HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Bill 3G 10/05/2009A A
~~~~~ ~~~, October 5, 2005
A~enda'Title: Resolution Accepting-,Bids and_Awarding Contract to the M'eetin~ Date: October 5, 2009
'lowest Responsible Bidder for Furnishing Ferric Chloride for Wastewater
Treatment for Fiscal' Year;2009/10 and Authorizing the City Manager to 1Vleeting Time: 7:00 PIVI
sign the contract on behalf of the City
Catego['y: ^ Presentation ^ Appointments ~ Consent: ^ Pu61ic Hearing` ^ Unfinished Business. ^ New Business
Deuartment: WR&C Director: Contact Person: Phone Number:
Michael J. Ban,•P.E. Margaret Pr
n Orr,
e 707-778-4546
Y P.E.,~_A,P Vim'
'Total .Cost of 1'rogosah or .Project: '$1 i 9;S
6 Name of'Fund: Wastewater
Account Number: 6600-66700-53020
Amount Budgeted: $527;300
Current )Fund Balance: $161,007
Recommendation: It is recom>rnended that the-City Council take the following action:
Resolution Accepting Bids and.Awarding Contract to the lowest Responsible Bidder for Furnishing Ferric
Chloride for Wastewater Treatment for Fiscal Year 2009/10 and Authorizing the City Manager to sign the
contract.. on behalf of the City '
L ^ Eirst.reading of Ordinance approved unanimously, or. with unanimous vote to allow posting prior to second reading
2. ^ First reading of Ordinance approved' without unanimous vote: Ordinance has been pttblished%posted prior to second
reading; see Attachment
3. ^ Other action requiring special notice: Notice has been given, see Attachment
Summary Statement: This action ,allows the City to purchase. ferric chloride necessary for wastewater treatment
for fiscal year 2009/10. In 1994, terr agencies. in northern California created-the North Bay Agency Chemical
Pool, the purpose of which allows the best possible pricing through'bulk.gurchasing. The public operation of the
new Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility afforded the: opportunrfyto join-the chemical pool this past Spring.
Sufficient funds a're available in the plant's operating account' to cover the chemical cost.
Attachments "to Agenda .Packet Item:
Attachment• 1 Bid Summary
Attachment 2: Kesolution
__ •
Attachment 3': NBACP Standard Agreement and Addendum 1 `
Attachment 4: Purchase Order
Revie ed b Finance Director: ~ Revewed'bv City Attorney: A rove >< ana er:
~ ~
at ~': Date: ~~ ~- -Cf'
Rev:•2 ~, Date Last Revised: September 29, 20.09 File S:\water7esources & conservation\Wastewater\66700\City
r Council_\Chemicals~2009\Ferric Chloride\Chemicals with Ferric Chloride
j!f 2009 A enda'Bill(2).doc
OCTOBER 5, 2009
Resolution Accepting 13i'ds and Awarding Contract t® the lowest Responsible 13idder ffor
Furnishing Ferric Chloride for Wastewater'I'reatrnent for Fiscal Year 2009/IO and
Authorizing the City 1Vlanager to sign the contract on behalf off the City ~ .
Resolution Accepting.Bids and Awarding Contract to the Iowest`Responsible Bidder for Furnishing
Ferric Chloride for Wastewater Treatment for Fiscal Year 20U9/10 and Authorizing the City Manager
to sign the contract on behalf of the City.
Large quantities of chemicals are used in the treatment of wastewater at the plant. Chemicals used for
wastewater treatment protect citizens' health when the water is recycled and protects and maintains
the .Petaluma River area's clean. environment. The City of :Petaluma, along with fourteen other
agencies in Northern Califorr-ia is part of .the North Bay Agency Chemical Pool (NBACA). The
purpose of the pool is to obtain the best possible. price through. joint (bulk) purchasing. Invitation to
bid was sent to 24 chemical companies on April I6, 2009: An Addendum was sent on April 27,
2009, to bring the standards for insurance to the City of Petaluma level. Sealed bids were opened on
May 7, 2009 at Vallejo Sanitation, and Flood Control offices.
A bid summary, which lists all the bidders and bids for°each chemical is attached (Bid Summary). At
the bottom of the bid summary. is .a `historical overview of costs for each chemical since inception of
the pool. Review of the summary- will show that some costs have increased and others have
decreased. These variances are. due to transportation (fuel) and energy costs.
With the exception of .Emulsion Polymer and Ferrous Chloride, all bids were administered through
the pool :and brought to City Council for approval on July 20, 2009. Emulsion Polymer is a site
specific chemical ~hhat requires rigorous pre-qualification trials and will be bid separately after the
digester ystem is-stabilized. Ferrous Chloride is used. to bind the hydrogen sulfide in the methane
gas stream of the digester as required by the Air Permit. Since the plant. started operation it was
difficult to meet the Ai'r. Permit requirements with Ferrous: Chloride: `The engineer recommended
changing. to Ferric Chloride which .has a triple charge and. creates good bonding with sulfides. Ferric
Chloride is party of the chemical pool bid process. Once enough Ferric Chloride was administered to
the digesters, the air was made clean enough to begin the transition from. natural 'gas to methane
digester created gas; to heat the plant, boilers for the digester system and all Air Permit requirements
-were met. Hence,, this request for .purchasing Ferric Chloride. via the competitive NBACP process.
Solids. handling system ;stabilization is anticipated by later this year. If chemical usage rates warrant,
bidding the Emulsion Polymer will be brought to City Council for approval at a future date.
After review of the bids, it is recommended to award a contract to the following lowest responsible.
bidder for the chemical listed and the price indicated:
Apparent L-ow Bidder Item. Unit Cost
Kemira Water Solutions,. Inc. Ferric Chloride $720/Dry Ton
The pool pricing will save the City of Petaluma $34;224 this fiscal year versus pricing the private
contractor received' last fiscal year. This request is for the Ferric Chloride only, the other chemicals
were approved by City Council on. July 20, 2009.
Table 1. Public O eration of the Flant::is more Cost Effective than Private in Chemical Purchasin due to bulk urchasin
-Chemical Name
Plant Use. Estimated
Private Contractor
Public Pool
Sodium Hypochlorite Disinfection/odors/filters 270;000 $ 259,079 $ 226,41..2
Sodium Bisulfate- Decttloriiation 100,000: $ 97;590 $ 104,348
Aluminum Sulfate FIoc7Tertaary filters 20 $ 8,680 $ 8;004
Ferric Chloride Hydrogen sulfide removal 152 $ 127,202 $ 119,563
TotaLAntici ated Costs $ 492,551 $ 458,327
:North Bay Chemical Agency Pool Bfd'Summary - FY 2009/2090
Alum - "Caus9ie Caustic to uid CLZGds` Ferrl6q v Fluoride B)sutflte, '12.5°k NaOCi ,Catlonlc:. P. AX .. _
ii' ChemicalVertdor 48ye 25°l0 50% loon' cinder 43%a 24% 25°~` Gal Pot men : : _ __ '
4 _- ~. (dry ton}, _ '(dry;ton)Y ' ^{dry.tonT ": ; : -short. ~ !BuN ;_" (dry_ton-~_ _ " fdry ton) atlon short. - Full (oundk- pours )! , :.
