HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Bill 4.C Part 1 07/14/2003r CITY' 1� CALIFORNIA - I l ' AGENDA BILI, � � � 2003 :AgendaTitle t�.i Meeting°RateJuly�14„2003 usseon"And Intro,ductio adm Of An Ord Disc n, �(Fiirst,'�°Itemance g) I pp:rovin A. IDe�elo merit A° reeme With Basin . Str. t g p g nt ee M' _eeting'Time 3:00 PM roperties And Appywving a 'Resolution Adopting a Mitigated NJ' ative Declarh-6—Thereon' Cr9n ' 1�c I3ea ate or x P„ub .ur Dbartrne Darector.;: - Contact Pers Phone Number: Redevelopmenton:,, , u1 Marangella Paul Marangella. 778-4581 ' Cost of Proposal:Million Account Number:90.17400-9016 Amount Budgeted $4'.8 Milhon N'ame,of'°Fund: CBD Project`Ftind. `' Attachinents.to:A ends Packet,Item: 1. Resolution Adopting'Mitigated Negative Declaration for the TheaterDistrict y a De pp. g eloprnent Agreement with Basin Street Properties e 3. Developm nt Agreement wtth.Bastn Street Properties , 4 ,Planning',Co'mm ssion Agenda Mdterials Pertaining to The Theater District Project, 7/8/03 Summary Statement: Article 19.3 of the :Petaluma Zoning Ordinance authorizes the City toenter into an Agreement, for'the:,development of real property.wifht any person having4''a legal or' equitable interest in such property in order to establish certain developinent'rights: in such property. The, _.City of Petaluma received a development application from Basin Street. Properties to undertake a "Theatre District Project, '. 'redeveloping the downtown I,area, South. of B Street;; ,East of, Petaluma Boulevard,; West of the P,etaluma ,R=iwer; and North of D`.Street�., 'Tlie: appl"cation also includes ihe� redevelopment of the West sideof ls` Street South of D St reef; The proposed de.velopmeni is consistent with the recently adopted Cential Petaluma Specific Plan CPS`P P ( ) mor vec; that a_ nths, City officials, and Basin. Street Properties- hav6,met'to consider the feasibility of the ro "ect. t wase determined that without' the assistance of the Petaluma �. without' iurna Community Development lCOn1mISSlon (PCDC) theproj'eet would not be financially,feasible. It was further determined that the ,proposed project would eliminatesignificant ,amount of blight, consistent with the objectives •of the :•PCDC,'s Central Business District 11 (y ) eevgieilopment Plan. The projeetwill, prowideca substantial bereft to the CBD:'''Redevelopment Project Area b adding,significant increase in property tax increment, enhancing the retail vitality of the area, and creating a vibrant <24=hour use of the downtown core. .Inside this context; City officials and Basin Street Properties have "determpmpnt p greement inappropriate for the project ,The Agreement will provide for the orderly that a nn't phasedidevelopmeof the,ro ernes in accordance with the ob ectwes,established in the General Plan, the CBD :, Redevelopment,Project Area Plan and the CPSR Moreover, a development agreement; will eliminate uncertainty in I planning for and securing orderlydevelopment fo_ r the .project, ensure entitlement of the maximum efficient . utiliza ion.ofresources within the City., ” r, `. � ' Ther efore the u p rp ,this item is to approve a resolution ado ti - ose of P g n a in negative declaration :for the project, introducethe:,frst,reading of an ordinance approving a development agreement with Basin. Street Properties and ass the ordinance to a` second readin G'on Au ust 4, 2004.. Recommended,citv,Cound]Action'%S.0 ested,Motion: ' t is recommended that t CityCouncil; 1 Approve a Resolution Adopting, a Mitigated Negative Declaration and ado tin the findings mmend Planning Commission("r.'egardmng P g. g o ed b the y the Mitigated Negative Declaration, 2.) Introduce an Ordmance:Approving a Duel th''Basin':Street Properties, 3.. Adopt the Ordmance p ) p with -,the Findings Recommended by the Planri ng Commission Regarding arding the Development Agreement and Pass it to Read] ” a,Second ng/on August 4, 2003.;; �J a r:: :., d nanc ', ,;ir_ecto . Rev ie8ved.,b� City Attor' , ne`a Date: Approved,bv Cite Manager: Date: te; .� odav's Da Revision 4,, and Date Revised.: July 3, 2003 . ]�F�ile..C.ode J CI Y, 0 Y, PETA' UMA,,1 CALIF®I2NIA July 4, 2003.. AGENDA RE P�_ _RT : DISCUSSION ANI) INTRODUCTION, (FIIZS'I'! I�EADIN;G) OF AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A,' DEVELOPMENT AGIZEENIENT TI3 BASIN >S'PRIEET WI PItOPERT'IES AN APPROVING A RESOLUTIONADOPTING A M"ITIGAT'ED NEGATIIVE;I)ECLAIZA'I'.ION''I'4 E 0'N' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: �devel'opmerit of,real propertyw' � ,y �• n Agreement'for�the Article 19 3 Sof the"Petaluma,Zonmg� Ordinance authorizes the Cit to enter, into a ith anyLperson having a legal or.equitable interest in suchpoperty in order to estAli"sh certain development rights in such property. The City of Petaluma received' a development application from Basin Street Properties, to undertake a "Theatre District .Project," redeveloping the downtown area South. of B Street, East, of Petaluma Boulevard,:,' West" of"the Petaluma River;' and North of D Street: `.The application .also includes the redevelopment of the Westsideof 1`5`' St eet;'South of D Street.,. The proposed development is consistent with the recentl ado ted Central Pet y;.. p aluma' Specific Plan (CPSP)."' Over that past several months, City officials and Basin Street Properties have met to consider the feasibilDevelopment tComrnisct n out, the: assistance of the .Petaluma. Community PCDC the project ect p ro ect. I (!Iwas d) termiped thatwoul'd Y p ) with not be financially feasible. It was further determined -°that the proposed project wmfi ouldeliminate a sigcant,ainount of blight, consistent, with the objectives' of the PCDC s Central' Bus"iness, Dismct (CBD) `Redevelopment Plan. The project will provide a ;substantial benefit to,, the.,CBD Redevelopment Project Area by adding 'significant increase in f� property tax increment, .enhancing the:"retail'vitality of the area- and,creating a vibrant 247hour use of the downtown core.-I.nside this conte`xt,' City off ciaN` and Basin Street P`rop'erties have determined that a Development � erti sin �a�cordance with the ob ectves�es will provide. for the orderly p Agreement phased develo tent of the ro'` eve o rnent A cement is appropriate. ., Ph p- p p ) c . tablished °in the General Plan, the CBD Redevelopment. Project, Area -Plan, and. the CPSP. .Moreover, a develo rnent agreement Bement will -p ntitlement ofithe maximum efficient utilization "ofxesou'ordjr;erl'y devel'opment for the project; ensure e ri for and securing Y p ices witliiri the City: ' eliminate, uncertainty -,.in, ant a't Therefore, the purpose of;this item.is to approve a resolution adopting;,a initigated negative declaration j forthe prol'ect, introduce the first reading of an ordinance.,approving laAevelMment agreement, with Basin Street.Properties and passtheordinance to'a second reading ;on August, 4' 20Q4. Background:, Development Agreement: Article 19.1 of the Zoning ' d'nance (Development- Agreements) ents) st atesthat Development Agreements maybe -usedm�any.zomng,dsrict authorized by the Zoning Ordinance. Said agreements are considered a combinmgzone wrth the exsting district, ct and theirapproval shall be a legislative act, subject to referendum., The City'may enter into an agreement with any person"having a legal or equitable interest p p y - the development of such property, so long as such person's interest entitles him to in real " ro ert for engage in such development. As Zoning-' Ordinance, "of 'the noted in the,-. a Development Agreement. -specify the duration a agreement, the permitted uses of the property; 'the density or intensity of .use, the maximum height; an ., size of the proposed buildings,, and provisions for reservation or dedication of land ,for-public,ourp'oses, The': Development Agreement may° include `,conditions,, terms, , restri'ctions, and requirements for- subsequent discretionary" act ions, provided, that.such conditions, teems, resi ictibhs_and,requ re.ments for, the subsequent discretionary action's shall not. prevent, develolpment'�of the land- uses,, 'to the density or intensity of,development set.forth in the,agreement. The agreement-may provide, that, construct ion,shalII be commenced within ,a specified time and that. the project .or any, �phaser thereof 'be cornpleted within 'a Article19.3 of the Zomng Ordinance, there, are findings that must be speciftedmade me. In amentA c a for Develo Agreement.,, p In t The attache d Draft Development Agreement• (DA), between,. the City of Petaluma ,and Basin Street Properties, outline the .responsibilities of each of the. parties,; the City and .Basin Street Properties, under which the Petalurna, Theater D'istncf Project will, be developed'.'.. In:short; the agreement stipu_ Tates' that the City will be responsible for rehabilitatingthe; street system :(streets, curb, .gutter, sidewalk)', installing new underground utility ,infrastructure where necessary; and installing the improvements outlined in'the Crty'of Petaluma Streetscape Master Plan:. Basin„ Street Properties is responsible for constructing and; t g p g and long-term tn'aintenance,.�, a new 4 1'evel` nasud ' arage .and i othler mp` rovemlents tailed lnty ,parking g they .project proposal.. :They Specific, details of this • agreement; and:the long-term res ponsibilities., arecontained in;the Development Agreement. „ Protect' Components The,• P,ro "the Ulowin be ect ;consists of all to; undertaken on the property J g; p p y rn accordance with'"the3Master' Plan and the Conditions .of Approval`: • Cinema Pr'ojeet: The design; :development and construction on. the Cinema Parcel of a twelve screen cinema complex developed. in an "'Art Deco" architectural: style•, • Office:'Project: The' design, 'development and-:construction ,on the Off'cea Parcel of a 50;000 square foot 3.=story office• building; •, 'P,arking Garage:, The ,design, developmen`t'.and construction on.the Garage-, Parcel of a parking ,garage.containing at least,5,30 off-street parking spaces in,-four levels of parking over .30,000 square =feet of ground floor commercial space;. ® Mi,xe'd,Use Project; The design, development and construction�on the Mixed" ;Use Parcel of mixed use project consistingof4,000 sure feet of grourid ''flbor. :commercial space ;and 78 sresidential units intwo.,buildings forining an interior courtyard;. • Apartment ,Pr, q f0t:; .The design, develo _ pment, and construction on .the Apartment Parcel of a one- hundred�,eleven unit apartment comvlex; and P ® Smprovnelme vements; The design, development `and..'installation of related landscaping and 'site. Project Phasingy ;. The project will be.,developed,in phases; as follows; �Phase. A: Cinema and Parking Garage 1. Estimated Commencement'Date `- November 15, 2003:. 2. Estimated Completion Date: November 15, 2004 Phase B: Riverfront Office Building (Bar -Ale) 1. Estimated Commencement, Date:. May 1, 2004. 2. Estimated Completion Date: May 1, 2005 Phase verfront Residential Apartments (McNab) r Estimated Commencement Date: May 1,, 2004. 2. Estimated Completion Date ,November -.1, 2005 Phase D:.. esidential/retail buildings on Petaluma Boulevard Rose, g (Rose) 1. Estimated Commencement Date: April 1, 2005. 2. Estimated Completion.Date: December 1, 2006 The construction of the first portion of the project will includ&Phase A.. Phases B, C,and D may'occur concurrently with Phase A. or in any order thereafter, either separately or together. At this time, the P .anticipating..y g hases B P nd C concurrently. tly. with. Phase A, but the ultimate decision- will' be drivenb constm ketnconditions re -lease activrt 'and 'other factors. Similarly, the developer is also anticipating .constructing `Phase D after Phases .A, B an,d-C have been completed, but the ultimate'decision will be driven by market conditions; pre-leage, activity, and other factors. Development Proposal The proposed project is,located within the downtown of.the City of Petaluma. The subject parcels of the proposal are also`located within the boundaries of the Central,''Petaluma Specific Plan (CPSP). Portions of the subject parcels are also. located within the Downtown Historic District. The subject properties are paved or either p contain buildings, that; may be removed,.moved- or, saved. , The subject property, which is the proposed location of the cinema site, is, at Petaluma Boulevard South, "`C"'aind 2"a'Streets: The parcel is currently developed with am'exi`sting buildin-'and associated paved The ro property is the site of the former Victory,Chevrolet. • T parking. p P Y he existing building is currently being renovated for commercial type_uses. A portion of the' existingstructure is proposed to serve as an 7 i addition to, the proposed theater. The subject parcel is surrounded by other commercial uses and is adjacent (east) to'a new mixed -used (residential/commercial) building under,construction. The subject parcel for the proposed. mixed-use (residential/commercial) building located at Petaluma Boulevard S'outh,' "C", `.