HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/14/1998September 14, 1998 Vol. 32, Page 261 t MINUTES OF A REGIJI,AR ADJO 2 PETAI~UIVIA CITY COZTNCII.IVIEETING 3 SEPTEMBER ,14, .1998 a R®LI. CALL, 7:®® p.~a. s Present: Keller, Torliatt, Hamilton, Read, Stompe, Vice Mayor Maguire 6 Absent: Mayor Hilligoss 7 PLT~I.IC C®NIIVIENT s Gary Pulis, 864 Sixth Street, informed Council that he along with high school 9 volunteers have undertaken the task of abating Graffiti. He has received supplies from io TV 7 and recycled paint from Randy Wyatt, Public Works. Supervisor. He is very ii busy right, now, but he is willing to organize any group that would like to take on that i2 endeavor. t3 Hank Zucker,, reminded Council that Martin McClure and Steven Hendrickson are to is be sentenced on September 29, 1998, for their part in the Voter Fraud case. He would is like Council to send a ,letter to the District Attorney requesting the maximum sentence i6 for these two. He would also like to see any community service that is to be served be i~ done in this city. is Larry 'Tori'es, .1657 Rainier Avenue, spoke with reference to the sidewalk around the 19 Deaf Dog Coffee Shop which holds newspaper stands making pedestrian traffic Zo somewhat crowded. He reported that there are two 55 gallon drums in the alley of Zi Putnam Plaza by the tattoo parlor that might possibly be leaking some substance. With 22 regard to Domestic Violence men need a place to go as well as women. i3 Diane Reilly, 1657 Rainier Avenue, at the August 17 Council meeting Motel 6 awning Za was discussed. There was a visual of what the awning would look like it if were in as place. She would like to know if the same type of visual. could be done on the Rainier a6 overcrossing and interchange so people could see the height and overall perception of 2~ how this would look once completed. Zs Victor Chechanover, 2301 Marylyn Circle, on September 5, 1995, a promise was made 29 on several occasions to adjust the sewer charges based on residential water 3o consumption. .Citizens have been given several excuses and so far no change has been 3 t made. It is time for residential users to be charged sewer rates based on their water 32 usage. Commercial users pay less than residential users do for the same amount of 33 water usage. 34 Mr. Cheehanover is also asking again about the subsidy given to the Marina. How 3s much money is the Petaluma Development Commission putting into the Marina this 36 year and what is happening to relieve the City of this debt at this time. He would like 37 a prediction as to when the Marina will be. self supporting and when will the loan to the 38 Marina from the Development Commission be repaid. 39 Please acknowledge speakers so they are aware Council is listening. Council agreed at ao one time. to respond to the speaker by letter. He does not think that is being done. ai Another ,suggestion Mr. Chechanover had was to use the public access channel to let az ,citizens know the status of projects that are going on throughout the city. Page 262, Vol. 32 i COZJNCIL COMMENT September 14, 1998 2 MS -stated that. there has ..been excessive traffic speed on Sunnyslope Road. She would s like that monitored. She also stated that a portion of Sonoma Mountain Parkway is a torn up. due to a development at the corner of East, Washington and Sonoma Mountain s Parkway. Please. provide a status report,on when. the road will be back to normal. 6 NR -attended the Northwestern .Pacific Railway Authority meeting and :did.. hear good ~ news from the NCRA (Rail) which is the rail that. if the Governor signs the budget` on s September 30, hopefully it will be the seed money they need to have Railways -Inc. as 9 their rail operator. o Is this Council interested ri looking: at any of the propositions- for. future agendas? i Art in the Park was well attended during this past weekend 2 DK -would like a letter. ;in response to the points :raised by Mr.,_ Zucker sent to the s court and. the District Attorney regarding vigorous prosecution ~-and stern, sentences for a both McClure and Hendrickson and to take a look at what happens to Marion Hodge. s The .Bay Area Council will. have a presentation on the expansion of .ferry service in the 6 'bay area in Sausalito at the Corps of Engineers Bay Model, Friday, 'September 25, ~ between 1:00 and 4:00 p. m. s The Metropolitan Transportation Commission is having a .forum at the Petaluma 