HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 91-212 07/15/1991~esOlutlon ~~. 91-212 N.C.S. 1 of the City of Petaluma, California 2 3 4 RESOLUTION APPROVING LOAN DOCUMENTS AND AFFORDABILITY 5 RESTRICTIONS AGREEMENT WITH PETALUMA ECUMENICAL PROJECT 6 7 8 9 WHEREAS the City Council has allocated funds from the In-Lieu Housing Fund to 10 Petaluma Ecumenical Project (PEP) for the acquisition and development of the Caulfield 11 Elder Apartment site (Resolutions No. 88-295 and 90-167); and 12 13 WHEREAS PEP has secured other funding and approval for permanent financing for the 14 project and construction will be underway by September 1991; and 15 16 WHEREAS the City of Petaluma has a policy to secure its financial interest and long-term 17 affordability in City-assisted housing complexes; and 18 19 WHEREAS PEP has proposed that $200,000 of the City allocation from the Housing Fund 20 be converted into a loan, secured by a Note and Deed of Trust, with an option for renewal; 21 and 22 23 WHEREAS an Affordability Restrictions Agreement will insure the long-term affordability 24 of this apartment complex; 25 26 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Petaluma approves the 27 Promissory Note, with Exhibits A and B, and 28 29 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager is hereby authorized to execute on 30 behalf of the City Council all necessary documents, upon review of the City Attorney. 31 32 Under the power and authority conferred upon this Council by the Charter of said City. 33REFERE CE: I hereby certify the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted by the Ap-pr, ved as to 34 cau~reso/bg5 Council of the City of Petaluma at a (Regular) kl~l~!(1 meeting ' on the .~,5.1<Yl ............... day of ...............rlU.1,y.........-.........................-, 19..9x.., by the following vote: ........... ....... . .. ity ttorney AYES: Read, Davis, Cavanagh, Sobel, Nelson, Vice Mayor Woolsey, Mayor Hilligoss NOES: ~ ABSENT: ~ .r'' ~;,,,:~ ,f u ATTEST: ..._.......l.~`. .......... ........ .......... ....::.... ' y Clerk Council File ...................•---°--........ CA 10-85 Res. No. .........;1..1.-2.1.2... N.C.S. ~..: Escrow Nv. 30-173495 EXHIBhT "A" PARCEL ONE: Being a portion of the lands of Redwood Empire Title Company as described i n Document recr,rd~d n Hock 2556 a t page 6 75, O f f i c i a l Records of Sonoma County, and be i rag more F~a r t i r::u 1 ar l y descr i be~~ as follows: Commencing at the most southerly carr-rer of swirl lan~]s and running thence along the Southeasterly line of Said land Paarth 35~ :~0' East, 300 feet to the true point of beginning; thence c~~ntinuing along said line 314.21 feet to a point;. thence 'lea~i~r,g sai~~ line North 54a 3~.1' West, 107 feet to the fJor•thwesterly line of said warcel; thence along said. Northwesterly ]qne, South 35m 3U' 30`' West, 314..21 feet to a point; thence South 54 3Q' East, 1.47 feet .to the r,rue point of beginning. PARCEL TWO: Being a portion of the lands of Redr,~ood Empire Title Company as descrlbe.d in Document recorded in Hook 25.5.6 at page 475, Official Records of Sonoma. County, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the me;st Southerly corner of said lands and running thence along the Southeasterly line of sai<y land, North 35~ 30' East, 150 feet to a point, said paint being the tr~ue paint of .beginning of the parcel to be described; thence continuing along said line, North 35 30' East, 150.00 feet .to a point; thence leaping said line North 54® 30' West, 107..0.0 feet tc~ a point on the Nrrthwesterly lir7e of said parcel ; thence a long .the Northwesterly 1 ine, Sc)uth 35~ 30' i•lest, 150 feet to a point; thence South 54 3G' East. 107 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL THREE- Being a portion: of the lands of Redwood Empire Title CornPany as described in Document recorded in Hooi~ 2556, at page 675, Official Records of 'Sonoma County, and being mare. particularly described as follows: Commencing at the most Southerly cr~rrrer of said lands and running thence along the Southeasterly line of said land I~Jorth 35 3{"~' East, 614.21 feet to the true paint of b~girrnirrg; thence continuing along said line 204 feet to the mast Easterly ~:orner of said land; tnern~e along the Northeasterly line theretif N~~rth 54@ '~U' West, 107 fFet to the most Northerly corner thereof; thence along the PJor•thwesterly ling of said lands South 35~ 30' West 2U0 feet to a pciint wtrich bt?ars North 54® 30' West from the point of beginning; thence South S4~ 3~)' East, 107 feed to the point of beginning. /~ Excepting theref~rc~m the above descried Parcel Three that certain real- property conveyed• to lJa,l i to Little by Deed elated aep tember ZU, 1974 and recorded October 15, 1974 i ra 13oc,li 2905 a t