HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Bill 5APart1 10/05/2009o
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Agenda ~'itle: Resolution Accepting the City of Petaluma Greenhouse Gas 1Vleeting Date: October 5, 2009
Emissions Reduction Action Plan Analysis, Directing Staff to Implement
Action Plan C, Subject to Funding Availability, and Declaring the City's 1VTeeting Time: 7:00 P1VT
Intent to Support and Implement Projects that Reduce Greenhouse Gas
Category: ^ Presentation ^ Appointments [~ Consent ^ .Public Hearing ^ Unfinished Business ®New Business
Department: Director: Contact Person: .Phone Number:
.Public Works Vincent Marengo Larry Zimmer 776-3674
'T'otal Cost of Proposal or Pro_ieet: No cost associated Nance of Fund: N/A
with approval of the Climate Action Plan or Plan C. Future
implementation of the plan would be funded as part of Account Number: N/A
future budgets and Council actions.
Amount Budgeted: A total of $1600 from PW operations Curreant Fund Balance: N/A
budget was paid to the consultant who prepared the Plan.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council take t_he following action:
Accept the City of Petaluma Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Action Plan Analysis, direct staff to
implement Action. Plan C, subject to funding availability, and declare the City's intent to support and implement
projects that reduce GHG emissions.
1. ^ First reading of Ordinance approved unanimously, or with unanimous vote to allow posting prior to second- reading
2. ^ First reading of Ordinance approved without unanimous vote: Ordinance has been published/posted prior to second readings see
3. ^ Other action requiring special notice: Notice has been given, see Attachment
Summary Statement:
On August 5, 2002, City Council approved Resolution 2002-117 to undertake the Cities for Climate Protection
Program's five milestones to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Milestone one included a greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions inventory to establish the quantity of emissions in the jurisdiction, and milestone two was to establish
a GHG reduction goal. The:inventory has been completed, and milestone two was completed on July 18, 2005,
with the adoption of Resolution 2005-118, which formalized a reduction target .goal and timeframe. The
attached report represents the culmination of milestone three: "Develop an action plan to reduce GHG emissions
to meet the local GHG reduction target." Implementing the measures in Plan C will assist the City in reducing
GHG emissions to the stated goal.
Attachments to Agenda Packet Ttem:
1. Resolution _ _ _ __ _ - - - -- --
2. --'- -Resolution 2002-117,. and Resolution 2005-118
13, ~ ' City of,Petaluma Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Action Plan Analysis
Revi wed b 'Finance Director: •-
'~eviev~ed' b C" ttorne
A rov d ~ ' ` ~1Vlanager:
-~ C
I) te. ~ ' ~ ~ Date: Date: ~Z ~ ~
Rev:'#`2` IDate:Last'ReVised: ~ File: S:,CIf' t)ivision;Frograms',Clintate Yn>tecttori~.Clitnate Action
9/29/09,11.00 8m PIanlCih C:Ai' by CPC'~,Final Report and Council Aclion~E [NAL. 20Q9 tU
/' ..~ U~ Council Ado lion ofG~}'.llOC
~ i~~r•_
Accept the City of Petaluma- Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Action Plan Analysis,
direct staff to implement Action Plan C, subject to funding availability, and declare the City's
intent to support and implement projects that reduce GHG emissions.
On July 18, 2005, City Council approved Resolution #2005-118, which sets a target goal of
reducing municipal greenhouse gas emissions 20% below 2000 levels by 2010. This goal is
based on an analysis of the emissions created by municipal operations in the year 2000, also
known as the baseline, as performed by the Sonoma County Climate Protection Campaign.
Although the City will not. reach that goal, the resolution is a clear statement of the City's
intent to work toward a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.
The City of Petaluma Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Action Plan Analysis ("GHG
Reduction Action Plan"), also referred to as a "Climate Action Plan") uses the baseline
emissions as quantified in .2005 and presents five different plans to accomplish the 20%
reduction goal. The five plans range from conservative to aggressive in both emission
reductions and capital expenditures. Each plan comprises a unique selection of individual
measures which yield specific avoided utility company payments, avoided .fuel purchases,
local .financial investment, jobs. creation, internal rate of return and GHG emission reduction.
The five different plans, along with the development process, were presented to the City for
initial review by the Climate Protection Campaign's consultant, Sam Pierce. Staff has
reviewed-and ;adjusted the recommendations, and Plan C is recommended for approval by the
City Council: The staff adjustments generally include assumptions regarding outside
financing :and extending implementation dates or terms. Overall, the GHG percent reduction
remains -the same,. while the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is increased and the Annual Cash
Flow remains positive over the twenty year implementation timeframe.
S:1CIP DivigionlProgramsCtimatc Protection`•CaimatcActidn RlanACity CAP b~~ CPC';Einal Repgrt aid Council f~c4ion`~FIN,4L 2009 1005 C~xmcil
Adoption of C:,4P.DOC
In an effort to curb global warrriing, the International Council for Local Environmental
Initiatives (ICLEI) created the Cities for Climate Protection and developed a five step
program to assist organizations with thereducton of greenhouse gases (GHG). The steps are
referred.. to as "milestones." Milestone 1, creating the GHG inventory, and milestone 2,
setting a GHG reduction target, have been completed. Milestone 3 requires the creation of a
plan to meet the GHG reduction target. The analysis and associated report provide the
information necessary for addressing milestone 2, and a plan to satisfy milestone 3. This
analysis provides five measure-specific plans to reduce emissions by more than 20%.
