HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 08/05/2002August 5, 2002 Vo1.38'; Page 139 aw~ALU ~ Cit. o Petaluma, Cali orna y f .f - City Council Meeting Ig58, 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 City Council, Meeting Minutes Monday,. August 5; 2002 RegularMeeting: 2:00 p.rn. PRESENT: Caller-Thompson, Vice Mayor Healy, Maguire, Moynihan, O'Brien; Torliaft ABSENT: Mayor Thompson PUBLIC COMMENT None: CLOS'fD SESSION ® Public Employee Appointment: Interviews, Government Code. Section 54.957. Title: Interim~City Manager ® Public Employee Appointment; Government Code Section 54957. Title: Interim City Ivlanager~and City~:Manager = a Conference With'Real Property Negotiator; Pursuant to ~Governme:nt Code Section 549.56:8. Property: One Parcel Located Southwest. 'of the City's Oxidation Ponds. {APN Oi 9-330-009)., A Small Portion of One Parcel Located at 3880 Cypress Drive (APN 005-090-062). Negotiating Party: Frederick Stoud'er, Thomas Wargis. Under Negotiation: Price, Terms or Payment, or Both. ® Conference with Legal Counsel: Existing Litigation, Subdivision (a') of Government Code Section 54956.9,- Sandalwood Estates vs. C ty °of Petaluma, Sonoma County SuperiorCourtCase No.'23041'4. ® Conference with ;Labor Neg_ otiator, Government Code Section 54957.6: Agency Negotiator: Bill ~ Thomas%Frederick Stovder/Dennis Morris. Employee Organization: AFSCME'. ® Conference with Labor Negotiator, :Government Code Section 54957.6. Agency Negotiator: Bill ~ Thomas/Frederick Stouder/Dennis Morris. __ Employee Organization: Unrepresenfed~ Unit 4 (Professional) and Unit 9 (Mid=lvlanagement). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~1 `0 1l 1.2 13 14. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3:8 39 4.0 41' 42' 43 44 45 46 47 48 Vol. 38, Page 140 RECONVENE: 3:1.5 p.m. PRESENT: .Cader-Thompson, . O'Brien, Torlatt ABSENT: Mayor Thompson August 5, 20Q2 Vice Mayor Healy, Maguire, Moynihan, REPORT OUT"OF~CLOSED..SESSION City Attorney Rucinansky reported 'th'at" the Council needs to "take action, on an item that arose after the agenda was posted o'n Friday,. August 2, -2002. " Motion to reconvene fo Closed Session. fo discuss. compEnsation for the. Interim City Manager, as this action needs to be taken. now. M/S Maguire/Cader= Thompson. AYES: Cader-Thompson, O"Brien, Tbrliatt NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Thompson RECONVENE: 3:23 p.m. Vice Mayor Healy, Maguire,. Moynihan, Vice .Mayor Nealy reported that t_he Cify Council came to an agreement to appoint a new"Interim City Manages:. Reintroduced Mike Bierman, Mr. Bierman,sai'd he has spent many years in municipal go~rernrn"ent in Cincinnati; Ohio;; Fresno, California and recently in Columbia; S:outh~Carolina. He :is glad to be back in California where he wants to„be and hopes;to work. with the Council to get the City's go:als.satisfi'e.d,and moving t,he~City's~projec"ts ahead. PU:BLIG: COMMENT Geoffrey H. Cartwright; Petaluma, commented that he .has given the' Council' a copy of the Press' Dernocraf's July 25, 2002, article. entitled': "Flo,o'd;.defense relies on "old dafa'." He said the engineers who planned. the County's flood control system in the 1'9'60's relied on data. from the:1950-,1'960 that only covered. about 60 years of rainfall; ,Ifi the rainfall' data during the past 40 years is included, the, size of a 10,0=year flood could have been underes,ti,ma'te;d by about 25%. Ihe, U. S. -Army~Gorps of Engineers, Sonoma'County.Wa;ter Agency (SCwA); and the~Gity of Santci Rosa are evaluating new.dat;a. ~A report is du'e soon, __ . ~ ~ . . Diane -Reilly-.T;orres„ Pefialuma, thanked the ;people who- showed up at the PAC event on S.a~turday night. She stated that the public has .not" been provided, with. the paper work on items That are added to the agenda after 5::00 p:m. on Friday.. She asked how could the public pdrticipate on agenda items if ;the paper,"work is not provided"? She told.. the Council that if they- want the public to participate, they shquld provide 'the paperwork. August 5, 2002 Vol. 38, Page 141 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 COUNCIL COMMENT • Council Member Moynihan: Extended a welcome to Interim City Clerk Eleanor Berto, and voiced his unanimous vote for new City Clerk Gayle Petersen because he could not vote for her due to his absence from the City. Welcomed' brick Interim Assistant City~lvlanager Gene Beatty. Suggested the City fill the two funded vacant positions in the Police Department aggressively. Asked to pace on a future agenda for discussion the development of a policy fo avoid the acquisition of properties that are contaminated with toxic or hazardous waste. • Council Member Torliatt: Said she brought her copy of th'e Press Democraf's article on flooding. Would look very closely at potential water consumption in future developments. Would support a request to update data on what may or may not happe,'n in a floodplain in the City of Pet:aluma_. Asked that the Petaluma `Waterfront Jazz Festival include the City of Petaluma as one of the sponsors of the event. Commented on City Manager Sto.uder.'s Weekly Report on Water Resource and Conservation and the Water Superintendent's Report on activities in the Water Division. • Council Member Cader-Thompson:= Remarked that she brought fhe =same article. Said as the City continues .to look at development in the floodplain,~,the City~n'eeds better .data; "So w~e know what we are getting ourselves .info because in .the past flooding 'has cost us millions of dollars." .~ ' ;- Requested that the Council get an .update on fhe Interim Police Chief search. Would .like to know what the process will be to replace the soon-to-rewire Director of Water Resource and Conservation. Vol. 38, Page 142 August 5, .2002 1 • Vice Mayor Healy: 2 3 Stated thaf Santa. Rosa has five, ways for people to sign up for recreation 4 activities, such as by Internet, telephone answering recording, fax, mail or on- S site .registration and would like to see the City of Petaluma ddopt'this method, 6 7 Waited in aline for over~three hours to sign up his children for swimming lessons. 8 9 Thanked; Gou,ricil Member,Moynhan for his memo on: police personnel issues 0 and would, ask the City Manager or Police Chief for their insights'. 11 12 Noted that the City Manager sent a memo to some department heads 13 asking them for' a response to his questions. recording_ flood data, so the 14 Council should b.e seeing' thd.t in .due• course. l5 T6 Doesn"t know what the City should be doing on the contamindted property 17 issue, but dcknowledged that Council Member Moynihan found. a buried 18 railroad tank ear that no else. believed was there. 19 20 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 21 22 .May 20, June 10, June "17, June 27, July 8, July 22, 2002 23 " 24 Council Member Torliatt: May 20 minutes, page 6; about line 7, she thought 25 Council Member .Maguire, added to his m'ation that the. contract would come 26 back on the consent ~c:ale.ndar at the next meeting. O.n page: 10, did `the Mayor 27 abstain from that vote? Sh.e thought he voted ih favor of Stephanie McAllister. 28 29 Vice Mayor Healy agreed. 30 31 Council ,Mem'ber Tocliaft: June 1l0 minutes, page 13, line 25, change "' 32 moderating program ...'' to "... monitoring program ..." 33 34 Council. Member. Moyn'ihdn said he would abstain from approving the minutes. of 35 June 2Th and July 8th, as he,was-out of town'., 36 37 Council Merriber O'BTien said he would afjstain from approving the min"utes of .f. 4 . 38 July 22nd, ds he was absent from the meeting; 39 _ . , 4Q Vice Mayor Healy said he would abstain firorn approving the minutes of June 41 17th, as he was absent from the meeting.. 42 .. 43 Motion to approve the minutes of June: '17, June 27, July 8; and July 22„°2002 asp 44 written, and the rriinutes of M`ay 20 and June 10, 200?, as amended.. M/S 45 Maguire/O'Brien. 46 August 5, 2002 Vol. 38, Page 143 1 AYES: Cader-Thompson, Vice Mayor Healy, Maguire, Moynihan, 2. O'Brien; Torliatt 3 NOES: None 4 ABSENT: Mayor Thompson 5 6 PRESENTATION 7 CITIES FOR CLIMATE PROTECTION 8 9 Rozy Fredricks; International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), 10 spoke regarding fh'e Cities for Climate, 'Protection. Campaign, arid the ways in 11 which it benefits local governments.. All nine cities in Sonoma County have 12 committed to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions and' having 100% of these 13 cities committing., fo climate protection sets a national precedent. l4 15 Anna Hancock, Prgject Coordinator; thanked the Council for the Proclamation it 16 issued to participate in the Cities for Climate Protection Campaign to ..increase 17 public awareness and reduce the impacts of greenhouse gases. Petaluma is the 18 third city in, the county to issue a proclamation supporting this program. The 19 County of Sonoma will pass a resolution on August 20, 2002 and will be 20 participating as well. Governor Gray Davis is expected to sign AB 1493. 21 22 Council Member Torliatt commented that this is an exciting endeavor. Probably 23 in the next 10-20 years, mandates from the state will require the• City to reduce. 24 greenhouse gas emissions because of the global' warming effects of the policy 25 decisions Council snakes and the development and land use decisions fhat 26 Council ,makes in the community. She reported that the Governor `signed AB 27 1493, a legislative bill that proposes to reduce emissions from motor vehicles by 28 the year :20,09. Ten elected officials from: Sonoma County took a bus down to 29 San. Francisco and met the Governor as weal as Robert Redford. She said. she hds 30 also talked to one of the .professors at Sonoma State University who has interns 3.1 who would like to do some ~of this assessment for the Cify. Hopefully; Petaluma 32 wilt work.with the other cities in Sonoma County, and bring interns in from SSU to, 33 "help 'us get a handle on what is going on here." As a representative on the- Bay 34 Area Air Quality Management' `Dist"rice (BAAQMD) that represents Sonoma 35 County ,on -the Board, the. District is dealing with this issue frprn an air quality 36 standpoint. .The District is having a time where we ace exceeding the Federal 37 ozone- standards. Aldmed`a County is trying to reduce the. temperatures that 3~8 'they are creating and emitting off of their roofs and have a plan that. they are 39 frying to implement to try and reduce these greenhouse effects by reducing the 40 temperatures. She concluded by saying she was excited by moving forward 41 with this.. 4"2 43 Council Member Maguire remarked that there is a very significant downside to 44 not pursuing 'these kinds of action. Scientists are currently finding that 45 cataclysmic environmental change can occur over a short period of time. As 46 recently as five years ago many scientists have said global warming is going to 47 cause gradual change oyes hundreds of years but the most informed thinking on 48 that in these days is that it can. happen in a very short period of time within a few Vol. 38, Page 144 August~5, 2002 1 years. We should try to do what we can to reduce emissions and greenhouse 2 warming sooner rather than later so that we are not reacti'rg out: of a crisis„ 3 mode. Another advantage. is that we earl do well by doing good. These really 4 have paybacks in terms of :economic b.enefifs, reduced illness as we. hear from 5 American Lung Association, and certainly toxic. cleanup and, nap-poinf pollution 6 sources polluting waterways anal al,l that stuff. He was glad the Mayor issued the 7 proclamation: Will be looking forward tq passing the resolution .on the Consent 8 Calendar and endorses,the program wholeheartedly. 9 10 Vice Mayor Healy :replied that 'the: resolution is an item ..on the :agenda tonight. 11 Will be looking forward to S:onoma S'ta~te University eloing an update on 12 greenhouse, emissions and will be looking forward in impl`emeritng that policy. In 13' the presentation it was_ mentioned fhat fhe three primary municipal areas, fhaf 14 affecfi greenhouse gasses and this Council is intimately familiar with the fourth. 15 and that`s sewage because- one of the factors that drove the, selection o.t the '16 preferred alternative 'for the City`s new wastewater plant was the fact that one 17 of the eornpeting, designs was going to throw out an enormous; amount of 18 urethan:e gas;., :not carbon. dioxide,: and methane is an even more .potent 19 greenhouse .gas than carbon dioxide:. UVe had an environmenfal footprint. 20 analysis showing the ecological effects. of .the :different candidate's technologies 21 and partly on that ::basis 'selected the o:rie that produced' the less greenho~s:e' 22 gasses.. CO'fVSENT CALENDAR ,, The following items:are .non-controversial. an;d were approved i;n one motion. RESO.2002=11.7 N:C;S, _ CITIES FOR CLIMATES PROTECTION CAMPAIGN Endorsing the objecfives of the Cities For.Climate Protection~Campdign. RESO. -2002-118 N.C.S. ._ PURCHASE OF A 2003 FORD F-250 .CAB AN'D CHASSIS TRUCK ,_ . Authorizing: the purchase of a 20.03 Ford F-:250. cab a_nd chassis. truck `from ,.Metro"se Ford in the amount of $20,,709.63 RESO'. 2002-119 fV.C.S. PURCHASE OF A 2003 FORD'F-450 CAB AfVD CHASSIS',TRUCK :Authorizing the purchase of a 2003 Ford .F'-450 cab and chassis truck from Melrose Ford in the° amount of $27,404.43 August 5, 2002 Vol. 38, Page 1:45 1 RESO. 2002-120 N.C.S. 2 PURCHASE OF A D.U.I. CHECKPOINT TRAILER 3 4 Authorizing the purchase of a_ D.U.I. checkpoint trailer from Opperman & Sons in 5 the amount of $24,708.61. 6 7 RES0.2002-121 N:C.S. 8 CONTRACT FOR CITY CLERK 9 10 Approving the; Contract for the City Clerk. 11 12 RESO.2~002-'122 N.CS. 13 OXIDATION POND FLOW DIVERSION PROJECT 14 15 Authorizing the City Mdn_ager to Execute a Professional Services Agreement with 16 Carollo Engineers for professional services in support of design of the Oxidation 17 Pond Flow Diversion Project. 18 19 20 RESO.2002-1'23 N.C.S. 21 SETTING ANNUAL ASSESSMENT RATES FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS 22 23 Resolution setting. Annual Assessment .Rates forAssessment Districts. 24 25 Motion to adopt Reso. 2002-133 N.C.S. M/S Maguire/O'Brien. 26 27 AYES: Cader-Thompson, Vice Mayor Healy, Maguire, Moynihan, 28 O'Brien, Torliatt, 29 NOES: None 30 ABSENT: Mayor Thompson 31 ABSTAIN: None 32 33 The following items were pulled from the Consent Calendar for discussion: 34 35 RESO. 2002-124 N.C.S. 36 AGREEMENT WITH CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LN SUPPORT 37 OF PHASE 2 OF WATER RECYCLING FACILITY PROJECT 38 39 Council Member Moynihan: This is a resolution authorizing the City Mandger to 40 amend the professional services agreemenf with Carollo Engineers Professional 41 Services in ,support of Phase 2 Project Development of the Water Recycling 42 Facility project. This cost of the proposal will be increasing a total 'for just the 43 environmental planning and design from just under $7.997 million fo $8.476 44 million., in other words a $4.5 million .increase in this contract. This is referred to as 45 a change .order type. If seems we either failed to scope the property of a 46 project. correctly initially or we're doing something additional here and I would 47 like a bit of clarification. $8.5 milliori for environmental planning and design is 48 huge for the ratepayers to endure and I'm very much concerned that this may Vol. 38, Page 146 August 5, 2002 l be d sign of things to .come with the plant construction and ofher things; and I 2 was hoping we would ge .enlightened why it's such a. wide. jump in the' contract 3 price. The increase is $450,000. I' m sorry if I .said $4 million, I got excited. 4 5 Mr. Ban: When we sco,ped fhe project over a year and half qgo we really sat 6 down and got into this project.. We put down a very detailed scope. As we :got 7 into the pre-design report and started looking' at a lot' of details and .examining 8 some of the details there were- Borne things that: came up ghat we could not 9 have predicted. early on in the, project. And that's what we have before us 10 tonight, One:of those was the outfdll maintenance: The autfdll, is something, we 1 l don't have fio go with -right now but we determined that it's a hydraulic 12 restriction at the. facility. It's not operating properly. We have diffusers .on the 13 ouffall: The water is supposed to,go out the diffusers but the outfall is sitaing near 14 the bottom of .the river and qll the diffusers are plugged. We have gates on the 15 end of the ,outfall and those are not. operating. This is an, opportune time with'. this.. 16 pr_oje.ct to go in and repair th;e outfall. I°d be happy to go over the items, 'if' 17 that's what the Council w.ish,es: Vice Mayor Healy: Actually, Mike,. you and I had talked over the phone about an item with fhis and then with "Resole ion Authorizing the Manager to Execute Professional Services Agreement with Carollo ,Engineers for. Professional S:erviees in. Support of Design of the Oxidation Pond Flow Diversiciri Project" which has already been approved,. but just for the Council's edification we can talk about those. One was interesting given the previous discussion about: the environmental loo print and going to a methane production here but could you talk about that? Mr. Ban: The process for handling fhis sludge we originally were ,looking of an aerobic process. Oaring the predesgn efforts we had a value engineering effort done on the project and :a suggestion was proposed that we Igok at an _ anaeno.bic process. We did some analysis on that and it looks like it''s a more favorable process for us than the aerobic process. Doug Wing can explain it better than I can.: One of the: benefits we found is that overall it's; a lesser cost o,n an annual basis 'than the aerobic process: We can move to a production of a_ Class A sludge easier than the aerobic process. Doug Wing thinks it has a' lot 'of benefits. Vice Mayor Healy: To clarify the methane' point, ~eyen though fhis will produce methane, all of that methane can be captured.. and burned so, we're not going to be venting any g"reenhouse gases. Mr. Ban: We: actually did an ecological., footprint analysis of both. They're very close b:ut the gnaerobi'c -has a smaller footprint than the aerobic process. 