HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 858 N.C.S. 01/03/1967vra
EERmskw 12/17/;66
858 NrC S,
Section 1., Chapter 15 of the Petaluma City Code of
1958 is hereby amended to read as follows:
Section 15,1. Definitions of Words and Phrases. The
following words and phrases when used in this Chapter shall for the
purpose of this Chapter have the meanings respectively ascribed to
them in this article,
Section 15..1..1 . Motor Vehicle Code Definitions to be
Used. Whenever any words or phrases used herein are not defined, but
are defined in the Vehicle Code of the State of California and amend-
ments, thereto, such definitions shall apply.,
Section 15.1,2. Central Traffic District. All streets
and portions of streets within the area are described as follows:
Commencing atthe northeast corner of Petaluma Blvd,
North and Washington Streets; thence northerly
along the east side of Petaluma Blvd. North to the
point of intersection of the northerly line of
Prospect Street extended; thence southerly along
the westerly line of Petaluma Blvd. from the inter-
section with the northerly line of Prospect Street,
to the northerly line of Mary Street; thence wester-
ly along the northerly line of Mary Street to the
westerly line of Kentucky Street; thence southerly
along the westerly line of Kentucky Street to the
northwest corner of Kentucky Street and Washington
Street; thence westerly along the northerly line
of Washington Street to the northwest corner of
Washington Street and Keller Street; thence south-
erly along the westerly line of Keller Street to
the southwest corner of Keller Street and Western
Avenue; thence easterly on the southerly line of
Western Avenue to the southwest corner of Western
Avenue and Kentucky Street; thence southerly along
the westerly line of Kentucky Street to Fourth Street;
thence southerly along the westerly line of Fourth
Street to the south side of "B" Street; thence east-
erly along the south side of "B" Street to the east-
erly side of Petaluma Blvd; thence northwesterly
along the northeast side of Petaluma Blvd. to Wash-
ington Street; thence easterly along the southerly
side of. Washington Street to the Petaluma River;
thence easterly along the southerly side of East
Washington Street to the southwesterly corner of
Copeland Street and East Washington Street; thence
westerly along the northerly line of East Washington
Street from the northwest corner of East Washington
and Copeland Streets to the Petaluma River; thence
westerly along the northerly side of Washington Street
to the northeast corner of Petaluma Blvd. and Wash-
ington Street and the point of beginning.
Any iiiol,af bus, motor coach,
trackless trolley, 3� passenger stage used i5ls a --arex of Pas-
of Petaluma -,
seg—vl"Dri The � the City
S &� t I c) n 115 , I , 5. CA�'., -t b , The later -al boundary of the
roadway whether such 4--arb be iml�,;-rked by cu--&ing coDst:cuctiCnr, 3.r not so
marked; the word "cu,. -b" as hez,elax 'used 'shah not ixciude the 1'ne di-
v1ding the roadway o2 a I . 'VC;fV, t'he cent er of a
street, rio]r from, tracks or righL:s z;L via y' iz;r jpubiic ui-,-I-'L'A.y 'm:ompanies,.
1-15.J 6DI—VI-s:., n4ai isizand, A �tlsed JLs-
land iocated "Ln the roadway and OpPosl`.r�g CIC:
streams of uiaffic:
Holid' -ysW:1
'thhe meaning of
this chapter,, holl'iday6 are the Lii-st, day ol- janua!C-y, the tweifth day
of Februaiy, the twenty-seccnd d:5,y or Febc�&ry, the thi-Ltlet-h day of
May, the fcuLth day of Ju y, theS-ptemb,&-, the ninth
V L A � � -- -
day of Septenbelc, the twe'Li.-fth d6�-' o,1- C)c,,L,:7ber, --he y f Nov-
ember, the twenty-LLtth dc -,-y ,3f Decajmbeir, and D,�,yr- If the
first day of .JL..i-well-th d;-Iy of F'ebru,,a�;y� rivverty-se(��ond day of F'eb-
uaty, the th-Litieh day of May, the 1'3um-th day oL du.Ly, the ninth day
of Septembei , the twelfth day of 0of-obey , the daLy cf No-,vember
or the twenty- fift-In day, ,.Df Dlec.-eutbe.-r malls Tapon -a Sund,5y, the Monday
foilowinq is a hoiidayr
section Loading ;;one:. The space adjacent to
a curb ireserved f --i, r -he --use, of V-Iehiclesthe ioading or
unloading of passengers 3:Z, mage f-itLls,
S e, -=z L- i o n it, _ i, 9s Offic,;!,ai SL��nda-r-d, Whenever
ceitain ho,Lirs &::e nazied here'Ln, they shall xteari s a da d -e-ime rJr day-
light saving t-Lme -as may be in cu�f,�,=ent: t se �n th..Ls C.L,Cy,
15.1.10. Parkway.. Thai. portion of a
street other than a roadway or a sidewalk,.
Section 15.i.lit Parking Meter. A mechanical de-
vice installed within or upon the curb or sidewalk area, immediately
adjacent to a parking space, for the purpose of controlling the per-
iod of time occupancy of such parking meter space by any vehicle,
Section 15.1.12% Passenger Loading Zone. The space
adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles during
the loading or, unloading of passengers,
Pedestrian. Any
Police Officer.
officer of
the Police Department of this city or any officer authorized to direct
or regulate traffic or to make arrests for violations.of traffic reg-
Section 15.1.15, Stop. When required, means com-
plete cessation of movement.
Section 15.1,169 Vehicle Code.. The Vehicle Code of
the State of California.
Section 15.2% Police Administration. There is here-
by established in the police department of this city a traffic division
to be under the control of an officer of police appointed by and dir-
ectly responsible to the Chief of Police.
Section 15.2.14 Duty of Traffic•Division. It shall
be the duty of the traffic division with such aid as may be rendered by
other members of the police department to,enforce the street traffic
regulations of this city and all of the state vehicle laws applicable to
street traffic in this city, to make arrests for traffic violations, to
investigate traffic accidents and to cooperate with the City Traffic En-
gineer and other officers of the city in the administration of the traffic
laws and in developing ways and means to improye traff c-conditions;,''and:
to carry -out those duties specially imposed upon said division by th s,.,
chapter•: and the traffic ordinances of this.•c tyo'
Section 1502020 Traffic Accident�Studieso Whenever
the accidents at any particular location become numerous, the traffic
division shall cooperate with the city traf.fic...englneer in conducting
studies of such accidents and determining remedial measures.
Section 15.2.3. Traffic Accident Reports, The traf-
fic division shall maintain a suitable system of filing traffic -accident
reports. Accident reports or cards referring to them shall be filed al-
phabetically by location. Such reports shall be available for the,use
and information of the_city traffic engineer.
Section 15.2.40 Traffic Division to Submit Annual
Traffic Safety Report. The traffic division shall annually prepare a
traffic report which shall be 'filed with the,City Council. Such a re-
port shall contain information on traffic matters in this city as follows:
(1) The number of traffic accidents, the number of persons,
killed, the number of persons lnjt�red, and other per-
tinent traffic accident data;
(2) The number of traffic accidents.investigated and other
pertinent data on the safety activities of the police,;
(3) The plans and recommendations of the division for future
traffic safety activities.
Section 15.2.5. City Tr.affic_.,Engineer. The. office of
city traffic engineer is hereby established. The city traffic.,engineer
shall be appointed by the City Manager and he shall exercise the powers
and duties as provided in this chapter and in.the traffic ordinances
of this city, Whenever the city.traff.ic engineer is required or author-
ized to place or maintain official traffic control devices or signals,
he may cause such devices or signals to be placed or maintained.