Lotives-t, tes onsibie bid
5249.000 $391'_00' 5349:900: 5408:4@0 $393[4901 $480.OOD $534:(700: bU.b`3/ u.owa v.royn ~o~vw. a~w-
5236,000 $389.920 S3t32:48[1 $445:930 $46!l.AUO $319000 50.579 0 7690. $454.400 Agenoy;Pool
$186:000 5512330 54559'40 5468:900'. $852.000 $998 000` $4.600 0.790D $952.ODD
5156:OD0 $2.900 $228.000 $359:000 $338.000 $983:000. $D.333 0'5290 $338.000
$938:000 $258.03D $238s00D $324:900 $339,600 $201:000' 50:345' 0.5040 $339:500-
$134.00 $189:53 $156.67 5394.49 5339.50 $215A0 $0.465 ' 0.4045 5339.50'
5932:00 3447.95 $405.90 $294:49 5328'50 $224:35 50.485 0.4880, $329;50;
$928:00 $233:00 5190;00 5ZE2:00 $325.00 $1fi3,44 50:485 0.3390 $325.00'
$103.97 $1$5.75 S1as;00 21260
3 5980:00 ffi21;9t92 $0:650 0.2700. $380.x0
$104.47 5340:SO 5297:50 ,
$305.80 S28B,00 $212.00 0.3780 5288:00
5104:48 $214:50 5160:60 $330:00 5288;40 $212:00 0:3790 $288;0
$97:09 5392:50 5272:50 5331.60 5319:00 $22!}:50 0:2800 5319:00
X99:37 5312:50 $210:OA $386:09 $318:00 $319.00 0:2800 $319:00
w~95:2D $365.00 $295.00 5386.00 5335:81 5335:91.
~~ Attachment 2
8 WHEREAS,. the City of Petaluma uses bulk chemicals in its operation of the Ellis Creek
9 Water Recycling Facility; and
10 .
11 WHEREAS, City Management joined the North Bay Agency,Chemical Pool (NBACP)
12 in the Spring of 2009 to provide the best possible pricing for the rate payers; and
14 WHEREAS, NBACP member Vallejo Sanitation & Flood Control District conducted a
15 competitive bid .process for bulk ,purchase of numerous chemicals for the Fiscal Year
16 2009/2010; and
18 WHEREAS, NBACP bid the chemicals on M.ay 7, 2009, and twelve (12) bids were
19 received and opened in accordance with applicable law; and
21 WHEREAS, the lowest,responsive bids for the chemical. to be purchased through
22 NBACP by the City of Petaluma were:
24 A. Kemira Water Solutions, Inc. for Ferric Chloride
26 W'HE'REAS; as a member of NBACP, the City of Petaluma is entitled to purchase bulk
27 chemicals for the NBACP low bidders at the bid price stated; and
29 WHEREAS, the bulk chemical purchases contemplated by this. resolution. are exempt
30 from other competitive bid requirements of Petaluma.Nlunicipal Code Chapter 4.04
31 pursuant to Petaluma Municipal "Code Section 4:04.1 Ob; "Cooperative Purchasing
32 Programs"; and
3 3"
3'4, WHEREAS, purchasing bulk chemicals through the NBACP. is estimated to achieve:
3'S .savings of $34;224 compared to private contractor purchases from Fiscal Year
36 2008/2009; and,
38 NOW TI~EI2EFQRE BE IT' RESOLVED by the City Council of the City "of Petaluma
39 as follows:
41 1. The above:recitals are true and correct and adopted as findings of the City
42 Council. of'fhe City of Petaluma.
43 2. The bids for chemicals listed above are hereby accepted.
44 3. Contracts are awarded to the following vendors for the following bulk
45 ~ chemicals, in conformance with the NBACP lowest responsive bids,
46 conditioned on timely execution by each vendor of the contract that was part
S:$water resources & conservation\VUastewater\66700\City Council\Chemicals\2009\Fecric Chloride\Resolution /
Authorizing Chemical Purchasing?2009.DOC „Y(~
of the bd.package and Addendum No: 1 updated,for.the N~BACP by the: City
of Petaluma to meet. the cities insurance requirements and submission of all
required documents:
a. Kemira Water, .Inc.,. Ferric Chloride; $720/Dry Ton and not to exceed
The City Manager. is authorized to execute appropriate agreements and purchase
orders with each .named supplier :for bulk chemical purchases for Fiscal Year 2009-
S`\water resources: & conservation\Wastewater\66700\City Council\Chemicals\3009\Eerric Chloride\Resolution
Authorizing Chemical Purchasing'2009:DOG
i ~ .
Standag:d A,greernent
NBACP Cliair~erson
c/o: Vallejo Sanitation &;Flood ControlDistrict.
450 Ryder St
Vallejo, CA 94590
Attachment 3
I 1lereby agree to ftarnsh`the elieinicals ider-tified in tlie-attaclled bid form(s), as solicited vy the
North Bay Agency Cllenucal Pool,. #o the following NBACP agencies: 1) City of American
Canyon, 2) City of Benicia, 3) City o.E Calistoga, 4) City of. Fairfield, 5) City ok Napa; 6) Napa
Sanitation District, ~ Rodeo Sanitary District, 8) City of Petaluma.. 9) City of St. Helena, 10)
Solana Irrigation District,ll) City of'Va~avlle, L) City of Vallejo;l3) Vallejo Sanitation & Flood
Control D.istrict;. and 1~) City of VYest Sacramento, and.:in accordance with the prices,
:specifications, terms and conditions as stated in the Uiel packet:
Adclress_ 3~~ 1 'C1intOn Pjty. ~~ #'1.
Lawrence. Kansas~66047
City, State, ZIl':
I'ilone: ~~~~~ g ~ ~ ' Ce 3' S'3.
V - _c
No modification of, award shall be binding upon any,,participating Agency .unless. made: irr writing and signed 6y
authorized,agents~of'each particiPating.agency;.
Bi+dder warrants that all+materials.wdl~conforni wiiJiin' applicable specifications.given~fo Agencies,,sind will!be+free from.
defects: Wrthout~hmrtation of anybnghts'which Agencies°rnay h¢ve=by reason'of any`breachoPwarrarity', products which
are not~.as •~i+arraitted 'may bg returned at Bidder's expense at .reasonalile 'time titter delivery, 'for either credit. or
replacement; as;each patiapating Agency may,direct:
n............ .
Material slopped m excgss of quantity ordered maybe,retumed:at Biddei's'expense.
Either pacancel the~award in the eyenttltiat P~ on, eitfiervol~tary or'invaluntary; is filed,to declare~~tlie,otfier
party banlgv t, of insolvept or la the eyent.tltat such makes an,assi • ment;for'the benefit ar creditors:
= TherBdder shall, with respect'tq any Bidder's sttutdard manufachve;indemnify and hold harmless eacli:panc~rpatirig
,Agency, its erriployeesand agents, from costs'and damages as finally determined 6yany cuurt~ofcompetent,,jurisdiction
Btddec;is promptly nohfied of all such actual orpotendai infringement suits; and isgiven an' opportunity~to participate in
;tl~e defense thereof iiy'tIie Agencies..