45 Council Member Tbrliatt: A couple of the things fhat were- pointed; out here, 46 One had. to do with fhe ,gree`n building design inforrnatio.n, part of` operation 47 maintenance and laboratory buildings, which is about $62,00.0: It's great that 4.8 we're spending the money on the front end. because it will reduce. our overall August 5, 2002 VoL 38, Page 147 1 cost in the long run. I like: the way you are looking of 'the. long term picture 2 instead of the up front cost of just doing the bare minimum and not 'looking at 3 the bigger picture. What is your goal for the leads rating? Isn't it platinum,, gold, 4 silver and bronze? I'm hoping that we''re going for the platinum. 5 6 Mr. Ban: Yes. We would be going for as high an U:prating as we can get. 7 8 Council Mem, ber Torliatt: I'd really like to see us move in that. direction. The other 9 large item here. that led to fhe increase, $151,000, is permits. That, bascdlly, is 10 out of our City staff's control. We're just subject to it. Thaf's about 25% of the 1 1 cost. Maybe it would be helpful if you gave us a cost-to-date update the next 12 time. How much we have spent, how much we budgeted for as we're moving 13 forward so we can track 'it on the bigger picture. 14 15 Council Member Gade_r=Thompson: Mr. Barn, as~we move on with the' process as 16 far as the sludge Class A, Class'B, if tfis is going. to be closer to an A, would you 17 be looking at just producing: an A and coming up with a cost as we move 18 forward? 19 20 Mr. Bari:. 'We wouldn'f be doing, that in the near. term. It would be something 21 we'd be looking df in the long term. Our near term plan doesn't require us to go~ 22 to Class A, bu if the Couneii adopts a program, that would require a Class: A then 23 we would look at goring to a Class A atthat time.: _ 24 25 Council Member Cader-Th.orppson: If we're getting closer to a Class A and. the 26 cost is virtually the same we may be better off goi-ng in that direction. So, I guess. 27 Mr. Wirig is moving on with- his design ofi something he can raise and bring back 28 to us if it works out well. 29 ,. 30 Council Member Moynihan: This is roughly a $500,000 change order. Do vve 31 expect more $500,000 change orders? 32 . 33 Mr. Ban: No, we don't. 34 35 Council Member Moynihan:' So, this,will'be if? 36 ~ ~ _ .,. 37 Mr. Ban: We have asked for -a contingency of about $'50,000 iri caste, during the 38 design effort, we come across something that we think would b`e of benefit. to: 39 the project.. In a project of this size i'f`s naturdl; at this :point- in the project, we 40 would comae forward with some. items thaf'we discovered, I don't anticipate 41 that happening again in that we have done quite a bit of work on the project. I 42 can't guarantee that. it would not happen ~buf we've got a great team; on this 43 project and we, really turned this project up anal down looking for all the benefits 44 we could bring to the project. We're ready to charge ahead and do fhe design 45 on it and'finish if up. 46 47 Council, ,Member Moynihan: This project cost is huge and the ratepayers are 48 going to suffer in trying to pay their bills as we increase it an average of $400 a Vol. 38, Page 148 August 5, 2002 l year. I would: like- to implore you and the others in the departments 'to `fin'd "ways 2 to cut. cost from 'this point forward instead. of increasing the cost if a# dll possible 3 because. this is just a huge number., I appreciate your efforts, 4 5 Council. Member Ivlagu;ire: We are working on the rare study and working, 6 towards a rate structure that is tiered so tha_ t people who burden the' system 7 more pay more per unit., That's a more equifable way and that will` be 8 somethipg that' very appropriate;: I notice in the. -Staff Report that;, in 9 comparison amongst the staff ~ re:p.orts that we'we h,ad and. that:. we're l 0 considering tonight., the cosf is actually very competitive compared.. fo other 1 1 sewer treatment plants. 12 13 Vice Mayor Hea y: M'r, Ban, yob a-nd I had a brief discussion on the 5,000 tons: o.f 14 s edge on the bottom of Pond 1. That was a .bit of an eye opener to read that.. 15 W'e just. approved the removal of that in the professional design contrgc:t to gef 16 us started on; ;that. I just want you. to give us some assurance ~ tha,f that's not 17 going to be a smelly operation as 'it could potentially, be;. 18 19 Mr. Ban: What we're proposing to ~do is look at a couple. of different ways to 20 handle: the sludge down there.. Our goal ,is to minimize fhe sludge odors as much 2.1 as possible and that- will really 'be the top factor'i'n which direction we head, 'in 22 doing that. . 2~3 , 24 Motion to adopt Reso. 2002-124~N.C.S. M/S'Moyniha:n/Mdguire. 25 26 AYES: Caller=Thompson, Vice. Mayo. r Healy Ivl'aguira, Moynihan, 2T Q'Brien, Torliat'#, 28 NOES: None: 29 ABSENT: Mayor Thompson 30 ABSTAIN: None 31 32 RESO. 2002-1'25 NC.S: - 33 FUNDING AND SLOPING FOR;THE"RIVER ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS: 34 35 Resolution Authorizing, th, a City Manager to Execute Professional' Services 36 Agreement with Cgrollo Engineers for professional services. in support of funding 37 and sco_ ping for the River Access Improvemenfs: 38 39 Council' Member Moynihan: l'm a little c,aiic'erned beca~ise I was absent when 40 th`e revised, CIP came to the Council on June 27'h 'that"was adopted' with the 41 budgef for the one-year term, '.My understanding was that we had a,ctudlly g~ - 42 received assurances that the funds for,"th:is: as ect of`the project, the Wetlands I? _. _~ •. 4:3 Park. aspect,, fore both the land acquisition for the development cost, for the 44 icnprcvements and all, were going to b'e raised. through non-ratepayers sources 45 of funds: What I'maeeing here is a sifua'tio-n.where now thE~ ratepayers are being 46 asked to fund this park: I have a problem with. that.. The ~~IP reflects, indeed `as 47 the Staff Report indicates, a Planning budget of $50-,000` coming from fhe City 48 Water Resources budget which, has we all know, comes :from revenue raised by August 5, 2002 Vol. 38; Page l49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 the .ratepayers. or from the water and sewer ratepayers. I'm a little concerned about this precedent. I'm very concerned that we are saddling the ratepayers with the cost of a $9 million park on top of an $81 million plant. Maybe l'm wrong on my numbers and maybe we don't know what the numbers are yet, which is a bigger maybe, and I'd like us to change the funding source on this particular issue. Vice Mayor Healy: My recollection of the January 7, 2002 resolution was. thaf the Council was willing to move the design and the environmental work with respect to some of the amenities off of the exisfing footprint of City-owned land forward with our Dollars in hopes of attracting grant dollars :for the acquisition of property and for the development of those features. This is consistent with that direction.. I would be willing to move this forward with the thought that, if possible, the City`s ratepayers could be reimbursed for this funding as grant funds become available,. I'd like to see this move forward. Council Member Cader-Thompson:.I've been working,~dligently in fihding monies: for the property acquisition and for this .park. And' it looks like we're going to be successful in getting` the millions that we need. We have to understand that when we're looking at this project there`s also storm water thot is interconnected. with Parcels A and B because. of the development up by Lakeville.. There: is an interconnectign,chere between doing the studies necessary because this will also help wi;fh the ,polishing Wetlands. I do know .that there 'will be money avoilab e for design on Parcel B from the funding agencies as, soon as t,hat's approved. This is appropriate dollars spent because it's for the long term of the wastewat"er facility and it's a little different~than quote. "conven,ti.onpl:.high-tech design." Council Member O' Brien: I would concur with your recollection. That is exactly what 1 remembered that the purchase of the.,land was supposed. ;to come out of grant funding.. We agreed, to move .ahead with design and engineering: i do like your suggestion about reimbursing the ratepayers if vve can :get~.the grant money for that. So I would also support that: :. Council Member Torliatt: What we need -to rnaKe `sure ~ that the Council remembers and we can inform fhe public. is.we rriay' be .getting a ignifi'cant amount of dollars from California :Coastal Conservancy and. fhe Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open °Space bistrict for. acquisition of the parcel that we're talking about that is going to ha'v.e many uses, which includes an amenity for the community with walking` paths. We are going to be under .more strict. water quality standards in the next fwerity to fifty years and we're going to absolutely need that parcel in order to rpove forward on this. We're going to receive a'huge benefit in the community through ofher~funds. This is such a small part, this pedestrian :access area, that I can't imagine us not moving forward on it. I appreciate the Council concurring with at least the design and engineering of this phase. Council Member Maguire: The highest number I've heard for the recreational portion, including land cost, is $4 million. That would be for land cost, Vol. 38, Page 150 August 5,.2002 1 improvements, etc.; not $9 million, but your recollection jives with my recollection 2 what the. Council action was. 3 4 Council Member Caller-Thompson: Wifh the' contact that I"ve had with the 5 fundi"rig .agencies -that they do want fo see. City participation in this, of course, 6 not up to the: dollar amount #hat they're gbi_ng to be giving us. 'This is .just a: drop 7 in the bucket .compared to what they're going to give us and they d~o like to see 8 that shared cost;. It` quite a benefit. Council Member- M'oynih~an: Mr., Healy';, I would support your recornmenda'tion in getting, through this item.. Yes, there was $50,000 of ratepayers" monies that'.are being budgeted to handle this design and, engineering. I would like to point out., though, that in fhe Water Recycling Facility CIP, the land acquisition is stock.: The $2.5 million t:o acquire this proposed park is not being j~icked up by outside do"nations, or contributions .or` funds. Y'ou .can `read' the rIP. I`:m juste reviewing what's in favor of it: It's Page- 513 and it shown. the understanding that we just discussed here frorn_ the January meeting, hasn`t been reduced to writing -the way we understood it. `We need to go .back and revisit this aspect of the :CIP and make sure that the funding `is correct. When we get. commitments for contributions or donations we fall through with there. The Animal` Services Facility -we've gotten. $"150`,000 in; based on this CJ P.; of the $250,000'that'was' pledged. These are the' type of things where, if the ratepayers 8nd up getting stuck for the balance, and we're. riot talking a couple millions, we'`re talking as Ivlr. Maguire indicates $4 million estimated.. today which, once we finish designing it and. engineering it could be quite ".a bit more. That's not what 'the ratep.ay:ers should.be paying and we need to have, as.a `fiduciary, the diligence'that we are not sticking `fhese folks, a lot of whom cannot of-ford these hcreases. Vice Mayor Healy: Lt seems t"o me that we dre rea ly on the verge of gettjng $4 million from, a coup" ' 1e of funding sources and this is going to be q big success. 'I don't think: it's the: Coun;cil's~,intent, not withstanding what sorne_ document might r say, to support the acquisition of that property with ratepayers funds. Council Member ..Maguire: I't's- important to recognize that the majority of this. Council disagrees with :M'r. ,Moy,n~ihan's~ assessment' that `just because 'there"s~ a figure i"n the CI_P document'there's no other way~to view"this., It is important to remember thdt fhere's a tremendous potential return. on inwestmerit o_n fhs particular project. That''s not.just in terrns:zofirecreation;al bE~nefits but also in terms of meeting increasingly_,higher discharge standards that care to prepare for fhe future now Phan to be caught flatfooted:'I don't think that anyone disagrees with Mr. M,oynihan's position thdt. the: ratepayers should be protected:, I think. this does do the best job of "protecfing the ratepayer by moving ahead with this part of the pro'j'ect.. Motion to adopt Reso. 2Q02-125 N,C.S. M%S Maguire/Caller-Thompson, Council. Member O''Brien: Mr. Vice Mayor does the motion include reimbursing the ratepayer? August 5, 2002 Vol: ;38, Page- l 51 1 2 Council Member Maguire: Actually it's just a motion to adopt th°e resolufion. 3 4 Vice Mayor Healy: That`s correct. There can be direction to staff to pursue those 5 opportunities down the road as they become available. 6 7 AYES: Cader=Thompson, Vice Mayor Healy, Maguire, Moynihan, 8 O' Brien,. Torliatt, 9 NOES: None 10 ABSENT: Mayor Thompson 11 ABSTAIN: None 12 13 APPROVAL.OF PROPOSED AGENDA 14 FOR SPECiALiCOUNCIL,MEETIN:G OESEPTENI$'ER 9, 2002 15 16 Council Member Torliatt: l pulled this item because I am on fhe. Petaluma 17 Community Development Commission (PCDC) budget, which is the Water Street 18 Redevelopment Plan, which I'm assuming is the Water Street Improvements. 19 There are many members of the community that are. interested ip commenting 20 on this. My issue is with the time of day that we are 'hedging this agenda item.. 21 would like to.see us have. this item on an evening agenda. 22 23 Vice Mayor Heay: I don`t disagree with that. But I`m looking at the evening 24 agenda 'for this meeting which includes Redwood Technology Center and 'that 25 might be a bit ambitious for one evening's. work. 26 . . 27 Council Member Torliatt: I understand that and I want to move forward with 28 Water 'Street Improvements and I so stated. If it has to go to another agenda 29 that's what it n`ee:ds to do. It's always interesting how we are prioritizing 30 development projects as opposed to our own projects that we're trying fo 31 create econorimic, development with. 32 33 Vice Mayor ;Healy: The evening of September 9t" would be free if you hadn' 34 insisted on putting Redwood Technology Center there. 35 3'6 Council Member Torliaft: We would have already dealt with a development 37 proposal that would have impacted this one. 38 39 Council Member Moynihan: Private development projects also create economic 40 development just for those who think that only public projects do it. I would like 41 to suggest that we also bring back the. Depot Project under the PCDC. We 42 haven't go'ften an understanding of that.. What l read again on the CfP is that 43 we've budgeted $550,000 of City Redevelopment Agency funds towards that 44 project. Lt used: to be and I know I .made an application when I was working, with 45 the Chamber of Commerce for TLC funds for that and it's an ideal project for TLC 46 funds, which is the Livable Communities Program by fhe .Metropolitan 47 Transportation Commission (:MTC). That's a half million dollars roughly that we 48 could use elsewhere 'to .fix our streets and do other things. I would like to apply Vol. 38, Page 152 August 5, 2QQ2 for any grants available for that ,project.: It is a .good project: I would b:e open to looking at some seed money for'it. Vice Mayor 'Healy: I'm not sure that' there's anything that's right: for Council action or Redevelopment Agency action at this point on 'the Depof` issue, '~/Ve could ask for a MEMO from N1r. Marangella on this. Council Member Moynihan:. l would go a step further and ask on the regular agenda that we bring back.the CIP,. There are; some corrections' and changes and additions that need t.o, be dome=there. w'e don't ha e a Five:=YearCIP. What we have adopted with the budget was for this, year ;and y:ou do:'have projecfions on the items; on `the plan. This year's; CIP didn't have driy park. projects. L would. think that we''d .all 'want to make sure that we move forward acid gef our Fve- Year C(P thought ova and thoroughly adopted, `in'tegrate the ~st`reets that.we're going t..o fix and move forward iri a-sys'tematic way. Simply because wehave adopted, the ;budget we can`t forget about :the Five-Year CIP for another .year.. L'm -requesting that the Five-Year GIP be:: placed on the agenda for the next rnee.ting. Council Member Cader-Thompson; I just want to make sure that the water rate discussion is coming back on a date certain; obviously 'n'ot :on this next agenda. Mr.: Thomas, on the item for t'he Construction of'the Airport Hangar Project;: there might be some problems with f.undin'g because of the .State.:, Let's leave that open. It rriigh "have to come off. Mr. Thomas:: Efi will probably have fo come off...: I talked fa them :arid. potentially we're .going to have to do same`tfing with bonds. I talked with them, last week. and I haven't followed up. If probably wouldn''t be heard; at that time... City Attorney Rie_h. Rudnansky: ;Pierre Miremont has appealed a decisign by` Cfy Manager Stoude_r with. respect to Mr: Miremont's request; that a certain advertisement be run on City buses... The Council might wish to .consider adding that matter to the September 9th agenda:. Vice. Mayor Healy: I wou d support-that. Council `Member Maguire;; Ls there any reason why ice have to .h_ave the Introduction of Building Codes in the evening:?. We could put that 'in t_he afternoon; I know that may not take as much time as Water Street; however, w,e've had a number of hearings on Water Street and the public has had many opportunities to weigh `in. It'a at a point where 'it calls for th'e Co;uricil'`s deliberation. As far as Mr. Nliremont's: appeal ;if we're going to have th~~t dscussioh, we ,need to have ~a diseussio;n about policies on all'~advertising on the buses, since we-`ve seen some .co:mm:ent fro,rn our City Attorneypointing out sortie of the difficulties of a public forurn~'like this and insuring e.quitability as, well as timeliness for people August 5, 2002 Vol. 38, Page 153 1 who wish to avail themselves of that medium. "If we're going to open the can of 2 worms, let's look at all of them." 3 4 Mr. Rudnansky: If it's the Council's direction, we'll try to bring you an outline of 5 potential policies for your consideration. 