page i 40, t] f f i r_ i a 1 Records of Sonoma' Coilnty, under Recorder ' s Serial No . P-24882.. PARCEL FOUR: Being a portion of the, lands of Redwc~ad Empire .Title Compar•~y as descr°i bed i n ~ Document r•ecorde~7 i n Book 2556 cif 0 f f i ci a l I?ecurds , a t page 675, .Sonoma County Records, and lae i ng more pa rt i cu•1 a r 1 y descr• i bed' a5 fO110W5: ~ . Commencing at the most. Southerly rgrrer• of said lands and running thence"along the Southeas:ter.ly line of said ~larrd North 35® 3u' East, 150 feet to a point; thence leaping said line North 54 30' 41est, 1.07.00 feet-to a point on th`e NorthwestErl:y line rrf said parcel; thence along the Northwesterly dine. South 35~ 3C~' West, 150 feet. to the most Westerly corner of sai:"d parcel; thence South 54~ 30 East, 197 feet to the point. of commencing. Excepting from the abowe~degcrihed Parcels One, Two, Three and Four, that certain real property coneeyed to the City of Petaluma by a Deed dated Mar-ch 22, T974 and.recorded April 19; 1974 in Book 2855 at, page, 5h7, Official Records of Sonoma County, undF.r Recorder's Se;ri.al No. N-94162, ' afid: be~i ng more. p a r t i. cu 1 a r 1 y descr i.17ed a s fo 1 1 ows A strip of land for street. construction pur-doses ly~`ing within the City of Petaluma,. and'more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the most Southwesterly corner of ,Parcel "A?' of tleadowlark Meadow Subdlvisicin recorded in boot:- '139_of Maps, at pages. 9fi arid'-~70' Sonoma County Records; ~tfiiertce from- said po-i nt of beg i rn~i i ng , South 35 28' S4" 41es,4, 228.00 feet; thence North.54~ 31' 3U" I~lest, 50.35 feet;, thence from"a tangent which bears youth 54 31' 30" Easton a curve, to the left through a central angle of X190 59' 3~" having a radius ~of 30 feet- a length of 47.12 feet; thence from said point, North 350 28' S4" East, 28.40 feet; thence on a curve. to tfi a left th:raugh a central angle of 6® 26' S2" hamming a radius of 967 .feet, a 'length of 108.82 feet.;0 tfi ence on a. tangent: curve t,o the right thruu;gh a central angle o:f 6 26' S2".ha~in.g a rad'i.us of 1033 feet, a length of 116.25 feet;-thence North 35® 28' S4".East, 531.22ofeet; fhence South 540 31' 3U" East, 33.04 fee thence South. 35 28. 54" West, 586.21 feet #o the true point of beginning. A-1 so excep t"i<ng from th:e above: descr i k~ed Parce 1 s One, TWO,. Three and Four, that certa:i'n re,a,l property c~n~eyed 'to The City of .Petaluma by Grant Deed recorded June 21, 1991 as nocr.~.ment No. 1991 OOS9~i83 of Official Records of - Sonoma County, anc~ being more partic~.~larly descr^ i bed as fo 1-1':ows : • A portion of th,e l;and5 of. Petaluma Ecumenical Projects, Inc., as said 1 ands are. • described by peed reGAr,ci~~d; i-r.r Uocumerrt hJumber 88= l 1 151.1 , Sonoma Cou:nt~y Recor"ds, mare hart i cu 1 ar• 1 y descr i t»~~ as fal I ows i through a cen;tra;l angle of A9 59' 3h" an arr distance of 47..1'2 feet (the Tong. chord of which bears North 80~ ~8' 42" East, a distance o.f 42.42 feet); thence North 3S~ 28' 54" East, a distance of .70.58 feet; thence on a tangent 975..00 foot radius curve try the left through .a central angle of 5 21' S8" an•arc dititanc~ of 91.31 feet (the long chord of which bears North 32 47' S5" East, a distance of 91.28 feet) to a point of reverse curvature; (hence on a.975.U0 foot r~adius curve 6 to the right through a central angle of 5 21' SEl" ar7 arc distance of . 91 .3l feet t the 1 ong chord of which .bearsoCJ~~rth 32 s17' S5" ,East , a distance of 91.29 feet); thence !North 35 2A'~ 54" Eest, a distance of 424.63 feet; thence on a to rn~ent 33.OU foot radius curve to the left through a central angle of 90 q0' 00".an ar•t distance of St,,64.feet Cthe long chord of which bears North 09.31' oE,".West, a distance of 46.67 feet ) to a~ point of cusp on the ~ Sou;ther 1 S~ 1 i ne of Park Lane; thence along the. Southerly line of Park Lane, South 54~ 31' 06" East, a distance of 36.:30 feet to the intersection of the Southerly line of Park .Lane with the Westerly tine of Caulfield Lane; theme along the Westerly line of Caulfield Lane, South 35 29' S4" 41est, a ~~istance of 457.59 feet; thence on a tangent 1U33.~~0 foot radius curve to the left through a central angle of 06 26' 52" an arr distance of 116.25 feet ( the long chord of wh i.C:h bears. South 32 15" 29" West , a distance of, 116.19 feet) to a point o•F reverse curvature; thence on a 967.U0 foot radius curve to the right through a central artigle of 06~ 76' S2" 0 an arc distance of~108.82 feet ithe long chord of which bears South 32 a 15' 28"West, a distance of L08.76 ,feet); thence South 35 28' S4" West, a distance of 28,40 feet; thence on a tangent 30..00 foot radius curve to the right through, a central angle of t39 59' ~ 36" .