If through any°cause tle, successful Bidder shall .fail to fu1611 in a tamely andproper,manner its obligations or• if;N~e
..successful ,Bidder shall violate any, of the covenants; ,agreements, or stipulations of'the award; ` he NBACP shall
thereupon have'tlie~riglit fo teririinate;the nwardR6by giving written nottee to~the'successful Bidder of such.ten>iination and
pecifying~t}ie effective-date of'fermrnation Notwtthstttinding the:aboye, te~successful Biddershali!notbe reheved;:of
hability~to Ute, Agency for damage sustained',by the Agency by virtue of breach of the award by the successful 'Bidder
aiid die,Agency^inay withhold any payments to.~the successful Bidder. for the purpose of set=off until such Eime.~as the
.enact amount ofdarnagesdue the'Agency';from tleauccessful.Bidi3er ~s dete~rnined;
Shipment of any. partiin of tlre~goods covered by this l3id~shall;be deemed an acceptance of fhe termsaet fordrherein.
Bidder shall. not assign this order on any .moneys to become duetiltereunder tvlthout the prior written consent of'each
Agency. Any assrgn'ment, or attempt at assignment, made witlioutsuch consent of eachagency shall be void.
The successful Biilde%will agree not. to refuse to hire; discfi,
matters=af compensation. against~aiiy.person atfieilvtse: qualif
~ancestny or physical handicap. It'sliall be a condition'that apy~c±
must tie to compliance-with theappropriate areas~of the ~ '" er'~
,comgGance with.tfieMAmericans ~With`Disatiilities Act may tie re
Tote, demote, or to,othertvise. iliscritriinate in
Eiecause of race, creed, sex; nationai origin,
~n tequest; by nny j
certificate staring
Unless,otltenyse specified in thisdocuntent, all`words~stiall have a;coqungn language unless; the'context innwhich• they
are~used clearly cequires;a differerit~m'etining. Words tni,the;'smgulac''number mclpdethe plural, and`in the:piural include
. .: ,
the singular: AddiEionally, wprds in,the,masculne gendermcliide the femin>:ne and.tl}e neuter, and when the sense so
_ - ...
indica[es, woi•dsof tha neuter gender mayrefEr~to any geidef.
Ali information ;included in any bid proposal tHat is of a.ptvprietary nature .must; be cle'r marked as such Each
Agencyyshall,behelil,hartnless fr'gm.niiy cliiims,arisirig;from the'releose of;pioprietary information not clearly'designated
as suctt,by'fhe proposing firm.
The;collective'pgencies have assigned,control ofthts acguisttton process to+the,hast_Agency'identified_i.
of'ittiis documetit;'to prevent~tiiased evaluattons<iand to preserve ttie compettttveness and tntegrity.of+~
efforts:'Suppliers are^to du~ecf, ap, communications regarding this bid to the designated host agency;
specifically;noted Attemats b~tofferin :.firms ro'circumvent this requirement will be waived ne~ativeh
~r re echo ~'4the'offendine firm's offer: The.tiost agency~may refer cominuntcations to other participat
The delivery. time shall be the=Nine.required.to deliver the complete ttetn;,atter tlie:recetpt~of die oi•;der or award of t11e
;Contract Where multiple ttems~appeat on a Bid:request;.~he~Bidder shal),;~unless otheiwtse stated`liy the panicipahng
Agencies, sliaw.ahe delivery-time for~each'item':aepaiafely. If only''u stngle`dehvery ime is sliovin, it will be assumed to
mean flint all ttems`included in'the bid;camand will be delivered oii ,or befor_i: the specified date The Bndderagrees that
ahe~.delivery will be'compteted~•in the 6me statedsa"ssumuig that,thettiine between the;bid opening and.tlte placing of Ue
iorder; does',not exceedthe number of~dayst,so stipulated. 'The nglit ns resetved to ielect any Btd iii which the delivery
time indicatedisconsideredsufficient to delay tlie>operational deeds°for which the iominodity/servicesis intended.
`The<l9id;pricing shalt be firm for the fiscal yeae'EY'U9=TO, July I, 2009 tlirougfi June 30, 2010.
7`iie Agencies reserve the right to subject samples. of the, supplied: chemical 'to analysis to ensure that it ,meets [here
specifcations. [f the chemical .fails to meet these specifications, the Agencies have the option of requiring the
cheinical supplier to ,remove and replace nny and all rejecte8~_chemical(s) within 24 hours of notiiicetion. No
payment shall 6e made for any chemical shipment that is rejected. Any lot tested by an.Agency that fails, to comply
with tl>e specifications. shall constitute grounds ,for rejection of that Jot. Repeat failures to comply wish the
specifications shallconstitute'grounds-for cancellation ofihe contract
_. ~..
Aluminum~Sulfate (Aluml
All <aluminum sulfate ~fumished
Standard '60 and be practically
'be''completely anhydrous:
in' u
under .the- contract,,shall confo"rm to AWWA
chemically pure, free of sediment and''other
Maximu_m_ ~ is"al
8:25%0 8 15%
1.3100 1:3238
5.38 5:31
ne _, _ p owda u to stx (~, hours of.'safety trauung per year for each member agency
e successful bidder will r p
wluch requests~it. Tramm w-ll:be three^,3um.suifate and m ~ hours each to accomitiodate shift'rotahons. Training
- g O (.
will.cans~stofsafehandlu~g,ofhgmd,alumn_ ._,. gency;respon§e.
3. Documentation The successful•chenitcal supplier' hall provide,the~documentation;as,specified-and required;under
Title ~?, Caltforrtta Code of Regulatons, D1V151Qn ~ Envtronmental~Health, Chapter 18: Dnnlung Water- Additives,
Article:: , Sechon~64700a & b, and Section 6~7I0`to~eacli member of the Agency Cliemical'1?iiot, piidr to tfie start of the
contract, for each cltemieal supplied:
for each sodiuin.hypochlorite delivery. Thts;analysis shall
leliveries .will be accepted;byan ngency uriiesstha load! is
..... ,
batch' or lot: Charges -for the
5 .;Discla~iiier:. The chemicals-shah contain nothing that will adversely>affect;therAgency's public~waEer supply or se
m~unous to tle~chemicFil's feeding equipment:
Sodiurta Bist~ifite
1 ~emical and Physical Properties ,All sodipm.bisulfite fiarriislied:undertheFconfract;shall.be practically chemically
pure free of sedment;uid otlier'deleterious;,partculatematter; and'confotm toahefollowingsperifications:
'Gomponeiit. Minimum
~. - - . ..
Tat51';~Reduc~ng;Substances.{TRS),,as;NaHS03 24:0%
Siidiiiin~Bisulfite, actual; as NaI~iSU_ 3 24:0%
Sodium Sulfite, actual, as:NaZS03
Sodiunt.Sulfate, as Na~SOa
iron as Fe
Su{fur-dioxide.equivalegt, as SOa
Maxiiitum ical
26:5% ?5%
z6:5%u 25%
'2: Trai in Tle Successful :bidder will provide up.to; three (3) hours of safety training;per^year for, each member agency
wh~ch'reguests~it. Training will be three~.(3) sessions of one (1)', hour eacii.fo accommodate shift=rotations. Training wip
consist of safe"Handling of sodium Uisulf to end emergency response.