9 Community Center from 7:00 ao 9:00 p:m. on Wednesday,, September 1.6 'on the o Regional Transportation Plan proposed' 1998 update. Phone 510-464-7787a i The Sonoma County Transportation .Authority has several projects that' .are funded 2 under the Transportation .Fund .for Clean Air, There are two. projects that have been s budgeted for, but not yet expended,. One is for $14„931 for Bicycle Signing and a Striping upgrades and he other is `$40,000. for Bicycle Improvements on Lakeville s Highway. Those funds will expire. by mid '1999: 6 PT -reported that Allan Tilton has. been. attending: the Bicycle Committee meefings ~ which `he 'has helped in explaining some of `the funding i sues: She would also like: to s see the ,Sonoma Mountain Parkway roadway :put back' together as quickly as possible 9 due to the dangerous situation at night with the insufficient lighting and reflective o equipment. ~ MM - Agrees a letter should, be sent to the District Attorney asking for stronger 2 sentencing in the Voter Fraud case.. s He received a Notice of ;Publication of a, Negative Declaration regarding the Corona a Road PG&E Substation. Pamela Tuft to keep Council up to date on :progress of that. s Matt would also like to know why Vahejo Street is eroding. 6 BEGET ~ Fred Stouder, City Manager; Additional information was given to the Council on s Revenue Funds and the Capital Improvement Program. In essence we are taking apart 9 our service delivery system, our revenues and expenditures so we can look at it o internally to see exactly what services the city provides, what. they cost,... what other September 14, 1998 Vol. 32, Page 263 i options are, what other revenues might be to provide them and what other organizations a could provide those services, and what we can propose to you that we quit doing. 3 What we really want to do' is all those things currently under your direction from the a Wastewater Plant to McDowell/Washington that have been on the table in Capital s Improvement Projects for a decade. 6 David Splman, Finance Director, presented the Special Revenues section of the ~ budget. This section contains all the revenues of the city that are restricted in some s form or fashion either by City Council policy or State or Federal Law. This section 9 totals in revenue approximately 17 million dollars. 8.8 million of that is revenues from io other agencies primarily from the Federal and State government regarding the Payran i i Reach Improvements, the HOME Grant Program, Begin Grant Program, and the iz Community Development Block Grant. The Capital Improvement Plan that is before 13 you is in the order of magnitude showing you the scope of the projects that have been is previously reviewed by the Council. Every project that the city is doing comes to the is City Council individually for specific budget action. Because there are no allocations i6 shown in this preliminary document, does not mean that we are not doing any Capital i~ Improvement projects. is The Enterprise. Section of the Budget will be presented to Council on Wednesday, 19 September 16. Also we will be providing you an update to the Service Level Zo Enhancement Summary. 21 Public Comnnent Zz Diane Reilly feels that the budget should allow for more sophisticated equipment for z3 the Police. Department. as Pierre Miremont, former member of the Budget Committee. He is pleased to see an Zs increase in revenue. He is concerned with the budget process taking to long every 26 year. He suggested the city take it's best guess on what the revenues will be and focus 2~ on having it on time. You cannot bank on what the State is going to do or not do. Zs You have to budget money for Capital Improvements. The Police and Fire 29 Departments consume a tremendous amount of money. Money needs to be put away 3o for the rainy day that's coming. 31 Fred Stouder, City Manager, Advised Council and the audience that an account has 32 been set up in the amount of $500,000 as a Community Reserve Fund in which 33 $200,000 will be deposited each year. An Equipment Replacement Fund has also been 34 set up in the amount of $200,000. 3s The major review process for the next budget year 1999/2000 will begin this October. 