HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 95-294 11/06/1995 w7®L.~~1®~ 95-294 ~.C.?S. of e City of Petala, C:aI1fO1111a ESTABLISHING UNIFORM FIRE CODE PERMIT FEES PURSUANT OT SECTION 17.20.070 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE Be it resolved that the attached Exhibit "A" entitled "City of Petaluma Fire Department Permit Fee Schedule" is hereby adopted as the schedule to be used by the Fire Department in computing fees for the permits and functions specified, and said schedule is hereby incorporated herein by reference. Under the power and authority inferred upon this Council by the Charter of said City. REFERENCE: I hereby certify the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted by the Approved as to Council of the City of Petaluma at a (Regular) ~g~1pa meeting form on the 6th day of ............Noy..4'.l?:il?~r--......................, 19..9.., by the following vote: -City Attorney AYES: Hamilton, Maguire, Read, Barlas, Vice Mayor Shea, Mayor Hilligoss NOES: None ABSENT: Stompe ATTEST : Ci y Clerk Mayor (bimcil File~.._ CA 10-85 Rem r,o.........95--2,94... N.c.s. 4~R ~U~9 ~ "EX~Ih~I`T A" ~ ~ , ~ - ; CITE' OF, PE"I'ALIIIVIA FIRE DE`I'A12T'EN'T _ FIRE PE~I2IVITT FE'E .SCI-IEDLTI.,E 1856 ' UFC PEItNIi')cS PROPOSED FEE Areosol Products--------------------------=---------------------------------------- $60..00 annual Aircraft Refueling Vehicles----=------------------------------------------------------- $60:OO;annual Aircraft Repairllangar °$60.00 annual Automatic Fire. Sprinkler System Insfallaton -_=---------:-------=------:$'lOQ.00 + $1.OO;per head= Automobile Wrecking. Yard------------------------- $60:00. annual . Bon Fires or Rubbish:Fires `$30.00, each Bowling Pin or'All'ey. Re`firiish $60.00 annual Burning; in Public. Place $30.00 each Carnival and Fairs $60.00 annual Cellulose and Nitrate Fil'm--------------------------- $60:.00 annual Cellulose and' Nitrate !Storage--------------------------------------------------------- $60.00 annual Combustible Fire'Storage $60.00 annual Combustable Materials Storage $60..Q0 annual Compressed Gas . ==---~Fee,ncluded n:Haz. Mat Permit. lto b~in~luded with Haz IVlat nermit:if~huaritities exceed those listedin Fire°Codel Cyrogens -===--Fee included in Haz. Mat. Permit. Gto be included with Haz. Mat Hermit ifauanfities..exceed those listed n'..Fire Codeh Day Care (more than 6 children) $60:00, annual Dry Cleaning Plants $60.00 annual Dust-Producing~:Operatons (includes woodtivorking)--------------------------------------------------------------- $60:00 annual Explosives 'or Blasting; Agents -$60.00. -:each Fire' Alarm Systems' Installation==---------------------------------=---------$100.00 + 1.00 per device Fire Alarm Systems'. Repair of Modification----------------------------------------- $60.00 each eso ; 5 - N :C S . 1, CI'TE' OF :"PE'TAI;,iJ1%~A FI~tE DEPART'1VIENT' • FIRE ~PERIVIIT FEE SCI'IEDTJLE UFC PERIVI;ITS ~ PROPOSED FEE Fireworks; S'ales $60.00 each booth Fireworks; .Delivery $90,00'pet booth Fixed Extinguishing S,ystems- `$b0.00 each + $5.00 per Bead t' Flammable or.Combustible Liquid --------------------------------Fee included in Haz. Mat. Peri° ~to be includ d wit_h.Ha? Mat nerinit Lf auantitiec exceed those listed in Fire Code1 Flammable Combustiible Liquid Pipeline (ipstallation or repairj---------------- $60.0.0 each.. Garage(Repair), $60.Ob annual High-Piled Combustible Storage' $6Q.00 annual `High-Rise Occupancy--------- $bQ,00 annual Hydrant,Flow Test --.