HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1729 N.C.S. 07/18/1988ORDINANCE NO. Introduced by Jack Cavanagh 1729 N.C.S. Seconded by John Balshaw AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A LEASE OF APPROXIMATELY 13.98 ACRES OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE PETALUMA RIVER IN THE CITY OF PETALUMA, SONOMA COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AND DECLARING ITS URGENCY TO TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY BE IT ORDAINED BY THE Council of the City of Petaluma as follows: Section 1. The approximately 13.98 acres of real property located adjacent to the Petaluma river in the City of Petaluma, County of Sonoma, State of California is hereby authorized to be leased under the terms and conditions set forth in the Lease by and between the City of Petaluma and the State of California/ State Lands Commission, which Lease is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference and the City Manager is hereby authorized to sign said Lease. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be necessary for the immediate preservation of the public, health and safety and shall take effect and be enforced upon its passage by a unanimous vote by the members of the City Council present at the time of its adoption. The reason for the urgency of this ordinance in that construction of the Marina Facility must commence immediately in order to have the work in as completed a stage as possible prior to the winter rains. Ord. 1729 NCS 1 of 2 + Exhibit Section 3. The City Clerk be, and she is hereby directed to publish this ordinance for the period and in the manner as required by the City Charter. INTRODUCED and ORDERED published/peisieid this 18th day of July , 1988. ADOPTED this 18 day of July 1988, by the following vote: AYES: Cavanagh, Tencer, Sobel, Balshaw, Vice Mayor Davis, Mayor Hilligoss NOES: None i ABSENT: Woolsey MAYOR j/1....__..� ATTEST: CITY CLERK ord . marina. lands/ LAW 13 Ord. 1729 NCS 2 of 2 + Exhibits a ;TATE OF CALIFORNIA' STATE LANOS'COMMISSION FOR RECORDERS USE ONLY RECORDED AT THE REQUEST OF State of California/State Lands Commission Official Business - Document entitled .to free recordation pursuant to Government Code Section 27383. WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO State Lands Commission 1807 - 13th Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Attention: Title Unit LEASE NO. This Lease consists of this summary and the following -attached and incorporated parts: Section 1 Basic Provisions Section 2 Special Provisions amending or supplementing Section 1 or 4 Section 3 Description of Lease Premises Section 4 General Provisj ons SECTION 1 BASIC PROVISIONS W 23761 The STATE OF CALIFORNIA, hereinafter referred to as Lessor,acting by and through the STATE LANDS COMMISSION, J1807 - 13th Street, Sacramento, California 95814), 'pursuant to Division 6 of the Public Resources Code and Title 2, Division 3 of the California Administrative. Code,, and for consideration specified in the Lease, does hereby lease, demise and let to: CITY AF PETALUMA hereinafter referred to as Lessee: WHOSE MAILING ADDRES'S IS: 11 English Street, P. O. Box 61 Petaluma,aCa.lifornia 94953-0061 those certain lands described in. Section 3 subject to ,the reservations, terms, covenants and conditions of this Lease. LEASE TYPE: -General Lease - Public Agency Use LAND TYPE: Sovereign LOCATION: Adjacent to the Petaluma River in the City of Petaluma, Sonoma County, containing approximately 13.98 acres; and more particularly described in Section 3 attached herein LAND USE OR PURPOSE: Construction and operation of a public marina; dredge a maximum volume of 300,000,vc,ub,ic yards of material to be disposed at. the C ty of Pe,taluma's disposal site,,, . Co,unty of Sonoma's. landfill site, or an approved United States Army Corps of Engineers disposal site. TERM: Thirty (30) years; beginning,J-uly 1, 1,988 and ending June 30, 2018 unless sooner terminated as provided under this Lease. �iIT EX IB A oRD:i72sHcs CONSIDERATION: 1. For the period beginning July 1, 19'88 through June 10, 1991, the annual rental., payable in adva'nce., shall 'be $250. 