Section 152.6. Powers and. Duties of City Traffic En-
gineer - Delegation. It shall be the general duty of the city..traffic.en-
_,gineer to'determine the installation and proper timing and maintenance of
traffic control devices and signals, to conduct engineering analyses of
traffic accidents and to devise remedial measures, to conduct engineer-°
ing and traffic investigations of traffic.conditions and to cooperate
with other city officials in the development of ways and mean's -to im-
prove traffic conditions, and to carry out the -additional powers and
duties imposed by ordinances of this city. Whenever, by .the provisions
of this chapter a povger is granted to the city traffic engineer or -a
duty imposed upon him, the power may be exercised or the duty performed
by his deputy or by a person authorized in writing by him.
Section 15.2,7. Traffic Committee. There is hereby.es-
tablished an advisory traffic committee to serve without compensation.,,
consisting of the city traffic engineer, the chief of police or in his,
discretion as his representative the chief of the traffic division, a
member of the city council and one representative each from the city
attorney's office and the Planning Director.,
Section 15.28. Duties of Traffic Committee, It shall
be the duty of the traffic committee to suggest the most practicable
means for coordinating the activities of all officers and agencies of
this city having authority with respect to the admini,s'tration or en-
forcement of traffic regulations; to stimulate and assist in the prepar-
ation and publication of traffic reports; to receive complaints having
to do with traffic matters; to -establish and delineate through streets,
stop signs, diagonal parking zones and no parking zones; and to recommend
to the legislative body of this city and to the city traffic engineer,
the chief of the traffic division and other.city officials, ways and means
for improving traffic conditions and the administration and enforcement
of traffic regulations,
Section 15.3. Authority.of Police and Fire Department
Officials. Officers of the Police Department and such officers as are
assigned by the Chief of Police are hereby authorized to direct all traffic
by voice, .hand,'..audible or ,other signal'in .conformance with traffic laws,,
except that in the event of a fire or other emergency or.-,to.expedite traf
fic or to `safeguard pedestrians, officers of the Police Department,.mem--
bers of the Fire Department.or-members of -the Department. of Public•,Works
may direct traffic as conditions may.require', notwithstanding the pro
visions to the -contrary -contained in this ,chapter or the Vehicle.'Codem
Section 150301m Persons Other -Than Officials Shall Not
Direct Traffic. No person other than an officer of the Police Department'
or members of the,Fire Department or a person authorized by the Chief of
Police or a person authorized by law shall direct or 'attempt to direct
traffic by voice, hand or other signal, except that persons may -operate,
when and as herein provided, any mechanical. pushbutton signal erected by
order of the city traffic .engineer,.
Section 15.3.20 Obedience to Police or Authorized
Officers. No person shall fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order',
signal, or direction of a traffic or police officer, or a.member of the
Fire Department, or -a person authorized by the -Chief of Police or by law.
Section 150303, Traffic Regulations Apply to Persons.
Riding Bicycles or Animals, Every person riding a bicycle or riding or
driving an animal upon a street or highway has,all of the rights and shall
be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle by
this-c-4.pter, except those provisions whidh by their very nature have
no. application.
Section 15.3,4% Obstruction.or interference with Police
or Authorized Officers. No person shall interfere with or obstruct in -any
way any police officer or other officer or -employee of this city in their
enforcement of the provisions of this chapter.. The removal,,, oblitera-
tion or concealment of any chalk mark or,other distinguishing mark used
by any police officer or ether employee -of officer of this city in connec-
tion with the enforcement of the patking regulations of this .,chapter
shall, if done for the purpose of evadi
Section 15A�5,, Publip, Employees to obe,v.,.'TrafI.'ic.. Rpg-
,ulations. The pro -visions of this :_chApter shall apply to the operator
of any vehicle owned by or, used in the service of the United States Gov-
ernment, this state, any county or city, and it shall be unlawful -for any
said operator to violate any of the provisions of this c -_chapter, except.
as otherwise permitted in thischapter- or by the .Vehicle Code.
Section i5.3.*6. Exemption of Certain Vehicles.
(a) The provisions of this chapter regulating the operation,
parking and standing of vehicles shall not apply to vehicles operated by
the Police or Fire Departments, any public ambulance or any public utii-
ity vehicle or any prd.vate ambulance, which paubiic utility vehicle or
private ambulance ha,s quaiifi'ed as an..authorl.zed emergency vehicle, when
any vehicle mentioned in this section is operated in the manner specified
by the Vehicle Code in response to an emerge . ncy call,
(b) The foregoing exemptions shall not, however, relieve `:the
operator of any sup h %ieh,__'Lcle from obliq_.ation to exercise due care for the
safety- of others or the consequences of his willful d1sregazd'of the safety
of others,
�c) 'The provisions of this -chapter regulating the parking or
standing of vehicles shall not apply to -any vehicle of a city department;
or public utility while necessarily in use for construction or repair
)air work
or any vehicle owned or operated by the United States post .Office Depart-
ment while in use Lor the collection,, tran.sportation or delivery of United
States arta ii.
Section 15.3.7. Report of Damage to Certain Property.
(a) 'The operator of a vehicle or.,the person J --n charge of any
animal involved in any accident :res ulting in damage to any property pub-
licly owned or owned by a public ut'llity, including but not limited to
any fire hydrant, parking meter, lighting post,. telephone pole, electric
light or power pole, or resulting in damage 'to any tree, traffic control
device or other pLopert-y of a like nature located in or�:alonq any street,
shall within twenLy-four X24) hours after such accident, make a writ "ten re-
port of such accident to the Police Department'of this s city.
Every: such.treport shall state the tl_'me when and the place
where the,'accid.ent took place, the name and aoddresz of the person owning.
and Of the per -son operat:A'ng or in cha-rge of such, vehicle or animal, the
-license number of every such vehicle, and shall. briefly describe the pro -
petty damage in such accident.
(c) The operator oi any vehicle- in -volved in an accident shall
not be, subject to -the requirements or penalties of ,this section if and
during the time he is physically Incapable of m,,aking a report, but -in
such event he shall make a report, as required in subdivision (4),) within
24 hours after regaining ability to make such report,
Section 15,3c8L, When Vehicles May Be, Removed From.
Streets. Any regularly employed and salay'led officer of the Police De-
partment of this city may �_remov'e or cause to be removed:
Qa) Any vehicle that, has beerl parked or left standing upon a
street or highway fcorr 72 or, more corse cut i-ve hours.
Qb) Any vehicle which is or left standing upor. a street
or highway between the hours of 7:00 a,m, and 7:00 p,ra,, when such park-
ing or standing is prohibited by oL.-diianc:e,-re,solijti,Drt or regulation of
this city and signs -are po.sted giving- --,-iotice Of such- removal,
('c) Any Vehicle which is parked c,,r left standing upon a street
or highway where the use of such street or highway ®rr a portion thereof
is necessary for the cleaning, reps. x, '01- construction of the screet or
highway or for, the installation of landerground or where the use
of the street or, highway or any poi-._ion thereof is autho�ized for a pur-
pose other than the normal flow of traffic or whe.r°e the use of the street
or highway or.anyportion thereof is necessary for the movement of equip-
ment, articles or structures of unusual size, and the parking of .such ve-
hicle would prohibit or interfere with such use or movement; provided that
signs giving notice that such vehicle may be removed axe erected or placed
at least twenty-four (24) ho'kirs prior to the removal..
ARS a�, r.� iJ ; �i
Section 15.4, Authority to Instill TraffLc' 'Control
Devic s o_ (a) The city traffic engineer shall. haye' the power .:and duty
to place'and maintain or cause to be-placed and maint'alned official.traf-
fic control devices when and as required to'*M'ake effective the provisions
of this ordinance,,
Qby Whenever the Vehicle Code. require.for 'the e`ffectivc:ness
of any provision thereof that tretfio control, devices be installed to
give notice to the public of, the, application of s xch. lew the. city raf-
fis engineer is hereby author'ized`to ins7tail of cause to.be.inetalled
the necessary devices subject to any 1imi.tations or restrictions set-
et-forth in the law applicable theretp.
