HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances 1964 09/07/1994. ; _- ' ~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ SE~ ~ ~~94 ; ORDINANCE NO. 1964 N.C.S. 2 3 4 INTRODUCED 5 BY COUNCILPERSON SECONDED BY 6 7 8 ROSS PARKERSON JANE HAMILTON 9 10 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF 11 THE CITY OF PETALUMA FROM JULY 1, 1994 TO JUNE 30, 1995 12 AND DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF, 13 TO TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY 14 15 16 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PETALUMA AS FOLLOWS: 17 Section 1. There is hereby appropriated for the usual and ordinary expenses of the 18 City of Petaluma for the period of July 1, 1994 to June 30, 1995, the amounts set in the attached 19 Exhibit A, incorporated by herein reference, and distributed to the various funds as set out in 20 said exhibit and shall be expended and used in accordance therewith. 21 Section 2. Chan~es with relation to the above appropriation between each respective 22 department or fund may be made by resolution adopted by the City Council. The City Manager 23 may administratively make changes within the departmental appropriations as approved so long 24 as the total amounts do not exceed, as a result of the change, the amounts set forth in the 25 approved appropriations. 26 Section 3. The City Council hereby finds and determines that the amount of 27 appropriations provided hereby does not exceed the estimated revenue, in the amounts set in the 28 attached Exhibit A, and other available funds of the City for the fiscal year ending June 30, 29 1995. 30 Section 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby 31 repealed. 32 Section 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to be necessary for the immediate 33 preservation of the public peace, health, and safety of the City of Petalunia, and sha11 take effect 34 and be in force from and after its final passa~e by unanimous vote of the members of the City 35 Council present at the time of its adoption. The reason for the urgency is so that the regular 36 operations and projects, particularly those relating to the protection of public peace, health and 37 safety, authorized to be performed may be properly scheduled over the period without delays 38 which would reduce the protection of the public peace, health and safety. Ord. 1964 NCS Page 1 of 2 _ ° ~ . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Section 6. The City Clerk be, and she is hereby directed to post/publish this ordinance for the period and in the manner required by the City Charter. INTRODUCED, ADOPTED AND ORDERED posted/published this Zrt, day of ~ptember , 1994, by the following vote: AYES: pARKERSON, READ, HAMILTON, MAYOR. HILLIGOSS NOES: NONE ABSENT: $ARLAS, SHEA, VICE MAYOR Attest: Patricia E. Bernard, City Clerk Annroved: Ord. 1964 NCS Page 2 of 2 . ., . ~ ~ i 31-flug-94 flPPRD94 CI1Y OF PEINLUMfl ' FY 1994-95 RPPROPRIRTIOI;S FROM JULY 1, 1993 i~ JUNE 30, 1995 RPPRDPRIATIUNS BY UEPRRTMENi/ACTIUITY CITY COUHCIL ~,, CIiY CLERK CITY RTTORNEY CIiY MRNflGER PER50HNEL/RISK nANRGEnENi FINRNCE NON-UEPRRinENTflI POLICE FIRE PIflNNIN6 BUILUIH6 INSPECTION EN6INEERIN6 PUBLIC UORKS PRRKS RN~ RECREATION SPECIRL PROJECTS INFORNflTIOH SERUICES LflHDSGflPE RSSESSMENi DISTRICTS SPECIflL flS5ES5t1EN~ 6ISiRICTS DEBT SERUICE 1UTflL RPPROPRIRTIOHS fOR flLL (UN05 N 1994-95 flPPROPRIfliIONS FR~1 ESTIMflTEO REUENUE6, FUND BflLRNCES flND TRflHSfERS ------------------------------------ FUND ODl GENERRL FUND 202 GOr1M DEUEIOPMENi BLOCK 6RRHT FUNU 204 6RS iNR FUNO 208 TRflNSIENi OCCUPRHCY 1flK 209 PARK UEUELOPt1ENi 210 MRSTER FLOOU MI1I6flTI0N flN0 DRRINHGE FEE5 211 HOUSIN6 IN-LIEU FEES ~ 212 COMM FflCILIiIES 213 MAJOR TRflFFIC 11ITI6fliI0H FEES 214 CHILU CflRE fUNO 215 TURNIN6 BPSIN fUNO 216 UEEO flBRiEMENT 601 WATER UiILI~Y 602 UfliER POLLUiION CONTROL 603 PUBLIC TRpNSPORTRiIOH 606 BIRPORT DPERflTIONS 6~6 flMBULRNCE SERUICE 607 MRRINfl . TO1RL flPPROPRIflTI0N5 fOR RLL FUN[1S ----------------- 58, 700 142,7DD 115, 650 207, 550 1,998,3~0 390, 350 1, 30'T, 668 7, 040, 900 9, 696, 75Q 676, 800 388, 8D0 17,3b1,94D 11,795,630 4,892,95D 1,519,325 476, 950 114,108 5, 429,150 985, 250 59,001,571 CSIIO~~L~.~~~=~~LC flhOUNT 1 B, 349, 900 1,192, 025 1,626,000 986,218 2,Q16,900 3, 835, 000 276, 000 665, 750 3, 928, 000 fi,IQO 16,100 25,9U0 6, 244, 63D 8, 299, 040 936,150 1,807,750 991, 600 373, 250 EUNO 701 IHFORMflTION SERUICES 703 RISK MRNHGEr1EHT 706 UORKER'S C011PENSATION 702 UENTRL PROGRR~I 705 UNEMPCOYriENT PRUGR~1 8D1 6ENERRL TRUST%BGENCY 802 THOMNS LEE CHflRITY TRUS1 803 UICKERSNHM PRRK TRUSi 805 POLICE TRUS1 806 PRINCE TRUST ~ ~ 300 LNNUSCflPE flSSE5Sr1ENT DISTRICi 300 SPECINL RSSESSMENT ~ISiRICiS 3U0 DEBT SERUICE FUN[IS 10TflL SOURCES OF RPPROPRIflTIONS O~,D l t'i le'~ 1~1 CS E~iIBIT A NPIOUNi 476, 950 506, 900 526, 860 246,100 1'Z, 5D0 D 1,50U D 167, 950 215,8Q0 114,108 5, 429,150 845, 35D ---------------- 59,U01,571 soc6ec"occc~C~e