6 7 Council Member O'Brien: Mr. Maguire's suggestion of moving the fntroduction of 8 Ordinances Adopting the Uniform Fire Codes, etc. to th.e afternoon and flip- 9 flopping them is a good one. We could probably move the appeal by Shirley 10 Halvorson because when this item came before the Planning Commission it was 1 1 not a really involved issue. If we hear the appeal in the afternoon session, it 12 would allow us to pickup more time to move the Water Street item. 13 14 Council Member Maguire: That's not a bad idea unless there are neighbors who 15 work and want to come in and speak to the .issue, in which case it kind of pushes 16 it back to the. evening. 17 Council Member Cader-Thompson: I think we should leave it open. 18 19 Council Member Maguire: How could you predetermine that is the problem? 20 21 Council. Member O'Brien: There are .a limited Number of neighbors. We've 22 dlready gotten a letter :from. them in the packet. 23 24 Council Member Torliatt: I would also suggest that the Miremont decision be put 25 on the afternoon agenda if we're talking about afternoon vs. evening. 26 27 Council Member O'Brien: This agenda looks pretty full. I would put that at the 28 bottom of'the pile in, terms of priorities as we already have stuff here. 29 30 Council Member Moynihan: I would like, on the Depot Project, to readdress the 31 PCDC budgetrelafive to the funding source for that. 32 _ 33 Vice Mayor Healy: Is there something. that needs review .of PCDC involvement at 34 this juncture? Because I think we gave direction previously to get their right of . ' 35 entry into negotiating a lease. 36 37 Council Member Moynihan: .He's budgeted and he's .going. forward with 'the . 38 assumption that he has $550;000 in cash to improve the buildings in this fiscal 39 year. We want to be very clear that's not the- ease and we want to apply for 40 TLC grants among other grants. If we show it in our budget that we're going to 41 come out with all cash, it's not going to improve our position in getting the 42 grants. We do need. to modify it to go forward and get the .grants that we've all 43 presumed that we're going to chase. 44 45 Vice Mayor Healy: Mr. Marangella's memo can address funding and grants. as 46 well. 47 48 Council Member Maguire: Do you want that on the agenda, Mr. Vice Mayor? Vol. 38, Page 154 August.5, 2002 Vice Mayor Healy: I don't believe there's a consensus for that: Council Member Maguire: Do you want the PCDC item to stay in the afternoon? Vice Mayor Healy: Move: that to fhe evehing. Council.Mernber Maguire: Move Uniform Fire Codes> etc. tq the afternoon? Vice Mayor Healy: That is correct. Council Member Maguire;:- Appeal from Pierre Miremont will be in the afternoon'? Council Member' Torliatt: If .it's required for Us to hear it, the September 9'~ meeting is fine. If it's not required, then I'.d just move it to=the next meeting. Vice Mayor- Healy: We've already :delayed him a month. It's not required, under the ordinance. He's just exhausting his administrative remedies. Council Member Maguire: In the communication from our City At orney there was qn indication that he was. going to discuss Mr. Miremont's intent as to how he wanted to proceed. That was my recollection of the memo. I don't believe we've gotten any information back on that. I"d prefer t.o gave our City Attorney de ermine what that is before we ag:endize the item: Mr. Rudnansky: Prior to the meeting of September 9'h, the issue .is a' First Amendment issue and if may be better to 'h'ave it'sooner rather #h°dn later as far as the appeal_is concerned. Vice Mayor Healy: 1 would add Mr, N1'irernont's issue and then the broader policy discussion of both on the afternoon, and: the appeal by Shirley Halvorson stays in the evening.. Council Member Maguire left the dais. Council Member Moynihan` Our Five-Year Capital Improvement Program? Can we get fhat on the agenda? Vice Mayor Healy: I can't support that'. Council Member Moynihan: Then I would suggest that we have another meeting scheduled for this month so we. can bring that very' important subject up and not let it drop.. Counci[ Member G•ader Thompson:.Mr. Vice. Mayor,. no one has agreed to that. It's getting Idle and I `would like us to move on. Vice Mayor Healy: May I have a motiop to approve fhe agenda for the Special Council Meeting of September°9, 2002, as amended? 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 August 5, 2002 Vol.'38, Page; 15'5 . 11Aotion to approve agenda as amended. M/S Caller=Thompson/Torliatt. AYfS: Caller-Thompson, Vice Mayor Hedly, O'Brien, Torliat`t; NOES: Maguire, Moynihan ABSENT: Mayor Thompson ABSTAIN; None Council Member Maguire returned to the dais. RESO.2002-1'27 N.C.S. QUARTERLY TREASURfR'SREPORT .Resolution to ,Receive and File Quarterly Treasurer's Report. Council Member Moynihan: I was glad fo see our cash and investments that we. have as a' City for the Redevelopment Funds is $78,235,337. I :had two questions regarding the Interfund Loan amounts. Each and every year we are going deeper and deeper into the hole. Our Interfund"',Loans are not only to the PCDC but also to the General Fund to the tune of $32,_00.0. We have about $1;:3 million in In:terfiund Loans on top of the State- Loan that we .have. This is n'ot goring in the right direction. There's no hope .in'sigh't from: what I can tell foc us to pay off the Interfund Loan much more than the St"ate loan.. Should we not. be agendizing this item and bringing it at least to the Redevelopment Agency-or seekin'g'. some: other kind of funding .source so that this fund doesn't go deeper in the'hole each and. every year? Finance Director Bilf Thomas:; "Parks and Recreafion Director Jim Carr and J met with the. economist that we had hired~a couple years ago to do the workout plan. I just received a proposal from h'im to update that: The boating waterways loans are in discussion with the State or,an ongoing~ba"sis;with that: It would be. premature at this time to agendize that. We're still. working behind th'e acmes. trying. to .get at least the ~ State loan concluded but that's a long drawn out: process. Essentially we are waiting for what fhe 'State does with Spud. Point over on the coast because we think that's going t.o b.e a pr"ecedent setting action on their part. With the loans~for the State B`:oat and` Waterways are not paid and ,are accruing '.interest every year and' it's going up. ~ The same way the Redevelopment accrues interest. We're wo.cking on it and. are attempting to .bring something. back to Council and hope~to do it by the. end of °this .calendar year. I don't think there's .going to be a solu ion; but we're going to have a ..plan to address that. ongoing debt wifh the State.. The Marina without the debt does ,pay for itself but it's the debt that's~causing that fund to go into a huge negative .balance.. Council Member Moynihan: That would be ;fine if. we could bring it back of the end of the year or'sooner and see. ifi there is ome way the PCDC 'can relieve the' debt or.take over the. responsibility for it soave don't end up going upside down on our books. every year in these fund areas. My other point is the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) Interfund Loan from the General Fund. It shows an Vol. 38, Page 156 Augusf 5, ..2002 l Lnterfund Loan of $97,810. I notice that at the year's end we: had a fund: 2 balance of roughly .$50,000 in the'TOT. 'Since we're taking these surplus TOT funds 3 and transferring. them .in'to, the General Fund' as a matter of course, why' are we 4 going and giving an interfund loan fjack to the'TOT from. the General Fund? Mr: Thomas: Because that's th;e fund we use, to make loans... TOT has a negative cash balance at June 30, 2002 and the only reason ,it has a negative cash balance. is because we have accruals for the TOT tax vve earned but hadn''t received as of June '30th. It's a loan but it's only a loan. on paper. We're not ac u.ally taking .the money but it;'s a loan to cover the negative cash. even though it has a positive fund balance because of the accruals. Motion #o approve. Reso. 2002-1'27 N.C:S, M/S :Maguire/Cader-Thompson. AYES: Carder-Thompson, Vice-Ivlay.or Healy, MgguirE~, Moynihan, O'Brien, Torliatt, NOES:. None ~ " AB'SENT:, MayorThompson. . ABSTAIN; None *****End' of Consent***** RECESSED: 4:45 p;m. ~ .- .RECONVENED.: 4:52 p.m. 27 ROAD MAI~NTENANC-E IMPROVEMENTS. ANb~ RECONSTRIJ.CTICQN 28 _ . - - _ _._- 29 Further Discussion aria 'Possib'le ~Directio.n..R,egarding Strategy, Priorities,.. and 30 Potential. ,B'a_Ilot Issues ,for Financing Road Mainfenaric~e: Improvements and 31 Reconstruction.: ~ ' 32 - 33 Council Member Maguire:. A, majority of` the Council `has indicated, strong 34 support for a tax measure and/or a parcel' tax and/or a benefit assessment 35 and/or a. flat parcel tax as "all potential methods of raising revenues to ad -dress 36 the road issue. T:;h.e maj"ority of the Council was committed to use' $50,000;000 37 over five years of redevelopment monies on road repairs. We have about 38 .$600,000 or so for the road repairs under gas taxes f.o_r this fiscal year along `with 39 ome miscellaneous monies to apply to it`as well. That is all a sighificant increase. 40 in the amount of financial commitmeht that, :the Councils of the past have 41 'made. f was amused to read in ,Jack Balshaw's column, which ,was full of 42 erroneous irif.ormation, Ghat he claimed fhe streets were in good. conditio"n'while 43 he was: on the. Gity Council but he didn'"t' bother "to do .anything about putting 44 money aside for~the future. We did raceve a request from Samantha fr"eitas and 45 some others to impanel a itize;ris advisory committee. There h:ave~ been 46 discussions going, on .about that in' :the community with different angles: I .wou:[d 47 .like to see it be a ,blu:e ribbon committee where' we ask people who have some 48 recognized stature `in fhe community to: be members of this b ue ribbon panel August 5, 2002 Vol. 38,'Page '157 1 with the idea that they would review what staff has done to-date., which is 2 significant, in terms of assessing and analyzing the conditions of our streets and 3 what's required to bring ahem back to a good state of repair. That panel could 4' also look at prioritization of actual projecfs to apply funding. to the problem. I'm 5 interested in hearing what the Council thinks about that~as well. 6 7 Council. Member Torliatt: .Tonight., we have now chosen an Interim- City 8 Manager: We've talked about enabling legislation for some time., I would like 9 him to put together a plan that includes how we're going to get that in pldce. 10 Also, what our short-term needs may be if we need additional funds and/or what 1 1 we need to strat.egize around as far as streets that need immediate repair work 12 where there is some sort of safety hazard. I sup -port a blue ribbon committee to 13 review the .information that staff has compiled to .date, That's what we're 14 intending to do in the first"place is having community buy-in that is going to help 15 us pass some sort of sales tax measure. Just a sales tax measure is not going to 16 solve our problem. 1t's going to be a variety of fiunding sources and in the future,. 17 after, hopefully, a sales tax measure ,is approved that we go to some sort of 18 parcel tax. At Phis. point in time we have to look at whether a special elecfion is 19 better and/or a Novembers ection: I'd like to see the lnterim City Manager help 20 put together a plan with this blue ribbon committee to address these issues.. 21 . 22 Council Member Cader=Thompson: l would agree as~far as a citizens committee:. 23 We have to deal with "road improvements. We're,. not really talking about filling 24 potholes. We're talking about reconstructing roads. ~As we move forward on fhis 25 project, You have. to look at if in a pragmatic way: You just can't pick a street 26 here anal pick a street here: You have to look dt it so that everything 27 interconnects. My preference is always looking at drterials and.then'moving out. 28 When we talk abou the $15,000>000 that the Council haS supported ~to use fio"r 29 road improvements that we look of a really pragmatic plan:. Look: at the larger 30 picture on how we're going to accomplish this arnd how .everything 31 interconnects between the redevelopment dollars and. the public dollars, 32 They're two separate posts of money that have to .be .used differently. That's the 33 approac_ h that I wou d .like to explore and. with the new In.tecim City Manager 34 coming in that he may have other ways of looking at"fhis that` we haven'"t `looked 35 at. To look at this as a $140,000;000 problem makes. it,a real problem: ..But if we 36 look at it in a systematic way''it's somefiing that can ~be accomplished, We're 37 not going fo do $140,000;000 in streets in one year, five years or ten years.. That's 38 just :not realistic. We should start focusing on those streets that are degrading 39 more, as a separate direction, because it continually costs more money if we let 40 them break down more. A few months ago on Washington Street by .Kenilworth 41 School water was spewing out of the street and; that whole area. is starting to 42 crack. So, while we're doing the Washington%McDowell' improvement maybe we 43 can start Looking at .how we can incorporate resurfacing that area because it's 44 close by. In talking t.o a paving contractor last week I asked questions about 45 what's a good.: ap;pro:a'ch. He said the. more work you can do at one time the 46 better off you are because it will cost less money if you're using more material in 47 a certain area. 48 Vol. 38, Page 158 August 5, .2002 -1 Council Member O"Brien:. I'm very interested in. citizen. ,inp.ut on this, especially 2 from the Chamber of C:o'mmerce, ,from the Downtown Association. I''rn ;probably 3 going. to be the lone dissenter here. I'm riot in favor of a com"mittee because I 4 think it will-delay the process. We already know that the "streets are a problem, If 5 it does go to a committee I would like to see the committE~e limited to discussing 6 curb-to-curb improvements:. W:e don"t need to ,get into: let's Yandscape this; act's 7 put benches here,. l'et's ,put a new bike lane fh'ere,1et's, fix the streets. Everywhere: 8 Igo all I hear from people is: When are you going to fix my street? Why do-"n't yo:u; 9 guys stick to the .basics? Quit doing all the tither garbage you're doing;? Just fix. 10 my streef. We should 'keep, it as basic as we cari. If we da a committ.e.e have a 1 1 sunset date on it"and come'in with.. recommendations by that date: Arid fhe.y're; 12 done: so this doesn't stretch out and we just talk it to death. I'd like to seerth'is 13 move forward and'take come action. - 14 15 Council Member lvloynh;an: I would hate for Council Member O'Brien fo be the 16 lone dissenter so I; will concur with your thoughts relative to the citizens advisory 17 cornmit:fee. What we would be setting up is a situation where we have members; 18 of the public second guessing engineer-s; who will b;e following the Pavement 19 Management Index: on the studies fhaf .have been done,: We will 'loo.k at this 20 objectively and not' subjectively:. The last thing we Want are the po iticians fo 2.1 pick which streets get paved :first or repaired first because my ;street is the most` 22 important and that's fh:e wrong attitude.. The citizens .ad~~isory committee, with' 23 some of the characters who have; -professed an interest in .doing it, we'd 24 probably have to get an oversight committee: to make cure they're doing the 25 fhings correcfly and follow them. Adding lay:ers.,of- burea~i~cracy to the process 26 will hardly get it d,on_e. l was very di"sq,ppoint,ed_ in reviewing the tapes of what. 27 actually has occurred. L :know you went,and did the same: survey again. I wasn`'t 28 too sure why. The reality, is we have not committed ~to f,ixng these streets as: a 29 Council. Anything we fake to `fhe ballot in November we must first demonstrate .a 30 willingness to'fix our streets. There's been a lot of talk abou,t.