`D" and' 2"d Streets is currently developed with an auto body shop, auto -detailing shop, and is the location for continuing education classes .for adults -..-..The subject parcel is developed with associated parking for thecurrent uses and contains 5 buildings, all of which are to be demolished. The Petaluma Fire Station is to the east of _ the subject parcel; a vacant parcel is to the south across "D", and other commercial uses are in the area. i�i The proposed parking structure/commercial building to be located at "D", 2"d, lst and "C" Streets is currently developed with an existing livery. stable (corner of "D" and 1`s`); which is to be relocated, the trucking scales :and small scales building, -which is to be ,demolished. The. Petaluma Fire. Station (corner • "D" and 2"d Street) is adjacent to' .the proposed parking structure. There is currently under construction mixed' -use (commercial/residential, Basin street Lofts) structure to the north of the subject parcel. 'The proposed office building, to be located at lsc and "D" 'Streets is the former' Ale site, which burned down. This subject parcel. is located adjacent to the Petaluma River (east), and north -of the P_ G.. E:. Substation. The parcel is nearby commercial/industrial, uses.. Industrial uses are_ east of the PetalumaRiver. P J sc ( st " s, J deniial/commercial projecton 1 between 1 and F" Street) ilocated The proposed mixed-use (rest adjacent to the .Petaluma River; which is -east of the subject parcel., The site is located near cornmercial/industrial type uses and is developed with, old metal warehouses. With. the exception of one of the metal warehouses, all. are:to be demolished see Attachment D . Locati' - � on Map). The proposed project,(referred to, as the "Petaluma Theater District: will be a mixed-use picject within existing Downtown Petaluma.. The subject parcels are generally between "B", "C% "D"% 1st, 2nd, . and F Streets, Petaluma Boulevard and the .Petaluma River.The subject; parcels are within the, boundaries of the Central Petaluma Specific. Plan (CPSP). Basin Street. Properties (the project developer) .is requesting approval of a Development, Agreement ,(DA) and an Owner Participation Agreement (OPA) with .regard to,' the project. 'These agreements govern; among other things, the timing of the development-, of the project', fundin an gProperties, P p j g d' other obli ationp with Basm Street the City of Petaluma ,and the;..City ,of Petaluma Community Development Commission .(PCDC): The project . includes an amendment to the, proposal City's Zoning Ordinance that would establish a designated.. area in the city, where movie theaters are permitted. The main ,focus'of the.mixed-use proposal will include a new 12 -screen cinema and. parking structure: Other uses within the proposal, would allow for: national and local retailers; .,restaurants focusing on both daytime food service 'as well as evening fine dining;` office space; and, residential, uses in the 'form of apartment and loft style housing. Below is a specific description of'each of the blocks to be, developedwithin the, proposed project boundaries:., . r Theater. A new ;12 -screen; 1,400 seat theater building located on the south side of Basin Street Town :Center (formerly Victory Chevrolet) at the intersection ,of C Street and Petaluma Blvd. The concessions and lobby for this new theater will be accessed directly from "C" Street. Size: 22,720 square feet, .12 -screen, 1,400 seat. Height: 30 feet,` equivalent.height, of 2 -story building Garage A new parking garage on the 'site .surrounding the; Fire Station consisting of 4 suspended. levels of parking over 30,000 s.f of ground -floor commercial space. The p ground :floor..space will face; and ., provide commercial building frontage: along l s`, 2"d"C" ' and "D" Streets. The proposed development will require the removal of the existing truck scales and. scales building In addition,. the existing livery stable at the comer. of VSs` -and, "D" :;Street, is proposed to'be :relocated from 'its present location to a. -site, . that is.approximately 1,000 feet away on the east side. of•the Petaluma River: -- Commercial Space Ground,Floor: 3.0,000 square feet (office, retail or commercial) Height: 4 suspended levels at 50' feet; equivalent height of 3 -story building Total Pa_rking,$paces: 530 16',' Free Public'Parking Spaces • 143 Reserved Residential. Parking Spaces - • 171 Reserved Commercial Parking Spaces 530 Total ..:. . Basin Street Properties will operaie the Parking Garage:seven days pa `r week from 6:00 a. .-. m. to 2:00 a.m. and will ensure''that the Parking Garage is at all times maintained in'good-. condition and, perform all necessary repairs and maintenance at its sole expense. Theater Square \ Anew' mixed=use project on the corner of Petaluma Blvd: and "D".Street (former Autow,orld site) consisting' of 46,000 square feet of ground floor commercial'spacIe facing "C' Petaluma Blvd., "D" and 2nd Street and 76 residential units on the second and third floors. The proposal includes the removal of all of the existing buildings on the site. Size: 46,000 square feet ground floor commercial space 76,�residential units on 2"d ,and 3rd floors Height: ,38 to 40 feet;.3-story• buildings + Waterfront Building A new 49,909 square foot 3 -story riverfront commercial building.located on the former Bar Ale building site at, the comer ,S` andStreearchitectural, y m gi of this new building will be reminiscent. of he former metal` wDa rehouse building that was"formerly located on this site. ' Size: 49,909 square feet Height: 53 feei, 3 -story building Amenities: Riverfront path improvements with public connections to "D" Street and along River River,Row'Apartiments ' „ A -new l l I� unit xiverfront a artment complex on I" Street `between "D" and. "F Streets. This n ' P P ew development will include the rehabilitation and adaptive re=use of an existing warehouse (the one closest to "F" Street. Size: 11 L .dwelling units 9,000 s.f. Rehabilitated warehouse ry g Height: 3-story.buildin s between'D :and E Streets 4-sto bui,ld'in s' between E and. F Streets Amenities- New public access to and along the River in addition to' a new public open space area at the'•terminus of "E" Street adjacent to,the River. Theater Distriet'Combining Ordinance A major feature of the project is a 12 -screen cinema. A developer precondition of the cinema construction is'to have a'Theater District. Combining Ordinance; that limits the development of cinemas to a designated downtown area. The proposed ordinance is being considered as another item on the agenda. S 3 Environmental Review Pursuant to the requirements, of 'the California Environmental � Quality Act.(CEQA),an Initial Stud,, - o , potential environmentalimpacts was prepared; Thepotential, for the following significant impacts wer identified: traffic/circulation and cultural resources.' Mitigation measures .have been proposedand agreed. to by the: applicant that will reduce potential impacts ;to less than significant. * in addition; there is no substantial evidence that supports a fair argument that ,the project, as mitigated, would' have a, significant effect on,the environment. It, istherefore recommended that a.,Mifigaed Ne at ve Declaration be adopted; A Mitigation Monitoring Repqrt has also been prepared. Subsequent*, Actions if Project is -Approved • Historic and Cultural Preservation Committee 'Review and Approval (,includes. review of a Certificate, of Appropriateness) • Improvement Plans Building Permits Public Comments • Notice,: Notice was given as required by Government Code, Sections, 65854, 65,854.5..and ,65856 • Letters,:. At the writing of this, report, no letters-bave been received concerning theproject. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Development Costs &, Tax'Increment The overall project development, cost is estimated, at V5,000;000. This is in'a ti ddi­ on to Basin Street Landing, which is currently under construction, with, anestimated value of'$20,000,QQO.',. The, 'proposed ; Development Agreemen t provides- that. the Petal u*ma; Community Development Commission will finance the., public improvements, associated with the Town Center Project-, including: roadway and sidewalk construction; track work; sigbalization; sanitary sewer and storm drainage. facilities; '-water utility lines; underground electrical and telephone ;facilities; underground gas utility • lines; streetlights; and landscaping: and, ifrigation. Additionally,, street terminus features' & im rovements are lannedat C Street &.l 'Street. P The City of Peta'luma/PCDC is designing; currently gning,the infrastructure improvements but will require the developer, to, construct: the improvements. The Overall PCDC contribution to the projecti's, as follows: l�l e PCDC Contribution for Developer Sha re.of Public4riffa structun $4.8 Million 9 PCDC, Contribution for City Share of Public Ififfastrup.ture:, $2.7 Million Total Estimated Public Infrastructure Cost:— $7;5 Million The PCbC, Central, Business District Redevelopment :Plan 'is f1hanced by propert-y'ax increment. FY 200-04 Estimated Property, Tax Increment for thet. CBD $679,000; As a result of -this project, is. ,additional property tax increment in excess of $500,600 is, anticipated. The FY 2003 -04 PCDC Budget.provides $4.7 million for -the: project.. el I �? 4 CONCLUSION:.,a �y+ 4 The City of Petaluma and Basin Street Properties have the opportunity to partner in the, implementation of the Petalurna,,.Theater Distr'IctF Project, thereby redeveloping and revita izing a significant portion of the Central. -Business pistnct: Without underutilized A development; agreement w 11 prow de thle assurancees necessary gill, remain blighted and it ssar for 05' 000 000 in new development to •ocCUr'.. 6. O.UTCOMES:OR.PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS THATWILL IDENTIFY'SUCCESS OR COMPLETION: to Adoption e tmnn Novof ember . g ber 2003 and end on lopment Agreement will allow construction on the project December 1, 2006: It is recommended that 7. REC ON , OMMEN DATI Appro e a1Res 'I" t on Adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration y I , I� 1 )'" and Adopting the ridings Recorrim A egaf' ended by the Planning, Commission Regarding the Mitigated N five,Declaration'.- „� 2.) Introdub Ordinance Approving a Develo Propment Agreement with Basin Street Pert es 3,.) Adopt, the Qrdmaiice with Findings Recommended by the Planning Commission for the'Development Agreement with Basin Street Properties and Pass it to a Second II Reading'on Aug ust.4, 2003. I „ R RESOLUTION NO.. ON RESOLUTIO A � ' � F'TIIE CITE' COUNCIL'OF THE CITE' OF PETALUMA ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION PURSUANT TO THE' CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT`.