36 As part of the service level review, budget review process, we are establishing a city 37 wide goal of 10 % and 20 % find the revenues. The only way were going to find funds 3s to do the things we say we are already doing, but clearly aren't, is to internally find 39 revenues that can be better spent, and put those options in front of you. I'm convinced ao that we're going to have to put in front of the Council, revenue reduction opportunities ai or revenues in a 10% and 20% dollar amount to the system wide. We have a $24 az million dollar General Fund. From the General Fund we would like to put 10% and a3 20 % of that General Fund that's now going into expenditure system wide and say as here's funds, meaning services and expenditures, that we would propose to eliminate, Page 264, Vol. 32 September 14, 1998 i so these funds can be applied elsewhere internally to meet existing needs or new needs 2 that have. long been ignored. s PT: The first priority that the .Council has that I believe. the City Manager has a recommended for expenditure is a replacement of six patrol vehicles at $174,000. s MS: Can we have a summary of the increase in revenue over the last 4 years. as well 6 as where the big dohars went from that increase? She. would also like to request again ~ an update on a Citizens Budget Guide for ,the. next: meeting. .She has also had several s requests from the public to get a copy of the budget. on disk. 9 Bryant Moynihan, .102 ,Dawn Place, is concerned: about the way' the budget- has been o coming out. He suggested.. that. in order to do the: budgi~t right the.; Council should go ~ back to what they have done in previous years .and have- a Council Budget; Session or s Budget Workshop where you. as Councilmembers sit down and go over the budget in an s itemized fashion. I think maybe everyone would understand it better. a He is also concerned with regards to the level of .reserves.. I have some general s questions and .maybe I can ask for some .feed back so Council has tfie ;benefit of the 6 answers also. In your Council packets this week you received: a copy of a ~ memorandum from David Spilman to Fred. Stouder, I believe it was a treasurers report s from ,July 1998 and there are four schedules `the, second ,schedule is a ummary of bank 9 account. activity for the: city bank accounts. There is a bank account with' Bank of o America for the General.. Operating ..Account which ..includes deposits. from afl city;. i PCDC and other agency funds. The beginning cash balance in the account was z $79,869 at the beginning of our fiscal „year. I know the city has certain investments, 3 but is that. a cash flow problem that we should be concerned with and. is there an issue a surrounding that? He -would like to see a healthier reserve. s The. reserve of contingencies was $500,000 and I rF;cognize this is a change in 6 budgeting and it's' a good thing to start setting some: aside. Is that $500;000 potentially ~ going to go with the vehicle: taxes? Where is that revenue going 1o be subtracted out. of s m the proposed budget? 9 FS: Again reiterated the cumulative: reserve as a goal. The Council .has tried to o maintain a year end balance and. not spend all of what is projected to be a year end i balance. We. have created an account and proposed in the Preliminary -Budget a reserve 2 account of $500,000'. It's not `in a year end balance, it's an account. We .have also s suggested as a goal for the Council discussion we should seed that, everyyear by an a additional $20Q,000, The Council might tell, me we. want you to add a million dollars s to that reserve and we would. bring you back a budget with an additional million dollars 6 which would mean we would have a million and a .half dollar reserve. I can do than. ~ We cut 15 positions and were there, we'll cut services and we're there; That's, the easy s part. The hard part is, is the Council. and the public willing to accept. this knowing the 9 things that we reduced. We do have a reserve.and the intent is not to use it unless 'there o is an emergency or the Council directs. What. is a .healthy reserve? There are more ~ cities with 0 reserve.. than 10:% reserve. There are more: cities -with '2 % than there are 2 with 10%. There are no standard'. benchmarks. Many cities I have worked in s Washington State which is financially healthier from a municipal stand point, have a gotten by unfortunately, with no reserves although. both .cities 'I have worked in most s recently established 5 % reserve accounts and got there :fairly quickly. 