HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 8574 N.C.S. 06/25/19798 57 4 'Resolution No ...... ........ .....:..N. C. S. JLS : cw .6-25-79 RESOLUTION RATIFYING MEMORANDUM OF"UNDERSTANDING'EXECUTEMY THE DULY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVESOF THE: CITY OF PETALUMA AND THE INTERNATIONAL, " ;. ASSOCIATION, OF FI,RE FIGHTERS, LOCAL 141,57 FOR..EMRLOYEES -LN- UNIT 7 INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMAN.__ ........ .......JACK C A V AN A G H..............:............. ........ .. ..... an JAMES HARBERSON SECONDED 'BY COUNCILMAN _ ...._ ; at,a REGULAR ;A O J 0 U R N E D Citi= Council of the •. .......................................1Vfeeting. of the - City of Petaluma, on the ..--------•--�:5-.................... = -_..day of__-•-----••- JUNE--••-•-- 1v79 WHEREAS; the City, through .its duly,authorized"repres'entatives, and the International Assoc "anon of 'Fire Fighters, Loca-1 1415,,throu.gh i`ts :duly aut`hori'zed `repre'sentatives, haV,e concluded their mutual obliga- h tion to meet and confer.in good faith with respect.to terms and conditions r of employment- for empl oyees in, Unit . 7,., j.n accorda.nce,,mi th the, Meyers.- ; Mi l i as-Brown Act and .the C:i;ty-' s- .Employer=-Employee ReI at, i-ons, Rules and Regulations (-Reso:lu.tion No.. 5512 N.C'.S.•),; and,, WHEREAS, the duly authorized "r.ep:resentatives'of the City and Inter..nati.onal Association of Fire Fighters,, Local 14.15 have executed a Memorandum of Unders-tand'ing- (dated June 22, 1979.) pursuant to'Sec.tion 15, Resolution No. 5512 N C;,.S. and recommend it:s approval, by.the City Council; and, WHEREAS, the Gity Manager, pursuant to S'ectio'n 28; City of Petal.uma City Charter; and as the City's Municipal Employees' Relations Officer ,(Resolution No.- 5375' N,:,C.;S. ) is requ,ired and: empowered to make a_recommendation to the City Council on matters, related to employees:'. compensatio,n,; and, WHEREAS,-the City Manager has rev-iewed,and concurs with sai.d Memorandum'of Under.stand;ing for Unit 7 and'does recommend that the City Council ratify said Memorandum of Understandl.ng;, NOW, THEREFORE., BE .IT RESOLVED that said Memorandum of Understanding, being in the best interests of. the City, its; rati f-i ed: and the terms and condition's of said Memorandum of Understand.i-ng (as attached:) shall be: effective July 1 , 19'79, through J,un.e 30, 1.980.. under the power and authority conferred upon this Council by, the Charter. of said` City: 'I,her6by certify that the foregoing Resolution-was ;duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the .Council of the City of Petaluma on the ...;. 2 5_t h day of- ,-,:, ----= June .......................__ , 19 .................. 7 9______. -, by the, following votes: \ AYES: BOND, C.AVANAGH., 'DALY, HARB ER,S0N, MAYORHILLIGOSS NOES: NON E -ABSENT: BA HAW AN p ` ATTEST:, _ 9 <._ FRM,cn 2, 7-/7a: ',Clerk OMayor COUNCIL FILE o/ REB. i1V0: S .'y' Page 1 of 4 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING DetWee_n THE, CITY OF* PETALUMA And INTERNATIONAL, ASSOCIATION OF FIRE r1GHTIERS,- LOCAL #1415 ('PETALUMA) Representatives of 'the ,..City .1&f Petaluma and. the, International Association of Fire Fighters,, Local #1415 '(Petaluma) ac,knowle0ge-that.t.hey have ful- filled ' their mutual 60�7'res,pecti,ye obligations to meet and co - nfer under the Meyers-Milias:-Brown-Adt J^elzted to emp1Oyi6es in Unit #7. ' As a result the parties have come to., a mutua] understa,n'dtng'whi,ch the representatives of the City of Petfll',Lmia and the representatives , of, thei International Asso- 0a,tj:On of Fi,re, Figh,.t,e,rs,,NIL,o.ca,.I•.