3. Documentation The'successful. chemical supplier shall provide the docwnentationasspecified and'required
under Title ?Z; California Code of Regulations, Dwision 4` Environmental Health, Chapter 't8: Drinking Water
Additives, Article 1, Section 6~1700a.&s.b; and Section 61910 to eacli,rriember of``the Agency~ChemicaT fool, priorto
the'start of the contact, for- each chemical supplied.
4. I..aboratory Analysis, A labgratoryceport-shall be'submitted;for`each sodium hypochlorite~delivery. This~analysis shall
include die date of'mEUiufacture of the toad delivered and no deliveries will lie accepted+by an agency unless,tlte-load is
accompanied by said analysis report for the spegific, batch ar lot, Clia~ges for~the certified laboratory report shall be
included in the bid price. .
5 . Disclaimer: The chemicals shall contain nathing;thet will adversely affect the Agency's public watersupply or
be injurious.to~ he~chemical's feeding equipment.
Sodium I~ydroxide (Caustic Soda
1. Chemical and Physical Aroperties: A{I sodium-.hydroxide (NaOI-I) solution ,furnished under the contract shall
conform to.A~WWA specification' BSO1-93! and AA1SI/NSF Standard`60;shall'.be~prnctically chemically pure, &ee
of sediment and other deleterious;;particulate-matter,. andthas the.following properEies:
i ' u Iyliiximum
48:50%* * 51'.00%'
?4:00%« * 26:00%'~ *
37:SQ%? 39:00%*
4950%4 52.00%*
T ica
These:,numbe-~s~,(**) are;% by liquid ,All others (*) are % by weight dry basis. Caustic soda maybe ordered in 25°Jo
concentrations duringahe winter seasonor accpniing~to an'agency'•s needs:
2. 7Yainm 'fhesuccessfW bidder will provide up to six.=(ti) hours ofsafety training per:year for.ea mem r~agency
~~ :,
which _requests;'it. Training wlh be three. (3) sessions of'two'(2) hours each to: accommodate shift rotations. Training
will~consist of safe lianiiting'of caustic _soda,and~emergency'response.
3. Documentation `71~e successful chemical suppliecsfiall provide the~documentation a5 specified-.and required under
Title 22, California :Code of'ategulations; Division 4 :Environmental Health, Chapter ;18i Drinking Water Additive's;
Aiticle'l, Section 64700rt & b;~ and Sectton-647.10 to eacfi' member of the~Agency'Ghemical-Pool, prior to thestart of ttie
contract; far each chemical supplied
4.,Laboratory AnaL~A laboratory report shall;be submitted for'each odium hypoc(ilorite~delivery: This analysis shall
Include the date of manufacture of the load~deliyered and;no deliveries will lie accepted 6y an~agency unless.the,load-is
accompanied by said. analysis repiirt `for' the specific batch or' lot: Charges for the certified laboratory report shall be
included in the bill price.
5 . Disclaimer: The chemicals shall contam~nothing'that will adversely affect the Agency's public water supply or
be injurious to the chemical's Feeding;i:quipment
Liauid Chlorine Gas
I. Chemical and Physical Properties Chlorine: Ail liquid chlorine gas furnisfied under the contract shall conform to
AV/WA specfcation B30,1-92 and ANSI/NSF Standard 60 and 6e practically chemically puree and shall be
completely anhydrpus.confonning to the following by volume:
Component 1Vlinimu imum
Chlorine ~ 99:5%
H,U 4:07%
Residual Q:033°/a
2. Cylinders: Liquid chlorine shat! 'be furnished or delivered, in steel .cylinders (containers) complying with the
requirements of the Interstate Commerce Commission and of the State of California, Deparhnent of Industrial
Relations, Division of Industrial Safety.
3. Depdsit dr'Demurraae: Tltcre shall be no deposit,_•.demurrage or, rental charges on one ton 'chlorine cylinders
delivered under'thts~bid: While it is anticipatedahat cylinders,normally.will beireturned within tiiirty(30) days, there
shall be no deposit,or•demurrage charge,•regardless of time lapsed ~tietween delivery and retain, during ttte life of any
contract entered into pursuant to-these specifications.:
4 Tainin • Successful bidder will•provide:up to six(6) hours of safety, framing per year for each member agency
wh~ch;requestsit. Training w%11 be three (3)~sessions ofawo (2)`houis each to acconunodate 'shift rntatioiis. Training
will consist-of safe handling•of liquid cliloi-ine gas and:ernergency re'spoiise and leak repair.
5. Documentation The successful chemical supplier shall provide the documentation as specified. under Titla 22,
California Code~of,Regulation"s, Division 4 Environmental:•Nealth, Chapter 1'8: Drinking Water Additives, Article 1,
Section 64700ti &'b ind'Sectian 64710to each memberof the NBACP, prior fo-.the<sfartof the contract,
d. t.atioratorv.Analysis A~laliorafory• reportahall':besubmitted foc each•sodiumatypochlarite,delivery. TH'is analysis shall
mclude`the dale of manufacture;ofthe,loaddeliveredand,:nasdetiveries will;be'accepted'liy an agency unless,the load: is
accompaniedtiy said analysis report"for: the specific batch or tot Charges for the certified labomtory report shall ~be
included.in the lid price.
7. Disclaimer.. The:chemicals~shall~contain-notlaingahat wilhadversely affect the Agency's public water supply or
be ~njunous to the. chemical's feedingrequipment.
_.. _
1. Chemical and Phvsical.Fropertie Sulfur:Dioxide Allsulfur dioxide furnished udder the contract shall conform to
AVJVJA'Standard 65:12=9.1`. Sulfurdroxide shall'be a coIortess, compres_s_ed liijuefied;gas (?D°C of 14.7•psi).
2. tinders: Sulfiir dioxide shall tiefurnished or delivered in steel cylinders '(cantniners) complying with the
requiremeriCs of the Interstate. t:Ammerce 'Commission and of the State of~ California, Departnent of In_dust_rial
Relations, Division:of Industrial-Safety.
3 Deposit~or,Demurrage There shall.lie no°deposit;•demurruge or rentalcitarges onone ton sulfur atoxide cylinders
.. , . T.
delivered'underthis.bid. Wlile.it is;anticipated;Mthat,cylinders'•normally'will be retained withiri'diiity:(30)~days, there
shall 6esno ilepasit ordemurrage charge,'regurdless of time lapsed between delivery and;returri, during the life of any
contract entered into pursuant to these specifications,
4: , rainin :Successful biddor•will .provide iip•to six (6) hours: of~safety. training,per year For each member agency
which requests it, Training:-will be three;(3)<sessions ofhvo (2),haurs each to,accommodate shift;rotafions. Training
will consist of safe handling of ulfur dioxide gas and emergency response-and. leak.repair.
5. Documentation:. The successful .chemical supplier shall provide; the documentation as specified under Title 22;
California Code of Regulations, Division 4 Environmental Health, Chapter t8: Drinking Winter Additives, Article 1,
Section 64700a & b; and Section 647T0 to each member of the NBACP, prior to the start oftlie•contTaet.
ry,• p
include Ute da a of nian fnctui~e of •the Loaddelivered and'nto deliveri s w U~ hypochtorife delivery. This.analysis shall
be accepted 6y an agency unless the load is
accompanied by said analysis report for the specific batch or [ot: Gliarges for the certified Inbor~atary report shall be
included in the liid:price.
