'Riv e:davolop mont WOUM Ge:c.Vmplece to dw:, CK MCI tyre is u costing
®ubdivtsiott tbo NWI the cXAY 4turc aeYvlapumcat ti`!at this &Mond road> would sertra is, the
uiodevclQ '. .
l?� d Pal to,tlme East. Since'the4hre Maul hag uxfnnned.us that',ocu proju+c will;6ie tt e '
last dry' line dfsysioAmrat in tho Cty:auci;tlle fig ow —
�kulatipr�;do'not support iievelopmcxit at
oa;above't2io R!ve� iimyetgpi,moni t?levaiioa �ve,ere,wsealtially Guildinig;a public ,, ,wiw i 4,wlure;
VYc`have beeim apked tb ooaoidcr a davelnpraut aka mnepitiviih,cPagliaro® ?tlic ovrrZers:ofVe
;parcal to dw Eaat-and onr initktl d>aouseioa� prrrrrT►pf. tueci loi city' atraet to sGn!ice itmat
: AAA dovrlop ftomthe Rivas
ThwI C Y oullfioryour 'eth7lti9p.�0'it11QSC;1tWtiCrS.
5inoeTOly, .
Zd WdSO FO 1700E 6e - daS 'OR XUJ
• l♦
H T911tt�1, ........
September 9, 2004
Corww xx t; ' n;Fio'ticuh a
P.0 1 06 t "'t 261 , Glen Ellen. CA 115442'
Mr. Joe SIiMcipgood :.
-Swim Construction
7.99 L:nmbardi Caurt, x020$
Santa Rosa;'.CA 95407
RV: Rivas subaivision af„ 1081 iianta!n Way in Prcalun a, review of storm
dr.,�itt / "V" ditch "clratns,slong.west property line,
Per your" rcqucsti l met1w th you at tl�a abcove rirlvreiiced Project sitOt lo' field
review' the existing; trees, along the west pi operty line I ad eeyiewed the
proposed preiiininsry grading plan in- relation to "';`he trees along the: property
line, and pi±bvide you with the follmving o1Tsc!vaEion,S uncf
1. Trees Adng, 009� property consist of be ih hlLe ,grim OlUraiyptus
(Li�cal�rPua '.and Monterey _'}'press (Cu�ress; <s :7ti! Ct:oGnrq).
6ucalyPtus are generally healthy' and, ti �tal while >Ml�nte rey cyF?ress arc
disttessed` n'�E�tral �unimer dm.�gl�t �'�i�idiiiiut�.
2. This species of a ;uca.'Iy,. ?-)tits cc _,-aches; 1j of 150 feet or
greafee - They are highly pr(jn'c:t'.) lard ;e Iim'o failure;, wtmle tree failure
due ,to brittle wood chard teri5
tice, on puu0t -*i attactunciif failure
'w he re tzaet'Rl''li'mbs �rriect ,the trunk. T:vs,s,�iecies.aI — 'produce a
Creme d bus ;�a'hwunt d debriT and litter.
