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Resolution 7876 N.C.S. 08/15/1977
r solution 1No 2 8 7 6 N C, . P LF: ; mi ° R-11-77 Z' .. - - A ;BFSOLUTsO1`1 ESTABLISIjING THE NlLMBERS,HIP ,`COIL OSITION OF `', - T TVAL';UATTO J BOARD To ,T^HSE RE�,fiDEht�T,I�AL DEVELO,PT�r��-T7�. ,PURSUANT THE INTERI1_M RE,S'I_DEN,TIAL 0EVELOPAIENT ALLO;TT1ENkT CONTROL SksTt 'ADOPTED ',IR RE`SO.LUTION NO,., 78,46. Td SG;:`S r G Rola-nd Bond' INTRODUCED- $Y COUNCI_I MAN-- _ F - - - - - •-••--•--•-- d INT an M Patricia HT11r 9,0SIS SECONDED_By COUNCILMAN-...... ----- -- ---�- -------------�.-- at a SEC Meeting ------ ---_-- of the City Councih o „ Re ular f the -i da, 15th" •--- •August 77 City ;of Petaluma,,,on 'the y of 19 .._.. WHEREAS,, ..e P'sol' inion TQo . 7 8 4` � do to . 6 l C S. 'ways a�. P Y y" l on. Jul 25 l'9T7: estab,lishi_nl ari. Inte^riml Resi Cit: Coulzci, dent• :ent Allotment 978 , , iah Deve�lopri � Cori�tro`1 SysLLtem foir the 1 , u 1,9179 construction year, 'a_nd;, S the adm'in1s'trati s°tem b, Res- 4IFiERt�A '' -. .; __. . , on of' said syr y oiution „ i was 1f; o to,, be n�e.:ces,sarp through, the. estab- vo. 6990 N C,�S - oun'd : a Rp'siden''tial . lishmen-t, of ° ,° Development ;Evaluation Board,, they h ,,shal_l be everiteen membersh p of wh.c composed 'of s� �'!(lT) members, ,appointed by,, the ,City Counc11 consistent }with 'said, ro,solution';; and.,,, l administer the Reside WItEREA`S:, the Bdard sha-1 !_ nt j!al De,- vel'o meat Control System o,f. the C1: y of Petaluma ;consisten=t bus.inesss,. a ro `r"ate uideli-n' s P1p p g es ,for the tr'an�saact�.on o£ IQO►�I. THEREFORE,; BE; ,IT RESOLVED. thatk too City of Petarltima hereby. es%tablishes a Resident -:'al Development E,valua-cion; Boiard for the City, with member hp „sip ursuant to- Resolution NO. 6990 " g'�, : r - �` ° N.C'.;�,. and uidelmines', for the transaction of bus n the. form attached hereto and. 'made a-, .parthereo7: ;. under the, power and authonty cgnferfed upon. this Council by tht, C r harte of s 'd City I hereby certify that "the -foregoing; Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and „ adopted by the .Council of the Crty of Petaluma on. the, 15th y '73 g, ust o 19__-b the followin -yotes` da of= u y' AY -ala, Bond,, lP,erESCouncile ry', a: and. n4ayor Pu, nam p ;� NOES:: None ABSENT,: Cou_ncialman Harb,er:son res ATTEST; u s , .0 ty-,Clek �'Mayor Fp RM;CA 2'7/74 �'' COUNCIL FILE, - f u .f'3'ES. NO. _7 W&/75 RESIDENTIAh DEVELOPMENT (Rev. 8/11/77) MI;ITAtIDN BOARD GtIDELINES FOR THE TRANSACtION ,QF BUSINESS. DUTES AND_°RESPONSTBILITIESe The Re AentlDevelop luvn`Boari 'shall. µmen, ter the Residential .Development Control System of the City of Petaluma: as adopted, by the City Councgl, by Resolution No 7846 21. C. S;. - In order to carry forth such; administration the . forth in the Resi- , Board shall make the evaluations as;set, adent al Development Control. System--- to. wit: The Board shall consider 'a-11. resident-3-Val development appy- Cations properly :submitted and; shall. make • recomMenda tions, to - the City Council based on '';the criteria se't forth in Section of the' Residential, Development,Control System. Z3. MEMBERSHIP;: ,. p Y u -ion `Noe 6990 N.C..;s,. 2fl1. The Board• as provided b Res.out shall ;be composed` of seventeen, (17)' member- s, appointed by the City Co:unc` l as follorWs:: 2 members ifrom 'the 1.0sty Counc ''1 . 