$15;000,000 going to 31 street reconstruction. It's going: to ~be $3,000,000 coming out of 'the PCDC this 32 year, coming. ou.t of the Redevelop,me,nt budget: I even. read a press clipping 33 where the Mayoracid it was carved in stone. 'He must have. meant sandstone or 34 soapstone. because when you approved the budget you ?just :forgot to approve 35 the .$3;000,000 iri this year's PCDC budget: I_ri~ our Capital Improvement Program 36 we have zero .dollars for street reconstruction. If Is was a voter, and I qrn, going` to 3T the hallo-t come November l wou d say: "Why should I throw more money 38 towards re ainn ", this roblem if p. g p ~ the Council wo:n~'`f show a de'monsfrated 3.9 commtmen# to fixing it first:"' From~wha't I-understand there was very few revisions 40 in the budget. There's $358;000 for street maiht;enance this year and a couple 41 fhree hundred thousand to fix our street lights, our stree:f signals and :our 42 sidewalks,. But.$358,000 for mai~ntena"nee' and~zero dollars f~~r°street reconstruction 43 is not going to cut it. Until this Council is wlling `to go back and modify the budget 44 and get it going we`re not going to get anywhere. In regards to the Capital 45 lmprovecnent Program we need to engage a project mcinager; a sfreet czar'ifi 46 you wish,. to start,. to scope oua the projects, to define whcit nereds to 'go forward 47 and develop a plan where we can g'o forward,. not only ussing City funds but .also 48 reaching out for State- and Federal funding sources and the like. We"re a long August 5, 2002 Vol. 38, •Page 1,59 1 way from going forward with any kind of a ballot measure. lf's a ,good :idea and 2 it's going to be part of the solution in paying for all these things but it's a little too 3 premature now. 1 want to .recognize the fact 'that the Chamber of Commerce 4 and ofher folks have come forward to volunteer to work towards the funding 5 necessary and to work on this ballot measure.. But for them to move forward. we 6 needed to have. sat down a long time ago; like in January or February, shared 7 the information we had from our Pavement Management Index Report,.• and 8 allow them to pick and choose what streets they could probably complete for 9 fhe funds that were available. We didn'"t sit down, we• didn't initiate that and 10 now we're fiinding' ourselves trying, to move a measure and run a campaign; 1 1 which is riot fhe role of the City Council. I'm very .disappoin'ted that this Council 12 with $10,000,000 of cash that we can put on our streets and repair our streets is 13 budgeting. $358;OQ0 in street maintenance qnd that's it. I would love to see us 14 come back with Phis issue and figure out just how we're going to systematically 15 approach it at the recommendations: of staff; Then, ifi we really heed more 16 funding sources, le.f's get a team going to go out and do that. That's where the 17 citizens could participa'fe. 18 19 Vice Mayor Healy: There's .pretty much agreement that we're not- going; to 'the 20 voters this November. The deadline is coming up in a few days and we' do not 21 have a'ny meetings scheduled before then. Because the mosf recent poll is; so 22 disappointing, I would support a citizens committee.. I would suggest that we 23 give directon; if there is, a consensus on the Council, to the City Clerk's Office to 24 go ahead and advertise that so• that, we can make appointments. at the 25 September 9'h meeting. That's something else we need to add to the agenda. 26 That would give adequate time and I'm looking at 9 to 11 members of the 27 community from varied walks of life to really dig in to primarily look. at the. 28 financing aspects ,of the whole thing. A lot of this work has been done prey.<iously. 29 We could benefit ahd fhe community could. benefit from people who are not 30 perceived as City Hall insiders. There is something of a checkered. past i`n 31 Petaluma to a citizehs blue ribbon comm_ ittee..: l q'gree with comments thdf one 32 or two .Counciil members made that it would not be ferribly produc#ive for a 33 citizens committee to be trying. to prioritize this road segment' or that road 34 segment. We .have a Pavement Management Index scores. for every ,road 35 segmeht in town. If you take that information an,d traffic. volume ihforrnatian that 36' wily give you an objective test for which. streets should be first on the. list for 37 reconstruction activity .given constraints with respect to underground utilities and 38 things like that and.the ability to construct those things ih q timely way. I would 39 like to see a .citizens committee, again, 9 to 1 1 members; on a limited time frame 40 to come in :.and logk at some of these .issues. With respect to fhe $3,000,000 a 41 year commitment that. has been raised by several folks, Mr. Moynihan is 42' technically correct that it doesn't show up iri some of the technical do'cumehts 43 but I would like .to ..confirm with staff fhat staff 'understands that was Council's 44 direction. a.nd that will be. done.. If we need to modify the documents we can. My 45 understanding is that wouldn't be necessary. 46 Vol. 38, Page 160 August 5, 2002 1 Mr. Thomas: We can amend the budget the next time. if w~~ do it in October or ifi 2 we do it in January. It was my understanding that. there wds. $3;OOO,OOQ 'to be put 3 in. 4 5 Vice Nlaygr ;He,aly, An.d Staff is proceeding on the understanding that we've 6 committed to $3.,000,000 ayear fro,m_Redevelopment.. 7 8 Mr. Thomas: For five years. 9 , 10 Vice Mayor Healy' I have given some further thought to #hat $3,000,000,a year 1 1 commitment;, I would like to see that commitment be exclusive to reconstruction 12 ,. , of major streets, curb to curb, without additional amenities being ,added and try 13 to work around the other issues with .that. I would like some feedback from Staff 14 on whether that would be disruptive of other projects.. My sense is that some of 15 the time: frames'in the previous CiP or in the current ClP are probably unrealistic>; 16 We do have the ability. We''re spending funds that we're raising through bonds:: 17 It's not done on a cash flow basis: we can make that as a corncnitment so that 18 something like Water Street -d'oesn't chew up fhose funds.. we can d'o Water 19 Street .and reconstruct the major streets as well. 20 21 Council .Member` Cader-Thompson: I would agree, for curb=to=curb. but also we 22 need fo doo'k a~t the safety. issues as far' as sidewalks .are .concerned with 23 redevelopment dollars. We -can. ge:t into, t"rouble legally becau"se `theyy need "to be 24 improved in certa:i_n areas.l w_ ould just hate:. to have pit cut in stone :if it's only curb- 25 to-curb, You have t:o loo,k at the project fhat you're doing ;to, determine how tfle 26 gutters work. Are they cement gutters, thaf connect to i~he sf:reets? There: ace 27 different components throughou.f the. City on how the treets actually 28 interconnect with the gutters.. Sometimes they're going to have to be connected 29 with fhe sidewalks: Staff would know that inforrnat'on and bring that forward, to 30 us instead of.'being in stone and it` would only be curb-to-curb: We need °to let 31 Staff: do tf;eir work. I want the 'public to know thaf we've done $28'to $32 million. 32 of road.. improvernen,ts in the last four'years: When you start getting a campaign 33 ,going about potholes that's what the public hears and' they're not s.eeing or 34 realizing that we have spent millions of dollars in four years on street 35 improvements: When you have a city that: continues to~ grow and you approve 36 .new roadways and you don''t approve cndintenance plans for the existing ones 37 this is how a city that is 1 SO years old 'gets itself in problems. I made a comment'in 38 the past fhat when yo,u do improveme,nts.u,nderground that it's better to wait a 39 year so that the :ground settles. If 'the underground is done correctly and 4'0 everything i`s pounded in right; Then you. don't `h:dve to wait a year. It's the 41 quality of the work,and that's another importanf thing thdh'we'need to Took at is 42 the quality o,f'the work that is being, done ,in ,this community. I can't believe dhow 43 many new scree s need, to be recons_~tructed and they`re only nine, ten years old:, 44 'You need. t.o have a plan of what the qudlity of the work is goi'n'g to be so it Lasts 45 longer. Sometimes the quality upfront may cost more money' but in `the long 46 term it's a lot cheaper. 47 August 5, 2002 Vol. 38, Page l bl 1 Council Member Maguire: I was thinking curb-to-curb is an efficient way 'to 2 .spend' the money but if people are not safe on the sidewalks. they're going to 3 tend to drive their cars. One of the best efficiencies we can get out of fhe 4 expenditure of our monies is to provide alternatives to .people being in their ears. 5 That would be the kind, of thing I would be willing to have a blue ribbon 6 committee look at on a case-by-case basis and say ``Yes. INe should, go 7 sidewalk to sidewalk here or do sidewalk on one side." I'rn looking for a 8 predominate expenditure on curb-to-curb because we all recognize thaf's 9 where the heart of the problem lies. I agree with 9 to 11 people on the 10 committee and with the sunset date. Because of the necessity to get enabling 11 legislation in Sacramento we're not going to have anything on November's 12 ballot. But we do want to look at the potential fora special elec#ion next year. 13 That's absolutely a critical question. The second survey was done because the 14 first survey was done before September 1 l t". 15 16 Council .Member Moynihan: The first Godbe survey was done in December. 17 18 Council Member Maguire:' Nevertheless, the economy has had a significant 19 downturn.. Maybe it's -part of the hysteria of this pothole campaign. People are. 20 more dissatisfied but they're less willing to pay for the cost of making the 21 improvement. We know there's not $10 million in cash. Maybe one person. on 22 the Council thinks so. The .rest of the Council has gone through that discussion 23 numerous times and looked at the implications of taking ghat $10 million out of 24 the budget. ,It does have q significant negative effect on our police and. fire 25 services and: other required functions of local government, Council Member 26 O`Brien. says.: "Why are you guys dealing with all this trash?" The City does get the 27 trash picked. up on a regular basis, makes sure the toilets flush, makes sure the 28 water that .comes out of the taps is clean and unpolluted. Those are no small 29 accomplishments and need to be looked at to get the context of what we're 30 talking about when we're talking. about potholes. Some people don't want the 31 Council who are elected to do the job but they would appoint a street czar. I''m 32 not sure that .that has merit as, an alternative. On the- $15 million in. 33 redevelopment money, I understood that we were supposed to get a list back 34 from staff in about 45 days from our past action, with a list of where. 35 redevelopment;monies would be spent.. I anticipate that comes back when we 36 review and take action on specific projects. It's a matter of course just 'to 37 amend the budget to incorporate. thaf. I have seen that when the Council 38 makes its commitments, the Council keeps its commitments. Just the fact that 39 ~ there's not a number in a line item in the CIP does not mean that we do not 40 keep our commitments. We do. 41 42 Council, Member Torliatt: Council Member Caller-Thompson has said that in the 43 last three or four .years we have had $26 to $32 million worth of road 44 improvements, and those. projects needed to be approved, budgeted for, 45 designed and completed. That is normally attributed to past Councils and the 46 actions that past Councils have taken. What we are going to see as a result of 47 the Council in the last two years is what's going to happen in the next two or 48 three years as far as road improvements go. Hopefully, it will be in a very positive Vol. 38, Page 162 August 5, 2002 direction. I agree with 'the eleven members. f believe th<~t we; should have, as part of the criteria. of the folks. th°at serve on this committee; that they .are going: to be able: to meet throughout thirty .days after their appointment. We can''t wait Arid schedule meefings a montfl, 'two months, or three months from now.. I'd like to see a report back from a committee within 30 days to tell us what the status is of their discussions because this needs to move forward': In regard t:o fh:e Redevelopment Agency and. the $3 million per year we are supposed to have,. as Council Member. Maguire stated,. a staff report backso we can: prioritize; (hose projects that we may` spend the $3 million on. I have been advocating that we use fhat $3 million to compleae ,infrastructure improv.,ements, street improvements in the central F.etaluma Sp:e.cifi'c Plan Area, which is the Central Business District. That is the area. we need our economic development for long-term stmt"egy so this City" can maintain what w:e have. The City Manager needs to be; definitely oh board with this process and 'moving forward with all the other aspects such as enabling legisldtion. Council Member O'Brien: Just for cla;rificatioh for Council Member Maguire. I don't know if I misspoke- or if he misheard but we`ve got two Irishmen talking, with. one talking and one listening. You never know. what comes out-of't, What 1.'m getting from the. public. is: "They're feeling we're dealing wifh a loa of issues we shouldn't be. We should be prioritizing things." Council M'erriber Maguire`. I understood that.. Council Member O'Brien: Unforfunat.ely, perception. is' reality. I'd like to .get perception back on track. Victor' Chechanover, Petaluma: I gathered from the discussion here foday°th:at this is not, the end.. of the discussion. I ca.n't tell what is k~eing done about the potholes? I hate to use. that word but most people are concerned about something happening .now.. Long range' planning is; abso utely essential. Street improvement? I don"t know if fhat means filling a pothole or what, but I se.e the words: road maintenance improvements and reconstruction. I think I know~whgt reconstruction' means. I think 1 know what improvemenfs~ mean. But does road maintenance mean filling up the ;holes? Seven months c~go there w,qs a list of streets ,published in fhe Press Derno_ crat or fhe Argun. That's the lasf I .heard of it. Is there a plan, in existence to start repairing streets and will we be notified as to what streets are being taken care of and when? Mr. Thomas: Staff is developing a list of projects that fhe ~>3 million can address: As far as maintenance of existing streets, I believe the Public F:acili,fies Department has developed a plan to repdir streets before- Fiscal Year 2003'. I surely can,. refer that to Mr. Skladzien to get back to you,.. I believe: there. is a plan that he has developed, to utilize the #und~ng that's availat?le i_h Fiscal Year 2003. During this Fiscal Year they have a plan to maintain the streets:, I haven.'t seen it 'but I have discussed .it with: Mr. Skladzien. Our Public Works Director has Indicsated that they have come up with. a p an to .address fhe maintenance' of fhe .streets within the. budget numbers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 T9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 August 5, 2002 Vol. 38„ Fage'163 Council Member O'Brien: Is this something that we're going to see before October? When are we going. to see this? Mr. Thomas:. I'll have to ask Mr. Skladzien. Vice Mayor Healy: If this has been prepared, maybe it could be circulated to the Council and fhe public. Mr. Thomas:. ('''m under the assumption thaf 'it was. Council Member O'Brien: I was hoping that, you would use the. water bills to let people know what's happening. At least, list' the streets or something. As I recall, years ago that was: one of the things that the water .bills would be used for passing on information to 'fhe public. I still haven't seen any information other than "PAY YOUR BILL ON TIM E." Council Member Torliatt: There is a maintenance crew that's out there filling potholes as we speak. It is happening every day. You may not se,e it, directly in your neighborhood and it may not be addressing. the major issues: Yes; we do have a budget. Yes, we do have, people thaf are doing it. .Probably the deferioration is exceeding the. amount of'potholes that will actudlly be done. Mr. Chechanover. There must be: some plan. in exi te.n.ce . thdt would go somewhat to alleviate the campaign against potholes. I'm not in favor of going against them.. I just want to see them.filfed. Vice Mayor Healy: Consider yourself .appointed, Victor._ Scott Vouri Petaluma: Related how the City of Alameda:;. with the ,h'elp. of a Citizen Committee, passed a bond issue to fix their streets. Vice Mayor Healy: I think we've heardsome areas where we would like more information back from staff. _Do I have a consensus ffla.t the City Clerk's: Office. .... go ahead and advertise for applications to be turned' in sometime in advance of the September 9'" meeting and we can go ahead and do that? Council Member Maguire? ~AI'though~ l do want to;~see a .short time line, is thirty days going to be enough for any group o'f people to meet? ~. Vice Mayor