~'n are distance of 47.12 feet (the long etiord of whirti bears South HO®2~i' 42" West, a distance of .42.42 feet) to a point ~-,f Cu5p; thence :iauth 54 3t' 30" East, a distance of 50..35 feet; th,once Sr~uth 35 28' S4" West, a distance of 107.00 feet to the Point of Beginniny. Beginning at the most Southwesterly corner of the afnresaiQ lands of Petaluma Ecumenical Projects, Inc., thence hJorth :~aW 28' S4" East, a distance of "10.00. feet; thence South 54 31 ` :~~a" East, a distance of 49.25 feet; thence on a tangent 30.OU foot radius cur~~e to the left -~ _ EXHIBIT B RECORDINGREQUESTED B{Y AND WHEN RECORDED'MAIL TO: ' City of :Petaluma City Hall 11 English Street. Petaluma, CA 94952 Attn: City Clerk NO: RECORDING FEES REQUIRED PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTI.ON 27383 AFFORDABILITY RESTRICTIONS AGREEMENT This Affordabali;ty Restrictions greement (t "Agreement") is made and entered into: as of this ;.:day of 1991,, by and among the City ~o,f Petaluma., a municipal eorpora'tion ("the "City"), Peta uma Ecumenca-1 Projects, a California nonpro€it public benefit corporation (the' "Developer") , and th`e 'Caulfield .Lane Senior Housing Associates, a California, Limited Partnership. {tfie "Partnership";), w;th.reference to the following facts: A. The Partnership has leased for'.a.term of sixty (60) years from PEP~(the "Ground Lessor"), that certain real property which is deser'ibed in Attachment. 1 att`ached,to and incorporated herein (the "Property"). B. The Pa'rtnersp has agreed'to.coristruct on the Property a housing project consisting of twenty-two .,(22) rental units for low-income elderly`persons known. a-s Caulfield Lane Senior _ Apartments(the "Project"). C. The City desires to loan, and the Partner-ship desires to borrow,-the sum: of. Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) _ (the "Loan"). Suchfunds"shall be used fqr development of the Project. ~ ~ ` D. The'Cty has extended a grant of. Two Hundred Thousand Dollars to the Developer to pay for ,site acquisition costs incurred for the-Property by the Developer (the "Grant"). E. Use",re tr-fictions ~on the Property were recorded against the Property by' the.. City in corinecti:on.wth the Grant. The City, Developer. and Partnership new desire to rep ace those 69301,L:1'S0 07/31/91 <i~, 9:5:Tam -1- restrictions with the covenants andsestrictions set forth in this Agreement. F. The Developer and. the Partnership agree that the covenants and restrictions set forth below shall be recorded against the Project in consideration of the Loan and the Grant. THEREFORE, the City; Developer, and the Partnership hereby agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS 1.1 Definitions When used in this Agreement,, the fol-lowing. terms shall have the respective meanings assigned to them in this Article 1. a. "Adjusted Income10 shall mean the total anticipated annual income of all persons in a household,, as adjusted in ~ accordance with Section 8 of the United :States Housing Act of~ 1937. In the event that no such program exists, the City shall provide the Developer with a reasonably similar method of • calculation of adjusted income. b. "Agreement" shall mean th-is Affordability Restrictions Agreement.. c. "Borr.ower NotetO shall mean the promissory note from the Partnership to the City evidencing all or any part of the Loan dated as of even date herewith. d. "City10 shall mean the City of Petaluma, California. e. 01Closng Date" shall mean the date of recordation of this Agreement. f. "Deed of Trust" shall mean the deed of trust to the City on the Partnership's leasehold estate in the. Property which secures repayment of the Loan and performance of this Agreement. g.• ":Developer" shall mean the .Petaluma Ecumenical Projects, a:GaTfornia nonprofit public benefit corporation, and any of .its successors, or assigns. 6Q301 L.P50 07/3]/9] at 9:51am _2_ h. 10Eighty Percent of Median :Income" shall mean income figures calculated by multiplying the Median Income figures by 0.8. i. "Elderly Household" shall mean households of which at least one member is 52 years of age or older. j. "Handicapped" shall mean a household of which a member is suffering from an orthopedic disability impairing personal mobility. or a physical disability affecting his or her ability to obtain employment or which requires special care or facilities in the home. k. "Loan" shall mean the. principal amount of $2.00,000 loaned to the Partnership by the City, as evidenced by the Borrower Note. 1. "Lower Income Household°' shall mean a household with an Adjusted Income which does not exceed 80$ of Median Income. m. "Median Income" shall mean the median gross yearly income adjusted for actual household size, in the County of. Sonoma, California, as published from time to time by the State of California. In the event that such