2 members • from the, Planning CssMMI'S.4iol ' 3 citizens from a or,profession E/W/Central ' her.,, business pr-o 4' members::from each of: the local school boards: 1 from the Petaluma Elementary School- District I from the old. Adobe Union School. District 1 from the Cinnabar Schoo: District 1 from. the iSt. Vincent. School System - 6 citizens at ,lar ve, E/W/Centrad 232. The. Beard members �shpali s,e ge tFe ortntera who�:e F shall represent no:,,s ecial rou esti and, shallPy state when, -they, are 'involved .ori. a matter before- the1Board and therefore' 's dlqualify them.elVPs-. IIIOFFICERS .301. The officers of the Board shall consist of; 'a Cha.iixman, Uce-Chairman; and,.Secretary. a Sid officers shall,;'be; erected annually at the first meeting. of the Board,.by a vent o ff member of the . Depart- i majority of the B'oar'd,. A sta f Community Development shall serve the.. Board as Secretary. - 302. Th, , � - • : - - The, officers shal`r hold their respective offices during the appointment of - the - Board 303. Vacancies in officers of -the Board shall be filled b an election held at any meeting'. . y rd -members ma not serve as :off 304. Boa kers dur���g cax��eou-� : 'tive years,. IV. DUTIES OF OFFICERS; 401. The Chairman sha11''presde at allrmeein.4sa Be may judgment present to the. Board such- matters- as in hisjudgment his ; and he need.- of -Vacate chair require. at -tent -ion, Board) an appli- when discussing (as a member. of tYie . cation, discuss=ion and recommendation by the Board. 402.; The Chairman (and the. Board) shall. be guided by ROBERTS iatest-revision, on al RULES OF ORDER, ' questionsy of b these procedure and; parliamentary law not covered rules and regulations. 403. -Any member of. the. Board- may submit- a written record ori questions 'before the Board. 404 The Chairman. shall, exercise firm control and direction 'hearing. during the course of- an Board meeting; or Any members and all questions, comments, and recognitionby of the Board and general public i:n, attehdance at a Board meeting shall be put to the'`Chairman. 405.. The Chairman shall exercise general` supervision over . Board,,and the business, - papers and property of the shall execute :all -forma-1 documents -on behalf' of the Board, the name to be.,attested by, Secretary of the Board.. ; 406. In the absence of°-' the Chairman;, the Nice -Chairman; shall perform all duties- of the Chairman. 407. The Secretary- shall-- keep minutes 16f the proceedings and -and -with of, the Board business of the Board approval delegate,` certain- duties-, of" his office to a Recording may Secretary': 408. The :iS�-ecretary,`" shall a-ttest all formal documents.,, executed, by the Chairman on behalf of the '.Board. 409. The Bbatd,shall elect'a temporary Chairman from the members present in the event that both the.Chair-man and .Vice; -Chairman 'are absent. 41.0. Y p permanent record of the. The S.ecre:tar shall keep a- the . meet_ngs of •the Board. Hb shall provide reports on Residentiali Development -Applications and on any other operation matters vital to the eff'cient and expeditious of the Board. V. riBTING a 5A1' There be regular weekly meets nas f' the ,,.shah. ,pard to be held beginning the ::third ecriesday izt, Sept. at. 7: J0,.p.m. Meetings, shal5t,. be. adjournee by 10 ., . . ,, axes totthmembers�Ot,be extended by -30 � p m p _ j ._ unanimous consent, present-. 502<. . e�. called � the Chai •- Spec�.al meetings may b by Chairman, or by the written request Of" 2/3` of _the .members. Of the Board. . 503. A quorum of the 'Board shall - consist of nine (9') members. 50A'. The Chairman shall havethe,' s.ziee eotin'g privilege as any other member. 505.. Each application shall be assigned zero, -.(b) to; two: (2) points on -the" basis of its relation° to., or impact upon, local public facilities and :services in' accordance with „.. Criteria "A"`!S'ecton; V-A) of Resolution Ido . 