2. Fo,t the.,remaining balance of this lease beginning July 1,, 1991, the Lessee agree's to. ;pay the minimum annual rent of $.6,52:2, o -r seven percent (7%) of gross income, whichever 'is greate,r', to Lessor without deduct°io,n„ delay or' offset, at such p.lac'e as. may be designated by Le.ss;or from time to time, in aacoz.dance with the schedule . as set forth ;herein. Any rental due which is in exces:s of the minimum annual ,rental shall be due and payable o'n the same day that the annual report i.s due., and payment s_hal,l accompany such report,: 3. It is specifically a.gr,eed that in .the event of the texminat:ion of this Lease prior to its ex;piratlon date from any cause whatsoeve.r., no portion of the minimum annual rental paid i -n advance_ shal=l be. refundable. 4. DEFINITIONS,,: (:a_) GROSS INCOME "Gross Income", for the purpose of computing annual rental due to the State Lands Commission, 'shaIl include, but', not limited to:, 1. The sales price of any type of food and drinks sold by .Lessee,, whether- for cash or credit. Z. The: sales pr -;ice of al:l other goods, wares, merchandise or products sold by L!9 see,, whether for, cash or credit.. '3. Coiamiss;io-n received nor earned from no,n-lessee owned coin-operated vending machines or 'other ,devices, a°nd a1l sums deposited in Lessee owned_ coin-operated vending_ machines or other devices. 4. The, cha-rges made by the: Lessee for the, berthing, docking, mooring c°x l.aunch'ing of boats. 5. The,'char,g;es made by the Lessee for the, rental ofany type of equ'i'pment or product, whether for cash or for' credit. 6.; Any other income, whether for cash or, credit generated - d'i-rectl.y. f r.,om, or o -n;, the leased area, by the Lessee l s ope,r:a t i -o ns:. 5. ALLOWABLE REDUCTTONS TO' GROSS INCOME: Gross income shallnot include any sales or excise taxes payable by the Lessee to Fede141, Staten, ''County -or munic:i,p:al go.ver,nments as a direct result of, o,peratio,ns under this Lea_se,, provided that thesetaxes areclearly segregated and identified i.n the Lessee' s books and r,eco.rds . =2= A � t i r ti: bH � �. . Ui li i Y F 0 6. ALLOWABLEREDUCTIONS TO GROSS. SALES: Gross sales may be reduced b:y'retunns and, allowances on the theory that these "sa.les"- were never made, and, should not have been included as part of the gross, sales, but gr.os:s income shall not be reduced by, any other amount. 7. CASH: "Cash" includes currency, coin, checks, and money orders. 8. CREDIT: "Credit" includes credit card t'ransact,ions, and, those transactions made on open account or .for any oral or written promise to pay. 9. REPORTS: The Lessee shall submit, on: forms approved by the State Lands Commission, an annual report de tailing their gross income from boat docks and moorings, and any other income generated from, or on, the Leased Premises. This report shall be accompanied by a Balance Sheet of the Lessee as of, the last day covered by the annual report, and an Income Statement covering the results of Lessee's operations for the year ended o_n the last day covered by, the annual report. These reports shall be due on the twenty—fifth (25th) d -ay of the month following the end of -the year c'overe.d by the annual report, unless the Lessee has received, in writing, permission from the State Lands Commission for later submission', not to exceed ninety (90) days. 10. BOOKS AND RECORDS: The Lessee shall maintain 'bo.oks and records of all financial transactions relating to the Leased Premises in -accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. These records shall be supported by sour.ce documents such as agreements, with renters.,, copies of invoices, receipts,, and other pertinent documents. If requested by the -State, the Lessee shall allow representatives of the State 'Lands Commission to examine co;p t s of Federal and State Income Tax Returns, and Board of Equali=zation Tax Returns in order to corroborate information shown,on reports to the State Landes Commission. 