HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 7054 N.C.S. 07/21/1975July,, 1975
C'las,s.ification .Ti.t,les:
July,, 1975
. A
SEN,tbR "PLANNER 1' 11
July.,: 1`9 7 5
,fl 4
�Un`de.r sup°;ery .si.on"'", t.o '-do clerical work involv''ing the maintena,nc,e'
of financial or S''t,a,t st cal records; an'd• to, "do related ^wo'rk as
in t h i s
Ji Po1si''tii-on's c,las_s are normal-ly a,s�s3igned moderately repet'' t ye
tasks', s'u'ch as pos,ting;;,' adding, aomp.utin,g,. and, -filling financial data
or statistical i•nformat•ion. Incumbents ma_-nta�
n •r:e:cords which are:
basic arts . of thAe ove`ra.11 accounting .'system t
p , he responsibaity
'for which, 1:-s .assi'gned to, a higher class . 3n,cii n't;s are expected
ems without assistance; but
siol've rouf•ne a,or, r,e•pe't,i�tive pr°ob`1��„
g al p.rob`l:ems �a�re r,eferred to a supervisor. A varie''ty of
general, cled�
rical u'tTe,s maybe assigned which require' the exercise,
'of '`nitia,tWVe," tact''' a'nd jud-gment.
Post,s,.checks,, assembles, and tabulates financial data; che;cks
nvo,i;c'es; cla'imss;' war''r,an'ts, time record.s', requ,isiti�o'ns, pu'rchase
drdler,s a_n'de. sim'kl&r Fis,'61ad. documentsi,; �ke,epls, v,a=r'iou's. financial
records r warrants
'y � prepares
and other records; m�akess, and :files bills,, vtions'rs'may type
e ares in exe arithmetical rcalcul�a
accounting a'nd st&t, -stical 'reports, payrolls;, „an,d schedules;
' g,, g, rre:ssing machines. May
operates a�dd�;ng, sorl�ti"n' billing, and�'add
p q'4p assist with data•
pro`cessi;ngpoperat''i,onsaandhequoipment,;,emay operate cents+al t'.e•'lep;h'one .
switchboard:., "
ear of erieonn equ"val,emt to g:rad;uat'on--
Edwca;tlan and Ex,perie_nce y binatko
from high s•ch,00l' `•and 'one 'y p_. cel in, 'maintaining" financial
record's -
ing ,procedures; know'led e of •office practices
and financial record
Knowledge,•s' a,nd Abilities : Kno'wledge ,of el
keep" _ g p actices and.I,.procedures;
a b111I t t,
y ° ''" o op'er�a�t'e bi•ll1iii;g and adding �mach,ne�s; �a'b'lity oto, make
por•tsability c.o „p
,�atioth,, speed and accuracy, a.:b,ility to prepare
financi.a.l re to use a t,ype.writer.,1
p 'Counting . unction
Under. direction, to supervise the City''s�ace' in functions;
and' to do related work as required.
Supervises or maintains various ledgers, reTisters,,Journals,
controls and other accounting records;. verif'ies''bal'ances or
adji,sts accounts as.l necessary,; prepares; -mon't'hly analyses- and
recapitulations; sup'ervises'wthe work involv,edl„in receiving. and
accounting for moneydue the City; insures the 'collection and
proper receipting ofees from business licenses and tax, ambu-
lance services land other fees; supervises assessment district
billings and collections; prepares financialand statistical
statements and reports"; reviews revenue postin ;s
to insure dis-
tribution to proper fund, 'completes various surv6
ys '''or reports
concern City financial opera:tions;'operates c"alculating•,
p q pd other .office ap- ._..
and su ervisi'
bookkeeping, g
g training p ng
bl�cancesnas required; billin .mac inesr
d an.
subordinate employees, is res onsible fo
Education and,, Exper.ienc,e: Any combinAti,on 'equivalent; to graduation
m school including
in -accounting
fiandthree years; of"' in in'
record keeping work»
used in
Knowledge of : The method's,,, practices and term :nolog
g �r .
bookkeeping and financial.',recor-d keeping.; payroll procedures;
modern office practicemrprocedures and machines.,
Ability to: Make
. arithm'eti'c'
c computations ra idli'cu
and rately;y c
type and o erate calctlatirig, adding nd.bookkeep ng machines;
ter ret.comp Pp good, fudge
rtient in determining rittenia�tl'icat'on,, esti
' p ons .and tlo� us
nin met blis
h an,
, a ra lationshi s with the. ublic other
ica e w use,
effective _„nd Coope _ tved'�eof p p 'd maYtain ,
agencies and'employees,
I JUL. 7 5
(.For Community Services) .
wide variety of administrative or managrement du'tiesl' in performing a
Under general su ervis' of the Director t:o as'sist
y and respon-
sibilities; and.does related work as required,.
'Assists in coordinating the department's admini's'trative and manage-
ment activities. Makes l analytical studies „an.'reports`with menda on organlz recom-
', ational, budgetary ,and. administrative methods
androblems. Overseers Department budgeting control and purchasing.
Handles "day-to-day" adminpstrative tasks and investigates and
resolves public relations problems related to tledepartment.
Answers questions or complaints by the public or,other agencies
•regarding City Public Works' projects, facilities, services and
activities. Studies and recommends on organizational and procedural
opelization d'Assiststin preparation ofnthendeparpmees and space
uti. P q p lint's annual
Budget, Program of Service; Annual Report, Agenda items and other
reports City Council. ,Assists in preparing,grant proposals
.orfs' for the ,
o grant and administration. May attend City Council
and an
.�r meetings of other ps a,s a representativeand spokesman for
the Director.
iecAny combination equ ,y,alen_t to graduation
e or
gnd_ Ex er�.en university g p
or usiness
E ucat�.on ' ' '
administration or a r-e�la:tedW i.old.deTwo eyearsuof,lexperii'ence in work
involving a variety'q f maria ement activities, andoperations.
Knowledge of: The prihciples'and practices of'municipal govern-
ledge of thetoraariazatres'ea"rch methods and procedures; some know
t ' 'i t D t
. . � ing. ment; s a, is g ion functions d actovernmental�Cbud'"etpar•
funs ions an
meats, including contract administ tion,, g g g
r.e'�uests a'nd a variety of s11,I problems andI methods, I-uresudgetarI
Ability to: Analyze administrative
q17 ems or o.per'atioria: p, prepare,
present and ..interpret factual data'and conc,lusion,s 'in written;
-graphic or oral form, and make recommendations.; establish and maintain
effective wor,king�'`relat onships with others.
Under general supervision of the Police Chief to perform a wide
variety of administrative,'br management duties and responsibilities;
and does related work- as -,required.
Assists in.planning, organization, staffing, directing and coordinat-
i.ng the department"'s administrative and management activities. Makes
analytical studies wkith recommendations on organizational, budgetary
and administrative..methods and problems, beat analysis, crime trends,'
workloads, crime: clearance rates, traffic -indexe's' and other factual
data reports: Studies,and'recommends on'organizational and procedural
pperati.ons, departmental„forms, equipment and supplies and space
( ;tilization y in preparation annual budget
by .reviewing .andsanal. zin budg.et requestts fr mthe: department for
conformity, with the overall ,departmental, programOversees admini-
stration_of department purchasing,., budgeting control and. ;fiscal
matters. Coordinates preparation of dep'artment''s program of service,
annual report and agenda, -items and reports' f`or City Council. Assists
in preparing grant proposals and grant administration. May attend
City C:ouncil_dr meetings of other groups as a representative and
spokesman .for the 'Polic'e Chief .
Educa,tiori:&-Experience. Any, combination equivalent to graduation from
college o Y administrationorcloseleerelated1feeld.ienTWoor public or
r univers,it g p
y years of ex--
peri,ence-anmwor-ktnvolv'ing`a°variety of -fiscal and management activities
and ,operations.,
i Knowfed'ge of; Th'e principles and pract c
ea of. ol',ce a,nd -public ad'-
movern'mental b,ud e nd p_ lure's;
g ion,i tgt'�ingcandal apublnd icefinancearch thsomeaknowledge of the
organization,; 'functions and activities of law enforcement.
' Ability to.
requests and avariey systems orAnal ze administrative prooblems and methods, budgetary
t of o Brat, 1 procedures; prepare,
present and i'n;terpret factual .data and conclusions in written,
graphic and oral
r�elationshipsmwidhtother establish and main-
d oral form, an
tarn effec
JUL. 7` 5
(L Under general'direction°o_f'the City Manager, perfo
rms beginning level
adini`nistrative or 'management work of a staff or line nature; .and does
L�. related work as required:..
Examples of Dutie's
Assists in °anallyti,d:al studies of organizational, budgetary, and admini-
makingmanal sees;o`f the workppro rams and cost estimates in
y P q collecting
t n varq n .
assists in c ,
. us city e ar.•en s• asst merit
connection with the �'dep'artmental budge.ts,, assists in the develop.
and installation of management improvements' and practices through,
T P.
and or anization and°wpreparing charts; assists in rePari operating
research and anaysis; assists in the preparation , of o eng narrativvee and
statistical p y e .and management prob-
lems in the operatingndepart en oassists in''.collection" of data and in
. P. .. finis, r. a ,,h
e' merit,;
preparation of requests for federal grant programs; may; represent the
department before vari:olus agencies and groups.
Employment Standa'rd,s,
(. Edu on and Ex er. enc'e : Graduation from an
y p ] P accredited college or
un vers'it, with ma or course work in is or_ business. administra°tion
or' ,a,. closely rebated field..'
Know1edgesl,a_nd Ab�il,ities ` Knowledge :of Moder
;n principles,, practices,
andtheory of publi-c',, adm°nistration; knowledge of the" purposes and meth=
budgeting. Some knowledge ,of'"the organization'.
s of
t function5vandmactiv g" y to assist
ties of local overnment. The ability
in analyzing., admini,sltrati,,Ve, problems, budget, request, and !.a variety of
-systems 'and procedures; ability to "establish and maintain effective
working relationships with departmentalpersonnel, department heads, and
ability „to make and inter ret s cal computations
other'.:employ y p tatisti
charts, and diagrams; ability to speak and w"rite effectively.
JUL. 7 5
a ,
I a
o secretarial ,and res onsible clericaF Work. U p F for' the City Manager; to
perform direction,
c variety of routine administrative tasks; and, to do related work, as required.
Examples of Duties
Screens visitors,, telephone calls -and mail directed to. the City Manager; gives information
to the public or directs requests to appropriate department, arranges meetings and
conferences; takes "and transcribes, correspondence :and memoranda from .the Manager;
y with City policies
conformance ,
reports and
composes and, types letters and memoranda a in
mdependentl fron bne:f instructions; takes and transcribes rep minutes of,meetings;
makes appointments for the"City Manager and Council members; prepares budget for City
g p g matters pertaining �o ims; p "ep'ares news
Manager and Council departments; reviews . eneral and-water r
releases, coordinates a variety, of County and State the City; maintains
personnel records; ,assists, it testing and interviewing, of job apolican;ts; prepares a variety
of of ann'ua'l ares ortstand-rero eramds� of may
servpce frome 'departments.
employees,, supervises reproduction
.� p ' q
p p g artments.
Employment Standards„
` p ny °combination equivalent _to. graduation from high school
and cf ve years of increasinglyn`responsible experience i,in secretarial and clerical work.
Knowledges and
„ Abilities.,Knowled
e of modern offce racii
cesand equipment; knowledge
of genera[ p'ersonnel,andbudgetary practices;: knowledge
of the functions, organization
and policies of the City; ability:, to work under pressure; ability to take dictation at a
r i`accurately and rapidly;
speed of not less than 11`0swords per minute and to transcribe t.
ability to type accurately from clear copy at a'speed of not less than 60 words a minute;
ability. to spell correctly' aridto use good English.
JUL. 7, .S
b, .nsib'le for enforcing rices governing the licensing,
Under direction, to . _ e responsible ng .ordina
impounding, treatment. and' 'di'sposal of animals; and to do related' work as required.
Examples of Duties
and settles such.,:com 'laints;as tactfully as possible',-, s; answers complaints regarding dogs
Patrols the City and "looks for ,stray dogs and animal
p y p. ', investigates the condition and behavior
any dog believed to b& cious .or dangerous, humanely ;destroys ,and m
akes proper
disposition of dogs injured' upon the highways;uil arantinps� dog�sl reported to have bitten
any person; sells.dog 'licenses; Imaintains the animal'shelteo i"moupd unidentified
found, running ,at, large,or dogs' creating nuisances; feed's, waters and otherwise cares for
'dogs-impo redo titin prepares rireports and correspondence; answers questions regarding
ordinancesg , may supervise the work of one 'or more employees.
Employment Standards
Education'' and'' 'Experience: ` Any combination equivalent. to' ,graduation "'from ' high school
and one 'year of experience, in. the handling of small,, domestic animals..
Knowled es and Abilities f .the laws and re various breeds of g y f o care
g g dogs and ability
for small animals, knowledgonowe l a of r!egulatio5ns1governing the licensing, quarantine,
impounding—care aril'desiruction of dogs; familiarity with tFie symptoms of animal diseases;
ability to develop and;, maintain, harmonious public relations;,,ab.ility to keep simple records
and prepare. reports.
Won, to t in, the operation of.thel animal'shelter and the enforcement
I p ..
rider su ery
of ordinances,,go,ve�nrng the licensing, impounding, treatment and disposal of animals; and
to do related "Wo'ek 'as required.
Examples of Duties
"Answers, complaints: regarding animals and settles 'such complaints as tactfully as possible,
issues e with 'State code and Cit y.+ordinances; co.11ects;.fees for animals
tuned'cinto shelter, releases animals
' I• , ng roper fees;, receives
enses �in
I.. cc ,,-.. h „ ,I to owners of .. -
ter determining p
telephone and :pers'onal reports of animal bites .and relays' reformation' to County for
quarantine. and other. action• ;washes and disinfects"kennels and related areas at the shelter;
information' sers animals; disposerab es clinics, ordinances, rules safety, schedule; . gives out
9 ,,prescribed
pertaining lto anima y, etc.; keeps records.
Employment; Standards
Education and Experieence 'Any combination &C OlVaf@nt to, completion of high school.
d .some ex
an penence1bin the handling of small 'domestic'°animals. -
g and,Abiilities Knowledge of the, various breeds of dogs and ability -to care
K_nowled es ;mals• `abilit :' to leas g
for small ani'" y,. K lea ng the laws' and re ulat1ons governing the licensing,
quarantine, impounding, care; and destruction 'of' dogs; familiarity with the symptoms of
y develop and maintain harmonious public relations; ability to
animalt t0
keepsimplesrecords'I andprepare reports.
Under general direction, to assign, coordinate and direct the work of the Engineering
Division of the Public. Works) Department; to assist in the administration of the Public
Works Department; :and to do related work as. required.
Examples of Duties
Plans, organizes, directs and reviews the work of professional and technical employees
involved in engineering work related to the design and construction of streets, sidewalks,
water and sewer systems, drainage structures; utilities installations and other public works
facilities, reviews engineering plans, designs, specifications and estimates for form and
accuracy;.represents the City Engineer at meetings and conferences with public and private
agencies concerning ergi'neering projects;. participates in policy and procedural conferences;
performs difficult civil engineering design work; consults with departmental officials on
engineering problems; maintains .liaison with other City departments regarding legal and
similar problems; makes special studies and prepares comprehensive reports; supervises
mapping activities for the City; answers public questions or complaints regarding City
engineering projects, traffic engineering problems, sidewalk construction and location of
water and sewer lines supervises; day -today traffic engineering activities; assists in the
overall administration' of the department; acts for the department head in his absence.
Employment Standards
Education and Experience '� A_ny .combination equivalent to graduation 'from college with
major work in civil engineering and. four years of professional civil engineering experience
including both field and office responsibility with, at ,least two years in a supervisory
Knowledges and,:Abilities' :Knowledge of civil engineering principles, practices, problems
and calculations; knowledge of public works administration, planning, design and
maintenance; knowledge of municipal administration; ability to coordinate and supervise
the:' activities of engineering divisions and personnel;'abil'ity to'plan, lay out and review'
engineering assignments; ability to plan and make major designs of public works
construction projects, ability to prepare specifications, estimates, work schedules,, plans,
maps and reports; ability to win the respect and cooperation of other officials, subordinates,
contractors and representatives of the public; supervisory and training ability.
Licenses o_r'Other Requirements: Possession of a valid certificate of Registration as a Civil
Engineer issued by the California State Board of Registration for Civil Engineers.
JUL. r' 5
U eneral direction, to,, assist, in plan and
the C nder�, ,g ning, organizing,
nance., 0
treatment:''!plan,tp ' dtrel`at"ed_ifac lit es, ncludlin'gtperform ng
standard,,chemical and biological examinations of sewer, water, and
.industrial, efI luent waste; and to do related 'work as. required.
"I Assists Director on general g sewage treatment plant
g ass s°ts '" dire'' e
ent of th
and related,f'acilities:' directing and°training employees;
al mane em
performs a varie'ty.of.standardized and complex chemical and
bio -
log ay f sewage and water samples; collects
samples and
performs- laboratory checmial 'and bacteriologgical
refe'renc'e tests;
prepares solutions and reagents; assists withleff'luent,and indus-
trial waste inspection and monitoring program,; makes'cheirical tests
' of City swim pool and reference analytical td'sts on filter backwash
I, for the ,Water Divis;ion„int„erprets laboratory to
preparing monthly andannua1 Regional Water ResourcesContro
and monthly Cityl reports;maintains an inventory, of required chemi-
cals, solutions, acids cultural media, required forms and suppli;e:s
operator during emergenc'�.es,t,; serves on a relief basis as plant,
and other laboratory equipmen
and personnel shortages;, instructs plant
onlaborasa,ry adjusttments and changes on plant operations
o er
callstas necesods, techniques, and procedures; responds
and y
to`” emergencyy nary' acts as .Dire'ctor in -his absence.
Education ;& Exper"enc
e : A'n'y "'combination :eq.uival"ent to graduation
from college or university. wit -h, a major in" chemistry, biochemistry,
biology or related field and two years of experience as a laboratory
me experience ,n maintaining or operating a sewage
treatment plant.
Knowledge' of Operation' aild 'maintenance 'of ., a "sewage' trea-tment plant
and laboratory; chemical laboratory techniques mat'erials`, and
equipment, including standard. chemical and biochemical analyslis of
sewage and water; princ p.le's o"f organic and i'norgan°i.c= chemi"stry;
principles" of training and supervision.