7. Disclaimer: TUe chemicals shall contain nothing that will adversely affect the Agency's public water supply or fie
injurious to the chemical's feeding equipment.
Soditam Hynochlorite for both;Potable~and _WasteFVater. Usase
L.Chemica]:arid~i'hysical.Properties All`sodium hypochlonte fiirriishedunder the contract.shall'conform to AWWA
$pecificatior-'B300-92':nnd~,AIJSUNSF Standard 60 and be practically"chemically.
2. Disclaimer: Thesodium hypochlarte;shall contain:aotlrirg~that will adversely affect the Agency's public, water
supply of be injurious to the sodium lsypochlocite'feeding equipment.
3.Training; SuccessfuLBidder. wilLprovide up to six (5) hours oESafety training per; year far each member Agency
wlucli re uests~it. Trainm will be three 3)?sessrons: of two (2):hours each~to accommodate shift rotations. Training
will consist~of safe handling of Sodium Hypochlorite and emergency response.
4. I}ocuinentation The successful chemical supplier..,shall prodide documentation asspecified,and required;under
-- . -
Trtle 2~; CahFornia Code of ltegulattons;-Dwision 4 Environmental Health, Chapter 18: Drinking Wafer Additives,
Article l., Section 61700 a & bAnd Sdctiorr64710 prior to the start of thecontract, for each chemical supplied.
S.:Generat Speclfcakions. Applicable co bout potable waterand wastewaferrequirements:
Specfc Gravity at ~0°C 1.200~minimum 1.250 maximum
Available Clilortne~ 12.5% minimum
Sodium hy~iocfilorite, %a(tiy wt) 14:7% maximum
Free Allah~(as>NaQH); 0:33%mrnmum 1,.0% maximum
Age of Product at~Delivery 3 days maximum
6. Contaminant Cbncentration.Limits:. Sodium hypochlorite.specificationsfor poto6le,water.requirements:
Iron 4:0-mg/L Nickel - <A;1 mg/L
Capper N:2 mg%I: Cobalt <0.1 mg/L
Mercury <Oi05-mg/1: Chlorate <L;S00`mg/L
7:Eiltration Limrtatians:Sodium~hypaclilorite specificaHonsforpotable watec•requiements: 1000m10 _.eao mm
hypociilorite.productsupplied underd~is~conh~act shall pass through a.0.µn filter (Mllipare, Type AA) under
vacuum(2'S inehesHg) within 30:minutes. Plant staff may conduct drisaest prior to accepting a.delivery:
S..I~boratorv Anal: A laboratory report shall>be submitted'for:eachrsodium:hypochlorite delivery. Tliis analysis
shall';incIude-the date ofrnanufactureiof,the load delii+ered, and shall contain the°following dafa:
_ ,_ _.,..
Activechlonne- Percent;by weiglrt and pounds per gallon
Excess NaOI.1: Percent by weight and-pounds per gallon
Excess NaiCQ3 Percent by weight and pounds,per gallon
No deliveries will be acceptad.,by~an,agency unless fife load is accompanied'-by said analysis report for the specific
batch.or'lot of hypocfilorite delidercd. Ctiargesfor the certified laborrttiry ieporf shall 6e included'in the~bia price.
9.: Acce~ance: The agencies reserve fife right to suEject samples of`the,sodium hypochlorite to analysis to er-sure
that it=meets these specifications: if the sodium typochlorite fails to meet these specifications, tFe agencies have the
option of requiring;the chemical`supplierto remove grid replace any.and 'all rejected sodium.hypochlorite within?4
hours of notifcation: No payment sliell be made for sodium hypochlorite that is rejected, nor for. any charges related
to removing the rejected sodium hypochiarite. Any lot tested by an agency that. 'fails #o comply with the
specificatons,shall constitute grounds for rejection of that tot. Repeat failures to comply with fire specifications shall
.constitute groun8s for cancellation of the contract.
1. `Chetnical and. Bhvsical ?roperties: All ,ferric chloriiie•solution Garnished ,under the' contract~shall conform to the
following spectfiiations: ~ ~ •' •
Com~onent_ 1yIinimum aximum Typical
Fen•ic Chloride 39:0%a 4tiA% ~13.A%'
Ferrous Chloride ~ 0'.0% 0':5% 0.9%
Free ~HCI
y~ __ t).1 °/a 0:5% 03%
Specific gravity '@_20°C 1:404. 1.498. 1:4581
Dry lbs/gal Q20°C 11:21 Ills: 12.5'abs. 12.16; ib"s:
Instilu6les Oi0% 01% 0:02%
2:,Discliiimer The; ferric chloride chemical shall contain .nothing; whieh vrilh adversely°affecf the Ageaey's treatment
processes;or bein~uriausao'the'Fema clloride,chetiiiaal feeding equipment:
3 raisin :Successful bidder :will provide up to three(3)'hours of "safety, tratntng. per year for•each rtienrber agency
whicfi:requests',:it 'Training will;beahree~(3jsessions of one (1) hour each to accommodate iiift rotations: Training will
cansist,of safehandling,of femc chloride,tind'emergency response.
4 . .Documeti'tation: Tfie~successtut?:ohemicalsuppIietshallprovide documentation;as.specifed andrequired;under
Trkle 22; Galtfornta Code of Regulattons;;Dtvision 4"Environmental Health; Chapter 18+Drlaking.VJaterAdditives,
Article il,~ Section b4700~a & b;-and Section'.647~]_0 prior to thestart of the~contract;:for each chemical supplied.
5 Laboratory=Analysis. A laboratory report shall, be submitted foreach sadtum hypochlonte~dehyery Tlt~s analysts~shatl
mclude;the>drtte of manufacture<of the load"deiivered and no dehvenes will'be accepted 6y an agency unless:~the load+is
accampftnled by said analysis, report for ,the specific butch ar lot: Charges. for they certifed°laboratory depart shah fie
mcfuded in Uie~bid~price:
Hydrofluosilicic:Acid (FLuoriaJe)
1 Glienucal and Physical Prope_rfies All hydrofl¢os~hctc .acid furnished. under'ihe, contrnct.shall conform to AWWA
specifcahon.B703 84;and ANSI/IdSF Standnrd~'ti0, possess a product concentration 24:0'±.1%a; and be practically
nothing that will,adversely aIl'ect the:Gity's public water sapply,or be
3_ T~alninj The.successfat bidder will provide up o six(6),hours.of~safety`training per year for each memUer agency;
which. requests it. Training wi11`be three (3}sessions of two {2) Hours each to accommodate shi$ rotations: Training
will`cgnsist bf'safe hnhdling.of Fluoride and emergency:rrspbnse:
4: Documentation: The successful chemical supplier shall provide the documentaton as„ specified under Tate ?~,
Gnlifomia Code ;of IZegulat~ons, Division 4 Environmentol Health, Cliapte"r [8: Drintnng >Water Additives;Article 1,
Section~6a7Q0a &•b; and`3ectzon;647t0sprior to the start of ttte contract for'eaclt chemical~supplied.