Healy: We don't need; t'o'~m'ake that decision tonight. Council Member Maguire: I'm just throwing, that out for consideration. That's one question. The other thing is I don't entirely agree with some of Mr. Vouri's comments in terms of "Animal" anal Mr. Mirermo;nt being considered. What I'm talking about. is a blue-ribbon committee, I don't want people who have been embroiled in the hoopla. l'm looking for people who have credentials in the Vol. 38, Page 164 August 5, -2002 community, and who ace pretty much non-controversial and ;non-assailable. I'm not sure that those'two folks: meef those criteria. Council :Member Caller-Thompson: I would support eleven members of th"e committee. No ma_"fter whom you choose for this committee we'll sail hgVe fo educate them on how to improve roads... L'we had to educate myself. I've had to call people that are in the profession and'. I called more, f.han one so I, learned: different things from different people. l would encourage once- this group starts, that the first mete#in'g ed,ucaf.e yourselves on what it is to do to 'improve roads: L want'to make sure fhat we';II be prepared for S'eptember'9ih to choose this group or should it be the middle of September: Maybe give: it another couple: of weeks only becaUse~we':re,still in summervacation, schools are going:back right around that time and an extra two weeks may be to our advantage. Council Member Torlydt't:. This- is going to be on the: front page of the Argus- Courier.. It won't be for Idck of informa#ion. Vice Mayor Healy: Jf we have it on the September 9ih .mEeting we could shave ,~ the deadline for applications on September 4th, which is a month from yesterday: That will. give folks plenty of time. Council Member Moynihan: Could yob clarify the role of -this proposed citizens committee? Is it simply to identify an'd encourage funding or revenue:`sources for the street repairs? Or are we talking about them second-guessing. our:staff and being an oversight committee for our staff? Vice Mayor Healy: `Thee role: is yet to be determined completely. The primary function is to Gook at the'work thaf has been done fo-datE by our staff and then look at the financing dlternati.v`es anal fry°to :develop -som_e recommendation for the community with respect to how all; these things can be funded.. Everything's on the table. • ~. ._ Council ;Member Moynihan: W.th=respect° to -our roles as; City Council Members, that i_s our job. And if these Council Mem„bets. •are. true _n saying Streets are Number 1 Priority., that should be corning back. to us gs so~~n as-possible and: we should be dealing with that, ~We shouldn't pads the: buck off to some future citizens .committee yet fo be defined whose role is ,going .to be self interpreted and defined by themselves. 'I see this. as a very bureaucratic solution to say we did something when alt we've: done'is sit; and talked: Council Member O'Brien: The way th'is.is set_ up 'now I, cannot support voting for this in a positive 'manner. We:'re giving, no direction to 1`his c:ommittee.. We're advertising for a committee that's going. `to do who knows' what.. I just want to move forward and fix the streets. Let's keep this simple. Council Member Caller-Thompson: l think this Council. can .make the decisions of fixing streets: I would start with. fhe arterials: If"we want to go ahead and putout our favorite projects or what we think needs to be reconstructed the .most then August 5, 2002 Vol. 38, Page 165 1 we can go ahead, bring it on the Council agenda, approve it, go on with 2 design, have sta#f move forward and start that process. Are we going to get a 3 consensus of where we're going to be starting? We have plenty of work that we 4 can do and we can make those decisions..I .can fhink of Washington Street, Ely 5 Street, the intersection of Sonoma Mountain Parkway needs to be reconstructed. 6 Where do we really want to go with this? Do we want to continue fixing 7 Bodega? Do we want to find roads in neighborhoods that are really dilapidated 8 like Cody Court, which only serves, maybe,. 16 families? For the last two years we 9 haven't approved one road project in this town:. The first two years I was on the 10 Council we approved about $28 to $32 million worth of projects. If we .want to 11 talk about where fhe problem lies, maybe it lies .because nobody's bringing 12 projects forward so we can approve them. Look at the back minutes. For the 13 last two years.. we have. approved zero projects. We should have been 14 approving projects because when Washington and McDowell ~is completed we 15 don't .have another one in the pipeline. to start.. That's what we should have 16 been doing is looking at other projects. so we would have them online ready to 17 go, That's why we are where we are' today _is,because it's been stalled for two 18 years. I would have liked to have approved projects. 19 20 Vice Mayor .Healy: I thought that we 3were: mov,irig ,forward with- reconstruction 'of 21 Lakeville Street this year. 22 23 Council Member Maguire:: The purpose of'the committee is fhat:it's going. to take 24 some form of tax measures to address the funding problem. Whether it's a sales 25 tax, ;property tax, parce tax, whatever, it's been commonly acknowledged... that 26 the road. to success on this ,is to involve the citizens and specify the projects a,nd 27 you need to get a committee or citizens effort going to educate the community 28 and build. the support to get, a measure adopted. That. is all the more critical. 29 now since we've seen the support in our surveys dropping:. If we form. a blue 30 ribbon committee, that's the first step i'n that direction:, I don,'t~have any problem; 31 with projects being brought forward for our deliberation. ,H'owe'ver the Covncil 32 wants to move ahead, that's fine. I`ve had discussions with the Chamber of 33 Commerce, people in the community; `Downtown Associ~a`tion, e'tc., and fhere 34 seems to be a pretty significant amount. of agreement that we should put 35 together a committee, start,.doing the educating and fhe outreach.. so we can 36 proceed. That's what I was envisioning with the committee. If we just want items 37 brought before us and take.the~ budget available and apply that to the worst 38 streets first, that's okay. We still have to .go .through that process of building 39 support and getting a measure on the. ballot. That's what the committee does. 40 41 Vice Mayor Healy: What I hear that there is a consensus and do go ahead acid 42 appoint a committee on September 9th. 43 44 Council Member Torliatt: Are we just going to give direction to staff to do that or 45 are we going to do that? 46 47 Council Member Moynihan: It hasn't been agendized to form this committee., I 4'8 would suggest that we would' bring that back on September 9'h at the earliest. Vol. 38, Page 166. August 5, -2002 We don't need a citizens advisory committee: There .are a number of other,issues that seem to be raised tonight, including what .th'e', existing, program 'is for streets maintenance with the: $358,000 and what potential. capital improvement program should be dome.. Lsuggest that we decide to brim this whole thing back with .a prop.osal,. agendize `it correctly and -take the appropriate action; at that time instead. of giving some kind of leg inst"ructions to staff and ask theme to .try and work on that. Vice Mayor Healy: W"e do have consensus here on the Council today 'to give: direction to staff to go ahead and advertise. and. on September 9th to formalize the committee and give. it its marching orders. RESO. 2002-1,28 N:C.S: STREET CLOSURE FOR ANTIQUE FAIRE Resolution Approving Street Closure for Antique Faire for.Sunday, September.2~9,. 2002; Fourth Stree"t Between `B' Street'' and W'est:ern Avenue; Kentucky S:freefi Between Western .Avenue and Washington Street;, and fihE~ 'A' Street Parking Lot, Between Fourth Street and Fifth Streef,: Petaluma Police Officer Marlon Christianson: The Petaluma Downtown Association's application 'for street closures, for the annugf Anti'qu,e Faire, which +is scheduled for SeptemberL29th.. Th'e event will. take place from: 8 a.m. to. 7 p:m. .and. will require street closures from 3 a:rn. to 7 p.m: The estimated City costs for the impact to the Police Department and Public Works Department is 'just over $.1,100. The Chief :of Police has reviewed the application and from a Pub is Safety standpoint would recommend. approval of the application ..including'; the requested street closures and reimbursement to the City fior personnelcosts. Council Member 'Cad.er=Thompson: Last -year there were issues w. ith some merchants as far as closing the streets down., After reviewing the minutes we decided to .keep V~/estern Avenue open a;nd' riot having food vendors so there isn't a problem ~iri moving forward with this, except I would (ike the City to be reimbursed `for the costs-for Police services; Council Member Moynihan: I would, like to make a motion. to supporf this. I did ,have, the opportunify' to ~ speak.: to Samantha. Freitas can this issue and :the concerns expressed in the letter"s that have been "received area being addressed' She's trying fo work wifh those: particular merchants to make- sure that this. h,as minimal. impact on them.With that assurance, I'm quite comfortable in voting and moving this forward. Council' Member Maguire: If there's no public comment l would'support thdt. Council Member Torliatt: I' m `not opposed to moving forward this year ~on -this issue but I have in the past year hqd some real adamant oppositi,o;n to having this twice: a year. That's really the issue that the Council should.. deal with August 5, 2002 Vol. 3$', Page 167 1 whether or not we`re going to support this twice a year. Is that what the motion 2 is or is th,e motion just to approve it for this point in time? 3 4 Vice Mayor Healy: Just- the one coming' up. 5 6 Council Member Torliatt;, f would be happy to support the one coming up but I 7 also would like to see 'the Council address the ;issue of once or twice a year. I 8 had requested thaf the last time w,e discussed this item and would hope that we 9 could get some consensus on that issue or some direction so people know where 10 they're going in the future. 11 12 Vice Mayor Healy; Was the adamant opposition. you were referring to your own. 13 adamant opposition or what you've heard, from some folks in fhe community? 14 15 Council Member Torliatt: What I heard :directly from Couches, Etc. and Petaluma 16 Market. 17 18 Council Member O'Brien: I would support Couneif Member Torliatt on that: I'we 19 heard the =same: opposition and this needs to be nailed down as to whether it's 20 going to be once a year or twice a yearevenf in the future. 21 22 Vice Mayor Healy: Technically, that has not .been agendized for this affernoon 23 but maybe, Samantha (Freitas), if you'd want to discuss briefly how you see this 24 event evolving .over time now that the Downtown Association has taken it' over 25 and thank you for doing. that. 26 _. 27 Samantha Freifas; ~Petglvma Downtown Association: Reporfed on how the 28 Petaluma Downtown Association is working with the merchants to put on 'a. 29 su'ceessful Antique Faire; revenue from this event goes back to support 'the 30 community. She sees this event moving forward in a very positive direction for 31 twice a year. 32 33 Council Member Torliatt; Are you going 'to compile some of these numbers s.o 34 when you're done with 'the Antique Faire you will have a better idea of how 35 much benefit it is generating in the City economically through re:fail ,sales and' 36 give us some cost estimates or revenue estimates so we can justify it a little bit 37 better? 38 39 Vice Mayor Healy: What would be appropriate is we can go ahead and 40 approve the streef closures for September 29'": of this year and then after this 41 event you. can put together a report showing what yov are achieving, where 42 your .plans are for the future, and the .trend lines from when you have taken it 43 over'and how it compares to before. the Petaluma Downtown Association took ifi 44 over. I think it's on the right track and I'd like to see it continue to be successful 45 with twice a .year. After .we get that report if members of the Council still have 46 concerns they can have it agendized. 47 Vol. 38, Page 168 August 5> 2002. Co.u.ncil Meaber Cader=Thompson: I will support: that and give yourself a 2 time ine for after the event to have everything calculated. out. I'd appreciate 3 some public comments abou it because. a lof.of 'times we request that' we ge;f 4 the 'information back .and "then it's next year and: we haven't followed thrqu.gh 5 ourselves. I'd, appreciate that. Council .Member Torliatt: Mr. Vice Mayor; there are ;no waivers of fhe-fees .and this event will also be paying for the police services2 Is than correct?' Vice Mayor.Healy: Yes. Ms. Freitas: Wilr the,f.ees to„tal $l 10.0? Can I ~askfor clarification on ,the report that will be, brought back?' There was a request for economic information by Council Member Tbrlia"tf. P''m no;t going to be able to give ,you e><act dollar numbers in terms o'f retail ,sales tax dollars from ,the Sta#e Board of Equalization that's compiled into e"verything that' comes; info_the Cify. Are yogi looking for beneff do the businesses downtown where I would dust walk into each of the stores and ask them how't was for them? Council Member Torriatt,: Don't you have some sort ;of method of k?.eing able to find out what th;e gross sales were from fhe entire Antique Faire and require that as part of the vendors reporting? How much each vendor actually sold. at this event:? Ms. Freitas We don't requir-e that'only because; we don''t take a percentage of their. safes. There's a flat fee -that they pay. That,'s probably something; we can institute but it`s going to be on an honors system., Council Member ~Moynhan_: Ms. Freifas, you do :good: reports. I''ve seen them. before. bo your best. Bring it back. It' II be fine. Can we v~~fe on, this, please:?. Motion to approve Reso. 20Q2-T28 N:C.S. M/S MoynihanjMaguire: AYES,:. Cadet-Thompson, O' Brien, Torliatt, N"O'ES' None. ABSENT::. Mayor Thompson ABSTAIN: .None 'Vice Mayor Healy, Maguire, Moynihan, RESO.20:02,-12.9' N:,C.S. APPROPRIATION LIMIT FOR FISCAL Y'EAR'-2002/2003' Resolution Adopting, the A. ppropridtion Limit'for FiscaFYedr'a002%2003 and Making the Annual, Erection for Adjustment Factors, Finance Director :Bill Thomas: The Gann's Appropriations Limit hasp been calculated at $84,028,661. The appropriation.subjecf to the limif of Fiscal Year 2003 is approximately $1:7,446,000, 'leaving an, overage of $66,000,000:'There will August 5, 2002 Vol. 3$, Page 169' l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3$ 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 be slight adjusfinents where we're undergoing some final audits for the Fiscal Year 2000 Garin Appropriations calculations and I'll be bringing that back to you .later on in the year. Motion to approve Reso. 2002-129 N.C.S. M/S Maguire/O'Brien. AYES: Coder-Thompson, Vice Mayor Healy, Maguire, Moynihan., O'Brien; Torliatt, NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Thompson ABSTAIN: None MOTION FOR RECONSIDER'ATLON ADOBE LUMBER SEWER COfVNECTIO.N Motion-for Reconsideration of Motion Adopting Resolution 2002-108 N.C.S. (.July 15, 2002), Approving the Requested Sewer Connection: for Adobe Lumber, the Connection to be no Larger Than 4", For Existing Lumberyard Business Ohly, and With The Condition, That the 1 1.4K Cubic Yards. of Fill Be Removed Completely fo Comply with the City's Zero Net Fill Ordinance.. Geoff Cartwright, Petaluma: Earlier today I stopped .into the City Aftorney's Office with the question about the procedure here. There is a requirement in law that for a motion for reconsideration to be brought back a member of th'e Council who has voted on the. item at the previous. meeting should initiate fhe reconsideration. On this agenda, that person is not identified. Who is .bringing this item back? Vice Mayor Healy: I was the one who made the motion at the previous meeting: Mr. Cartwright: But the agenda doesn't point that out and l'm questioning whether this is properly agehdize.d. Council Member Moynihan: Mr. Cartwright has a point. I suggest that we reagendize this for the next meeting. Vice Nfayor Healy: With the Mayor's absence I don't anticipate that this motion For 'reconsideration passing. I' m actually prepared at this time to withdraw it because the issue would heed t:a be framed, further down the road. We had a discussion wifh, only "five Council members present.. There was agreement among all of us who participated in the discussion, that there is a desire to get Adobe .Lumber to xemove the fill from its site that does not comply with the City's Zero .Net Fill Ordinance notwithstanding that at this-time it continues to be in the County and that Ordinance did not apply to it at the time. When the property is annexed to the City it will need to comply with that and the issue is how to provide a .proper set of incentives to Adobe Lumber to get it there. The motion that was passed by the Council was: all sticks and no carrots and will not result i~n one thimble full of fill being removed from that site. I'm in favor of looking for a Vol. 38, Page 170 August 5, 2002 1 solution to this, probi.em that will solve Adobe Lumber's intE~rests and' address the 2 City's interests as well. f don't know if any .other Council, member wants. f,o s.ay 3 anything. l will withdraw fhe motion at this time. Mr. Connolly is .here if you want 4 him to say anything about that? 5 6 Council Member Moynihan; I was also absent but .I reviewed fhe tape on 'it. I 7 would like to say that I was disappointed that' the ecor~omie impacts of this 8 decision- weren't taken into consideration. Most' particularly, there`'s eight rrillio.n 9 dollars o.f sales going on out there right now which translates into $80;000 a year 10 in sakes tax revenue the City of Petaluma would get once if'.s incorporated and 11 for as long as than operation continues: And, for us to s~ruggle where we :are- 12 going to find. the: salary for a police officer and then just forget that we didn''t get 13 an $80,000 windfall by incorporating one piece of property is an. oversight. I T4 would be happy to reagendize th'is`it.em and discuss it further if the applicant is'so 15 willing.. 