HomeMy WebLinkAboutStaff Report 3.E 03/19/2012 A Itemvv #3 .E
DATE: March 19, 2012
TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council through City Manager
FROM: Dan St. John, Director of Public Works &Utilities
SUBJECT: Resolution of Support—Lifeline Transportation Program Cycle 3 Funding
Application—Bus Stop Improvements
It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached Resolution of Support for Petaluma's
Application for Lifeline Transportation Program Cycle 3 Funding for Bus Stop Improvements.
The City has made great progress in developing its local transit bus system during recent difficult
economic times. A key strategy in this effort is aggressive pursuit o f outside funding not
historically accessed by the City of Petaluma for transit projects.
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) has established a Lifeline Transportation
Program to assist in funding projects that are intended to result in improved mobility for low-
income residents of the nine San Francisco Bay Area counties. Based upon the 2010 market •
research surveys, a lack of seating and shelter from the elements was noted as a severe
deficiency of Petaluma Transit. In the last year, nearly 30 benches have been added to bus stops
in the community. The benches have been well received; however, shelters (covered benches,
with lighting,and better protection) are preferred by passengers. The shelters will be primarily
installed in the census block areas with the lowest household incomes in Petaluma, as described
in the exhibit to the resolution.
The Lifeline Prop 113 funds will constitute 80% of the project's $95,917 budget. Transit
Development Act (TDA) funds will be used for the 20% local match ($19,183).
1 Resolution with Exhibit A (Funding Application)
Agenda Review: n�
City Attorney W` Finance Director City Manager
Attachment 1
WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)has
established a Lifeline Transportation Program to assist in funding projects that 1) are intended to
result in improved mobility for low-income residents of the nine San Francisco Bay Area
counties, 2) are developed through a collaborative and inclusive planning process and 3) are
proposed to address transportation gaps and/or bathers identified,through a substantive
community-based transportation plan or are otherwise based on a documented assessment of
needs; and
WHEREAS, MTahas'adopted principles, pursuant to MTC Resolution No.
4033, to guide implementation of the Lifeline Transportation Program for the three year period
from Fiscal Year 2010-11 through Fiscal Year 2012-13, and has designated the County
Congestion Management Agency in each of the nine bay area counties to help with
recommending project selections and project administration; and,
WHEREAS, Sonoma County Transportation Authority has been designated by
MTC to assist with the Lifeline Transportation Program in Sonoma County on behalf of MTC,
and conducted a competitive call for projects; and
WHEREAS, City of Petaluma submitted a project(s) in response to the
competitive call for projects; and
WHEREAS, Sonoma County Transportation Authority has confirmed that City
of Petaluma's proposed project(s), described more fully on Attachment A to this Resolution,
attached to and incorporated herein as though set forth at length, is consistent with the Lifeline
Transportation Program goals as set out in MTC Resolution No. 4033; and
WHEREAS, City of Petaluma agrees to meet project delivery and obligation
deadlines, comply with funding conditions placed on the receipt of funds allocated to the.Lifeline
Transportation Program, provide for the required local matching funds, and satisfy all other
conditions set forth in MTC Resolution No. 4033; and
WHEREAS, this action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) pursuant to title 14, Chapter 3 of the California'Code of Regulations (CEQA
Guidelines), including but not limited to sections 15301 (Existing Facilities) and/or 15303 (New
Construction or Conversion of Small Structures).
WHEREAS', there is no legal impediment to City of Petaluma making the
funding request; and
WHEREAS, there is no pending or threatened litigation which might in any way
adversely affect the ability of City of Petaluma to deliver the proposed project(s) for which funds
are being requested.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that City of Petaluma requests that
MTC program funds which are available under.its Lifeline Transportation Program, in the
amounts requested for the project(s) described in Exhibit A of this Resolution be awarded to the
City of Petaluma.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that staff is directed to forward a copy of this
resolution, and such other information as may be required, to MTC, Sonoma County
Transportation Authority, and such other agencies as may be appropriate.
Attachment 2 - Exhibit A
ATTACHMENT,B—Lifeline Transportation Program C9cle3 Funding Application
1. Project Sponsor
Name of the organization City of Petaluma—`Petaluma Transit
Contact person Joseph Rye—Transit Manager
Address 555 N. McDowell Bhd.
Telephone number 707-778-4421
Fax number 7071776-3799
E-mail address Ir e rr ci.petaluma.ca.0
DUNS Number' 02-002 1978
2. Other Partner Agencies
Agency Contact Person Address Telephone
3. Project Type: Check one.`
[ ] Operating [ X'] Capital [ ] Both
4. Project Name: 'Bus Stop Improvements
5. Brief Description of Project'(50:words max.):
Install up to 10 bus shelters at high.acyity locations with particular emphasis on stops that serve low
income and transit dependent populations.