--------------------------------------$120.00 eacfi ~--y~ Institutional :Occupancy $90:00 annual • To operate an'nstitutional occupancy for 50 or,more persons, except day care Institutional 'Occupancy $60:00 annual To operate an instituiorial .occup'ancy for more-than 6 but. less than S.Q; ..except daycare Junk Yards $b0:00 annual Liquid Petroleum Gas--=----_-- --==-=--Fee included in Haz. Mat. Permit ~to be included with Haz 1ylaf Hermit f~~uantities'exceed those listed inFire.Code). Liquified Petroleum G'as' -Installation $90:00 each Liquid ~or gasfueled vehicles or equipment in .assembly liuil'dings $b0.00 annual Lumber Yards $b0.00 annual Magnesium working ' _ $60.00 annual Mall, covered $60:0.0 each 1Vlafches $b0.00 annual es o , q 5- 2,q~, ~I CS 2 ~e CITE' OF'PETALU~IVIA ~FI12E ~DEPAIt'I`1VIENT FIRE PERMIT FEE- SCIi.EDUI.E ~TFC :PERIVIITS ~ ~ PROPOSED FEE Medical Gas Tstallation $60:00: each Nitrate Film $60.0.0 annual Occupant load: increase' $50.0.0 each,. Oil and,Natural Gas Wells - - $90..00 annual Open' burning; $60. Q0 annual Open-flame devices in marinas------------------=--------------------------------------$60.Q0 annual Organic coatings $50.00 annual, Ovens, Industr.Cal baking or:drying $60.00 annual Pipeline Operations and'Exca~ation $60:00 each Places of assembly, 300 or~more people $9Q:OO annual . 0.00 annual Places of assembly, less than.300 people:=----------------=-------------------------- $6 Pyrotechnical special.effects;material ----==-----------$lr 5,0..00 e Radioactive materials $60.00 annual Refrigeration equipment -------=Fee'ncluded in Haz. -Mat. Permit ' (tb be inclLded with Haz' Mat Hermit i_f auantitiec exceed those licfed in'Rire Codel Spraying. and' Dipping $60.00 annual. Tents; ~canopi`es and air supported structures------------- $50.00 each use. Tire reca in $6.0.00 annual pp g Tire storage , - $60:,Q0 annual Underground fire main installation; h Brant and. s nnklers $1.00:00 each - y p ~ ) „ Waste material handling plant.-------------- $50:00 annual , Rio. qs-a9~ NcS ' 3 ~ . - CI'I'~' OF PE`I`AI,II'1VIA. FI~2E.'DEPARTIVIENT' FI12E PE121VII'I'~ FEE SCI~EDjJLE . OTHER FEES ~ - , Ins ecp -lions, `hourly rate ear ep rson $33:00 per;hour . 'Building plan review ---=--"2"5% of Bldg. Permit Fee. ' or minimum of'$25.00 All`otherplan reviews--==---- u._=-- $30:OQ per hour . one hour, minimum "`Environmental.Assessment Research _-----------------------------------Actual cost. per . 1/4 hour Secretary Copies $.15 per copy 'PENALTY FEES Reinspections: Second------------------------- $35.00 All subsequent; inspections - $60..00 Fees shall be doubled for failure to obtain an approved permit , ' )HAZARDOUS' MATERIALS .Above Ground .:Storage Solids in Pounds Liquids nGallonsC.ompressed' Gas Annual (Cubic Ft. at STP) ~ Fees Range 1 Up to 500 Up to 55 Up to 200 ---=--------$60.00 Range 2 501 to 5;000' S6'to 55.0 201` to 2;000 ---=-------------------$240.00 Range3 ,5,001 to 25,000 551 to 2;7,50 ,2,001 to 10,000'- --:-----------------.-$300:00 Range-.4 '23;001 fo;50,000 2,751 to 5,500: 10,001'to 20,000---------------------$360.00 Range 5 1vlore'than~50~000 More than 5;500 ~ More than 20;000 --------------------$420.00 ;Hazardous Materials Site.Cl'osure----------------------- --------------------------..------$60.00 each Hazardous Rroductiori;Material-------------------------- $60:00 annual Transfer. of Ownership . - $60.00 Underground Tank-Facility"Insfall/Removal----------- - $9Q.00 (first tank) Each additional tank $60.00. each ~So.: ~ 5 -a.~'~. iJ G 5 . 4