(c) The city ;traffic. engineer may also place and maintain or
cause to place .and maintain-such additional traffic control devices as
he may deem necessary or proper to regulate traffic or to guide or warn
tragic, but he shall made such determination only upon the -bas-" s of traf-.
fic engineering principles and traffic investigations and in.accordance
with such standards, limitations, and sruies as may be set forth in this
chapter or as may be. determined by `ordinanc:e or resolution of the Council.
Section 15.4210 Traffic Control Signs. Required for En-
forcement Purposes, No .provision of the `Jehic.ie Code or of this chap-
ter for which signs are required shall`be enforced against an alleged
violator unless appropriate legible sign's are in plane giving notice of
such provisions ofthe tr=affic laws.
Section 1.5.A.2. Obedience . to 'TrafficControl Devices
The operator of'. any vehicle or train shall obey the instructions of any
official traffic control device placed in accordance with this chapter
unless otherwise direct.ed by a p® ice ofli.cer or other authorized person
V , .
subject- to the exceptions granted the,operator of an authorized emergency
vehicle when responding to emergency: calls
-3,,, Installation of,Traffic , Signals
Section 15
-T,e,.cit�heedirected to install.
_y traffic .en L.
a-� . id ma1ntain-off.ic,ial ti�af f1c signals at thdse -Intersectionfs and.other.
places where traffic-conditionsare , such as to.require that the flow of -
'traffic be alternately-i.n'terrupted and released in. order to*prevent or
relieve traffic congestion.or to'protectl.lifeor property from excep
tional hazard.
(b) The city traffic engineer shall ascertain and determine.
the locations where such signals are required by field investigation,
traffic counts and other traffic information a,,s may be pertinent and hi.s.
determination therefrom shall be made in accordance with those traffic
engineering . - and safety standards and instructions set forth 1 - n the Calif-
ornia Maintenance Manual'i.ssued by the Division of Highways.of the State
Department of Public Works..
(c) Whenever the.city traffic engineer installs and maintains
an official trafficsignalat any intersection, he shall likewise erect
And -maintain at such intersection street name signs clearly visible.to
traffic approaching from all directions unless such street name signs
have previously been placed and are maintained at,any said intersection,
Section 15.4.44 Lane Marking.. The city traffic en-
gineer is,hereby authorized,to mark center lines and lane lines upon the
surface of.the-roadway to indicate the course to be traveled by vehicles
and may place signs te-a,iporariiy designating lanes to be used by traffic
moving. in a particular direction, regardiess of -the center line of the
Section, 15.4.5. Distinctive Roadway Markings- The
_..c:LtY.,tra.ftic_.enqineer is authorized to place and maintain distinctive
rocdway markings as,described in the Vehicle Code on those streets or
parts:.'of streets where the volume.of traflic.or the vertical or other
curIvatuze of the roadway renders. it hazardous to drive on the left side.
of such marking or signs and Marki_Lnq�pSuch marking or signs. and 'marking
shall have the same effect as simila'r markings placed by the State Depart—
ment of Public Works pursuant to provision's of the Vehicle Code.
Section l5 0 4_ a 6., Authority to Remove.,- Relocate and,
Discontinue T ff 6: Control Devices° The c=ity .traffic .engineer. is here-
by au"thori•zed` to remove relocate ordis,,cont-inue the operation of any
traffic control device,.not specifically required by the -Vehicle Code orel
this chapter whenever he shall determine*, n'any particular case that
the conditions which warranted or required the .installation no longer
exist ' or obtain®
Section.15.4.7e' Traffic Control Devices: Hours of,
Operation® The cty.traff,ic engineer shall determine the hours and days
during wh ch:any traffic control device shall be in.operat on or be in
effect, except in those cases where such hours or days are specified in
this chapter.
Section 15.4.8® Unauthorized PaInting of Curbs. No
person, unless authorized by this city, shall paint any street or curb
surface; provided, however, that this section 'shall not apply to the
painting of numbers on a curb surface by any person who has complied -with
the provisions of any'resolution.or ordinance of this city pertaining
Section 15.5. Authority to Place Turning Markers,
Intersections. Multiple Lanes. The city traffic engineer is author-
ized.to place official traffic control devices within or adjacent to
intersections and indicating the course to be traveled by vehicles turn-
ing at such intersections, and the city traffic_ engineer is.authorized
to locate and indicate more than one lane of traffic from which drivers
of vehicles may make right or left hand turns, and the course to be
traveled as so indicated may conform to or 'be other than as prescribed by
law or ordinance.'
Section 15.5.1. 'Authority to Place Restricted Turn Sign
The city, traffic engineer is hereby authorizedto determine those inter-
sections at' which drivers of vehicles shall not make a right,, left,. or
"U" turn; and 'shall. place -proper signs at ouch intersections.. The `.mak
ing :of. ,sich'„turns may be .prohibited between certain hours of any day.
and"permitted at'other hours, in which event.the same shall be plainly
'indicated on the signs or they may be removed when such turns are per-
Section 15.5.2. Signal Controlled Intersections - Right
Turns. (a) No driver of a vehicle shall make'a right turn against a
red or stop signal at any intersection which is sign -posted giving no-
tice of such restriction as hereinafter provided in this section.
(b) The city traffic engineer shall post appropriate signs
giving effect to this section where he determines that the making of
right turns against traffic signal "stop" indications would seriously
interfere with the safe and orderly flow of traffic.
Section 15.6. The City Traffic...Engineer to Sign One -Way
Streets and Alleys. Whenever any ordinance, resolution or regulation of
this City designates any one-way street or alley, the city traffic engi-
neer shall place and maintain signs giving notice thereof, and no such
regulations shall be effective unless such signs are in. place.. Signs in-
dicating the -direction of lawful traffic movement shall -be placed at every
intersection where movement of traffic in the opposite direction is pro-
Section 15.7. The,City Traffic Engineer to Erect Stop
Signs. Whenever the Traf.ficCommittee has designated and described
any street or portion thereof as a through street, or any intersection
at which vehicles are required to stop at one or more entrances, thereto,
or any railroad grade crossing at which vehicles are required to stop,
the city traffic engineer shall erect and maintain stop signs as follows:
A stop sign shall be erected on each and every street inter-
secting such through street or portion thereof so designated
and at those entrances to other intersections where a stop
is required and at any railroad grade crossing so designated;
provided, however, stop signs shall not be erected or main-
tained at any entrance to an intersection when such entrance
is controlled by an official traffic control signal. Every
such sign shall conform with, and shall be placed as provided
in, the Vehicle Code:
Section 15�7�1,. Stop at Through Street or Stop Sign.
(a) Those streets and parts of streets designated and described
by the Traffic Committee are hereby declared to be through streets for the
purposes of this section.
(b) The provisions of this section shall also apply at one or
more entrances to the intersections as such entrances and intersections
are designated and described by the Traffic Corri'mittee.
(c) The provisions of this section shall apply at those high-
way railway grade crossings as designated and described by the Traffic
Section 15:,`7..2. Emerging from Alley, Driveway or Building,
The driver of a vehicle emerging from an alley, driveway or building
shall stop such vehicle immediately prior to driving onto a sidewalk or
into the sidewalk area extending across any alley way or driveway,
Section 1508. Driving Through fi"uneral Procession. No
operator of any vehicle shall drive between the vehicles comprising a fun-
eral procession or a parade, provided that such vehicles are conspicuously
so designated: Th`e .directing of all vehic es and traf€'ic .on any tistteet
over. `which such funeral procession or parade wishes to 'pans shat be.',sub,
Sect ••-to the or°d"ers' of -'the:. Police Department,.