This request is for Prop IB capital lifeline funds.
6. Budget Summary:
Amount(8) % of-Total
Project Budoeett
Amount of Lifeline funding requested: $76,734 80%
Amount of local match proposed: 19.183 20%
Total'projcct budget: • $95,917' 100%
Provide your organization's nine-digit:Dun 8: Bradstreet(D&B) Data Universal Numbering System(DUNS)
Number. To search for youragencyls;DUNS Numberor to request a-DUNS:Number via the Web, visit the D&B
website: http://fedgov.dnb.com/webform.To request a DUNS Number by phone, contact the D&B Government
Customer Response Center at 1-866-705-5711
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ATTACHMENT B.-Lifeline Transportation Program Cycle 3Funding Application
Please demonstrate!that your project:is eligible for oneor more,of iheCrfeliiie fundingisources-(State
Transit Assistance(STA), .lob Access Reverse'Commute(]ARC), or Surface Transportation Program
(SIP)). See Attachment C for additionaLinformation about each-funding source.
PTMISEA funds are-acing:requested for this project: TFiis project'wilJpay for purchase and installation
of up to nine bus shelters. Bus.shelter's funded by t/nc project were selected based on their proximity to
low income census blocks.
While these stops-were:selected based.on.their proximity to low income origins and destinations the
service is open to the general public.
I. Civil Rights Policy: The following.question is not scored. If the response is satisfacto y, the
applicant is eligible for Lifeline funds; ifthe response is not satisfactoiy, the applicant is not eligible.
Describe the organization's policy regarding Civil Rights(based on Title VI of the Civil Rights Act)
and,for ensuring that benefts,of the project are distributed equitably among low income and
minority population groups in the project's service area.
Below is the City:ofPetaluma's Title-,VI Policy Statement:
Petaluma Transit-is enstnzingthat no person is excluded=fr-otn-participation in, or
denied the benefits of its services:orrthe. basis of race, color or national origin as protected by Title
VI of the Civil Rights Act of1964, as-amended("Title V1'9.
2. Demographic-inform rtion:'The following two questions are for administrative purposes only and
are-hot a factor in determining which.projects areselected to ieceive.an award. (Please contact your
Lifeline Program_Administrator for assistance if you do not have this demographic information
readily available or visit http://factfinder:census:aov)
Does the proportion ofMinority people in,the project's service area exceed 56 percent(i.e.,the
regional average_minority population)?
[ ] Yes [X ]. No (46.566 ofPetalunra's.)7,94'I population identify as white only)
Does the proportion,of low-income people in the project's service area exceed 24 percent(i.e.lhe
regional average.low-income.populatiori)?-Note: for this purpose, low-income is defined as 200
percent of the federal poverty level.
[ ] Yes [ X ] No(12,454ofPetaluma',s:57,04. population-(22%)were below 200%of the
poverty level at the time of the 2010 census)
Please provide a narrative to describcdhe'project addressing points.#1-14 below:
Project Need/Go*and-Objectives
1. Describe the unmet transportation need'thabthe proposed project seeks to address and-the relevant
planning=effotl that documents the need. Describe how project activities will mitigate the
transportation need. Describe the specific community this project will serve, and provide pertinent
demographic data and/or maps.
The unmet n-ansit.need'is inadequate seating and pi orectionfrom the-Elements at a variety of stop
locations in Petaluma. This heed is identified till ough rider surveys undertaken as part of the most
recent Short Range Transit Plan process (Mini Short Range Transii Plan 2010-2019).
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ATTACHMENT B- Lifeline:Transportation Program.Cycle3 Funding Application
2. WhatareThe?projebe'sgoals and objectives? Estimate theinuniber ofservice units thatavill be
provided_(e.g., one=way trips, vehicle loans bus shOersli personstrained)."Estimate.the:number of
low income.persons,that will;be served bythis project peg day, per quartecand/or per--year(as
Purchase.and install up to 9 solar-lighted-bus shelters at locations:in Petaluma•that
predominantly servelowancotne riders. ,Util icing,householdincotneanformationprovided
by SCTA fr�om-the 2010 US'Cenrua,several areas that Pe'taluanaTransit serves display
much lower thatTmedian'household.incomes. Withinthese lowest income census blocks.
