HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Bill 03.A 01/06/2003C C • r CITY OF PETALUMA, CALIFORNIA AGENDA B LL JAN 6 2001 Agenda Title Meeting Date: Re "solufion Authorizing the Police Department to Accept a Traffic January 6', 2003 Safety Grant From the California Office of Traffic ,S'afety for a Hand -Held Driving 'Under the Influence 'Report Writing and Records Management System in the Amount of $56,800.00. Denartment Direct : Contact Person Phone Number Police Acting Ch' ' Simms Sgt. Tim Lyons 7784596 Cost of'Pronosal Grant Amount: $56,800.00 Account Number Matching funds: $ 0 001 -400 -2122 -7301 Amount Budgeted " -0 Name of Fund: OTS; Grant Fund Attachments to Agenda Packet Item Grant Application Packet. Resolution Summary Statement '-The Police Department has applied for. a Hand -Held Driving Under.the Influence (DUI) Report Writing and Records Management System 'Grant from the California Office of Traffic 'Safety (OTS) in the amount of $56,800.00. The grant requires no matching funds. The grant funds will be used to create DUI Investigation equipment that will' improve the accuracy -of the investigations and reduce the amount of time to complete. a DUI Investigation-.' nvestigation: ' The grant will further attempt to educate the community on the dangers of DUI will also increasing enforcement efforts: Council Priority N/A J "` Priority(s): Recommended City Council Action /Suggested Motion' Adopt a resolution authorizing. acceptance of the California Office of Traffic Safety Grant funds. Reviewed by Finance Director: Reviewed by City Attornev Date: Approvedjlv City Mana er: Date: D e: 'Today's Date Revision # and Date Revised: File Code: CITY OF PETA.LUMA:,:CALIFORNIA JANUARY 6,,2003 AGENDA REPORT` FOR O Res6lution Authorizing the Police Departnieritto Accept a Traffic Safety Grant From the California Office of Traffic Safety1or a Hand -Held Driving Under the Influence Report Writing and Records Management System in the Amount of $56,800.00. 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Police Department 1as applied for a Hand -Held Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Report'Writing and Records Management 'System Grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) in the amount of $56,800.00. The grarst .requires - no matching funds. The grant funds will be used.to create DUI Investigation equipment that will improve the .accuracy of the investigations and reduce the amount of time of DUI, will also mere to comp ete' a DUI Invesstts i gation. The grant will further attempt to educate the community on the of t dangers "gl enforcement efforts. 2: BACKGROUND The City of Petaluma Police Department;,,makes approximately 250.DUI arrests.per year. 'Traffic officers and.regular patrol units on an as-time- 4flable basis do DUI enforcement : The_Traffic Unit conducts several operations each year targeting• impaired .drivers'. Mostf ". , of the operations consist of DUI Checkpoints and saturation patrols. DU'I arrestees are processed at the Petaluma Police Department and noimally,held'for detoxification prior to being their own recogmzarsce. The arresting officer completes data, pertain ng' to the arrests. Many of the State forms, (DMV)'`are hand written and the arrest /offense information is enteredIntu a department records manageme it'system. . The Department has acquired and continues to utilize ,special ' equipment such as' a DUI checkpoint trailer that was made possiblei byOTS. assistance. In an OTS . Grant awarded in. 2001, the was able to purchase a new DUI` Checkpoint trailer, and identify methods to reduce. the time to process a DUI arrest. The Department has ,Passive Alcohol Sensor Devices .assigned 'to each patrol team and traffic officers, so they are readily available. The City of Petaluma has experienced a growth in population of 13% between 1996 and 2001 (48,569 vs.' 55;900) causing ;,steady increases in `traffic and higher levels of congestion on its 156 -mile roadway system... Collision rates have increased and the City of Petaluma rankings- have declined and not improved. Speed continues to •be the number one cause of .traffic collisions in the City of Petaluma. The Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California Berkeley, • conducted Traffic 'Safety Evaluations in 1996 and in 2000. The analysis identified three primary problem areas. The primary problem areas are Driving Under the Influence, Hazardous - Traffic Violation Enforcement and Suspended/Unlicensed Driver Enforcement. To keep pace and potentially, increase enforcement levels, the Department is looking at ways to enhance productivity and automate the more labor - intensive aspects of the traffic and DUI enforcement activities. The current DUI .report - writing process. involves completing one or more "hard- copy" forms or reports by hand. A DUI arrest requires five different reports, all of which share much of the same information about" the arrest .and arrestee. After citations and reports are prepared, a supervisor reviews them. In many cases, portions, o f t he 'r eports in ust b e r e -written to c orrect e rrors o r d eficiencies. A n i ntemal review of the time a DUI investigation took to complete. show. ed the average was 4.75 hours. In the case of errors on citations, a supplemental report or court amendment must be issued. These corrections can take almost the same.amount of time and effort to complete as the: original citation. Once finalized, the documents must be. sorted, copied, filed in the Records Division, and hand- carried to the courts for processing. Clerks and administrative personnel then input the information from the DUI reports into a variety of 'databases in both the Police Department and the courts. Completing and processing all reports by hand is ,tiine� consuming and requires significant duplication of effort. The result is a loss of valuable time and personnel resources, :and a reduction in the effectiveness of enforcement activities For these reasons, automating DUI report writing -processes using hand -held computers can become an essential ;part of enhancing the Department's trafficsafetyprograms. i When faced with a violator -without, a valid Driver ,License, identification of the violator can be problematic. 