11. EXAMINATION OF BOOKS_ AND RECORDS: All annual reports submitted to the State Lands Commission are subject to audit and 'revision by the State Lands Commission. Lessor may inspect all. Less.ee's books, records, and docuinents relating to the operation of the Leased, Premi-ses at a=ll, reasonable times. Any statutory or other right that the Lessee may have to object to such inspection by the State Lands Commission are hereby waived. The forego:inq is subject to modification by les'so.r., a:s. specified in Paragraph 2(b) of Section 4. AUTHOR -1 ZED IMPROVEMENTS: Maximum of 220 uncovered boat berths, launching ramp-, restr.00.ms, har.bo:rmaster's office, and ancillary appurtenances 'inherent .t,o a marina operation; paved parking lot, riverbank breachment to create a to entrance channel and rip -rap placement. - -3- [X] EXISTING: Boat launching ramp, paved parking area, restroom facility and minor appurtenances thereto. ['X] TO BE CONSTRUCTED; CONSTRUCTION MUST BEGIN BY: 10/0.1/'8.8 A14D BE COMPLETED BY: 1G./01/,91 LIABILITY INSURANCE: $-2,000,000 SURETY BOND OR OTHER SECURITY: N/A SECTION 2 SPECIAL PROVI'IONS BEFORE THE 'EXECUT,ION OF THIS LEASE,. ITS .PROV>ISIONS ARE AMENDED, REVISED, OR SUPPLEMENTED AS FOL'LOWS: 1. DEMOLTTI.ON OF EXISTING FACILIT,IES.: Lesseeagrees to demolish. and remove all ex,ivt'ing improvements stated in. Sect°ion 1 at: their sole expense a'nd- risk. Such improvements are w1th`in the lease area of aeas,e PRC 4048.9 held by the City of P'e.ta.luma wh1ch will be terminated and included as -,a part of this 1ea.se. 2. MARINA BASIN EXCAVATION: (a) A 'royalty 'of. $0.25 per cubic yard shal-1 be paid for any dredged, .material. sold or used f_`or private or commercial benef'it.. There s3ha'.1.1 be no royalty charged f,or- materdal placed on tidelands or 'private lands dedicated to the public trust.. ('b) I~t, is agreed that Lessee tbal.l submit copies, of reports or contracts with the .dredging_ operator subs�tantiat.inq, the volume o.f ma.ter-iahs dredged and any, royalties due to the C'ommiss�'ion on a quarterly basis,, on forms supplied' by the Commission (Form. T .9). Tt 'i -s agreed that. Lessee shall a:ubmkt said forms on or before the fifteenth. ('15t.h,) dap of the month following the end. of each pe'rm'it quarter, together with payment for the; royalty due. on the `volume removed during that quarter. The fi°rst permit quarter sha,11. be the first three months: following the ef_fecti've -date , of this permit, and every three-month period thereafter shah be a permit quarter;. (c) It is ;furt`her, agreed that Lessee shall furnish the Comm=ission with c-opLes. of, final surveys or copies of any other . computa,tio'ns. used as, a basis to verify dredge. volumes within twenty-five (25) days of completion of the activity atthor:ized hereunder'. -4- 3. MARLNA CONSTRUCTION: (a) It is .understo.od that because implementa;tio.n of construction -is dependent u,pon timeliness- of financing flor 'the ma.ri.na p'r.oject from Department of Boating and Waterways-, the beginning date of construction is deferred to allow amp.le time for the funds to be d-isbursed. (b) Lessee agrees to notify Les';sor, in writing., the date of marina - construction completion within sixty (60) days of that occurrence. A copy of the "as=,built" construction plans certified by the .project contractor shall be included with the notifi-,cation. 4. MAINTENANCE DREDGING: (a) Lessee is authorized to perform maintenace dredging of minerals, other than, o1l, gas, and geothermal, from the area described. in .this le.as.e, for. the purpose of maintaining navigable channels in and around the lease prem'i.ses. The total volume of material removed shall not. exceed a maximum of 13,000 cubic yards per year of this lease,. This au•thor;i,zatio'n includes the, right to deposit said material at United, States Army Corps of Engineers' disposal sites or.. elsewhere .as_ directed by the District Engineer or other lawful authority. (.b) No royalties will be ass'es'sed on materials removed from the lease ,area-; provided that a royalty of $0.25 per cubic yard shall be paid to the State fo;r any material placed on private or public property and usedforany private or commercial benefit. (c) In- the event Lessee does perform maintenance: dredging as author.ized.by this paragraph, within one month of completion of such dredg.in_g, Lessee s -hall submit a report to Lessor, substantia-tingthe volume, of materials, dredged and .any royalties due Lessor-, on forms provided by Lessor (Form 30.9). 