#1415 (Peta1um4) who have the approval of their members, agree torecommend for acceptance and approval. pproval. of the City Cou'hc'l'l Of the City of Pe.61,uft)a, as follows: 1. Thj,,s Memorandum of Unders-tanding shall `'be for. a, -.one,: (T) year term for the.fistal year commencing July 1.,.1979°, :through Jane 30, 1980. 2- Theexpressed p _rOvj s1ons ' hereof ereof represent all the changes to be made in the terms and conditions of employment of the employees of t-Ne'City of Petd,,Iuma represented by the, Inter- national Assoc iat�i,o-n_,­K opf -Fli" - ' Fiqhters,,� Local#14`15etal uma �18 -.(P- and constitute the, City employees in Unit 7. Therefore, all other terms, condit.fo6s End' . provisions, not changed her" by shall remain infull ,fuceand effect. 3. The parties will.comm.erfoe.meeting and conferring for 1,980-81 fiscal year not later ater t - h'ah-ithe end of April', 1980j and will endeavor to reach 'a'n,, agreement,, i'n a writtem Memorandum of Understandi=ng for su'bmissi.onto the City Council for its determination prior to --the-, adoption by :the City 6f.its, Final Budget for 'the subsequent fiscal year. 4. The City shall increase on July 1, 1979, the, existing salary ranges for each of the. cl=assifications included in representa- ti,'onal Unit #7, as follows Fire Ca,ptain 11% e - ;F, ire Fi,ghter 10 1/2% 5. City of,;Tetaluma Group Medtca-l"fl6sp-ttal Ins.urzan e Program: The City '.shall :prOVJ,d'e fora group mied-ft-al,=,ho.spital -insurance coverage program fbr-*,City emplbye,es in, thi,:s unit. The Ci't- Y. -80, the fol,l,,bwin sha,11,Pay"..,during 15,79 g i=nsurance premium' grbup:m6di'ca.1.".hbspftal insurance coverage program:, A. Jr1syrqntell prem—.1,um amount of $45.18 per month, per emplipyee-i, towards empl ogee- qov,,erage;-- and. COUNCIL FILE 1S . zli3. No., Page 2 of 4 B. For employees who mai,nta°i"n dependent.(s) coverage, either: 1 . I:nsurance premium amount of .$24.,97 per month,; per employee, towards" one `(l.) dependent. coverage for employees who maintain one dependent. co':verage; or 2. Insurance ;premi'um amount of $2,6.8"1. per month-. :per employee, towards two .(2) :or;.more dependents coverage for empl'.oyees who maintain two ('2 or more dependents coverage. 6. City of Petaluma Group Dental Insurance Program`:. The City shall provide. for a group dental i nsura"nce program for C.i ty employees and'',, dependents i n this `unit.. The: Ci-"ty shall pay, during 1979-8'0, the"i"nsurance premium i,n the amount of $21.85 per employee, per :month: 7. Uniform/Clo.thi.ng Allowance Program: All employees "shall comply with the uniform/cl"othing requirements and procedures as estab]ished and administered by the ;Fire Chief. The Uniform/Clothing Al 11 owance, 'Program shall be;' paid i;n fiscal year 1979-50, o" ,or before September 5, 197°9, for,`flao.se employees n in the class il'f i cat'i ons "of Faye' fi ghter and ,Fi.re . Captain in the amount of $100.00 -per ",employee; per year. Employees hired on or after August 31, 1979,,and prior to March 1, 1980, shall be paid, the: full"'' annual payment amount-o;n, or before March 5, 1980..Employees hired on or after 'February 28,, 1980, and prior to June 3,6,1.9.80, shall be paid the full annual payment amount on or before June 30, 198;0.' An employee who termi,nates"from City service or is released from City service shall, only receive a prora;ta annual amount. An employee who .so separates from City service after any payment has been "mad'e shall return that 'portion of the allowance determined by the 1 a"s;t day in, City, service and the end of the. fiscal year. Any employee '04 leave of .absenc'e without pay or leave'statu's n: excess of thirty (30) c6lendar days shall receive a pro.rata amount for the f -sca] year. 8. Appendi-x "A" regarding, Overtime is attached hereto and, made a . part hereof . 