Section 15.8.1. Clinging to Moving Vehicle e No,'perso-nn,,
"shall attach -himself w th.his hands, or to catch on-, or hold on to with
his hands or by other mean's, to any moving vehicle or train•for the pair:;®
pose of receiving motive power therefrom.
Section 15.8.2. Commercial Vehicles Using Private
Driveways. No person shall.operate or drive a commercial vehicle in, on
or acros°s any private driveway approach or s'i�dewalk.area or the dri eway
itself without the con•sent,of the owner.or occupant of the property if a-_
sign or markings .are in place indicating that the use of such driveway 16i'
For the-purpose'of this section a commercial vehicle shal-1
mean a vehicle having a rated .capacity in'excess of one-half ton,
Section Riding or Driving on Sidewalk No
person shall ride, drive,, -propel., or cause•to be propelled any vehicle:
or animal••across or.upon any sidewalk excepting over permanently don-..
structed driveways and excepting when it is necessary for any temporary.
purpose to•drive a loaded vehicle across a sidewalk; provided further,-,.
that said 'sidewalk area be. substantially..protected by wooden planks two-
inches thick;. or other a Pp- roved.• p r:otect'6n, = "and ,written permleso%„berp'�'
vrom the city traffic. engineer,. Such protection shall'
not'he permitted to remain upon such sidewalk area during the hours from
6.:00 p.m;. to 6:00 a'.m.
Section.15.8.4. New Pavement and Markings= No person
shall.r;de or drive any animal or any vehicle over.or across any newly
made pavement or freshl;y painted markings in any 'street when a barrier
sign, cone marker or other warning device is in place warning persons not
to drive over or across ,such•pavement or marking, or.when any such device
is in place indicating that,the street or- any portion thereof, is closed....
Section 1508.5. Obedience to Barriers and. Signs. No.,.
person, public utility or department'in the..City shall erect or place.any
• -:15 -
:.barrier nor sign .on ,any -street unless: of a type'.. approved; by .the city %ra 'fi .
engineer or disobey the in"structions;,:r-emove,'tamper w h`or destroy any-
barrier' .or' sign :lawfully placed on any ;street by any, :person, public uti`1i.ty
or by any department of this city.
Section 15.8:.6., No Entrance Into Intersection That Would
Obstruct -Traffic. No operator of any 'vehicleshall.enter:any intersection.
or a marked crosswalk unless there is sufficient -space on,the other side of
the intersection or'crosswalk to accommodate the vehicle he is operating
without obstructing the passage of other'veh.c'les or..pedestrians, notwith-
.standing any traffic -control signal indication to proc'eed...
Section 15.8,7. Limited Access: No person shall drive
a vehicle onto or'from any limited access roadway except.. -at such entrances
and exits as are lawfully established.
Section 15.8.8. Restrictions on Use of Freeways. No -per-
son shall drive or operate any bicycle, motor driven cycle, or any vehicle
which is not drawn by a mo -tor vehicle.upon any street established as a free-
way, as defined by State law, nor shall any pedestrian walk across or along
any such street so designated and described except in space set aside for
the use of'pedestrians,.: provided official signs are in-place giving notice
of such -restrictions.
Section 15.9.. Traffic Engineer to Establish Marked Cross-.
walks.• (a) The'city traffic.engineer.:shall establish, designate and main
ta.n crosswalks at intersections and other places,by appropriate devices,
marks.,or lines upon the ,surface of the roadway as follows':
Crosswalks shall be established and maintained atall inter-
sections within the central traffic district, and at such inter-
sections outside such district, and at other places.within or
outside sa d., district where the city., traf fic_eng.i neer ..determines
• ,fir ,q • .. - . -
(b) Other than crosswalks at intersections, no.cro:sswalk shall
,.be 7e.stablished in any block.which.is less than four.hundred (4'00) feet in
length and such crosswalk shall'be located as nearly as practicable at-
.>mid -block.
(c) The city traffic engineer.may place signs at or adjacent to
an intersection in respect to any crosswalk directing that pedestrians
shall.not cross in the crosswalk so indicated.
Section.15.9:1. When Pedestrians Must Use Crosswalks.
No pedestrian shall cross a roadway other than by a crosswalk in the cen-
tral traffic district or in any business district.
Sect -ion 15..10. Application of Regulations.
(a). The provi.sians of this chapter prohibiting the stopping.,
standing or parking of a vehicle shall apply at.all times or at those
times herein specified, except.when it is necessary to stop a vehicle to-
avoid.conflict with the other.traffic or in compliance with the directions
of a police officer'or official traffic control device.
(b) The provisions of this chapter imposing a time limit on
standing or parking shall not relieve any person from the duty to observe
other and more restrictive provisions of -the vehicle Code or the ordin-
ances of'th.s city prohibiting or limiting -the standing or parking of ve-
hicles in specified places or at specific times.
Section 15.10.1. Stopping or standing in Parkways Pro-
hibited.; No persorr-shall stop, stand.'or park a vehicle within any parkway.,
Section: 15.10.2. Traffic Engineer to Maintain No Stop=
ping Zones and -No par -king Areas. The, G1 tra_ffic -engineer.-is hereby
authorized .to.mairitain.by appropriate,s.igns or by paint upon the curb.
surfaee,.dll.no stopping zones, no -parking .areas, and res,tr cted;park=
ing area -s:,, as defined and described in this chapter.
When said curb markings or signs,.are in place no operator -of
any vehicle shall stop, stand or park such vehicle -adjacent to any such
legible curb marking or sign in violation of any of -the provisions of
this chapter.
Section 15.10.3.. No Parking Areas.. No operator of
any vehicle shall stop, stand, park, or leave'standing such vehicle in
any of'the following places, except when necessary to.avoid conflidt
with other traffic or incompliance with the direction of a police of-
ficer or other, authorized officer, or trafficsign or signal,
(a) Within any divisional island unless'authorize:d and clear-
ly indicated with appropriate signs or markings.
(b) On either side of any street between the projected pro-
perty lines of any public walk, public steps, street, or thoroughfare
terminating at such street, when such area is indicated by appropriate
signs or.by red paint upon the curb surface.
(c) In an area where the city. traf.f.ic-engine.er..determines
that the parking or stopping of a vehicle would constitute.a-.traffic
hazard or.would endanger life or property, when such area is indicated
by appropriate signs or by red paint upon.the.curbisurface.
(d) In any area designated by the TrafficCommtee�as;;,.
a no parking area, when -such area is indicated by appropriate signs or
by red paint uponthe curb surface.
(e) Upon, along or across any railway track in such.manner as
to -hinder, delay, or obstruct the movement.,of any'car traveling upon
such track.
(f) In an area where.the parking or,stopping,of any vehicle
would constitute a traffic hazard or would endanger life or property.
(g) On any street or highway where -the use of such street or
highway or a. portion thereof is necessary for the cleaning, repair or
construction of the street or highway or the installation of underground
utilities o t
there.:- -hlgl ay'. I Q)� any portion ere7-.
',' where the of: 'use, �the h
• of: is authorizeA for - -a purpose other than the normal. flow or.
where the, 11"S,e of the,. street .�oZ ,.highway.. or any P6rtion thereof La ,ne'c-
e s s.ar-,y f or the movement of equipmentj articles or structures ..::of unus-,
ual size, and the parking of such vehicle would prohibit or interfere
w - ith.such use or movement,; provided that signs giving notice of suchno
parking are.erected or placed at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to
the effective time of such no parking.
