HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 8572 N.C.S. 06/25/1979Resolution No: . 8572 ................... N.C.+S JLS:•cw 6-25-79 RESOLUTION RATIFYING MEMORANDUM OF, UNDERSTANDING EXECUTED BY THEDULY AUTHORIZED 'REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CITY` OF P,ETALUMA ANDTHECITY OF PETALAA EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION FOR EMPLOYEES IN UNIT 2 JACK CAVANAGH and 1 T ..... ... ....... .... .. ............................................ INTRODUCED' BY 'COUNCILMAN._.. JAMES HARBERSON SECONDED. BY` ;COUNCILMAN - - - -- --- -• _ ............... .---------­---------------- at a R E G U'L.. R A D J 0 U R N ED Meeting af.., the City Council of the City ,of Petaluma, on the .................t h---------------------day of . .............................June ..... .-----•.. ..:..... _ ........................... 19.7 9.. the City., thrug its y utho.rized, repre entati;ve`s, and theCityof.,Retal.uma. Em loee.sAssociataon., Orou. h i s;� duly authorized representat'ives', 'have concTuded the,i'r mutual obligation to meet and confer fin good faith with re'spect to terms and conditions of employment for empl'.oyees in Unit 2, 1,n accordance with the-Meyers-Milias- Brown Act and the City's Employer -Employee' Relations Rules and Regulations (Resolution No 5'5`12 N'.tC S. ) and, WHEREAS, the dully authorized representatives.hof the City and. the City of .Pbta,luma. Employees �Associ,ation have executed a Memorandum of Understanding (dated June 22, 1979') pursuant to Section 15, Resolution No. 5512 N.C.S. an;d ,recommend its approval :by, `the City Council; and, WHEREAS, the C;i ty Manager; pursuant to Section 28, City of Petaluma ,i City Charter, and..; as th'e City's Municipal Empl ogees' -Relations Officer (Resolution No. 5375 N`:C S.), is requ.xred and empoweredto make a recom- mendation to the City Council on matters reTated to employees' compensation,; and, WHEREAS, the City Manager has reviewed an:d concurs with said Memorandum of Understanding for Unit,.2 and :does recommend that.. the "Ci`ty:, Council°rati`fy said Memorandum of Understanding;;. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that'Said:Memorandum,of 'Understanding;, being i n .the best ,nteres.t of the City, i'.s ratif'ed and the terms and conditions of said Memorandum of Under•s-tandUg- (gs attached) shall be effective July 1, 1979;, through .June 30., 1930, under, the, power :and authoritycoriferred upon this Council ;by the ..Charter of .said. City. H I hereby certify that;the foregoing Resolution was duly and; regularly 'irtioduced and., . adopted bV�the. Council of -the City of Petaluma, on thee.._. 2.5.t h day of-------J.Ulie..--•-------------------------------------------- i9__7.9........ ., by the following votes: AYES: BO -ND, CAVANAGH', DALY, HARBERSON, MAYrO1R. HILLI'G,0SS . Page 1 of 5 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Between 'THE CITY OF PETALUMA And CITY OF PETALUMA EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION This document represents the City of Petaluma's final and complete Agreement resu.l,ti'ng from the 1979-80 Meet and''C'onfer sessions with the City of Petaluma .Employees Association, Unit 2. Representatives of the City and Unit 2 acknowledge that they have fulfilled their mutual.and respective obligati°ons to Meet and Confer under the Meyers -Milian -Brown Act:. As a resul-t, the parties have come to a mutual understanding which the representatives of the City and Unit 2,, who.'have the approval of their members, agree to recommend for acceptance and approval to the City Council of the City of Petaluma. The expressed provisions hereof represent all the changes to be made in the terms and conditions of employment of the .employees in Unit 2 (Maintenance). -Therefore, all other terms, conditions and provisions contained in tha,'t. certain