5. MARINA' -S ''MEMBERSHIP FACILITIES: The marina authorized by this lease i;s to. be; open and available to the general public consistent with Lesse,e's rules and operating procedures. Boat berths, shall be available to renters on a first-come, -5- first-served basis. No member of the public shall be refused. 'an opportunity 'to ,use or rent a slip on the basis .of no;n=membership in any cau,b, a.ssocia°tion, or other such organization €`o_rmed for use of the lease premises in conjunction with adjacent uplands. Conver.s:ion. of the marina, facilities .authorized, by this- lease to, f.acili;ties available only, to members of; a club, assocda,t.i.on, or other su.c'h or,ganizration shall requ=ire prior written approval of Le-ssor. 6.. MARINA ASS,IGNMENT ENCUMBRANCING OR SUBLETT°ING.: Lessor hereby con'5en.t.s to Le,s'see�'s_ subletting of a.11 or any ;portion of the lease premises, for berthing or-moOting' purposes in conjunction with normal commercial marina subleasing practices for terms. 'of one () year or less. 7'. RIGHT TO. EXTEND CLAUSE: (a) At the, expiration of this lease, Lessee shall have the; r;gh;t to extend its lease fosr on`e., add;it.ional period of ten 1('10) years fo.r such rental-, and aecosr;d:iing- to such other terms, covenants, and conditions, as negotiated between the parties to this lease. Lessee shall give written notice! of the exercise of s,uc;4 right, to. Lessor- at, least six' (6) moriths prior to the expiration o.f the lea,s'e term and f.ailur.e, to give such notice shall constitu'.te: a. waiver; of ' such right,. I"t -'is. the intent of the parties that Les;s'or shall lease and that Lessee shall not be 'in a trespass or holdover status as to the lease premises after, the expiration of this, lease., but rather.. that a; duly autho,rized and executed l.ease .shall exist between the parties .f.ol,lowi-ng the expiration of this lease. (b) In the event the parties to this agreement' cannot, agree on such reasonable terms, covenants, and conditions f;or.. extending this lease, L.e'ssar or Less`ee may elect to te.r.minate this agreement. If: such termination occurs, Lessee shall re1eas'e3 its rights, under this lease, "as provided for elsewhere in, vh-is l.eas,e. 8. RE,S.T.ORATI.ON' OF 'L'EASE PREMISES: I.t, is understood and agi,eed "between. Lessor and Lessee. th_�at Paragr-;a;ph .13 of Section 4. excludes the requirement thaat Lessee refill and, res'tar,e the ;marina basin to, its origins"1 c.ond.it.ion prior to excavation. All other requirements shall remain in full force and effect. 9. PREVIOUS. -'LEASE SUPERSEDED: That certain lease designated PRC 4048.9.,, entered into�on March 26,,19`70, by and between the State of California, acting by and through State Lands Commission, as Lessor-., and the City of Petaluma, as Lessee, is expressly superseded by this Lease. -6- SF'CTr. ()N 3 LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL 1 Being portions of the land desc'ri,bed 141 Grant Deed No. 9789 recorded Feb. 19, 1953' in Book 1,18,9 of; -Official- Records, page 305.,Sonoma County, and Grant Deed' No. 17660, recorded Jan. 27, 1956, in Book 1410 o:f-Off icial'Records, [Wage 451, Sonoma County, and being a portion of the Petaluma Rancho in T4N.­R7W and T5N, R7W, M.D,.B..&M., more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING'a.t the easterly ter,m1nus of the curve with an arc length of 78,5.9 feet, a's described in that Deed to Norttiwestern Pacific Railroad 'Company._ a corpora'tlo:n, recorded Oct. 24, 1916 in Book 345 o,f Deeds, page 2+66. 'Sonoma County-, said point lying on the southerly -line of the Northwest•.ern Pacific Railway right-of-way, said point, of c.ommencemem,t being in'di;cated as Point "C" on ghat Record of Survey Rec,arded in Book 185 at page 15 of- Map',s,. Sonoma County; thence southeasterly ,on a tangent to said curve and al-onq the, 'sou'therly line of the Nor'thwe,s,tern Pacific Railway rlgh;t-of-way S 76059112" E 785.10"f:eet to 'a point of intersection with the westerly line of Parcel 2 of that .certain real property s'itua'te in the County of Sonoma. State of C'aliforn1a, descr"ibe.d in the Patent from 'the State. of California, to the C-i`ty of Petaluma, a Municipal Corporation: dated) Mar. 2,, 1,970,, and recorded April. 