Monterey cyprioss reaches un 'y madera_tc height`s but also: similar
tend.cncWz t6 shed larsr litnlis: They 'pfren becorYILI i 1fected with
Notryospharr o canker in suininer drl cand dosis,. ultimately Ieadilg tA,
a. Neither .pecies 'is s,uttAble. for }ire ery a't.on in a subdivisioct setting' d'ue
fo the rite
ir pn_tlpl for being hazardocas. `'-,heir size, location, and specie;;
ehacacterlsf c6. relation to proposed' suhdivisiun Fiuus ng ;'is Several y
incompatible in m,y opinion. ?Tuning call gecur to reduce potentll
haza - rds _ of previou'sl'y u,lldldi,Mliiil'd' trees, but'w411 knot red'U c.e.hjztrds
to ail eceptelbh']evei,
V6Ke 707 0 5 - 391 1 Fwd 70/ .j.-s5-7 103' -
Ed WdSlo :'20 :60 1 50 -dDs 'ON XHJ : wod-d
Mr, loe Swkcegt x)d
rA;�e -2
4: High wirid, condtttottm .ffom a westerly' prevailing diceetlon increases
the Poss'ibl ity of wi`ad throw or whole tree failure onto the pr_opvsed
5.. The proposed storm idtAin, whether..itJs buried Elide or svrfacc: "V
ditch, is illustrated approxim�ltely 10' feet from ithe'base, of most trees:
Bvcn „tf only requirlizg; an 18” grade cut', s hallow "but signif►caht roots
Will be &&vend, furt destabilizing these trees: Roots iri a d� wriw nd'
loci ilori act using. compression asi a;:sto ilizing force, And. their removal
Aiduces this stabilizing effect:
t,.. This' cornbinatiori of pievailing wind,, species charnterikks, and korm
draln/''W ditch location ie a recipe 46r disRSter.
7: My recommendationIs t0 remove the °ttees'forthe no se,asrnls: If
the City .requires iheir' preservation, they must be pruned tip thin
car+ppy densitie ,and reduce eAd weight oil the eucalyytvs, and :prur►ed.
only to reduce end w,`ibht on the cypress: The dre°inage systce m MustGc=
relocAed tv at least 20' feet from the tree trunks to minin'cize
,Pleese feel free to contact me if fucthcr discussion oc clarification is,nem ary.,
'Sill( -y,.
John►, Wserve
ri`can Society of Consu dhg Arborists
nternatiutAl Socfe;ty of Arboriculture, WCl5A #478
t1d WdW:20 b00z 60 'daS :' " I, xu-i WOdj
U s
Crump, :Katie,,.
From: Skypasture@ao'I
serif: Saturday, September 11, 2004,7:21, PM
To daveglass @comeast.net Mike4.Pet@aol.com; Ptorliatt@aol.com; redhawks @sonic.net;
Petalumamike @aol.com;, citymgr
subject: Mon. !9/13 -.Rivas Subdivision proposal
Dear: Mayor'Giass, City Councilmembers, and Mr. Bierman, Our community will have information re:
above, hopefully to be placed on the dais bythe3 p.m. 9/13: meeting.
Brief Background:
Our,neighborhood opposed °`this proposal at the Planning Commission public hearing.
The property location is a hillside - north ,end of Bantam Way with the west property line adjacent to
an early 1900's Paula Lane farmstead and the property clearly visible from, Paula Lane.
'In the past three years, we, have witnessed building moving up Bantam Way.
Most recent examples are two houses built on the west side of Bantam; Way, one a very large
structure that was apparently placed"too far: back on the lot (by
mistake) with no room for landscaping :for a `backyard °and current.' construction underway of a house
and granny unit next to this very large home, but on a very
small lot. Some of my senior citizen,neighbors some years ago tried'to
participate in the process of .lot size congruence on. Bantam Way with properties to the west, on
Paula Lane, to no avail. They,gave up, as they said no'one would "listen to them.
Now we are finally at the top'of the hill - the hillside on northernmost Bantam Way, which is the
Rivas property. It is our understanding the proposab Was.,in the Planning Department for two years,
as the fire hydrant static water-.pressure .readings could not be tested to °acceptable levels.
Planning Commission:
At the Planning Commission hearing, our neighborhood supported a 1 house per
2 acre density in the county and, secondarily, 1 house per 1 acre (2, lots, "instead of 3) with
annexation to the City of Petaluma, which is' desired by the Rivases.
The Planning Commission recommended approving the °,proposal; which has been forwarded to you.
The Conditions of Approval respond to many of.our concerns,
As the Council does not have a verbatim transcription of the discussion during the Planning
Commission, hearing, we wish . provide further comments, photographs and requests on 9/13. We
believe this may assist in the decision: making, process. We will endeavor to provide constructive
comments to address our continued concerns.