• prepare laboratory -reagents 1 laboratory
ap and
Ability. to• Pe r r and specialized to ratus
II II water,; re•are laboratoand0.ea ents and assemble ltsiof sey appa
for chemical and biochemical! analysis; make complex mathematical
and concise P al reports; plan, train,.and superprepare clear
�: ogees;
oe techn�, _ .. n
Can maintain accurate recor s p
cap cu ati a
establish' 'arid ,!mai.ntain ef,fsative and cooperative working °relationships .
" C'ertif:ica't�e °Re�'uirement
q ': Possession of a" wastewater "Trea;tment Plant
p ' e III Certificate as issued by tYie State 'Water 'Re-
sources Control
•, lily. �� i�. I' ,. n �. I,. � � . 1 ,��, � '6n �'
,Undergeneral direction., ,to assist in organizing a'nd directing
the ope`rations', and maintenance of the 'City "s water utility
system arid' re"lated''facil.it •es; and to 'do relayed work as required.
Assist Director in
management functions,; budget. control,
� general,
urchasin , operation`s° installation, maintenance, repair and
inspection of'',jw& eri, productionum in
p• p' g: stations,, filter plant
que-duct pressure reducing• stations supply mains distribution
mains,, dams an'd .related' facil•ities,, projects and equipment.,;
review maintenance° and operation, f'ea'tures of proposed; plans and
system, improvements, ° e"' � ci,a-ions:, assist in inspection of ,
specifications and makxteris'oonsnortreplacements;confer with
City ,inspectors and ,eng'iineer-ing personnel on system projects and
coordinates .work utilities and
contractors, a's.with"Other City departments.,. n pr'eparing.ch, emical tests and reports
related to swim cente1.r,,"' filter ,and mechanical ,s;ys,tem"s; assists
evaluates thegwork''of"em to ees, prepares1.gnments to, employees;
in supervisin training and giving ass
'gyp y reports,, designs, :studies
y and corresp%ondence;; assists in!hand'ling complaints and difficult
water ice. problems ,,responds to emergency ,.calls as necessary;.
attends eme'etings , :actsfor -the Director in his ,absence.
Education and Experi°ence;: Any, combination of training and,exper-
iehce equivalent to completion of two years of college and five
oeeratonrandoconstrucxperence in water utility system ma-intenance,
p tion inspection and.at least two years of
supervisory experience
on, administration and operations per-
tainina tooa.domes.t d wat'`
Knowledge, g,
' q er system.; State and local rules and
r'egu;liations and safety. orders ,related to a. -water-.. system;; principles
water cti "" on system ma°in`tenance, operation and construction;'
,practices uct transmi.s,sion and distribution hydraulics;• principles
of train in,g, and,'s•u er "
ons ,;hand. n, im rovemen.ts with regards si o I. 1 g dsttonmaintenancesandeoperas for
,Abirfty t Review plans and specific' make
revs .. ' P _ ting
feaopetures; prbpare, reports, "studies, and correspondence, learn to
regulations',; lam,train athe s stem; enforce safety rules and
m d in y
use work employees; -establish
,and supervise wog
and main tain'effective cooperative" worki.n 'relations..
e ui v P Certificate
Certificate Required:.' Water. Treatment Plant O erator's
Grade 3 or h',gher'', as�`'�issued by State of California, Department of
Pub,linc n He
sitalth,: must,be,obtaned within two years after app ontment-
to pos .ion.
n l
XL. 7 5,
� au
ned shift to assist.
� der supervision, on � an assig m the operation ' of a,sewage treatment
plant; to 'assist in the general maintenance and repair of _treatment plant facilities; and.
,. to I;do ,related work . s,`required:
'DistinguishingCharacteris tics,;.
f �
This is the traihing level class for: the plant 'operator series ..W th, increasing experience',
may be',assigned mo e d Ih P operator duties with
tan heiemployee
to the . nexdt higher level jplant
expectation, of eventual, p.romot' ourneyman.class of Sewage
Plant Operator.'
Examples of Duties,
Operates and c of sewage treatment last equipment; reads. gauges,
dials and othe _ 'and _records pertinent data; makes required adjustments as
necessary' .'toy insure efficient; andkeffective operation .of, pfant equipment, including pumps,
valves, motors, filters, feeders, and'. related plant equipment; collects sewage samples and
assists with laboratory' tests; regulates pressure. and flow of water or sewage-, cleans, paints
and performs other "lm_inor. ;maintenance'.. work. on ;plant, equipment';;assists"with difficult
preventive maintenance,,� repair; work cleans and sweeps, plant facilities and performs routine
'- 'dmcalls.9rounds-maintenance--work,-may-°-be required to-respon
Em 10 ment y
p y � Standards
Education �andr Experience: ,,Any„'combination equivalent to ;graduation from high school,
and, one tyear of experience in the operation and minor maintenance of mechanical
' .
Knowledges and Howled a of the o erasion a_n maintenance of electrical- and
ties K' g ptypes
� of stationary
internal combustion °mo,tors,,pumps, and other,' equipment; _ability to „
learn the o eration o,fry -water and sewage treatment ,ability,. to use tools efficiently-
m -the. re` aP � of electnca_I and mechanical a ui” menplants;
- p ,i q p t ability to read gauge's.�and meters,
ecords ability. to learn the
to"'°take 'sa'mples ��=and', run 'laborat'ory tests; ability to mainfiain records;'
safety, ,procedures involved in handling of high pressure chlorine gas.
JUL. 75
I, o
Under` ldirection, to performa 'variety of technical plan"
nmg research and: anal,,ysis;, to
supervi'ssand° participate 'in, the, day-to-day administration 'of" zoning regulations; and to
do related work 'as. required.
Examples of Duties
• Supervises and ,partic'pates•an'}the
dse designea -kes studies and investigations of specialu�ariance an
review aPPlict onsand
of land useand. rezoning problems; prepares and presents reports,
recommendations,and supporting data; supervises „hand participates in the e. collection,
tabulating andanalysis of data related to planning, maintains planning research data control
files; participates in advance p g g ies of land use; prepares
lannm work; assists in �desi n stud�-
and supervises preparation',of, rnapIS and graphic illustrati'ons,used in presentation of reports;
g' Commission meetings; represents the department, at other, meetings and
con a'ssi ne`
attends Planning,
as ''ashill I
' Employment ''Standards
y,,:,equivalent, o graduation„ from college with
Education,, and Experience,.,_,
a de ree-in planning or 11 related f eld and ttwo years of a perience in .planning and zoning
administrafionw,ork. W
Knowled ges' and Abilities K'howle
` ` d ' e of coin�munit''I
g community,, de p " ',' p y nowledge of an the factors
k planning p.r.mciples andability to. apply .
affectin corn veto merit' and o enation, d abili
research and statistical] methods aelat d to he. ll ction,. co 9palmg and analysis of basic
p tate and local . "lannm and tonin I11aws,fabiii and graphic presentations;
knowledge "of S owl, e,, _ k
'� p g g ty' to supervise the won
y.a o planning y' effective relationships with other
f, tannin ass�stants.�,abilit to establish and maintain effec
:employees, officials, and the public.
JUL''. 7 5
, Defrnffiorn
Under on to
'� g' .ruction ,for compliance with building'
�" er general supervise inspect building const nce
•codes and related codes and, ordinances; and to dog related work as required.
E'xamplil of DutiesIT "+
Makes field inspectibnsof building construction, plumbing electrical, mechanical and other
installations. in residential and;'^commercial. structures,insu're compliance with State and
t Itsee that�'build`gs and struct d es �areatci'ons; investi ates violations of .zoning -laws; checks
�, y. codes; laws; ordinances g g
s. chec Y _ pP
end' in accordance with a p " roved
Plans! llication� " "ks ualit of'" aterals and m
p s. ands: asp q y . ethods of construction, makes,
i ` , ngs for hazardous coriditions,, structural "failures or need for
inspections of existing buildings
re a tenance or
lap lance with State law and building
IT lations; chec '" p ns and specifications for coin
main re air Ives' information to builders and others regarding building
p ng
, .to-latcodes as adopted by the CitY, including legall restnicr , in to zo
nil issues building
IT permits an her construction 'and alteration permits, and approves final inspection
'�certi�f icate:
' Employment Standards.
Education y comb'n_ _
aearsEopevar� ed eAnenence• lino the building.letrade s oa building
and,'three' ,y P9 comstruc.tion as
a 'journey,manor, inspectors +
Kno,wledges and Atiilit'es: u Kno9
wled "e of building'construction, methods and materials; .
kno.wle'dge of proper mspectioand of State and local laws relating to;,bilding construction;
knowled e�.of the builds . g code � "
n methods; knowledge ,,of legal procedures involved in the
ehforcemdhir of b6i,i d t PP ability, to read and, interpret building plans
en t of b_uildin codes and' ordinances,,
and, to enforce their, a licati'on, ability, to prepare clear written, reports;
ability,`to deal ,effectively ,with and "secure the' cooperation of persons connected with the
building industry'
Under supervision, to perform clerical work involving the collection of various fees • and
meats d'ue the City, to ate a central telephone switchboard; and to do related
Pay' opera
work as ,required.
E'x'amples of Duties
Ives a variety
Rece of payme fees daily; prepares and issues receipts; balances paid
bills and, receipts against cash and:, sorts and posts to a
nts and
_ ppropriate accounts; prepares daily
cash -reports and t,l ban,k', Ideposits_as directed; • updates alphabetical 'index cards; answers
incoming telephone calls and makes proper connections to persons on departments
dechnical' information i_n reply to
questions or eers callers
to proper"'sources, rr a -y,' operate, adding, billing, sorting, 'addressing and postage machine
typewriter and other office,,equipment.
Employment .Standards'
and E' p i ' 'Any (combination equivalent to- graduation from 'high school.
Education x enence
wled""es sties K
Knowledges and -Abil riowle
g of good English usage, spelling and diction; ability •
to lea"rn the methodsit "practices and terminology of financial record keeping; ability to
team the-operatron of aJtelephone-switchboard, ability -to -learn -modern office -methods,
rocedures and -applJgAjons ability -to make arithmetical calculations rapidly and
accu"ately �abifit�y'�to` understandand .follow oral and written' instructions; ability to deal
tactfully and courteously, , wkth the, public.
u III "i"„ illi
Ill Jilt:
+jI •,. it ."' I I.u, r,I I I�" .. i ,I.... ..u, I •.
.I I
DefinI !Ion,
Under—general supervision I to perform engineering work yin the design .and construction
of public works facilities; and to do related work as required:
Examples les of. Duties
Supervises a survey) art on' preliminar , construction, Location or other survey work,
g s, Y y methods ,for survey requests
nal zes data:.,
e needs., and .work
.. Y
� establishes prop'ert lines, supe`ry sesr.and survey personnel; prepares engineering.
,I Y
' ' trains -other s
designs, plans and specification's.,for 'the construction Of streets; :sidewal
sewers, water
l .;I „ preliminary design studies to determine the most economical
torm drains, ,and other structures, prepares specifications and
and costs,- makes' ' and
satisfactory type of installation 'to; be used at a particular location,; acts 'as construction
p check's subdivision and Parc
el maps- Pr:„ovi es information on
insdepartmentector. as,, required
o erations to interested parties, prepares and compilesengineering and specia,l
re orts, )maintains en � ceali eg files and prolect'recgords'and su plies; attends ;meeti.ngs and
g P
conferences- makes s el d studies and investigations for the'department; as necessary.
to m
m °la
_p y ,ent; Standards
y p.: ence, IAny c-omb,ination e9uivalent to graduation from high-school
ndbyxcollege level, courses in engineering, or mathematics and four years of
( supplemented du t,
`Ir.. ,
increasingly-responsible—sub pro #essional--engineering--office=and} survey party -.work:.
K'.. es Knowledge. - ,g-neer
Howled es,and_Abiliti II , g
ci le
used in the. coristructibn `and maeintena
f"' ublic-work ng _methods and techniques
g f modern civ�l`�en
rice o p,_ s; kn0"ledge of prin p _s and
meennng-field' , and -office
ce work, 'including drafting and .s
practices,praptices, of en
proceduresand e uiP erit ability omakedifficult engineering',com utations,estimates,
and designs; 'ability .to prepare :and interpret plans 'and specifications, ability to use
.g- 'g rg I and
t, ability conduct exacting engineering
esearchl work and ments,crPorts;abilt umeasure
"ti and: to make and interpret'suryey calculations; ability to understand and carry out technical
ffrr�, ,instructio;ns:.
w I I
JUL. 7 5
Under direction; to supervise and,�perform responsibl, civ,il,engineeringwork in the planning
and design of public worksfacilities; and to do related work' as required. •
Ekamples of Duties
Coordinates, supervise r , p p g ties in connection with
s;� and: performs responsible engineering du
major public works construction and maintenance projects, prepares and .supervises
" ,"egand the construction. of preparation of compaeted
' tiers, on difficult' engineering problems; � iures;;assists and directs subordinate
streets, sto
staff rriemrm drains, water Vines sewers an other str•u Necks ,plans`' an specifications for
raccuracy,, design ;and completeness;, and makes .suggestions for revisions, and improvements;
prep preliminary rid final cost estima , rdinates engineering work with other
ares relimi ates• coo
departmentaU sections'and 'divisions; trains and supervises subordinate personnel 'engaged
� m drafting'and. other „engineering activities; meets with
City, Statnd
other officials to
ePrbmecting engineering projects;preparesengineering and
special repotschecks fiasubdminorconformance
with State laws;
. p , d su erutses ins, ection of ublic works ro'tandards .and recommends changes;
checks im lans for conformance to City ,s
' ins ects ap p' projects;: supervises and performs traffic
V ,
'engineering duties as, -assigned,; attends, meetings �and� conferences.
Employment. Stan-dardsl
Education _.and „Experience. 'An,y:' combination' equivalent to, 'graduation from college' with
work. . it 9. 9,, Y p P engineering
a major in civil en ineerin and three; ears•,of responsible experience in civil en ine
construction; knowledge 'of the princi' les and
rad 9i fanning, design and
Knowledges and Abilities Knowledge of munici`pal's, public works p
p p sneering and'hydraulics;
lees of civil en
kno'wledger°of topog1. raphical'irand, construction .survey.i'ng; knowledge. 'of traffic: engineering.
to prepare and supervise preparation of completed plans
d s .ecification's and' to maP P
anactices and rocedur,
r p es, ability ' ke and review, est;rnates; ability to' prepare comprehensive
P _
rpeports, ability t,oelf ectively..direct :and supervise the 'work of subordinate engineering
Under direction, to ass'. est` the Chief of Police in, the .,planning,
reduction of crime and xime,occur.renpaimed
ces; to encora,g the
im lementation and coor
cg'e police -
'6 it i 'zdn
''cit:i'zen partnership in th,e''�cau's.e of trim& p;;r;ewent,ion , and- to do
related work as required.
p g p of crime= p:r:event;ion programs;
Assist in Tannin and im l,emen°tation
create e•rcial bur lary • p .c'ti,orn programs
and reportingnprocedure§,,ip'repare andgdissem'inate crime prevention
material, and informat,i,&n a{nd_ to demonstrate various security
devises" and tec.hn'i.que-s; explain, other police department programs;
introd'uc'e crime pre'ven;t°io,n i,,;pro:gram .to the community and, develop
-and maintain a,c,ontinu;ing relationship with various community and
neighborhood groups; c,00r,&Pna•te department',.s crime prevention
1IIg g program nd r:eeommend
activities; • cond•uct�•an :on,- orn � ro ram �evaluatiom a
changes as •required;° maintain .dai'ly •log'"..of' acti•v't;ies and'. assume
,r r-eaP" on;sib.i,litY l f,or.°+� va•ri�ous,�,;,,rcr me pr,een•t=ion,�.acti,viti,es including
, v
correspondence-and oto'•."insure 'c,oip'pliamo+e -with all •program; ,require.ments;
11,dkep akireasto:f.ail'ypol.ic"ede;pair:tment„acct°ivites.•
•Abili.ty :to s:p.e,ak and =write eff'ecti:vely;. ab•i,lity to prepare clear
conci,s'e and .accurd.t.e rrepotr'ths;. -abil t to estab;l s.h and maintain
p g e hic.ps with the, ion, or e c. publiand ,members of the
defartme.nt`Joknowledgea'ofofu�' .
g izat'on,regul'ati:ons and
Policies of •depattm'ent; . ability ,to -read 'and :understand police
pro-c:edur:es and -crime -peeve-lntl°gn-te,chniq ies;,.•ability .to .understand
and, follow,oral and •written direct.ions;; ability'" -to train others
in. crime •Prevention techniques,; ability to quickly evaluate.
situat`.onrs and':,g•.i•ve' •appr-orir,iate;,,rie:spons,e.
'E'D.0CAT ION ^^AN,D ,.E�gP'ERIE� •
� � E'..
Any. combin;.ati,on. equiva-lent :to .,completion >of'• two (2) years of college
supplementedb'y co.u''rs°e,s in police; public or business administration,
sociology -or „cl,ose.ly. related field_ and three year's of public contact,
JUL. 7 5 �.
, ,.IAN
n to.keepassigned City buildings in a clean and order) condition; and
.Under supervision
p, Y
to do related work ''asjequired.
Examples of ° Duties
� buffs' scrubs and .dusts, waxes, washes 'and 'polishes
Sweeps, mops, wakes,,
l eslsef�oo'es and cl
p pp p eans waste receptacles; cleans
furniture .and woodwork ,replenishes su
nd wa'lls; replaces light bulbs cleans fountains; polishes metal
ows la°the
work; g v nformation to . t °public; turns outlights and locks doors and windows;;
of equipmentlrlr and°; work- may make minor repairs
and 'reports the need for otherarepairsu ends surrounding walks and grounds; put flags
up on flag poles •outside of City, building. ,
Employment 'Standards'
'' :'y q ompletion of the eighth grade
Education and''E'xperi'ence. An combination'e equivalent, Ila, c
and one year, of experience-An :custodial work. r ..
ges and Abilities: iKriowledge of the methods- matenals'and equipment used in
janitorial work; ability„ to understand and carry out, oral and written directions; ability
to maintain schedules -providing #or periodic- cleaning' o.f all facilities assigned; ability to
observe and' report, needs fqn 'maintenance 'or supplies; ability to, prepare meeting rooms
for meetings;- ability to get,,,,along well with others.
,ill ail
Under general' s 'sion, to 'do skilled work in the repair, .alteration, construction,
inst ion and ma n,tenance'', of electrical ,systems and mechanica'I equipment; and to do
related Work as required
Examples of Duties
Installs services re ai
rs and"maintains _maintams lighting,ower, p , heating, street ' p , g, lighting, pumps, and
traffic control ;systems; `makes new installations, -adds, to existing installations and repairs
electr,ical,'systems in,,,-City.`,!buildings and,,facilities tests,, jocates, and repairs trouble in
electrical systems and equipment; lubricates, cleans, adjusts, and makes repairs to heating,
ventilating and,'biher mechanical, equipment; repairs and replaces defective parts in pumps,
g s .and appliances;' makes emergency repairs
'and routine overhauls s
s auls of trafficTonal control equipment,"keeps operating logs and simple
records of time ;and materials used.