(CEQA) FOR THE PETALUMA THEATER DISTRICT PROJECT WHEREAS, Basin Street Properties submitted' an:application for approval of a mixed use project within 0081g ma, and within the boundaries of the Central Petaluma Specific Plan Area. (APNs: 065-002 & 003;0168"-Q66-002,' 003,006, Q07 &:'009; 008-068-061, 062,"&'003-008-121-001, 008-121-007, 1008, 009, 010, 011 and 012); and ,I WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on July_8, 2003, wherein public testimony was taken; and 1WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration; and `1 WHEREAS, the City Councii/PCDC held a public hearing on July 14;.2003, wherein public testimony was taken and the Coun.cil/PCDC determined that based upon -'the Initial Stud and comments received, y ce ved, potential. impacts could be avoided or reduced to a level of insignificance by mitigation measures. #NOW, THEREFORE BE 'IT RESOLVED that the Cit of City Council the' City of Petaluma hereby finds as .,follows: Findings for a Mitigated Negative Declaration: 1. An Initial Study- was prepared for the Theater District Project proposal and demonstrated that there is no substantial evidence that supports a fair argument that the project, as conditioned, would have a significant effect on the environment. 2. That based on the Initial Study, potential impacts resulting from the project have been identified. Mitigation measures have been proposed and agreed to by'the.applicant as a condition of project approval that will reduce impacts 'to less than significant. In addition, there is no substantial evidence that supports a fair argument that the project; as conditioned. and'mitigate, would have a significant effect, onrthe env.ironment. ` pursuant°to �Se'ciion Waste Site List compiled by the State 6596.2 5 of the California Go ernm nt Code. 3. The, ro ect is n t' 4. The Petaluma City Council reviewed the Initial Study and considered public comments before making, a recommendation on the project. 5. That a Mitigation Monitoring. Program has been prepared to ensure compliance with the adopted mitigation measures. 6. The record'of'proceedings of the decision on the project is available for public review at the City of Petaluma Planning Division, City Hall, 11 English Street, Petaluma, California. 11 7. The .Petaluma City Council finds on the basis of the whole record that there is no substantial evidence the project will have a significant effect on the environment and the Mitigated Negativ r Declaration reflects the lead agency's independent judgment; BE IT 'FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council. of'tk City- of Petaluma, in reference to .the- potential. `impacts identified in the Initial Study, hereby adopts the. Mitigated Negative Declaration including the ;following mitigation .:measures to be attached as conditions of approval' for the Petaluma Theater 'District Project. Miti ation Measures and Monitoring' Geology.and Soils Mitigation Measures The following mitigation measure from the CPSP EIR ,(I3-4) is repeated below and will be applied to the proposed, development plan. 1.. A geologic. report shall be, provided to the City of Petaluma Community Development/Building Division prior to; the issuance of any; future grading/building permit. The.geologic.report shall describe .potential, hazards and identify engineering specifications necessary to reduce all. ground failure risks to an acceptable level. If applicable based on a determination by the City of Petaluma.Building Division, the City . . ,may require a geotechnical engineer,or engineering geo logists_ certification that ground failure risks have been reduced'to an acceptable level. Air -Mitigation Measures The following mitigation measures from the CPSP EIR (11-1 and 11.-2) 'are repeated"below and -will be applied to the proposed development plan: 1. Where applicable, the.followingdustcontrol measures shall be implemented by construction contractors during all phases of construction: • Water all active construction areas at ;least twice daily- ip Pave, apply'water three times daily,, onapply. (nontoxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved. access.roads, parking areas''and staging` areas at construction sites. • Sweep daily (with water sweepers) all paved access roads, parking. areas and staging areas at construction sites: • Sweep streets daily (with water sweepers) if visible soil material 'is carried onto adj acent: public streets. • Hydroseed or apply (nontoxic) soil stabilizers to inactive construction areas (previously graded areas inactive for ten days or more). • Enclose, cover, water twice daily or apply (nontoxic) soil binders to exposed stockpiles (dirt, sand, etc.) II G Limittraffics - peeds u .on npaved roads to,l5mph. • Lrnit'°,tr<affic's peeds on unpav ed roads toi 1.5m h. • ' Re lant vegetation, in disturbed areas :as quickly as possible: 2Where applicable the .following emissions N"control strategies shall be implemented by the developer as a component of the project elimprovemeraccnant and developer „ dev popment/ _ .p its. Where, p.tiP al, the tenant shah p rovide' the necessary dans and/or im "rovements to achieve the goals set forth in Mitigation Measure 11-2 of'the CPSP ETR Hydrology.and Water, Quality Mitigation Measures wing mita papton measure from the CPSP EIR (12 1) is repeated below The folio hep_ td dct development plan 1. Prior to-issuanc d will be a lied to;,t reply with,all's atereg onal and Crty r p e of buildiri adn ennrts theproposed y arovr�ons andhwhere Ater quality p _required under adopted San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control;Board (RWQCB) regulations. (a) file with the Q, a Intent.to com 1 with the.,Statew de General Permit RW CB' Notice of p y for �Construction Activ'it`ies, (b)..prepare.and implement aproject-specific Stonnwater Pollution Prevention Plan including an erosion control plan if onitonn grading is involved, (c)',impl'ement a m g;;msppcti h;,and documentation program to assure the effectiveness of control. measures, (d) obtain or comply with existing General 'Stormwarer Discharge Pennt(s) for Industrial Activities,;where applicable, and (e) comply with NPDES a" Phase 1L non -Point Discharge program. Noise Mitigation Measures; The following,mitigation measures I0-1 and 10-21 from the CPSREIR are repeated below and will be applied io the project development plan., 1. An: acoustical. report, including warranted noise abatement specifications, Permit rocess., Noise c ntrolttreattments'shall b:e mcogoratedilding p g dunn the Bu shall be submitt rp into the building permit plans "to reduce environmental noise to an Ldn of 45 °dBA trea*fits�that would normal] be sufficient iv n the levels] or less inside habitable rooms within residential "ro ects Noise con , Y g ,. _ . _ els of Specific Plan area noise exposures include sound -rated windows,and. doors , force -air m � echanical ventilation so wndows;may, be kept closed and - at the !discretion'of the buildin gants. . occu P .. . 2, The noise'related mitigation measurest listed 'in CPSP FEIR Mitigation Measure 1'0 2 shall,be required of all development within the proposed project boundaries. Visual Quality and Aesth'eti'cs Mitigation Measures 1. The development plans for the proposed project shal '1 comply with Chapter 4 ;of the. CPSP as, amended by Mitigation Measures 9'-13 and 9-4. Prior to issuance of any demolition/grading/building, permit, the'project development plaris;shall adhere to the City of Pet alumaSite Plan and Architectural Review Committee process. Transportation/Traffic'Mitigat on Measures While the project is riot expected fo generate any signf cant impacts, in addifion `to the recommended improvement discussed above_, amu_mber of improvements are, being.suggested'to improve sife circulation and reduce the effects ofproject traffic, at near-by:intersections. These improvements include: 1. Thef development of'a signage program for access and ingress/egress for the: proposed ;garage; which would divert. traffic to minor intersections, and thus reduce the impacts of fhe garage,traffic'at major intersections , 2. Posting`.signs 'at the �intersection,'If C and,Second Streets to direct northbound traffic to 'B. Street ror access to .Petaluma; Boulevard. This will-mdpce traffic,. -flows on ;C Street and, improve the"operations `for drop- -off .oand ick-uparea m front of the, cmema,vitrance., 3. Direct -traffic to access eastboundD Street at boar Second St*eet'arid First - ,Street'to encourage equal drstnbutiorr of'site traffic at these two locations. By distributing traffic betyeen these,roadways; the raff'c queues which may occur on, these streets ,to the notfh,of D Street would "not be ;concentrated at a single. access point. 4:t A.•tfaffic ,signal system shall be installed. -between Pbtalunia� Bo ' le and at si na , D Street and D Street between.l and 2 : Streets,. ahow'fgr emergency Fire truck,access'to D Street: ; P Cultural Resources;' Mitigation Measures, 1. guidance y ' _ istoric expert as" the Under the uidance of Care. & Co or -;such .other h City, may deterrnitfe the'Project applicant shall be required,to" relocate:the Livery Stable in, . a, manner that will 'fetain as much' of they existing structure.and. extenor�materi'als as is reasonably,pos-sible. The new, site -for . the- Livery Statile is on property owned by the Crty°of Petaluma (NlcNear Peninsula) and it is .proposed to :incorporate; the - building. into a master park plan that, includes walking trails; interpretive centers and other. related. amenities. The Cit has. a eed to accept the building: ori' its y . t P property: "the e 2. Under 'the guidance of Carey & Co. or, such. other Histone •expert as City may;detennine- the Project;applicant shall be.requ red to rehabilitate ; 'they existing warehouse building closest; to ' F". Street in a manner that wt 11, retain as much: of the exisiing structure and exitenor materials ,of the 'warehouse as:is reasonably possible.and that s':consistent with theplans attached to this Initial Study. In addition', the;Proiecf§hall include: a new, f - warehouse style apartment buildingr located on the vacant land between such. warehouse and,' F" ,Street consistent with the, plans aftached to this; -Initial, Study. 3. Under the guidance of Carey& Co. or. such other -historic expertas the; "City may,detennme, `the developer shall:install an interpretafive display ,on the�side of the cinema buildingfacingY -,Street that focuses on !the historyof transporta ' 'tion,and riverm conerce, inPetaluma, ,with a focus on 7C'ua �the,liv' 4stable and the warehouses.along the nverfront. qvcJJ1J�'" 4. A�1�1'.recommend'ations; fore on=site,��monitoring as ,outlined in he Archaeological, Evaluation prepared b WilliamRoop ofArcheo.logical ,Re.sour.c,e, Service. re ort dated -April '20,03°),shall be�,adhered to., P, 5 Miiigoiion measures' as outlined in the CPSY E R -Mit'igati'on 7-1 �` ' �shalfbe adhered to. Mandatory Findings of Sj'gniiicance: IMPLEMENTATION: 1. The 'a licant shall ` pp be required to obtainall'required` permits from responsible agencies and provide proof of compliance:Ao the City•prior to issuance of,grading permitsor approvals of improvement.plans. 2. The applicant shall incorporate all applicable code provisions and required mitigation measures and conditions :into: the design. and -improvement plans - and specifications for'the ,project. 13 3. e� applicant shall nota a all em lo. e Th , ,and a ents ,involved. P Yes,; contractors g " the m pro�ect'mp'lementation of mitigation measures' .and conditions applicable to the project ;and shall ensure compliance with such measures acid conditions. Applicant shall; notify all assignsand transfers of the same. 4. The applicant shall-; provide -for the costof monitoring of .any condition or mitigation measure that, involves on-going operations at the site or long- range improvements, such as'archaeological resources; ,etc. MONITORING: 1. The Building;, `Planning;and Engineering Departmentsand the Fire ?' Department shall review the improvement, and constructionplans for conformance,.with ,the approved project description and` all applicable codes; conditions, mitigation measures, and permit requirements prior to approval of a 'site design review, improvement plans, grading plans; or building permits. " 2. Planning -shall ensure that Jhe applicant;, has' obtained, applicable required permits from, a_ll,responsible agencies and that'the plans and, specifications conform to the 'permit requirements prior to the issuance of grading or building permits. 