6, 1,970, in Book 2453, of Official Hecords.,Pages 771-773 Sonoma County and. the POINT OF BEGPNNTNG' of the. herein described parcel; thence leaving said •s.o,utherly -r1ght-of-way along said westerly line S 10001-0311 W 560:70•; feet thence S 0:900712111 E 127.39 feet; thence S 610061-16" E 24,8.429 feet; thence S 076.18-10-- W 130.6,5 fee+t•.; thence. S 540'52152-01 W 14.2.34 feet; thence .S 67044'27".W 100.44 feet; thence S 50053143111W 40.6.8'6 feet to the most easterly point described in that Deed r,ec.orded Oct. 5 .1965, 'in'Book 2160, of Official Records Paige 56-2, Sonoma County; thence along the northeasterly line of said deed, N 42034-5711 W 369.13 feet to the mos�t westerly point described in that Quitclaim. Deed recorded May 11., 19168 in Book 2333, of Off`i,cial Records Page 819,. Sonosia County; thence, along; the, northwesterly line of said Quitclaim deed. N 3005714811,E 5.54.14 feet; thence leaving said northwe.sterl.y line, S 410'0410W1 E 121.55 feet,; thence. S 03056'00" W 143.43 feet; thence S 86004100--Z 77.100 feet; thence N 26012' 53 E 123. 30 feet; thence N 15042"15" 'E 91.94 feet. thence N 05009-'40" E 140.00 feet: thence N 1001614.511 E 278.00 feet;•'thence N 14'03.4;10011''E 19,5.00 feet t -o a point on the above mentioned southerly right-of-way thence along said right-of-way S 760591-12" E 30.00 fe,e,t to the Point of Beginning. LAND DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2 Being portions of the land described in Grant Deed, No;. 9789 recorded Feb. 19, 19.53 in 'Book 11.89 a,f Off ic'i,a1_ '.Records, page 305, Sonoma. County, and Grant Deed No. 17.660, recorded Jan. '2.7; 1'956.; in Bo.o;k 14.1:0 of 'Offici.,a1 Records, Page 4,51, Sonoma County, and, being a 'por,ti,on of the, Petaluma Rancho in T4N, `R7W, and TbN, 97W. MA).8.&M., mare ,parti:cu1a,r.ly de;sc,rib�ed as f o l lows COI4MENCING at- the easterly terminus of that curve 'with an arc length ;of 785.9 'fee't,. as described in thaa Deed to Northwestern Pacf is RaLlroad Company, a co.rpo,r-.ation., recorded O.c:t.. '24.. 19,16' in Book 345 of Deeds.. Page 266, S,onom'a, County, s.add point lying on the southerly 'lime of the Northwestern Pac:iflc RaADWA;y right -of -.way,. ;said point of commencement bed,,ng 1,hdAc'ated as Point 11& ,o`n tha''t Record of Surve'Y recorded: in Book 18.5 at Page 1"5. of Maps., Sonoma Co,unty;; thence along 'said curve; 't.o Ithe left with 'a rad:-iu's of 352..20 feet.,, said curve, also `be-ing described .in that I.ndent:ure recorded Oct.. 24, 1916 i,n;Book, 345 of' Official ,R;ecor�,d,s, page 2:66,. 'Sonoma County, t.hroug;h a ce:n,ttal- ahgle, of 71024' 0VI . an arc 1e-ngth o:f 438`. 91 'to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the he:re`in, desc,ri.bed parcel; thence ,leaving ,s.a°id curv6. S 4.1904' 00" E 362. 99 f*e<t; thence N 4.805'6_ ' 00,'1 E 203..43 feet; S 41004100" E 22.1.:00 feet:;; thence S 030'56' 0&11 W 33 .00 f.e,et thence S 4056 1 00" W _83. 50 Beet; thence S 4.10,04:' 0011 E, 2.91.,00 feet,;- thence N 48,056 1 0.0" E 00' feet:; thence S. 86,004' 00" E ,;28..50 feet; thence. S 4100.41,00" E _24.45 feet; to a, point on, the no.rthwester;ly line desc;ri'bed' in that .Quit.claim DDeedl recorded. May 31„ 1968, in Book 2.333 of Official R;e,cords, Page, .81,9,. 'Sonoma County, thence along :said, northwesterly line S 30057 1 tt" W 554,.:14 feet to. ,a point ,on the northeasterly line of the. Deed .r:ecorded Oct. 5. 1965 in Book 216,0 of O€;f,ic`ial Records,,, Page 562;, ,Sonoma County;, thence along said northeasterly .lime S 42-03415711 W 4.5.98; :.feet,; thence -along a curve to, the right wit,h, a r.ad.ius of 145.00 feet through a central angle of 1705,6'471". f;or, an arc . length of 45:.42 feet,; thence N -2,40381.10" W' 696.4 €,e.e,t; - then_ce along ,a curve .to the left with a radius of 25.5,00, feet through a central angle of 801614711 for an arc, length of 36.,8'5; thence N 32054157", W 21,4.09 feet; thence along a curve, to the right with a radius of- 14,5.00 feet through a central angle; of, 08`01614711 for an arc len,g,th. of, 20.95 feet; thence N -24038.110"'W 67: 50.f,eet to a, point .on the above mentioned ,curve, with a radius o.f 352.20 teett °thence al,onq said curve :in ,a nort'heas erly dlr,ec,tion from a tangent which, bears N 2104,61001' E. through a central. angle. of 0905014.0" for an arc length of 60.51 'feet to the P,oin't of . Beginning.. END 'OF DESCRIPTION PREPARED BIU '1,, M.L. SRAFER,, SUP.ERVI'SOR. SECTION 4 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. GENERAL These provisions are applicable to all leases, permits, rights -or - way, easements, or licenses or other interests in real property con- veyed by the State Lands Commission. 