Employment Standards
and two 'ears of a onsi_b p' g high school
Education and Experience: Any combination equivalent 16 graduation from h
y sp le ex erience in electrical and mechanical maintenance work.
and i'Knowmechanacal" Atrades s know eld,gee of the°, instal ation6aa' and
of the todis, practices of the electrical
I .
. and maintenance of electrical
' n performing a ec ticalnand mechanic of City,,eaectrical copes,.�ability to demonstrate skill
Howled e
al installation and re air work : ability to work from
blueprints, .sketches, plans.aid specifications; ,ability to follow oral and written directions.
JUL• 7 ..
Under superv' 'on; to do r_odfi' 'si _ tine field survey or, drafting' 'r.00m °work; and to do related
work as required.
p `
Exam les o Duties,, ,
chain y party;, stakes and clears brush;
Acts as head :ori rear.
man �n . a °field serve drives
assists on level or transit, work;' takes measurements with tape or chain; sets and marks
grade stakes, hubs, turri`in ;, points',°`arid. Bench marks; °carr"ies instruments; cares for survey
instruments aen Iman�s` umakes simple, computations and field notes; .oecasionall acts as
relief instr
um t traces .m ink drawings and does simple drafting, work- may assist'
in conducting traffic counts, land ;speed checks;-. files maps-- checks records and changes
location of underground utility systems ' on maps.
Employment' Standards
Education -and .Ex erience. Any combination equivalent to graduation from high school,
q. ,�. g g
including "or' sup"p'le'mente&' by courses in algebra,' geometry and trigonometry. .
Knowled " biliL;t to�d p
ges° and Abilities 'A y " o shim ie surveying,'drafting and computing; ability
to equ pment;eabilty oo ,traceydrawings ddand' ma ns tand enfe,. and construction materials„ and
g g ..
Y P prepare simple drawings; ability to
bulations and reports; abilto follow establishe6procedures in, the performance
prepare 'ta
u( professional engineering du"ties reguinn9 tai" effective working t careful execution, .s
of makm t accuratelncomputations ati-I to establish an'
g y d mai'n
relationship s with supervisors, emp'loye6_; 'and the rpublit:
I i1
" a i
Under general supervision, to do::'subprofessional 'field and. office engineering: work; and
to .do related work as' re wired':
Examples of Duties
9 - p°
Performs a variety, Tof.;draftin duties in connection withi ublic,works construction and
im oveme. d . dia' ram"s drawings; prepares or revises
maps, charts aan!v, d-id, pre Brass sts kwi#h Idesi iii 'W' orkiled
p g p drawl
g ,. reports and
9 g g p pn field surlveyswork and acts
specifications, makes en ineenn calculations, partici ates
as rod mari , chainman or .in-strurnentman in a survey, party;,' assists in making: inspections
" to 'enforce comp9ance '"with ,plans and specifications o`na variety of construction projects;
` p it sof materials. and, laking'samples for '..laboratory testing;
r aat�ti i a sin t�".
p e making
ess' and"• traffic counts, maintains office records and files maps,
, -test results
tq • I, - .
Em p '�lo y s merit .Standard'
�Education --and Ex Brie binat equivalent
supplemented"•�t'b ` pgll`egeeleN el ycou courses an trigonometry and r�duation :from high school
yrafting and two years of
rve drafting;.�or- office engineering�,,,work..
experience: , m 'fie d � su ; , y, b ,
K'nouVledges-and 'Abilities. K"nowiedge.of the.,principles.,and practices. of civil engineering
io design,
,p bl constructipri
of` streets, sidewalks, drainage, sewer
as related n
{d a, systems 'and oth" y ties; kno1-11 wledge of the materials, methods and
equipmenvused in thelconstruction: of public .vvorks �facilit�'es knoinrledge of and skill in
--. � � e ofsconstrucdti nn�m tenal 4 atiilit nowledge of :methods and '
the use of surveyingm
. equi ment,.,used" in the''testin estabfish-andmaintain
effective. relationships;—ith_o-thers.-
j Definition
r Uoder, general u ervisi
onto ,make major and minorre a
i,rs,to a variety of gasoline and
other power driven and mechanical equipment; and to do related work as required.
Ekarriple's' of Duties
Inspects motorised and mechi ch
'anical equipment; diagnoses 'trouble. and determines extent
+ of necessary, repairs; owerhauis,, repairs and adjusts engines; transmissions, differentials and
clutches;;,. tunes. up engines; installs new or rebuilt engines; reconditions engines; refaces;
" reseats and adjusts valves; replaces, fits and adjusts ;pistons; rings and - bearings; replaces
rods sdupapr'pumps, strainers, fuel lines,
gasoline, tanks gageswres and econd t onselecticalsysferns;
.adjusts. spark plugs;
tests and �;repairs:;b starters; recharges batteries; repairs ,and replaces isuch, other components
generators, d.tve
relays- lights and switches; relines and adjusts brakes; overhauls
hydraulicb""'ooster andacuum
systems; repairs 'radMors, ,wa"ter;,pumps and hoses; replaces
water jacket, plates „and faros; installs axles; ,assists in buildingspecial p construction or
maintenance �equipmemt; may perform welding or .other machine shop work incidental'to
mechanical ire airs ° keeps records of time, materials, parts, .and -work performed; orders
repair parts: anmaterials.
P Y s
Em to menf' Standard'
y Education and eExper",uence.l Any combination equivaient „to graduation, from high school
i l driven equ pment,expenence" m' th'e overall.-,, air of.=trucks, au"tomotive;.and .light -power
and two='c p
K g Abilities Knowledge of light and ;. y construction and. maintenance
Howled es and;; heav
equipment and automotive 'apparatus and skill in.the use of a wide variety of equipment
y, care and operation
Hing of ^;various=typesa of ,_mgechanical repairs; knowledge of the
p Is an„�.. _
stion engines-- ability to diagnose mechanical
re air too f internal combu
�thk...,. r
oubles a,nd ,determine app o'prnate, maintenance work; ability to keep records and prepare
JUL 7,5
ad. wyl
Definition .
Under genera ervis on to;;assistlin servicing and re aiein `automobiles sweepers, tractors
g p ,' � 9, p 9! ,
and other power driven and, mechanical equipment; .and to do related work 'as, required.
sof Dufies
Example -
'determine' need for fuel, oil;. water„ air, and battery water., and
Inspects equip ment to •
aaas these supplies, as neededn'" lubricates all types of equipment,. cleans and washes
equipment, tunes a usis motors on automobiles, .trucks, sweeper, tractors and
qw pmerit• asstsmother e Oe.rformling,Imajor repo i son street sweeper; replaces main. and
brooms g arc and acetylene welders and
9 P , p
y , performs weld ngeandrmach ne shop work' incidental to mechanical
a vane of hand tools ,
ne airs• re airs and mainta�nsM�stationar en mes and' various pumps; cleans and maintains
p p • y gi • _
hand tools; keeps records. "
Employment, Standards,
ombin' u
and Ex .'erience. ''Any ation a uivalent "fo.
Education P q graduation from high school
A n automotive
and one ear of ex e nence�� ive 'repair work. I
y P
III �rKnowled
es and,'Abiitiesn9wage' to onesmpail,e .and
preventive , maintenance of light, and heavy construction qu•pentnd automotiveapparatus;
familiarity, with -;°mechanical equipment and tools° used, in making mechanical
p ' ,-,and . written instructions.__ .
reairs• ability- to, follow.,.oral
h IF
1 `
r r i�� , . FIRE _ .
Under en; ral direction an assigned shift; to have responsi
g e , .on 'bility for all firefighting
activities in the City; and `to do related work as required.
Examples of Duties
es subordinate, rdinate offieecs of command upon
g 9 9
aarri al On an aanlOndi'rects ,fief ht answers escue,sand,'salvage, .'operations, maintains command of
firefighting o erat'
companies:.on �ditlo to,�determmleVs y"equipment,,, facmakes regular inspections of
"status f 'rf
P 9 ,,- y y g- �• p . lit�ies, 'pes�n shift�asdi training
.dail asst nments,`to ersonnel recommend g gnments
resulting from
-vacations', holiday §',:'and, sick leave asst tsnd chmaintaining departmental
m ro ress, makes
-discipline e n orces: rules and regulations.,. " nd investigates reports from
reviews 1. i g
coin an officpers'er; 9 of 9
and oral
p y rell:
violations of rules,
and "r.'egulations; plans and supervises a
specialized area l°bf the Fire �,pepartment; such as training or, maintenance and upkeep of
equipment andaPpara"tus, participates
.ire t
' including drills, lectures,
sa'other in§tructnal'methods; p epares,,performance
evaluations of
p s including investigation of
• activities
causes lof fiiesffm'a.kes participates
of schoolsn�churches;' commercial establishments,
street y ons, water main systems, systems and other matters
terns, sprmkler
elevant to f �efi, htinn a_c�rnties m
Y y
g g , aintains records and' reports, may act for the Fire Chief
or Assistant, Fire Chief .in ;theit absence.
Employment Standards
nce An quivalent to graduation .from high school
�w Education and E"x ene_ , y ,combination e
supplemented by '12 units m If irei scien, ce and administration' and four years of experience
in firefighting. work, includingr two years in a responsible .supervisory capacity.
lKnow9 9 q pment; knowledge -
of' la Is,'orii nadnc'e band codes affect nofihe firefighting
of he hF dre De artme.
g g sande ui" '�
. � g p nt; knowled 'e' of .
Ima hods-, cefirefighting;,fire prevent,ioii and fire inspeetion,',knowledge of,,operation and:
_ - _. of apparatus and equipment" used in firefighting activities; knowledge of
P p n resuscitation racngc firknowleq,nel,.and,ldull. procedures„ knowledge of first,
rin`ci les and ° cactices.'of tra g
- aid, rescue a h.' dranfs and "valor � f ire ",hazards 9 � Y. g PyY, including the location. ,
e of local eo ra h
of mams'and y rds of the Cit" • abilit 'to lead'men effectively
and maintain disci line M , Y o male And "su ervise "a municipal fire prevention and.
'p abilrt to organize an p '
f.ire,'mspection 'program, ,ability �t records i and'' prepare. reports; ability to
administerfirst ji1p'r"cresuscitator; itoa.rn„ understand and interpret
laws and regulations; abitytoanalYze fire and' drivinsituations
and to adopt effective
courses of action. „
• .. is
JUL. 75,
Defin on
�:. .
' n anassigned 'shift to have responsibility for a fire station. or company;
Under direction, o
and to do related work as •requited.
Examples of Duties
Takes charge of "a fire„ station .or
company and supervises he maintenance of quarters
p Y ii
and' equipment d.uring,a, �assigne&shns if t respen and et u pment aalarnI ssl neteded route,
directs firefighting
operations th ouge of. r'u'ctionsgto "f�efi titin crews :until the arr,iyal o'f a superior officer;
situations at
in -to work of extinguishing, fires P• 9 ermin
h m g 9
and in erformm related life and
�pqrsonall,y assists property p otedion, directs'salva 6'operations after��, ires pre'extinguished,; det es„need
. • 9
for ,equipment repair, building and grounds maintenance and{ assigns personnel to perform
the vvork'makes recommendations for'° additional or''replacement of apparatus; supervises
an p p e operations; participates in inspecting,business and residential
d. artic
n aand enf'' -classes relieves sts in
at mbu lance
g ordinances; asci
es superior officers;
P, Y
orce co sonnet by conductor
fraitnin or 9 rmme unteer f,i I liance with safety
avvs an _
g ular„ and'�vol re er
performs, additional administrative duties as assigned; maintains departmental records and
prepares reports:
.,Employment S _,,",,ds
Education and, Ex erience:.An combination equiva g g
lent to raduation from hi h school
supplemented' -'by 9 units in' `f re science and three years oft firefighting experience m a .
full-time paid fire ";department.
Knodgest, and Abilities -"Knowledge .of modern -firefighting ad
ministration, procedures,
es and q p„ ent• knowled a of the location -of streets, hydrantss publi9 buildings
techniqu 'e ui m ,, 9
and'�fire'��hazards; knowledge „of City ordinances and State aws affecting firefighting and
prr' the �ucc6stflwll
evention, knowledge of` first aid; ability to a abilitp�toibility keep, re�ords.and repo is
ation and its men and equipment*
d safety prrncip A to develoe and Em's'; and-
operationb of a fire st
y g
knowledge of fire prevention an les methods, rule ; ,
ordinances, ,abil.ityito' �plan,, and direct .th'e work of others;,abilit P
ships wit m ehs the
ndpranlce `abdagij lttcon
cormprehens veg fire
a drill and training�progra ;-loO Ysical e
Under general supervision, t
o recei;ve, ala,r'rris� of fires and other emergencies and to dispatch
necessary, , com anies and equipment; ;to perform clerical duties; and to do related work
as requi
of Pods I.
On 'an assigned` shift -'receives alarms
of fires and other emergencies, including rescue or
s dis atches appropriate units and equipment according to district
. � assbnments ollerates'ra' o and telephone equipment and intercom system'; keeps in contact
9 p
mo 9 P messages and additional. equipment .when
k <"sotadvised rs and crews assi, ned ;and dispatches me,lep`hone anr.d related equipment dai y
nitors 'the radio, tests radio and to
determine i th . ey,are n,[proper working ndition, notfies all stations of water shut
offs closed streets,and bnd es fumigations and
' g other pertinent information.; keeps records
of all alarms orothercall'si'and a`IF otherilecords pertaining to the fire alarm
center,gives out a l vanef y of information' over the telephone to the public; may prepare
or°,a in ,.the preparation peciafil reports to;'various governmental or other fire agencies;
ssist' of s
prepares: `ambulance reports.
Educati.on__and°!Experience._.Any_combination_equivalent ,to' gr::aduatiom_from_.high._school__
and one` ;,year -o' experience, g p ,
. f clerical ex enence involving public contact.
g � office ,, practices ices and procedures; I
knowledge sof'' modebn'I f ling ands ndex.ingfinethods, know, edgeroftth'e City's geography;
y and .transmitting, ability to work °under stress and 'to make sound
abilit to learn; theyules and,,regulations of the FCC, coveringthe operation of emergency
service radio receiving
,personnel and f y p y" and concisely; ability to learn
tthe'oro anliiation acilities of the Fire De a
m emer enc. situations '•abilit ., to -s eak clear)
services ,ability 'to operate, a, switchboar' , y I YP rtment and related emergency
II and effective) with ublic.
�d;; abilit" tot a at.�a mmimum,,;,,spee,d�of 35 ords
Per minute; ability to deal tactfully y` the p
1t JUL. l
�Under (general supervisi 't 4'o e° trucks and firefighting equipment; ion, o' ,.prate and maintain fire
to fight fires and participate in fire prevention activities, to operate an ambulance in
answering' emergency- and;,pither calls; and to do related :wor,k as required.
Examples ;of Duties
= maintains. trucksand 'other vehicles,
responds to fire
alarms for the
'locates trucks in the properprotecton,.of lifend poperty.; may;:'select route.<to fire
place at the fire � oerr, Th efficient operation; lays. hose, lines and operates engine pumping
e ui ment:
q p as req ,, assist§'.holding nozzles to direct stream of water onJire;operates
n of p rates and dick ce in transporting patients to
the hospor., andi admi " 9 1
rasters, first aid • operates ,an ambulance
makes adjustments andthe handle' persons; inspects, services and
repai equipment- fire hoses; operates a
r rs . to a ui rnent; washes�general
and,. tests
' o idles or f cleanfandStorderly n la � sat�'ns from the public;
two --way radio on' vehicles -,6f ene
out the fire house;
E • 'II studies Fire .De artmentcrules 'a'nd� regulations, fire 'hazards assists m the maintenance s
p and firefighting techniques;
csssistsn n' fire,linspection activities; ,participates in fire',drills and exercises; may act as relief
Employment Standards",
Education ;and`Ezperence. A'ny-combination 'equivalent to-graduation-from'--high--school.--
b;ility f learn .firefi g htin and ,rescue methods and techniques,
Knowledges and;Abilities I A , g.
' o
p mach
with care and;, safet .. 9 g q, ipment; ability to drive fire truck.
and the operation and ad- nde, withftraff c laws and'', ordinances; ability to analyze.
ations, and to.'a
and anterretlavvs and dopt effective courses of action; ability to understand
interpret regulations; ability to. think and act ,'quickly,;'in emergencies; ability
, to follow oral ;and written instructions.
`I 11Y1
JUL. 7 5
Under general directi'o p g , and di
do vela n to, or anise a sect the fire prevention program of the
y d to r__a�l as required.
City; an ted work n" �_
Examples of Duties
tate lcegulations pertaining Ffire pY ventio program for the City,; enforces local and
-Plans and su ervises an eff
to �,fe safet'l in all t" es of occupancies; inspects or supervises
compliance w.i al, commercial and industrial, units, to determine
din force
. I e
they inspection,-th safety, laws and. ordinances; mvesti ates� the ,causes of fir g fire's
o III residential,;
of and spec ,'or places where there,4are, large public gatherings;'
high valuesmlor hazardous conditions- lans 'and ,conduct
p s programs 'in ,public education
anel inf rmaUonl re ardm violations fire revention regulations; advises answers questions,,
g g fire, prevention` investi ates complaints and'
.regardinghaza' ds'and viola p g . the Fire Chief. on
Mire prevention; maintains„ records' and prepares reports; gives'' talks'to, civic organizations
and groups; supervi p • p p of fire safety,
codes school
regulations, ordma', e.mamtenance of com lete°and accurate g races, Inspections rnade' 'and violations and pe
enalties; instructs
of r ses th
Fire Department personnel on fire prevention techniques; checks all new construction of
industries ;and public ',assembly buildings to insure the proper location. of sprinkler systems,
anp fire esca es, angd rns ects all underground pipes andpittings at the time of installation
su ervis '�
p P 9 PP
• yes staff assigned I'to �do fire revention work su ervises;'weed abatement program.
Emplo;yment__S_tandards .,
combination ,equ,ivalent
p � y co,mbinati to high school. supplemented by
9 -units ion f re sc once 6 three'years. of firefighting expenlence.