3. Prior �to . acceptancei of improvements or issuance. ,;of a 'Certificate of Occupancy, all ,improvements shall be subject to inspection by City staff for compliance with .the project description, permit conditions, and ap'proved development or improvement plans. lid 13 CONSTRUCTION MEASURES':' The applicant shall designate a project manager with authority to implement, all mitigation, measures and conditions of.approval and provide 1 riame; address; .and phone,; numbers ,to. the City prior to issuance; of any grading permits andsignedby he'responsible for'construction. 2. M tigat-pq measures required during construction -shall 'be listed :as. conditions on the building or grading perrnifs and.:signed b<y .the, contractor responsible for construction. 3. City inspectors shall insure that construction activities ',occur with, =the approved plans and conditions of4pproyal; :- 4. If deemed appropriate b the, Cit , the applicant' ,hall arrange apse- . ,y y.� construction conference. with the .construction contractor, City staff and. ` responsible agencies to review the mitigation measuresarid- conditions. of approval `prior -to the .issuance: of grading; and building' permits. ADOPTED this 14:th.day°.of July; 2003;'by the fol owrrig;vote-- AYES: vote;AYES: NOES`: ABSENT; ABSTAIN: Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM:' City Clerk Cit "Attor`ney. I I I ORDINAN IVE N®_ 'Introduced by: Seconded b,.,Y .: ORDINANCEI®F',THE''CITYp: �I '!COL`1:NCIL OF THE CITVI;OF'"PETAI;g'11VIA APPROVING A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF PETLUIVIA AND BASIN STREET PROPERTIES' I E ITw ®RdDIANE°D BY THE C;®UNCIL'OF THE CITY OF'PETALUIVIA AS FOLLOWS: �i WHEREAS .after due,notice'the Petaluma Planning Commission did conduct a public hearing on. July 8, 2003 ;on, the application for a,development agreement byBasin Sfreet Properties;' and WHEREAS the Cit Council" of the City, of Petaluma, after due notice, did conduct a public y hearing:on this matter on July 14 2003;40erein allpersons desiring t'o' be, heard were heard- and f the Cit. of-Tetaluma WHEREAS, the y ouncill or y d and considered the attached agreement, and determin - the Cit C contents .of the agreement nandet ' g ed the gr 11e actions of the Planning Commission to be complete and:,coireet and r I WHEREAS the att ached) :agreem`ent �s in the' ublic interest' a�- y; P, a P rad is consistent with the Petaluma General Plan, and in ,compliance with Article 19.3 of the Petaluma. Zoning Ordinance -,,and ti . II I NOW,'THEREFORE, THE Cg° IYCOUNCIL OF THE'CIT, OF I,. P-ETALUMA-DOES ORDAIN- AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 The ;Cit Co, dete �f unci'1 finds 'and II Y _ , � °rinnes that facts' stated above to be true and that an ' w has beet Conducted for the project resulting in a Mitigated Negative Clar o Dntapal proved,b the Cit ', ouncil esult Section 2 ,The City Council further finds, with.respect to the attached agreement: O:.II a the Central Petaluma Se ecfic Plan anpolicies;and programs specified in the General Plan, Sp . ,. the CBD Redevelopment. Plan. Itis compatible�with the land uses authorized' in, and the .regulations'p escribed.for; the I� I zone in'which the real property is�;located. (c)1.(will' not be detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. (d),,value 1pn ac,�ordance wtO ith good development and use racticerty or the preseivatidn of property g p O e blight in the Central Business District Redevelopment Project.Area.. i it,Well elimiriat s � p . ,,.J '(f)will substantially b,;enefit the Central BusinessDistract Redeyelo merit Pro ect�'Area,' I . mcreasin ro g g p perty tax incrementWand property values, enharicin 'the economic vitality of the area and,creating a vibrant 24-hour use of the'downtown core. I , I (g) `W'ithout;a:Aevelopmen lagreement and a companion owner participation agreement with thelP.etaluma Community Development Commission,°the project would be h Tnancial'1 mfeasible'Ith . Y The lack of certainty in e approval of developments projects can result in a, waste of ds.Oouras,e mc�late,,,the,�cost:of housing vestrnerit and commitment rtoher developm"ent to the consumer, and ma g omprehensieplanning which would 1 ficient utilization of resources at the least' economic, cost to the public.,, .. e.maximum of .I I I� Y r Y pPD P y Y Section 3• .The Cit ; Council hereb ,h4prroves then �_evelo"ment.A eement,b and between the Cit' of Petaluma and Basin Street FProperties in the form attached. hereto and, marked as Exhibit A,; and authorizes and directs>the ,City lVlainager to enter `into -said agreement, in the,name of the City of Petaluma, and, further directs the City Clerk -16 . record said- agreement no `later than 10 days after . the effectivi.e date. of the adoption of this ordinance: Section -4: If`any section ,subsection- sentence, clause or. ,p prase :or word of.this ordinance 'is forany. reason held to be,, unconstitutional, unlawful, or otherwise 4mvalid by a court. of competent " ,jurisdiction; suchdecision shall not ;affect he! validity t,of the remaining portions, of this ordinance: The City Council of the.City.of Petaluma hereby declares that it would have passed aridradopted this -ordinance and each:and all provisions: thereof.irrespective of the fact that any one or more: of said provisions be declared unconstitutional'; unlawful or otherwise invalid'. Section 5: This ,ordinance shall become effective. thirty (30.) days after the date: ofAlts adoption by the Petaluma Citff ouncil.= Section 6: The City Clerk ;is hereby, directed, to poshi this. ordinance :for the period, anid in the manner required by the •CitylCharter. INTRODUCED, and ordered posted%pub11shed, this 44th. day of'July,, 2003; ADOPTED this l4.th day July;, 2003 bythe followng',vote APES: NOES': ABSENT: The'agreement provides assurance to the' applicant;for a development project that upon approval of'the project, the applicant mayproceed with the project in accordance with existing, policies, rules, and regulations, and subject to conditions. of approval, will strengthen the public• 'planning process, encourage private: participation in comprehensive planning; and reduce the economic; costs of development'. �) Pursuantof City Council finds. Project, p�ovdeesubstan al beneft,ahe Thea"terlon Di District5 o the,. Central Business District Redevelopment Prod ect Area, ;increasing property tax Increment and property W values; enhancing the economic vitalit of the area,and creatin a vibrant 2' , hour use g y g if", 'of the downtown, core-, The City Council further finds -that Without a development agreement and a companion owner participation a eement with, the Petaluma; Community Develop rnent�Commission, the project could not •built- The City, Council. further finds that ,substantial- blight will b`e eli inated by°the project; Therefore, the Cit Council finds ;and determines; that a Develro ,, pnent;,Agreement is appropriate; for . the ro`ect., P Y r Y pPD P y Y Section 3• .The Cit ; Council hereb ,h4prroves then �_evelo"ment.A eement,b and between the Cit' of Petaluma and Basin Street FProperties in the form attached. hereto and, marked as Exhibit A,; and authorizes and directs>the ,City lVlainager to enter `into -said agreement, in the,name of the City of Petaluma, and, further directs the City Clerk -16 . record said- agreement no `later than 10 days after . the effectivi.e date. of the adoption of this ordinance: Section -4: If`any section ,subsection- sentence, clause or. ,p prase :or word of.this ordinance 'is forany. reason held to be,, unconstitutional, unlawful, or otherwise 4mvalid by a court. of competent " ,jurisdiction; suchdecision shall not ;affect he! validity t,of the remaining portions, of this ordinance: The City Council of the.City.of Petaluma hereby declares that it would have passed aridradopted this -ordinance and each:and all provisions: thereof.irrespective of the fact that any one or more: of said provisions be declared unconstitutional'; unlawful or otherwise invalid'. Section 5: This ,ordinance shall become effective. thirty (30.) days after the date: ofAlts adoption by the Petaluma Citff ouncil.= Section 6: The City Clerk ;is hereby, directed, to poshi this. ordinance :for the period, anid in the manner required by the •CitylCharter. INTRODUCED, and ordered posted%pub11shed, this 44th. day of'July,, 2003; ADOPTED this l4.th day July;, 2003 bythe followng',vote APES: NOES': ABSENT: K AtWhment3 Development Agreement with Basin Street Properties:. i, OFFICIAL BUSINESS Documententlitled to free recording: Govemmer t Code-''Section 611,03 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City of Petaluma 11 English Street Petaluma, CA 94952 I Attention: Mike Bierman " City-Manager SPACE"ABOVE THIS LINEFOR RECORDER S'USE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT h by ant hPtwPPn ;�-, 2-- r, r WROW TABLE,OF,CONT ENT$ d Pa . e s RECITALS' 7-8 AGREEMENT 1. Description of, Property. 8 2. Interest of DEVELOPER. g 3. Relationship of,ClTYpand DEVELOPER,`and,AGENCY. 8 3.1 - 8 3:2Coo eration,Mh Redevelopment,Agen p cy: 9 4.Effective Date-�and 'Term. g 4.1 Effective Date. g 4:2 Term 9 4.3 Termination Upon Issuance of Certificate: 9 of Occupancy, r 4.4 Optional Extensions. g 5. Use of the'Property, g 5.1 Right to. Develop. g 5.2 Permitted Uses. 40 5:3 Additiori`al "Conditions: 1.0 5.3.1 Su tsequent Disoretionary Approvals. 10. 5'.3:2'Miti atimConditions .` 9 1.0, 5 3.3 ; Phasing,Jiming: 5.3.4 Finaricing Plan.. 10 10 _ 5.3.,5', Fees, Dedications: 10. 6. Applicable Rules Regulations and Official Policies. 11 Rules re Permitted, Uses. 11. 6 re De„ g naicabletruction. 11 6 Rules rn Codes A . nifor pp 11 L 7. S"Rules and 7 1bse: NewlRu es and��RegulationRegulations 11 T.2 Approval of Application: = 11 73j' Moratorium Not Applicable. 12 7.4 Timingof Development. � � � 12 8, S'ubseguenily Enacted or Revised Fees Assessrnents and 12 Takes.,' ' City of Petaluma 7/7/03 I, ;�-, 2-- 81 Exactions, D' icafions: 12 B:2 Revised Application'Fees: 12 83 New Taxes: .13 $,4. Assessments. 1.3' `8:5 vote on FUtute Assessments and Fees. � 9. Amendment or-Cancellation: 13 ! 9:1` Modification Because of Conflict with State: or Federal 13'. Laws: 92 Amendrnentby,Mutual Consent. 13, 9 3Insubstantial Amendments. IS 9.4: Amendment of Project Approvals: 14 95Cancellation by Mutual Consent: 14 1,0: Term of Proiect Approvals. 1:4 1T Annual Review:. 1'4: `11:1 Review Date. 14 11-:2 Initiation of Revi6*, 1, 1'4 11.3 Staff-Reports: 14 11:4 Costs: 15 12. Default. 15 ` 12.1 Procedure;Rega�rding Defaults:. 15: 12.1.1 Notice: 15 �.. 12.1.2; Cure: 15 1'2.1.3 Failure to Assert'.. 1:5 12:1.4: Payment of Money:, '; 15 12.1.5 Notice of Default.: 1:6 1''2 1.6Proceedings. 16 12 1.T Annual Review:: 16 1:21.8 Termination; 1.6 12.2 No Damage&Again'st CITY 16' . 4'3: Estoppel` Certificate.' 17' ' 14. M . ortgagee Protection: Cestan Rights of'Cure. 17 1:4.1 Mortgagee; 'Protection. 1.7. 14.2 MortgageeNot Obligated: 17 14;:3 Notice of Default to Mortgageean,d'Exfension : 17 of Right`to Core. .Severability: 18' 16. Attorneys` :Fees: and ,Costs. 18 City of;Ntaluma 7/7/03'. 'L 3 rj: Mf 1 JI 17 '!Tranan� dAssinmets 18 1171 Developer' Right to Assign 18 17.2 ReleaseUpon Transfer: 19 173 Developer's'Right'fo Retain Specified Rights 19 or Obligations 18: Agreement,'Runs4'with .the Land. " 19 19. Bankruptcy: 20 : 20. Indemnification._ 20, 21. Insurance 2_'1' 1 PubhcLrabdity and' Property.Damage Insurance 20 21.2 Workers Compensation Insurance' 21 211.3, Evidence of Insurance! " 21 22. Excuse for Nonperformance. 21 r . 23' Sewer and Wa ter•. 21 24. Notices. 21 25. Recitals. 22 26. Agreement isEntire:Understanding: 22 27. Exhibits. 22 28. Countetparts:� 22 29:, Recordation. 23. 