'The officer may have to obtain an inked. thumbprint on the Department's Copy to insure p y bprints are kept on file for - 11 no more than 2 ears because rosecutablit. 'and avoid. identification e records storage problems. hand-held corriputer system will have both -the ability "o -capture:-the: violator's ihumbprinfiliat can be; retained _;indefinitely;, but also to take p gr"p going court to testify, and to identify the driver, the officer will now have a their hoto a h. When oin c digital. thumbprint and a photo of the violator and his, car taken at the time of the violation. The camera could :aiso be used to take a short' video a nd/or p hoto of the violation as is` occurred for evidence if necessary: This additional evidence will increase: the likelihood that. the violator will be , found guilty, ,and is' a capability the Petaluma Pohce-Department; has not had access to prior to the deployment of hand=held computers: Collision Rankings for 2000 support our effort to improve traffic safety in the City of Petaluma. The City of Petaluma, is ranked 29t (ut of j 1 citi s "for total fatal and injury collisions for comparable. cities i y e based on vehicle miles traveled VMT . The', City of Petaluma is .ranked _0 out of 9.1 cities for alcohol - related;.collisions b ased' on VMT. Based on population, the City of Petaluma is .ranked 11th out of 91 cities for alcohol-related collisions.;. a. Jt is the goal of the Petaluma:Police ;- Departme p e.for the safety, and security of all. sident nt to _ rovid the re. and visitors iii Petaluma Specific Ao the Traffic Division, tliis is to provide :for the safe and. efficient flow of. traffic within and through the city,,,. By.. reducing the amount of time spent by. officers within the City; arresting drivers suspected of being under the influence, we..could increase the time available'for,enforcement and increase,the safe use of our streets. We - intend to achieve the..bverall goal : of increasing 'the' enforcement time for our officers by im pm 1. leenfng hand -held based computer. programs to automate; the DUI report writing process. The hand- held = based system will be-Bused in support of directed' enforcement programs that reduce "the frequency and of DUI traffic ,collisions .and - creased DUI' enforcement. throughout the City.. The intent of `the system is' to .increase the :productivity of the .Departments, Traffic Division personnel and 'provide managers with more, timely and accurate information upon which to base directed enforeer_nent and`other traffic related safety programs. ALTERNATIVES A. Accept the grant funds. B. Decline grant funding and fund purchase of traffic safety equipment-from police equipment budget: monies. i C. Decline -grant funding and decrease efforts with regard:to traffic safety to previous levels. f 4 , FIN'AMNAL IMPACTS A. The total project•cost of $ 56;800.00 will be fanded from -the California Office of Traffic Safety grant. There may be minimal fmancial..cosis for the maintenance of equipment. Those costs are I ' � .eration of this � ant are currently being 0Q: ll, exh er . for personnel time and- supplies, for ' the o, estimated„ to � be approx. grant should re ex for the same use. The successful completion o this •, duce personnel and supply costs. 5. CONCLUSION The use of the California Office of Traffic. Safety money to fund this Hand -Held DUI Report Writing and' - Records Management, System,is appropriate. Using funds in this manner will enable. an improved level of traffic, safety to the City. of Petaluma, without impacting on -duty job demands. 6.• OUTCOMES, OR PERFORMANCE' ME'ASUREMENTS•THAT WILL. IDENTIEY'SUCCESS OR COMPLETION: A. The grant has mutually ;agreed upon objectives that must be meet.. The objectives are primarily focused on - :creating DUI Investigation equipment that -will improve the accuracy. of the investigations and reduce' the amount of time to complete a DUI Investigation. The Office of Traffic .'Safety also evaluates our 'performance by.•quarterly visits and, the review of our, progress reports. 7. RECOMMENDATION Adopt resolution. authorizing application and acceptance of California Office of Traffic Safety Grants •funds. The Petaluma Po lice. Department'. Traffic Unit will, under the supervision of Sergeant. Tim Lyons, will ,manage. he grant g; /forms /2000 Agenda Bill revised 042100 ' ; 0 State of C ilifor.1114 Business, TiansportadoP &H611si.ng Agency OFFICE . OYTRA'FFIC SAFETY , I- GRANT AGREEMENT PAGE 1 (To .be completed' by applicant Agency) 1. PROJECT TITLE REtORDS'MANAGE I MENT SYSTEM • HAND -HELD D . Uf REPORT WRITING, AND w J.4. P m_ ROJiM - PE RIOD .2. NAME OF APPLICANT M I)ay Year. CITY OF PETALUMA POLICE PEPARTMkNT From.. HANDL PROJECT T Fyo ocOctober' October' 1, 2002 �3. AGENCY UNIT TO Eli Sept 30,,,2,0, 03 To .PE TALV NA POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC UNIT_ i'the evaluation, and end product 5. coverin;tiyes, method procedure— 0 theprojectplan, .71 pROjE ' CT DESCRIVrION1 Space as lijoitpd.to 11 lin es. _ in appr by 't'hd TI re writing in ap pr words t PL port o automate: - will iMpldrft ye of,p,etal a, 6t han&held comp PP app __ The City f uIP elirriinate-'r6dundainties =4 ' porting , �roc -held systems will be used to reduce cases ropesse he hand y ..