HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 7670A N.C.S. 05/23/1977a.�esolution No:.. A 7 6 7 0. UNIV 6 DB ,: -m 5 -1,8 = 7 7V UT.1 0�1 RATIFYING 'P1EMORANDUM OF 'UNDERS:TANDI •RESOL; -�� - " NG EXECUTED BY ' uTHE D.ULY..AUTHORIZED RE'P;RESENTATIUES .OF THE' '.CITY' OF AD'MAL',UMA,, A Y N D T: , '^I HE PE�TAhUMA PEACE. F UNaIT'6­1ON FOR EMPLOYEES I OF'FICE�RS� ASS'�OC,IATh. William A Perr Jr _. INTRODUCED• `BX CO,UNCPLMAN ....---- --------- • �'1 ---- - .........................and!, SECONDED BY CO,LJN y' _ M Patrzca Hilligoss CIL1v1AN -- • ----- . ----................. ............... At a .. u --- Bet cil Advo rn d M the ... uig ity oun �o e 'City,of 'Petaluma; on the 3rd,.;.:.. day„of ----- '' May --- 1922 6�HEREAS::, the, .:City ; through its duly autho,rzed.;rep'resen`tatVe_s, and the,,, Petaluma !Peace .OfIicer,.s!” Assoc' ati,on „through, its duly, , authorized rep,res,entatives ; :have concluded 'their mutual_, obl.i:gati:o;n u bpmeet and confe r, `n good faith with respect to terms ,and condi,- ;. plo, .merit for em.. y plo_ Y - ees in Unit 6,: in, accordance, with tions a of em oyee Re- the M_Byers-Mil_ias Brown Act and theCity'` (fR'esol_utionsNa. 5;512rN N. C .:S .) ;, and, lations Rules and Regulations WHEREAS, the duly author; zed r ., City „ the Petaluma ," • erre sentati�es of the Ci aril P i.atio' „a Memor- ,mf r�i_nn have e, --i eace Officer= -s As�soc , _ andu_ o Unde 'stand (.dated, May 20', 1977) ;pursuant: to Section 15, Resolution No..'. 1551°2", N C..S: ;, and; ' Marna er- ursuant, to. Secct I9HEaREAS.'the.Cit; _ ' ` � �'Y �g , P-- ion '28, 'City 'of, - Peta'uma 'Cit. ' ^'Charte:r , and `as the �C=ityl s Mun'ic,i;p;al Emp.1oyee's.' Reaa-' _ Y tion 537, s Of'f' cetsl (Resolution °No 5' N . C S : ). , is required `aridempowered to make a" reeommeri'dation 'toy tl' e City, ' Council on matters"� °related "'to r '.• p ,:oyees'°•� compe'n�sila:ti;on:;, .and.,.1; W�IP",p the' Cit• Manager has rev' �� , ° � -y g sewed and­_conc:urs; with said. 'Memorandum ,of, Understanding for Unit 6'., "and :does, recommend,. that, the City, Council r:at,if:y s'a'id Memorandum. of. 0nder.stan,dirig'., °' NOWr THEREFORE, REQ IT RESOLVED 'that . said Memorandum, .of,Under 'stahlffl ,, being h the best interl, off, thex City, is. ratified and the terms; ;and cond-iti;ons :af sai,;d.,Memorandum. of Understanding as attached),.. sYial be; effecti;Ve, Juhy 1, 1.9'77, 1 r..o.igh June ;30,, 1.97 ., „ under- the ower and authority conferred upon .this Council .by the, s p ° e Charte'r,'of'sai'd', City: y hhereby. certify that.the tgregding,Resolut on'was' duly'�and, regularly introduced and, <�y,�the Council of„'the City ;of Petaluma on thea.... _ 2 3rd --- _ -- - db a opte ' 1 I 9._77 ------by the fofTowing votes:da of May ., , AYES i.' g ',, H 1,11 i g,o s s , Matted •, y/ h� Har • Y Putnam erson „ ounce men runner, Cavanagh,, Perr and Ma or IIDE'S None' .. ABSENT.4. ATTEST: ;City "Clerk , /� Mayor' dFORm' cn 2 /�a- COUNCIL FILE+ ``7 ;. 74 7Q,” /� t.