income. determinations are no longer published, or are not updated for a period of at least eighteen ('i8) months, the City shall provide the Developer with other income determinations which are reasonably similar with respect``to methods of calculation to those previously published by the State. n. t1Partnership" shall mean the Caulfield Lane Senior Housing Associates, a California Limited Partnership, and any of its successors, or assigns. o. "Project" shall mean the Caulfield Lane Senior Apartments Development:,. consisting of the Property, the Units, and all landscaping, roads and parking spaces existing thereon, as the same may from time to time exist. p. "Property10 shall mean the real property described in Attachment 1 attached hereto and incorporated herein. q. "Rent".shall mean the total of .monthly payments by the tenants of a Unit for the .following: use and occupancy of the,Unit and-land. and associated facilities, including parking; any separately charged fees or service charges assessed by Developer which are required of all tenants, other than security deposits;-the cost of an adequate level of .service for utilities 69301L.P50 07/3l/9l at 9:51am -3- l paid by the tenant, including garbage collection, sewer, water, electricity,'gas' and other heating, cooking and refrigeration fuel,: but not telephone service; any other interest, taxes, fees or 'cha'rges for use of the land or associated facilities and assessed.by'a public or private entity other than Developer, and paid. by the tenant. . r. 01Term" shall mean. the period of time beginning on the Closing Date and ending fifty-five (55) years following the Closing Date. s. ~ 01Units" shall, mean the twenty-two'. (22) residential rental units to be constructed on the Property. ARTICLE 2 AFFORDABILITY COVENANTS 2:1 Occupancy Requirement. a. Twenty ('20) of the Units shall be rented ,and occupied by or, if vacant,, available for rental and occupancy by Lower Income .persons 62 years of age.or older. b, Two (2) of the Units shall be rented and occupied by or; if vacant available for rental and occupancy by Low.er- Income persons qualifying as Handicapped and/or 62 years of age or o der. 2.2 Allowable Rent.. The Rent .charged the occupants~of the Units shall not exceed one-twelfth of Thirty Percent of Sixty percent (60~) of Median Income. 2.3 Increased Income of OccubyinctHouseholds a. In the event, upon.recert~fication of an occupant household ° s income:, th'e PartnersYrp .discovers that, a Lower Income Household no longer qualifies as a Lower `Income Household, the w household shall be required to vacate the Project within six ,(6) months, :and the`Unt shall be rented to a. Lower Income Household as necessary to meet the requirements of Section 2.1 above. b. If the Project ,is subject; to State or federal rules governing low income housing tax credits, the provisions of those rules regarding continued occupancy by. households whose incomes exceed the eligible income limtatfons~shall apply in place of the provisions set forth in subsection a. above. 69301 L:P,50 07/31/41 at 9:Slam -4- 2.4 Lease Provisions. The Partnership shall include in leases for all Units provisions which authorize Developer to immediately terminate the tenancy of any household one or more of whose-.members misrepresented any fact material to the household's qualification as a Lower Income Household. Each lease or rental agreement shall also provide that the household is subject to annual certification in accordance with Section 4.1 below, and that, if the household's income increases above the applicable limits for a Lower .Income Household, as"applicable such household may be required~to vacate the Unit. ARTLCLE 3 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROJECT 3.1 Residential Use. The Project shall be operated only for residential use. No part of the Project shall be operated as transient housing. 3.2 Taxes and_Assessments. Developer and/or Partnership shall pay or cause to'be.paid all real and personal property taxes, assessments and charges and all franchise, income, employment, old age benefit, withholding, sales, and other taxes assessed against it, or payable by it, at such times and in such manner a's to pr.eyent arty penal"ty from accruing, or any lien or charge from attaching to the Project, provided, .however, that Developer and Partnership shall hawe.the right to contest in good faith, any such taxes, assessments, or charges. In the event Developer and/or Partnership exercise"their right to contest any tax., assessment, or charge against them,. Developer and/or Partnership, on final determination of the proceeding or contest, shall immediately pay or discharge any decision or judgment rendered against them, together with all costs, charges and interest. 