Knowle'dges an_d 'Abilities. "Knowledge of State, local and Federal laws and regulations
e ing, to, fire, pr evention'and,'suppression; knowledge'of ,fire prevention principles and
methods; knowledge of techni'
ues and a ui' merit `
. g q q p t used 'in fire- prevention.,. investigation
,prepare onsb'a'b li:fy. to supervdetailed
et and stigations, analyze findings and
r"' participate in firefighting; ability to
other. Cifore public
1, commun fi o establish' and maintain effective relationships with
"speak before ublic atheriln s ability9 ° nations-- and .the' public. '
it . . P L. • 1 ,il ,• ' , I. r. I I. ' Y'`o- " '� I' �
iii q i,. I dlv 91 di
it , '; Ir - Ld'e 'u , � I' �• I u ,
Under general survrsion s,ero
services for the City
zncludn du 1icion,°seTv�cesf`r various support
a involving offset.and'other reproduction
equipment; admInIsters and "operates . central 'supplies inventory; coordinates
central mail .di'stri'but on Iand' messenger service; and to do related work as
Review wohod_of print timate,costs,,mater als,and selects the most approp-
rate°metrk orders, esngo Operates offset.press, p' aid blue-
q p lator,,binder,,folder,zpaper cutter
ql P h ent, colV.
and other'"a'ssor.tmicro_
rint,,mach nes, ed. ref roduesnl an"d assemblrng'`machi" ' � ..and devices o Assists
p P - _ p pp P -
with layout arrange ted work.. Keeps a ro
s� oOrderstandnmaintains duphc.ting related materials.
A men I
riate records and file
Jrepairs to all related
and supplies. ,Cleans,,4 adjusts and makes minor II
ad °
depar 'ments. eMa'inta ns records and files toaccountfortsupply disbar all
an maintains central:.su plies rnven
Jam. I1 and t m 9 Pp ,.P, _ departments for stock .wi'thdrawals and duplicat'i'ng
and to .char. e a , ro riate ' ,. I'
Coord��nates th'e.processing and distribution 'of regular and inter -office mail
and; _, ar e. de rtmental bud ets `Distributes printed
materaltandemiscel°laneoushsupp'4i`esafor ci.tyu"department
• sand provides
mssenerworkasvere �ptes mailingmachines° Performs la'variety of routine
clericalq ..I red
Education and Experiences Any, comb inaaion.equi�val'ent to graduation from
'hilgh, school and three �yea41' �1 f, progr,es,§1vely responsz^b3 e. ,experience in the
areas outlined above',.includ ng:_at least one year in the: operation of offset
upl ca,ti'rq machines ;end,•relateI.'d equr>pment.
ledge, "I li' .tin reowledge rand ability ,to,, set up ,and operate a wide 1 „
y p cli.tyg, producinginmthe _ and to
an and related machines, a
I Know 4and
make. J in order,to I. in
g, onto Ability
SII variead adjustments' � o mainta m.2nreo�rewrekortseOnKnowl' ,g
to plan And schedulje(work, keep records and. p pa p ed e'of
alized mai g tion Ability to understand
y �rnstrucrocedures and equipment operation.
"I I.
JUL. 7 5
Under, general supervision t n subordinates,and participate in the care,
n cleanm , of; asst n,'
+ assig work. to
epa r, r d us City -ow ed buildings and structures;, a d t'Ido related wore
work k
and a airl k on various ,
d, as required.
Exapiples of Duties:ij
Supervises and participates in maintaining City buildings in a'clean and' orderly condition;
sweeps, mops, oils, wanes, aril polishes floors; dusts':and- polishes woodwork, fixtures -and
es windows,, 4 ,s, and lavatories; empties and cleans wastebaskets and
e ui rnentarners,
trash conf wash arranges for the fuse of City' facilities by 'groups and, organisations; sets
p ` ntse ai f or sa i for arntin lumbi_ng, electrical and
p � ,chairs', for s eciat�, eve p P 9 P
u tables ,and :ch ,
other building. repairs; °makes' minor p I replaces light fixtures, cords, plugs,
and switches as necessary, orders equipment and;supptfes, records amount of. supplies being
used and reorders as"
s necessaFy; keeps records.'
-Employment Standards -
Education .and, Experience: A'ny, combination equivalent to.:completion of the eighth grade.
and two years of 'custodial °experience including experience in maKing mechanical repairs
to buildin facilities°
Abili." materials, and equipment used .in
Knowledges andfl.°� ties Knowledge of the methods, ma -
mamtammg buildings, knowledge of custodial :rriethbds supplies and equipment; ability
to 'work"'wiihout clo e,, p la ffective work routine;
esu erv�sion and to plan and schedule an e
ability to supervise th work of others, abilit to perform semi- skilled maintenance work
o follow, oral land �wri,tten directions and work from
s mrequ)elng sketchesmechanb
and dbagramsability to work cooperatively"with ,the, public and others
" contacted in the;, coursel'of °Work.', s
JUL. 75
er direction to take,'and, Und_ _ _ transcribe: ,dictation;11. t
tog neral typing and clerical work
of average difficulty; and, to°s do gelatedwork 'as required-`
Examples .of Duties,
L ,
Il lo d. transcribes dict p P
T dictation of correspondence, memoranda..,re orfs and other materials;
II, � - tikes an
types from rough. draft, copy"or. dictating machine. records, reports, letters, payrolls, bills,
warrants and re uisitions involvingthe,, use, of, some independent judgment;
ii q_`_` t - n e with,,estab ished.
checks rand reviews 'a; variety of data for com letio`n, and conforms
i ,,I , g p hones gives information. and makes
tie o ntrrients f or, stadff, r ansvverssm callers-answers
de 'a tment
9. P es about
answers telephones,
pp q al standards, and"procedures;
is atch s'leme ,P alls rand 'rues a s and
' y P y sa es; collects and accounts for posts and
er enc, car sc
reenin an interviewing o o applicants; receives and
m perform preliminary
d ,P � �. 19 Y '� 9 _ P
:accou, records, maintains, marlin lists, flies, and card indexes;
A entries in . nt books or other
maintains,' personnel records . keeps time reports; operates Vahed,6ffice equipment.
p Y
Em to menStandards
u iu. gn and Experience- Any combination st trivalent to completion of the twelfth grade,
ex letlenee in ste,nomraphc a a clerical • y and'"'typeWriting, and one year of
- d
g p g practices, a rocedures; ability to take
dictation -at a s eed of not,,less than 90 ords per, mmut
Knowled es -and Abilities Knowledge of and p
e°and accurately to transcribe
11 it -.at a speed, of not less than 25 words per minute;,,ability to, typewrite from clear copy
u atel average diffcu" tysof less than 45 words per' minute; ability to ,perform clerical
pal d lu' m i" d � „ •' ;:: I i. r
Under general supervision tp, do general t in and cler
yp• g . ,ical work',of average difficulty;;
and to '.d
o related work .as 'required.
Distinguishing "Characteristics
%P sitions in this. class
are nodmfilled.
ft� t r grade of Junior
Typist CIerR or' when filled fromtheoutside, require prior clerical
experience. An
established^pro educes, Clerk e perks u.nder!genera1 supervision,:a'nd,,within a, framework of
Intermediate1 T ist
cted to perform a wide ,variety of typing; and. general clerical
duties with only occasional instruction or assistance., Employees in thii,,grade.may�,often,:�
have contact with the public, answering a variety of procedural..questions or giving out ..
[" stablished' records. 'Work is normally reviewed only on completions and
information from ,,e
for overall results.
r Exam let�,,of Duties
Y l rgmal notes, verbal .instructions, ode variety of materials
Performs .a wide- varlet of clerical work including typing of:,a w
from rough; draft copy, ma� L "r transcribing machine
ti vouch r s ;,,lin 'orders,
, cards, petitions 9charts,, estimatesp receipts, time. and
g , in letters,. records, reports legal documents , re uis.itions warrant
vouchers, work orders notices, Ifile d
service `answering , inquiriesrtmental roceduter and telephone
r e w menu sheets, andvarious
Sin�o vSngndroutinel,cadlepata, performps coon
q p
re activities and
a li.cat s;, refers o reconciles complaints; reviews aW accepts. requests, permits, and
ils., aneill��
. � y �' --distribute, and dispatch m erste duplicating equipment;
proofreads• I er masters, ma o
May receive sorts distrib ail, sorts, indexes, and files
pp of y p
r materials ,al habef.Icallynume:ricagll acid b other redetermined categories; searches for
p Y, Y p
ares a es � lies' from, form letters; secures maintains mailing lists;
a rep ckno1wled aernenits acrid es routine materials yp g,
d ren-ov
p g p prepares, and copies
standard epartmental information .and ' data• verifies columns of figures; checks and
Ates statistical data, ma"
tpabuln keys arithmetical calculations, and..may perform„ some basic'.
p.y,� g, Calc d other office machines. P p on; may '.operate adding,
atin an' to report, or record keeping osti k incidents p g re aratil
co m ul
Employment 'Stand'ard`s
Education ' acid .Expetience". Any` combihation, equivalent 'to graduation f
coin high school
and,.. one year of ,; cle_ri'cal and typing 'experience.
JUL 7.15
Def inition
Under supervision,, t-6�, take ,and transcrihe d1cta�tion; to do entry,
level typing and cl6'r'icaf`,i'-;ork of�'averaqe:`61ff ictilty; andto do
related work as requir di,
Examples. of� Duties
Takes" and t'ranscribesdictation of correspondence,' memorand-
a, repor
and other. materials;.:f rough dial
yVppsi from ro _ -,,i copy or dictating mach -
A(At ers, payrolls., bills vouchers, -warrants, I I
ine rec.O.Ird�, report -s,,,,
and req`uis`�ibn§ inIvIbivIncr..."the use of some judgment',-, checks and
reviews a variety. of,. data for- completion. Andconformance with -.�est-
hed 'r4eigual ti I ons' "d '' roc , 66ures; '.g,r6,I callers, ,
answers tele -
,Phones,, gives,informationp. And �.makes appointments for "staff; May
answer,. inqutiries abbti,,�I,q6pat'tmental sta ndAtds - And, prodedur.es;- may
perform pr'.61iminary scr�ednih
_g of job applicantsi' receives and d1s-
patches emergency calls and� messages; colnects, and accounts for funds;
I, ��.ih�� account books" th"' -records; maintains
posts and ma�kds, entrie' or o, T er
mailing lists,, files; And, card indexes; ,maintains personnel records;
e' 'report equipment.
keeps time sp Qpera,�-.et. varied office
YM StandArd`s'�'.
Emplo ent
'Education. and "Ekpekiehce�:, Any, combi,na�t iph.,'equ iva lent to, comy.Aetion
of the tVelf th qrAdd§,� -i-h'Clud'ing or supplem.6-nt6d: by a course in steno-
graphy -and'typewriti
Knowledges and Abilities:Knowledge, of, officrac iiq 'e"p t' es and procedures;
c dures;
,speed, of not.,, less than 80 words per
ability. to take dictation at a
minute and accurately to transcribe it at -a speed of not less than
fr. I
25 words per minute:; ability,typqwri ,�e, om.,c, ear coiny -accurately
t less than'40 words' per minute; ability to, -use good
at a. sipe,ed of ' no
English and'proper, grammar,'.ing, punc tcapitalization,:,uation,' capitalization,:,
and vdQdbu1aryj,. ability to o clerical work.
Under supennston, to :do. general clerical work: at the beginning `i
g ing level; to type fromordinary
manuscript, or from 'printed .or typewritten mat and; to do related work'as required.
p enal.
Examples of Duties
Arranges, files °cards, letters, o documents lists krequisitions,5 xensions and
p � ty" � ents'simple...•
recd 'itulatesdf x reS rid pes; reports,, records, form letters
permits, charts," estimates, �onv n payroll mail; reviews documentsgand posts to'fi ancial
routes stuffs, seals, rds, in rd
wei s and se ds out Po
ns files° and marlin•' lists, sorts and' al
records; maintains 4 '
• habet�zes records, searches for and
pulls files; addresses envelopes, assembles and prepares materials for mailing; answers the
,u P i r • ma Iications;
telephone and giiDmp u� records and r rts, time stain s documents received,
routine information; keeps tallies;,g ves�,out forms and,app
proofreads and core ar y operate
quipment; accepts and gives receipts for money, may operate
b Ipn'"g for postingamach he, dressograph and similar office .machines:
Employment Standards
Education and Experience: Any combination equivalent to completion of the twelfth grade,
includin or' supplemented,''' by.°aJ,course in: typing.
9es° ge equipment; ability to use
f: g
good English and protper g ammar� spellin ffpunctua ons, capitalization and vocabulary,
ability to do clerical work, �� m clear copy at a speed of not less than 40 words per minute;
ability to', ype,,.adcuratel fr
y including filing; indexing, comparing and checking computations;
ability to understand and carr out written and oral directions ability to get along well
with ,others,- ^bler
iCalIr aptitude:'
Nfifi Rion
rd"' the' I 6ibiogi
'Under heral'i4 r Oiba ,an cal examinations of
;general PQ vi'si6n: to'�p&rform standard
sewage and water; to serve as -relief plant operator;. and Ao'do related work as required.
Examples of: ,,Duties.
Performs"a.variety,,of standirdized,,and difficult chemicol.and biological analyses of sewage
and water solutions and re a 'e' n ts"i 11
,pr samp es; prepares,, so g collects samples: and performs
jaboratory tests, to idetOrmine 'dissolved oxygen, toxicity,,: nutrients, chemical oxygen,
"1 .1 I 1 11 : . 1 11 r , 11
Aemand, 'turbidit"', chlorbphyll., bi6-rchemical oXyge Aem@�qlorine residual, grease,
detergents; sulfides i, coliform, setteable and susperided'-solids .�alkalinity and performs other
tests;"' assis s in
routine and s'pecia ized t in ierpleef ing,)bfi laboratory. tests and preparing
required repprts; maintains - an inventory of required chemicals,. solutions, acids, cultural
medias, required f6erns'.i.ah'd*other` laboratory 'equiprneP.t,-,irelieves ,p ant,00perators on a relief
basis, or during.em&gehci&s--,and vacations; trains, operators. in routine laboratory methods
and techni'q�ues;, may act: for-, the plant superintendent: in his absence.
Employment Standards'
Education' " "and' Expe'riencle'?. A"ny! 'combination equivalent oto' co' m p-leflon of two years of
college!sdpplemerite_d`y coursels,-in chemistry-, biodherhistr*y-oe biology and one-year of
experierice' asa--la4qrq,pryl�te-chn'idiah, preferably in,:,�'ptib idr Water "or sewer system.
Xhowled6es,ancl Abiljti6s;�hnowledgq, of basic chethicat laboratorY techniques, materials,
and equipment inqtjdingi ose'�"used 'in sidridirdi c ital' and biochemical analysis of
water and sewage; knowledge of -Ahe -principles of o,rgani&-and, inorganic chemistry; ability
to:- 'prepare -laboratory a reagents,,.' and', 'as'seimblelaboratory apparatus for chemical and
-.biochemical analysis; ability. tolake water an sewage:, samples', and perform the necessary
laborat6ry', tests;�,,�bility.,` i6 piake. !Complex mathematical ,calculability to keep
accurate records: :and prepare, clear and concis . el reports.- ability Cations;o understand andcarry
outs l 0 and written 'directions,.
JUL. 7
Def init16p.
� labori�n work in general. stre'et or orm a` variety' of unskilled manual
Under 'gmm,ed�ate s�pervison,,Nto perpark m"aintenance work or in water
related work as re fid':
and.sewer system innrestallation, maintenance and repair; and to do
.Exam les of Duties
. p
s or
in di Winer w den`iner andnbaekfillinrk;;
1 _
P p .. g� g.. g, .
w ;.9
leaksl, eandndinstalld'ngcmeters 'a.ndaservibesn operates
es tools such;•as.
al"and,e uiom'ent,: erforms endump truck;
jackhammer, tamper and compress'or; Ives;a pi kuplor.
s y �i
loads and unloads maters q p g eral street
maintenance an cornstrue
tn work;
swe'eps streets and sidewalks;
does, cement and �asphaYtlachin a ,•° does simple p
.ng; cuts grass,weeds, and brush; cleans equipment,bui,ldings--and
pre moria;
lader "`mmed'ate supervision on in
order- 'to ac'quirmoreadvancedskills
Employment Standards,
'' natio n_e" uivalent to" comp
leton.Edudation and 'Exerience,r A'ny comb
oT t e eighth gr`a e:
t Knowled es and Abiaitiees Knowledge of :and ability to use common
andamaterials; abower oili,t'y, olfol3owyoment
ralharid wr tteris instructions;
y• p p y 'condition for heavy
dexterity; mechanica'1 a titude, good h sisal
outside work.
JUL 7 5;
J¢A6) rt.
'IF -
Under„su ervision, to. erform,a vane
p . ' p ty of semi -skilled an'd 'man”
- � � � u'al tasks in the, construction,
'maintenance, and repair of streets, water and sewer service lines and mains, and related
public works; and to do related work as required.
Examples of Duties
P breaks u axed surfaces, artici ates "n
Prepares surfaces fo.r paving,rbru p p P _p [ digging,, widening,
and backfilling trenches and other excavations; uses jackhammer, and a variety of hand
tools, m exposmg� lbnes ande nethe are slacin of service
rokensPinerswith various types' 'leaks in
mains and service � la g of pipe;
all fs sizes; and fits s ite; ss sts in e + traff clines an,rs
meters';' and °pipes of
!making p p valves,
p p painting d street sign's, assists in installing
and-repairing,,street si ns
cleaning sewer rnai,ns an,d laterals, assists in laying,
g ;, assists m
joining, and, caulking pipes, assists in. preparing ground -and in applying street"paint, asphalt,
concrete, arid,
bituminous t tos ye ,
,other roadways, clea
equ prnenttoads°and unloads' trucks; may I ght power-driven
,street and sewer
constserve ras to relied re erato q fo,r�tFie �St 'Street Swee ue fed to p, g y y
p respond to emer enc calls` may
op Sweeper.
Education °and Experience. Any 'comb.ination e° 'uivalent to corn letio
q p of: the eighth grade .
year- of . experience; and one y p cpublic works .construction and maintenance.
Knowledges.and ,Abilities:' !Knowledge of the methods, tools, materials and equipment used
in maintenance Y y and practices
ce and ° construction' activities knowled e; of safet rules
,pertaining to maintenance and construction work, abilit , to understand and follow written
oral directions; abilit � to.. operate ,small and ,medium„ sized •trucks and to learn the
and, y,,
.operation of larger equipment; ability to operate hand power equipment; ability toestablsh
and maintain effective ,re good , physical
condition, for heavyoutdo fiovnso ik s. ,with :others; manual dexterity and
Under ,general' direction;
.. r ..