6 S®NON~ COIJNT~' REGI®IVAL PARKS ~ TRAIL S~'STEM September 14, 1998 Vol. 32, Page 265 i JH: I had also asked that we request. the Open Space District to clarify, justify and z rethink their policy on buying the development rights from public entities. 3 DK It :appears that the Open. Space District, is in negotiations with Sonoma a Development Center which is state owned, for :purchase of conservation easements to s be able to get. through. to trail linkages as well as be able to use that property. The 6 question is, is the Open Space District actually proceeding, on a path to compensate the ~ Sonoma Development Center aka the State for a conservation easement or trail s easement on that property? 9 PT: Dces not understand why the Citizens Committee would not. include .Lafferty io Ranch as part of the trail system, when they were asked to include it. I'm not sure what ~ ~ type of steps the. council needs to take to make sure we are very clear in the fact that ~2 we want this on the map. Maybe it's on the map and it's just on Lafferty and it doesn't 13 go anywhere else. is MM: My understanding was that from the discussion previously that we wanted is Lafferty re-included as a possible connection point in the network of trails and I had i6 specifically .asked for, the. re-inclusion of the .link between Old Adobe State Park and i~ Jack London State Park which had also been dropped by the Citizens Committee. is NR: The first letter .(item #2). goes to the Regional Parks Department. The Regional 19 Parks Department is going through an Outdoor Recreation Plan. It's their Citizens Zo Committee that made that recommendation that will be going to the Board of Zi Supervisors for this Outdoor Recreation Plan. As I understand this Outdoor Recreation z2 Plan has evolved into a trail plan as opposed. to an inventory of what was out there. I ~3 would like to request that ,this City Council be given a copy of the draft Outdoor as Recreation Plan to comment on before we send a letter. Zs JH: I have looked at the plan and I have no need to look. at it again in order to send a 26 letter, and to know that I want to communicate to County Regional Parks and to the a~ Board of Supervisors directly and to the Citizens Committee that we want the trail Zs included on Lafferty. 29 DK: He would like to see the Plan. Is there a time frame by which the draft Outdoor 3o Recreation Plan is going to the Board of .Supervisors? I would like to put the first letter 31 in which is basically saying to the Regional Parks, to the Citizens Committee and to the 32 .Board of Supervisors so far the exclusion of Lafferty Ranch as a portion of a trails 33 network is contrary to our desire as public trustee. We have made that clear year after 3a year and somehow that .escapes the planners and the Citizen Committee who I think at 3s this point have been bullied by an number of agents and property owners; to try and 36 exclude this, which is very unfortunate the public is being cheated out of access and 37 planning for the future for it's own property. As such I would like to see a letter go in 3s promptly to get a place holder remark into .their hands and then come back here with 39 the appropriate elements from the draft Outdoor Recreation Plan and if necessary do a ao second. level of correspondence in that case to the Board of Supervisors that says yes in ai fact our first letter is correct or needs to be modified, or in addition we want to say as now that we've seen the text this is some additional things we want included in Sections a3 AB&C. The draft letter we have in front of us is weak. We need to restate that this ag was the highest desired trail linkage in the County survey for outdoor space. What we as are asking is that future generations to cross Sonoma Mountain from Petaluma to a6 Sonoma .and back the way many generations in the past have done on public lands on a~ public easements on trail access and if this is a long term project so be it needs to be on as the program. We want this on the map designated as part of the trail system. Page 266, Vol. 32 September 1~, 1998 i PT: Read an excerpt of the October 29 minutes for the meeting of the Outdoor 2 Committee. a Mr. Sales informed the Committee that he -.had received a :request from the City of a Petaluma .requesting that a purple. line (Trail aligned with road corridor) be included on s Sonoma Mountain Road to Lafferty Rarieh. 