�nd m ana ge, . T. an gp, DUI ��d resou'rce§ needd,APwhU edi S�tOO in g the tirftO ting errors whil SIgn1 traffi enf6rcement0ersonnel and th productivity of De p s affi- records. The end result will be an - increase• In 4utomatingtheDUI ar t me nt.s , efficiency. The time d.re§obrc the Dep l :,rh t& an overall iftfprqverrient in d" rity of 'traffic • that re duce:tfie frequenCy e m �Isev be re-directed.to enforcement aomtie�.. af .Teport;wntjn&can ihe: collisloils S00 -0.01 D' A SIiXLL , 6.: FEDERAL.FUNDS ALt6C-A-TEDUNDFR,THIS- � 7 APPROVAL SIGNATU B. A OFFICIAL OF - APPLICANT AGENCY A PROJECT DIRECTOR l Mic ael PHONE: (707) 7784345: PHONE: (707) 718-4370 N AME NAME T ornas'Simms FAx: (70.7) 779-4419, FAx; (707) 77844,19 TITLE:. Interim City 'Manager e Chief .. .. :e . . . I . I TITLE: Interim Polic o 'Petal ADDRESS: a police Depiirtment �y ADDRESS: Petahim P.O. X 969.petaluTna Blvd North, Petaluma, California 94953 Petaluma. Cajifprma 5 ft er taluina.cMUs -E-MIA cl ymanag E MAIL: �pojjc6 Ua)mpe alu t j c - Date) U f ) r C. FISCAL OR.ACtOUNTING OFFICIAL ------------- D. Mn"T I homas THONE:'(7 7778-4S ! 52 NAME FAx: '(707) 178 -4428 TITLE:' F Director ,ADDRESS:' c -Finance Department P. G. Box 61 Petdlumg, CallfoInnia 94.953 E-MAIL: finance@ci.petalurnaxa6us (Sig1jaure) PROJECT NUMBER AL0532 OFF] cE AUTH ORIZERTOREC FIVE PAYMENTS' F inance Department ,ADDR city of - Petal'uma , P.O. Box 61 Petaluma, California 94953 SCHEDULE A .� PROJECT 'NO:. PAGE 1 , BACKGROUND A. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS oximatel 5 p co rs 15s ocated l along the U. .101 s north o ty � P pP - ' � y, QO 000: peo le Sonoma Coon has a o ulation miles and has been ' pp of a r f San .Francisco. The c>< Q care corridor, slowly b ate ar l inexinad' nt sections of unincorporated Sonoma County. The November 1998 growing _ .: Y y g Jace .election established an Urban Growth Boundary to deter. sprawl development: P P gr " i .at an annual rate Petaluma has a current reported .resident o ulation of 56,000 and is owm . of less than. 2 %. The p opulation is comprised of /o White, 15 /o Hispanic, 2 /o Asian, /Black. o b o p P P . changed from 'a bedroom community (daytime .population lower than Over . the ' last decade the ci ty has permanent population) to a center of light industry _and telecommuting, activity with a 10% to 20% higher daytime population. The current daytime population is between 60,000 and 65,000. Santa Rosa Junior College is a major generator of local and commuter traffic; The coll ege.'s annual ,. enrollment is currently 50,000 and.nsing rapidly, though not all of these. are frill -time students. . r t industry uses are in in the.northeast and- southeast parts of town except for Industrial Drive; which gh .. is at the northwest end. There is also a• Coast Guard base nearby. B. STREET AND HIGHWAYS Petaluma has 156 miles of paved roadway and currently has 47 traffic signals.. U.S: Route 101 runs' north d splits the city with the older part of town oWn orit ms autonmall a comp ex of factory and b ' - and south siness `P he north end of arks on the east side. T outlet. stores. ' State Route 116: enters Petaluma from the southeast comer ,and. traverses the'city for about 1.5 miles as Lakeville Highway until it jbins.U.S. 101 northbound. On the west side, the older streets are generally narrow and. discontinuous with a number of angled intersections. Providing adequate marked bicycle lanes on narrow streets is a challenge. ''On the east side, the newer streets wi are der built to post-World War Il suburban design standards Which limit: access to heavily, traveled roadways from the residential areas but also focus traffic ontu those ed red als. The city' is also experimenting with traffic circles, roundabouts and hybrid traffic circles as spe fictions' measures. Currently there are three -such measures and at least five more have been.planned.' C. OPERATING DEPARTMENTS The Petaluma Police Department is comprised of two divisions — Patrol 'and Administrative Services. A Captain commands each Division. OTS -38b (Rev 10/99) SCHEDULE A PROJECT NO: PROJECT .PAGE 2 Within' the Patrol Division. there: are, two, sections with a Lieutenant, responsible for each. Each section (Platoon A • and Platoon B) is comprised of four teams and each 'team is assigned a Sergeant and four Officers. Eadh,Platoon, also has a.K -9' attached to their 1600 —• 0300 shift. There= is. a Street. Crimes Unit that oversees fficers assigned to two local F of two Officers and one Sergeant. gn p. sed- t working y gn ' Te ean h ,Serht also o l Platoon B. The Street Cruries Umt i s - orce, Operations. There is a Traffic Unit -that has working• days throughout the 'week. Since January 2002,, the ;first unit sergeant has supervised the Traffic 'bnit.