5. Lnboratorv~Analvsis A.laboratory,report sliall.be°submiied for each hyrdofluosilcic acid delivery. This arialysis;sliall
include the=date' of manufacture of the Ibad delivered and no deliveries iyiil tie accepted 6y an agency unless the lond:is
accompanied ti said analysis report 'fqr the specific botch or lot Charges for tfie :certified laboratory repair shall be
included€n the'Gid'price.
Lipuid Oxy:=en~(I;OX_it.
Snecif cations
(BULIn` y
1. General: LOX shall be delivered to a~ ve'nc~al'storage tank supplied by'Q,WIdER: Dehi+eries shall lie made:ron
an as needed 6asts, and. shall in no way be regu-red to,`'be uniform or regular: The gas shall be suitable for ozpne
gcner`aiion -and instrument aiid_ process use. The LOX supplied shall comply with the specifications as stated in .this
2:; uali 'Fhe L'QJX supplied shall conform to tlie-following gunlity requirements;
2,1 'flie.dew po~nt~oFtha LOX"supplied'shapnot lie.aboVe -8,0°'F (62:2°`C).atstandard atmospheric
2.2 The total hydrocation content (THG) of U~e;deLvered LOX_sliall=noGexceed'2Sppm
2:3 The minimum purity of tltie'delivered LOX shall be'99 5 percent:
3 Contractor, Submittals AFFIDAVIT OF COlV1PL1ANCE,~Eor ench:,dehvery of LOX; the CONTRACTOR. hall
submit An,affidavihofc6mphance ~vtt6;pese specificatonss
The affidavit of compliance shall contain;
a. Temperature (F,G~: The guaranteed dew pomt temperature ~(at standard atinosphenc pressure) 'ol3=each
indtvtdual shpment. Temperatures,shall be applied m degrees Fahrenheit and~degrees^Celsius
6. Parts pgr ~m~lhon (ppm): The, THG~;of the indrv~dual shipment. THC~shall be stated in`.pFuts per million
(ppm), and shall bem comphanee'with this speccfcation
c: Gas grade and purity levels (%), The grade: of the;. LOX delivered at3each slvpment•;shall be -stated, and
'shall comply with he grade requu~ed by this specification.. The purity level of each inchv~dual shipment
shall bespecified. asra~~wgight pgrcentage 6as~s, and', hall comply with the purity, levels requ edrby this
r .. .,_
The person(s): autfioiized to certify the affidavit of compliance for the CONTItACTOR;shall be stated on we
requesE forliid.
4. Certified'tiaboratory+Report Beginning with,the first':dehvery,and again at thebegmmng;ofevery fourth`manth,after
tlte'first"delivery; the;C~NTRACTOff sfiall,provide a certfiedklalioratory"report. A,cectified'laboratory report s1ia11-also
be;provided.in`ca"se oFsignificanfcltangesin praduction~techniques~and /or'Iocation: The repoits~sliall`be sent.to
W.aterinan Water Treiitinent;$lant
f1TTN:;Scott, Lelutd
Filirfield.CA 94533-1-742
1', Tlie report ha(I accompany the delivery lot tested; trod shall contain the, ttems required; in three affi"tlaviC of
coriiplianae and ;the follotiving= Hydrocarbon contents for tlTe following gases shall be given on a parts: per
million (ppn)~basis: ~ ~
Carbon Dioxide
iJitrous Oxide
The-.person(s) and°facilities authorized to certify the laboratoryrepart for the CONTRACTOR shall be stated
on he Bid.
5. Disclaimer: The.chemicals shall contain nothing that will adversely affect the Agency's public water supply or
be injurious #o,the chemicaPs feeding:equipment.
Non'-Iatec Polymer
A]D 1Q1P'
1: ,Chemicaland-Phvsical~Properties: All non'ionte.polytner AD101 P~furnished underthe contract halt
conform'to AWWA $pecificatton B300=92 and ANSI/NSF Standard 60-and be practically chemically:
2:. Disclaimer. The,chemicals shall contact notlting;that willadversely,tsffect'the. Agency's publie water supply
or 6eftn~unous to the chemical's feeding equipment:
3. Traihi_ne SuccessfulBidder wilf;provide up to„six,(6)~fiours,.ofsafety trainiiig,per year forjeach•memtier
Agency ivlich~requesis;it: Training willhtie?,three,(3) sessions;oftwo (2)hours each~to:accomttiodpte.shitt
rotations. Training will consist=of safe handling of NetrIonic.Polymer and",emergency response,
_ _
4. Documetttat-on The successful c6tnticAl?supplier sliallprovide:aocumentation asispecifiedand;requiied
under Title 2?, Califomta Code of Regulations, Dtv~sion 4 Egvironmental,Henlth, Chapter 18:'Drinking
Water Additives, Article l; 5ectiotr64700 a,&•b;•anil`Section:647I O prior to tNe'~start of the=contract, for each
chemical supplied. ~ •
5: General Specifications:
Ionic Character:
Molecular weigh:
iVlesh `Size:•
,Apgrox; Bulk,I.7ensity:
Brool~eld' Viscosity;;
Recoininended wgrkitig
Mattimum~Coacen`tiation (g/.I)r
DissolutionTime•in Dl'Water-- 5 1, 25°C 120
@ ~.-.
Stability of D:I'soluEion;;(day)
Sforage Temp~•(°C)
Shelf I:.fe (months)
White Powder
%4100 rneshi 10
%? 10 mesh:. 2
@ 5.0 g/I 1D0
@.2s gib as
7 a), ~ I O
SU •
6 Laboratory Analysis .A laboratory report shall be submitted for each sodium hypochlarttedehvery; This~analysis shall
include tl}e date of manufacture oftlte load delivered nnd'no delivenes~will~be accepted•by.an agency unless=tlte,load is
accotnptnted by said~annlysis report fog tHe'specfic batch•or lot: Charges far 11te'certifed laboratory report shall be.
included.in tliebid'price.
1. Chemical and Plivsical..A~opeities: - Q11 cat-ionic polymer Zeta F.lac:20FiV, furnished undet~ Ube contractslall
conform to AWWA Specificution',B300-92~and ANSIMSF Staridard:b0 and be practically chemically.
2. Disclaimers The, chetneals.shall contain nothing dtarwill adversely affect the Agency's public water supply
or lie;`injurious to the chemical's feedingequipment.
3. Trninine:. Successful-Bidder will provide up to six (6) hours,of safely trainingper year for each member
g y _ quests tt. Traning•ivill be-tlree (3) a"scions of two (2)hours each to Accommodate shift
A °cac which re
rotations Training will:cot-sist ufsafe handling oFNon=Ionial?olynter and etitergencyresponse:
4;. D`ocumentahan: 'The successful clieinical,suppliershall provide documentationas specified and t•equired
untie Title 22,:Califo-nia,Codi;,of[tegulations, Division ~ Gnvironmen'tal'Heal[h, Chapter 18: Drinkipg
Water-Additives, Article'1, Section 64700 a & b;;and Section.64710 prior to the startofdte contract; for each
6. General-Specifications;
Ionic Character:
FreezingPoint (°C)
6borage'Temp (°C)
Shelf Life (months)
Straw Colored Liquid
5 - '7
6: Ln6oratory Analysis :Alaboratory reportslialt:be submitted. foreach soditiun hypochlorite delivery. 77iis analys~s.shall
include`tliardate of-manu6icture:oflhe load~delive~ed and no rlelivenes'will.be.accepted Uy an;agencyuntess the load is
__ ,_
accompanied by said analysis report for the specific 6atcli or lot. Charges for.:the certified Inboiatory report shall be
included:in~the' bid, price.