1VIr. Sales: reminded the: Committee that 6 the City of Petaluma was. preparing a detailed: EIR on 'the;: Lafferty Ranch.. property with 7 the intention of opening up the property as a wilderness/preserve. There was also s discussion. about showing. a line on the Lafferty Property as a trail. ~Ivlr. Curfman 9 informed the Committee that the inclusion of the; purple line on Sonoma Mountain. o Road and the Circle would affect five property owners., -most of ~ whom are opposed to i the opening up of Lafferty :Ranch for public access.. It was staff s recommendation that a due to the fact that the City was preparing an EIR,: the trul could 6e added later on. s Judy James .stated that the Agricultural property owners do .not want public access and a she was opposed to this trail being ncluded.- s Dee Swanhuyser, stated. that she would abstain.. on this matter 'as she has a conflict of 6 interest with regard' to Sonoma Mountain as it is on the Ridge Trail, of which ..she is, the ~ North Bay Coordinator.° a Dennis 1Vlurphy opposed the inclusion of~ the trail, He stated that 'it eould jeopardize 9 the plan. He was prepared to await the outcome of the City's EIR. o The Committee was equally divided on this issue. i PT: does .,not understand how having a trail segment on our own. property :could z jeopardize the plan. s Jfi: Is in favor of sending a "strong letter to the Citizens Committee °requesting that a they take a vote on it and justify why it would jeopardize the plan: It is our desire as s public trustee of "this property ;and for the future benefit of the entire. county as well as 6 the citizens. of the City of Petaluma and south county that this be included in the plan., ~ DK: Hopefully ethic would be agendized for `them and we could have the ability to s testify. One of the. things that's being offered is a supposed trail offering up the Galvin, 9 property from.. Hwy. 1.16. That would be supposedly a replacement for a, trail up o Sonoma .Mountain Road :or. from the Adobe. Stage Gulch Road' is quite a b`t out of the ~ way. The trail access that's proposed :over. the: Galvin property is really_ a come on to s an exchange for development on the ridge and 'it's far moire pie in the sky than anything s that we are offering. If you could get both and not rade;one for the other..as 1VIr. Sales a seems to be suggesting, I think we need to °speak directly to some of 'these ;points on s their part. I would appreciate it if in the letter we could be advised early enough so 6 that we can have representation at that meeting. ~ NIt Without seeing the draft. Outdoor Recreation. Plan I am not yin favor of sending a s letter. Our Parks and Recreation .Director has ,not even seen it. If'the letter is stated 9 that the majority of the Petaluma City Council, feels this way then I am in -opposition. of o sending the letter and I would like that so reflected as per our minutes. i 1VIS: How long would it take for us' to get. a copy of the Plan? I would like to see. this z come through and go as a unanimous recommendation if it means putting. it off one s week. - - ,. ..i:... {'t. September 14, 1998 Vol. 32, Page 267 i Diane Reilly, 1657 Rainier Avenue,. It seems no matter what you send their going. to 2 make it as hard as they can. For some reason they just don't want us to have it. 3 Will Stapp, ,1264 Mt. View,. The Outdoor Recreation Plan is a vision of trails. If trails a are not included in that vision then their not capable of being funded, or their not in the s General Plan and so it takes an extra special effort in order to use Open Space monies 6 for them. The map that I have seen of -the Open Space District already has twelve 7 fairly important segments that have been removed. 8 Lafferty is listed as a preserve as opposed to a park on the map. It's for some reason 9 they have designated a preserve status even though it's in the color of a park. I would io encourage you to ask that the preserve status be removed and reestablished as park as it i i should be on that plan. 12 Bill Kortum, 180 Ely Road, Is in favor of the trail on Lafferty. You represent the 13 urban side of Sonoma County and whoever the future supervisor 1s should hear from is this city about how strongly you feel about getting across that mountain. rs ~i: Could we just go' over again. what needs to be in the letter. I'm hoping that it will ib come on the 22nd and the Council will have benefit of looking at the Outdoor i~ Recreation Plan. before then, that Counclmembers will come with what they want i8 added or subtracted to the letter so that we can finalize it that night and send it because i9 we probably won't have another opportunity before October. 