� ;The Traffic Unit has• four Police Officers and a Community Service Officer assigned, to it 'The 'STOP "Officer position •has, not been, •filled because of staffing,' shortages since December 2001 - -... Administrative Services is divided into•three sections: Admuustratve, whicli includes Recruitment, Investigations (One Sergeant `and five Detectives), a Domestc Violence'Uiiit:and Support functions' Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving (COPPS), which ; includes crime :prevention, school age drug prevention (D:A.R.E), the Reserve Community Service Officer (RCSO) ,program`. and Public ,Infoimation`responsibilities • Dispatch: and Records a, Chief, 2• Captains 3' Inys unm , the.Petaluma Police Department has 71 s3 T affic Officers 6tons, Detectives Lieu am force as� 3 ents aril .4 va�aneies are:3.1:5 non -swom posit i'on7 support. staff g g Inclu g,- gnm ) s, which consist of Dispatchers, Records'Techiicians Commumty•Service:Officers; Parking Officers, Propeity'Technicians:and two managers. With,ihe staffing of sworn personnel at 1:3 per 1;000'populat'ions,'it is, important for the D' artment to : remain,. full staffed. D. EXISTING `SYSTEMS The- bty-of Petaluma: P61ice Department makes!approx mately 250 DUI arrests per year: Traffic .officers and i . regular patrol units on, an as- time - available basis do DUI enforcement. The Traffic Unit conducts several operations each year. argeting impaired dnveT "s. Most. of the operations consist .of ;DUI Checkpoints and sat . uration .patrols. DUI arrestees are at the Petaluma Police Department and ,normally., held for on their. own reco i7ance. The arresting officer completes data detoxification,..pnor :to being released ( ) pertaining to the arrests. ,an of the State forms DW writt and the a arrest/offense information P Many d . is entered into a :department records management system. The Department has acquired and.cont nues utiIize.- special equipment such as a DUI checkpoint• trailer, that was made possible. by OTS ; assistance. In an OTS Grant awarded in 2001, the Departmentmas able to. . purchase -a new DUI Checkpoint trailer,, and identify methods to reduce the time to process a DUI arrest. The Department has PAS,Devices assigned 'to each patrol team and traffic officers, so they are - readily available. PROBLEM ;STATEMENT The City of Petaluma has experienced a growth in; population of 13 % between ; l - 996' and 2001 vs. 55,900) causingsteady increases in traff'c and- higher levels of congestion on its 156 =mile roadway system. '1 0TS -38b (Rev 10/99) SCHEDULE A PROJECT'NO AL_0332 PROJECT DESCRIPTION PAGE 3 Collisionrates have increased and the City.of Petaluma rankings have,declined and:not improved. Speed continues to be the number one cause o ty Petaluma. The Institute of of traffic collisions.m the..Ci of U versa of California y Traffic Safety Evaluations in 1996 and Transportation Studies, ru y Berkeley, Traf, in 2000. The analysis identified three primary problem areas. The primary. problem areas are Driving Under the Influence, Hazardous Traffic Violation Enforcement and Suspendedf-Unlicensed Driver Enforcement. To . ke' ace and. otentiall increase enforcement levels, t Departinent is looking at ways to enhance productiv and automat the more`labor- intensive aspects of the traffic: an&DUI enforcement activities: The current DUI report- writing - process involves completing one ~or more "hard- copy" forms or reports by hand.. A DUI arrest requires five different reports; all of which" share much of the same information about the arrest and arrestee.. After citations and reports are prepared; a supervisor reviews them. In many cases, es. An internal review of the time a - . P In the case of errors on citations, a g, onions of the reports must be re -written -to correct errors or a cienc>< DUI invests at><on took to com lete showed the average was g' ,issued. These corrections can take almost the.same amount P s 4 75 ours. supplemental.report or amendment must be , . of -time and effort to complete as'.the original citation. Once finalized,, the documents must be sorted, copied,: filed m, - the Records Division; and hand - carried to the courts . for processing: Clerks and administrative. personnel then :input "the' information from -the. DUI reports into .a variety` of databases in both the Police p lti reports by hand is time consuming and:requires . De artrYient and the courts. Completing and processing all significant duplication. . of effort. The result is a. loss of valuable time and personnel resources, and a_ . educt><on m the effectiveness of enforcement activities. For these reasons, automating DUI report writing i-I rocesses_ using hand -held computers ,can :become an essential part of enhan.c in' Department's traffic safet . y programs. .. . Wh en faced with a violator without a valid Driver License; identification of the violator can be problematic:. The officer may have to obtain an inked thumbprint on .the Departments Copy to - insure prosecutablity and avoid identification problems in court. These inked thumbprints are kept on file for no more than 2 years because . o storage problems: The hand -held computer system will have both the ability.to.capture the violator's thumbprint that can be retained indefinitely, but also to take their photograph. When going to court to testify, and to identify the driver, the officer will now have a digital thumbprint and a photo o €the violator and his car taken at the time of the violation. The camera could also be used to take a.shoft video an d/or. ' as it occurred