(h) At.an,y place within twenty (2,0).feet.6f, a point on the
curb iminediat'e,ly opposite the mid -block end of4a.safety zone.,..when such
place is ind-icated:by appropriate signs -or by red paint upon thecurb'
.(i) At any placewithin twenty (20) feet of a crosswalk at
an intersection (in the :central traffic district or) in any business,
districtwhen such -place isindicated byappropriate-slgns,or.by red
paint upon the curb surface except that a bu,,s.ma,y stop ata designated
bus stop:.
Within twenty (2 0) feet of the approacht.o any traffic
signal, -boulevard stop sign, or official electric flashing device
S . edtion 15,.10..4. Use of Streets for Storage of Vehicles
Prohibited. No person who owns or has possession, custody or control
of any vehicle shall park such vehicle upon an.y.street.or alleyfor more
than a consecutive periodo,f 72 hours.
ator of,any..vehlicle shall park
said vehicle upon any street in
for the -principle purpose.of advertising or displaying it for.salej un-
less authorized by resolution of the Council.
section 15.1,0.6. Repairing" or Greasing Vehicles on Pub-,
lic, Streets., No, person shall constructor cause to be constructed, re-
pair or cause to be repaired.,, grease or -cause to be greased, dismantle or.
cause to be dismantled any vehicle,or any -part thereof upon -any public
street in thiss city. Temporaryemerqencv_repairs may be made upon.a pub-
lic street.
- Washing ,o;r- Polishing Vehicles. No
person, shall' wash,.or. cause to be washed, polish�or cause,, to be polished.
any vehicle othereof any part theeof upon any puhblic street in -this city, when
a. charge is made for such service.
Section 15-.10.8. Parking Adjacent to Schools.
(a) The-.czty traffie,engine.er is hereby authorized to erect
signs indicating no parking upon. -that side.of any street adjacent to any,
school property when such h parking would, in hi.s:opinion, interfere with
traffic or createa hazardous situation.
(b) When official signs are erected prohibiting -.parking upon.
that side of a street adjacent to any school property., no person shall
park a veh.icle'"in,.any such designated place.
:Section 15..,10.. 9. Parking Prohibited on'Ndrr.ow Streets -
(a) The city traf f i.c1qg. Q,
nqr _,is hereby authorized to place
signs, or markings indicating no parkingupon-any.street when. ;the width
of the roadway does not exceed.20 feet, or upon, one side ofa-stree't as
indicated by such signs or markings when the,width'of the roadway.,does
not exceed 3.0 feet.
(b) When official -signs or markings prohibiting parking are
erected upon narrow streets as authorized herein., no person,'shall park
a vehicle upon any such street in'violation .of any such sign or marking.
Section 15..1,0.10. Parking on Grades.- No.person
shall park or leave standing any vehicle unattended on a highway when
upon any grade exceedinig-.3% (withinanybusiness or residence district)
without blocking the wheel,sl of said vehicle by turning them against the
curb or by other -means.'
Section 15.1:0.11., 'Unlawful Parking'- Paddlers; Vendors.
a). Except as otherwise provided in this section no.per'son.
shall.stand or park any vehicle,'wagon,or pushcart from which goods, wares,
.merchandise, fruits, vegetables or.f,00d-stuf'fs are sold, displayed, sol-
icited or offered.for sale or bartered.or'exchahged, or any -lunch wagon
or,ea'ting car or vehicles, wagons or.pus.h'carts maystand or park only at
the.-requ.6:st of' a bona fide
ide purchaser for a period of time not to exceed.'
'ten. (1,0). minutes_ at any one. place. The provisions of. th"Is -,subsection
shall not apply ,.to 'per sons 'delivering such articles upon-. ordert of,,, 'or
by agXeem-ent.with ,a customer from a store or -other '-fixed place of bu.a
i4e�,ss, or distribution.
(b) No person shall parkorstand on any street. -any lunch,
wagon, eating cart or vehicle, or pushcart from,which tamales, peanuts,..,
popcorn, candy, ice cream or other articles of food are:sold or offered
for sale wi.thout first obtaining a written permit to do.so from the
city, tr4:ff ineer,--Which'Ishall designate the specific location in.
which such cart shall,stand.
(c) No person sha'll park or stand any vehicle or.wagon used
or intended to, be used in the -transportation of property for hireon
any street while awaiting patronage for such vehicle or wagon wi
first obtaining a written -.permit to. do so f rbm'the city, traf f ic... engineer
which shall designate the 'specific location where such vehicle may stand,
(d) No person using a vehicle for the purposes described in
this section shall hawk or....use any sound or music device within three
hundred (.30.0-) feet of any hospital at any time, nor within three hun-
dred (300) feet of any'school or any church while classes or services
arebeing held or conducted therein, nor at any location whatever after
9,:.00 P.M.
(e) whenever any permit is granted under the provisions of
this section and a particular location to park or stand is specified
therein, no person shall park or stand any Vehicle, wagon, or pushcart
on any location other than a's designated in such permit. In the event
that the holder of a.ny.such, permit -is - .convicted, in any. court of com-
petent j-urisdiction for .violating any of' the provisions of, tbis. 'section,
such' permi,E shall be :forthwith revoked by the cit, y_traffic en
..51neex, upon
the filingof,the record of such conviction with such'officer-and no per-
mit shall thereafter -be issued to'such pe_rson�until six (6). months -have
elapsed from- the, date -of s - udh revocation.
Section 15.10.12. Emergency Parking,. Signs,.
(a) Whenever the qit_y._.tr.af fic..,engineer, _shall determine that an
emergency . congestion is 1•ike,1 ' to result ,from the"
holding of ;pub_,
lid or private assemblages, gatherings,, or, f'unction's,. or •"for other reasons,
the city: traffic encq;ineer shall have power and authority:to order tempor-
ary signs to be erected or posted indicating that the operation, parking
or standing of vehicles is prohibited on such streets and.al.le s as the
city traffi.cenynee:r shall direct during the time such. -temporary signs
are in place. Such signs shall remain in'place only during. -the existence
of such emergency and the city-traff ic.,,engi.ne-er-_shall cause .such signs
to be removed,promptly thereafter.
(b) When signs authorized by the provisions o.f...this section
are in place giving notice thereof, no person shall•'oper.a.te.,..pa�rk or
stand vehicle contrary to the directions and pr,ov sions..o.f;..,such, signs.
Section -,15.10.13w Display of.,. Warn n,'. Devices. When"Com
mercial Vehicle "Disabled. Every motor truck,having an unladen weight
of 4,000 pounds or more;, and every truck tractor irrespective of weight,:
when,operated upon any street or highway during darkness shall be equipped,
with and carry at least two flares or two red lanterns or two -warning
lights or reflectors, which ref lectors.shall be'of a type approved,by
the Department of California Highway Patrol.. When any vehicle above men-
tioned or any trailer or semi=trailer is disabled upon streets or highways
outside of any busines's or residence district within this city and upon
which street or highway there.is"insufficient street.lighting to reveal
a vehicle at a distance of 200. -feet during darkness, a warning signal of
the,character indicated above shall be•immediately placed at a distance of
approximately 100 feetin advance of, and 1.00 feet to t'he rear of, such
disabled vehicle by the driverthereof° The continuous flashing.of at
least four approved .class A=Type 'I turn signal lamps;, at least two toward
the front and at least two toward the rear of the vehicle, shall be con
sidered.to meet the requirements of, this section until the devices men-
tioned above cAn be placed in. the required locations. The warning signals
herein mentioned shall be-displayed'con'tinuous.ly during darkness while
such.vehicle remains di,sab,lled upon.such street or highway.
S'ectionl5,.,10.14. Parking Long Wheel=Base. Trudks in Cen-
tral Traffic District;. No person shall park a °truck having a length o:f -
more.than 35 feet within the Central Traffic District and where parki=ng
meters are installed between the,hours of 10 00.a..m. and 6:00'p.m..ex-
cept-on'Sundays and legal holidays.