3.3 Maintenance. Partnership shall .maintain the Project in good repair and work`nq order, and. in a neat,. clean and orderly condition,. including the walkways, driveways, alleyways and landscaping, and from time to time make all necessary and proper repairs, renewals, and replacements. 3.4 ~londiscrmnation. All of the Units shall be available for occupancy on a continuous basis to members of the general public who are income eligible. Except as provided in Section 2.1 above., ahe"Partnership shall not give preference to any particular class or group of persons in renting the Units, except to the extent that the Units are required to be leased to Lower Income Households and/or"Elderly Households. There shall be no 6930IL.P50 07/3]/91 at 9`.5lam _5_ discrimnat°on against or segregation of any person or group: of persons,, "on account of,race, color, .creed, religion, sex,, sexual orientation, -marital status, national origin, or ancestry, in the leasing, sublea°sng', tr-ansferrng, use, occupancy, tenure, or enjoyment of any Unit nor sha13 the Partnership or any .person - claiming under or through the Partnership., establish :or permit any such practice or praet-ices of; discrimination or, segregation with reference to the selection, location; number, se or , occupancy, of tenants,,- lessees:,; subl'esse'esy subtenants, or - vendees of any Unit or in conr-ect-ion with the employment of persons for the operation and management. of any Unit... ARTICLE 4 INCOME CERTIFICATION AIJD REPORTING 4.1 Income Certification. The Partnership will obtain, complete. and maintain on. :file, immediate y prior to initial occupancy and annually thereafter, income certifications from Lower Income Households ,renting any of the Units. The Partnership shall make fa good faith effort to verify that `the income provided by an~applcant or occupying household in. an income certification is accurate. 4.2 Annual Report to City. Each year the•Partnership shall. submit an annual report to the City, in ;a form approved by the City. The annual report shall include for each rental Unit covered by this.Agreement,~ the Rent and the income and. family size of the household occupying the~Unt. The~report~shall also state the date the tenancy commenced for each :rental Unit, and such other information as the Gty may be required by law to obtain. 4.3 Additional Information, The Partnership hall provide any additional; information reasonably requested by the City.. The City shall have. the right. to eicamine and make copies of all- books:; records or other documents of Developer which pertain to any Unit. 4..4 Records.~.:The Partnership shall_maintan complete.,:. . accurate a_nd~cur-r,ent'records pertaining to.the Units, and shal permit any duly. authorized representative of the'~City to inspect 'records, including records pertaining to income and. household size of tenant households. 69301 L.P50 07/31/91 aC 9:SIam _6_ ARTICLE 5 P'iISCELLANEOUS 5.1 Term. The prows-ions. of this Agreement shall .apply to the Project for the entire Term even, if the entire Loan. is paid in full prior to the end of the Term. Upon expiration of the, Term, the City shall, have the option to extend the provisions .of this Agreement for another fifty-f,ive (55) years (the "Extensiont1). In consideration for the Extension, the City shall defer all payments under the B6rrower Note for an additional fifty-five (5'S) years. This Agreement shall bind any successors, heirs or assigns of both the Deve-lopes and~the Partnership, whether a change in interest occurs voluntarily or involuntarily, by operation of law or otherwise, except as expressly released by the Gity. The City~mak'es the Loan on the condition, and in consideration of, this provision, .and would not do so otherwise. 5.2 Covenants to Run With the Land,. The City, Developer and the Partnership hereby declare their express intent that the covenants and restrict-ions set forth in this Agreement shall run with the land, and shall bind all successors in title to the Project, provided, however, that on the expiration of the' Term of this Agreement said covenants and restrictions shall exp-ire except as provided in Section 5.1 above.: Each and every contract; deed or other instrument hereafter executed covering or conveying the Project or any portion thereof shall be held conclusively to have. been executed, delivered and accepted subject to such covenants and restrictions.,. regardless of whether such covenants or restrictions are se't -forth in such contract, deed or-other instrument, unless the City expressly releases such conveyed portion of the Project from the requirements of this Agreement. 