for evidence if necessary., This additional evidence will increase the photo, of the violation likelihood that'the violator will be found, guilty, and .is a capability the Petaluma Police Department has not had access to pri or to the .deployment of hand -held computers. Collision Rankings for 2000 support our effort to improve traffic safety in the City of Petaluma. The City of eh mile to cities for total fatal, and injury collisions for comparable cities based on out vehicle s traveled th v e icle miss traveled VMTf. City of Petaluma is ranked 6 out of 91 cities for alcohol- related collisions based on VMT. Based on population, the City of Petaluma is ranked 1 lth out of 91 cities for alcohol- related collisions. f TEMPTS TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM There have been no prior.projects to electronically report DUI investigations in the field, however, attempts have been made to streamline data entry. Officers are required to input their own investigation data. OTS -38b (Rev 10/99) SCHEDULE A I . e PROJECT N. O : A)L0332 PROCT- DESCRIPTION PAGE 4 JE 0 Currently this'requi ' . the use:•of a computer'in the station, acid Officers must now return to the,station to enter the data. This removes them from field, and wastes valuable °personnel. resources and time; but is the only easible alternative, u p to this point. This program am will - eliminate the need to ; perform a separate data y p P � P „� • entry process since the data entry will. be accomplished when the .initial DUI. investigation begins in.the field. The D artment:has created DUI investi ation ackets that have all the req it fd� forms'jn onepacket.. This ep � g P. _ . has saved officers from searching for all the forms or forgetting the nurnero rms requued 'fo "r an investigation. PROJECT GOALS It is the goal of the Petaluma Police Department to provide for the safety and'security';of.all °the residents and visitors in ,Petaluma.. Specific.ao •:the :Department's: Traffic Division this `is to provi "for. the safe and efficient; flow of traffic within and ;through the city ; By Bing the amount of time pent by officers within e Ci arrestor drivers sus ected of hem under;the*_mfluence; we could increasethe nine available for redu enforcement and ' ncre'ase .the afe use of., our streets , the We ntend.to - achieve the overall goal of`.ncreasmg'the enforcement time for our officers ,ly i3nplernenting hand held; based, computer° programs to automate the DUI_ report writing process. 'The hand -Held based . system will be used in sup ort of directed enforcement programs - that"reduce the frequency, and, severity of p . DUI traffic collisions' and increased,_DM enforcement throughout the' Crty .The intent of the system is to: increase the productivity of the t)ii r ment'`s'Traffic Division, personnel and provide managers with more timely and accurate informaj; up on which,to base directed enforcement .and •other- traffic related safety programs... The Petaluma Police Department will achieve the following goals: p g a DUI arrest by 20 /o from the: 200,1 base -year of 4.75 1.. To reduce the time `required writing an d rocessin ° hours to IS hours• P er- ar -rest by September 30, 2003. 2. To decrease: the number of DUI'reporfs found to be in error or challenged in court from the 2001 base year' average of 35% o to an average error and challenge rate of T2 % by .September 30, ,2001 PROJECT'' OBJECTI VES oafs serve as the ' foundation u p on. which the p The g 1 we hope •to . accomplish by project is built, ; and what implementing a hand -held DUI report writing data:inanagement system. 1. To implement 'hand -held computer 'based applications to automate the DUI report= writing processes by January 1, 2003: 2. To implement software to provide the means of processing and writing DUI arrests :in the field by January. 1, 2003. 3. To establish a data link to the police fac Pity for the immediate upload of citat ons via an 802A Ib Netw_ 'Card. OTS -38b (Rev 10/99) SCxE DULE;A PRoiECTI No: A 0332 PROJECT'DESCRiPTION PAGE 5 4 To : ensure the., hand - "held system will transfer data to the Crossroads Collision Database for storing,'. processing and analyzing data sand reports .by January 1, 2003. 5: To integrate hardware and software capabilities into the hand -held system for the capture of a violator's digital fingerprint by November 1, 2002. 6'. To integrate a digital camera card ',capability into the hand -held system to capture the photograph of violators without photo identification to,ensure identification and enhanceprosecutability of citations. 7. To meet current legal standards regarding viability.of digital signature; capture and encryption standards by November 1, 2002. 8. To tr ain 7 staff members in the use and maintenance of the finalized version of the hand-held software and data management systems, byJanuary 1, 2003. 9. To use the following standard language in_ali press materials. `-`Funding for this program was provided by a grarit from the California of Traffic Safety." 0. To submit print_ clips by.; S a m'.; to your Regional. Coordinator and'. the Public Information Officer, via a -. 