20 PT: Change what it is designated on the map from preserve to park. To that I would 21 add that it's a vision that needs to be kept in vision state so that it has a possibility of 22 happening and that we don't want to limit the vision and make it impOSSlble for it to 23 ever happen. 2a SON®MA MOUNTAIN SCk.NIC LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE - 2s AND RELA~'ED GENERAL PLAN OPEN SPACE ELEMENT ANIENI)MENTS 26 NR: Do we have the final draft Ordinance to comment on that apparently has gone 2~ through four levels of review at the County Planning Commission, but has yet to go to 28 the Board of Supervisors? 29 Pamela Tuft, the most recent version was routed to the Council through the City 3o Manager's office on May 29, 1998, with a copy of the Planning Commission's staff 31 report with all of the attachments. 32 DI£: It is important this letter be sent promptly. There is apparently a political move 33 to strong arm the Board of Supervisors to remove the scenic landscape unit controls 34 from the western side of .Sonoma Mountain.. Where is Jim Halberson's willingness to 3s carry through what we have gone through over the past year and given strong support 36 for. DK is in favor of sending this letter with revised wording in the first paragraph 37 last sentence "The City Council is strongly in support of the inclusion of the west 38 Slopes ................. 39 NR: For the record we are a property owner. What if were going to say we strongly ao object to the new rules and. regulations of the landscaping unit and we as a property ai owner are not allowed to do what we want to do on Lafferty Ranch. I did not bring the a2 May issue of the Ordinance..I can understand your compassion and need to be able to a3 do this, but what'if we're saying put it on the west side of the mountain and we prevent as ourselves from doing something. I also have difficulty with that because we have sent as a Resolution to the Sonoma County Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors. If Page 268, Vo`l. 32 September 1~, 1998 i you want to send another Resolution. f ne after we get. the document to comment on it. 2 I won't put my name on something until I do have the ardnance to: review and I don't 3 have it at home, a JI-I: p As Y propegy owneP Y ;Sonoma Mountain, and I have read the ordinance, I'm s com letel willin o com 1 with °it. I can't imagine we would .not want to .comply 6 with it because were interested in protecting the view for the entire Petaluma valley: It ~ is timely because the Board of Supervisors is ,going to hear it on the. 22nd and, we need s to send it now. 9 PT: I would like for this to be a :unanimous vote,. ,but my understanding ,because. of the o urgency, because; ,the Board of Supervisors is going: to have their meeting on Septetuber t 22 it needs to be done now, ? : Do you want, to make that a motion? s PT: Yes, seconded by JH.. a 1~TR: May the letter reflect. that `this is the wishes. of the majority of the City Council'. 5 .AYES'. Keller, Torliaft, Hamilton, Stompe, Vice Mayor Maguire 6 NOES: Read 7 ABSENT: Mayor Hilligoss a DK: Can the letter be sent with another copy of the Resolution 97-223 NGS so it 9 would go as 'an attachment? o PT: I would ask that Councilmember Read give an explanation that she didn't have the. i opportunity to ;review the Outdoor Plan and that is the reason for the..no vote as 2 opposed to a potentially yes vote. s 1VR: That is an interesting analysis: of why I voted na, but that wasn't it; `?Ve are a asked to vote on something that 'we don't .have in front of us and. I have not had a s chance to review it since it was distributed and that's for the record. 6 I ask that it; states the majority of the City Council,. and you use the- City letterhead, ~ that's fine with me just a long as the letter reflects the majority. a 1VI1\R: Pamela Tuft, we could. state the vote as 5-1 specifically? 9 JH: As far as putting everyone's signature, I think it's important -that `it :get out and. in o the mail to the Board and in their packets well before their meeting,.. so whatever is the i most expeditious, I think;it would be difficult to get ever}~body's signature. 2 The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. ~,,, 3 ~ d 4 i' s aft agure, Vice ayor 6 ~ ATTEST: s 9 ~ \ 0 J t Paulette Lyon, Deputy '1t,~ Clerk