5.3 Enforcement by the City. I,f.the Developer or the Partnership fail to perform any obligation under this Agreement, and fail to cure the ,.default within 3O days-after. the City has notified the Developer and the. Partnership in writing of the defau-lt or, if the default-cannot be cured within 30 days, failed. to commence to cure within 30 days and thereafter. diligently pursue such cure,. the City shaT1 have the right to enforce this Agreement by any or, all .of the following actions, or any other remedy provided by law: a. _ Calling. the~Loan. The City may declare a default under the Note., accelerate the .indebtedness evidenced by the Note, and proceed with foreclosure under the Deed of Trust. 69301L.P50 07/3I/9T at 9:51am -7- b. Action to Compel Per-formance or for .Damages. .The City may bring an action at law or in equity to compel Developer's and Partnership's performance of their obligations under this Agreement, and/or for damages. - 5.4 'Attorneys Fees and Costs.. In any ,action brought to enforce this Agreement., the prevailing party shall be entitled to all costs a_nd expenses of suit, including attorneys' fees.. This section shall be interpreted in accordance with California Civil. Code Section 1717 and judicial deeisiorls interpreting that statute. 5.5 Recording and Filing. The City, Developer and the Partnership shall cause this Agreement, and all amendments and supplements to it, to be recorded in the Official Records of the County of Sonoma. 5.6 Subordination. This Agreement shall be subordinate to all liens on the property-for financing the acquisition of the Property and construction of the Project, including without limitation: a deed of trust in an amount .not to exceed $750,000 in .favor of the State of California Department of~Housing and Community Development (1°HCD01) • a deed of trust in an amount not to exceed $60O,OOD in favor of Nor-thbay Savings Bank; a'deed of. trust in an amount not. to exceed $1,200;000 in favor of Northbay Savings Bank; and~a Regulatory Agreement entered into by and between the Partnership and HCD. 5.7 Governinct Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws o'f the State of California. 5.8 Amendments.. This Agreement may be amended only by a written instrument executed by all the parties hereto or their successors in title, and duly recorded in the real property records of the County of Sonoma, California. 5.9 Notice. All notices given or certificates delivered under this Agreement .shall be deemed 'received on the delivery or refusal date shown on the delivery receipt, if: (i) personally delivered by a commercial service which furnishes signed receipts of delivery or (ii) mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested,, ,postage prepaid, addressed-as shown~on the signature page. Any _o€ the parties may, by notice .given hereunder, designate any further or .different addresses to which subsequent notices, certificates or communications shall be sent. 5.10 S'everablty. If any provision of this Agreement shall be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and 69301L.P50 07/31/91 at 9:51am _8_ ' enforceability of the remaining portion's of this Agreement shall not in any way be affected or impaired' thereby. IN WITNESS,WHEREOF, the City, Developer and ahe~Partnership have executed this Agreement•by duly authorized representatives, all on the date first written above. Address: 11 English Street Petaluma, CA 94953 Address..: 22'0 Stanley Street Petaluma, CA 94952 Address: 22O Stanley Street Petaluma, CA 94952 69301LP.50 07/31/91 a[ 9:51am CITY: CITY OF PETALUMA By: Its: PARTNERSHIP: CAULF.IELD LANE SENIOR HOUSING ASSOCIATES, a California Limited Partnership By: Petaluma Ecumenical Projects, its general paY ~ - -- By Itf •By: DEVELOP] PETALUMA ECUMENICAL PROJECTS a California nonprofit public benefit cor By~ It: By: Its AT T: - City__ -- ~~n cs~ ° ~~~t -9- -~. CC §.1181 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) COUNTY OF SONOMA ) On this 13th ACKNOWLEDGMENT day of August in the year 19 91 before me, Paulette Lyon, Deputy City Clerk, Clty of Petaluma, personally appeared John Scharer personally known to me to be the person who executed this instrument as City Manager of the City of Petaluma and acknowledged to me that the City of Petaluma executed it. , Seal Paulette Lyon, Deputy CI erk City of Petaluma, California STATF, OF CALIF(1RN COUNTY (1F__.. SoNOr~~ _- SS. a pn_AUgUSt 20, 199 ,before me, the undersigned, r, 0.N aplNnred TIMOTHYarrP.jn~CELLG~~~f~`y and State,. personally own to me to ° - GE~NA-GEAL~~ Ire the_.__--l're idcrit, nnd__ _ _ __, known iy ~freasurer _p~T.ALUMA a to me to he the-.-------.--._...--,id0~')a'J4'~-( of ° ECUMENiCAL_P_RgaECTS_- ,the corporation chat m g executed the •within instrument and known to me to .fie the persons w who exer•utr•d the within instrument on behalf of said corporation. said ror•pnration hang kgown tq me to be th General Partner QOf CAULFIELD._L.ANE_-SENIOR. HOUSING ~S_SOCIATE~he U I~arhrcrehip that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged In me lhati such cnrpnralion xeruU~ c same as such panne[ and tl at u.h partiiershi exe fed sa . ~n , N H AUREEN F. L GO r N c 0 a STATE QFCALIFORNIA S.S. _ _ ~ rn COUNTY OF,_ _ _ _- SOIl01Tla _-.