Section 15.11. Twelve and Twenty-four Minute Parking.
The city traffic engineer may provide, in any green :curb marking area,
provision that there shall be .no standing or -parking for a period of
more than twelve (12) minutes or for more than twenty-four (24) minutes..
Green marking shall mean no standing or parking for a
period of time longer than '24 minutes.at any time between 8:00 a.m. and
6:00 p.m. on any day except Sundays and holidays.
When authorized signs, parking meters or curb markings
have been determined by the city traffic engineer to be necessary and
are -in place giving notice thereof no operator of any vehicle shall .stop,
stand or park said vehicle adjacent to,any such legible curb marking or
sign or parking meter in violation thereof.,
Section 15.11.1.= Forty Minute P'a.rking. When authorized
signs,i parking meters, or curb markings have.been_,determine:d by the city
traffic engineer to be necessary and are in place.giving notice thereof,
no operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or 'park said vehicle be-
tween the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day except .Sundays and
holidays for a -period -off �ime longer -than 40 minutes.,
Section 15.11.,2. One, Hour Parking.. When authorized
signs, parking meters or curb markings have.been determined by the city -
traffic engineer to be necessary and are in place giving notice thereof,
no operator of .any vehicle shall stop, stand or park said vehicle between
the hours of 8:00,a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of.any day except Sundays and hol-
idays for period of time longer than -one hour.
,Section 1;5.11._ 3 . Two Hour Parking. When. auth°""
signs', parking meters ,or curb markings have been determined by the, city.
traf.f,c engineer to be necessary and -are in place giving not -ice thereof,
no operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or park said vehicle be-
tween.the:hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day except .Sundays and
holidays _for.a period of time longer than two hours.
Section 15..11.,4. Four Hour- Parking When -authorized
signs, -parking meters or curb markings have been determined by the city
traffic engineer to be necessary and are in-place giving notice thereof,
no operator o.f, any .vehicle shall stop, stand or 'park ..,said vehicle between
the hours -of -8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day except Sundays and hol-
idays for a period of time longer -than four -hours.
S`ectio.n. 15 ®,11.5. Ten Hour Parking. When. authorized signs",
parking meters or curb markings have been determine.d'by the city traffic
engineer to be necessary and are in place.giving notice thereof,.no oper-
ator of any. -vehicle shall stop, stand or,park said vehicle between the
hours of.8:00.a.m. and. 6:00 p.m. of any day.except Sundays and holidays
for -a period of time longer than ten hours.
Section 15.11. 6, Parkin, g Parallel on One -Way Streets.
(a)- Subject to other and -more restrictive limitations, a vehicle
may -be stopped or parked within 18 inches of the left-hand curb facing
in the direction of traffic movement-upon:any one-way street unles-s,signs
are in.place prohibiting such stopping. or standing.
(b) In the,event a highway includes two or -more -separate' adways
and traffic is restricted,to one direction upon any such.roadway, no per-,
son ph;all,.stand or park a vehi-cle upon-the.left-hand side of such one-way
-.roadzgay unle,ss-:signs are.in place permi-tting such standing or parking.
(.c) The city traffic engineer is authorized to determine . when stand
i.ng ,or .par.king ?shal`l .be. prohibited upon :the left-hand side of any one-way
streetor when standing or -parking may be ,permitted upon the . lief t -hand side
of any -one-way .. roadway . of a highway .hav;'ng two or more separate roadways
and shallerect signs giving notice thereof.
(d) The requirement of parallel parking imposed by this: section
hal-1 not apply in the event any commercial vehicle is actually engaged
in the process of loading or unloading freight or goods, in which case
s:uch'vehicle may be backed up to the curb, provided that such vehicle
does not extend beyond the center line of the street and does not block
traffic thereby.
Section 15.11.7. Diagonal Parking. On any of the streets
or portions of streets established by the Traffic Committee as diagonal
parking zones, when signs or pavement markings are in place indicating
such diagonal parking, it shall be unlawful for the operator of any ve-
hicle to park said vehicle except:.
(a) At the angle to the curb indicated by signs or pavement mark -
Ings allotting space to parked vehicles and entirely within the limits of
said allotted space;
(b) With the front wheel nearest the curb within six (6) inches of
said curb.
The provisions of this section shall not apply when such vehicle is
actually engaged in the process of loading or unloading passengers, freight
or goods, in which event the provisions applicable in Section 15.11®6. of
this chapter shall be complied with.
Section 15.11.8. Parking Space Markings. The city traffic
engineer is authorized to install and maintain parking space markings to
indicate parking spaces adjacent to curbings where authorized parking is
When such parking space markings are placed on the highway, subject
to other and more restrictive limitations, no vehicle shall be stopped,
left standing or parked other than within a single space unless the size
or shape of such vehicle makes compliance impossible.
Section 15.11.9. No Stopping Zones. The city traffic en-
gineer shall designate established no stopping zones by placing and main-
taining appropriate signs indicating that stopping of vehicles is pro-
hibited and indicating the hours and day when _stopping is prohibited.
Section All Night Parking Prohibited. No per=
son shall stop, stand or park a vehicle on any street for, a.pericd of
time longer than thirty (30) minutes between the hours of 30.30 a.m. and
5:,10 a.m. of any day in the Central Traffic District, provided that this
section shall not apply to a vehicle of any regularly licensed physician
when actually engaged in making professional calls.
Section 15.1.1_.11. Parking - Commercial Vehicles in Res-
idential Districts.. No person shall park any commercial vehicle more
than four hours in any residential district except:
(a) While loading or unloading property and time in addition to
such four hour period i.s necessarytn complete such work; or
(b) When such vehicle is park?d in connection with, and in aid of,
the performance of a service to or on a property in the block in which
such vehicle is parked and time in addition to such four hour period is
reasonably necessary to complete such service.
(c) For the purpose of this section, commercial vehicle shall not
mean station wagons or 3/4 ton(or less) pickup trucks.
Section 15.12. Authority to Establish Loading Zones.
(a) The city traffic engineer is hereby authorized to determine and
to mark loading zones and passenger loading zones as follows:
1. At any place in the central traffic district or any business
2. Elsewhere 'in front of the entrance to any place of business
or in front of any hall or place used for'the purpose of public assembly.
(b) In no event shall more than one-fourth.of the total curb length
in any block be,reserved for loading zone purposes.
(c) Loading zones shall be indicated by yellow paint upon the top of
all curbs within such zones..
(d) Passenger loading zones shall be indicated by white paint upon
the top of all curbs in said zones.
Section .15. 12. 1. Curb Markings to I-ndicate No Stop-
ping and Parking Regulations.
(a) The city traffic engineer is hereby authorized, subject
to t -he provisions and limitations of this chapter to place, and when
required herein shall place, the following curb markings to indicate
parking or standing regulations, and said curb markings shall have the
meanings as herein set forth.
1. Red shall mean no stopping, standing or parking
at any time except as permitted by the Vehicle Code, and except that a
bus may stop in a red zone marked or signed as a bus zone.
2. Yellow shall mean no stopping, standing or park-
ing at any time between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m, of any day except Sun-
days and holidays for any purpose other than the loading or unloading
of passengers or materials, provided that the loading or unloading of
passengers shall not consume more than three (3) minutes nor the load-
ing or unloading of materials more than twenty (20) minutes.
3. White shall mean no stopping, standing or parking
for any purpose other than loading or unloading of passengers, or for
the purpose of depositing mail in an adjacent mail box, which shall not
exceed three (3) minutes and such restrictions shall apply between 7:00
a,m. and 6:00 p.m. of any day except Sundays and holidays and except
as follows:
A. When such zone is in front of a hotel or in front of a
mailbox the restrictions shall apply at all times.
B. When such zone is in front of a theater the restrictions
shall apply at all times except when such theater is closed.