AluiYtirium Clilorohydroxicle
Technical Specrfrcatio~rs for- Chemicals -The chemical and physical properties for aluminum chloroliydroxide
•shall Abe as follows:
A) l; aluminum clilorohydroxide (ACH)=furiiished ur-d, erthe contract shall`be practically pure. The product shall
be an aqueous solution with the=following;properties:
Coml-ancnt Minimum Maximum Typical
Specify Gravity (rr 1'S°C) 1.33 1.35 1,34
Aluminum (/o) 11.1 12:7 12,-2
ty (%d)
13asici 80:0 85:0 83:0
AIZ03 (%u) 22.5 24.0 23:0
Cilori$e (%) 7.9 8.4 8.1
PH 3.5 4.7 4.2
'T'otal Solid Content..(%) 50.0' 54.0 52.0
ANSUNSF-60 Standard 250 mg/L
The ACH'shafl not contain anything that will adversely affect the City's public water •supply or be injurious to
the agencies feeding equipment:
Before the contract is~awarded to the apparent low Bidder/vendor, the following conditions must be satisfied:
A. The AC,H effectiveness shall be demonstrated, through. jar testing at the<agency's treatment plant
laboratory, .that it c.an successfully coagulate and .flocculate the raw water, and not reduce the p1-,f
of theaettled water product.
B. The ACH shall pass apilot-performance test under actual plant conditions demonstrating
. effective coagulation and flocculation, filterability meeting. plant standards, and reliability of
C. The ACM shall be ANSI/NSF-60 approved for water treatment and be subject to approval by the
California Department of Health & Services.
Polyalu~mirtum Chloride
Technical Spee3fications for Chemicals -The chemical and physical .proper-ties
for blended polyalumnum chloride sli""all li"e as fo3lows:
All:.polyaluminumGcliloride (PAX);firn~slied under~the contractshall be practically pure and possess:coinplete
solubility in water. `The product slinll'be an aqueous'solution with the following properties:
m one
M aximum Typical
y (
S ecf. Gravit. @20'°G) 2
1 31 1
33. I : 32
Aluminum (%) 2
.:2 11.2
Basety {,:~;) 70 80 75
Chloride (~") 7,6 9.6 8.6
PH 4.0 4.5 9.2
Freezing point 20'°~'
ANSL/NSF-60 Standard 250 mg/-h
The PAX sliall not contain Ftnytliing'that will adversely affect the City's°piillic water supply or be injurious to the
agenciesfeediiig equipment.
Before the contract isawarded to the apparent~low bidder/vendoi; the folloiv~ng conditions must be satisfied:
D. The AAX effectiYeness shall, be .demonstrated,. tliraugh,jar-testing,at the agency's treatment plant
laboratory; that it can successfulCy coagulate and flocculate"theraw water, and not reduce die pN
oftlie settled water product.
E. The .PAX shall .pass apilot=performance test under actual plane conditions demonstrating
. ._ .
effective coagulation and flocculation; TOC .removal equivalent to enlianced coagulation,
filterability"meeting;plaat~sfand`ards; and reliability of dosage. control:
F. The 'PAX shall be; ANSI/NSF=60 approved for water treatment-and be subject to approval by the
California Department~of PublicHealth.
PAX -solutions, that have passed this performance-based criteria include California Aluminum Chemicals (GC
.> _,
2210) and JenChem{~JC 1`675).
JC 81'09-P
April 27, 2009
TQ: Prospective Bidders
FILE: Fiscal Year 20Q97209'0 Chemical Purchase Bids
The following changes shall be:made to the bid docurnents`for the'North Bay Agency
Chemical Pool 200971.0 Chemical Purchase Bids:
1. Speeial'Instructions to Bidders -change from:
13. ITISURANCE - FoT serv-cis requiring conhaetor's presence::onrany agency property;,the successful
Bidder shtill dunng the tam of this Agreement and until 'completion thereof, provide and maintain the
followtng;irninmum coVerSge;
Standard Workers' Compensation &;Employer's Statutory m°confomiance:wit~`the compensatiunaaws ofthe
_Liab~hty ncluding„occupations Disease Coverage State of CAlfoi7ia
Comprehensive,General`LiaUrhty.~Insurnnce ,,.
$1-000,000 each peison
$SOOO,OOOeach occurrence
Comprehensive Aufomoliile Liability Insurance $SOOO,OOOper accrdenf for bodily injury" and property
Umbrella=liability Coverage {to include Employers $S,million,per accident for Bodily injury or disease
Before comrnenc~ng any.perfomiance under.~th~s Agreement;,the successful bidder•shall deliver to each,Agency
Certificates;oflnsuranceissued by,tlie u~suranca comparry,;and/orsts duly authorised agents pertoining,to'the
aforcmenhoned tnsurance, and'cer6fying that the~policies stipul5ted'above are in fill. fon:e and effeck ~Al1
pbticies and7or certificates of insurance shalliriclude each individual entity as anadditional named insured. Ali
policies shal~inelude'an'endorsement'that cfianges the policies;to~riamo each individual entity as an additional
r-amed insured:
13. IN5U1tANGE
The successful Bidder .shall. not commence work under the Agreement until; Bidder has obtained oil the
msurance required under this pa'ragrapEi and such insuranceshall.had'a lieenapproved by the individual Agency
' asaa.form and camei'~anil sutlciency. A l requirements'herein>proyided shall °appear either in the body of the
insurance policies'or-as endorsements:and°sliall specifically bind the insurance carver.
Bidder shall procure:. and maintain for the duration of the contract all necessary insurance against claims for
ipjuriesto persons ordamages to property wlvcli may arise from. arin connection with the performance of the
work hereunder:by'tlre Bidder, the Bidder`s'agents, representatives, employees orsub-contractors.
14linimum Scope oC'lnsurance
1, lnsurance'shalt be at leasbas broad as:
a: Eersonal injury
b. Contractuallinbil+ty
c. Contractor s pollution liability
d. .Product liability
2: Insurance Servrces Office form covering~Automoliile~L~ability, code;A (any auto)
3 Worker's Compensation msurance as required by t}le State of Cahfomi~a and Employer's Liability
Bidder susl maintan~.limits:no Icss than:
Standard'~Workers',Compensahon.&:'Employer's Statutory in';corifoiinance with•the compensation lawstof
[iabitity-Including Qc"atipations~Disease Coverage the Stata;of(;alifoniia _
- --
CompreRensrve General Giabthty Insurance $5;000,000-per occurrgnce'for bodtly injury, personal
~ ,
contractor-'s Pollution liability and
product Italiility;
property~damuge. If Commercial General Liability
Insurance ar;,iitherforisr with asgeneral;aggregate`hiib~l-ty:is.