2. CONSIDERATION (a) Categories (1) Rental: Lessee shall pay the annual rental as stated in Section 1 or 2 to Lessor without deduction;, delay oroff set, on or before the beginning date of this Lease.and,on or beforeeach anni- versaryof its beginning date during each year of the Lease term. (2) Royalty or other consideration: Lessee:shall pay a royalty or other consideration in the amount, method and manner as specified in.Section 1 or 2. (3) Non -Monetary Consideration: If a monetary rental, royalty, or other consideration is not specified,in Section 1 or 2, consideration to Lessor for this Lease, shall be the public use, benefit, health or safety,, as appropriate, however ,Lessor shell have the right to review such consideration at any time and to set's monetary rentai.if the State Lands Commission, at its. sole discretion, deter- mines that such action is in the best interest -of the State. Lessee shall notify Lessorrwithin ten.(10) days in the event that the public is charged any director indirect fee for use and enjoyment of the Lease Premises. (b). Modification Lessor may modify the amount or,rate of consideration effec- tive on each fifth anniversary of the.beginning dateof,this Lease. Should Lessor fail to exercise such right effective on any fifth anniversary it may do so effective on any one (,t) of the next four anniversaries following such fifth anniversary, without�prejudice to its right,to effect suh,modification on the next or any succeed- ing fifth anniversary.- I Any modification of the amount or rate of consideration made pursuant to this paragraph shall conform to Title 2, Division 3 of the California Administrative Code and no 'such modification shall'become effective unless'Lessee is given written notice at least sixty (60) days prior to the effective date. (c) Penalty and Interest Any installments of rental, royalty, or other consideration accruing under this Lease not paid when due shall be subject to a penalty and shall bear interest, as specified in Public Resources Code Section 6224 and Section 2. 3. BOUNDARIES This Lease is not intended to establish the State's boundaries and is made without prejudice to either party regarding any boundary claims which may be asserted presently or in the future. 4. LAND USE (a) General: Lessee shall use•the.Lease Premises only for the purpose or purposes+stated in Section 1 or 2 and:only for the "operation,and maintenance of 'the, improvements authorized in Section 1 or 2. Lessee shall commence use of the Lease Premises within ninety (90) days of the beginning date of this,lease. Thereafter l-essee's discontinuance of such use fora period of ninety (90) days shall be conclusively presumed to bean abandonment. (b) ,Repairs and Maintenance: Lessee shall, ,at its own expense, keep and maintain the Lease Premises and all improvements in good order and'repair and safe condition. (c) Additions, Akerations: end Removal: (1) Additions — No improvements other than those ex - pressly authorized in Section 1 or 2 of this Lease shall be con- structed by the Lessee on the Lease Premises without the prior written consent of Lessor. Lessee shall notify Lessor within ten (10) days after commencing the. construction of authorized improvements and within sixty(60) days after completing them. (2) Alteration or Removal — Except as provided under this Lease, no:alteration or removal.of existing improvements on or natural features of the Lease Premises shall be undertaken without the prior written consent of Lessor. (d): Conservation: Lessee shall practice conservation of water and other natural resources and shall prevent pollution and harm to the environ- ment in or on the Lease Premises, (e). Enjoyment: Nothing in this Lease shall preclude. Lessee from excluding persons from.the Lease Premises,when their presence or activity constitute a material interference with Lessee's use and enjoy- ment of! the Lease. Premises as provided under this Lease. (f)' Discrimination: Lessee in its use of the Lease Premises shall not discriminate against+any person or class of persons on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, or physical handicap. jg), Residential Use: Unless otherwise allowed under this Lease, improvements on theLease:Premises shall not beused as a residence or for the purpose of'mooring a floating residence. 