� _ MEMORANDUM OF UNDE'RST'A`-ND:ING Between THE CITY OF PETALUMA And PETALUMA •PEACE ..OFFICERS,'• ASsbcfATI.ON Representatives; of the City of Petaluma and the Petaluma Peace Officers' As acknowledge that they have fulfilled their mutual and respective obligations to.meet and confer under t;h,e Meyers -Milder:& -Brown 'Act. A -'s a result, th;'e, parties. have come t.o a mutual un,&erstan•ding which the re-presentatives of the City of Petaluma and the representatives of the: Petaluma.Pe:ace Off icer.sI .Association; who- have the approv,al of their members, agree to :re,c°.omme-nd for a.cc!ept,ance and'.approva,l to the City Counmi:l of the. City of Petaluma, as follows: 1. This Memorand'um,•o,f Understanding shall be for a one year term ,for fiscal year from July 1, 1977, through June . 3°0, 19'78. 2. The expre's;sed provisions here:o,f r,epxes.ent all• the changes to be ma1d;e, ._;i.n thel ter -ms and conditions of employm.e'nt 'of the :employees of the City of Petaluma represented 'b'y the Petaluma Pea.c-e Of'f,i.c,.ers' Association anel."co;nstitute the City employees in Unit 6. Ther;efox.e, all other terms, -conditions and provi.si.onsnot changed hereby ishall remain in full force and effect. 3. The parties wi11 commence meeting and conferring f.or 1978-7`9 f,i:scal year not. later than April 15, 1978, and will endeavor to reach, an agreem'ent,. in a written Memoxandum of Understan:.ding for submi.ssi-o-n to, the City''Cdiunc.i;l, for it,s.!d`eterminat,ion•, prior to the adopti:o:n by thb City of its Final. Budget for the subsequent Fiscal Yea -r'. 4 . It -is agreed that. th,e, five° -step, monthly salary rari.ge for= each of the class ificatioris;- listed shall become effective on July 1, 197'7, ars specified: - -Z Monthly-Salary"kange/Steps CLASSIFICATTON'TITLE I II III I.V V Police Sergeant .$1236. $1298. $1363 $1.431 $1503 Police Sergeant (Investigator) 1236 1298 1363 1431 1503 Police Officer 1.081. 1.135 1192 1252 1315 Police Officer.('Inverstigator) 1:081 1.135 1192 1252 1315 Youth Services Officer 1081, 1135 1192 1252 1315 Par -king E,nforcemen,t Officer 790 830 871 915 961 Animal Control Of';fic',er 815 856 899 944 991 Assistant Animai.Control Officer 755 793 833 875 9.19 Communicati-ons Dispa,,tc'her-Clerk . 768 806. 846 888 932 5. The City of Petaluma Group Medical -Hospital and Dental Insurance ,Pr'o;gr,am: The City shall prov,id,e for a. group medical -hospital and' dental insurance coverage p,rogr.am for City employees in this Unit. The City sh.a.11,pay, during fiscal,.y;ear 1977-78, the following insurance premium' amounts towards the City group medical-hospital.ins`rance coverage program: (A) Ins.uranc,e premium amount of , $45.18 per 'mon'th,, per employee, towards employee coverage; and (:B) Vor employees who maintain dependents) coverage., either: (a) Insurance premium amount -of $21.6;8 per month, per employee, towards one, (1) dependent coverage for employees who maintain. one � (1) dependent coverage;.or• Cb) I -assurance premium amount .of -$13-0.31 per month, per employee, towards two (.'2) or more dependents coverage for employees who maintain two (2) or.more dependents coverage. 3 0 The City shall pay, during f' s.c'a.l year ,1977-78, the following insurance prem.iumn amounts towards the City group dental insurance coverage p'r-ogram; (A) Lns.uran.ce premium amount, of $6.86 per month,, per employee, .t`o•wards employee :c.overage and (B) Insurance premium amo'un't of $14.85 per month, per employee„ •t..omards dependents coverage for employees who maintain dependents °povera'ge, - 6. The City will provide one (1). "floating" holiday per employee, du;ring,:fiscal year 197.1--78, which may be taken by the employee at a time m,u.t.u.a.11y agreed upon by the employee acid the Police Chief, consistent with operational needs. 