The tentative agenda, for 9/13 had placed the Rivas I proposal toward the end of'-the evening. We
were unsurewhetherlitwould
Occur or be continued to a date certain, given the - agenda. The
published agenda on 9 /7'for the 9/13 council 7 p,m. session places the Rivas proposal earlier in the
evening. So,, we look forward to ,seeing you and'will appreciate your consideration.
Susan Kirks, Paula Lane, 773-3215
Crump, Katie
From: Caroline [caroline.mccall @seronet.net]
Sent::, Saturday, September 41, 2004 1:3.1 AM
To: 'daveglass @comcast .net ; " petalumamike @aol,com'; 'redhawks @sonic.net';
ptorliatt @aol.com',; 'Mike4Pet@aol.com'; citymgr
Subject: Rivas subdivision
Dear Mayor Glass, Council members & Mr. Bierman,
Members of our community plan to speak in public comment on Monday. 9/13 regarding the
proposed Rivas Subdivision on Bantam Way.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Caroline McCall -
1302 Sunset Drive
Petaluma, CA 94952
e D
CruMp.,, Kaiii,,'q
From: JenOifqr Fetfio [Jen,@esubjects.cohi]
Sent: S aturday, September 11, 2004 12 AM
TP: �&&)cast'net," pi�talumamike@aQl.com; redhawks@sonic.net; ptorliatt@aol.com;
,d- ke 0
it(986 m' Lco citym
Subject:. Proposed Rivas subdivision
D'ear'Mayor Glass, Councilm and .Mr.. B- erman,
My „ immediate concern reg,arding pf6O'osed'su-bdl.ivi.si6rI is the already dangerously low water
pressure in the area. I. live nearby on- Paula, Lane and our"Water pressure, directly behind this
Orboosed subdivision, is already not Teetihg,.1basic needs.. PI'ease consider this, and the possible
- disasters 1 the event of fire lanywhere ,in the area,,when you Ma I ke your decision about this.
Members of our community'Olan to this and other issues o f ;concern surrounding the
proposal in the pulic comm Oht the-city,coundl meeting Monday,, September 13th.
Thank you vy. much for time - an d co n side ration.
1300 Sunset Lane
Page 1 of'l
Crump,, Katie
From: irisjune1 @aol.corn
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 8:42 PM
To daveglass comcast: net;:Petalumamike @aoLco ri :redhawks @sonic.net; Ptorliatt @aol.com; Mike4Pet @aol.com;
Cc: Skypasture @aol.com
Subject: Rivas property
Our community - the Paula Lane neighborhood - has serious concerns regarding the proposed hillside
subdivision on North Bantam Way by you on Monday, September 13th.
The Conditions of Approval established'by:th.e Planning Commission have addressed some of our
community's concerns. But, it's very important to us that a high level of attention be given to considering this
proposal which, albeit smaller than :some, is, on a hillside and adjacent .to an historical 1900's farmstead and
our historic neighborhood. The-Rivas property also has mature eucalyptus trees that are nesting sites year-
round for raptors - and these trees arei part of a larger significant wildlife habitat in our community.
'Members of our neighborhood will be sp'eaki'ng at the September 13 council meeting and we would
appreciate your consideration.
Sincerely, Cheryl Jern, 600 Paula'Lane
Page 1 of 1
Crump,, Katie
From: Okatieoco @aol.co,m
Sent: Monday, September 43, 2004 11:13 AM
To daveglass @comcast.net
Cc :. petalumamike @aolcom;; redhawks @sonic,net Ptorliatt @aol:com; Mike4Pet @aol com; citymgr
Subject: (no subject)
Dear Mayor Glass, Councilmembers, and Mr. Bierman,
Members of our community plan to speak in pukii c,corrmment re; the proposed Rivas Subdivision, top of the hill, Bantam
Way tonight. We.will appreciate your consideration.
Kathleen O'Connor