-- - - 20th v Onthislhe_______-___dayof__AUgUSt____._1g9~ before me, Q the undersigned, a Notary `Putilic 'in and for said County and. State; ~ personally appeared, sIMO_TN:Y-P .-KELL.GfIEN- ---- _ personally knownfo me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be. a the -.-__.--__:.-_.. President, and ..__LEONA-. GEALIA____._._-_ _ ~ ___-.. ,personally Q :known tome oYproved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be v TY'ea'SU1°e1".. ~144fRt1~dff of the corporation that executed the within Z instrument on behalf of t e Corp r ion therein named, and acknow- .x ledged to me Ihat such• orpo~ t o executed the within instrument o pursuant t iC 6 -laws or a so t' n o ' ~rd of directo s. to I I , ,, l a Sigftature ' ~ 1~,~~~- ~- --~ -- ~~-lJ vi f LAUREEN EW OT SAFECO FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP . OFFlQIAL SEAL ;.~,~ LAUREEN F LEWGOT ~i , al NOTgAY PUBLC-CAUFORNIA PRINCIPAL OFFICE,IN SONOMA COUNTY _ My Commission Expires Aug. 27, 1983 C r ®~ ~ ' TITLE INSURANCE FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP OFFICIAL SEAL w LAUREEN F• LEWGOT ~'A •'~ N0T,4RY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA ~ • PRINCIPAL OFFICE 1N SONOMA COUNTY My Commissfon (_icplres Auy: 2_ 7l/ 1vg93 ATTACHMENT i'ARCEL 'UftiiE';s lie 1 ng a por t I on .o~f the 1 ands o f Redwood Emp ~ re T' i t l e Comps rY a s described i n. Document ~.recordec9 i n'Book 2556: a t page 675, Of f fc t a l Recc+rds of Sonoma [ounty, a:nd being more~particuiarly described as follows: .. . Commencing 1~ t .• th.e mos~Y $outher'l y corners of , g'a•i•d ..!.ands and rune i ng tnence along. the Southeas~t'erl'~y 1;=ine of~ gaid land Pdorth 35~ 30' Eas4• 300 fee4 to the true po.i:n4 of be:g i nni ng = ' th°e,nce cont,i'nu i ng along sal d line 314.21 feet to a point; thence 1"ea~i;ng~ said line North S~° 30• west , d 07 feet to 4he, Norfhwes t~r'1 y ;1'i<;ne , `of said parcel = thence a 8 ong said Nort-hwester l y line, South 35° 30"° 30'" West, 314-. 2'1 Beet to a po.i nt; thence South 54 30° East,. !07 feet 4o the true point ®f beginning. i'ARCEL TWO s - 8einq a portign of the: la;nds..of Reduuood Empire Title Company as described In Document recorded`,in Sook~2556'at page 675, Official Records of Sonoma County, and being more particularly described as foltowsa Gommenc i ng a t the onost Sou.aher,l y Corner of ea i d lands and: running thence along -the Southeasterly ll:ne of eaad l:an®, North 35° 30° East, 150 feet . to a: point, $ai~.d polnf-.being tfi'e true point of beg°inning of the parcel~to be desgr.dbed= thence:contdnuing along said 11ne, North 35® 30' Ea5 , !50..00 feet :to a .point= thence /eavit 5~9®. 30° West, !07..:00 :feet ~to .a - g said 1 ine North. point on, the Noc•thWester .y 1 i'ne of said parcel; thence along; fh;e `Northwesterly i,I'ne-, South. 35:° 30° Wes4o' ''SO fast to a poi'nt~; thence South Sq~°- 30° Eat4t. 107. feet ~ to the . point of beg l nn!i ng . ~ - ° PFIRCEL THREE s ~: Bain a - ,: g port;~on of ,;thy lands; of .RedWOO.d Emp:Ere Title Company as ,dezcr 1 bid i n .Document recorded i n Book: 2556`, , a t page 675, Off i c i a.l Records o f. Sonome~ Coon t y, and be i`ng snore p:a r t i cu l a r 1 y described a s follows Commenc.i ng ,e t the= most _Sou ther l y corner o:f said rands- and running thence al'ong~ fhe~-Southeasterly line of,sa_I!d' land North 35' 30' East, 6 t h. 2~1 f a;e t t o th! true pv i n t o f :,beg i nn`ing a 'the:nce con 4l nu i ng along said ~1,'ne Z00 feet to th! most Eaeterly-corner of.said land; thence along the:. NortheasYerlfy ~ l ine (hereof ~ North 54° 3C~' West, l0'7 feet to the enos4 Northerly, eorner thereoft th~rnce a'a'o~p th"e Bdorthwesterly 1 ine of said Dandy Sou 4~h 35® 30' We 4 20A feet to: a poi nt idh i eh bears Odorth Sq® 30° .West from the point of beginn'i.n~°= thence South •5~® 30• East, .107 feet to 4he point o"~ beginning. .ATTACHMENT 1 ° Excep4ing there-from 4he above described Parcel Th.ree•tfie4 certain real property eonveyed to Va11te Llt4to by Deed dated 6ep'tember 20, 197a .and recorded Oc3ober 15, 1974 in SBook 2905 et page 1400 :Official Records of ,Sonoma County, under Recorder°s Serial Mo. P-24882. PARCEL FOUR: I~eing a portion of the lands of Red~iood Empire Title Company as descr i bp~9 fi n >,ocume rit' recorded t o Book 2556 of Of f i c l a l o~ecords , a t page 675, Sonoma Go'unty Records, and being: more particularly described a s to I 1 o~+s s 3 , Oommencing at the most Southerly corner of said lands- and running thence