Under -general su erVisio n, to serve as a leadman in the erfor Nance of gardening and
g p P
_ ,.
parks maintenance work;,,and�, to do related work as re ruined., •
Examples of Duties
Leads:and artici ates
p p ,in cultivating, wateringand trimming hedges, lawns, trees and shrubs.
n 'park.ices and participates in grounds,,construction work involving rock . .
mason m, andcement work, plants,:and cares for Arees,,lawns and shrubs; operates
light and hea dpey hand tools in assigned
work; leads an icpaes.ingeneral building main workndg carpentry -pat
< },
electrical. repair and plumbing, supervises and paicipates in installing and repairing
sprinkling systems, keeps record's and prepares pengdicireports:
Employment Standards
"''emceA' q- °` µ p � ighth g e
nand,'Ex en" coni I'etionof the a rad
Educatio , p ny combination a uivaIent.to
hyears of a i' i gardening grounds maintenance work- or related
and three x enence. m. ardenm and rou
tools, materials and practices used
nngard`ening;aparksbmainten n e alnd9building ma ntenance work; knowledge IbUcu1,tivating,
a of , trees shr.u6s, ;flowers a-
g, r. n rid ground -covers; knowledge
fertiplizin ; watering anases
of lan"t and treegdise abilt y to 'supervise a small. crew; ability to operate a ;wide
follow oral and written
va ty�en
scat t.e
instructions- Y ' P p- , p y n ive
tructionsmabilii aret/re abrlit 6siab,l �h a , d maintain effect
relationshi s P with othersmanual dexterity and good physical condition for heavy outdoor
JUL. 7
� n�' 4 V C. fin. �; � „. � �'''p, C . • • ..
pr ent build n the rriamte � .to do� related
anc p
P` buildings, and facilities, an ed work
Under supervision . to'do.'a,y&iety�
to clean and maintain ark equ-p .
as required.
;;. jP_
Examples of Duties „ . ,,:,
waters and hem trims ed es,, lawns, trees and shrubs in park areas; operates power
w g g pp " tants and cares ,for
tree I ,
_ s,. lawns, flowers and shrubs; hoes' weeds- mov t ,and"hand toolnklers, lays sod prunes
' moves and tarts sp ,
and sprays .trees,and shrubs controls garden pests, cleans up grounds by� pi.ckrng up paper
and trash; assists in' insta ling and making repairs 'to sprinkling' systems, water and sewer
_ p painting, entr , and
lines„ and a ;,variety of park yplayground equipment does. sim leicarpentry,
electrical work rn,'�park areas;�`cleans;,flo°ors, windows andfiz_1ures in park,restrooms, sweeps
and dusts club 'houses andr pother enclosed areas.
Employment Standards
ion of the er
combination, equivalent completion ghth.g.a
' andd one near of e ° Experience.: An „ denb� i." m.
P Y q Pet„
ff y xperience rn ga ing and rounds maintenance work or related;activity.
Knowledges, and-Abilitiesf X4owledge 'of methods; tools; materials -and practices used in
gardening and grounds maintenance work; ability'to understand and ,f..ollow"oral and written
instructions; ability to operate simple mechanical equipment, ability, _to establish and
maintain effective relationships With others; ''manuaF dexterity and good physical condition
for heavy outdoor. work.
JUL. 7 5
C R�
P' RK1NG '��ENFORCEMEN��T ��n0 ,
Under general supervision patro'I the City Wand enforce parking regulations; to maintain
I to .
and repair parking meters; and to. do related work. -as required.
Examples of Duties
Issues parking .citations 'in metered„ and unmetered zones; along ,streets, and in all areas
where _parking is' ,coht'rolled��dt. prohibited by ,City',oro-inance, issues bicycle citations;' .
maintains parking meter`s including winding, removal from post, repair and replacement
removes coins from ::arkin mefers and delivers to 'bank; o era' es ap� hioe -meters,,;
id' t ,e
on post; tests meters, °,cleans and lubricates meters, coin completes, dama e, r.
P .. 9 , P the
performance of work, -answers; ov des'ainformaa• ding Il metersy or cit p p general
assistance to motorists' p may; 'serve" as at'police pro
n the
processing and transporting of women prisoners.,
Employment Standard's
rr „
Education and Experience. Any combination equivalentto,.graduation from high school
and one' year of 'I'c'lericaI",experience involing aconsiderabl public contact and some
experience involving the: maintenance or repair of mechanical :egdipment.
IT Itf,
. larid and. AbilitiesKnoved a of, local State. traffic
' lavs; ability to, deal
courteously but firmly with the general public; ability,to read and understand departmental
Ppolicies, rules, instructions and'';regulations; ability to ope�ate!awehicle safely and according
to. traffic laws and rules; ability to' observe ,and memorize' names; places and incidents,
e nd ip ni;' good mechanical aptitude.
ability to perform accurst, .,+a recise mecha ' callilwork
p variety of field: and' office)
Under su ervisi'on, to perform a y y � work °involving the gathering, '
tabulation and presentation of planning data; :to perform- drafting and map':1, work -'and
to do related work;`, as,required': '
Examples of Duties'
Assemble"s, collects,, documents, and, interprets data pertaining to the physical, social', and,
.economic..characteristics'.of fhe. community; .does ,research on specific planning and zoning
receives- and -processes. rocesses�rzonins �iuseU�ll variance•'andtls site des ps. ,planningppata. files;
assignments;P P P 9 pp
p g, permit,design review applications;
provides a, aar, et of planning and zonrng ,informatio , pencil a blic;, property owners,
n, to the u
developers ket hes Persons does detailed d'
P 9 p
raftm m d in prepares charts,
graphs, maps, s and,'. other, ;illustrative material for ublished reports as directed.
Employ, "menu Standards h
Education.and,.Experience Any.combination equivalent to graduation from college with
a degree inplannm'g -or' related field.
plann h a9know edge toff )statistics andggra h ch presentation, knowled a of l,es� practices, Id rends,, of,,public
_ •P
p g• p g • rafting methods;
knowledge of the laws, rules: and, -regulations pertaining to zoning, ability to,read and
p g s•..ability to make `
inter ret�en meenng plans and specification •, q neatand'aabilitte drawings
acid maps, §kil�� n'' detecting deviations from 'establithe,d re "uirements, ', y to make
effective .relationships with. °Cy officials, employees an, t,establish aril maintain,
analyses and
y prepare staff reports'.and corres ondence• abil
ty to
he• public.
Undergeneral supervision, to: receive emergency or complaint call&to relay information
by radio to police,1 units 16,4h, e `field; to assist in the booking, ttansp�orting and -custody
of female prisoners; and to.. do related work as required.
Examples of Duties
On an assigned shift;monitorsPolice, radio for calls frorn field
units;, receives .,complaints
and reports fom te, publc by, telephone and ovetheicounter andpaiches p
.vehicles usingrtaclio-htiflephoin`6 equipment.; maintains,,,r radio" l6o) orf 'calls received and cars
dispatched; types, indexes,, and,filesvarious departmental repqrts;prepares,:checks; routes,
afid,files ,arrest, 'conivlciti`6 I n',,! -,and reWi6d'records; provides 141riformation,in accordance, with
p re sic! ri bed policies and eegu lati , ons, -and obtains pertinent iriformation'regarding'complaints;
sends and ceives--te'le'ty-'
pes on, license reqMtatioins, record checks,,, burglaries,,- missing
other information,- issue :�, lit(
,persons stbildn'ViON66's' ai'd'oirt,h s collects, fees .over the
counter; I types coftesodrid6ricei;: assists in boo,king, fingerprinting and transporting female
prisoners;,mayi prepare., or,�a`ssist. preparation of special) reportild. Varibus.,goverhinental
or other law enforcement agencies�
Employment Standards
Education and E.Xberience! Any 'combination equiyalent-to, graduation from high school
and one year of clericals -experience.,ihvolving public contact: , -
Knowledoes and, ,Abilities:Khowledgeof office methods, ;and procedures -
knowledge of modern filing, -�and. indexing methods; knoWledge-,of, the�",Iocafion of streets,
p� -, -1.11 1 . I . 1. knowledge - 1-- 1:
'e" operation of 'radio
park -s' major land.ma.f.ks, an I d C i t y" 'lirfi'ts;. ability 1,,fd" learn` the' ion
communications equipment.;
.ability to think clearly and act:quickly in emergency situations;
ability to obtain a restricted radio=telephone operator's operatori`i`i"piermit;- "ability to speak and
enunciate el'darly.-.ability, to type a
t a :spebd, of 35 word's a' minute from clear copy;. ability
-and written directions;--ability,,to use courtesy,,',
,To Understand., :andi carry out oral
and 'ifirmi'e'si -when required �in dealing with the ublic.
JUL. 7
Under general direction,, . on :.an 'assigned shift; to supervise Police Department activities
as watch commander; and'-to do related work as required.
Examples of Duties;
On an assigned shift-, plan supervises patrol a9
g s'
passurin d , traffic operations; arranges and
maintains work schedules fo'"and
' , ° " if,t°. ersonnel , proper'cove.rage of these areas at
all times; instructs police offices i`n the maintenance of'order, law enforcement-, prevention
of crime Iqnd protections of, life ands property,, inspects departmental personnel and
equipment" to ;see .. ., p
'department to
that defic,enc�es; are corrected transmits olicies of the. '
sub_ ordinate :personnel and insures that such policies are cparried out.durinassigned shift;.
partici ates: in airol and,' mvesti ationaF .w -Ment • a'
p p work of the de art ssumes res9"onsiblity
for a special function of.the department such as training, reserve ,force, public relations
areagivies mfo'natd"directions the ublic re ares,re o'rts and,maintains
s cher 'to
reds of +activities dur'gshift assigned super . visesmaintenance of'C-tyjaii and security'
of prisoners during assigned shift.
Employment, Standards
n from high school
an x p y q nt, to raduation
I p earn.: of r sable
ti on
rses in police methods andvtwo> y 9 p, supervisory.
sus pletment ed b sous
p Y�,
experience m a-.full time"paid polis°e de I rtment ,'The P CO S T.:'Middle' Management Course
h'' ss: Must possess or be
must .be completed.,,within 1',8 months of appoin"tment to t, �s class:
qualified -for a P.O.S`T. Intermediate Certificate.
Knowledges and Abilities Knowledge of criminal,.°aw and investigation and crime
prevention" methods,. knowledge or police admin"istrati'on, 'together with the ability to
effectively deploy and review the work of - officers and:special- investigational--details;
g_ knowled a sof, tra
knowl e,..of:-the -causes n prevention and control.. of delinquency;
g ,
enforcement and education ',knowle'd a of. the rules of evidence, and, of the, lawsgoverning'
-the custodyof persons* knowledge df traffic, engineering; ability to analyze-'law enforcement
ffecti , plan .and coordmategthe "work,
course of;actionYabilpy
din pve
of a ate olice officer' ;-ab+lit to re 'are accurate •and' coin rehe'nsive
reports; ability 'to establish and maintain . effective public relations. .
Definition; ".
g p e ds; crime prevention work; to
Under general su envision,, to p rform law enforcement an
control traffic flow and enforce, State and local traffic regulations; .arid to do related work
_ as required.
!.Examples of Duties
Patrols an assigned. area- it radio 'car or ,on foot;,•answers calls for ,protection of life and,
private- property, ands the enforcement of City. and State laws, as assigned, conducts
preliminary or follow-up investigations, of prowlers, burglaries, ithefts, holdups,.,accidents,
deaths, and other disturbances; directs traffic', including.r.:egul ,tion,of'vehicle flow., at times
of emergency, or,. 'congestion, stops,, drivers who4are„operating vehicles'r inI violation of, laws,
and issues citations, col{ectsi,and preserves evidence, testifies in court in connection with
cnmm P e and property;
serves "Warrants, and subtoenas•irp sPenes t passlst m the refection
p prepares 1.re orts of 'arrests made investigations
and unusual 'incidents observed; operates' radio=telephone equipment at headquarters or
g , g ,,p6i
m patrol vehicle; assists in bookin and transportin nsoners,� Ives, Information and,,
directions 'too„�ihe'pub lics'when,;assigned., may assist in' coli uctirig sp"ecial studies of traffic
or other problems.
Employment Standards
Education and Experience Any y combination equival'ent. to ,graduation from high school.
Knowled es'and Abilities; Ability", to learn law'enforcement n�nci les and ractice
P P P s• ability
to .read and understand.,depa'rtmental ;policies, instructions; laws and regulations; ability
y ions an'd to ado t„ a wick effectivea .and ,reasonable course of action;
to; analyze situations p q ' ,
ability to prepare clear” and accurate° reports; physical..,agility"keen observation and ability
lit tounderstandand follow oral
to remember names, faces ando learn the use and, care of srna
_ of Y
and writtencclirections;;°ability
` • firearms;'ability, to operate
1 a°vehicle_safely and;according,to traff.ic,laws'"and rules; ability to speak.and w'rite.efifective,'I;y
tI, claw enforcement.,,. .. ,
ap, fade o
Examples of Duties,.
As a plainclothesman, investigates complaints, and crime,.and. arrest reports to determine
if crimes have ,beeh,commi:tt6d;,,;pLirf,or'ms as undercover a,gphtf,,arranging, and maintaining
surveillance and -stakeouts; irite'ryiewswitnesses'and m6tims,;Ilapprehends' law violators; makes
warrant arrests;. recovers and impounds, stolen - property; obtains, handwriting samplesJ rom
forgery suspects; ,conducts '�'prbih`mi'hary -and folloW-,Up investigations on fqJohy,,crimes'�su6h
ai,as narcotics, burglaries, homicides, extortions, fraudsand other .crimes; appears in, court
to present evidence, and testimony; conducts. investigations, of hit- and, iruh -ac6jd6nts-
'[ if,11, 11 � . I - I 'I
k., 'h" t j o aihs.siate �`t`s+preserves evidence,ta es:p,,gpgra h ates Witn6s' m rom
p s, interrog ses,and persons involved in incidents; directs work of-policbmi6h at'the, scerieL; takes anrecords.
investigatiom to.td
rt disposition,
and r makes ;sketches; follows through the'
'd eveloos. latent
0 r 6s' an
in relation to "cri,thei �Oh6kq aphs physicaV evidence, locat
fingerprints sketches -and, measure - s crime
ime -scenes,;. searches for,. col lects anld, preserves other
print�,, hairl, and
physical evide'rice, such 6s,,bWlle1s,i, fr6gf.hentsi to maY
s 'w6apons, foot I
"I F, ." 6 ot. .1 1tiga n,- w arblood; preparesL�repofts 6finyestild he n .ic ng outinvestigations, ma: patrol
the C . City, - citing 'traffic y�i6J,atorO and -,carrying out other 'duti,e's*for the protection of life
and property,
Employment Standards;
Education andrE*Perierfce�y Ancombination equivalent to,gradii6tion 'from high-school
supplemented byl,c6bries't"i po 'IC&,
inethods:,or- criminal. investigations, and two years. of
experience as> a police pfficer in, a full-time, paid, police department.
KnoWledges and Abilities: Knowledge of departmental organization,p_ olities and,
re Ulations; knowledge of the fundamentals of, poljpe work, including traffic control and,
g. l�, 1. 1 11 1 I, �, q,1, ., I . 1, , 11 . I, 'J� , r " ,
crime prevenri,ioni- I ,kqoWl60ge,of,4jh'v stigative tech n iq yie§;'khoWledge of, t4q'rd les df'evideribe',
laws of ,arrest and court'.
proc&d'ures;,ability to supervise,the Work of'othosland to maintain
discipline --and ,-morale;-ability t(j!;thihk-clearly-,and afct.effectiv Ile I y -A , mem , erigencysituations-
ability and evidence and. to draw sound concwsions�
ability to pre pare .. clear and concise reports; ability, to. dea11 courteously, but firmly with
the publics
JUL. 7 5
Under :direction , on an assigned;shift, to supervise and participate in the work of a group
of police officers; and, toi°,d&, related', -work as requie6di,
Examples of Duties
On an assuY
igned shift.; supervise& and, per�f orms traflfjci,�pat�ol, andiii-law enforcement activities;
a watch �'c!6m'm`a'n'd6r, in .,a absence of superviS6
dbis, as, �',-`,,,inspe6ts iatid, iassigns police officers
1 , t0, beats or details' receives, investigates and makes proper disposition -of complaints from
phone calls directs,�and,'i supervises subordinate personnel; �makes investigations of icpmplaints
n i
and re prts, to I determine if`c''r'fm'Pi been committed supervises and participates in the
gatheti ng -of evidence"questioning of -witnesses, and apprehension -'of suspects; takes charge
of collectingfact§,,.. and. evidence at „the scene of crimes and,;,.riraffic,:ac.c.id.ents;, supervises
maintenance: ;of the, , y nd the security, of:i "p 6§6ners as: acting watch commander;
apprehends traffic violators, warns drivers, and issues citations; appears in court to present
evidence and,.testimony-- ma'i ntali n s contact, with '%oifi6:r law enforcement agencies- operates
headquarters 60'rhmunication eq u ipment to dispaiic 'officers to scene of crim'e;,accident'
and disturbances;
isturbancet; *patrols 'section of City in a radio. car, Or by foot; gives information
and directions to the,. publirc-,0 I repar I e -r ep I rt
Employment'' Standards
Education combination equivalent, to graduation from, high school,,
and 'n' tcom I
O'L - 1 , , as police,
supplemented)iby,, 6 ursesil in- � police,, -methods and thrLie'," Years sof experiencea
officer Jha, full-timepo ice department. "ST. Supervisory Course must be
- e
satisfactotily completed wiihi n 18 rnoriths of appointment to this - 'class. Must possess
or be qualified .for; .a R.O.S.T.,,Intermediate Certificateii,
Knowledges and -Abilities:, Kundam
nowl'edgp of.. departmental organiiation, policies, and
regulati6ns7 knowledge of ihe,_entaN; iof �.0dfide:;.W6.fkL.;i ncluding traffic 6onteb[: and
prevention; knowledge of i&nce, laws
crime,p criminal investigation methods" the rules
of arrest and court procedures; ability t I 0-superviisefh6 Work of others and to,'m.alintain'�
1, I 1 'T
disciplihe.liand morale-!-,,ability;jo- think,clearly, andi,iact';efftcti,Vely in ernergency,sit uluatib-Ps;
ability-w ,gather,aihalVze �iand evaluate facts , an`divdvidence",sand •`tb drawsound-cibnclusioris
,ability-to-.;prepare clear and accurate reports; ability'.to establish and maintain, effective
relationships 'iwith others.
