HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 8432 N.C.S. 02/05/197984 32 Resolution No ..................................... N. C: S. PLK:mi 1-2,4-79 RESOLUTION ADOPTING A,RECORDS 'MANAGEMENT PROGRAM INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMAN..........:..............................:.WILLIAM... .A.,, �PERRY, ... �ja!� .......... .................................. .............................. and SECONDED BY COU14CILMAN .............................................. JOHN.L...BALSHAW ....... ! ......... ........................... Q ............ . ........................................... at a SPECIAL ...................................................................... ........ ................... ........................ ................. ....,Meeting of the City .Council of the City, of Petaluma, on the* ..........nth........... day of............ February ........ I . ........... ; ........................................................ ...... 19... 79 WHEREAS.,'the City.of Petaluma must provide, for the proper and efficient management of the City"s public records, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the attached Exhibit A constitutes the rules and regulations for.the City's. Records. Management Progkam. BEITTURTHER RESOLVED that -,all resolutions in conflict herewith' are hereby repealed..; under. the power and authority conferred upon this Council by the Charter of said City. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted-,by1he Council of the City of Petaluma on, the * ..................... 5'.th ...................... F 79 ...... ..........................ebruary ............ ................ 19.w ................. by the following votes: AYES: Councilmen Balshaw, Bond, 'Cavanagh, Daly, Harberson, Perry and Mayor Hi'lligos,s. NOES: None. ABSENT: . None ATTESTS City Cler.k COUNCIt vr. FORMCA 2 7 /74 RES. NO. 2 J RECORD -S RETE,NT:j 0'N SC'H'EHLE P Abandonme;n,ts ermanent. i Accounts Receivable - Paid 2 years after audit RECORD -S RETE,NT:j 0'N SC'H'EHLE P Abandonme;n,ts ermanent. Accounts Receivable - Paid 2 years after audit Agreements 5 years after audit Annexation Files Permanent Archival Files Permanent Assessment District Files Life of Bonds then review Audit Books 5 years then review Books of Account:, Jo`u,rnals Permanent Building Permits Files 25 years then review (Single family and; duplex) 5 years then review Business License ap„plications 5 years Cash Receipts - d1ail.y 2 years after audit Checks', cancel,l.eJ 5 years .City Attorney files `5 year then review Claims - pai.d 5 years Construction projec-ts files Permanent Contracts 5° years after audit Correspondence - ge.n'era1 2 years Deeds &nd W'11s Permanent Deposit Summaries,, 'Water 2 years after audit Environmental Impact Questionnaires/Reports 5 years Field Books, En.g`i'neers Permanent Financial Files 5 years then review F'i nanci,a,T Reports - annual 5 year„s then review Invoices - paid 5 years Journals, Transfer 5 'year,s Ledgers Perm'a.nent Magnetic Tape Reels Unti'.1 superseded Microfilm Reels 0nti,l superseded Mi nutos ( Cou;nci I commissions , b,oar.d,s , et°c. } Perman'e,n't 0r0nance,s Permanent Payro 1 1 F'i 1 e's 25 years Personnel Files Terminated 10 years R'e t i re,d 5' 0 years _ COUNCIL FILE r' -2- RECORDS RETE - NTION SCHEDULE P1 ans , Bui 1'di n9,., . Commerc1 a.l pl an,,s for 1 i fe o'fbui l ding Reports annual .5 years then review Reports - Gen°ex,al etc. 2 years then review Resolutions (Co.unci:l -, Boards and Comm'i s-sion`s) - Perma`nent Site Design Permanent Subdivision Permanent Time cards 1 year after audit Use Permits Permanent Variances Permanent Zoning Files Permanent a Add Sonoma County referrals Outside Water/Sewer Building Plot Plans COUNCIL FILE ------ I • REB.: NO. 2 years Permanent Permanent ' RECORDS MANAGEMENT REGULATI'ON'S E:XH I B I'T - A 1•' Definitions. A. CITY means the City of Petaluma,. B. CITY CLERK means the City Clerk or the designated rep- resentative of the ;City Clerk of the City o;f' Petaluma. C. DISPOSITION means the allocation of public records to a, particular location -according to their categorization, or for destruction. D. PUBLIC RECORD means