16 17 Council Member Torliatt; i believe that Council Member Moynihan `is incorrect 18 because the question being .posed to us was whether or not we were going to 19 allow sewer .hookup. There was not an annexation of this parcel that would not 20 result in any economic benefit to the: City of Petaluma. What the Counc 21 directed was to proceed with the prezoning in order 1.0 have this property 22 annexed. That' what we're ,looking to do is to create that. economic be.nef.it 23 and that. value based on a good develo.prnent proposal and land use. If the 24 Vice Mayor pulls o.ff this Cec.onsiderafion is it a dead issu;e and it stands as if is? 25 That question is to the City Attorney and it can't b.e reagendized as a motion: to 26 reconsider at fhe next meeting. 27 28 Vice Mayor Healy: I have no intention of doing that... I know .Adobe Lumber is 29 trying to get a handle on exactly how many of these 1 1.4K cubic. yards of fill that 30 were imported to the site are in violation of the Zero Net Fill Ordinance. Qs we 31 discussed previously they don't -have their arms around that yet so we don't 32 have that information,, I helve 'no intention of asking to reconsider the previous 33 motion in the future but it may be appropriate as events unfold to reagend'ize 34 the entire matter and bring it ;back to see•'if the terms that the C y proposed for 35 a sewer connection were appropriate and if that addresses the City's :needs as 36 well as Adobe. Lumber's ;needs. I wou d be happy to work informally wi,~fh Cou,nc:l' 37 Member Torliatt. oranother Council member and. th.e propE~rty owner to see if we 38 could crafta solution thatwill actually get the fill off the site. 39 40 Council Member Torliatt: We did sp;eak about this at Zone 2-A very briefly and. 41 there was a concern amongst Zone 2-A members about the `"ille;gal fill" that is in 42 there, I don't think what the C'ouncil'was'tdlking about at the, last rneetirg had 43 to do wifh just complying with the Zero Net Fill Ordinance. Qt was about removing' 44 all of the fill thdt was in there in addition to complying- with the Zero Net Fill 45 Ordinance. That was the determination thaf we rnade., 4.6 47 Council Member Maguire: When the question 'is brought vp it's; enti,tle.d to 48 consideration. but this wasn't the firs"t `time that if had come `to this Co`unciL I'wds August 5, 2002 Uol. 38, Page 171 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 concerned about the incremental entitlements- creeping along so fhgt when you get to the point of adopting a new general plan or annexing, or some things .have occurred like somebody who .cuts down 17 acres of trees to change the' landscape of a piece of property under consideration for different uses; that's not the way fhat we wgnt to do our business. I still have those concerns about those incremental entitlements. If we were to do an economic analysis we would also be looking at fhe potential cos# of irrmpacts of increased flood damage. I'd be happy with you and Council Member Torliatt meeting with the property owner, and fackling it head''-on because that addresses the incremental entitlements issue, f Council agrees with that. l'Il supporf it. Richard Savel, Penngrove: First I wouldlike to point out that the way the agenda item is written, just so i't`s~correeted for the record, on the 4'" line it says: "Yard fill is to be removed completely to comply..." It should be "and comply..." They were two separate things. That's my recollection. This was b"rougflt up in a Zone 2-A .meeting.. We voted to send the City a letter of recommendation to remove the fill.. at fhe site. A presentation was .made at the committee meeting by Pamela Tuff and .Mike Ban relating. to the needs of the City and the County to work together in their analysis of the impacts of development in the flood plain in their respective General; Plans. A ;good :idea,. I ,have reviewed the packet information that Geoff Cartwright has `provided which is not com.plefe, I believe. l called Lola Caretti foday but she's gone. I did talk to. a gentleman there;and he said typically when someone comes 'in aril tries to make legal something tha , was done illegally it still has. to go through an envronmenfdl review and it may have gone through~what the Co,u,nty's version or understanding of wha-f ..Zero Net Fill is. Anytime you .start researching something you' can find yours .elf getting into information that isn't always: the' friendliesf to discover. One of the things that J found and will raise the issue .o.f: "Wh.ere's the fill .going to be.;removed to if it``s ever removed?" Part of the-fill at-this site, three to six thousand cubic yards of `it,. are. spoils from construction:,on McDowell Boulevard, which we exported from the City .illegally. - Council Member Moynihan: ~ Nlr:. Vice: Mayor, Mr. Savel's points are good ones and definitely need to be heard but the item in front of u-s :on,the agenda today is .simply dealing with a motion forreconsideration. This issue~~needs to comeback to the Council and we need to get inpuf` such as this, but we''re already' an hour late. Mr. Savel.f'Il be glad to come back if t~nrould be more appropriate dt a different time. I believe that's all that would be pertinent to this portion of the meeting `ds Council Member Moynihan said. ~ ~ - . John. Cheney, Petaluma: I'm not sure if f'm speaking ~to fhe right issue. or where; I'm going. I .missed the meeting of July 15'h. I h'awe in front of me a City memo that was done by Pgrnela Tuft in 1999 indicating 'that the fill had been put there illegally. It also indicates in that memo that in 1990 that same motion to put fill in was brought in front of the City's Planning Commission indicating that they wanted to start the fill .process. Evidently the City didn't work on it. As far as I Vol. 38, Page 172 n August 5, 2002 1 know,. the. County didn't work on it. However.; the _ City requested an 2 environmental impacf report.,, not from' this Council. but from the Plahning Office. 3 When that' wasn't done the fill was put. into 'the ;place anyway. That isn''f just 4 carelessness. Thaf's plain shammy. .. , Vice Mayor ;Healy:, NIY. Cheney,. I think the Council 'is united on wanting f,o try fo get the 'fill out'of there that d,oesn`t comply with Zero Net Fill. We got hung up on some of the details: and we are past that. Mr. Cheney: We indicated on the; origindl forms t,flat thErre were 25~ :tho'usand cubic yards of fill, no.t 1;4. We k-now the engineers are, always right and fhey went in there and.. counted it thou;g'h it"s all ;fill. Right now l`m just here. I'II'.be back to th'e next one. I think you shouldtake a good Gook at this memo.. Copy it and ;give it brick to: me. if that was made and they went ahead and did the fill .anyway, that's .more than ju"st carelessness. Geoff Cartwright, Petaluma: Speaking to fhe issue ofi the motion, L'm glad that it has been wit2hdrawn. I really, don`t think this should comae ~ back in any for.,rn, because when you look at this file that I'we provided you, ;it's a complete file of 1 1 or 12 years of violations. You're looking at an applicant,; a developer,~who' has not' a'cte:d in good.. faith: I don't expect him to act' ih good faith. If' you're going to .bring :this back; bring if'back as Q complete. annexation. package where you have jurisdiction. RESO.2002-130 N.C.S.. , DISCUSSION AN.D `POSSIBLE DIRECT Finance ;Direct'or Bill Thomas: Patrick Whifnell, the represenfative from Myers ,Nave Riback Silver and V</lson, Attorneys at Law; is, iri~the audienc:e and `I wou d like:.him to speak as to the legal situation of the transfer: On ..lone 17t" the Council approved Reso.lu:tion .2002-092 N_:C,S. conditionally .approving the proposed. change of control; of AT&T Broadband from AT&T Broadband to AT&T/.Comeasf.. Final approval was based, on whether or not the City uncovers any compliance issues. under the currentfranchise agreement. Until' now we have not been, able to identify any;`however, there is a potential compliance issue:with the collection of the Public Education Governmental ('PEG) flees. Mr: Whtnell will discuss- those items.. Patrick'~Whitnell .M,yers 'Nave-:ef: al: 'Th;e originals resolution That you passe:d gave the staff sixty days to identify an,y- cornpliarice;'iss,ues. Those sixty days are almost u;p and today we 'have: not yet identified any compliance. issues, y:et 'there .has been some sig_ nifiicant concerns whether ATB~T is in compliance: with its obligations with respect to collect'ign and ,payment o_f PEG fees.. I've provided:. you with a Confidential and, Privileged memo that gives our analysis of the franchise agreement on that issue.However, the Council.' rnay, wish to have 'us go back and do some additional research and see if they are in compliance both with the. letter but also with what the intent' of fhe Council aril AT'8~T was at August 5, 2002 Voh 38, Pdge 173 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 the time that this agreement was negotiated. The Council has two options. One option is to do nothing and then, when the sixty-day period in the resolution is up, it is deemed, an uncondifional approval and AT&T moves forward.. Now, the City doesn't lose any of its ability to enforce any noncompliance with the franchise if any is discov._ered after that point: But we do lose a litfle bit of leverage in that we've allowed Phis particular action to request application from AT&T to move forward. The second. option is,. contrary to representations that AT8~T has made, the 120-day review period that the City, pursuant to federal law, has not beeri completed yet:. The reason for that is it .did n"ot begin to run until May, which is when AT8~T provided. us a satisfactory response to the City's request for additional: information in support of what's known as the FORM 394 application that Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires them to submit fo each of their local franchising authorities. The 120 days is not going to be up. until September, so what we can do is amend that resolution that you had passed in June to extend' the sixty day period until either the erid of August or beginning of September, whatever works for your meeting schedule, acid to provide us with whatever direction you have, ;in terms of investigating ahd de ermining whether AT8~T is fully in compliance With the franchise and if the PEG fees are a particular area of concern for the Council: We'll go back and take a look at it .and will determine what was negotiated to the extent we can and what was negotiated at the time this agreement was approved and whether it's in full. compliance with federal law. At'~fhis .point .we are seeking some direction from the Council. Council Member Torliatt: As ,far as`you're concerned, is AT&T in compliance with the I-Net requirements of our contract? Mr. Whitnell: f wasn't aware that. there was an issue with ..regards to the I-Net. I haven't,~taken a look at fhat.issue in terms of what they are required to provide and what the mechanism is,;for. the G.ty~to request the`1-Net: I don't have the ability to answer that at this time.. Council Member Torliatt: Weren't. you -hired to review the contract arid to see if they were in compliance with the issues? Or what were yov hired to do:? Who's in charge of making sure that t`s~'in compliance? Mr. Whitnell: We were relying. on Staff's review of the franchise agreement given their superior knowledge of what is ih~ the agreement but, also, what AT&T hc~s and has not done and' to identify issues such as the PEG Fee issue. It wasn't until today that, I was aware that the I-Net_was;-a potential area of noncompliance. Whether it is or riot; I can't say at this..,point. We need to discuss that with Mr. Thomas and Interim Assistant Manager Gene Beatty and determine whether that is a compliance problem. Council Member Torliatt: As far as you're concerned you don't know of any noncompliance issues? Mr. Whitnell: Not at this time. Vol. 38, Page 174 August 5, 2002 1 Council Member Tocliatt: You are •relying on infiormation that Staff `is providing us. 2 Then my question goes to Bill' Thomas, which is: `'Is AT8~T in compliance with their 1- 3 Net regvirernenas for the City?'' I've.. been. hearing rumbin<~s about reducing the 4 subscriber fee 'from. the $2,.00 amount., which I want to hear more about. I want 5 to make. sure that: whatever we negotiate. maintains what the. Petaluma 6 Community Access. (PCA) needs. in order to maintain their operation. Does: N1r. 7 Risk, who had done the original assessment and had made recommendations `to 8 -the Council>, know what the status .of those_ recommendations are and whether 9 or no.t they "were ;implem'ented? In regard. to auditing, with. AT&T and the 10 revenues they '.have. been receiving., we've been get ing letters from AT8~T faking 11 about expanded service: here -and charging .$79.99 for this and that. l want to 12 know if they're- making more money`,are we making more rrioney and have our 13 revenues inerease:d pursu:ant'to that? 1 would like to get an update: of the status 14 with PCA dnd to get their rrios# recenfi :operdfing stdtemPnt. I believe Mr. Risk 15 had stilted `in an e-°maif thaf he had "sent back 'in March cif this. year saying. fh;at 16 there may be a way for AT&T to have to pay'for some of`an audit. I would like to 17 see how we .can get an audit done and .have AT8~T pay for it. Vice Mayor Healy; Are you; trying. to ;give us answers to all our questions tonight or are you just asking for areas where you, want us to: have you to 'provide further answers.? In what specific direction are y.ou looking for tonight? Council Member Torliatt: It-was the latter. Interim Assistant City Manager Gene; Beatty: Some of the Council members may be able to respond to some of "what has been happening the last ten months because I do_n't have a clue. I can tell you about I-Net. In the franct'ise agreement they were going to offer us to connect_the facilities to an I-Net. . Council Member Torlia;tt: Are we just going to give the questions to staff :and Staff come back so we don't have to have an answer right now? Vice Mayor Hedly: We are in, a time crunch right now, If we need to deal with this today,, we will, 'If we're to get an' extension or .,give ourselves. an extension, does AT8~T agree with the timeline that Mr. Whithell' spelle<~ out or are we going to agree or disagree about that? Mr. Beatty: The last conversation I had with them. they disagreed with 'that. The answer with the I-.Net is it's not a compliance issue. They weren''t giving it to us anyway. They were going to .charge us. We looked into it and (heir system. wasn't 'what we wanted'. 