Examples of Duties -
Receives and reviews crime 'reports; "assigns 'investigations.to,'subordin. ates; supervises and
participates in: follow-u;p ,investigations of felony : cremes such` as, narcotics, ,burglaries,
homicides, extortions, frauds p ins
statements- reviews. and, ° Prepares 'cases for court, app' ar
and other crimes, q p
uestions sus ects an nsoners an oto
p p ears in°`,court°topresent evidence
Y� p and obtamin . statementps from 9 erso is in taking
and. testimon assumes,c_ om lete charge of incidents includrn , reservin evidence,
photograph g ..9 ., : a p at P m surveillance
.,s, interro atm witnesses,, _
and stakeouts, evaluates performance of subordinates, serves warrants; locat g rdevelo s
directs work of'.policemen at�scene su ervises and" artici ates an marntain
9. P i s activities,of, artment;
latent nme iscenes; , upe es an p
fin er relies forCdentification section; eprepare'slcase re o p he de
• c
maintains supe rds and re orts, cooperates
` g s activities assto various a encies ,or or ani training ,activities of
with other .a_ encies engaged ed 'in law enforcement 'ists.in
the department, ,,,giIves speechesg g nations as requested.
p 9
• f�ducation :and.bExcoursesemA olice methods norQ ��iminal �investi atio'on from high school .
experience .aYpolice officepr,.,jn...a' full-time paid police department ,an a, three yeary of
p udin "one year
nth of a ointment to this class. Must possess, or,be qusfactorilo completed
m .investigative work. The PD.. T Su erv�sory Course must be satisfactorily
within 18 mo s , pp. _ (''alified for a P.O.S.T.
Intermediate Certificate.
.' icate.
f. Knowledges;,, and . ,Abiliti:es nowled.ge of departmental organi ati'on, policies, and
re Mations, knovdled a of the rf'
g g undamentals of police vvork including traffic control, and
crime prevention; knowledgei of criminal investigation methods, the rules of evidence laws -
p ruse the wor,,k.of o and to, ma�nt�n
of arrest, and courtprocedures; ability to sue thers _
,discipline ,and' imora°le; ability to think,. clearly and act "effectively •iri emergency situations;
ability to' gather; analyze and' evaluate facts and
,- evidence, and to draw -sound conclusions;
ability;; to prepare clear and accurate reports; ability to establish and maintain effective
relationships with others.
D`efn ition
n erforrn: construction ins ectio,n for
U der direction, to ` p'
en 'd �to� a variety public works
engineering projects; an � do p
g' g p � related work as required.
Examples of Duties
p ,uctio
-� Inspects the methods an material' constr n �of streets sewers sidewalks,.
curbs, gutters; storm • drains; sanitary sewer systems, and water systems to insure
engineers r 9a co n form an ce �'C9ty sgtandar ro'e p p 'consulting
g p I .cts, roads and inters retsh contractors and
ds and s ecif
n en meenn °' plans and specifications and
consults with superviso". on .deviations; ' makes � final inspections on subdivision protects;
right -.of -ways- ' answers coin I° ,: actors on City -owned
, public ns b utility � p
. on pro s; makes,'field 'tests
inspects back i mg , o p paints regarding constructs p t
coin antes a
of :materials used in,� construction protects and takes samples' for laboratory testing; tests
. water and sewer mains and laterals;. enforces safety precautions at construction project,
sites-,�keeps records and prepares; reports.
Employment Standards,.'°
p "' g he supervision high school
Y -experience- ine combination a „lue I neer ng from p. I
Education and Experience:
Any, q gradIuation
and three'' ; ears of -ex "erienc" b rofessiona, work ort ervision of
public works construction an;11-
d .ma
p intenance wor,k'.
". Kn' g- , es K' .maintenance of ;sles and ,practices drainage, san'g' y 1
h owled es and, Ab' nowledge of. the princip as
` related to .design, construction and treets; sidewalks,sanitary
t used in the r public w
orks; facilities,
knowledge of the materials;
sewer systems; water sy"stems and othe p
methods and equip ' construction of", public works facilities; knowledge
{ of methods and 'equipment used' iri -the testing of construction materials; ability to make
accurate 'measurements, and to compute quantities -of materials used;in construction'; ability
to ,:establish an& maintain 'e ffective relationsh'ips. with others:
ion maintenance; .and.
lead, , participate n the construct„
re air of City, 'streets,• storm• ms and other related facilities;
Under general supervision, to and artici ate i
p drainage systems, sewer syste
and to do related work' as required.
Examples of,Duties
G m 'installin repairing,` o
Leads and particpates'in 'the,'w,"ork .of a small, ' or' medium sized'crevv in constructing
maintaining streets, curbs,, gutters and drains, leads and ` artic rtes
� m g � �� � � � .. � "P .p .. g,
cleaning and flushing :sewer lines; builds manholes and catch basins; inspects and cleansr
storm drams, supervises nand s priprtes i 9 street pa
„n 91.jinI,n" all related as
ises ii atesiei street sign installatoandsdewalk ir; paints street su evandamcre a .
, esalks' m`stalls arkin meter
makes recommeidations oncenter lines and crossmaterials, and works of man-hoursquipmenf
'priority ofwork mai ns record
accomplishments;' assists in' training subordinate personnel'; hope'rate"s any equipment used
e y, insures � ' are observed.
orr•,jobs as nec scar � insur
es that safe working practices
Employment Standards
,,'.. Edue_ation.and E'x enence. AI
n combination a uwalent to co
p - • � y; �� q "mpletion of the;eigtith�gnade:
i and three years of experience in the maintenance and -construction'of streets and sewer.
Knowledges,and,Abilities..Knowl.edge of the rep, 'ns,
strebvt' r. air and.maintehand of
ofcsewe bpsi '
the, conrstrulctionn:and. maintenanceoof ma1nholes ecurbsc'autters
g ; and culverts; ability to'read
plans, blueprints and .grade stakes; ability to 'operate a variety, of Light and specialized
abipuw6rk degood eht s calllconditlead' others in the ;perfo 'mance of their work; manual
dexterity `' g p y ion for heavy outdoor work`.
JUL 7 5 _,
g y purchasing .
p to ,enforce the Cit bus direct
to organize, and•dir t.
,. g bession Y
Under.gene su e
. and •�to do relat license' ord-
ne '. .
ed work as required
. LE '07''DUTIES
and su
urchati s of -0 the
Cit ' coordidance�with!°appropr appropriate and orng activit�e
�'"'in accor artments; prepares. dimances; determines
purchasing .ne'e'ds .`or 'c3ep p specifications; invites
q y ommenda�tions= . investigates
sources',of�suppliess nedot"' red• vendors` compl�i=
ts, insures, a a' s
an makes
bates cont'rac '"'
g. q
�`. P g p cements; ,PlaPs'�, decoct a nt in record .
kine inithro.cedures" an cost , . and e 1 p 1
prepares s, special
studies; r,ep.orts; d flluati ares stimat g
s internal n fund-
• eval_ ons.., conduct- � ,audio
tions and contr,olsarelated• to^
purchasing, responsible for -the
central supplies` inventory, store. for : all departments ; may attend
'City Council or. meetings o,
other groups.
involved,' in the
-Performs work lved enforcement and coordination of
business license -and tax, ordinance'; maintains records` indicating
each business',i,operating �a�n,, the .City, cooper'ates,with, other City,
departments in' the regulation of business frmsr;"visits business
the possession of proper "business li-
establishments to check on
and tax'; _takes' appe �Plations, ions Son Il,de'lprietors concerning
and, compliance with g .
1 �r'o_rlate act' nguent accounts.
` and. three ears on equivalent to two years of
co1le e'or university
` "_ P. Y combination
related administrative
tion'& Experience An dombinat
g g P Y ur,ch�asin dutie's ori in ,,,'.
' work, invoivrn res ons;ible' p g. °ac't vit es
in collection or accounting work.
KAQ' andWe`do�a'nsf''ticient
nomc s:urcesto obtainmaterialsandservicesusedby.
the � `
a rCity,, general,
g budgetary and rind„ordkeep ng P
functionsand�ioranizations of.. the- Cmulal tax,'bus ness
license and related revenue and control ordinances.
Abse,' analyze, evaluate facts and to prepare con
Ci to. Gather, accurate
and' reports and studies;.interpret Taws'
and xeguialti' ns and to apply.' the particular -situations; main-
Ifl`� Y nd conyucts correspondence.; deal :tactfully and
taro records a
+ e'ffecaivel with ii
Cit. officials, em loyees,,, public and commercial
JUL. T'S”! 'S"
general superv�si
g on, to`assist 'in the organization, coordi-
' '
nation, and. direction of recreational and leisure, time activities
And duties; and to do, related work as required.
leisurentime andmatuaticnactivit 9 n variety of recrea-
It'i q es and events for various
age and special, interest.groups assists the. Recreation Director
widel.sspecial,andasea�sonall events and pro.,operating general,.Cty-
_ Lanni n
d s'u ervses a
grarris, trains, instructs,
_ an p � �p' r.t. ti.me" °recreation and 1'eisureT time personnel:;
preparesp P p '. y d^l provides inf
corres ondence, prepares ublcit releases anendations,dorma-
preports, studies, evaluations, recomm
tion concerning departmental programs.arid activities to interested
community groups; may speak before civic,, school, and other inter-
those of State, Count ion activities with
ed groups,' ,,COust nsy, aAp nd local6ordinatagenci.es,ing eaassists in collec, ing.
data and making analyses of programs and cost -.estimates in connec-
tmental su lies and' materiar control
P g
tion with the de artmepnt budget; maintains' 1'� �y attend
s b ins i
and ^;records of, all de ar pp
Clay Council
:or- meetings "of..'other groups•.
Education & Ex erie`
p _ nce _.;Any :combination equivalent to graduation
perience in oor i,n recreation or related
field and one year ofrsit Wi n 1 11g zing and supervising
from college or uni.ve y th a 3
recreation and leisur sex-itiesk.'
e;; time achy
Know,led e-ofe- pp g P P , res=of r-ecrea-.
=les`, bophy - ve
Inca ro ramslosroad;�s a ect reational
ei ctrum of,- c
sure time
tronrams."ana activities for all' ages;,; 'commuhity recreational
'P 4.
-resources; Safety and first, -aid methods..
r Abilit.�--to "_Direct and -c tion,
�� oord'inate the recrea'_ leisure time ;.
and=aquatic progr,ams,; galher, analyze, and evaluate facts and to
prepare concise, informative, and accurate reports and studies;,
establish anlica1other eaf'fective and, coopera ive r'elation'ships
with the pub
gencies, and employee .
• I��'. IIS n
Under direction, to do difficult stenographic, typing and clerical work for a City
department, and t6j'do ''Irela t1edwork as required.
Distinguishing, Characteristics,
Iij J
class Sr of In mediate 'Stenographer Clerk in
The work in this, c -a "'i distinguished from that ter
that i , t. characteristically involves to a greater -,extent.:,:,, difficult and .,,varied typing :and
stenography; 'accuracy even un time 411pressures; !a,
and a W1 e k i n depe n -'de n i I y
knowledge otcleparimenti6i n a Mt to, Wo
policies and procedures y
and exercise judgment...
Examples of Duties .
Receiv6s,visitors, appointments', takes :apdtrans cribes dictation and types a variety
of correspondence memoranda, reports, and other materials, reviews and. checks
clocuments„, records .,and, for,mi 'for �accuracy, comp!etenessiandcohfor.m.anceto,'applic6ble
rules and,ogj'u la't'ions"7 gives rmation over the c6unfei,16r telephone where judgment,
o V
knowledge, and iriteroretaiib' u in -d'' regulations are necessary;
P of departmental. procedures 9
establishes, revises;, andotherwise maintains,. a'viiriky, of files,, including documents of- a
corn' ile's statistica at
confidential nature'--�� -.66 s and I data ! and oth f tibn for,
p a�, er in orma
inclusion - into ec ia I:`P.Pns,and routes ,
.''peri'odi'c departmental reports; screens, 6
incoming mait- assists in -preparin
�g departmental budget estimates; operates various office
equipment such -as 1. .,copymf
, rigi,rnach"inbs, ca . lculators,r Ouplicatin' M a d other office
g mac ines n
machines; may operate.,�al magnetic tape/selectric typewriter'.
Employment Standard"s`1
,Educati'on--and-Exopripoc�p:--Anyr- combination- eqLii,valent--to..graduation-f.r-om.-high --school---
a three ,y of. stenogra'ph c","and 'clerical experience.
knowled6es a6d'.Ab i - lities- - Knowl . edge of moderti, office. methods and equipment-- ability'
to �tak'e!-661'ati qn�-at-aI,,,:slpeed`-,6f- not l6s�,than,,-,10,0 'words a,-Mihute��Apd��',,t6�'transcribe it
31�wbrcls a jmih
at a �p6ed bf not ess thari iI ability to type, '-iribm clear dopy ata
speed of not
ol jes&, than 50 net words a minute; ability to use good Erigl�kh,- ability' to
do,difficult clerical work-- ability to meet the public and to work,cod eratively with others.
, , M, i, � , l-, 1,
TO THE '", p
Under direction t;o perf,orm a wide variety of difficult .and
responsible secretarial. and clerical duties and routine
administrative _,ta'sks „for the City 'Manage;r' and to do, related:
work as re uire_d �,
f dC a ;i Pii 911
�W u
Received visitors, arranges appointiiments with the City Manager
or directs vi,si,tors to other approprd,late officials; answers
the _telephQneI,Ihi„,receive,s complaints from�a�resi;dents and exercises
the Cit Ma , dete ex:
the proper course ,of action.;,. relieve
udgment lana e
y r a.variety of admihis'ra;ti.ve details., pre-
pares,collects document's needed for'meet ngs; arranges for
meetinasaand conferences, p ntl ���'assembrles' data, ,prep;ares
g ende y
and t es report'.s� performs en'eral �'cleri.'cal .duties such as
YP g
routing correspondence and reports; takes, and transcribes corres-
pond'ence and rk,eepssth'eoCtyeMaCogrelsponPpointment bcalendarrbal
'= instruc'tionP, �� na gr's a d correspondence,
receives, o ens; and
routes incomi.n mail” and
establishes and maintains files including, co.rrespondence., ,reports,
p ,ed umon and other wrecords; may answer inquiries,
� �erson � tial i Ir, ,
onf Iden n atio
allyl bas p knowledge of, the City or previoussolu-
tions °to simila"r b' inquiries .
„ - .
Education. a'n'd, Experience: Any combination of traini.g n:and: exper-
ience-equivalent to graduation from'ahigh school and three*years
g, g increasingly reso'nsible 'experience. .in stenographic,,
typing, inrlanded anenencr.cler'cal and secretarial work.
Knowledge of Modern: off ice management practices, principles
equiprfient.'organiza`tional 'functions °and "po.li,cie's of city
Ability to: Utilize o or 'controve�rsial'act in dealing 1i Y '
" ure In: a, *Ir t. -
y g od judgment and t
matters of "confid'eritial' nat
ce win
ng goodtioas, conduct. °cotresponaablishedhuta'review,' employ
s i,t
gment in 11gh policies and pro-
cedures, transmit and coordinate, information for the „City Manager
with C t,"C- uncil; ,department personnel citizens and others;
think and ''ac't quick'l'y while working 'under- pressure or emer
g.enices; take:`dictation at .a rate of not less; than =110 words
a minute and transcribe' .it, accurately, type tat; .a, speed of
J not le,sls than. 6i3O w,or,'�
En` "lisp; estab�lipsh' and
s{�maintain�effective workin and use,�..gq"od
e =,,,� sp;ell correctly
shi s with.c-it:. officials, personnel an
g g re''laton-
. p � y d .the public.
1.• 'g g o �d dotre{ated work as required.lthe maintenance of
Under eneral su ervision, „ o idif i
financial or statistical records; and, to
Dison uishm Charac
g g,,;l, terostics
Positions in this class are 'normally assigned such tasks as posting, adding; computing and ,
recomputing, and, Compa,�,ned for `thegmaintenance�o�reco � statistical, �
which are •basic, pa
pari ,g a and ,filin finance rinformation.
Responsibility s Y. g
of the accounting system:, Incumbents ;are expected to solve *outme or,repeiibve problems
assistance A,.variet of . understanding, al dutof°.the rules, policies and .P uire the
i I ener'al general clerical 4 •
without Y 9 y � _ g
res ma be. asst n
of initiative °and a g nding„ which rocedures
-.of the Finance Department
Examples . of Duties
I tabulates and .compares.
fina data, prepares o checks ass
II �fies, ces, or ad'usts accounts! chec,r µ
Ver ,balan embles, to
i ncial. � and similar, fiscal �documentsa� prepares,apay�rol snts e computes
' purchase orders omputes wages and:
p payroll mde' endent ud merit eschedules P ment System.! keeps• v s financial
records requiring t's'P . I inoclistipe , g res indexes, and files
u prepares
u�� o p
d uct�ons re I re a„ � � ecks
bills; vouchers,..warrants. and oth&%records; ma.k, e's arithmetical calculations and"'ch
various statistical or accounting fablesand reports;, keeps journalsandgeneral ledgers; assists .
in' preparing. an kkee in Fsortm calculatml ,Nand la`ddpessingpma hih6s; r schedules;
boo, P gaccountm and stall 's; receives'• and.
d may toe
operates adding, g, g yl
issues receipts -for - money' paid: "to- the'' City y and keeps, recor is of cash' transactions-and -
of receipts- issued; answers telephone and gives out'°information regarding status=of utility
accounts and general departmental, operations.
Employment Standards
o p Any'co inati"on a urvalent 'to eaduation from Educate' n. and Ex `erience. mb" q g m high school
y wining financial 'records.
and two ear ' e in maintaining
s of ex enenc _
`Knowled es J00 Abilities: Knowledge of the methods; practices and terminology' of
financial:;record keeping; knowledge of modern. office methods; .procedures and appliances;
s;, ability 'to' post data. and make arith Aerate
bookkeepingpeand scalculadnoffe app including a typewriter,-
ability g ach�neiances, incl er, ability to.
I metcaly
computations rapidly and "accurately; ability to follow oral and written direcLons;.abilrty
i, y y public; ability to work without. close
and. effective) with the,
to •meet and deal tactful)
V rel supervision. I
JUL 7 � w'-
g neral su ervisio o perform semi Skil
Under e p n,` t'- , l°ed and skilled work in the maintenance
and re air of streets,, water and sewer service lines and mains, buildings, park facilities
and related public works; and .to do related work as" required.
Distinguishing Characteristics "
This class differs fro the lower class; of Mai°'
m "' a. M n .that incur�nbents perform.
� � ance��� �_volves�n
the more skilled n and re
mamte -pair work. Work in , � either the 'regular, operation
of specialized public works equipment or the regular assignment of skilled tasks such as
carpentr'y,',. painting, electrical''ror other skilled building , m'ainteriance tasks.