any wr,iting., regardless of, physical form or character'ist cs,:which is created, ,owned, used, maintained, or retained in,the.conduct of city business and preserved as evidence of the organI. ization, functions, policie;s,, decisions, procedures, operations, or .other activities;"or, because of the informational value bf data., contained therein. "Public record" does not include the records and files of the City Attorne=y customarily ma ntained.in,his office and tho,se.c'ertain records which -are not re;tained..by the City in the ordinary course ,of business. Such exempt 'records include, but are not .limited to, 'Preliminary drafts, notes:, inter -agency -'or intra -agency memoranda, messages and notes customarily discarded, confidential communica- tions from the City Attorney, stenographic notes, tapes used in transcription, -and rough drafts, or other records exempt from disclosure by Section.6254 of the Government Code. E. RECORDS CENTER means central repository for housing all inactive reco'rd's until they. have: met their specific retention requirements, or other records which are stored 'a d"pr-eserved from destricti'on du'e to legal , operating or historical. reasons. F. RECORDS MANAGEMENTmeans the systematic control of the creation, acquisItion, processing, use, protection, stor'a,ge., and final dispositi.on-of`,all public,recor.ds, including the establish- ment and maintenance of a system,of filing and 'indexing public records. -1- GQUNCI.Ll FILE v RES.,NO.,�� G. RETENT,IDN "S.CHIERULE means the, document d'es.cr bingrecords maintained 'by city depa'rtment`s.,, In accordance with ;statutory requirements or' ev'a=Tu"aton,,' the retention schedule specified the period of time established 'whidh must ela"see b p p .fore records -may -be-destroyed,.'. H. WRITING means. handwriting,,.typewriting', printing,- photostat'ing, photog`r"aphing, and every other means of recording upon 'any form of cornmuni;cation or representation, including letters, words., pictures, sounds, or symbols, or combination thereof, and al.l papers,. maps, magnetic' or,_paper' tapes, photo- graphic films and ,prints, magnetic, or pggched.cards, discs, drums, and other documents. 2. Ownership of'Publ;ic Records. All public records shall be the property of the City; and, in this regard'such records shall be de'liVered by outgoing of- ficials and employees 'to their success.ors.. 3. Withholding R'ecord's from Inspection.. The City may justify, withholding any record by demonstrating that the -record in,quesai:on is exempt under applicable provisions of the California .Government Code, or, by demonstrating that on the facts of the"particular case, the public interest served by not making the record public clearly "outweighs the public interest served -by disclosure of the record:. 4. Inspec„tion of publ-ic records. Every person shall have the right to inspect -any public record, at'reasonab,le"ti'mes, anyd in compliance w 'th'reasonable administrative procedures, except that, all recordsn.'each, and. ewer, y category 'ennume'rated in Government Code Section 625.4., as now or- hereafteramended, shall be exempt from�d:iscl.osure pur- suant hereto.” Nothing in this section is to -be, construed as preventing the City from opening its' records concerning the admin'istr"ation of -2- RpIjIVCIL FILE .. unless, d`isclo,sdre, is otherwise 5. Responsibilities. i A. CITY COUNCIL., The responsibility for the keeping and management of the public records of the City shall rest with the City Council. B. OFFICERS ANDEMPLOYEES. It shall be the duty of each officer and employee of 'fhe:City to protec't," preserve, store,, transfer, use and manage public records only,n'accordance with appl,icabl-e federal,,' state or local law, or such rules as may be promulgated or approved ,by the City Councl., C,. CITY CLERK. it shall be the ditty of ,the City Clerk to coordinate the Records"Management program for the City. In this regard, the City Clerk may, among all other things that may be required .for the proper and efficient man,ag'ement of the public records of the City:.