5. RESERVATIONS, ENCUMBRANCES AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY (a) 'Reservations: (1), 'Lessor expressly reserves all natural -resources in or on the Lease Premises, including but not limited to oil, coal, natural gas and other hydrocarbons, minerals, aggregates, timberand geothermal resources, as well as the right to grant leases.in'and over the Lease Premises for the extraction of such natural resources, however such, leasing shall be neither inconsistent nor incompatible with the rights or privileges,of Lessee under this Lease. (2) Lessor expressly reserves a right to goon the Lease Premises and all improvements for any purpose, associated with this Lease or for carrying out any function required by law, or the.rules, regulations or management policies of the StateLands.Commission. Lessor shall have a right of reason- able access to the Lease Premises across Lessee owned or occupied lands adjacent to the Lease Premises for any pur- pose associated with this Lease. (3)' . Lessoij6pressly `reseHes to the public an easement for.convenient access across the Lease Premises to other State-owned' lands located near or adjacent to the Lease Premises and a.rightof reasonable passage across and along any right-of-way granted by this Lease, however, such ease- ment or right-of-way ,shall be neither inconsistent nor in- compatible with the rights or privileges of'Lessee under this Lease. (4) Lessor expressly reserves the, right.to lease, convey, or encumber the LeaseiPremises, in whole'or in part, during the lease term for any purpose not inconsistent or incompatible with the rights or privileges of Lessee under this Lease. (b) Encumbrances: This°Lease may be subject to pre-existing contracts, leases, licenses, easements, encumbrances and claims and it is made without warranty by Lessor of title, condition or fitness of the land for the stated or intended use. Form 51.15 (7/84) 13. RESTORATION OF LEASE PREMISES (a) Upon expiration or sooner terminationof<this Lease, Lessor may'accept all.or-any portion,of the Lesse Promises, as then im- proved with structures, buildings; pipelines, machinery, facilities and fills in place; or Lessor may require Lessee to ;remove all or any portionof sucKimprovements atitssole expense and risk; or. Lessor may itself. remove or,have removed'4ll or'any,portion of such'improvementsxat Lessee's sole rexpense. (b) Imremoving any,such improvementsLessee shall restore the Lease`Premises asinearly asepossible to thew conditions existing prior to their installation or, construction. (c) All such removal and restoration shall, be tothe satisfaction of Lessor and shall be completed,within.ninety (90) days of the expiration or sooner: termination of this Lease. 14. QUITCLAIM Lessee, shall, within ninety (90) days of the expiration or sooner termination of this Lease, execute and, deliver to Lessor in a form provided byLessor a good'and,sufficient release of alFrighlsunder this Lease:.;Shoutiiiessee fail or refuse,to deliver such a release, a written notice by Lessor reciting such faiiure;or refusal.shall, from the date of its recordation, be conciusive-evidence against Lessee and alPother claimants„of the termination of this Lease and any rights or interests of Lessee'fn the, Lease.Premises. 