HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 8462 N.C.S. 02/20/1979Resolution No., ....... A4.62- .... 7,14.,QL S. LK,.mi,,1 25,-779, P RESOLUTION APPROVING TEN I,, S --- DN _UBDI'VISIMAP OF PARK PLACE 'III SOBDIVISIDN �IN;FRQDUCEO BY CIQUN(;1LMAN ............ ........... R EE_ ."DALY' ........... ................................................. ... and W-ILLIAIM- A:� PERRY',: -JR. SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN ............ ........ .................... I_— ...................... ........... a .......................................__.....__...:_::at ........ .................. 4 ............ REGULAR .............. .......... ...... .............................. ............. ..... •...................... Meeting of the City Council,oft he .. Februar 79 City of Petaluma; on the .......... 2.'0th .............. s_day of ......... .................................................... . 19.... WHEREAS, as owner(s) and Subdivi-der(s)' has./h,&ve. filed with 1 h th,is , I Cb ! u * n,cil a tentative mapzpropos - ing to subdivide land w­:Lthi thi,s City'to. be known,' as PARK PLACE'. ITT qIJBDTVTqION and have paid all , required red filing fees; and, WHEREAS,,. the.C-ity Engineer, the Qit.ector of Planning, the Sonoma Count Water Age . n,d.y,,. and the Planning,a commission have � examined and re- viewed the. same as ,,req-uired 'b'y law - and and all reports, recommendations, and comments thereo n have been forward to andcohsidered by this Council at its me'et,i.n`.g held on Fe: tuary"2iO, 19 79 NOW, THEREFORZ,,,8E ITRESOLiVaD,t,h ,t thlis c'ouncil hereby finds as follows: 41, th 1. The prop,,ose�d subdivision', together ge 'er wit,hprovisions for its design and improv&mel-)�+-,, i .,s consistent, wil;,_L,4 the, General Plan. 2. Theprbpcse,d' subdivision is comp.atible with the objectives, policies, gen.erd,l'�Ian,d 'us,e'9" and programs specified in said General Plan. 3. The site i;Sphys"I:.callysuit--able for the type of develop- . ment proposed.- 4. The site i s,h � py _ysical suitable f o,r the proposed density of development. 5.; The. d e s,,i qn.1 of the .Subdivisi-bn` a'hd­'tLhe,, proposed improvements therefor will not cause, s,,ub.s?tanti vi ron al en mentzl. damage, and no sub stantial or avoidable' injury will,bcc ur'to f'ls-h or wildlife or their habitat. 6. The de'sIgn of th,e S'ubdivA is i,o,n a n�d the, typ e of improvemonts will not cause, se'rious, public health problems. 71. The design olf,,, the, Subdivision, afidthe type oif, improvements 0-ropbs,ed will not conflict with easements,, acquired, by; the publLc at I I'lar h It h" he -�Xro. I pbse'd� 'sub- ge,,, or a,,ci�,esls t � -ro ug h or rise -of proberty'wi i., in' t division, 8. The disc -barge of waste 'from the 'p­rop'o,s,ad ,tubdivis,ion into the existing; community sewer system will not 'result-. in violation, 'of the existing requirement -s pres,cribe:d 'by the Regional WateQua,lLty , Con,trol Board. ?,OPNCIL MULf RM'. NO. ' 9. Th'e most logical-.',dvelbPment".:of the land requires that the "lots crea,te:d be >served b.y` private streets to •ac- d ti commodate the multi -"family nature:,of,,•housng structure`s:" BE IT IF URTHER' RESO]JUED; based on "the ` findings) set ••;forth the above -•referred to tentative iriap: "(Exhibit "A")' above, that . be;- and :the',hsame." is hereby j. approved subject to.thea conditions: set forth T. Exhibits, "B":an`c�, C ',attached hereto and .in.cor po:ra•ted her Y ein as if full set forth I , r p y his Council b the Charter :of said' City;_ ' Y under the 'ower and authont conferred. -upon t , r , if that' 0thintroduced and; y ution was d`ul ' and re u ado here b e he Council' of tli•e Cit ✓ f -P ................................................... .� y the foregoing Resol y g y the. -__. 2 day of_I: y. February 19.79 by 'the following, votes Ar 4 - ----_------------- ...-.•.--_-�. r AYES:^^ Coun,61,lmen,yBa19hawl. B'on'd'; 'Cavanagh, Daly Per y y,. g s: �, r, h and' Mai or. _Hil�li os r , NOES' Nonec, rl /j ABSENT,,',.-IICo: c man If e n. FATTEST. V` -_ City.Clerk, • - couNc��wF!