4., When the city traffic eng.ineer as authorized under
this chapter has caused curb markings to be place, no person shall
stop, stand or park a vehicle adjacent to any such legible curb marking
in violation of any of the provisions of this section.
Section 15.12.2. Effect of Permission to Load or Unload.
(a) Permission herein granted to stop or stand a vehicle for
purposes of loading or unloading of materials shall apply only to commercial
vehicles 'and,shadl not extend beyond the time .necessl'ry'theref'or, and in
no event for more than twenty . (.2:0 ) minut;es .
(b) The loading or unloading of materials shall apply only to
commercial deliveries, also the delivery or pick-up of express and par-
cel post packages and United States mail.
(c) Permission he granted to stop or park for purposes of
loading or unloading passengers shall include the loading or unloading
of personal baggage but shall not extend beyond the time necessary there-
for and in no event for more than three (3) minutes.
(d) Within the total time limits above specified the provi-
sions of this section ,shall be enforced so as to accommodate necessary
and reasonable loading or unloading but without permitting abuse of the
privileges hereby granted,.
Section 15.12.3. Standing for Loading or Unloading
Only. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in any yellow
loading zone for any purpose other than loading or unloading passengers
or material'for such time as is permitted in Section 15.12.2.
Section -15.;.12.4. Standing in Passenger Loading Zone.
No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in any passenger loading
zone for any purpose other than the loading or unloading of passengers
for. such time as is specified in Section 15.12.2.
Section 1;5,12.5. Standing in Any Alley. No per-
son shall stop, stand or park a vehicle for any purpose other than the
loading or unloading of persons or materials in any alley.
Section 15:12.6. Coach Zones to be Established.
(a)' The city traffic engineer is hereby authorized to estab-
lish bus zones opposite curb space for the loading and unloading of buses
or common carriers of ;passengers and to determine the location thereof.
(b), Coach zones shall normally be established on the far side
of an intersection..
Section 15.12.7. Taxicab Stands.
(a) The. city traffic engineer shall establish taxicab stands
and determine the locations thereof.
('b) The curb surface within each taxicab stand shall be painted
white, dhd, marked "Taxicab Stand" in red lettering, or shall be designated
by os'ign's of a type and size approved by the city traffic engineer.
(c) No operator of any vehicle, other than a taxicab or automobile
for hire shall park said vehicle in such taxicab stand.
Section 15..13. Certain Vehicles Prohibited in Central
Traffic District.
(a) No person shall. operate any of the following vehicles in the
central traffic district except on the arterial and collector streets
as indicated .as such on the City Select Street System between the hours
of 10700 a.m. and 6:00 p.m,. of any day;
1. Any freight vehicle more than eight and one-half (8 1/2)
feet in width, with load, or any freight vehicle so loaded that any part
of its load extends more than twenty (20) feet to the front or rear of
said vehicle;
2. Any vehicle carrying building material that has not been
loaded, or is not to be loaded at some point within the central traffic
3. Any vehicle conveying refuse, rubbish, garbage or dirt ex-
cept the duly authorized franchise holder for refuse collection in the
City of Petaluma;
(b) Provided that the city traffic engineer may by written permit
authorize the operation of any such vehicle for the purpose of making
necessary emergency deliveries to or from points within the central
traffic district.
Section 15.13.1. Advertising Vehicles. No person shall
operate or drive any vehicle used for advertising purposes or any adver-
tiling vehicle equipped with a sound -amplifying or loud -speaking device
upon any :street or alley unless a written ,permit therefor is issued by
thek Police Chief.
Section Truck Routes.
(a) Whenever any resolution of this city designates and describes
any street or portion thereof as a street the use of which is permitted
by any vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight limit of three tons, the
city traffic engineer ,is hereby authorized to de,signate such street or
streets by appropriate signs as "Truck Routes" for the movement of ve-
hicles exceeding a'maximum gross weight limit of three tons.
(b) When any such truck route or routes are established and des-
ignated by appropriate signs the operator of any vehicle exceeding a
maximum gross weight limit of three tons shall drive on such route or
routes and none other except that nothing in th-is section shall prohibit
the operator of any vehicle exceeding a maximum gross weight of three
tons coming from a "Truck Route" having ingr,es;s and egress by direct
route to and from restricted streets when necessary for the purpose of
making pickups or del-iveries of goods, wares and merchandise from or to
any building or structure located on such restricted streets or for the
purpose of delivering materials to be used in the actual and bona fide
repair, alteration, remodeling or construction of any building or struc-
ture upon such restricted streets for which a building permit has pre-
viously been obtained.,therefor.
(c) The provisions of this section shall not apply to (1) pas-
seng-er buses under the jurisd-iction of the Public Utilities Commission,
or to (2) any vehicle owned by a public utility while necessarily in use
.in the.const.ruction, installation or repair of any public utility.
(d) Those streets and parts of streets established by resolution
of the Council are hereby declared to be truck routes for the movement
of vehicles exceeding a maximum gross weight of. three tons.
Section 15.13.4. Commercial Vehicles Prohibited From Using
Certain Streets. (a) Whenever any resolut;io:n of this City designates ancd,.
des -
any street or portion thereof as a street the use of which is pro-
hibited by ,any commerci°alvehicle, the city traffic engineer shall erect
and maintain appropriate signs on those streets affected by 'such ordinance.
(b) Those streets and.parts'of streets established by resolution
of the Council are hereby declared to be streets, the use ofwhich i -s
prohibited by any commercial vehicle. The provisions of this section
shall not apply to passenger buses under the jurisdiction of the Public
Utilities Commission.
Section 15:.14. Parking Meter Zones. The streets, por-
tions of streets and off-street parking lots hereinafter described are
hereby defined and established as parking meter zones within which the
parking of vehicles shall be controlled, regulated and inspected with the
aid of parking meters. The streets', portions of streets and off-street
parking lots are as follows:
(a) The central traffic district as defined by -section 15.1.2, of
this chapter.
(b) Both sides of Keller Street from Washington Street northerly
to a point two hundred feet north from the north side of Washington Street
and southerly from the south side of Washington Street to "A" Street;
(c) Both sides of Washington Street from Keller Street to the
intersection thereof with Howard Street;
(d) Both sides ,of East Washington Street. from Water Street to
C'o.peland. Street;
(e) -Both sides of Liberty Street from Washington Street to. Western
(f) Both sides of Western Avenue from Kentucky Street to Howard
(g) Both :sides of Fifth Street from "A". Street to west side of "B"
(h) Both sides of "B" Street from Fourth Street to Fifth Street;
(i) Both si.des',of Third Street from 'B"' Street to "D Street;
(j) Roth sides of Fourth Street from "B" Street to "E" Street;`
(K) Both sides of Kentucky Street from Martha Street to Mary Street;
(1) Keller Street Parking Lot;
(m) "A" Street Parking Lot; ,
(n) Water Street Parking Lot.
Section 15.14.1. Manner of Installation. The city traffic
engineer shall cause parking meters to be installed and maintained in all
parking meter zones. Parking meters shall be installed upon the curb or
sidewalk area immediately adjacent to each parking space. Each meter shall
be placed in such manner as to show or display.by a sign or signal that
the parking space adjacent thereto is or is not legally in use. Each
parking meter shall be set to display, after the operational procedure has
been completed, a sign or signal indicating legal parkings for that per-
iod of time conforming to the limit of parking time as indicated on the
meter. Each parking meter shall indicate the limit of parking time in
the narking space adjacent to the parking meter, and shall continue to
operate from the time of the completion of the operational procedure
until the expiration of the time fixed as the parking limit or a portion
thereof for the part of the street upon which said meter is placed. Each
said meter shall also be so arranged that upon the expiration of said
legal parking time it will indicate by a mechanical operation and by
proper signal that the lawful parking period has expired.