:Examples of Duties
Prepares surfaces ° forpaving, mixes cement„ 'and br'e'aks up paved surfaces; operates -
specalized.equipment such„a"s.tractors, loaders, backhoe.s, rollers and scrapers,, uses hand
tools °`suchi, as'sho,vep asphalt, ,rake, jackhammer,',:and tamp ' al, and
service lines and ;re lace's broken ,lines with ro er size are
pep measures,kcuts ands nts'
pipe"; loads, transports, .and unloads pipe, gravel, dirt, asphalt; and other materials and
airin ree signs-
performs._s�kil ditasks ruche asn ar entry,' paint !istelectr cal and' other buil'din,g ,
maintenance work makes . 'eneral 'repairs to buildings'- may be assigned to lead a small
P gy
. _ _
maintenance or, repair_ crew: on a, public works project; may be required to respond to
emergency .calls... .
Employment Standards.
Education and E"xpenene Any combination a uivalent` -to completion etion of the eighth grade
and" %two years .of experience in public works construction .and' maintenance.
Used edgesand�Abilities. Knovled9a ofthe methods tools�mater�als an�de ui
�` ''m.ent
in maintenance and con struction.,.'act vities; knowledge:, of- safety rules and ;practices
o maintenance an and and folio
nm a i i o un ers, writte
g y
� t
directions abili' y
t to, to
and o opera an medium sized trucks, abilit tw
y o operate
light.:and' specialiied construction equipment; -.ability- to operate hand power equipment;
mainta ive relationships
elay iib s with others;;,manual :dexterity and.
ability, to establish and in effect p
bodh sietabl shard heavyN. ou or
g P y n for,,,
JUL 17 5, :r
I• tai..
Under general direction, to assist in planning and directing the,adminisirative and technical
phases of City planning and development; to conduct or supervise long-range planning
projects; and to do related'ilvVork` as required.
Examples of Duties
Assists the Director in, ,planning, organizing and directing the, work activities of the
department; performs delegated administrative functions within departmental. policy;
supervises and 1 1,coordinates advance . planning activities; plans and conducts ,long-range
planning prolects,,'`performs special' studies as assigned; engages m' research on 'planning
problems including population estimates, economic growth; ,land use, zoning and social
p conformity with ,'establi'shed_ policyand the
statistics; evaluates develo me land) use and deve y
eneral lan analyzes d,
p ns for con o p nt and develops recommendations
g p y ata on to me d�
for, planning actions; prepares or supervises the .preparation of graphs; charts and other
materials" for presentation of, "planning materials'; presentsi staff reports to, the Planning
Director and the'. Planning PCommission; provides, planning information of all kinds o to
subdividers `builders ro ert owners, other city,,
p p y departments and the public;'represents
the department, a't meetings' and conferences as assigned.
Employment Sta 1
ndacds'. I, '
Education and Experience Any combinationequivalent to., graduation from college with
a degree in;, planning" architecture;, engineering or a related , field and three years of
progressively responIsib, lie 'exper ence:Jn public planning,'.including; one . year in -a supervisory
or administrative capacity.
Knowledges.and Abilities Knowledge of community planning :techniques and, disciplines;
knowledge Of SOCIO-econQml,t afactors affecting community'
ommunity planning;,knowledge of Federal,
State =end -local -plan ning-laws; ;ability. to plan, adm:inister--and. imp lement._the_planning_and;--__--
technical aspects of long range planning; ability 1 to collect' and analyze data ability.to
abili;tt'vt Yeffect �_el.y la'y outteint,V form with 'the
of rofessional lan'ne s
communicate effec and',m+
written, ublic and officers, of othe
jurisdictions; -._��y v u't and direct the "w p p rs
and other -technical' and,' specialized -personnel.
4G ?
e r,i wi
ilk IM,' irn 1 ;��� 71 ri 1,
d r general �
' ad and. artic •`t 'n '
� ' U e g 1 s'u� tole p
.maintenance and rerairlof;��sewa a cone P 1 a e.i the construction,
p g, ction, system;, pump stations,
facilities; and to do relay p ' g .and .other related.
treatment plant grounds, tr;eatmen€ plant buildin
ed work as re'quired�. "
Examples of Duties
Leads and participates in,the work of a small or medium-sized.crew
in installing,;tallin., repa.irirg,r'Udle*aning and flushing •sewer lines; builds
-or; repairsmanhole's, inspects sewer collection .system for correct
N� operation. Supervises the'. -excavating and 'shoring up of trenches;
measures, cuts andsr,pilp.e;.locates sewer 'lines.Supervises°hand
participates. in grounds' construction, repair. -or maintenance work
involving -rock -masonry and cement work; plants and cares for',trees,
h° lawns,, flowers and!,,,shrubs; operates light and heavy��€ruck. s, power
I overs; and-arvar e,ty of hand tools. Leads and "partici pate s�in general
s o p tains s of m urs, equipment,
n maternal andtw;ork�cacc mal` recordists an hoinin subor�
ersonnel; equipment°used on jobs asanecessary; insure
p ..operates any shments, ass'
_that safe working practices are observed.
Employment Standards
ofuthe eighth.gxperiencae: Any combination equivalent to completion
and three ;years of experience in the maintenance
•,, sand construction of :facilities.
Knowled es and "Abilities"-, Knowledge of the, repair and maintenance
o catch basins, sewer lateral connections, mechanical and hand
cleaning of sewer pipe's,, ,the construction and �ma'intenance of manholes;
ability to read plans, blueprints -and grade :staked, ''.ability to op-
erate a variety of equipment including speciali-z`ed-sewer'maintenance
q p y prepare, =ability to establish and main-
tabelrelatoion'ship,ers;,'ability to lead others in,
e ui ment
the erfor ` wa.th oth
tain,, effecmance of thier work; manu,4 dexterity and good physical "'
condition ;for 'hea•vy outdoor work'..
' • • , � � �' : � p tandpadaustmen sato treatment
lant quipment ta, perform
Under supervision on an assigned shift;
ests; to make ,re pairs
'and p and to do
routine.laborator t
related' wiork as required
y IN
Examples. of Duties
Operates valves and;, other controls to feed chlorine and ,other chemicals .into sewage and
water; :regulates and controls the f?lowof sewage through the„plcant including the'operation
of bar• screens, grit- collectors„ pumps, 'blowers, sludge collectors, chlorinators;' and other'
shift takes samples of Y ng assigned.
g g p t o erations during, �es and mam,tams
q t; is .sewage or 'tests such as chlorine
e ui ment reads char
a to o Ian
/ � g "arid” routine, laborat
residual dissolved oxygen, settleable:;solids, and other tests; assists in penodic maintenance
work 'including. disassembly ,and repair of pumps; wal"ves, flow -rate controllers; chemical
P pre d other q p " , s, greases and cleans
dispensers, _bar screens,,.collectors, a plant a ui men;t• oil
p t and performs. other preventive maintenance work, performs maintenance
een equipment and piping;. incl d nnawaterin rand .tion of
pointing of machinery,
ery, a m a n maintenance and operation
s, maintenance work mowing
..lift. station's, perfo I assists
i mai g g
lawns and- caring for shrubbery:, may be required, to ,res orad
rms noun
g y y q_ i p to emergency. ;calls.
Employment' Standards .
P Y ` volvi g l graduation from, high school
and tw p sible °ex enence in equivalent to r
.Education and Eoz evens I P do .n eneral mechanical repairs to pumps
oyears__of res o
ce n, com a Ana,
and ',motors, preferably: in a, water or sewage treatment:- plant:
g g d rouetine -maintenance of
Knowled es ,and Abilrt�es Knowled e: of the,, °lectnc motor' wiled 'e of the tools,
operation Ilan
mechanical equipment, including pumps and el' s; kno
equipment and methods used 'in the overhaul, -repair, 'adjustment Nand modification of
tstati reatment. Power-equipmgnt and of pomp 9- Y "dim o d �n u e - -.
- ahe um m and=electnea s st a sewage.
ant; knowled' a of 't
he safety procedures involved in han g.^ f higKpressre
'chlorine gas; ability to learn 'sewage: treatment processes; ability "'td .,learn �to operate
ability to read and interpret,,gauges and recor g g pla homer a techniques;.
g P
ability to :learn routine
dm devicesrefle „ ili�ty,,
• equipment used mL a tr
eatment last,
a sews
�� ctin last operations• ab
to perform mechanical � repairs, maintenance work; and. modification to equipment, used
in :a.sewage`'tre-atment.'plant; ability to_use 'var:ious mechanic's tools with, skill and accuracy;
ability to, follow oral., and written ;`directions.
,l. ;
Under direction,, to supervise the, work'of crews engaged- in the construction, maintenance
and repair of City streets, sewers; storm drainage systems;,',.and other related facilities -
and to do related work' as required.
�",Examples -of Duties�,"
Supervises the 'work ,of crews; involved in the construction,, maintenance .and repair of
streets, sewer ,mains, storm Drains, ;'catch basins; man o repair of j and' gutters; ;sidewalks
holes, ..curbs
supervises the aintin of street center lines and crosswalks, sd `street and traffic signs;
and other related facilities, su ervises the installation -:an
P P. 9 _ . pervises 'street sweeping
operations; coordinates, work for best utilization of time; and equipment, 'requisitions
materials and equipment for' ajobs; 'consults with supervisor`II in planning , work ''load and
assignments,- enforces safety precautions on the job; checks work of" crews during and
upon completion of jobs; performs.the more skilled aspects -of street, maintenance work
as necessa ry; keeps records -of'. and equipment, i menu. used: and.,work'performed.
Employment Standards
Education .and Ex e
rience. Any, com„bination equivalent,, ;0�gradu
ation fromhigh school«
' and four years of responsible experience in street construction and maintenance work-, ,
F including one, year in 'a,. lead .capacity.
Knowled es and Abilities Kn
owledge of materials, 'e'quipment and practices employed in
,..., street construction and maintenance; knowledge of the preparatio,n,of-subgrades, the paving
- ... Y Y Y of concrete sidewalks, curbs,
V r outterseandnothee surface
the -,construction, ,and, ,
"' ces, ability to plan andnla Inoutawi#k programs and to keep job
` g
records; ability to read plans and d'rawings,'relating :to construction and maintenance work;
y p i crews and the operation of,'heavy and light equipment; ability
ability to buand maintain effective 4workmg'.and_p relations, atii ity uto:Jd.Ilow._difficul-t..
to establis i ublic-,
Weitten and 'oral directions, manual dexterity and good physical!, condition for heavy
-outdoor work.
JUL.7 ��
I � I ,
Under general :supervision; -to operate, and maintain a mechanical street sweeper in cleaning
City streets; and to do gelated, work as. required.
Examples of Duties
Makes" r y sweeping machine befor starting route; operates sweeper
p elimmar check��of sheet
on a designated route driving night hours in cleaning gutters; picking up leaves, weeds,
1 9 �. : Y, Pequipment as necessary.
and trash; ad'usisbrooms uards and other auxiliar swee er
p , .p yicing, and repair to sweeper and
for offective ,.,o eration ertorms minor mechanical ser
reports the `need for.more,.complicated servicingior repair checks ligh,ts;and warning devices
for proper .operation; mayl be, assigned to a variety of other ,general street maintenance
:- activities.
Employment Standards
Education and Experience; An,y'' combination equivalent +to �cornpleti'on of the eighth grade
and one year of.e"xperience in'th:e. operation, of light to medium-sized: motorized equipment.
wiled °i :tioning: of a motor sweeper;
Knp, ,ge�,;of the mechanical,fune
knowledge of, the maintenance of automotive equipment; iknowledg_e of -the California
'Motor: Vehicle' Code -and -of local .geography; ability to perform assigned_ tasks without
oral and written ns; "manipulative skill and
mechanical "a 'aptitude. ollow��. � di"rec�tio
close supervision, ability to� f'
p .
" i"
Under general sup sign, ao operate and maintain a ,sw,irriming pool and related area;
and :to do related work as required.
Examples of Duties
rd y condition, records.
Maintains swimmm ,and related facilities m clean and; order)
u t r utin_e tests f.,ean
tem erature s .o o wa,, er an - a ies chemicals;
f , c
pool and c leans
washes p
um d acid pool brushes and vacuums
filteprs and `p p's�ldra nes
filters, clew ns the and washes; down. pool deck, orders chemicals and supplies needed for
pool; cleans and maintains locker rooms; swim club rooms and other related swimming
maiMa. ins, g pool; nor, mechanical repairs,
l �buildin s, mamtams, rounds areas around ool• performs mi
poo it ri
carpentry,aintin and` other routine tasks,- keeps records.
Employment Standards
Education and Ex erience:.A combination equivalent 'to graduation from high school
p ny,
and one earof ex erience in the o eration and maintena ce
y p p n of swimming pools or related
maintenance activity.
of the method - re als; :and equipment involved
Knowledges and; `bilfties.I Knowledge , te
in the maintenance .and operation of swimming pools;, knowledge of the operation: and
maintenance of um s and ,associated.: electrical controls knowled a of lu_,mbin and_ 7
lumbm fixture P kno ` *y procedures involved in°the.ih,andling of high pressure
P 9 wledge, of "safe
chlorine gas; ability to operate and maintain ,pools a'nd related ,equ,ipment in*,accordance
with--prescribed--standard's;--ability--•-to--maintain -schedules-required--for--proper---pool- --
maintenance; ability, to perform normal maintenance 'I and, cleaning services of pools and.
1 ' ;
other assigned areas °and , furnishings; ability `�to fuse small hand!And, power tools; ability
to carry'out or" 1,ability to work cooperatively with others -
contacted in the An se of work.
S intain's e utility account re' able' , nal,
adjusts and ]our
w s,° ceiv
registers, and other relat reconcils :accounts,,'
upervises or�ma
P y ed ,records; �� _ _
g _.. .
re ares monthl ,reports., establishes. the monthly meter reading
schedules, assures that ybil'lingsyare in acc ce with
the fees g
opera, c, the
oalcu eep.n y.
and rate P t
s ._
sir nce
g es,tabligheachinehe City;
is respons l.e or the
adding and bi.11in m s , as re ib f
training'.and supervising.of,sub;ordinate emplo;yees..
E_d_ucation,,and•Experience: Any combination equi
" vaient to graduation
from high g. Yng .,
d� t 'reas��� ngiyurespons�iblebexcerz.,en�ce�inaf inanci
' al
school inc u, i
an three,,, years of inc. i � , p ,
record keeping work.
Knowledge of: The methods,, practices and terminology
cedures;bookkeeping npfinaneial reco �Py�11 pro
modern f ice'rac;tice Procedures 'andma ines
Ability to: Make arithmetic computations
• apid'ly• and accurately;
type and operate calculating, adding and bookkee i
ng machine
s, d .ud
ge-interpret" complicated en nstruct•ions,and to,use goo �
ment in determini
effective and cooperative relationsh-i�ps wig establish and maintain
P methods of at
a ]iconth the public, other
agencies and empl_oyee.s.
JUL. 7
r I direction, to supernse g in con
Unde' the work of crews en aged str.uction, maintenance
and repair of water lines, services *'and.equipment; and to do related work as required.
Examples of "Duties
Supervises land participates.,,in the work involved in installing, maintaining, and repairing
urnp p • inspects, ���supervises'; landlill'' articip pates in the, use of
water service mains ,and ',
';sl .ins p p
equipment, tools; and .materials on the.' job site supervises 'and-assists'''in ' the connection
of water services, in the excavation and backfilling of water mains and' service
pipelutilization. ' P al; and a ui men, , es work. ,for best
neserforms the' more, locts of the work; coord
pipelines; skilled as mat
q p q q p, t for jobs; investigates
i e mes, p' .
of timel!and a ui ment re visit ns mates
complaints from,' the public. concerning, "the water system;,: c:bns6l.ts,l with supervisor in
planning'`work load and assignments; may answer emergency calls keeps records and reports
on all work. erformed'
enforces precautions;;.trains"sub`ordinate employers.
Employment Standards
p y equivaler
n , t to raduation from high school
and fours. Bards .of ex' enence i n watebls ante g
y" p system .installation and repair work, including one
year. in .,a lead'r capacity.
'ledges (;AbilitiesK`
used in water'system ms'tallatio alndrepair, knowledge s, tools equipment, and methods
e of the material
` "� d taps; knowled e;'of heavy equipment o elrationnabpipe fittings,_pumps,
meters; valves, an p g yp ity to operate Light
and heav,y_equpment„ abilnty,;;.to work"from ."plans, sketches, and,wrtten.instructions; ability
to supervise the, work others; m" ',y '' g p al'icondition for heavy
p anual dextent ands' ood"" hysic
outdoor work.
„ �A
• n' De
Under eneral su• ervision,+to participate -p rid to do' related . work as required.
g p ction maintenance and'
.lead and P rt�c� ate in -the construction,
repair of -water lines, services, and e uimerit, a
Examples of ,Du'tids.
Leads .and artici ate§ 'in the' work of a small h d ed� mmeter crew inp the
al sizes! f
p •p zed . tapping o
sand i es
water lines -and installation and repair of valves„ y ran s,
A fits i e locates
supervises the excapatm b °mstallin clam sand saddles; assembles a'"
" leaks and makes• re airs , Y rid §hong u pof trenches, measure, cutsnd disassemble pumps .,
1 �Ip p 9_
for re air ` and "re ;ackin and amici ate§ m ate' valve control including checking
p p g.,
for proyer ;operation;; 'flushing, -and `making needed, repairs to system; performs .minor
carpentry and othLer skilled,work inclidental to water system maintenance, maintains records'
.'„ om hshinen in training
,, of Iman hours, equ1 I ipment, materials •and work acc p is assists
subordinates;;�o,perates'`'any e4 ipment on lobs as necessary.:, insures that safe 'working
policies are, observed.
pl „
Employment Standards
Education, and Experience: Any. combination equivalent to completion. of the eighth grade
years l of ex . ; [ water system--instal,latipn and repair, work.
and three penence m
' Knowledge§ _and Abilit es . I.Knowledge .of -the �rnaterials, tools; equipment, and methods .