1 Exhibit:A 25 Exhibifi.B.; 26. .z 9 di p ;� w ori i G ,,, , �j,DEUELOPIViEIVT''AGREEnAENT ' THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT this A re into, thisl,,­" ,� ' ( „ g C TY t") is made and entered municipal co po at on:(hereinafter.;" y a and B/ASI'N STREET PRO TALUMA, a 3 b nd between the . E F City`), PERTIES, a C §§ rnil Ja cor oration. hereina, le t0fer e'd to as Basin Street .p ° the. authority ursuant.tq of 6586.4 et seq of the California.Government Code and. the Municipal'Code of the ii � CityibfP,etaluma,., RECITALS: A California Government Code:§§ 65864 et seq':; and Article 19:3 of th'e' Petal„ ,lu"m'a ZN, re , h,e,T�ne;na ,. Agreement g efor the f"Irt 'tany ' personhavngalegoeqtbeint erest mevelopent opropeyw °- '-'gnh rty° and° such;property m-de"to establish.certain'developient`ri• B. The Cty!of Petaluma has, adopted the Central ,Petaluma Specific Plan and the levelopment of the 'Property which is the subject,,of this Agreement is consistent with the Specific Plan; and C. On, May 2.1„2001„ by!,Resofution. No. 2001 103 N:;C:S., the City Council'of the ACity.,of Petaluma certified an Envir'on`mental Impact Report#or the Redevelopmen.'t j heti Plan and EIR. pOn June 2 20` nt with the terms �of such���Redeveloprnent Y an. he su t of this'Develo meet A reement is-consiste No. 2003403 the CITY certified an EIR on the Cent etalu 03 b ' Resolufion I' Specific Plan and the EIR provide for the-development'of Pr Specific. Plan: The �• P the Project -which is the subject of this,Development,Agreement and the uses, .densities., intensities, and scopeof . R sol tiodevelopment No 12001- the Cl, Y adopted aSM tea n July, 14, 2003 by' con ” therewith. O p this g ted Negative Deciaration for the jescribed in Agreement equeht or deuelopm No subs ent of the Pro ect d 21p66 of the IPulblc will R souec`esrCode further enttlements'unless mandated by Section q ' i "develo �ment f h . pa hies hereto have determined'that the ;Protect (as defined below) is a P g ppropnat_e. pment of the p c a develo " dnt agreement is a Develo Project in accordance- with a development agreement will provide for the orderly phased, deuelopmen# of the Property;in accordance with the objectives set forth m the General ^ ° ,Plan, the R"edevelo me ct lan�ian 'the -specific Plan. Moreover; a devel00-in ent G p ,' ntP d agreement.for the Proje'will eliminate uncertainty in planning for and' "securing orderly p J ,,ation of � � • t the leasttec ment of, the: maxi'murn rdevelo ment of U , efficient the CITY a rM ach eve the " prov :i, f public services, public.uses;'urban' infrastructure and other goaland r Y, Y g p 9 yd,, all in the promotion en Development -A reement Act was enaate ,p p ses or which the Develo m f the health, zafet and eral welfare of the Cit of.Petalumb�iand .its residents. In exchange for.these and "othe"r,benefits to the CITY, DEVELOPER and its successors and "assigns will receive the assurance that they may develop'the Project during the term " of this,„Agreement, subject to the'terms and conditions herein contained. ;Crty'of Petaluma 7/7/03 14 E. This, Agreement doesh0t�(1) grant density or'int ensi it" of Use in excess o .- Yr , f that otherwise established -in,the Specific Plan' orprojector (2)) 'guarantee to DEVELOPER -or-any other partyany ecqi,h0m-'ic b6turn. from the Project. F. Asia result f'the development ofthe.Plrooerty imaccordance with this Agreement,s ,the --CITY will rece-iVe-.su'b- substantial benefits:: Such benefits Will include, among ,,6th'e,rs,,,the f6llowi,hg: increased.salestax revenue, increased , property tax revenues; the addition of., a downtown parking garage open'to the, public,, the revitalization of downtown' PetaI.Oni;�l'by'meahs.:of the development and operation of the Project on the Property, a.hd'-!additionalemployment: oppor"tollhit'ios.. G.; TheiPrqject which this Development A heeMent' is also the subj!act of an OWne-T, PartiOipafibn Agreement (OPA),botween'DEVE LOPER° and the it I s-.ffie intenfof,the- P Petaluma -Coin moni � Develooment;, 0 , migsl I . ty - I Mies 1h, at,lheil terms, herebf.'beconstrued tofa-cilitdt6Jhei1erm and 'conditions of the oPA,,to the; extent nt legally possible. H. CITY .'!has! by Ordinance No`. .2003 adopted regulations Which ordvidef6r the;cr'eationof a thebtof"6- district in'theZ.ITY's central business district and, such ordinance does h`Qt,permit the movie constrUCti 00: 4heaters -P ou't§ide,,the boundaries. of the, Theater District '(as defined- ih,,,t he Ordinance). ance). 'Adoption of these regulatip'n'S is;a material,induceme--n'tfor DEP,4 .VELOPE'.entering:intofHis DevelopmentAgreement. AGREEMENT. 1. Descri'PtionofPropert The. Property which -i`s,the ;subject .,ofthis�,,De* velopment Agreement is d6strilbed, in. Exhibit A:attathiad hereto ("Property";). 2.. interest of Developer. The,I)EVELOPER has A legal :or ;equitable Intero'dt, in the Property. 3,. "Relationshig of,C'ITY andr DEVE LOPER M)dAG,ENCY,. 3,11 It isunderstood 1hat. this: Agreement"' aA. contract that has s been: negotiated: and ;voluntarily entered into b --C]T Y anO,'DEVELOPER,qhd thatt .1 he DEVELOPER' is bpt,!an,agent,of'.CITY.,. ThOa'rtnershiDbetweenthemean Y and y renounce tho.'eXistence, pfqr1y for m of jdintv- - t o d,,agree that -,pn ure or not I hi . ng:�contained heteih or� i . hEinyd6,cumentex"cCit6d"-----' ion, L herewith shall be .. 'Construed-asmakin the and- joint venturers or partners. -artriors. Cfty 0 of Petaluma. 7/1)01 I q i t Redevelo' menClaweCITYnsh illhsRtdeve"lopment A ency :Pursuant to the ` C.Ommunl y p a to , e exterit� perrn`itf ed� ty.law; cooperate in all respects with the Redevelopment Agency in 'carrying out the terms of the CIT Plan and A enc ,s obligations under theOPA with DEVELOPER. 'Redevelopment9 Y' 9, Y agrees to undertake .,all actions in''.a diligent and timely"fashion to accomplish the Agency goals and DEVELOPER'_s Project including but not limited to processing of connections, and reviews :'' , �. � � , s pp I ks,��inspections; ':utility tect permits ,and historical` resource a rovaIs,!'pI ri chec � 4. Effective:I Date'! -and Term. 4..1. Effective -Date. The effectiveAa*te of this. Agreement shall be the date upon which,this Agreeme nt is usigned- by CITY 4.2 Term. The term of this Development Agreement shall commence on the Effective,,Dat'eN,and extend five (5) years thereafter,, unless said term is otherwise terminated or'rnodifi'ed e.y circumstances` set forth'in this..Agreement. p of4he Ter'mi'nation Upon Issuynce of`Ce jificate of Occupapncy; g p y ct,,th!s Develo merit" U on issuance final,certificafe, of;'O anc' for the Pr6je Agreement shall terminate'with res ecf to DEVELOPER onl 4.4 ,100tio , . nor tothe termina` ' s' n'al Extensions t�P, tion of this Development Agreement,'a"s provided in Section 4.2, DEVELOPER may extend the term of the, Development Agreement To do so, DEVELOPER shall give CITY written notice at Ieast:90' days; pnor''to the„Nterminationdatue of the;,'Devel'opment Agreement: At the tirn,e DEUELOPER.provides such .not_ice., DEVELOPE, h — rnak'e`.a contribution to nfr structure in the Central :Business District., . Upon recei used, b qot* ' maintain amount of 250,000 0 which monies will be Y p pt of the notice and the contribution, the City' Manager shall notify the DEVELOPER that the terra of the Development Agreement has been extended for aone-year period. The DEVELOPER may exerc.'ise its` options to ,,e,xiend ;D ,the evelopment Agreement more than three total contrib�ut onl for theornatx mumN`eXte s o'n op three' Smvent! of ei ' ht years.. The Ag re g year ill be $750;000,.00. Y seg' of the4P(o`peIV "rty. 51 ,R,,,i to develop the P, rught fo Develop DEVELOPER shall ha -VE thewested, right ro�ect on the'Propertyin°accordance with;the terms and”' '6tions of this Agreement, the, uses, densifies and intensity of use set forth in :Exhrbit'B, the Project Approvals (O's and when issued), and any amendments to.any'of there as shall, from ac ionstb the City Council, PE or an.' sub ct A .royals" means- actions eans me toI PP , P g pP ,, Y Y 9 y ordinate body or entity of. the CITY making findings in ponnection with, approving °and/or snaking amendments to, p CITY in connection with; the following as it and all conditions�ofa pr11 oval adopted,�'b�y the relates to the Project: a) General Plan, b) Specific Plan, c) zoning ordinance of the City of,Pet*Tiia �• VIM H,r,' CITY, 0) environmental clearances tfor the foregoing,, and e). Master Plan, design guidelines; design, approvals., site; plan ,.approval, a,nd architectural ;a pp.rovalsfor'the Project 5 2 - Permitted Uses. The permitted, uses of°the. Property„ the density and intensity:of use, the.maxi'mum height, bulk°and.,size of -,proposed buildings, provisions for�reservation or dedication°ofeland for-`public:purpgses and location,and� maintenance of on, -site and offsite improvements, location of, public, utilities (operated= " by CITY),and.zther-terms and conditions of development applicable to "the Property; shall, be those, set forth ,i'n th`is Agreement, E_xhibitB,1 e'Projeet Approvals and ,aiay ,amendment's to This: Agreement,orrthe: Project Approvals. dditional Conditions, are. set forth in.Exhib ns�. Provisions for thefollowin . 5:3 Additional Conditi' 9 ("A ") it B aftached hereto,,and, incorporated; herein by reference: 5.3 1 'SUbse`06. 6t'D18cretionary Approvals'. B:y appi`oval of this; Development Agreement, the City has found',and determined that the Project descnb'ed herein is::consistent with .the G'en'eral PI'an; Specific Plan, Redevelopment Flan and Zoning Ordinance.. .No Iu_rther discretionary review i's ;requ - d prior to issuance of bu"il'ding permits except for Historical; ,Architectural and Design review., Such review is exclusively limited to;the scope provided under°the terms.of'the, Specific Plan and not,the uses,. densities 6r 'intensity of use".of the Project. 5.3.2 Mitigation l'Conditions. Additional or,modified conditions agreed upon `by°the�p"arties in order to eliminate or" mitigate" �adyerse, environmental impacts of"the Project or otherwise r -I' tin.'g to development"of the.':Froject See:Ekhibit.B �5 3:.3., Phasing, Timing: Provisions ahat:the Project b;e. constructed'in specified phases,"that construction shall commence: within ,a specified time; and ,that the Project or any ,phase thereof' be completed;wwithin a specified'time (subject to section 7:4: hereof). )S"ee Exhibit B 5.3:4 Financing Plan'. Finanplans which identify necessary;capital improvements: such, as streets: and;':util ities;and sources''of, funding. See Exhibit B 5.3 `5;. Fees, ,Dedications: Terms -relating `to payment of .fees or dedication of properfy: See .Exh'ibit B' „ City of Pefaluma 7/7/03 1 Regulations an`d Official P olicies.6 ApplicableRules, 6.1Rulese Permitted U's r m es , Unless otherwise specifically provided for in.Exhibit B, j for`the term .of this Agreement, the. CITY's ordinances, 9 ed uses of the Property, , reguilations and intensity of p y the utions rules ns and official policies -governing the permitted height; bulk and''size'bf proposed'.b°1 ldin . s 'use 'of the.Pro ert and maximum Propert governing density g shall be those in force and effect on the effective date of`this Agreement., 6.2 Rule's -'re Desi n. and Construction: 'Unless otherwise ' ExhibitB hereof, the expressly provided in Paragraph'5 of this Agreement or 9 p ordinances, resolutions, rules re uI tions and official olicies govern ng design, improvement and corstru.ction §tan°dards and specifications applicable to the ,Project shall be those in force ands effect at the time of the applicable discretionary Project Approval (See Paragraph 5 3 1) ;,In the eventof a conflict between'such .ordinances, resolutions, rules; regulations arnd official..polieies and th'e Project Approvals; the Project Approvals shall prevail._. _. p . Ord'inances,� resolutions, rules, regulations _and_ official oli,cies governing design, improvement'and construction standards a.nd specifications applicable to public improvements tg,. be constructed ,by -DEVELOPER shall be those in force and effect at the-tirne of,the, applicable permitjapprowal),,for the public, improvement. 6.3 Uniform Codes A licable Unless.ex r ent th � j p essly provided in n din accordance with the Paragraph 5, of this A Teem , , , g�e Pro ;,'anicElect-ti-'r roviio s of the .Uniform .Building Mechanical ct' cal P umb ngs°I and Fire Codes and Title 24 of the California Code.lof Regulation s,. relating toBuilding Standards, in effect at for the Prof eppcoval of'the a° ro riate' buildin ra , or oth'e-'dbhstru'ction permit`s . PP p ��, 9, 9 9. 