Section 15.14.2. Time of Operation of Parking Meters.
The provisions of this chapter relating to the operation of parking,
meters shall be effective between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
on every day except Sundays and holidays.
ection 15.14.3. Operational Procedure to be Followed.
Immediately after occupancy of a parking meter space, the operator of a
vehicle shall deposit a coin of the United States in said parking meter
and if necessary turn a crank, knob, or handle in accordance with the in-
structions posted on the face of the parking meter.
Section 15..14-.,4. Parking Me ear Fees.. The parking meter
fees for the, parking meter zones herein established shall be as,fo:llows:
(a.)' !->>here a parking meter indicates a limit of parking time in the.
barking space adjacent thereto to be 24 minutes or less, or one hour,
the parking meter fee shall`be one cent for each twelve minutes of park-
ing time;
(b) Where a parking meter indicates a limit of parking time in the
parking space adjacent thereto to be 2 hours, the parking meter fee shall
be one cent for each 24 minutes of parking time;
(c) Where a parking meter indicates a limit of parking time in the
parking space adjacent thereto to be ten hours the parking meter fee shall
be five cents for each two hours of parking time.
Section 15.14.5. Unlawful to Park After Meter Time Has
Expired. No operator of.any vehicle shall permit said vehicle to remain
parked in any parking space during any time t;ha.t the meter is showing a
signal indicating that such space is illegally in use other than such
time immediately after the original occupancy as is necessary to oper-
ate the meter to show legal parking.
Section 15.14.6. Disabled Person Exempt Parking. Para-
plegics - Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, any veteran
who is entitled to either of the exemptions provided in Section 9105
of the Vehicle Code and—Section 10783 of the- Revenue and Taxation. Code,
shall be allowed to park in restricted zones. This section shall not be
construed, however, to allow the stopping, parking, or standing of a ve-
hicle at the times and places that stopping, parking, or standing of all
vehicle's is prohibited absolutely by state law or local ordinance.
Section 15.14.7. Handicapped, Persons Permit Parking -
Off-street Parking Lots. In cases of :hardship, handicapped persons may
obtain a permit for parking, issued by the Chief of Police and valid only
in off-street parking lots, to permit parking for periods longer than the
parking meter zones permit. The application for the permit shall be
signed by the applicant, shall state the name, motor and license numbers
of the vehicle, and :shall contain a statement of the necessity and reasons
for the permit. If upon investigation- itis found that the granting
of ,such perm',ssion. is reasonable and necessary, the Chief of Police
shall issue the permit for a period not to exceed six (6) months; the
permit shall be renewable for additional periods of six (6) months at
the discretion of the Chief of Police. The permittee shall pay the
City Clerk or Finance Officer a fee of $5 a month, payable on the first
day of each month the ,permit is in force. The permittee need not de-
posit any coins in any parking meter adjacent to the permittee's ve-
hicle during the period the permit is valid. The permit shall not be
transferable and shall be displayed at all times during which the ve-
hicle is parked on off-street parking lots on the left side window to
the rear of the driver of the vehicle for which it is issued. The
Chief of Police shall revoke the permit when =the necessity under which
the office issued it and the reasons, -therefor, cease to exist, or may
renew such permit if the hardship still exists. No permit shall be
granted for commercial vehicles.
Section 15.14.8. Permits for Free Use of Metered Spaces.
Any person who is engaged or is about to be engaged in construction or
repair work on a building or in a street in a parking meter zone estab-
lished by this Code, and who will require for such work that his ve-
hicle be used for tools or equipment stored in or fixed on such vehicle,
may apply to the Police Chief for a permit to park such vehicle in a
parking space without charge during the time he is actually engaged in
such construction or repair work. Upon such application the Police
Chief may issue a permit to be posted on the windshield of such vehicle,
indicating thereon the approximate location where, and the period during
which, such vehicle may be parked under the authority of such a permit.
No charge shall.be made and no coin need be deposited in any parking
meter adjacent to a vehicle bearing such permit during the period shown
Section 15.14.9. Unlawful to Extend Time Beyond Limit.
No person shall follow the operational procedure or any part of the oper-
ational procedure for the purpose of increasing or extending the parking
time. of any vehicle beyond the legal parking time which has bee-
n es
1.5 .placed.
f.or the parking space adjacent to, whish said parking meter
Section 15.14.10. Improper Use of Meter. No person
shall deposit or cause to be deposited in any parking meter any de-
faced or bent coin, or any slug, device or metallic substitute for a
coin of the United States, or deface, injure, tamper with, open or
willfully break, destroy or impair the usefulness of any parking meter.
Section 15.14.11,. Deposit of Coins in Meter by Un-
authorized Person. No person, other than the owner or operator of a
vehicle, shall deposit any coin in any parking meter without the know-
ledge or consent of said owner or operator of the vehicle using the
parking space immediately adjacent to said meter.
Section 15.14.12. Parking Meters and Parking Meter
Standards Not To Be Used For Certain Purposes. No person shall attach
anything to or allow a bicycle, newsrack or any other article or thing
to lean against a parking meter or a parking meter standard.
Section 15.14.13. Rule of Evidence. The parking or
standing of any motor vehicle in a parking space, at which space the
parking meter displays the sign or signal indicating illegal parking,
shall constitute a prima facie presumption that the vehicle has been
parked or allowed to stand in such space for a period longer than per-
mitted by this chapter..
Section 15.14.14. Use of Money Deposited in Parking
Meters. All moneys collected from parking meters in this city shall be
,placed in a special fund, which fund shall be devoted exclusively to
the following purposes
(a) For the purchasing, leasing, installing, repairing,
maintaining, a,perating, removing, regulating and policing of parking
meters 'in,th°is City and for the payment of any and all expenses relat-
ing or incidental thereto.
(b) For the purchasing, leasing, acquiring, improving, oper-
ating, and maintaining of off-street parking facilities in this City.
' �'a', Sir � � '"- . •
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(c') For the installation and maintenance o,f traffi,c. control
devices and signals.
(d) For the painting and marking of streets and curbs re-
quired for the direction of traffic and parking of motor vehicles.
(e) For the proper regulation, control and inspection of
parking and traffic upon the public streets.
(f) To be pledged as security for the payment of principal
of and interest on off-street parking revenue bonds issued by this
city, or any parking district organized within this City.
Section 15.14.15. Application of Other Articles. No
section of this Article shallbe construed aspermitting any parking
in violation of any other provision of this chapter.
Section 15..14.16. Penalty. Any person -who shall vio-
late the provisions of this article shall be penalized by a fine of
$1.00 provided that payment be made within 72 hours of such violation.
Section 15.15. Railway Gates.. No person shall drive
any vehicle through, around, or under any crossing gate or barrier at
a railroad grade crossing while such gate or barrier is closed or is
being opened or closed.
Section 15.15.1. Trains Not to Block Crossings. No
person shall cause or permit any railway train or railway cars or
s-imilar'-vehicle on rails to stop'or stand or to be operated in such a
manner asto prevent the use of any street for the purposes of travel
for 'a period of time longer than ten (10) minutes, except that this
provision shall not apply to railway trains, cars or similar vehicles
on rails while' blocking or obstructing a crossing because of an acci-
dent which reaui'res the operator of the train, car or similar vehicle
on rails to' stop at or near the scene of the accident.
Mr -M
,r Section 2. All Ordinances or Resolutions and parts-"
thereof, conflicting or inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordin-
ance are.hereby repealed as of the effective date of this Ordinance.
Section 3. The City Clerk be, and she is hereby directed
to..post/publish.this Ordinance for the period and in the manner re-
quired by the City Charter.
Ordered .posted2(jxxb1Xd this 3rd day of January
19 67
City Cle -k _