Petaluma will plhee these new shelters atr
• !E. Washington;at Lakeville.LB
• E. 'Washington;at Vallejo WB
• Lakeville at Catilfield.NB
• N McDowell Blvdat'Rainier NB
• Old Redwood Hwy at N.McDowell NB.
• N. McDowell Blvd at Southpoint SB
• N. McDowell Blvd at'Sunset Pa,kway NB
• N McDowell Blvd at Youngstown MHP'(Corona),SB
• N McDowell'Blvd at Southpoint.NB (ijfunding allows)
Shelters will include solar 'pane/c hattery stot'age and both security and advertising panel
lighting. Shelters will be,orderedtocloselymatch similar shelters existing-throughout
Petaluma. Shelters will include peiforated metct`1'wind panels andbenches, and trash cans.
Shelters will be cleat a
ed ndmaintaivied by the`City.
The new shelters.support Petaluma Transit Routes 2;-11 and�24. On an average weekday these three
routes combined serve approximately'600;iders:Additionally, several of these-stops are also served
by-Sonoma County Transit and,Golden;Gate Transit.
Community-Identified;P,,rior ty •
3. Is:the project identified in a.completed community-based transportation.plan (CBTP)and/or other
substantive local,plahhing,effortinvolving focused outreachao law-income populations? Indicate
the name and page,numbers of the completed plan(s) where the pioleet is-identified. (For more
information aboutCBTPs_Visit
This project is hot'identi fled ih a.completed community-based t;ahsportatibn.plan-
Isitheiproject identified in the Bay Arca'sfCoordinatcd4Public Transit;HumaniServices'Transportation
Plan (CoordinatealP:lan)?f Please:indicate page number wherethe project identified,and whether it
is found'inthe low income or the elderly and disabled component of the plan. The Coordinated Plan is
found oii-line http%/www.mtesca goy/planning/ntlis/:
Page 20.of the'Coo.,dinated,Plan/Hemian cc;•viees—l owa Income Component`identifies'bus shelters
and bus'seating.as-transportation gaps in the region.
Appendix D of the Coo;c/mated Human Services Plan—Elderly-and Disabled component identifies
benches and seatedwaiting areas as oh unmet need specificallv-inSonoma Comity.
4. Is the project located in the community in which the CBTP:and/or other substantive local planning effort
involving focused outreach to low-income populations was completed? If not, please`includejustification
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ATTACHMENT B—Lifeline Transportatibh:Program Cycle 3'Funding Application
for applying'the-findings.from the CBTP and/or other substantive:local planning effort in another low-
income area.
This project is not lodated in a community in winchithe CBTP itias completed, however over 20%of the
population in the City of Petaluma is defined as low'income, andthis population makes up a significant
component of Petaluma Transit ridership. -Petaluma Transit..1,2010 rider survey indicated that only 9.6%
of the riders had an income annual over$30.000 and fully a.thyd of tlie riders had an income below
5. Describe how the projectaddresses.a-priority indicated%in:the CBTP-and/or other substantive local
planning effort involving focused outreach to low-income populations:
This project Serves a;low irrconie ridership not included in a CBTP. .Petaluma Transit's own market
research undertaken as part of several recent short range transit plans identified shelters and
seating as need within the community overall and particularly,for seniors and.students.
Implementation Plan and'Projecf Management Capacity
6. For operating projects: Provide an.operational plan for delivering service. For fixed route projects,
include a route map.
:For capital projects:provide an.iinplementation plan for completinga Capital project, including key
milestones.andestimated completion date.
This project will be completed.within one year of the notice offunding availability. Significant
project deliverables are listed below with the number ofmonthssrequired for completion.
Activity Months to Complete
Prepare bus ships' 2
Order bus shelters 2
Bus shelter delivery 4.
Bus shelter-installation 2
Project closeout 2
7. Describe any proposed useof innovative approaches that:will be[employed for this project and'their
potential impacton project success.
Procurenient for thisproject>ill be through the Ca/ACT,MBIA joint procurement process. This
process speeds procurement and provides the benefits of large procurement pricing on a relatively
small purchase.
8. Is the project ready to be implemented? What, if any, major issues need to-be resolved prior to
The project is ready:for implementation.
9. Describe and provide evidence of your organizations ability-to provide and manage the-proposed
project. Identify previous experience in providing:and coordinating transportation;or related services
for low-income persons. Desctibe key personnel,assigned to this;project; and their qualifications.
Petaluma Transit is in the process of completing a sinular bus-shelter procui ementand installation
project three shelters. Additionally. as a division of the Ciiy.'s Public Works and Utilities
Department Petaluma Transit benefits from the expertise of the entire Public Works deparrtinent
(Including capital projects;engineering, and traffic).