7. ' Sub"sequently Enacted Rules and, Reoulations' NIh 7.1 New.Rules and Regulations. During the4erm of this Agreement; the CITY may apply,„'new ormodified ordinances, resolutions, rules; regulations and�bfficial^policies of the CITY 46 the Property. which` were not ii'n forte effect on the effective date ofthis Agreement and which are'not in conflict with those applicable to the, Property as;,;set forth in, this Agreement'and the Project Approvals if: (a).the application of, such,pnew or; modified ordinances reelutions, r ` ° `, eOblations or official policies w � s ales r, p would nof,prevent, impose.a financial burden bm-or. mate'rially"de,lay development of the Property as contemplated by this Agreement and.the Project” Approvals and ,(b:) if,,such ordinances, resolutions, rules, req. a . ons orofficial policies have general applicability. City of Petaluma 8 1, Exactions, Dedi'cations. � CITY And DEVELOPER agree that the exactons.required in connection with the: development of the Project,Approals for purposes; of mitigating environmental and other impacts of the ;,Project, providing infraforth itn the ProoectA Prrovals andel nnthislA eementV Sncluid n`Plan shall be those: set`° p PP g �. g Exhibit B)..:. The CITY' shall not.impose other,dedicaii,ons of land, or construction of any public improvement or. facilities in connecti'on,with, any subsequent discretionary approval for the Property, except as's_et,forth.in the Proje,ot,Approvalsoand.this,Agreement (including Exhibit B,'and subparagraph -5.3.5'). City of Petaluma 7/7/03' 3i 7.2 Approval of Application'.' Nothing in this,Agreement.shall prevent`the CITY from denying or condition' 1"I appro, ing any subsequent land ;use permit or�authorization forthe Prgjecton the basis of,such new or modified ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations and policies exceptthat such subsequent actions shalf be subject to any conditions; terms,; restrictions,: and ,requirements expressly set forth herem.. 7.3..; Moratorium, Not Applicable: N �otwithsta"ndmg an.ythmg 3 cont _, ra . ,contained herein, m the evenan ordinance, resolution or rY otherirneasure'is enacted,, whether b action of CITY, by!initiative, referendum,,.or otherwise, that imposes a buildin g moratorium which ,affects the.,Project on all _or any the . ipart;;of Pro"ert ,, CITY a rues that such ordmance�, res P Y 9 olution or other measure shall not apply to the Project,'the Property„,this.Agreement'or thug Project Approvals! unle"ss the. building moratorium is, imposed as part ofa'declaration of a local emergencyor state.:of emergenc. as defined in Government Code;§855.8: ' , Y, 74 ,Timina,of.Development:, The parties a ree thafjt is extremely'difficultfor'the parties'.toPresentiy,predictwhen or'atwhat;rate or'i'n what orderdorti ons of ase Project; would be developed on the Property. Such decisions depenu porinumerous factors which are not' all with, in the control, of DEVELOF;ER,, such as marketprientationand demand, interest- rates, competit ion`�and otherzimilar factors. Because the`California. Supreme Courtheld in Pardee Construction Co v, City of Camarillo, 37° Cal.3d 465':(1984); that the,failure,of, the- parties therein to provide.for' the timm,g,;of development resulted` in a,later adopted'initiative,restricting the timing of development and. controlling t1ie: parties' agreement, it is the intent of'CITY,a nd DEVELOPER to,he_reby acknowledge and provide;for the rightof DEVE_LOPERto develop the Project.in:such order' and, .at such, rate',and times gas DEVELOPER deems appropriate within the,'exercise of :its "prudent business judgment: CITY acknowledges that,such'Ita right is consistent with "the;intent,,, ur ose and understandin . of the parties r . ' P p' 9 P rhes to this ,g Agreement, and.that:without such a �n" g,ht; DEVELOPER's development of -the Project would be subject'to the' uncertainties sought to be voided by the Development Agreement Act, the Development Agreement Ordinance_,and this Agreement. 8. Subsequently Ena cted .or Revised F-668Assessments and Taxes, - 8 1, Exactions, Dedi'cations. � CITY And DEVELOPER agree that the exactons.required in connection with the: development of the Project,Approals for purposes; of mitigating environmental and other impacts of the ;,Project, providing infraforth itn the ProoectA Prrovals andel nnthislA eementV Sncluid n`Plan shall be those: set`° p PP g �. g Exhibit B)..:. The CITY' shall not.impose other,dedicaii,ons of land, or construction of any public improvement or. facilities in connecti'on,with, any subsequent discretionary approval for the Property, except as's_et,forth.in the Proje,ot,Approvalsoand.this,Agreement (including Exhibit B,'and subparagraph -5.3.5'). City of Petaluma 7/7/03' 3i 5.2 'Revised Application Fees. Any ,existing .application, pro,cessing� and,,Jnsoectim�fee& that-. are:xevised:during the,,te6f!1hisrAgreement shall 6, apply to th, P�qje` (t roVido,t,hat'(f)- su p ch fees" ave,��genoral.,�aoplicability;�,,(2) the application' �ofsu*ch fee&,to! the Prop�erty is prosoectivp� and P (3), ie�a, plication of such ,fees would not prevent deveippmont in accordance With thiis, Agrpement. By so agreeing DEVELOPER does"Abt waive its �rights to,"challeng6the '.16geklity Of any such application, processing andlor inspection fees. -N'6w,Taxes.-,,. Any,sul)§eqyLqntIy;6hact6d citiwide taxes shall apply to the Pr 'ided th6t,..r '11"ihe Property is provided '(`I).'the application o suc taxes'4o prospective; and -;a . pplication of. such'taxes would not prevent development in accordance withthis,A'tOefrient.,�, B,y�swq'greein0,.­DEVEL0 PER,, does not waive its �g rights'to challietigelhe"Iedalityliof aby,�,sUch',taxes. 84 Assessments. Nothing,hereilh shal[bp construed to relieve the Property from as�s,essmenis„'levied .'against .,it by CITY, pursuant t& -,any statutory procedurefor the assessment., of property to pay for infrastructure and/or services which benefit the Property. 85 Vote i On, utUre Assess thefifs,',and'Fees'. In the event that 6`11 F s any assessment, -fee or which charge w. isapplicabletQthe Prop-eirty,Js subject to Article XIIID,of the Constitution Eindbl-VEL'OPER does°nbtl return its; baillot"'IDEVELOPER s I o Eiyl ouht"!bE'VELOPER's, agree, on behaf,'i""it�blf'�ind':ii's,isoccesgors!,, Ihqt�'CITY m c ballot as.affirmatively,votipi,g' in. favor of such assessment, fee or charge-. 9. Amerid'ment;",or,C6ncellation”. 9.1 Modification :Because of ;Conflict with, State or Federal Laws. In the eventithatstate orfedera' a'w' 's,or re gu I a ions,enacI dafterthe, effective date of this, Agreement prevent.�,�or -precludecompliance with one or more p.rov'irsibn'sof this .Agreement or require changes.,iri,,pi ans, maps or perm its approved, !by' -f h Ei*:CITY, the parteem ies meet a nd coriferAn a r good faith in, eason.66166ttemp" i . _ , .1,to. modifyJhis gent.to comply with such federal orstate law, or regulation._Any such amendment eM, or,suspensioni.of tfie,Agro' bnt;��shall, be�approvbd by " i thd,;City'Co indil,,in', 6cc6'rdance with the Municipal Code. I I 9 2i."Amendment by Mutual :Content,,.,,: This, Agreement may,be amended in`,,w'r'1v`ngJr lo� ime,bY:r'hU' the &,ties"ll" from t tual content of 0 ereto antli in accordance with the procieduros:(of, State'law and the Municipal Code.' `1risubstantia[Amendment&, Notwithstanding the provisions the prede, ing �a any d section -lamendments tothis Agreementw ic "h'-hdonot'relate*to (a)the term of fheAg,reement,as provided in section 4.2; (b) the perp fitted uses Property of the y,,a§i;l provided" in section 5.2; (c) provisions for "significant" reservation or ' I provided' . j.a - .. - dedication of,land,a.s prov�i ed'in Exhibit B; (d) conditions, terms,, restrictions or City of Petalurhd .7/7/03 3L r h requirements'forisubsequent discretionary actions; (e) the density, or mtensity'of use of J O the Pro'ect, f the maximum height or size of proposed `buildings; or,(g) monetary, contributions by DEVELOPER as! provided in this Agreement; shallnot, except to the extent,otherwise required by law,,,,require notice or' public hes"ring, be#o,re either the Planning Commission, or the :City Counei.l, before the parties may. execute:an. �. amendment hereto. CITY's CityManager, shall determine whether�-a r"eg erva ion or, dedication,: is'`significant".; 9 4 Amendment'of:Proiect Approvals: Any amerIdment'of Project Approval's relating to (a) the: permitted use of the Property, (b_) provision for reserva ib or dedication of land;°;(c) conditions, terms, _restricti'ons;or requirements for subsequent discretionary'action_s .,.(d,) the' density or int'ensityof- use of th"Y,Ptojott, (e')`' the maximum height.or size of.proposed build;mg"s; (f) monetary contributions byth"e DEVELOPER, ,or ("g), public; improvementsito be constructedty"DEVELOPER shall . require an>:amendrnent of this, Agreement. Such°amendment shall be limited to tho e provisions; of,ths;Agreement which are implicated by theamendment of the Project A y -. pproval. Any amendment of the=:Protect App,rovals,.or any, of them, shall note ` require amendment.of'this ,Agreement unless the 'amenclment of the Project. Approval(s). relates specifically to, some provision of'this Agreement: 9.5 Cancellation by.MutuaC'Consent. Except as otherwise permitted herein, this Agreement„may be .canceled in whole or in part only by the mutual consent.of the�'parties..or their successors ih interest; in accordance with the provisions of -he IVlunicipal Code. Any fees paid,.pursuant to,Paragraph 5.3 and ;Exhibit. B hof Chi`s:.* Agreement prior -to the date of cancellation, shall be retained py CITY'. 10:; Term of P'roiectApprovals: Pursuant to California Government Code Section, 66452:,6(a), ';the turn of any parcel map shall automatically be extended ;for the terms of this Agreement. The term of any other Project Approval. shall be eXtended only if so provided in Ekhibif B. 11. -Annual Review. 11.1. Review Date. The annual review, dateJor this Agreement shall,be August 15 and each. August 15, (hereafter: 11.2' Initiation,of"Review The CITY's'Gommunify`D.evel.b—'rn t Director shall 'initiate :the annual .review .by giving to DEVELOPER twenty (20,) days' writtenr notice that the CITY` ntend's to undertake such review; DEVELOPER shall. provide evidence:to the Communit D.evelo merit Director nor to the hearn on the p y y p - _. 9 annual, review, as and y _.. when,�reasonabl. `deterrnmed necessaryby�the Corrimunit. . Development Director, to demonstrate .good, faith compliance. with the provisions'of„the Development Agreement. The burden of proof b:y substantial .evidence of compliance;is upon the DEVELOPER. , City df Petaluma 7/-7/03.. ?`3 Li 11.3;Staff Reports. CiTY,shall de Ps osit„rn the mail°and fax;to DEVELOPER a copy of all. s4aff, reports,; and related exhibits concerning contract performance al°review and shall make every effort o faz co t ies.five 5 da s in advance. least three �(3) days prior to any annu P O Y , 11 4Costs: Costs reasonably incurred�by .CIT"Y in connection wifh the .annual `review shall, be paid byOEVELOP - R m''accordance-.with the CITY's schedule of fees in effect at the ;time of review. 12. Default Subject to.,any applicable exteqsionl of time, failure by any party to perform, any,term or rovision;,of.this A-,`reement re. wired, to be' erformed b such art P, � g q ,P. Y party shall constitute :an event,of default"E,vent:of;D.efault"�' For ( ) � purposes of`this Agreement, a party, claiming another party is in default shall be, r..eferred to as the ,"Complaining Party;" and the. partyralleged, to be"m default shall ,be referred to as ;,the "Pa'rty` in Default. Provided; a Complain' Ing Party shall not exercise,any of iiis remedies as the result of such, Eden"t of Default unless such Complaining Party first gives notice to the Party in Defaultas provided;Jn„ para graph 12;1', and,11he Party, i'n, ��efault"fails to cure such Event of pefault°within`the:applicable";cure period. 121 Procedure'Re g ardin Default's f laihing Party written notice 12 1 1rt m Delfaullt s ec f n� h def" "At comS la shall e ' e ofdefault to the Pagy 9 � uch notice., �not,constitufe a .P 'of by the Corn lainin Party. Dela in i Y 9. p g � y � y ' ivin��� s � waiver of any default nor shall. it change thei time of default.,'- 12,11. efault'..:12 1.2 Cure. 'The', P"arty'in 'Default diligently endeavor to cure, corrector remedy the matter complained .of, provided such cure, .correchereintafter rec. eie�of wraitteri snot cel oe such: additio A�licable. time ; eriod, forth Y p pl p set p �( nal!tirne as:rnay be deemed°by'the Complaining Party to ,be reasonably: necessaryto correct'the matter)'. " lur G , 12 1.3� o U a .,�E � " ” Failure o"Asserfi.Any,fai , es , r defays;�by Cornplaining'Party in.