- 1. ity:1. Develop, and circulate; such instructions and regula-- tions as ,may, . be necessary :a_n.d proper 'to implement and maintain the Records.Management program, 2. Advise and ass'i's:t City departments in the pr.epara- tion of recordinven's tory and,'retention schedules; , 3. Provide and maintain'a Records Center, to house records, no longer required in active office areas but which',records require further retention due.to legal, operating or historical reasons; and main- tain an index to all, records stored in the Center; 4. Advise and assist City dep.artme,nts in reviewing and selecting ,materials to be transferred to. the Records Center for preservation City nec'e s 5:. Advise and assist as the: Cit Clerk deers sary, City departments'in conducting surveys, studies and investigations as will assist in promoting a proper and efficient Records Ma`nage- ment program for the City of Petaluma;, including information retrieval systems. COUNCIL RILE RES. NO. 1 6. 'Subm'it records :rete`nti'on' schedules which affe.c'a . th e destruct -ion, of -recor-.d`s to the City Council for approval 7`. Develop procedures for:the protect on. of City records against natural or other disasters. O D. DESTRUCTION SOF P'UBLI�C RECORDS. 'The City.Council may, by approving the records retent-ion schedules, grant to the City Clerk the authority to destroy duplicate records less than two years old i,f they ar,e no longer required in accordance with the retention.per'iods, established in, the schedules: R'eques'ts for the destruction o'f -original' records, without making a copy thereof and in accordance"with established retention schedules, shall be forwarded to the Ci:ty,Attorney for his written consent and to the City Council for itsapproval as provided -by the provisions of the California Government Code governing municipalities. This section does no't.author`ize the destruction of original records of: 1. Records„ affecting the"title to real property or* 1 iensi thereon; 2. Court records: 3._ Records required to be.kept by statute; 4. Records less than two'years o.ld 5:-. Th''e minutes,, ordinances,, or resolutions of the .City Council or of a'City board or. commission. This section shall not be construed"as limiting or qualify- ing in any manner the authority provided in Secton'.E hereinafter provided for the destruction of records., documents, instruments, books and papers in accordance with.the procedure therein pre- scribed. E. CONDITIONS OF; DESTRUCTION. Notwithstandingthe. pro- visions hereinafter described, the C ,t,y Clerk who has,custody of public°records; documents, instruments, books, and papers, may, without the approval of the City C'o'uncil or the written consent of the Ci'.ty. Attorney, cause to be destroyed any or all of such .records, docume '' nts,, instruments, books,, and,papers,'if all the .� following conditions are met: -4- - COUNCIL FILE R�s.Ivo p -document is 'photlogr-aphed,, The ' " Th record,. pa ,ear, or- icrophotog.raphed;, or ;repr9d:uced on film of .a type ,. m„ approved.for,permanent ;photographic records by the National Bureau of Stand'ard's; 2., The device used to reproduce, such record, paper or N d6c'umen't on, film is one which accurately and legibly reproduces the original thereof in all deter°its; 3. The''ghotog,raphs, microphotographs, or other repro- ductons,on film are made. as 'accessib'le for public reference as the book records were 4. A tr.u-e.copy, of archival quality of such film reproductions shall be kept in.a:safe and separate place for--. securit y purposes' provided, however, that fto•page of.any record,, paper or document shall be destroyed if any ;such page cannot be. reproduced on film with full legibility. Every such unre,produc;ible page shall be permanently preserved' in a manner" ",that wild afford easy reference. -5- . COUNOIL FdLE FtES. NO. RECORDS RET'ENTI'ON. SCHEDULE POLICE DEPARTMENT Accident R;eports°-traffic 3 years Arrest repo'r s 10 years then review Case -docu.ments, miscel1ane.ous 2 years then review Citation reports 2 years Citations traffic 2.ye'ars Com Taint reports. p P 2 years ,. Deceased files 2 years Offense reports, 2 years then review Purge notification 2 years Reports monthly 2' years Worthless 'check,s caas.e files 2 years then review COUNCIL FILE REB. NO..