10. Indicate whether.yoUr organization has been or is a current recipient ofstate or federal transportation
funding. If your organization has previously received Lifeline funding, please indicate project name
and grant cycle and briefly describe project progress/outcomes including the'most recent service
utilization rate.
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ATTACHMENTT 6—Lifeline Transportation.,.RrogramrCycle iFundingApplication
Petaluirra Transit iS a recipient.of both.federal andrstatertransportationfnnding. Petaluma Transit
receivedSTA llifeline_operciting fiends.10<maintain;existingservices•in;duringthc tecenteconomic
downturn in 2008 P,etalunza Ti anti iscurrentlly ope•atingenhancedSatzn day.serr.vice under a
Small Urbanized Area JARC;grant This JARC funded project is currently in the em ly stages but
most-recent quarterly JARC report on this pr otecrindic`ated that Saturday ridershiphad tncrreased
27%'aver-the prior quarter.
Coordination and Program Outreach
l 1. Describe how the!;project will be coordinated with,publicrand/or•private'transportation providers,
•social service agencies, and+private non-profit=organizations serving low-income populations.
Several of the stop locations chosen for.this project are shared with.Sonoma County Transit and
Golden Gate Trangit Signage at ddiese stopsavill be coordinated with;those'agencies.
12. •Describe how project sponsor will continueto involve key stakeholders throughout.the project.•
Describe'plans to,'marketthe;project, and ways to promote public awareness of the program.
The primary point of marketing for these,new stop amenities is through Petaluma Transit is Travel
TrainingPtogram; d'etalunzaiTrancit c Travel Trainer willbe'able„to<informpotentiali iders of the
availability oflighted seating;at the bus stops neat their homes-or destinations This is an:excellent
improvement for Petaluma'stravel training program as the llack ofanaeniciec is often a.batrier to
ridingthe'bus, especially for low=income seniors.
Project Effectiveness
13. Demonstrate,hots the proposed projccr-is the most'appropriatc,way in which to address the identified
transportation need. Identify,performance measures;to•track;the effectiveness of the project in
meeting the identified gogls.,Xt a minimum, performancemeasuresfor service-related projects
would include: documentation of new'units" of service ptovidcd with; he.funding4e,g. number of
trips, service hours, workshops held,,carl'oansjprovided, etc':), cost periinit of service (e.g. cost per
trip), and aiquantitative summary of service delivery,procedures employed for the project. For
capital-related:projects, milestones.and reports on tthe status ofiprojectdelive y should be identified.
The identified transportation need is,alack of seating at bus stops This:project,not only provides
seating but additional protection fronz.the'elements through roofed'shelters and the,security of
enhanced lighting. Project:success will bedetermined through,deliverp.of the project on a timeline
consistent with'the timeline presented in question 6.
14. Describe a planfor,ongoing.monito"ring and evaluation of the service, and steps to be taken if
original goals are not achieved.
Ifthic application is approved the only risk to not'achieving the original goals is that the price of
either shelters or the installation will exceedthe project budget. In that event the project will be
scaled to nzeeethe available funds.
Project Budget/Sustainability
1. Provide a.detailedline'_itembudget describing each cost•item=including-start-up, administration,
operating and capital:expenses,and evaluation in the format provided below: If the project is a
multi-year project, detailed,budget iiiformation must be provided for all years. Please show all
sources of revenue, including anticipated fare box revenue.
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ATTACHMENT B.-Lifeline Transportation+Progtain.Cycle 3,Funding Application
The budget shouldbe in the following format:
Revenue Year!I Year 2 Year 3 TOTAL
Lifeline Program Funds $ 76,734 $ 76,734
TDA 4.0 $ 19,184 $ 19,184
• [Other Source offends]_ __ $
TOTALREVENUE ,$_ 959118 $ - $ - $ 95,918
Expenditures Year'1 Year 2 Year3 TOTAL
Operating"Expenses(list bycategory) $ -
Capital: Bus Shelters $. $ 72,000
Capital: Installation :$ 18,000 $ 18,000
I Capital: Site Prep/Contingency $. 5,9 IS $ 5,91.8
[Other Expense,Category] $ -
. TOTAL EXPENSES $ 95,918 $ $ - $ 95,918
Clearly specify the source of the required matching funds. Include letter(s)of commitment from all
agencies contributing towards the match. If the project is multi-year; please provide letters of
commitment for all years.
2. Describe efforts to identify potential.funding sources for sustaining the service beyond the grant
period if needed.
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