1Ne went with PacBell. That is the answer to° your question. V~/e are .now cgnnected facility-wise not with tk~eir system `because ,it was more expensive than we could get from sorrmebody else.. Vice M`ayorNealy; Mr, Beatty, are you and Mr: W.htnell cornfortable`that we can grant ourselves an extension and; deal with this issue over the next several, weeks? August 5, 2002 Vol. 38, Page 175' 1 NIr: Beatty: Ye"s. 2 3 Council Member Maguire: -I stumbled on the meeting that Bill Thomas and Gene. 4 Beatty were having with AT8~T this afternoon at 1';00 o'clock. It was 'not exactly 5 as constructive as we had hoped. I heard from prior discussions that AT8~T was 6 talking about an 85 cent per month public access fee. It turns oUt that "today, or 7 a few days ago, they' claim if they were goin, g to make that fee "mandatory" 8 then. that fee was goi"ng to have to be used only for capital.: That's like "pull the 9 rug out" kind of :deal.. We were very clear in saying, "In your dreams.." I had 10 raised this with Mr. fiNhitnell today and I' m sorry that I had. to raise it with him 1 1 .before and M,r. Rudnansky, I know, I've given. you an e-mail on this prior to the 12 June meetings specifically saying. that because the original intent of the .monthly 13 fee was that That would be mandatory and fhat AT&T has interpreted it 14 differently that that, in of its.elf., constitutes a noncompliance in `the contract. I've 15 asked Mr. Whitnell to go bask, take a look at that and would ask. that. the 16 Council support that. That is potentially the leverage for us to start having some 17 more productive discussions. ' 18 19 The woman from AT&T was claiming that FCC guidelines said that if you have a: 20 monfhly mandatory fee it has to go to capital: Mr. Whitnell's assessment is no, 21 that doesn't appear to be the cdse. We didn''t think it was because if that were 22 the case they would have been hiding behind that too, two and a half years 23 agow.hen we went through this orighal battle with them,. and they weren''t. 24 We`ve asked there; fio.r their citations on that and, asked. Mr. Whitnell to look into 25 that. I would support rescinding the resolution that was done at the June 26 meeting to extend the timing on that: That coupled with. their pattern of 27 attacking community access stations in this manner across the country .has some 28 validity as to questioning their integrity as a provider.: We were. disappoinfed 29 when they tried to claim that this was going tq be for capital only:.. We did point 30 ouf the history of .this, the fact that if says: if'this mandatory' fee. is not paid by a 31 subscriber .that AT8~T does not have to make up that payment nor, are fh;ey 32 responsible for collecting that .payment 'for those who default. That is not the' 33 same as making that a voluntary fee. That's the other stuff we want looked into 34 here to nail that down. We have a strong .ethical:, argument. Hopefully, the 35 attorneys will,•come back to verify the technical aspects of'it'as well.. 36 37 Ellen ,Lewis,. Petaluma Community Access (PCA): We turned in a letter from the 38 Board that you may, .have. We would app"reci,dte that time to have this discussion 39 about the compliance issue. For me, it's d completely new discussion and what 40 ,that means. Bill Thomas and Diane Reilly-Torres have been educating me and 41 the Board on what are the compliance issues and what would benefit FCA the 42 most. The ability to have the time to discuss that issue would. be helpful to us. We 43 have an advisory committee that we formed of people from the. community to 44 get guidance from people in the -know on how to move PCA forward. I would 45 like to have ;that opportunity to have conversations with other access centers to 46 see how they're handling this AT&T change of name. Weil come back with .any 47 information we have and share it with you. 48 Vol. 38, Page 176 Augusf 5, 2002 Victor Chechanov.er, Petaluma: I wasn`''t aware, that you had approved :the transfer. I'm very' happy that l'm not connected' to .the cable:... You are a,t the mercy of AT8~T because if you reject #h'e: transfer all th`e poop e in Petaluma will be down here stoning yo.u. Petaluma Community Access is a resource that has to be protested in fhis negotiation... Any transfer should. be conditional on getting the best possible deal, in Phis situation. Bill Harnrner,mgn, , Petaluma iVet Three weeks, ago during public comment I tried to put this onyour radar'screen; par'ticul'arly in connection with-the I-Ne : What recall :about 'looking at 'th'e original' franchise agreement;, which had an entire section dealing with I-Net, I''m not .sure, whether. w,.e'''re- ou;'t of comp lance or iri - compliance but if th'e City is making fhe recommendation let''s go ah'e.ad.`with this because we 'decided not to go with AT&T, and go with PacBell you are overlooking d much larger picture. of how th'e I .N,et might benefit this community. Keep in mind the franchise agreement has- a: '`P," has an ``E'' grid has a `'G"". I interpret Mr. Beatty's comments to mean, that a' decision, was made, regarding - tfe "G". Wh,gt about the "P''~ What dbout the "E~"2 I would recommend ;that there be an extensign made and that this be brough back for fuller discussion.. I have the compliance report or audit that was. made at the end of the fourth year.. The Council asked an ou:tsid;e consultant to do a very-thorough review. L'm not so sure, based upon. what 1've he-ard so far in public,, that fhe Staff review has been adequafe in terms of that original agreement:. I would like to. recommend that you get professionals who are really expert in what 'goes into these agreements. This can be handled very quickly bu't if you say' fhey're in compliance I;'m ,not so sure. `I: would like to say that we've been involved with volunteers from ;the community since 1:998 and the I-lyet was, part of the ~_ _ _ discussions at that time;., What can, an adequate: review, do? Santa Rosa held up. the sale or the transfer because- the language in 'the' franchise agreement involving connection 'to the Petaluma campus. of Santa Rosa Junior College had. not been made. They stuck by that and hey won. their point. There are some things: in this dgreement `which, if carefully analyzed. by profess'i'onals,. you'll tied. out the- City is ,not getting what 'it should get. - Vice Mayor Healy: Gene.and Patri'c_k, what should we d;o here tonight to ge;t.•this: extension and. then when should we bring if back? Diane Reilly=Torres, Petaluma: You spent $30,000 for John Risk. I was at the meeting and 'the' direction, °was to follow through on the recomme'ndati'ons. Nothing` was done; 1 ;don`t think. You"re spending j;100Q00, on another agreement regarding the tax; audit. You''re 'spe'nding money wifh, the• garbage fee. I would like the. Council tohire Sue. Burke to 'review this.,. This has been .going, - on for a long time. lt's important to~the City and. fo fhe pe~'ple in the community. Mr. Whitnell: 1f theCouncil; wishes ,to .extend' 'the tirn'e t:o address the questions. that have been raised .here this e ening the way'to do it is .through a motion `that amends the previous resolution to extend the time period f~~r .compliance review. August 5, 2002 Vol. 38; Page 177 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 It will have to be until your September 9'" meeting because that will be the only opportunity before the 120-day period runs our. Mr. Thomas: We received answers to our compliance issues questions from AT&T on May 28t". Mr. Whitnell: I't's later than I thought. Vice Mayor Healy: The meeting of the 9t" is .getting jammed at this point. We may have to have a special meeting the following week, if that's still within the time frame. Mr. Thomas: I will find out what that date is and I'll get back to you. I'm dfmost sure that it was the last week in May that we received it. Mr: Whitnell: We do need you to take action tonight to extend it. As a place holder .for now extend it to your September 9'" meeting.. On September 9t" you can either consider it if you have to put it over for a special meeting or continue it until a later meeting. Council- Member .Maguire.: You have to rescind the resolution tonight and give them more time because the 60 days will be ending'in August. Motion to adopt Reso. 2002-130 N.C.S. amending the Council's prior resolution approved on June 17, 2002 to extend the time for staff's review of AT8~T's compliance with the existing franchise. to the 120-day period, which will be confirmed by staff. M/S Torliatt/O' Brien. Council Member .Moynihan: The. Council has given pretty good sense of direction that the PGA preservation is a concern. We need to trust the. folks: that we have working for us to handle this matter, particularly; Mr. Beatty, Mr. Thomas and Mr. Rudhansky. l have an ongoing concern on a number of issues but in this matter, dealing with litigation, I want to avoid litigation where possible. It's a definite possibility. That's a poor idea if Council members are going to be sitting in on these negotiations and in light of some of the published comments that have been .made in the past in regards to the negotiations with ATB~T that would not contribute to avoiding litigation. I would like to ask, respectfully, that all Council members not participate in these meetings but to allow staff to do their ,job. Council Member Cader-Thompson: I would like to request that staff talk with John Risk to review the audit for the last time because there were some recommendations in the previous audit and I' m sure there are some changes. Mr. Thomas: We did give the .issues that Mr. Risk brought forward in his last audit to AT8~T. When we talk about the letter that -they sent us in May that was in answer to those outstanding issues that AT8~T had not taken care of yet. We can Vol. 38, Page 178 August 5, 2002 1 provide you with that. I' m not sure of any further discussions, bus we can discuss 2 with. him or the other person that was identified. 3 4 Mr. Beatty: I need some clarification. 'L' m hearing some direction. to contact 5 John Risk, and I'm hearing' Stie Buske. 1 .need to knov~r what the. Council's 6 direction is on this and also state that we'd like to find out if that is the Council''s 7 direction if either of those individuals is available: and what that would cost, It;s a 8 little late for whatever reason to do this at this poinf I don`t know when all this 9 sta_ reed. 10 T 1 Vice ,Mayor Wealy: There's, not much time even- with this extension: Your 12 examination needs to be very focused on the key areas cis opposed to starting, 13 some broad>brush issue... 14 15 Mr. Beatty: We have. the issue of `not only the access'fee, whether it's voluntary 16 or mandatory,,. and what impact that ,has on the .use of` those monies collected... 17 That's a big determiner. My understanding from PCA folks is that they would 18 prefer to have. a ong term 'funding source through, a man~a'tory flee. If that fee 19 is restricted to capital and they can't use it for- operations I would think they 20 would think twice about, that.. We really do need to get fhe answers to that:.. To 21 me, that's the most important outstanding issue. These other issues that were 22 brought up 'in the audit of a year or so' 'ago, there° was no fine 'fin:ding of 23 noncompliance. There are some issues that` need to be rf=solved an`d we. need. 24 to find out what's happened with that. 25 - '26 Council Member-Gader-Thompson:. I don't know if it's Sue E3'uske or if it's John Risk. '27 but I would like them to at least ,be a part of this.. Whoever could come :iri the 28 quickest- just to review the information I would 'fe:el much~.better going in that 29 direction and, no; I don't want the full blown audit that we did when 1 first' got on` 30 the Council then two years later. I would prefer John. Risk only :.because he did; 31 the past audit and he lives c ose in Petaluma and that might be a benefit. "That 32 would. be my. choice .because of that particular reason c~nd tha# would be my 33 request by fhe Council. I'm not looking of a $30,000 audit... I'm riot going in that 34 direction. I would. like the Council to consider hiring him to review- along with 35 staff. 36 37 Council Member Torliatt: I'd dike us to talk to Mr. Risk about ariy 38 recommendations he might :have. The City Manager heis the: authority, up to 39 $25,OO,Q, to deal with issues like this. f''d just like tq move forward. 4.0 41 Council Member O'Brien: Mr. Vice Mayor, there'sa motion and second. Please 42 call. for the vote. 43 44 AYES: Cader-Thompson, Vice Mayor'Healy, Maguire, Moynihan, 45 O"Brien, Torliatt, 46 NOES: None 47 ABSENT: Mayor Thompson 4;8 ABSTAIN: None August 5„2002 Vol. 38, Page 79 1 .PUBLIC COM'MffVT 2 3 Geoff Cartwright, Petaluma: $45,000. That's how much Mr. Moynihan has cost 4 the City of Petaluma in his attempts to destroy campaign finance reform: T 5 wonder how many potholes that would have filled? 6 7 Larcy Kings Petaluma: I am addressing th;e litigation concerning Council Member 8 Moynihan. I would like to provide the C'ouncif Members with a copy of the 9 proceedings: before the judge as 'highlighted b_y me as to. what I think are the 10 relevant portions that this Council should consider when they consider the offer 1 1 to settle that .has .been communicated through me to your counsel. Hopefully, 12 you will be addressing it in Closed Session tonight: 13 14 Council Member Torliatt: Mr. King, has that been a written request - a written 15 sefflement? 16 17 Mr. King: In .response to your question, Ms. Torliatt, that offer has been made: 18 verbally by me to your Council: I understand. your Council. has. prepared a 19 Memorandum sefting forth what the terms of that offer'is. Ifi fhe Counciil_ has any 20 questions about that I''ll be happy to. answer thgt., I-would. like to point out, 21 contrary to what Mr. Cartwright said;; ~Couneil Member Moynihan has not spent 22 that $45,000. It was the. City Council that voted to bring this litigation, Prior to the 23 litigation, being. brought, I offered. fo -your Cbuncil~ to meet in Closed Session with. 24 your counsel or to have the item agendize.d so .it could be addressed here- in 25 public so that the Cou~nci~f would have the benefit of more thane one atforney's 26 view on this statute. We now have spent more like $50,000 and. you' had two. 27 attorneys drive from Sacramenfo to the hearing who then disagreed with each.. 28 other as fo what the meaning of fhe .statute 'was before the judge. 1 am 29 concerned.,. based on the comments made by your attorneys in the newspaper 30 and in court, that this Couneil~has been .,laboring under th'e misconception fhat 31 this case is a slam dunk in which' it would be easily determined. that Mr. Moynihan:. 32 was in violation of the actual statute.. Y,ou've now had an independent ,judge 33 that has no political ax to grind. who has reviewed your att'orneys' ;best shot. 34 `~ ~ ~. 35 As you will see in the transcript, your attorney has indicated to fhe- court that 36 there's no more that he has .to ,present to the court in ;terms of additional. 37 evidence on this issue. What. fhe court has said,: after`Kreviewing everything that 38 your counsel has been able to present on ,,fhis issue,. is first of all in his tenfative. 39 ruling, which is now his final ruling,, and I quote: "The plain iff, which is the Cify of 40 Petaluma, has failed to meet its burden to show fhat the contribution limit 41 contained in: the campaign finance ordinance applied outside of the period of 42 the two-year election cycle in which the candidate ;is running for election.'` This is 43 a point I made in conversation with your attorney prior to the suit being brought.. 44 The court went on to state, this is on the second page and it is highlighted for you 45 in the transcript of the hearing,.. and., I quote, the judge said: "In my mind this is 46 an ambiguous ordinance." He then goes on to say on page 6, which is 47 highlighted for you.: "What I think is ambiguous in the stq#u#e are the words 48 `during any election cycle' with respect to any Cifiy election fio that candiddte." Vol. 38, Page 180 August 5; 2002 1 This is specifically what I argued to your counsel before suit was filed an'd argued' 2 before the court and. th-e court apparently agre.ed'. Now, the court -went on, 'on 3 page 7, to say, " now I really don't unders'fiand what that means but it certainly, is 4 a reasonable :interpre.tdtion that what that' means is thQit it only applies to a 5 candidate during the: two year cycle that they are elected. Certainly, that is' 6 one way to interpret the statutte." ~He goes on to sta#e can the same page,: "`'I 7 think you need •to go back fo ne drawing boards ,with fif~is sfafute if'~you want,. 8 something different. `' This is what I suggested to your counsel before "$50,OOQ was 9 spent of the taxpayers money. That if you really ,suppe>rt campaign finance 1 Q reform what you need to do is take the. statute that was passed in a hurry, when 11 there was, a lame duck majority, and' have'it state what yov mean:; If youw,ant'it 12' to mean two hundred' dollars :p.er person, in each election cycle, put that: in 13 there. I'd like to encourage you to go ahead :and read the highlighted portions 14 of this including his final statement in'which. he again,: and there are several other 15 statements he makes clear by somebody that"s not' polifically involved in 'this 16 issue and who is looking at'it ds a judge; and'who may be one. of the judges who 17 may ultimately' decider "this case,. My reading of it indicates that it would. be 18 interpreted as the~defen,dants .have interpreted it,. To sc~y that Mr. Moynihan, 19 should file the pir•it'.of the statute rather than the statute itself is directly"con#rary 20 to the legal: system in this: country; Due process requires th-at the statutesstate 21 clearly what is prohibited and~,wh:at is not prohibited:. The 'judge "has now told'. 22; you what I told your counsel b.efiore fh'is s-uit was filed, which is, this. is. an, 23` ambiguous st'a.tu,t,e.: You"ve had over a' year .to amend it: It'''s. time to arnen`d it., ,~ 24 It"s time to spend that $50;000 on things'-like police officers and streets and other 25 priorities and "stop spending it as your cons,tituen"t mentioned to you. 26 , 27 Vice Mayor Healy.:.. I d'o not want 'to get~;into questions oi~ dialogue.. That's the 28 end of Public Comment on this. 29 30 CLOSED SESSION ~ - 31 32 • Conference with Legal Counsel -.Existing Litigation Pursuant to Government 33 Code Section 54956.9.' (.a);' "City ofi Petdluma`vs Moynihan, Sonoma County -34 Superior Court Case No 228276. 35 Conference with Legaf Counsel - Existing Lti,gatioi~, Subdivision (a) of 36 Government Code Section 5495''6.9, Bobby Thompson, et a( vs. City of 37 Retaluma, Sonoma County Superior Court~Case No, 22677. 38 Conference with, Legal .Counsel - Existing Litigatioh, Subdivision (a;!) of 39 Government Code Section 54,956.9. Russell Kimberly vs. City o,f P'etaluma, 40 Sonoma County Superior Court Case No. 2255"43:-. 41 Conference with ;Legal; ~ -Counsel' -~ Existing Litigation, Subdivision ('a') of 42 Government Code Section 5495:6:9; Rondld Pike- vs. City ofi 'Petaluma; 43 Sonomd County`Sup'erior Court' Cdse No. 226388. 