'mail at pi6(a_,) ts.ca:gov or fax at (9:16) 262- 2960�(e- mail.preferred)..All clips should include publication name ` date the article was published. g. proje e 11. To issue. a p ress release ' announcm the kick off of the ro a t by N ots tub er 1 2002. The press release P i , will be forwarded to 'OTS. Publ><c : Information Office p Qo� and the OTS. Regional Coordinator for approval - pnor , to the release Printed newspaper of the press release will be faxed or e- mailed to OTS. 12. To e -mail to .the OTS Public Information Off cer - at pio@ ots ca.gov and OTS Regional Coordinator at least one two weeks in advance,' a4short description of any new traffic.safety event or program: METHODSOfTliOCEDURE Phase 1 - Program Prepara (October :1; 2002 — December 31, 2003 ) The Traffic Unit will manage, supervise, and maintain the hand -held. computers and assocrated` pro grams. We will 'designate a central workstation and install all the associated electrical and computer network equipment necessaryto support the hand -held computer systems. We will develop a training program for °all personnel assigned the hand =held computer systems to outline the goals, objectives, and methods of the project. OTS -39b (Rev 10/99) SCHEDULE A PROJECT No: AL0332. PRojECT-DESCRIPTION PAGE - 6 • acts for service related to software design andinstallati of DUI - o the report. forms on We: will finalize .contracts I . n I the hand-held, computers Write: specifications related to purchase -,of all necessary hardware to include :the. hand-held computers, dockuig' stations printer, stripe readers desktop computers) network cards, ana.-accessories. . magnetic t , ;stfi ers Receive; hand-held computers ,and accessories related to jliey pyoj 6ct;: install :computers within the e, designated r ' j tv �s . network. --I, and f'n'-nf;cn1r(-. systems to the scbmDuter=tw W I -D +�+;A Install finalized versions of the software: on newly acquired hand-held - computers arid'desktop. computer, . systems. Test; all ensure proper'Operation and, configure as required . i on the hand har operation and. - Conduct, ,a- training program -held and` ::desktop in regards hat' w maintenance,:so ftward usage, and data "submission procedures. Begin initial deployment with 4 hand-,field compute for DUI repoits.. this pha w Duri n g e, will acquiie,.necessary and equiprpent. as-- ty -, tommuffi awareness campaign ibroughlocal newspapers,,:rad��$tki6fis', pity. new sletter d other Develop a,s strong gn I I - . _­ 9 ' . tho'Gffice of Traffic �n in combination ; !available.,'me-di�.,fn.f6riiiiilg the pu�lic efforts I S afety create safety traffic + environment I in our city. The community be4dvised.of 9Bjectives an I d . solicited I ,lo b , ecomedn''volved in'Teducingtbe pi6blerns',. , In add , itip L xi"� . pidoess6s will . be�pqt jnto, the'co A ion to the, media, - specifically , taiieiing. place�Ao pioyide, current enforcemen locatioh:informat d 5 - prior to Nby6hiber .2 audience. This communi y aWarpriess campaign -) develope * 1 . 00 2.0. 0,nhance its impact season. t prior to the 2002 ol We will, procure all ;rnatefial and equipment, Computer and Pr edural difications necessary, to facilitate data collection and project reports.will be procedural - m i'deritified and imbleme6ted-. Phase 2, —'Full Deployment Period (October l, 2002 — Decem ber 31, 2003) - in the field to -inve8ti'�ate and, process DUI D 5 B and -held ,computers and implement full system usage arrests. Conduct.Analysis of hand-Written DUI reports versus electronic DUI rop'Orts, by Traffic"OffibOrs.. Modify softwarel and hardware configurations and pTocovres/sy as required.• .. OTSL38b (Rev 10799) SCHEDULE A PR OJECT No: AL_0332 tOJECf DESCRIPTION �ouahout`Project Period) PAGE 7 Statistical data relating to the project goals objectives will be collected, analyzed, and incorporated in Quarterly q io - - Schedule C form will be Q Y P objectives. The uarterl. Evaluation Data Form s and Y al the quarter ending S, tember 30 will >nclu a year-to-date uarterl Reports. uarterl Reports for mpansons of go � .Q completed each quarter and submitted as part of the Quarterly Progress Report. These reports will compare actual project accomplishments with the planned accomplishments. They will include information concerning changes made by the Project Director in.planning and guiding the project. efforts. The following are some of the methods to 'be used in constant monitoiing.and evaluation of the. project: A:' Computerized Reports Statistical information concerning data listed in the project goals and objectives will be, available on timely basis throughout the .project. In addition, statistical information w1:11 "`be obtained :from Orange County Central Court relative to the value of the projector improvement in their processes and procedures. B. Activity Logs. he hand -held computer system will keep accurate activity information relative to. DUI reports. In addition;. . the Petaluma Police Department should have in place, a sophisticated Computer. Aided :Dispatch System (CAD) that will keep accurate activity'logs of project.personnel. The system will.