�a'sserting'any of pits rights and remedies "as to 'any default shall not operate a&a waiver of any d,efault,'or of'�any such rights or remedies., Delays by a Complamiyng�Parfy rn'asserting' any of its rights and remedies sh'alh`not,deprive the`" Complaining Party of�its ngfitXto.institute and rnaintai'n any ;'actions or"proceeding"s which it may deem, necessary to. protect, :assert, -or enforce any such rights or remedies. 12.1.4` , I�' Paymentof Money if "an Event of Default oc respect payment rly the sub:.m.,ission`of docume nus; prior to exercising ny remedisthe Complaining Party shall 9ive the Party in Default .. written notice of such default! The, ,Party in Default shall' have a: period of sixty (60) days after such notice is given within which to cure the default prior'to exercise of remedies bythe Complaining Part"y,, City Iof_ Petaluma_ 7/7/03 '311 12-1,5.,., Notice of Default. If an Event. of Default occurs with res a -t to any other obligation, prior to.exercising any remedies, .the,Cornp;laini`ng Party ,shall;,give,`the Party in Default ,wriften notice of such de'fa'ult: If the :defauit'i's reasonably capable.of being cured within, thirty (30), days;, the Party in Default.shall"hhave such perigd'toeffect a cure prior to :exercise of remedies by the Complaining Party. If the nature. of the: alleged ;default_is. such .that'it.;cannot practicably,be `cured within such .30,day-period and the,default pertains to an obligation other than (a�) the,;payment�of money,, or'(b) the,submission of documents:';,the:cure, shall be�deemed to have occurred within such 30 day period if {.w) the cure: is commenced at the. earliest;p:racticable� date following receipt of the notice; '(x) the, cure is'diligently prosecuted to.cornpletion at ail - times thereafter-; (y) af; the earliest practicable date: (in. no event later than `thirty (30) days after'the cuing partys receipt of the notice:), the curing party provides written . notice to the other, party that the cure. cannot practicably be completed within such 30' day period; and (z) the cuyre as completed at fhe, earliest practicable°date. In no °event shall Complaining Party b'e precluded- from exercising remedies if a defau t:is not cured-"" " within one,hundred=eighty(180);days.aftOrFtl effirst:notice of default is. given Legal Proceedings. Sub ect to, the foregoing; if y 1,2J..15: i p g � ton, maefaullt in accordance with the foregoing,I the th.e Part in, Default,fails to Com tainin Party, at its op ' y institute,legal'procee'dings pursuant to this Agreement: or, in thQi eve'nt;of a irnaterial default, terminate this ,Agreement:, Upon °the occurrence; of .an event;of .default, the parties may. pursue Sall other;remetlie"s at law or in equity which are, not otherwise provided for or prohibited by this Agreement or i'n"the City's regu ations governing deyelopment'a,greements,. expressly including the: remedy of . 0 1 specific performance of this Agreement: 1 1.1.7 Annual Review,.,. Without limitation, evidence of default may arise in, the course of the regularly scheduled annual review, described .in Paragraph 11.. JZ 1 ,8, Termination.. If,,,CITY electsto consider terminpting this Agreement duel to a materia[ default of DEVELOPER, then CITY shall` give a notice of i'ntentao;terminate this,Agreenient�-and th'ernaftee;shall.bescheduled for consideration and review by.the City Counci l"in the manner -set forth in .Ca fornix Government Code -Set,tions, 6,586:7 and' 65868. If th&City Council.determines thafia�` material default has, occurred and is continuing, and,elects fo.terminate this Agreement; CITY "shall' give written notice of termination of,this Agreementto DEVELQPER:and this Agreement' shall be terminated the provided,, however; that DEVELOPER --reserves: any and all rights it may have to challenge an.court CITY'.s termination of this Agreement: .._ 12:2 No Damages Against ,C.ITY:. 1n no eventshall 'monetary d Berne be awarded against CITY upon an event of default or uponf;;terminafion :of this - g _ J3'. Estoppel Certificate: m City of Petaluma Any,party may„ at anytime, ;and from time to,,;fime,.re uest written e otherpartyequesting such party to'certify g,t�hat, ` Agreement. is in full force. and effect and a binding obligat on.wntin p ,: (d)thisnotice from th i nt has�;not�been a 11 ori'n writa gas, ( )this A reeme amen modified either or n of the Y 9' (•) y rn , or if so g the ,amendments, and c to�,the kno , a amended,`'identif in ; 'wledge of the certifying party thereq sting part is not iin default p e, g ,ons under-this Agreement, or Y fault, to describe therein the nature and amlouht of an such JT: defaul se Aparty in que hereunder shall axe Y y (_ ) y . g e receipt e.- Within z: in thin 30 days follo Win eth st ei t thereof, or such Ion ers eriod such certificate Y, y,� p '. f 9 P as may I reas"onabl .be agreed to,b Jhel parties City.Managero CITY shall be"aut'horized to execute any certificate requested by,. DEVELOPER': ,Should the "party receiving the request not execute and return such certificate within the applicable; period, this, shall certified that the state I:— default, yprovi. tha A„ ,r c ;p_arty shall .be deemed to have not be deemed to be, ents. in, clauses .(a).through (c), of this section are true, and any party may,rely on such deemed certification, 14. Mortgageef Protection: Certain Rig'h't&-of Cure_ uh 1. 1.4.1 ;. Mortgagee Protection :This Agreements hall be superior and senior to any lien placed upon_ the Property, or any portion thereof after the, date of (g 9 lien for of.-trust or om no breach mortgage "Mort recording a ehisg Notwithstandinlud'i afore hereof render invalid, diminish or impair th`e lien of any Mortgage made,in good:faith and`forvalue, .but all the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement shall be binding upon and effective against„any, person, ori entity, m'cluding any deed of trust beneficiary or -- mortgagee ("Mortgagee') who acquires "fitle to the Property, o.r bn portion'thereof by -- foreclosure, trustee"s.sal' deed, in lieu `of;foreclosure,,-or otherwise. 1.4.� Ii � t g provisions vi 2 Mortgagee Not Ob' gated. �Notwithstandin thea' ro sions of Section 14.1 g -9 A reernent', before or- , o.recos'uhe,loha deed�n bligation or.,duty:underthis 9 after f o_ Mort above, ` lieu, of'foreclosure; ;to constructor improvements, or to,guarantee such construction or com letion ,or to , a ion of s,, or to uarantee such construct erform or eme , P .... , , P Y, P, r' c ion o irn rov nt c m e e. a cons ru Ifrt1l : ,,I r provide an fee, dedica,tionshallBnot be,,'entitled to devote t n or,irn osifion,.Nprovided, p Y im rov_ements or,,other - xactip ' construct anWt m oveme is he Property to any uses or to " however, Y p .9 g .'they,- ' for, or autho;nzedrtby the°Pro ectRA �rovals or,;b. this Agreement. p is provided J PP , Y ,amen other than those uses or irn rov a 14.3 Notice,of Default to. Mortgagee an-dA,Extension of Right to Cure: If CITY receives notice from a Mortgagee requesting'a copy of any notice:of' default given DEVELOPER hereunder and specifying , ss .forservice there the ,addre of, 99 then CITY-shall d. g hk t y claimon to y DEVELOPER, c MoD a ee, concurrently with rle pact to any thereon dfY That deliver o su rt an, notice even o ENFEOFF. DEVELOPER has committed an event of default.` ,Each ;Mortgagee. shall have th'e right during the same period available to DEVELOPER to cure or remedy;' or•to commence to ` e cure TY's.riotice.. CITY, cure or remedy,.the agent of default claimed sett forth in t vided g y ma, extend'th'''° e emod pro e I in section 12.1:4 for not throu h its Cit Maria er, more than an additional sixty (60) days upon request of DEVELOPER or a Mortgagee. 3. (c 15.Severabiil ty. The unenforceability„ invalidity or'illega ify of an`yprovisions; covenant, conditi on illeg"or term of. this Agreementshall not render the other provisions unenforceable, invalid oral. 16. Attorneys'; Fees and 'Costs: If CITY or DEV_ELOP_ER initiates anyaction at law or in equity to enforce or interpret th,e terms and conditions.of this Agreement, the'preva,iling :party' shall be entitled to recover:reasonable attorneys- fees'and costs in addition to anyother . .Y- relief to which it. may otherwise be•entitled If an o this Y y ;p,erson or entity'not a party t Agreement initiates an action at law or in equity to c hallenge•the validity of any p(ovis'i_on of thi's A reement or the Pro'ect A ro vats, the art cooperate and appear, .m' defending -9 such action'., DEVELOPER shall. beapits own.hall .i costs of defense .as. a real party _ in interest•in anysuch..;actiori and 1DEVELOPER- ond shall reimburse.CITY,on an- equal basis for -all reasonable court costs and attorneys' fees expended by CITY'in defernse of any sucN.action orother proceeding. 1`7. Transfers and.'Assi' nments:.. 17,:1 DEVE LOPER's Right to'Assign. AII' of DEVELOPER .EVELOPE rights, interests and obligations hereunder rna. be transferred, old,,or assigne'd.in co"njunction Y s �; " with, the tra:nsfer;, sale, or assignment of`the Property subjecf.hereto at any lime ctunng the term of this ,A 9 reement; provided that no transfer, sale or assignment of'. DEVELOPER s rights,, ;interests and obligations hereunder shall occur without the; prion written r otice,to: CITY and `approval by'the City Manager, which approval shall not•be easonably withheld; or°delayed The :City Manager considerand decide the matterwithin is woeking days'after DEVELOPER' -.notice provided and receipt by"City Manoger,,of all necessary documents,;cert'ifications'and other` information required by City Manager to decide the matter. In considering the request; the City Manager'shall' base the der ision u on the proposed as nee s re utation, ex P g p perience, financial resources,and access to credit•and capability to successfully c arty out the development of the, Property. ert' completion. Y 9 PP p y pletion The Cit . Manager's, er s a rova shall:,be for'the purposes of,: a) providing notice to°CITY; O) assuring`tha`t'all obligation) of are allocated as, between DEVELOPER and�the roused urcher�tEranOsfe"re ° P- P P ' or assignee -,,,and c) assuring CITY that theproposed purchaser, 'transferee or assignee is capable of. performing; the DEVELOPER's obligations he'ceunder not withheld by DEVELOPER.pursuant'to section 17.3.:; Notwithstanding the'foregoi'ng, provided notice; . is given as!'spe.cified iri' Secfion 23,, no CITY approval shall be required for any transfer;, sale, -Or assignment.-f�thi's Agreemenfito: 1'). any entity which is an'affili'ate_or subsidiary Of DEVELOPER -;-:2) any Mortgag ., r'3)'any transferee of a Mortgagee. If the .City Manager fails to act wthin..ten.'(,10) w,,orking days',such transfer; sale:or assignment. , shall be• deemed, approved. City of Petaluma 17.2 Release Upon Transfer., IUpon ,. fer;, "� �� the trans - sale,.. or assignment Oall of D,EVELOPER's, rights, interests and obligations,:hereunder, pursuant to,section 17 1 of this��,) reement DEVELOPER shall Abe released from,th'e obli anions under this A . reerrient, with ;res ect to fhe Pro ert erred; sold, g g p p ytransf '� 'or assigned„ arising subsequent to the date of City Manager approval of such transfer;, sale; or boved y the'City provided, ee e,x re sly assumes alltof theere hts,u interest and obl natio p'prf y Y 9 P. Y g g_ ns of greeme'nt, DgVELOPER s Y Il;be rel; with respect to all such rights, nterests,and assumed, obli'LLations. In an event, the t ansferee, purchaser, or assignee shall, be subjectto all the provisions hereof a' nd shall provide all necessary documents, certifications and other necessary information prior to City Manager approval. 