document entitled "Agreement Between the Laborer's:'. International Union-.o.f,,North America, Local 139", with` the. effecttve :date `of -July 1 , 197.5, ' and. subsequent Memorandum of Understandings signed by the employee as sociat.fon or associations representing the emp,loyee,s in Unit 2,, and ratified°by the City Council, not changed hereby shall remain in full force. and effect. The parties affix their signatures as constituting mutual acceptance and recommendation of this,;Memorand um of Understandi-ng to become effective July 1 , 1979, 'upon acceptance and a pp.rova,.1,'of. the City Council . CITY OF PETALUMA EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION. -� -7 Page 2 or 5 The parties mutually recommend acceptance of.the following items: ARTICLE 9, Paragraph 2, to read as foalows.: The City sha 1 pay $5.00 to an. employee ,who_ is requested and who'" does', work ,two (2) hours' beyond the employees normal quitting time and h&s.Ibeen prevented from eating a meal after such quitting time. ARTICLE 10, Paragraph l: refer to -attached APPENDIX "A", Hourly Rate Wage Schedule, effective date: July 1, 1979. ARTICLE 16, Paragraph],, to read as followsv An employee is a probationary employee for his first six months of employment- in any clas"sifi- cation. In the event of a promotion of a permanent employee to a higher classification, the six month probationary period in the higher classification will be reduced by one day for each two days the employee had worked in temporary assignments in that higher classification. Periods of absence exceeding five (5) working days shall not be counted toward completion of the probationary period. ARTICLE'18, Paragraph 10, to read as follows: An employee. holding a. classified position may temporarily be assigned the duties of another position for a period not to exceed ninety (90) calendar days during any fiscal year. The. employee shall receive either hts permanent salary or the salary of the tempo rary.,positon, whichever is greater whenever the assignmerit exceeds fourteen (14) days. The Ci',ty Manager may approve extension of.the temporary assignment for an additional ninety (90) days. In no event shall the,assignmen.t of temporary -duties exceed a period of six: ;(6`), months in any given fiscal year. These temporary assignments used in leave of absence situations shall not be used to avoid promotions. Employees receiving temporary appointments will be. required to meet the min- imamualiftcdtaons for or the position in which they were appo'i'nted on a temporary basis. ARTICLE 19, Paragraphl7, to 'road as -follows: l'J'p. to;,, two days ,per year of .an emp`loyee's accrued sick le;averma`' b.e ,used 'in' the eye"nt of .im'media.te family il1nes's. The immediate family shall consist of the spouse,,, children, parents, brothers., sisters, or other individuals, whose relationship to, 'the employee is that of a dependent or near dependent. COUNCIL Fll-E �r 8 7 pZ. RLs:_ NO. ARTICLE 21 ; 'Paragraph, 1, to read as fo-11 ows ; . 1. Authorized-': 'City observed, paid holidays:: A. The; City 'will designate ten (10) paid; fixed - date holidays for employees in -this unit. Such holidays -shall be establJ°shed' for.'the City's fiscal year as determi'n'ed, by the "City Council Resputibn. B. During - the fi seal year 1.979=8., 'the- Ci ty wi l 1 authorize one (1) "Floating Holiday" per employee, which may be taken by the 'employee ata ,time .selected by the employee as subject p and approval too ,erati,onal requirements determined by"the City. ARTICLE 28, Paragraph'l, to read as follotws,, 1. City of Reta1uma Group Medical -Hospital. In'surance.Program- The City, shall ,provide for a group medical -hospital insurance coverage program for City employees in this unit. The City' shall pay,- during 1979-80, •t,he following in ur.ance premium amount's towards the City group medical -hospital insurance coverage program: A. Insurance premium amount of `$45 18 ;per month, per emplbye'ej, towards employee coverage; and B. For: employ.ees.