44 Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation, .Subdivision 9a) of 45 government Code section 54956.9:, Tammy Loeffler vs: City of Petaluma, U:S. 46 Distr:iet Court, .Northern. District of California, Case No. G01-039.5 PJN. 47 Conference with: Legal Counsel -Anticipated Litigafiio'n, Significant Exposure 48' to Litigation Pursuant to S.ub'division ~9(b) o,f Se.ction,5495b:9: (two matters) August 5, 2002 ~ Vol. 38, Page;181 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 RECESSED AT 6':50 P.M. RECONVENED AT 7:54 P.M. . PRESENT: Coder-Thompson., Vice Mayor Healy, Maguire, Moynihan, O'Brien, Torliatt ABSENT: Mayor Thompson PLEDGE OF.:ALLEGIANCE Led: by Fire Chief Chris Albertson MOMENT OF SILENCE REPORT OUT OF.CLOSED SESSION Steven Churchwell; Livingston ~ Mattesich, .,representing the City of Petaluma against Bryant Moynihan., reported that Judge Laurence Sawyer rejected the City's lawsuit against Mr. Moynihan. Mr. Moynihan's lawyer, Larry King, offered to settled the case if' the City paid Ivl'r,V~Moynihan $15,000. This offer was rejected by the City. The City offered to settled the lawsuit if Mr. Moynihan would pay .back the money he received in excess of the $200 campaign contribution lirnf without any fine whatsoever: That is the offer.. In addition, his law firm has agreed to work for the City yin' the next-stage of-fhe lawsuit pro Bono. The firm is feeling badly. about the motion for settlement of the mofiion. We tfiihk that th`e judge is wrong a,nd we would like to take that up to the- Court of Appeals i'n San Francisco. to see if they would take fhe case now instead of waiting for an' appeal if 'fh`e settlement offer is 'not accepted. We think the settlement offer'is reasonable. AGENDA CHANGES, ADDITIONS,~AND'DELETIONS I ~" Vice Mayor Healy announced that the Magnolia Place Subdivision item will not be heard this evening. At the request of the applicant it has been taken off fhe agenda and anew-date has not been selected as qet. P_UBtIC COMMENT Tom McGaw,: Johan Barella, and Fre. d (S'kip) Sommer: All expressed thanks to Mayor Thompson for the good job that he has done as Mayor dnd hoping that he would run for office for another four years. Gerald'~Moore, Petaluma: Turned in another pe, tition containing 2,513 signatures of people expressing support for the creation ofi a wetlands park and wildlife sanctuary on the property located between Shollenberger Park and the present water settling ponds on Lakeville Road. This is in addition to the. petition he had delivered, to the Council in December of 2001, which contained 1..,064 signatures. Vol. 38, Page 182 August 5, 2002 l Bill Donahue, Sandalwood. Mobile Home Park, Petaluma: Reported that the 2 Sandalwood Mobile Home Park owners have filed a suit in 'Superior Court 3 challenging the arbitrafor's 6~ award fo the park owrier~s for their space: gent 4 increase, He asked what is happening dn_d whom do fhey go to now that the 5 City's attorney in this matter is out of San Leandro? 6 7 City Aftor.ney Rudnansky replied that he would' cheek into the matter and 8 contact Nlr. Donahue. 9 10 Richard Brawn, Westridge Knolls Subdivision, Petaluma::poke to the Council 1 1 regarding a chanter school that is being proposed for a piece ofi the Hash 12 property at the end of''1' Street and expressed concerns that the public. is barred 13 from participating in the City's response to any charter sr_hool exemption from 14 zoning. He asked the Council to draft q letter to the Director of Community 15 Development to draft the necessary policy to allow public involvement. l6 17 Richard: L. Parker, Petaluma: There are people at Waste Management 18 Corporation, by design, whom~you~cannot contact. Their trucks are stilf leaving 19 oil on 'the streets: He still hasn't received the 'information :from Nlr. Anchordoguy 20 that Mayor Thornpson_requested three weeks .ago on his. behalf`. He wants to 21 know how the $640,Q00 ,paid by the hom`ebuyers in Greystone Creek has been 22 spent? Informed the Council °fhafrt;h`e boa:fs are all. gone. 23 24 Don Weisenfluh, Petaluma: Urged, the Council and others to read the article on 2 water that is in the curren# issue of U.S. News Report. 26 ,. ~. ..~ 27 Jay Si_Iverberg,; Petaluma: Expressed hope. thaf. Mayor Thompson would seek. 28 reelection because the people need him to, get through some of the issues that 29 the town is facing. 30 31 Bill Phillips, Cornmittee:'for Magnolia', Park,.. Petaluma;` 'Rep~~rted that. fhe people. 32 who have supported the;park in the proposed developm~E:nt are- co'nfuse'd' by a 33 recent flyer fhat was distributed by the developer and asked f;he Council. not to 34 accept any postcards ;that come in stating_supportfgr°the park.. 35 ~ ~ ' 36 Geoff Cartwright, Petaluma: Spoke on the"City of 'Tucson's "Water Haruesting 37 Guidance Manual," which describes the principles, techniques and design 38 process ofwater harvesting. He• explained thaw wate_r'harvE~sting is the process of 39 intercepting stormwater runoff from a' surface: and putting, it Ito beneficial use.. He. 4,0 hopes that Council Member Moynihan will accept 'fhe generous settlement offer 41 that's been made to him. ~ - 42 43 COUNCIL COMMENT 44 45 • Councii Mem, ber Maguire: ~ _ 46 47 Regarding the offer'to ,Nlr. Moynihan, it. is the desire ofi the Council to curtail 48 the escalating cost. We have complete confidence that, "should we have to August 5, 2002 VoL 38, Page 183 1 go to court, we will ultimately prevail. We hope that those who speak about 2 fiscal. responsibility will act in the manner in which they speak. 3 4 • Council Member Torliatt: 5 6 Attended. the. Water Advisory Committee meeting today along with all the 7 other confractors and members of the Water Agency where we participated 8 in a training for our new Master Water AgCeement negotiations. She will keep 9 Council updated on the progress of the. negofiations. 10 1 1 • Council Member0`Brien: 12 13 Reported on the Fire Department's Charity Golf Tournament he participated 14 in yesterday. 15 16 Echoed what the speakers had to say about. Mayor Thompson running again 17 for reelection. 18 19 • Council Member Moynihan: 20 21 Spoke on the revised Capital Improvement Program (CIP), which: was 22 presented to the Council before voting on the budget. This: year th:e: PGDC 23 projects were integrated in the CIP under_the -right departments, It was not 24 comprehensive. and did not include all the projects before the Council.. It's 25 not gfive-year program. If's a o'ne-year p"rogram. Council needs to continue 2b to work and have a full five-year CIP that all can irivesf in. There. were no 27 ,park projects that were incorpo_raaed. in the C(P fhis year. We 'have limited 28 maintenance funds and before we start building parks we need to identify 29 from where the maintenance money will come. There''s $400,000 in 30 developers fees that have been pledged for development. `We could phase 31 this project in and start some grading, etc. Also., 'West Ridge Park has. a 32 $200,000: outlay that could be used for a kids' playing field, in that area., It 33 .sends a wrong signal to adopt a Capital Improvement Program that has no 34 park 'improvement projects in it. There"'s no street reconstruction program. 35 We have to rectify fhat mistake by bringing back. the. PCDC budget 36 allocating the $3;000,000. He also commented on why the City is paying 37 administration fees after a project has been completed: at was the consensus 38 on the Council that we were to move .forward with some initial design on 39 Project 9528, which is the cross-town connector acid highway interchange.: 40 There were some funds that were supposed fo have been pledged in the CIP 41 f.or that.. He would like to bring that back as soon as possible so that we can 42 move forward on a long-term approach to fixing our streets and to moving 43 forward on some other areas. 44 45 • Vice Mayor Healy: 46 47 With respect to Richard Brawn's comment on the potential charter school on 48 the end of `I' Street, Council could suggest that the Planning Commission Vol. 38, Page 184 August 5, 2b02 1 agen,dize that item for discussion and an opportun, ity fcx the public to come 2 out and speak on it. 3 4 PRO.CLAM•ATLON Vice Mayor Mealy presented a Proclamation fo Lilly Mc~irello recognizing her heroic actions and .keen observation that presented fle K~ossibility of "the loss of life arid home of her neighbors. Fire Chief Albertson in'troduc`ed Lilly's mother and commenfed that O'overnor Gray Davis and Senator .Bar,bara Boxer also commended Lilly on her decisive action. APPOINTMENTS CITY'BOARDS; COMMISSIONS; AND COMMITTEES Lntrodu.ction and Appointment of Applicants for Vacancies on B'oar..ds, Commissions and: Committees: RES0,;2002-13,T N.C.S; AIRPORT COAAMISSIO;N Vote for one to .Serve aFour-Year Terrn 'Expi'ring .June: 30, 2006' ;and Confirm PAPA Representative to Serve aOne-year Term Expiring :June `30; 2003. Motion 'to appoint Jim '..Hudson to 'serv.e a :four-year term,. expiring, June 30,. 2006 on the Airport Commission an'd to confirm .the aKp.ointm,ent of ,PAPA representative Don Smith to serve aone-year term, expirine~ June 30, 2003 on fhe. Airport Commission. NI/S Maguire/Tocliatt. AYES: Cader-Thompson, O~' Brien, Torliatf, NOES; None ABSENT: Mayor Thompson ABSTAINC None Vice Mayor Mealy, Magui`rE> Moynihan, RESO.2002`-1;32 N'.C.S. TREE ADyISORY COM11flITTEE Vote for two to Serve Two=,year~Terrns Expiring June 30, 200 AAotion to appoint Frances Wilson and Kit' Lofroos to the Tree Advisory `Committe`e; to serve two-year terms expiring June 30, 2004. M/S Maguire/Cad'er-Thompson. AYES:. Cader-T,hompso'n, Vice Mayor Healy, Maguire, Moynihan, O'Brien, Torliatt, NOES: None ABSENT:'• Mayor Thornpso,n August 5, 2002 Vol. 38; Page 185 1 ABSTAIN: None 2 3 RESO. 2002-133 N.C.S. 4 PUBLIC'HEARLNG 5 REVISED FEE SCHEDULE FOR BUILDING PERMITS 6 7 Finance Director Bill Thomas: These fees were inadvertently left °off the last' fee 8 increase in the .July 15, 2002 meeting. This goes along with the revenue 'and cost 9 study that was prepared by our consultant earlier. 10 1 1 Community Development Director Mike Moore: In reply, ~to questions from 12 Council Member Moynihan, he explaned~h'ow fees are charged based on ~tf1e 13 Uniform Building Code according to the work fhat is' being done,. ~4 15 PUBLIC HEARING OPENED 16 17 Vice Mayor Healy opened the public hearing and called for comments from the 18 'audience.. Since' no one spoke on the item, Vice Mayor'Healy closed the Public 19 Hearing. 20 21 PUBLIC HEARLNG CLOSED 22 23 Motion to adopt Resolution 2002-133 N.C.S. M/S Torfjatt/Nlaguire. 24 25 AYES: Cadet=Thompson, Vice Mayor Healy, Maguire, Moynihan, 26 O"Brien,, Torliatt, 27 NOES: None . 28 ABSENT: _ -Mayor Thompson 29 ABSTAIN: None 30 31 PUBLIC HEARING' 32 RESO.2002-134IV.C.S. 33 CONFLRM THE :COST OF ABATEMENT OF WEEDS 34 35 .Fire Chief Chris Albertson said the: agenda .item is the annual request of Council 3`6 to place the fees that were charged to 'the homeowners who did' not pay their 37 fees to be placed on the tax bill. 38 39 PUBLIC HEARING OPENED 40 41 Vice Mayor HegLy opened the Public Hearing, and called for comments from the 42 audience. Since no one spoke on the item, Vice Mayor Healy closed the Public 43 Hearing. 44 45 PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED 46 47 Motion; to approve Reso. 2002-134 N.C.S. M/S O'Brien/Torliatt. 48 Vol. 38, Page 186 AYES: Coder-Thompson, O'Brien, Torliaft,. NOES': :None:: ABSENT:: Mayor Thompson ABSTAIN: :None August: 5, 2002 Vice Mayor Healy, Maguire, Moynihan, PUB.LIC,HEARING ,~ RESO.; 2002-13'5 N.C.S: ,_ UVATER RECYCLING FACILITYIRIVER ACCESS IMPROVEMENTa PROJECT EIR Certifying 'Water Recycling Facility :and; River Access Improvements Project Final Environmental.lrnpact Report. (;EIR):; and . . RES0..2002-1:36 N:',C:S'. WATER RECYCLING`FACILITYLRIVER ACCESS IIVIRROVEMfNT;> PROJECT _~ _ _ Approving Water Recycling; Facili#;y and River Access, Improvements project, Adop:tin.g Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Adopting N1'itigation Measures and Monitoring Program. .Engineering'Manager Mike Ban: We are- re;ques`ting that the City Council conduct ,a Public Hearing on the Final EIR for the Water Recycling Facility and River Access Improvements 'Project. Also adopt the resolution certifying fhe Water Recycling Facility and River Access Improvements EIR and adopt a resolution approving :the project and adopting the Findings and Sta.ternen,ts of Ov..erriding Considerations, and adopting Mitigation Measures ,and Moni,f_oring Program. Since this la't-est phase of the City's effort to procure: a new W-titer Recycling Facility began in September of 1999 the City has continually sought out and invited the public's input .on this project. This approach continued through. January of this year when ,the City Cou,n:cil selected :a preferred alternative and. directed City management to complEae the enyiconrnental documentation. on the project. Following this direction he City issued the. Draft EIR in April of this year and conducfed„Public Hearings on May 13'h and May 20'": After the. public comment period closed on Nlay 29t" the project team assembled all of th,e written and' oral comments received on the project. Th_e responses are provided,~in fhe Pinal EIR. The Final ELR was issued on. July 25t" of this year.. Notices on the availability ofi the EIR were published` in the Press. Democrat and the Augus Courier and also about tonight''s meeting. "We' made copies of fhe Final. E1R 'avail'i~ble at City HaII, .Santa :Rosa Junior College, the ,Community Center, Senior Center dnd made available ;for purchase here at City HaIL No~ nevv information on the EIR has been submitted to indicate: a new significant impact or substantially amore severe impact;. therefore, there's. no need .to prepare and circulate a :revised Draft _EIR. The Final EIR responding to the comments on the braft EIR has been prepared~'in accordance with CEQ_ A an'd it's ready to be certified k>.y the City Council. All comments submitaed on the Draft- EIR had been responded to in the Final `EIR August 5, 2002 Vol. 38; Page 1'87' 1 and it is not the project team's intent to respond to any comments at tonigh"fs 2; public hearing. 3 4 Council Member Maguire: If"s great to see these steps go forward: This is a,big 5 project very important to the community, arid having, been involved in this one 6 for longer than I have been on the Council, it's gratifying to see the fine level 'of 7 work by Mr. Ban; our staff and consultants. Whaf is the current timing on the new 8 wastewater service rates coming back to the Council? 9 10 Mr. Ban: We're looking at mid-September. 11 12 Council Member Ca'der-Thompson: I also want to thank Mr. Ban for all his work 13 and the others involved. They've done great work and we really appreciate it. 14 15 ,PUBLIC HEARING OPENED 16 17 Vice Mayor Healy opened the Public Hearing and called for comments from fhe 18 public. 19 20 Vasco Brazil, Petaluma: Read afour-page letter stating that the Final EIR. should 21 not be certified'yet'because it is incomplete and stating his reasons. (A copy of 22 this letter is in the file). 23 24 Indrajit Ob~eysekere, Legal. Counsel for Kaiser Pecmanente: I would like to 25 commend staff for all the work they have done working on fhis project. I've 26 glanced. at it. I haven't read it in any detail. The EIR is fairly complex and. even 27 as a land use awyer, I can only understand portions of it. We at Kaiser 28 appreciate the need for infrastructure improvement in acommunity, and 29 recognize that is something that's important and probably needs to hdppen in 30 some form or fhe other. Our issue is quite simple. We've had several instances in 31 the last couple of years-with our facility. Mostly, this has to do with odors from fhe 32 existing retention ponds. We've talKed to staff about it and there''s been various 33 explanations .given. It did cause us quite. a significant operational impact. We 34 had to send employees home. We had members complaining and our concern, 35 primarily, is that this be addressed. So we will ask the Council and staff to make 36 sure to the extent that they can to insure that the mitigation measures identified 37 in the EIR are adequate to dddress the issue ofi odors emanating from the 38 treatment facility just so this doesn't turn out fo be a problem. down the road for 39 ovr members and staff. 40 41 PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED 42 43 Council Member 'Maguire: I have read all of the issues Mr: Brazil has raised in the 44 EIR with responses. There. is no new information there:: 1 know the issue of odors . 45 has been raised in the past and we have expressly structured this with odor- 46 control mechanisms and that's covered in the EIR. 47 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Vol. 38, Page 188 August 5, 2002. Motion to adopt Reso: 2002=135 N.C:S. and Reso. 2002-136 N.C.S. M/S Maguire/Caller-Thompson. AYES: Gader-Thompson, Vice. Mayor Healy, Maguire, Moynihan, O' Brien,'Torliatt, - -,:r NOES: None ~ ~~ ABSENT: Mayor Thompson ~ _ ABSTAIN.: None ~ t Council Members offered comments .on how long they have worked on this project and although the costs have gone up tfle project is now' on t'ra'ck for' completion: . AGEfVDA CHANGES, ADDITIONS, AND DELETIONS Vice: N,layor° Healy .announced that- the- Magnolia ,Place Subdivision has b°een ' , continued to a meeting in September as per the request of the applicants.: ADJOURN The. meeting was: adjourned at 9:T9 p.m. ~~ . Mike Healy, Vire Mayor . ATTEST: 5 .S ~,O,c J - Eleanor Berfo, Interim City CI'erk ******