- - _ •T y. I'M y yor FRM,CAs9 7 764 ' — S $• �Q _ O I- ' PARK PLACE ;S:UBDIVISION NO III CONi)IT IC),I1S 1. The ; PKI ic.;ant shnII comply Wit n'11 r+cyu:irements of the City Engineer as, outlined in the attached .letter;. 2. All vaNd from yard setbacks.sl all he indicated on the Tentative Map. 3. For the prgtegjon cif the s bdiv:ider, the prnpbsed school site offer shall he made i:n conformance with Section 66478 of .the Subdivision map Act 4. The in lieu p;irk dedirat fon fees tax this subdivision shah be establ.isifed b.y the c ty Council. 5. Fire hy.drnnt of specified capacity .arid location shall be provided as required by the Fire Chief: 6. (trading ;,rod dr iiniv Asign sh,a.l:l be subject to review and approval by the -Sonoma County Water Agency. 7. Improvement pt, Rhal.l. indiunte Ali- street markings and signs specified by-the.Su'perin',tendent of Public Works. 8. Tentative Map,"Tans shall_ he revised to.me.et all appropriate W.D. and Tentative blah condit.i.ons,of aphroval prior, to submittal to the City Council,. 9. The exi.stin! 10509'section of the Tentative Map shall be changed .to read P,C,D, 10. The applicant shall submit to the Pl:nn'riing 1)ircctnr the covenants, con- diti,on. ; and rept.rictions to be recorded to demonstrate to the satisfne- t inn of the )i ri VOr that the total ploject oiill he developed and main- tained in an acceptable manner.. 11. Private streea i,mpr,ov:ement plans shall be submifled for approval in conformance with Sec'tiOn 20.2$:020 of the feaaluma MunicipalCode. 12. The applicant shaji comply with all other applicable City r,egul.ations. 13. A Class 1, one-way bicycle path ( foot on .each side) shall,be,extended on each side of Maria Drive ,subj.eet to the approval of the Park and Recreation Director, or a bicycle lane shall be extended on each side of Maria Drive putsiant to re uirements of the Cit q y;Engzneer. 14. Tbaithe matter'of determination to accept parkland or fees in lieu thereof be deferred for a period of sixty days (but in any event, prior approval of the Final Subdidivsion Map) for further consideration by Council, said deferral to allow the City and the developer to further consider the matter. 15. Maria Drive.':betwee`ntRainier::Avgnuekttdnprofessional Drive (including the portion shown on Park Park Subdivision Unit VI) as shown on the approved.improvements plans'for&ark Place Subdivision Unit VI may be construOted'w-i_th,Unit•3 upon submission of, appropriate bonds therefor and inclusion thereof in°=the'agreement for public construction. EXHIBIT h:: 1.f'.iY, r, 7) :3.71T. Janluaty 12, ,1979 Petaluma Planning Com'missio'n C• -i ty Ila 1 1 Petaluma, CA. 94952 Attention: Mr. Fred 'F-ax'r, Acting Planning Director. ., Subject: Tentative hap foSubdivision*r Park Place r'l3 Dear Sir: Section of ,the City Codc spc�'ci.;fies that ,the City inl;inecr shall Prepare :a written repo.r.t of recommrIndation on. the Ten.t.itl.vc Map in relation to the Public improvement nr-dii,f temen is of The Subd vIs ioit. Ordinance and the provisions of the State tia+p Act. 1. The storm drain pipe"a_e`r within an easement. ,oss• the proposed se'hool site should be -contained ". 2. A 10 foot public ut..11.i.ty e,.; i, s ernent helilind the j rop.crty- l ine' sfli ld he shown for 'the tyl>.icni tre.et sections(requiired by Se.etion .20.32. 340 of Petaluma Municipal Code). 3. 'File e0semcnt, for stnrrm drain and sanitary s.cw,c;r hetwrF+en l.nt 65 and 66 and Lot 68 and 6.9 should" not b.e encr.oaehed upon by any roof overhang. Utility casements should n.ot be;encroached upon by roof overhangs any where within the subdivision.I " 4. The water main in Maria Drive sfiould be ex;tend'ed -to Professional Drive. 5. Ihe. tentative mrap as su;lrmi.tted does ,not' provide a.hicvcle path a Marilong Marin Drive. Docs the I'launln'j; Cermrn,i_,ston nnrl t•.lrr Rccr.eation Commission intend to rccnmrnend -r hl.cycic path alr)�,�}, liar la Dr.-Jv( to the City C cil? the I'I;.utni..nj; Comm l�s;ton i reiniri<icd thiit a liike Path along. Maria Drive was required for the Sunrise Sudivi.sion. Ver -y, truly yours, i / -J) . DAVID A. YOUNG City g En inec,r DAY : LR : k 1;�^ *T _ r