7,846 N.C.S. 506. . _ rots 'shal. be a��aigned� to The zero (0) to twelve V (12) po° , . a development -.pp catio bh a ballot of each member. of • application ., e Board. The trial aLl be sent to the City Clerk far certification and tabulation -and total points. shall then be ,divided by tie xiaumber o�voting meters of the Board, `for' 'thee allocation of:- points to the appli- cation. 507. . 1 e.xa Ine . each :applieatio t .on, the quality The Board a al • public welfare and amenity . a.on-of ©n accordance wiLth Criteria `°'B� (se tion V --B) of Reso-- lution .No.. 7,846.�N,.C.S. 508. - � .Dints The zero (0) to ono hundred and thin, (1: 0) p shall be ass.ig_ned- .to a. •development application by a ballot of _each member• of "the Board.' The ballots shall for, tabulation ,and - be sent to the,. City Clerk .certif cation and,. thee- total points stall then he= divided: by the ncuaber of Voting -m6mbera of the Bpard far the allocation of points to 'the application. 509. Upon evaluation of -.the deve�:opment` ap'plica ions the Board shall Bien instruct the, Secret6 y to have puha- 11shed in�the newspaper the7,,point rat ngsNgiven to each a public. applcagtion. The B'oard'` shall further. schedule , ..hearing to be' held within fifteen (15) days for reclas-� sif ica.ti?on of any, point assignments made :by the :Board. ",. 510.- An applicant may, be .allowed fifteen (1.5) minutes to present pertinent; ,:information ,.relating to .a ,request to re-evaluate the point -assignment made on ..any or all of _ . the criteria. -3_ .:Upon the of f irn►ative trot® ' �of ' two-thirds- (2/3) Members the point of - the Board'► the Board .will Xe'!-evaluate , �ssi gamlent � made on ,sway, or, -alp of the. criteria, 512. the' Board' shall pzeaen., th®lac list _of evaluati ons „ . wrong with decisions i..,.,awarding. 11®tents of, 6evejoeaet of City Gou acf.pm 513. g tha M and ' sha 11 :contain ' the:meetin s of The;, 8such$;applcations ad the recar®d , as weg� ,hy.. on y submitt, deadlin® ;as set forth' in the Dev®lopmeatllocet on ,date- Contuo3. SyStem except-.wh®r® ext®nded by th® City Council® _ W. OFFICIAL RECORDS r b01..th ' The off'ical .records `shall include .these rules and the minutes ofth® meeting® of regulation's :and, Soard' together will arl resolutiasa .• adopted, findings decisions and other--official actions;. ' 6'02 The of f i,cal record's shall be on .f i1® ,. iri; 4:h® Secretary °'s ' . office and shall be open to public "•insp®ction during .. the customary: work ing�hourso 603. :its proceedings. which she Board shall k epminntea of '� estion on on•.eY®ry mall show the vote of each member: which it is r.equired' to act's present and absent or failing:.to vote, indicating. -that facto ' 604. Papers and maps .shall a retained foarhot less than (,)' of ter d.,:actiono They three years May be micro,-filmed,.`: along efith .other tat®dial . the. Secretary::.deems• e.saential, for- permanent. record. 60:5. A copy Of these rules ,,and regulatiota and all amend-. be. placed- on . fiie"in 'the office of menta thereto shall the City Clerk within,- ton- (10)days of adoption. V3i.ANNbUNCE.MENT•.OF:OFFICIAL ACTS. . 701. The Secretary; chs--ll..pr epare- for thl . BOA al to the.City COUAci to of transmittal peals. evaluations. ,along with decisionwtreached or any" 7.02. Copies of, Board minutes :and ,a ll redoz=endations re' quired to be sent. to. the City Council shill b® sent for ds- directly , to 'the city '-Clerk by the Secretary tribution,to individual Council meanbers. p f Board ,minutes and recomntiendations shall be 7`03: Copies of the Board transacting 'buai sent to- .each;:per,son• �n'ess by the Secretary so that-he-will be duly notified of the -Board ®9 •;action in his., cage. �4e .