-allow the.cityto measure the number of DUI investigations and the time associated with each activrfy: This information will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of project personnel. C. Supervision Two Sergeants will supervise the project. One Sergeant will from the Traffic Unit. The second Sergeant will be from the Patrol Division. Phase 4 _Final ReDO and Executive S ummary (September 30, 2003 - Novernber 30, 2003) Begin the Final Report and Executive Summary in accordance with OTS requirements specified in the Grant Program Manual, Chapter 7. Both will be submitted - to OTS within 60 days after the: grant ends. . I METHOD OF EVALUATION Using the data compiled, the project manager will evaluate: (1) how well the stated project goals(s) and objectives were accomplished; (2) if all the activities outlined in the Method of procedures were performed in accordance with the grant agreement; and (3) was the project cost effective? OTS -38b (Rev 10/99) SCHEDULE A P,Dhir A41,0332 OTS-38b (Rev 10/99) SCHEDULE A -1 PROJECT NO:: INISTRATIVE' SUPPORTiSTATEMENT - Explain "what type of priority this project has inyour jurisdiction.. The City Council "of Petaluma on behalf'of the ,citizens of Petaluma, has establish �Traffic and h as a priority. The Petaluma Police Department launched a comprehensive Traffic Safety Program as identified several necessary components that will aid in acquiring an enhanced level of Traffic Safety in'Petaluma. The City's c ommitme nt to Traffic Safety. , The command staff at the Petaluma funds shown below illustrate the Ci 's commrtme . Police Department is dedicated to this effort and fully'intends to meet the goals and objectives of this project. A resolution will be obtained from City Council concerning this specific program and a copy will be furnished to.O T:S, upon receipt. AGENCY '.CONT.RIBUTION — . Explain; what servicesror funds =are being contributed by your agency<in support of this project. a Police s Traffic LTrut will supervrse.this grant..The °hand -held computer systems will - e Petaluma a substantial amount of.non �reambursed.manpower. The City of Peteluma will provide services for the coordination, supervision;: admiiustration, and evaluation of this project. The two-year contribution will be as follows: CONTRIBUTED ITEM % FY - 1 FY - 2 FY - 3 Patrol Sergeant 10 13,289 Traffic Sergeant 10 13,289 Traffic Officers (3) 20. 52,000 Traffic Community Service Officer 15 10,350 Forms and printing supplies 100 1,500 Equipment maintenance 100 500 Total Agency Contribution $9 0 , 928 OTS -38c (Rev 1'0/99) SCHEDULES PAGE 1 DETAILED BUDGET ESTIMATE `PROJECT N,O. AI:0332 ® ' FISCAL YEAR ESTIMATES! COST CATEGORY. FY -1. FY -3' FY: 4 'TOTAL COST FY -2 10- 0142' TO!PROJECT A. 'PERSONNEL COSTS 09-30 -0.3 Positions an $0.00 NIA . Cafego . Sub - Total, ' $0.00 $0':00 .. $O.OD $0.00 $0.00 B;;TRAVEL EXPENSE PTS Seminar $2,000.00 $2,000..0 Lifesavers 2,000.00 - 2 Catego . 'Su6- Total $4,000.00 $0.0cil 10.60 ;$4 C. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Hand -held DUI' Report Writing and $37,800.00 $37,800.00 Data Management Software Category Sub -Total $3 °7,800.00:. $,0.00, $0.00 $0,00 $37;800:00 SCHEDULE B PAGE' 2 DETAILED BUDGET ESTIMATE PROJECT No. AL 0331 „ FISCAL YEAR ESTIMATES FY_1 FY -2 FY -3 FY-4 TOTAL COST 10 -01 -02 TO PROJECT . 09 -30 -03 Category Sub -Total $0:00 '$0.001 '$0.00 $0.00.1 $0.00 E: OTHER DIRECT tOSTS . 5.Ruggedized Window CE iPAQ $9,500.00 $9,500:00 3900 Series Hand -held, ". co ers with mag -stripe readers, Manners 8i wireless pant sc ut communications. Folding keyboards, charging packs and expansion pack cameras @$1,900: S.Portable Thermal Printers 5,500.00 `. 5,500.00 @$1,100 Category Sub -Total $15 $0:00 $0.001 $0.00 $15,000.00 F. INDIRECT COSTS $0.00 Category Sub -;Total . $0.00 $0.00 $0.001 $0.00 $0.00 PROJECT TOTAL $56 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $56,800.00 OTS -38e (Rev. 10/99) SCHEDULE B -1 PROJEcT'Nor - AL0332 : BUDGET NARRATIVE Page 1 P ERSONNEL'COSTS . No additional personnel are requested, and only stafff will: be. utilized. TRAVEL EXPENSE Travel funds will'be utilized for travel and per dei . to the ,OTS S ummitjo l i ce Traffic S ices -Seminars bent other.OTS . approved .training such as the annual NHTSA Lfesa er the City of Petaluma approved rate. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - Agency will contract w' o obtain UI� is onSthe hand held compute r A endor ur�ll also obtain g y . with a vendor, t ata Pro the computerized citation, collision; and airtime, services for connection of the'hand- held com .uterslo the.clets; system and "foflhe wireless :transn ittal -of: eP p cntafions to the Police Department's computer network. NON-EXPENbABLE PROPERTY Norte F1 O THER`DIRECT'COSTS 1 5 Compaq iPAQ 390.0 Series hand -held comp uters. _ p... 2.. S Deal Expansion Pack. 3 '5.BioHub Fingerprint ...., _ 4 5, External Charging. Kits. . 5. ; 5 Ruggedize"d Protective Cases. 6 5 Magnetic Stripe Readers. 7. 5 Network Adapter Cards (802.11b). 8,::.5 Expansion Park Cameras. 9'. 5 Stylus . Packs- . . H. '5..F9 ding Keyboards. I 'S Secure Digital Cards W/ M edia Readers. 12. 5 Thermal Printers INDIRECT—,COSTS None PROGRAM INCOME There Will be no inGonle generated as - a result' of t p rOJ,ect. i OTS 733f (Rev 1.0/99) STATE OF CAIIFORNIA !OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY ACCEPTANCE OF CONDITIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS OTS -33 (Rev: 5/21/01) p Terms Conditions and Certifications Specific to the A greement Between the Office of Traffic Safety and. the Applicant,Agency APPLICANT AGENCY I OTS PROJECT NUMBER City of Petaluma Police De *See OTS Grant Program!.Manual, Volume II, Chapter 6.. Volume H is available on -line at :. www ots ca:2ov TERMS AND CONDITIONS . It is .understood and agreed by the Project Directo this r and Authorizing Official that any grant 1 0 1: r , received as a result of Agreement is subj ect to all' federal and state regulations governing grantsand to those controls expressed 'in the California Traffic Grant Program Manuals which include; but are not' limited -to: 1. Quarterly Performance Reports and Reimbursement Claims must be submitted by the Project': Director to the Office of Traffie Safety by January 31, .April 30,' July 31, and October 31, during each year of project operation. 