,stem installation- and repair ; knowledge of meters, pipe joints, pipe. fittings;
used:.:in water sy
valves; and- taps' of heavy equipment ope. ation;.abilit to operate light and
p knowledge he y Y
y instructions; ability
heavy- ,equipment;:• ability to:, 'work r rom plans, sketch,l,'s, and written'
to lead' others 'in the performance, of their. work; manual dexter and good physical
condition for heavy outdoor. work: -
,•Ili 1 ,
7 Definition
t read
record a port; readings ' eters; to perform
and " ui
servicing, and is maintain ng water services of d eeger pment; and to do
Under general supervision
semi -skilled work 'in ser,
related work as required..'i
i; Examples of Duties
I; On an assigned "route' and schedule reads residential and'
g completes o tiers forers; records
readings;. notes readings°°'which iappear .low, or.hi h and investigation
or repair of water services-�-turns'on or off water services,,:sets and removes water meters;
�com ,lam
fs`by inspecting and changing meters and investigating lack'of
age; repairs .water leaks;
! ' answers customerp _
pressure' or noise in water Imes, checks for sources of water,, leak
rrepairs damaged) meter registers, replaces water meter, lids, keeps records and makes.ocal
or written reports; uses a variety, of hand tools; responds ,to emergency calls and'' performs
other water system maintenance activities as required-.
Employment Standards""'
Education and `Experience. Any combination equivalent, to .graduation from high school .
y p - `n meeting the public and some experience in making minor
and two ears of ex enence i
mechanical repairs.
Ability read au es an
f ilitire''ord fi
' K Ides and -Ab es ility to g g c gores accurately.; ability
now a g_ .
to make• calculations rapidly -and accurately; ability to,,establi'sh and .maintain cooperative
g Public, to understand their questions and complaints and
workin relationships with the ubli-
to provide 1sati'sfactory'.answers, ability 'to understand !and carry out oral and written
directions; mechanical aptitude,^ physical fitness interest tin' antl ability to do continuous
outside - work.
I 14 -
Defm etioh,
Under, general supervision, to 'testi repair and rebuild residential, commercial, and industrial
water meters; and to do related work as required.
Examples of Duties
disassembles meters,
Tests meters for .various-.flow. rates; cleans, repairs; 'or replaces all
defective ;parts, and reassembles= meters, cleans 'the outside sand inner ;parts',ofr the .meters;
ac ahem; orders materials and
r fPr,
tests and calibrates.,cords
of alle' used -foe ndeviduauilding
parts; ,maintains re l meters for cost purposes; checks
invoices of incoming Meter partsr for correctness; :makes monthly inventory of meters in
circulation,; cleans and. maintains meter shop' and equipment.
Employment Standards `
E combination a ui
Education an z enence n, q, valent; to graduation from high school
E p
and one ear �ex erience n the re air and adjustment, u'
y p pof water meters or similar
materials, methods, and tools used in the repair
ofnwatedrmeters,�, knolwledg of pr nc9plesf o' p
repair, and adiust•'''water' meters,, atii ity to follow oralrand'rwr tterndir'ections,' ability to.
keep accurate records' o_f work performed.
JUL. 7 5
Under general supervision,''t6 ;operate and maintain' 'water ,pumping, and filter plant
equipment; and to do' related work? ;as- required.
Examples of Duties
Operates a water filter plant and related, equipment, operates and'makesrepairs-to chemical
w4' feeders to regulate tetermi" chlorine, hardnesslntu'rbidityr,a other -,chemical
I w of alum, chlorine, 's
tests,,, of r operates, and backwashes sand "fila al
to and
y operates 'and "repairs booster
characteristics;p filters -d , op
pumps and producing wells; records well levels, lubricates and, oils.operatng equipment
as needed; maintains appcoit- waterlevelsin distribution res rs; operates reservoirs
nate intakes, and
s mcludm lum
and associated' surface��water supply facilitie g fes,� raw water
• regulates ,gates. ad records' amount' P P p plust flows'and
reservoir dischar a tower, nd
- go era � um s toti ad ,
g g tes o nt o�f,;,wate'r um ed dai,I '• reads
levels of water; Chan es cecordin chants' an
P P 9. y d monthly production
production meters at pressure reducing stations; maintains d , il.: an
". records..'..
Employment Standards
Education and E•xpenence:, Any m
cobination equivalent to graduation from high school
and three years ,of experience m"the;;operation' andl`mainten'ancei of electrical. motors,, 1pumps
or, similar'
•mechanical equipment, -preferably in. a public°water ,system.
4 �
Knowledges and Abilities . Knowiedge.of the•pr.inciples,of.electric motor and pump controls;
p and}-icals used .in. water dis I ", 5m water distribution systems;
knowledge of the common chem a intenance of°.pu 1.
mpsl us
knowledge JI
u I'n and practices of
button systems
water purification; `knowledge°of the'safety.procedures i'nvolvedAn'han., g of high pressure
chlorine gas; ability to ma.ke:electricaI and.mechanicaI 'repairs to pumping systems; ability
to, make chemical tests, ability to_demo.nstrate a high degree of mechanical.aptitude ability
�M gauges an 9 p q
to read' mete
' charts, and I'kee ade uate recor s'.
rs d r,ecordm
Under direction o su ervise assign, review and' assist . t p � g in the.
operation and maintenance of the � se make treatment plant,
it e Cit s -
andard tests of
" City's sewage,
sewage,,,wateraandnandus;trialf of
ili,tes�;� st
f luent. and waste'• `and to do related
work as required.
Supervises, gpartic pates ,ln- ad ' revieiona I, vatIetyT of ',duties related
to the sewage treatment,. plant'.,;,ponds: and related facilities;•
supervises the daily ass'gninents and Mork loads' 'of'j ''employees ; enforces
safety precautions; instructs and trains employees;; serves as plant.'.
operator on a relief basis during emergencies and personnel shortages;
collects a variety of samples ,and performs;, laboratory ,chemcal and
bacteriological. reference tests and analyses; o�f,,';'sewage; "water and.'
ndustrirreports when l eff'luentneedewastee- maintains` records; compile data and
�.te re
example,, on plant operations, water
flow, sludge trans`fer.; sludge withdrawls, oxidation ponds and power
used; maintains ° performance records on equipment; as 'ists in directing
preventive maintenance and repair work; analyzes records, and report -s
to ascertain andl� �,r,ec`omm'end� changes in operating ', a nd'�,'inaintenan'ce
I� rocedures^ and c,o dations, asspsts in invenw .,control and records
os materials and supplies; res and to emerggency.'calas°,as necessary.
Ed Ce An ornbinatori' equivalent
fromatigh pandefly ' year, 11 sewage, plan graduation
high 'school y,' .g pt operation
and maintenance experience.
of: Tphe function and mechanics of sewage`treatment
g � - s
machinery, e ui merit and maintenance; the process involved, in the
i treatment and dispopsal:;of s:ewagtinghe icagel;aboratory techinques,
ff luentsanddwaste; mbasic�c`hemistry; principles .of training and materials Iter and in
e ng and _
Ability, to,,: Supervise and train sewage plant operators and other
mapnoyee ,..., p p p l "Trip malintenance, on a r„epair,, keep ;'and
ate records eratio
_ ees he r ,
em to in t e are�clear� cone_ eports;
o er• o
:1 1
ase 'r
and - follow.,.or;al and w
pr�tten Inst- uci ns, 'establish1t, nd'
, unclertake: � and -_ maintain ef;f,ect ve and cooperative relationships with the public,
other agencies and employees.
Oeeratoras! GradeiIemen eras oissuedabyetheeS�tateTreatment
t; Poses ,
p within twelve afte
II elve (12j months' r appointment to
, sources Control Board wit,
Cert ,
the position. ”
j JUL. 7 5.
'P tl
Water services
�opn, oto' pe` » operate
wntain'nwateri pumgid9ma'intainingryCity,
ices and a ui ment t cin a ii and filter plant
rf n
equipment; and to do »elated', o erate and mai
L ork ,_as required.
JUL.7 5
Examples -of Duties.
or cu
Turns water on—and
i Wrersi
: ,
com laints bY inspecting metes,and nveti9atinglacof pressure onoisenwater lines;
responds to high bill complaints; inspects and checks. other ;fixtures such as water closet
a sets an removes
t wafer meters; serves Os relief
tanks Waterleakage:
for watf'Iter plantpump stations and, :related uiPment,: operates chemical
feeders to regulate the flow of°alum chlorine c me into ,water; performs routine
g and li
E of
heroical tests'. I" heck tank and,,,,ireservoir levels; operates`" booster pumps and .produc,ing
wells; changes 'recording charts at .pump stations; performs minor maintenance on water
system; kee s. P roduc`ion records;„ may assist in .repair of water mains or services.
Employment Standards
Education and Experience:, Any combination equivalent. to graduation from high school
and two.y,ears:of experience in the maintenance and installation of water lines and related
me u n g ,maintenance `.and operation of electrical .motors, pumps or
service equipment '
similar 'mechanical a ui m'
q p
s, 1
g KHowled a of the meth als and tools used in the
Knowled es and Abilities . '" g ods,. ma
ution systems;
operation and maintenance, of. pumps used In -water distrib it - knowledge of
knowledge of safet involved
the,:commn che9 i pprocedures
water puri ication9,e
» lV
pressure�chlo meter installations; knowledge
in handlingof hi ne gas
use°a variety
rials.used' in lme maedntenance and repair; ability to variety
of m etd and maty
of hand cools abilit to locate; ''leaks»:and repair a';var"iety of water service facilities;
ability., "to understand ,and .carry out written and oral instructions and to make• simple
written reports; !ability -to deal tactfully with the public.'
JUL.7 5
4, A
J 1�
t "I'thel:primary law enforcement 'offiter in cases involving
Undoc,tfo`nij,, t ac,!,,,:,,Ia,s;,,�
to assist in other Apo iI18, year&',,of .age,. to crim. na1 investi.gations-; and to
do rellate'd 'work as rdOuJre_d,.
Example,of Duties
I,�Oves ii Ates s, compl.alint's J,co'n'cernJ'n'q Juveniles�, patro,l:s� and,' investigates areas or
0 1aces, like'ly to b*e�,,c-'on'tr'i:bu"Iti,'iig�f'a't't"o'ts t6juveni'(10, delinquency for violations
Of Yfquoe control; -labor abd other; laws. relating: to,' juveni.liesi I visits Areas . where
juveniles congregate to observe, adults' who might -contribute t6..;thei,r delinquency;
apprehends juveni1e. off end.60s - n u
dr adults contributing 'to the delAnq'bncy :of juven-
'i u,v&n
les .,to.�,,jUv,ehile,-.,hall-',.afte,r,-,,artes,t:i investigates reports � of
iles; transfers,
eg e` 6 fenses-that :may involve per- abandohed,,,n I cted printssipq ch,i4dren,, Ohd`�
ot:h,e f
y'"age'.. ',' ',-Sis Discusses. Tom�:! "of � -dren who -have been arrested
sons under, 18 " oar,s OT problems' chiJ
with parents; invest,lgates;ccases OT,Juventl �v
e I s,,o - observed At., hate hours ,orin unde.
sIrabTecompany or piaces.,;
.-J,nVe's.tfgates and'.arrests adults- ne9 Iecting.,or abusing
children;' interviews suspects., victims-, reTatiVes 'and witnesses and interviews
other pprsonnelin, offices,. homes* and schools; consults and offers advice regard-
Tem -s, related to act- o p ten aI
in socia'l prob. actual or o ti, j�uvenile delinquenccooperates
engaged il b 1�0 u C e"
with civic or governmetn'ta,lfj�groups delinquency; acts
JI, 9 9pr�,gr ms to r
a"S',schoot, liaIitoh,'ioffi'c'6r,` and develops sch,6ol � .1i ifson . pro.g.rams:,-.-,s pea kers bureau,
-lasses; acts as a
rap ses0ons po'Tfde,�Yp th��, dfs cus's dons an& enfb�,'d'iomeht. c
u A,
'referral officer for� Juvenil , epr6b ems of t
he community, may organize a program
to involve young peo.p.le fn commun fty. - pro,g rams-, i.ei,, P.A.L. Drill and Rifle Teams,
Boys'CIO, Scouting, Athl:eti�t, Leagues, etc;.; works Iclosely with the Probation
epart 'e,n, thil'�d,-"'OrI! o-t-e'I tti
vicIe&,, othe,r.reTated.social and: criminal justice
agencies; rgfers�drug�iiofifond potential a! drugl,offenders
tq:the proper agency
Afor counsel ung, gu,*aance,a'ndwhen eW n'eces,spa,
t�,oaitmeht ,6f'drug"abuse
assists in ore'oariO.aAtforadult crimes'' against childron; testifies
records reports; ass"s'Lts with:tgeneral in-
case ordSr and- prepares, repo t i
vestiigative,work when not assigned to juvenile Work; prep e_
A,Y-es and pres hts speeches
to schools and other e hbl e oms'af_ety juvenil,e�,�pro"bll6MSr''.and procedures,..
EmpToyffientl, Standa
" n
E d uc- ai,,t i uo n a n d ExpOrIence Any, c
_Qmbin_ atio equivalent to graduation from high
sc OF, Supp Polemented by courses, . tnt'-ppl ice methods, and two Years of ex I p .1 ertc I e
en. I as
a -p6lAne officer- in, a full time paid pol ice 'department .� Also requiredard
�,,Soc,41QI,Qgy. and 'o her r6�, �ated, c'oUrses,,perta,i,:n,iing',t6 working with young
`AKnowI`edgdIr' 'il:
4h& -Ab, . -itie's": of s t6te and ITocal. lawsre.lating to-JuveniTe
delinquency and the,, -apprehension and ,custody of Juven'ile, offenders,i- knowledge of.
*the rul-es.-,af' evirdence;, 'knowledge of' casework -and' investigational techniques; ability
to obtailh atcu , rate An mad I on,, by moans of interrogation' and investigation; ability
erstan' '!,,so'c-, juventTeAelinquency;
d ,social `pty6hIoIQqic'al factors contributing oht,ri,buiing to
abil-ity ' t ' ol,,-si�ze.,up,,ili�uafi,ol6's and people a6curately;'..~ability. ta, become acquainted
with and,,'ut-il'i,z'e-�,p�r,oper-,c mmunit 'welfare ability to establi-sh and main-
y� resources; -y
tain effettiV6�,woriking rel,ations-Hips with other officers .1 and :the.public.
4, A
J 1�
t "I'thel:primary law enforcement 'offiter in cases involving
Undoc,tfo`nij,, t ac,!,,,:,,Ia,s;,,�
to assist in other Apo iI18, year&',,of .age,. to crim. na1 investi.gations-; and to
do rellate'd 'work as rdOuJre_d,.
Example,of Duties
I,�Oves ii Ates s, compl.alint's J,co'n'cernJ'n'q Juveniles�, patro,l:s� and,' investigates areas or
0 1aces, like'ly to b*e�,,c-'on'tr'i:bu"Iti,'iig�f'a't't"o'ts t6juveni'(10, delinquency for violations
Of Yfquoe control; -labor abd other; laws. relating: to,' juveni.liesi I visits Areas . where
juveniles congregate to observe, adults' who might -contribute t6..;thei,r delinquency;
apprehends juveni1e. off end.60s - n u
dr adults contributing 'to the delAnq'bncy :of juven-
'i u,v&n
les .,to.�,,jUv,ehile,-.,hall-',.afte,r,-,,artes,t:i investigates reports � of
iles; transfers,
eg e` 6 fenses-that :may involve per- abandohed,,,n I cted printssipq ch,i4dren,, Ohd`�
ot:h,e f
y'"age'.. ',' ',-Sis Discusses. Tom�:! "of � -dren who -have been arrested
sons under, 18 " oar,s OT problems' chiJ
with parents; invest,lgates;ccases OT,Juventl �v
e I s,,o - observed At., hate hours ,orin unde.
sIrabTecompany or piaces.,;
.-J,nVe's.tfgates and'.arrests adults- ne9 Iecting.,or abusing
children;' interviews suspects., victims-, reTatiVes 'and witnesses and interviews
other pprsonnelin, offices,. homes* and schools; consults and offers advice regard-
Tem -s, related to act- o p ten aI
in socia'l prob. actual or o ti, j�uvenile delinquenccooperates
engaged il b 1�0 u C e"
with civic or governmetn'ta,lfj�groups delinquency; acts
JI, 9 9pr�,gr ms to r
a"S',schoot, liaIitoh,'ioffi'c'6r,` and develops sch,6ol � .1i ifson . pro.g.rams:,-.-,s pea kers bureau,
-lasses; acts as a
rap ses0ons po'Tfde,�Yp th��, dfs cus's dons an& enfb�,'d'iomeht. c
u A,
'referral officer for� Juvenil , epr6b ems of t
he community, may organize a program
to involve young peo.p.le fn commun fty. - pro,g rams-, i.ei,, P.A.L. Drill and Rifle Teams,
Boys'CIO, Scouting, Athl:eti�t, Leagues, etc;.; works Iclosely with the Probation
epart 'e,n, thil'�d,-"'OrI! o-t-e'I tti
vicIe&,, othe,r.reTated.social and: criminal justice
agencies; rgfers�drug�iiofifond potential a! drugl,offenders
tq:the proper agency
Afor counsel ung, gu,*aance,a'ndwhen eW n'eces,spa,
t�,oaitmeht ,6f'drug"abuse
assists in ore'oariO.aAtforadult crimes'' against childron; testifies
records reports; ass"s'Lts with:tgeneral in-
case ordSr and- prepares, repo t i
vestiigative,work when not assigned to juvenile Work; prep e_
A,Y-es and pres hts speeches
to schools and other e hbl e oms'af_ety juvenil,e�,�pro"bll6MSr''.and procedures,..
EmpToyffientl, Standa
" n
E d uc- ai,,t i uo n a n d ExpOrIence Any, c
_Qmbin_ atio equivalent to graduation from high
sc OF, Supp Polemented by courses, . tnt'-ppl ice methods, and two Years of ex I p .1 ertc I e
en. I as
a -p6lAne officer- in, a full time paid pol ice 'department .� Also requiredard
�,,Soc,41QI,Qgy. and 'o her r6�, �ated, c'oUrses,,perta,i,:n,iing',t6 working with young
`AKnowI`edgdIr' 'il:
4h& -Ab, . -itie's": of s t6te and ITocal. lawsre.lating to-JuveniTe
delinquency and the,, -apprehension and ,custody of Juven'ile, offenders,i- knowledge of.
*the rul-es.-,af' evirdence;, 'knowledge of' casework -and' investigational techniques; ability
to obtailh atcu , rate An mad I on,, by moans of interrogation' and investigation; ability
erstan' '!,,so'c-, juventTeAelinquency;
d ,social `pty6hIoIQqic'al factors contributing oht,ri,buiing to
abil-ity ' t ' ol,,-si�ze.,up,,ili�uafi,ol6's and people a6curately;'..~ability. ta, become acquainted
with and,,'ut-il'i,z'e-�,p�r,oper-,c mmunit 'welfare ability to establi-sh and main-
y� resources; -y
tain effettiV6�,woriking rel,ations-Hips with other officers .1 and :the.public.