7. The Police Educational Incentive IPay _Program_=s_ha-1 l_.be..r_ev_ised for 1977 178=­;atsl set forth in Appendix "'A", attached hereto and made a part, hereof . 8. Uniform/Clothing Allowance Program,,: All empl•oyee:,s' shall comply with t;he u,n'if-orm/clothing requirements and ,procedures a"s established -and administered by the Police Chief. The Unifo.r.m/Clothing Allowance Program's,hall be paid in fiscal _year 1977-78,, with .one-ha•1f ••&f- the annual amount to be paid on or before September 5, 197'7, and the other half to be paid on or before March 5;-.1978, for those employees in the following class,if icatdons , (A) The amount of...$200.00 per; employee, per year for the classifications of Police Officer, . Police Off-icex, (Investiga'tor) , Youth Services Officer, Police Sergeant a°nd Police Sergeant (_Investi,gat.or) (B) The amount of $120.00 per employee, per year for the .classd.fic,ations of Parking Enfor„cement ..Officer, Animal, Con-trol Officer' acid Assistant Animal Control O,ffic`er. Employees hired on or after August 31, 1977, and prior to March 1, 1.978, shall be paid a•fu.11.annual payment amount on or before March 5, 1978. Employees ;hired on or after _.February 28, 1978, and prior to June 30, 1978; sha-11. be paid a full annual payment amount on or before- June 30,..1978, The, e,s as constituting mutual ,partie,is af,fix-th&ir signatur.. acce-ptanceand.rec'oin.m6ndation of this.Memo,randum of Under- s,tanding to b'ecbme eI.fective July 1,,.. 1.977': PETALUMA PEACE QFFICERVI-ASSOCIATION: Date Dat Dat'e, Dat CITY .OF PEtALUMA: ° All • I • �. :_ ., :. „: 'A P -P E9N D IX a - al 3 PrO,L.ICE�'EDUC'A6,T,I'O'.. INC-ENT,IVE"' PAY, 'PROG'RAM T r This P-r;ogramG encoura�•g,e"'s°,empl.biy,e,esp,,in,ulsIpec fic chassifications,to r l acquire' and. to maintains educ;atiori-'al aIch{ieve merit i. r. B.l Ed+u�c°atr%onral ,ince'.ntiy�;e past' is pr o,v.id,ed: for; qual,infie°d employees :in �u h,e cl;assif`oat;ion''and f'or't'h•e aamoun;t•as'"speei'fied` below: t` l: Police Offiid s eEr, ,Police Officer (T.nvesti,g,ator) ,.or Youth. Ske-ry O f f,i. c!e r, E dau e la t.l o', ¢' ^,t nal EAchwi�eveiilent �,: Inclentive Tairi :y A�ount•l'a I I Associate `o';f ,Ar,ts. (AA) Degreea ,�r "$2'S":00 �p�er Mid ,, '-per '�emp,, y�ee' ` in °Police Science y J . a „. o' ; 'per.»:,empl..oYee: , Int e r m e,d i s tce ltP Oy; " S ,.T C e rti f i,c a t e�' $ 5 0;rc 0 0 ��=p e r a.+m` A,d anc'ed .P.O.�S,.,T Certi`fi.cate" $7x5,00.„. perp per•.employe;,e r Ser e a ha o r P,.o,l i c:e S er iz.�I� 2 -P,C) 1 cii g�� r 'gee a hlt ' G Iinv e'is i g a°t;o r} T Advance'e1� R S.�T Ce�rti.ficat�e'�� $7xS:00 :p�e�r °inso , -.per ',emp'l�oye.e " C- Program, R'e,qu,i_remewnts' QEua`lit°icatian iri th,e Program'" is 'ii &r'mineid "b'y the c"omb;inat'.ion ,:o,f a1 �:r at,taain' ng and rm'ainta nih`g ed`ucati'on and exper eri`c0 ih' law 7?en,forceme?nt ! 1: An�temploy+e`e rec.eiv:rig ircen't`iver;'pay':on "Ju#ne '1977', :N Na'hl rl awe�.suchr:paymentsA co,int n�u�e throug'l' December 3,1,197;7 sh 'A'n"emp`loyee `who`"„is alt, o'r ab".'ove.,LL::,his;/her,,r:clas=sif'ication's F salary s5tep III". and!•y `has redidi.