15. HOLDINO=AVER Any ho.1ding=over by Lessee;afterthe expiration of the.Leaaeterm, with or without the,expFess or implied consent of Lessor, shall con- stitute',_a tenancy from moiith,to. month4rid,hot. an extension.ofthe Lease -term and.shail be on the,terms, convenants and conditions+of this Lease with rental,.'royalty,dr .other consideration.payable in advance; on the first day.of.each month,, at the rate of one•ilweHth (1•f 12th) of the -annual amount. "1,f}:; ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS {a} Woirar: 0) No term, covenant or condition of this.Lease and no default or ?braech of .any such term, covenant or condition ,shall be deemed io:have:been waived,;by lessor's acceptance of a late or nonconforming perforrrtanceioroiherwise, unless such a waiver is, expressly acknowledged by Lessor in writing. STATE OF CALIFORNIA — STATE! LANDS .COlab MISSION LEASE-P.R.C. No (2) Any such waiver shall not bo deemed to be a waiver`of any otherterm, covenant or condition or any otherdefaultor breach of any term, covenant or condition of this lease. (b) Time: Time is of ther essence of :this', Lease.±and.each-and all of its terms, covenants or conditions,"in which performance is,a factor. (c) Notice: Al( notices required ,to be°given under this Lease ,shall be given1n,writing, ;sent by United States mail'with'postage prepaid, to Lessor at the offices of the State Lands Commission 'and to Lessee st the address specified in Section 1.1essee'shall give Lessor notice of any- .change in its name or address; ' (d) Consent: Where 'Lessor's, consent is '.required under this Lease_ ita consent for one transaction or event shall not be deemed to be a consent many subsequent occurrence of the same or any other transaction or event. (e) Changes:. This Lease me* be terminated and its term, covenants and conditions.ameridod, revised;or"supplemented bymutual agree- ment of, the parties: (f) Successors: The terms; covenants and conditions,' of this Lease shall extend to and be binding upon and inure,to the benefit of the heirs, successors, and'assigns of ine,respective parties and if more than one Lessee is;a,partyto this.Lease,the obligations, of ihe'Lessees shalt be joint and`several. (g) Captions: ` The •captions of' this !Lease are not controlling, and shall, have no effect upon its construction or;interpretation., (h) Sevwpbility if any term, covenant or condition,of this Lease is judicially deterrnined to be`invalid„ it shall be considered deleted land shall not .invalidate arty of the remaining terms; covenants and conditions. This lease' will become binding,upon the'State only when,dulyexecuted,on behalf of Chef$tate Lands:Commission of the State of„California; IN WITNESS WHEREOF„ thepllirties hereto have, executed this lease as of the date hereafter affixed.. LESSEE CiTY QF:? PETALUAAA WY MAMG ZOKI CITY CLERK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, STATE OF' CALIFORNIA STATE LANDS COMMISSION By: Title Data The .issuance of'this lease.was authorized by,'the'Statd, Lands Commision on'. (Month Day Year) Form 51..15 (71841 F PC) P1 A 6 6 P ''0 5 4,1 (F R 1 )07 0 111 LARRY L. WASE:M 5510 SKYL.ANC DOULEVARO, suiTc aoa SANTA ROSA, CAL-1F(:)RN1A 0+5403-108'3 (7071 578=531+4 KCAL CSTATC DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTMENT VIA FACSIMILE July 1, 1988 Mr. John L. Scharer City Manager City of Petaluma P.O. Box 61 Petaluma, CA 94953-0061 RE: Petaluma Marina/State Lands Commission Lease Ducar Juhn: 1 P P 13 --- 2 0 r ,234 �s I Ov CO C\1 t 4�C LO c- tJts 4ito rneY C�l L a 0 a 0 17073 578-3140 71.rl-?y-, As we discussed yesterday, the State Lands Commission has agreed that we don't have touse the Lease Quitclaim Deed that was sent to you under Mike -Bancroft't letter dated June 21, 1988. Instead, please 'add the,following language to both execution originals of the lease on Page 6, immediately following Paragraph 8: 119. PREVIOUS LEASE SUPERSEDED: That certain lease designated:PRC 4048.9, entered Into on March 26 19-M, by and between the State.of California, acting by and through the State Lands Commission, as Lessor, and the City.of Petaluma, as Lessee, is expressly superseded by this Lease." Aft ' er the proposed Lease is approved by you and the City Attorney, it should be executed as quickly, as possible and returned to the State Lands Connission. Please note Mr. Bancroft`s instructions to have the signatures acknowledged and to inc ' lude Payment of the first year's rent'in the amount of $250.00. 1 will start working soon to fix that problem, 'Please don't hesitate to call if you have.any questions. S i IlccCd Ly, Larry L. Was -em LLW: m f