9. Sick `Leave: The first day of sick Ieaw.e w"ill be. charged against the employee's accrual at the rate iof 11 ..2 hou;rs.a Each sUccet:si ..e day will be charged at the rate of one.shift (24- hours). All other provisions. concerning sick leave remain the "same. COUNCIL FILE O Page 3 of 4 10. A comprehen s'i ve .Memorandum "of Und'erstandi n;g to be' prepared by the City Attorney on or before: September 15, 1979; to be approved by the parties. 11. The City shall pay during fiscal year 1979-80, the amount of $9.00 per month, per employee,in'connection with a long terwelis,ability insurance plan. The parties affix -their signatures as constituting, mutual acceptance and recommendation of th;is,.Memorandum of Understandj`0 to .become, effective July 1, 1979, uponacceptance and approval of -t'h'e City Council. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIAT.I'ON OF FIREFIGHTERS, LOCAL #1415 (PETALUMA) T 17 �. F PETALUMA 9 2Z- 7 COUNCIL FILE [.4 RES. NO. Page 4 of 4 APPENDIX, ";A'" OVERTIME The purpose of this section is to clarify matters relevant to Fire Department overtime. Any i nterpretati,dn or appl a;cation re:l'evana ,to overtime shall be re'sol`ved by the- City Manager, whose, determi'na.t,ion ts' final. All Requirements and procedures relati"hg to ,overtime .as basically outlined below shall" be as determined and' administered. by the; ti ty: A. Shift The members of the. Fire 'Depar. tment;, when, a,l-1,ed to work a, ful l overtime shift, shall 'be paid' ov.ertime.a't their regular shift rate (straight time,). An overtime shift, is defined as any continuous period of on -duty -time exceeding -sixteen (lb,) „con- secutive, hours. 'This rate shall; be fi,gured,.on their regular, number of hours worked p'er week as per the, following formula:. 1. htontily salary gimes twelve months. equals -'annual .salary. 2. 'The average hours worked pear week, times fifty -two -weeks, equals hours worked an'nually. 3. Annua'1s'alY ar , d'ivi'ded by hours. worked annual`ly; establ.i shes the rate for shift pay. B. Assigned Call-bac.k'Duty Al 1. Fi re. Department, personnel i n the Unj=t are subject to assigned cal 1- bac'k duty by the -'Fire Ch of (for 'exampl'e;, ambulance related duty) at time and one-ha'lf at the employee`s�ho.uely rate based upon a 56 hour work week. An employee who is ass<gned'to.such:call=back duty shall receive, at minimum,,' -six. hours pay at this rate ,at time and one-half. C,. Fire Recall and Special `Recall Off -Duty Fire, Department,�personnel a,nd personnel requi red to work past the end of a shift, are s'ubj'ect ta recall and 'wi'l'l be paid on :an overtime basis, (except as, set forth in "A" and. "'B" above), at time and one-half their hourly rate -,b'a'sed 'upon the 56 hour work week. However; in no case wi'l`l, .they, be paid Tess than one hour when called, nor more than sixteen (,16) tonsecuti've hours: -.at' this rage., Further, when the compl.e;te recall exceeds. one ,hour, but does not extend beyond ;fift'e'en minutes past the hour, the overtime will be for one hour. 'When.A recal 1 exceeds one hour, and' fiffteen. m ;nutes:, the overtime, wi T1 be to the nearest half hour (_example, and one --half hour) . Any and .alj prior practices, procedures, ,resoluti'ons or understandings, are hereby, ..s'uperseded and repealed,.