17.3 Developer's Right to Retain,,Srecified Rig_ hts.or Obligations. Notwithstandin sections 1T.,T! and 17 2 an'd section 18,; R may withhold from a sale, transferor assignmehIC "f this Agreement certain ri' g DEVELOPS ghts, 'interests and/or obligations which DEVELO,PER.shall retain,. provided .that DEVELOPER specifies such A reement and and/or,obli 'ationsSonorna Count � meet:ffo'be,,appended to this w ,, n ghts, interests , , - g in a written°docu recorded with the y Recorder pnor,'to the sale, transfer or assignment of the Property., DEVELOPER'spurchaser, transfereeor assignee`s hall. the have no interest"or o ., igations lfor such rights, interests and obligations and this Agreement shall remain applicable°to D;EVELOP,ER"with res''"; 'ct to such retained rights, P interests and/or;obligations. 18. Agreerrient Rubs with°the Land. All of the provisions, rights, terms,, cove,na'nts and obligations successorcontaineds and asthis sign resenfati�esglessees �andrties�andtheir respective:heirs, ,, a ndin u on the s a,' e l.. p. q ring the g p all other persons, acquiring Property; or any;,;portion thereof, or any interest therein', whether byoperation of law or in any manner whatsoever. 'All of'the provisions of.;this Agreement shall be enforceable 4 bh g d pursuant to ase a servitud g ,all constit deo Secti nn 1468 oft 'e Civil, Code of th"`" o e State ui a e an s s running wit the an ,a licable laws, ! tto��do, o.r, r h oPCalifornia' Each (covenant" not limit efrain.from doing,, ome action t' g, he 'Property properties a b spect to any sown pd propesy(b runs wi he beneproperties,, fit P s 'ies properti shereunder and is urden u . on such ' ro Ort ,) is f , „ such ro ert such and (c) iindm' u on each art and each su g p p y ccessive owner during, its ownership of such properties or any po1.rtion thereof-, and shalL'be a benefitto and a.burden upon each party; arn, �J s'property hereunder'and ea"eh other person su'cceedingto an interest in such properties; 19 Bankruptcy obli afions of this Agreement°shall' not be dischargeable in The g bankruptcy. °City of Petaluma_ 7/7/03 n 20': Indemnification,. DEV,.EL-OPER, agrees to,'indemnify; defend and hold harmless :CITY and °its elected and appointed councils,: boards, commissions, officers, agents, r employees; and `representa`t.ives from any an,d all claims, costsJmcludmg legal fees and co sts) and liability for any personal injury.or property, damage which may' arise ?directly or indirectly as :a re"suit of 'any actionS'or inactions; by the DEVE LOPEfR. or iany actions: orinactions, of'DEVELOPER! contractors, sub'contractors;" agents; or employees in connection with "the construction; improvement, operation,'or maintenance of°the Project, provided that DEVELOPER shall have no -,indemnification gbligation with respect to:,,negli,gence,orwrongful conduct of CITY, its contractors,.subcontractors, agent's or employees or with respect to thea maintenance. use or condition of any another. public"entit h (except has been dedicated to and accepted by the. CITY:or im rovement a y ( pt as provided. in an improvement agreement or maintenar ce: bond.) -'If "CITY is named as, a party to any, legal action, CITY will cooperate with ' DEVELOPER, swill a0pear'in such, action.arid will not unreasonably withhold approval of a'settlement. otherwise,accept'able to pEVELOPER, 'CITY is named as!,a party to!any Legal action, .CITY'will cooperate with DEVELOPER,, will_;app:ear,in such action.and will not -unreasonably withhold ;approval of;a settlement otherwi'se,accelp We to DEV ELOPER. Provided .-'however the provis-ions•of fhis paragraph,,,s'haH not oblgFa. te - Deve oper to indernnifiy CITY inthe event of claims, ,costs or'liability'which` arises from the design �of public improvements: installed by pevel,oper and inspected, and:,accepted by CITY: 21: Insurance. 21.1 Public Liability and Progerty Damage Insurance. At all times 'that DEVELOPER isl constructing any improvements that,will become public improvements, 'D,EVELOPER shall 7maintai'n in' effect a' policy -of' comprehensive; general liability insurance with 'a per -occurrence combined single`limit of not less than one million dollars ($1,000.,000.00) and. t6deductibie of nofi than ten thousand dollars .more ($1.0;000.0.0) per claim. The "policy so .maint'ained by DEVELOPERi;shall name the. CITY as ,an. addit onal-insured and shall,�incl'ude either a severability'of irit' ere st clause or crossdiability endorsement. 21.2; - Workers Compensation Insurance: At allAimes that,, DEVELOPER is constructing anyJmp.rovements that will become public-irnprovernerits, DEVELOPER shall maintain'Worker's Compensation insurance for,all persons '' w employed by DEVELOPER for work at the: Project ;site,. DEVELOPER shall require each contractor and,, ubcontractor similarly,to provide Worker's Compensation � insurance, -for its= respective,0m01oyees.. DEVELOPER agrees -'to. indernnifythe CITY for " any damage resulting from DEVELOPER's failureto maintain any such insurance. 21.3 Evidence of Insurance: Prior' -to commencement of . construction of ,any improvements which Pwill become public improvements, City, of P..etaluma 7/7/03 �. 3:i LE UN LE DEVELOPER shall furnish CITY satisfactory Otory evidence of the insurance required in Section 21A Y d 21.�2 i'and evdence th8t1hecareier'is,req]1uired t04vethe� CITY at �j � . ',, �,'. ,,, I - least Weeii,?d6„pri n f'the' c n a o or wriftbn,: 6tice o a cell' ti'l 6 briedul"ti rage of a reduction in cove policy. The insuranceshall extend to the CITY' its el'ective and a I I ppoih Comm, isohs. officers',,' e' I I 111.1,1'',.. - , appointive boards, ji,pgp ” m I es and represeritativ6s'-pridtor, DEVELOPER omp We performing Work on the Peoject.. 22. Ekcuse-fot,Nohperform8nce. from performing any DEVELOPER;an shall ' be excused pe � orming a 'obligation or underta n pro.vidod,in,.this ,Agrppment,,,except -an.y any obligation to pay any sum of money under the 4' O'pli,ca�61eprqv'isi'ons��h'L-reof-, Jnctlke event and so' long, 'as the performance of any such obligation is prevont6d',or+defeiyed,, retarded or hindered by, act of God, fire, earth,quake flood,, explosion, Faction of the blerniants,war, invasion, insurrbction,�'Hot, mobole'pc 0 teinabilittc'.81, shortage of labor,equiment,jacilitie.%material&or suesinthe open markei failure of transportation, strikes,,,, loc,kouts.,,action pf labor unions �cdnid'bm naiii,6,1 n"i, tequisition, laws, I c� orders of governmental, 11., milbr­ I rit other " s . e, whether y or nava autho y;,0'r any o.rl er cau similar or dissimilar to theJoregQihg,,n'ot'within the tdnfrol.Qf theParty:claiming the extension of time to,"perfprm h�ll"send written The Party claim -ii) sud11extension',s a notice of the claimed extension to the other Party wit L hin thirty .,(3 , O) days from the - commencement of the: ca,080, entitling the Party to the extension. 23. Sewer and Water. DEVELOPER ."':a,cknowledges'that,it,.mUst-obtain ,water and sewer permits from the City of Petaluma. 24. Notic0s'. All notices required or provided for under this Agreement,shall be in writing. Notices required 'to`,be',g!Vp,.h 'tbl', CITY'sh'all'bereiddresse as"follows: VM City Manager,_ City of Petaluft lr�j,English-,Street , Petaldlma, CA'' 9'4952 Notice, req 6iL red t&,bb��ciiven to DEVELOPER shall, be:addressed � as1oll6w-S, 113.3sifi...Str6et Properties .131;8' Redwood Way Suite: 11140?,,,, Petaluma, - C A,94,954 Attention- .'Matthew T. White, Presiden't City of Petaluma' 7/7/03 -a With a- copy to: Law Offices of, Pau_I,;Andronico; 25 Gregory Drive Fairfax, CA 949,30 i A art may change address by giving notice m writing .to the other party and thereafter. '. party all notices shall -be addressed and transmitted to,the new address. Notices shall be deemed given :and received upon personal delivery, or if mailed, upon th:e,expi'ration, of 48 hours after being deposited in. the United States; Mail:, Notices may also be ;given; by overh'-ht which -shall be deemed given:,the following day or 6,y�facsirnile transmission,which shall be deemed given up omwerification of,rece 25. Rec'ital's. Th,,e'foregoing, Recitals are true and correct and are made a part hereof: 26,.:_Agreement is. Entire .Understanding'.. This Agreement -constitutes the, entire understanding and agreement' of the. parties: 27.. Exhibits:, The .f 1 ` - - _ o lowing documents.are referred to in this Agreement°and are attached hereto ;and incorporated. herein as'though' set forth 'in full:: Exhibit A'. ,Legal Description of Property Exhibit B Additional Conditions and: Master Plan 28.: Counterpart's. This, is executed in three (3,)' duplicate.originals, each of which is -deemed to be an original . . 29. Recordation: CITY shall -record a copy"of this A reb' ent Within'ten "days.following execution by "all parties. S . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused_9. thi5A reement to be execute�d'as df`the.'d'ate and year first; above written: . City of Petaluma' 7/7/03 ' _ n CITY OF PETALUM By' Inm4mm Mike, Bierman ® City Manager Attest: ® By` Date: . ® City Clerk Approved as to Form: City Attorney BASIN STREET PROPERTIES .-,a California corporation (Basin, Street): k Date: Matthew T. V1/hite . President City'of Petaluma 7/7/03 L Z STATE OF CALIFORNIA )ss:. OFT On.before me, , personally appeared pet s�o..n ally. known to me (or proved, to me on the ).. basis �of satisfactory. evidence) to be the �p �e"rson s w'hose .name subscribed to'the within instrument and.acknowled'ged to _me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their sign8ture(s) ons the instrument the "person(s);; or the; entity, upon behalf'of which'the person(§) acted, executed the'instrument. 1NITNESS my hand' and offcal seal: Signature'. STATE -OF'cALIFORNIA )ss. OF Onbefore me,_ . personally appeared , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of sans#actory evidence:) to' be the person(§) whose h' me is/are. subscriibed".to the Within 'instrume,nt a nd ',a cknowl edged to me, that he/she/they executed the same in his/her%their:author.'ized lcapacty(ies), and that by his/her/their'signature(s) on-the instrument the person(s), or theentity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, .executed,the,in,strument. WITNESS my, hand and official seal:, Signature m® OLD REPUBLIC TITLE.. COMPANY ORDER NO. 0i812000'596 -.JJ Theland;feferred Eo in this Report is situated in,th`e County of -Sonoma, City of Petaluma, State of California, and. is,described as follows: PARCEL' ONE LOTS NUMBERED 102,, 1'07 and. 108, as shown upon the map entitled;., "Map -of 'the City of Petaluma, Sonoma County; 'California, survey under, the =instructions from the Board of 'Trustees; of said City and the U.S. Surveyor :General .by Jds� T. Stratton, U.S. bep. Surveyor, December ,18.6'5., f'iTed`in the office 'ofthe iCounty Recorder•of Sonoma County, ,on December "01 1865.." California , EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion conveyed by deed recorded March '.8; '1946 under Re,corder';s Serial. No •C,=12479 in Book 684: of Official Records,; Page ;17,1•; ,Sonoma County Record's ALSO:'EXCEPTZNG THEREFROM:That portion cog eyed.by deed recorded Match 3, :1952; under °Recorder'is ;Serial No. D-61.694-, Book 1111 of Official Records, -Page '39,0, Sonoma County Records: A.P. No.. 60;8-06.6-`006; PARCEL, TWO: LOT 163 as shown on: .the map of Stratton's Map, of the City of Petaluma,.' A,.P. No.. '0.0:8-066-'Oi0`3 . PARCEL THREE:, BEING a portion of Lots 102 ,and• ,107 and all of Lot 506, as zaid lotsl area delineated on_ Stratton's Map o,f :the City of Petaluma,; and- more ,part''cularly descr"ibed,'as follows: „ BEGINNING; at an .iron pin driven on. the Northeasterly line of 'Third S'tree�; at- point, tpoint marking the common corner to' Lots 103 and106 'of sa'i`d St=ratton•'s Map. THENCE 'from' the said• point of 'heginning :and along the, common lot .line between;.,,, Lot 103' and Lots, 10.6 and 102 North, 2:56-471 3''0" East, 20 .0, feet. to, �an 'iron pin'; driven on the Southwesterly' line ,of. Second _Str-ee.t� and said, pin, marking he. common corner 'to, Lot's :102 and 103'•; thence along said • !Second Street, Nor-•th 46:--10' 2 West 69 5 feet to an, iron pin; thence 1`eading said,..Secgnd Street, ;South,;25'O 56-! West 12`0..0 feet toan ,= -iron pin'; thence South 6-40.0.2" East 1'8.00' feet':•to pan iron pin; 'thence South .25° 56-' West 8,'0.,0• feet to an ,iron, -pin driven on ttie' Northeasterly line of. Third 'Stree_t.; , thence, along Third Street ,South 640' 02' East, 52.0 feet t-o`.the- poiht', oE-beginni-ng�: A.,P No. 008-0'66-0'02 (z c 5^L . Page 3 of 8 Pages'. ORT'3157-C