...._.... _..._.: _ , .~_, . , . ,.. __. . -,~:-.~ ._.... -.,._..:,. , ...::. .used;' eittier`,the general aggregate-limitstiall be"twice the .:.
required occurrence limit:' ~ -
Gomprehensrve~Automobile Liability'
Insurance r accident for boiirly injury and"property
_ -- _ ~
.ncludo,nutomotile pollytion li5bility
damn to; ~
_ .
. ., .. _
Employer's;L~ab~lity r . _ _ .
Bodily Injury by Accident:.- $1,006;000 cacti°accident
: .Bodily Injirryliy~l]isease - $1;000,000 policylimit
Bodily In~uryby Disease $1;000,004-each employee
Umbrella{L''iability. Caverage;(to include Eitipl."oyers $3 rm7lron peraccident forbodily,injury or~disease
Deductibles and`Se1f=lnsured~Retentions
1'Ise required.genenil;lialility. and~automobile3policies aro=to,contnin; or'be endorsed to contain3he:following
1'. The Agency,. its officers, officials, employees, agents sand volunteers are ao lie; covered as insureds as
respects:-liatiiliry arising,out of activities perfotmed by or on ;hehalf of the~Biddar, pro-ducts and completed
operations of the-Bidder;preniises:owned;,occupied or u§ed'byalie;Brdder,;oi automobiles owned, le""used,,
hrred or' borrowed b the Brdder. The• coven a shell contain no ecial hmitah" `-
.rotechon afforded_to the A enc~es, its officers, officals, em `lo ecs, asents or volunteers, on the scope of
p ~ g p y ,. g ..,.'
2. For any cla~ms,related.to tlus,pro~ect, theB~dder s;~nsurance,coverago,slwll_be primary.msuiance as,repects
the .Agencies, it`s officers, officials, employees;, agents, and volunteers. Any msuraiice or self rrlsurance.
marntaitted by the Agencies its officers, officiaLs;'employees, agents or'volunteers<slinll be excess~of tfie
]adder's insurance and sliall=not~contributelvitlrit:
3; Any failure to~comply with reporting or other provisions, of the,policies inclining breaches of warranties
shall not affect coverage,provided o;the Agencies; its officers; officials; employees,:agents'orvelunteers.
4. The :Bidder's insurance ahall apply separately fo-each insured against whom claim is made or suit is
broughf.except with respect<to the'limits of the insun;r's9iability.
5. Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state #6at coverage shall not be
` ~ 'oiled, canceled b either Y a verage or limits.except after flinty (30) days'
prior writte ~"iotice by certified rn~il,~teturn eceipt que fed, has~lieeri given to the Agencies individually.
Acceptat-lity oi' Insurers
lnsurance:is to Uo placed"witli,insureis with:a current A.M: Best'"s iating:of noless'than;A:VlI.
Verification of Cover~sge
Utlier•:~.1 nsurance ~Pcov isio ns:
Bidder shall famish the Agencies-with onginal,endoisements effeciingccoverage required by this~clause: Thee
endorsements are to,;be signed by a. person authorized;~by that insurer o bind' coverage ion its behalf The
endorsements are to be oti foims provided by tha Agency: All:: endorsgTrientsnnre.to be: received and approved
by~each individual Agency before work conmences:_ As an altemahve-to Agency forms, thi: Bidder's.insun:r
may provide,com~lete, certified copies of ah 'required. insurance liolicies, incliidiiig endorseinenfs effecting~the
cove"rage;required~by~the Agencies.
Special' Institietions to Bidders -Add:
14. Ina'emnifica6on To the maiamurnextent;pertnitted~'by"law,?the successful'Bidde;-shall, atts~own
expense, 'indemnify',, defend with counsel acceptable to, each North ;Bay Agency .Chemical Pagl
participating; Agency fisted ,on the Standard .Agreement for cherrucal requirements,,;(wliich acceptance will
not _be unreasonably vinthheld}, and hold hartnles$ each such pa~hcipahng Agency andixs officers, Qfficials, ...._... ,... „
claims, suits, actions, arliitia4an ;proceedings, sti
penalhes~and'fines, expenses and costs (including
costs and Fees of litigation)'{eoll'ectively, "iiabilit;
arising •oiiti of oi• in. connection "with the' furnisliia
5tapdard Agreement or the successful Bidder's f
Agreemeut;reg`arilless of ariy'fault oralleged'`fault
The successful Bidder's olihigation o indemnify,
shall mot: tie excused because of the. su"c_'oessfui Bidder's
successful'.Bidder evaluates+L~abihty and detennmes that t
The successful Bidder must~respondw~tfin 30 ccplendac;d
any participihng Agency; unless the time for resporfdng h~
of ilia panc~~pattng; Agency in writing If the successful
indemnity witliin;30 calendar dnys in addition to -any nth
money due or that: may become due they successful Br
:reasonably"be ciinsiderednecessary by the parttcpating
Agency until dispositton'lias Been ~•made of~ahe matter L
accepts the~tender, whrcle`ver occurs first.
iceed~ngs, regulatory proceedings,. civil
on, clams _e,'xpenses, attorney's fees and
~e~ whetheructual,;alleged:or threatened,
iy tfie successful Bidder pursuant to~the_
"with any'of the terms of~the Standad
defend and°hold.hannless~under this provision
. .,.
inability fo evaluate Liability, or because. the
i`e successfiil;Bidderis;not,ormay~not be:~lieble.
rys to any, fenderfor;defense and indemnity .by
sheen extended by~an"authonzed:representetive
Bidder fails to accept_ tender 'of defense: and
r=remGd~es authorized by~ aw, so' much ofthe
ddar under the Standard Agreement as shall
Agency may lie. retaroed by the ;pardc~pating
Eject to tender, or until tlio successful. Bidder
Tle successful Bistder waives any and all ngfits `to express or :unglied 'indemnity against the
[ndenuuties concerning any' Liability` of the: successful Bidder :arising. out- of ar in connection with the
furnishing of chemicals'ly"tlie successful .Bidder pursuant to the:Standard Ageeement or the successful
Bidder's failure to comply'with any~of the terriis of ilia Standard Agreement.
North Bay Agency Chernical,Pool Bid Farris:
Add. Aluminum Chlorohydroxitle
Qn behalf~ofi the NJorth Bay Agency Chemical Fool:,
li~` ._..
Chairperson, NBACP
Vallejo Sanitation: & Flood .Control 'Dsfrict, Host Agency
Acknowledgment of Receipt:
Bidder's Signature
Attachment '4
~l ~ ~.
i~. ~ G ~ ~ ~ n;~~
DATE: ';:
~ Gi
`s:TEL ONE NO:: ' »DATE Q _ , D: >s'. TERMS: iDATE:
~ CON A Tc
q ~~
__ ~ .~ '~ TELEPHONE NO:
..:: ... _
C ~ 0 TAX ' ~ .: _ - ,:; $ ~ ~U
TOTAL .COST $ ~ 5G°~ Q
,. .:,
I hereby certiry that the;articles orservices requested
hereon are necessary for use-in thls department.and
that funds are available do covertosE of same. ' FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY MANAGER PURCHASING