along the Southeasterly line of laid land North 35® 30° Eas40 8.50 feet. to .a point; 4hence Iea~ing said Iine North 54® 30° West, 507.00 feet 'to a p.olnt on the.NorthWes4erly line of said parcels thence along the Northwesterly Line South 35° 30° 6aeste 1S0 feet to the 'Host. iJesterly corner of stia:id parcels thence South 54® 30 Eas4, 197 feet to th! poin4 of comm~ncing. Excep t l ng from the above described :Parcf'l s One, Two, ~ Three~'aind Four, ttaat Cer4ain rpaH property con~eye:d 4o the Clty ot_Petaluma by a Deed dated March 220 :1974 and recorded Aprl1 1:9, 1974 1n Dook 2®55 at page 5670 Official Records of Sonoma County, Gander Recorder°s Serial No. N-94162, and being~eaore particuDaY'ly described as follows: A st"r1p of land for stree4 construct;i~on purposes lying ~I.thin the City of Petaluma, and more parYlcular~ly :.descr bed as follows: Commencing at the eaost Sou'thwestprly corner ®t Parcel "Aa of PleadoWlark Meadow Subd3vislon recorded 1n ®ook 139 pf flaps, at pages 46 and 47~ Sonoma County Records. thence from sa;ld'point of b~ginning, South 35 28° 54" blest, 22®.00 feet$ theT9C! North S~~ 35. 30" West, 50.35 feats thence tro~n a tangen4 which bears South 5~4® 31 ° 3A°' East on a curve to YF-ie Left through ~ central angle of ~9® 59° 36" having a radius of 30 feet a length of 47.12 fee4. thence from said point, North 35® 28° 5q" East] 28.•40 feet; thence on a curve to the Ipft through a central angle of 6 26° 52" having a radius of 967 fee4, a 1;ength of 108.82 feet; thence on a tangent curve 4o~the rTgh4 through a central angle of 6~ 26° 52°' fia•Ji~g a radius of 1033 ts-e4, ~ length of 116.25 feet; thence North. 35 28=° 54°°' East, 531.2? tenet; thence South 54® 31' 30°' East, 33.00 fee4• 4hence South 3S® 28• °S4°' blest, 586.2'1 feet to the true point ®f beginning. Also e~xcep4ing from th"e .above described Parcel Four, that ~ cert~a,in rea'1, property conveyed 40 The Grant Deed recorded June 2.1, 1991 as Documen4 Official Records o'f Sonoma County, and being described as 401 lows: s One, T~-.o, Three and City of Petaluma by No. 199& 00594.63 of more particularly A portior- of the 1>ands of Petaluma Ecumenical Pro'ects, inc., as Bald Iands are described by Deed recorded in Document Number 88-1115110 Sonoma County Records, Pnore particularly described as follows: ~• ~~ ATTACHMENT 1 >3eginninq et the most Southwesterly corner of 4he aforesaid lands of Petaluma Ecunienl~cafl Pro3eets° Inc., thencf North 3S~ 28° S64°•,East, a distance of iO.OO~feeti~thence South S~ 31° 30'• East, a di$tanee of 49.25 feet:s thence on a tangent 30.00 Boot radius curve to .the left 4hrough a eentra-1 angle of 89' S9'° 36" an arc distance of 47.g2 feet tthe long chord of which bear North ®0`~~ 2A°' X12°' East a distance of 42.42 fes4)a 4hence North 35 28° S4"' Eist, a distance of 70.58 feetg thence on a 4ang.ent 975.00 foot radius curve. 40 4he left through a central angle of 5e 21° 58'• an arc distance of 91.31 feet ithe long chord of Whieh besrs~~North 32® 47° 55" East, a distance 04 91.28 feet) to a point of reVe.rsa~ cu,rvsture= thence on a 975.00 foot radius curve to the right fhrougtl a cen4ra.fl. angle of S® 28 ° 58" an arc d!$tance ®f 91.31 feet tthe ~Iong chow ~f mhich Dears 'North 32® 47° 55°' East, a dastanee of 9i:Z6~feet)$ thence North 35. 28. 54°° East, a distance of 424.63 feetg thence on a tangent 33,00 40o radius eurve t® the Lett through a central angle of• 90® 00° t)0•' an arc d stand of Si.®4 left the long chord of mhleh~bears North 09® ~1° ®6°° Yes`to a dlata~ ®f 46.67 feetD to s point of cusp on the 'foutharly •0.1ne bf Park Lane= thence a~l'ong the Southerly l iTie of i'ark. Lane® South 54 31 ° ®6°' East, a dlstanee of 36.30 feet to the lnterseet'ion~of the Southerly line of Park Lane or9th the Yesterly-Sloe. Of Caulf'Ield L.aneg thence along thee Westerly line o• Caulfield~L.ene-, SOUth 35® 28° S4" blest,, a' distanc@ of 457.:59 fletg thence on a tangent 1033.00 foot radius curve to the Deft through a 'bentral an~~le ®f A6` 26• S2°' a arc t!latance of i~16.25 feet ithe long chol`d of mhtch .bears;.Sou4h 32® •• 29~ blest, a distance of 116.19 feetD to a point of reversa curva4ureY thence ®n a.967.00 ; foot Pad'!us eurve to the r1~h~t through a cen4raD angle Of 06® Z6• S2~ an are distance of 108.82 fie"t ilhe~long chord of which bears South 32° 15° 2®•' Wtat, a df.stance of'108..76 feet)g 4henee South 3S® 2®• 54•• West, a distance of 28.AO feet= thanc~ on a tangen4 30.00 toot radius curve to the right through a central angle of ®9 59° 36" an arc distance of X7.12 feet tthe long Chord of whleh bears South ®0®28° 42" West, a d,t'stanee ®f 42.2 tfetD to a po:1n4 of cusps thence South 54° 31° 30" East, a dlstanee of 50:.35 ftetg thence South 35® 2®' S4'° ldesto~' a distance of 107.00 feet to the i°oint of Saglnning.