°who maintain dependent.(s) coverage, either: a;. In's:urance premium 'amount of $24..97 per month, per employee;, towards: one (1) dependent coverage for employees who maintain one dependent coverage; or b. I;nsur ride p'remi um amount of $34.81 .per month, per employee; towards two (2) or more depen- dents coverage for employees who mainta',-i`n two (2) :or more dependen,ts. coverage. ARTICLE 28, . Paragraph 2, `to" read 'as: fol lows.: 2: City of" Petal uma Group Term Life Insurance Program: The; City shall provide for :a group tem life insurance program for City employees in this unit. The City shall pay`' dar ng-l979-80,'the insurance. premium amount of $2.80 per mon,th,per employee, towards emphoyee, only coverage for such insurance in the principle sum of $51000 per employee.. COUNCIL.,FIL IT ®'� Page 4 of 5 ARTICLE '28, Paragraph 3, 'to read as -fol Tows:: 3. City of Petaluma Group 'Dental Insurance Program: The City shaTll provide for a -group.-dental insurance program for C'i ty-empl ogees and d'epend'ents in, thi-s unit. The °C`i ty "shall pay, Buri ng 1979-80, towards the Gity group dental insurance coverage program,. $21.85,per employee, per month,.- ARTICLE onth,.ARTICLE 30, Paragraph; 1, to read as follows'. 1. Not later t'han.Apri'l 1, 1980, the City -of Petaluma will develop a training program for employees in Unit L. The City of`Petaluma'Employees As ocidtion will be consulted regarding the development of said training program,, whj;'ch shall be consi°stent wilth the ideas as discussedby` the _representatives of the -'City and the Association, during meet and confer sessions in May, 1979. ARTLCLE 37, Paragraph 5, to; read as fol.lows,: 5. The terms of this,,Agreement shall commence on July 1, 1979, and c'onti`nue until the ;expiration date of June 30, 1.980, and from year, to year .thereafter, un1 ess written notice i;s -gi'ven•;b'y'one party to' the other setting forth a d`esi re .to. negotiate modi fi cations to`. this Agreement as set forth in Paragraph 2 Article 31 ARTICLE 32, Paragraph: 1., to, read as follows:. 1. A tmpre`he'nsive Memorandum of Understanding to be prepared by the, City A,t.torney on or. before S01ernber 15, 1979, to be appro:Ved by t'he 'par -ti es.. COUNCiL FILE R�i3. NO. Page 5 of 5 APPENDIX (Unit 2) HOURLY RATE WAGE .SCHEDULE (Effective July 1, 1, 70) The basic hourly rate wage schedule for the following classification titles, effective July 1, 1979, shall be -increased by eight percent (8%), as specified below: CLASSIFICATIONS I II III IV V Custodian 4.3677 4.5861 4.8154 5.0562 5.3090 Electrical/Mechanical Maintenance Worker 6.4734 6.7971 7.1370 7.4939 7.8686 Equipment Mechanic 6.3858 6.7051 7.0404 7.3924 7.7620 Equipment Mechanic Helper 4.9429 5j900 5.4495 5.7220 6.0081 Head Custodian 4.8356 5.0774 5.3313 5.5979 5.8778 Laborer 4.7090 4.9444 5.1916 5.4512 5.7238 Maintenance Worker 4.9429 5.1900 5.4495 5.7220 6.0081 Park Foreman 6.0055 6.3058 6.6211 6.9522 7.2998 Park Maintenance Leader 5.5864 5.8657 6.1590 6.4670 6.7903 Park Maintenance Worker 4.9429 5.1900 5.4495 5.7220 6.0081 Public Works Leader 5.5864 5.8657 6.1590 6.4670 6.7903 Senior Maintenance Worker 5.1770 5.4358 5.7076 5.9930 6.2926 Sewer Maintenance Leader 5.5864 5.8657 6.1590 6.4670 6.7903 Street Sweeper Operator 5.8009 6.0909 6.3954 6.7152 7.0510 Swimming Pool Maintenance Worker 4.9429 5.1900 5.4495 5.7220 6.0081 Water Leader 5.5864 5.8657 6.1590 6.4670 6.7903 Water Meter Reader -Service Worker 5.0600 5.3130 5.5786 5.8575 6.1504 Water Meter Repairer 5.1770 5.4358 5.7076 5.9930 6.2926 Water Plant Operator 5.6644 5.9476 6.2450 6.5572 6.8851 Water System Service Worker -Plant Operator 5.1770 5.43,58 5.7076 5.9930 6.2926 J� e COUNCIL FILE RSB. NO.