- d pr For to June .3 197, , anrAA D:egre�e im Police S)c�l.enr to "PF.O S:lrf + ce, or. Intermedia " C'ert°i•fai�cate, or Advanced P O.S rT .s Caertific,ates�hall quay+ y, -o reft „• perizod;e,Jul'y,rlCent}7Z,.e `toy;Decemberny3lt'o197,7.'aboAn) empl4o.,yee s ub'l9 P o,f July'ak 1..9774 to who qua -Ll` f .e, e tow eye n t Yi�e er i o d, /" :. De;e:emb;e'r 3-1, 19 77;a'`shaa1•«l, 'rec;eive such payment' commencing. with t}he n'e-xt",tf'ulrl�"paYierio:d fioaloawng .s',uch,>>dqua,lif`icatio°n' , 1 tliroug°h December 31; 1977 3 :. An emp;ahoy6e .,Td o:.me,ets b'ohth ,,'o!f th'e fao lowing ,r,1egtui`r1'ement.s period anu"arY °T",„ r ", for the shall receive incentive 'pay .i(pur:sduant to °B, above �^ 1.978 -to June g30 k 1978 - a emp"1- ere is at. or��Kabove,� h; 's/h'e`r d, cl7aiss'f1ication''-s salary step III; APTD n N° k �'; 4 N 4 ��' .i: �,, u, it +1 y ,I '" • t '! yn .., i "� y'' :, e 9 1,1t i - . ' lE. „ .. JL, «, • �' ,. y in ,q ., Pro `ram 'Re uireme;n,t ;( o.nt, n e ) , (b,): th«e em`p.loyee,.h'as e.t•her i ;. - ppA rl 'll'. I � r I.. �' .i ,I i 'i i,"�p ,. •,i� f I l 1, N '�7. ', - � 4Q s�uccepis fu,lly ciomp�heted,thr�ee "skemester 'approved_'"collnege uni"ts. N. �;-ii Burin°g t'hte calendar yeaar r1L977 .ORS (II) 1'rs ,enrolled in a three: u i(3);.:seme,ster r w a,ppr�oved college unit 'course, which. h„ a N. '�cl"o mm'e`n c end w i`t.h th;.e.'r F�a� 1;1; stem e s t e'r �o_f 977pr�orvLd"&IdL;th;at ii, &h, 'dours,e:'iss". N succe's`sfu,] 1y c;ompaeted' °at;`the c;onc.lusio1n ,o+f' t'h e S;e'm e s t`elr ches for' the em to ee+ real'cl•a•�;si'f'catFonlrbetwleme, y e hho_ `'salary p' of.l is,/her: s �= _ en' t`he �pNerioel r s t'e I I;I , w of°da, u'ary 1, 1978 to June 30, hJ78, .and who has �an, " K. P " ir'R s h a l 1pT Cert'di ,i "at,enoroAd'vancede`Pc,O / So}T ICerrtif,Lbra�te r h i' " r ursuah,,t to; B above qualify to receive ,incen'tive pa.y (p , ) , commenci�n, wi.t,h the next; fu]'1 pay e;riod :fol;l.owing rlr . such qualifPicataon',;thr+oi.gki J'un,e3,0, 3978: u47 j T;h'er following criteria' s-hal, : App°ly �tlo thl'e' thr ' semeste a ro etention;.rlequ_iremen?t,•1 r v,ed�(colle e unit r P"P g` I 3 as' pr,oviided in ab.) aborye k o ? I �[i X14 ., �I ( ) Pp. P 5 trato I a Cour e's shall .be a', r.o•v:ed xl'or' to =re lis; mu',sta b`e re,l_';ated' to °`the "perf:orr`ma4n,ce 'of panl'' s t Pal duties and �res;pons4bili_ ties eligible empl,loyees„ norm as' det"e*r,mind1 14 _by a Come, cionsi;s'tingl' o>f�� t'he '' liceyuChi'ef" �Persornnely Off'.icer a Ir,e; res�entat4ive, p ,and « d s,i y r i o ssoc!,iati.''on� e gnated b the P.' es dent f the A « d��.!- - I, • I 1^�II h� �� � q" �M �I' +„ A Pig . ..- 5 P�r�o o f �o.r , v� a�°r i f iNc=at ti n by , t'h;e;, P e,r:is o n�nlell O f'f i c er �P r' of, a n y d-e,g:r e e, o;r` c dr t i f: cla t°e , o r a t t°{a,i n m e;n t' a}t q r oV salary st"epa I:II, 'or `succeissfu1" comp«letion . of three (3:;) semester approq+ed cro411ie.:ge un„ihts is r,equi'red yv ;in order t-o,r.ee:+e Lk” or to r`ektai.n- an`yl eda'+tio_nal inde_iati.v.e w p a�Y a m o'u^n t ;, I 8 ;'I r 6 An'":M1(emp''oye'e;ry'qualifed� f'or mo"r e' =t;Yilan Ione plaeyme`nt si!ha'11 x receive only tYi7e` higher .payment amount Any• exceptions: to these procedures shall .require the p-ri_o. approval of the City Manager. I. i. :I '•F 'r• � 6 1 Y- ,d _. YU -yl�6 pA '.0 {I j = ,.�, y. 1 L� �' ( ...N4 : 'I 1 I-;