2. OTS will withhold or disallow grant payments, reduce or'terminate grant funds, and/or deny future grant funding anytime a grantee fails to comply with any term or condition of the grant . - contract.or program guidelines '(Volume II, Chapter 3.9). This may include, but is not limited to, the following: ® . Tailutbi acceptable and timely reimbursement claims. ® Failure to submit acceptable and timely quarterly performance reports; and ®. Failure -.to submit an acceptable ;and timely Schedule C (Quarterly Evaluation Data OTS -38g). (Applies only when a Schedule C has been required.) 3; If, during the term of the grant award, federal funds become reduced or eliminated, OTS may immediately terminate or reduce the grant award upon written notice to the project direcor. AL0332 The following are included herein _and constitute a part of this Agreement: OTS -38 — Page 1 Schedule B =1— .Budget Narrative Schedule A — Project Description Schedule C'—' QuarterlyEvaluation Data (when re uired) Schedule A -1 — Administrative Support OTS -33 - Terms, Conditions, and . .Statement Certifications Sp'ec'ific to the Agreement Between OTS -and the. ApplicantAgency .Schedule `8 = Detailed Budget' Estimate . General Terms, :'Conditions, and (Rev. 4/.01)* 4. -By : October 31, "continuing" projects must submit a September 30 claim and a written justification to support carrying forward prior year unexpended funds. September 30 claims and written justifications, supporting the carrying forward of prior year unexpended funds, submitted after November 30, will not be processed. The prior claim (i.e., June 30) will be -2- � .. considered the Y -end claim in order'to close year ending .ear nded funds will be del September 30.. In _addition, prior year unexpe - obligated and allocated to ' ' new °projects. All documentation required to request a project revision (i.e: time extensions, budget .5. category changes, and etc.), must be submitted to OTS prior to the effective date of change(s). For. example OTS will not consider a:request for a gran_pcno time extension unless all necessaryipaperw;ork is•.submitted`priorAo the existing grant termination date. Prior approval is required for all project .revisions (Volume ..II, Chapter 38). 6. No alteration or mahation of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless maderin writing and i'gned the•parties hereto, and no oral, understanding or agreement not incorporated herein,shall be binding on any of "the parties Hereto. 7 ' Addif onal terms and..cond conditions identified in the OTS Grant Manual, Volume,II, Chapter 6, General °Teams; Conditions, and (Exhibit '6 -B) are incorporated herein by referenceand made; a part of this document': We the officials named,'•below, hereby swear that we are duly authorized legally, to bind the contractor or 'grant;recipient .to the above descfibed..terms'and conditions: Executed. on the date and in the county below „and .is. made under penalty of perjury under the laws'of the State of California: , PROJECT DIRECTOR'S NAME: Thomas:Sirhfns ' DATE EXECUTED, EXECUTED IN THE COUNTY OF So j p 2 . • �� -� . noma, PROIEC CTOWSSIGNA_TURE:' TITLE Interim pChief `Of Police AUTHORIZINGOF.FICIAL'S NAME Iiael- $el�wu -. Michael r, ma n DATE EXEC TED °EXECUTED IN THE•COUNTY OF. > Sonoma AUTHORI ING 6FfiiCIA0S TITLE Interim City Manager' -2- I1I i Resolution No. N.C.S. of the City of Petaluma, California Resolution. Authorizing the Police Department to Accept a Traffic Safety Grant From the California Office of Traffic Safety for a Hand -Meld Driving Under the.lnfluence Report Writing and Records Management System in-the Amount of $56,800.00. WHEREAS, the City of.Petaluma Police Department desires to undertake a certain project designated Hand -Held Driving Under the Influence - Report Writing and Records Management' System to be funded in part from funds made available through the California Office of Traffic Safety; 'and WHEREAS, the City Manager- of.the :City of Petaluma is authorized, on its behalf to submit the attached proposal to the California Office of Traffic Safety and is authorized to sign and approve on behalf of the City of Petaluma the attached Grant Award Agreement, including. any extensions or amendments thereof, and WHEREAS, the applicant..agrees to the requirements for said;project (including and amendment thereof) under the .program and the funding termsand conditions of California -Office of Traffic Safety; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that'any liability arising out of:the performance of this grant Award Agreement, including civil court "actions for damages; shall be the responsibility. of the grant recipient and the authorizing agency. The ;State .of'Cal forma acid the .Office of Traffic Safety disclaim responsibi °lity for any such liability. . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that. grant, funds. received shall not be used to supplant expenditures control by this body. Under the power of said- City. . AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor Resolution No. NCS a I hereby certify the foregoing• Resolution was introduced and adopted by the Approved as to Council of the City of Petaluma at a.Regular meeting on,, 2001, form: by the following voter City Attorney ;d!: r