Furthermore, the framework associated with this material will support the City in meeting the
requirements of milestone 4 (implementation) and milestone 5 (monitoring and adjustment).
The framework facilitates. the integration of new and revised information, taking advantage of
new opportunities and allowing adjustments to underperforming initiatives.
Staff .compiled .all of the necessary data to complete .the third milestone, the GHG Reduction
Action Plan. 'Sam Pierce, a consultant to the Climate Protection Campaign, was hired to
perform. more in-depth analysis of the data, calculate GHG emissions from different City
operations, and measure specific financial projections, such as return-on-investment
timeframes: Mr. Pierce :also developed the five different Action Plans recommending specific
measures to be completed as a-part of each plan.
Although the City liar not reached its stated GHG reduction .goal, actions have been taken by
departments that reduce GHG emissions:
• As a standard procedure, Public Works Maintenance & Operations staff replace older
lighting fixtures with energy efficient units, as the original fixtures burn out. There is no
official count of the replacements to-date.
• A major lighting retrofit was performed at City Hall', the Police Department and the
Petaluma Community Center. This project, representing three of the largest City-owned
buildings, included 844 light fixtures.retrofitted, approximately 150,000 kilowatt hours of
electricity saved per year, and an estimated annual savings of $16,500.
• Public Works Fleet Maintenance is working on California Air Resources Board (GARB)
compliance as part of AB32: The City-owned gas powered vehicles meet or exceed the
California and federal emissions standards. The City has one zero emission vehicle
(electric) and three hybrid vehicles in its fleet, and is-moving toward low to zero emission
vehicles,, where feasible. Petaluma is using low sulfur diesel fuel, and at this time,
wor=kingto. retrof t nine diesel vehicles to comply with the GARB 201-0 standards.
• The City'a :fleet uses recycled motor oil that is re-refined from the oil recycled during,
routine oil changes, and uses antifreeze. that has been reclaimed and recycled on-site for its
motorized .equipment.
• In 2005, Public Works Street Signals Division retrofitted nearly 90% of the standard
taff c signals with. more efficient LED fixtures.
• In 2007, Public Works Transit Division retired three 1989 diesel buses and replaced them
with four, ;2007 Gillg models, which are equipped with "clean burning" diesel engines
that meet the 2010 GARB regulations. The new equipment has reduced the fleet
emissions output by 90%.
• The City's Green Team coordinated a 30-day carbon reduction "diet". The "Low Carbon
Diet" consists of 18 actions that individuals can implement at home to reduce energy
consumption, thereby reducing carbon emissions. The Green Team followed the "diet"
S;iC1P Div3ion`,,PrggramslClimatc Prbt~ctiontClimatc rlciitni PlanlCity C:AP b~~ C:PC'•,Final Report and Council ~\ctinn~_Fl~;fli_ 2004 Ifl (}i Council
Adoption of C,4P.L)t)C
diligently and reduced carbon emissions by approximately 50,000 pounds. From July 17,
2008 to August 28, 2008, staff from the City Clerk, Public Works and Community
DeveloprnentDepartments voluntarily signed up to participate in lunch-time meetings. 22
staff members have participated, contributing to a total yearly reduction of approximately
110,000 pounds of carbon emissions.
The Water Department Conservation Coordinator continues to perform outreach'to the
community and implement innovative water conservation projects. Pump efficiency
projects are being pursued as part of the PG&E rebate program.
Parks and Recreation has maintained a 33% water reduction .since mid-2006.
Additional City actions t11at affect GHG emissions:
• Municipal and community wide GHG emissions were evaluated in the General Plan 2025
EIR, and GHG reduction measures were identified and adopted as General Plan 2025
goals, policies and implementation measures.
• The Petaluma Greeri Team has coordinated two Expos to further educate the community
about climate protection.
Efforts to improve the pedestrian, bicycle, and transit systems are ongoing.
Funding has not yet been secured to implement the measures included in Plan C. As funding
is identified, staff will prepare the required scope and budget for implementation. As further
funding becomes available, projects will be included in fiscal year budget preparation for
Council approval.
The GHG Reduction .Action Plan, Action Plan C, describes the cumulative avoided utility
company payments and avoided fuel purchases over the twenty-five year plan
implementation, as well as the annual net cash flow. The Measures Results section of the
GHG Reduction Action Plan provides a more detailed analysis of a specific measure,
including an estimate of the measure's cost, associated savings, GHG reduction and payback
period. To maintain a nearly positive cash. flow, Action Plan G prescribes a sequence in
which the measures should be implemented; however, the plan can be modified as grants and
other funding becomes available. Cumulative avoided utility company/fuel payments may
justify a subsequent expenditure on an additional measure, further reducing the City's GHG
S:AC]P I2ivi;i~Sd~.Prugrams-1Climate ProtectionlC'limatc Actiim PlaniGit~~ GAP b~~ CPCtFinal Re~~~rt and Council :Actic~n:F4N;A}, 20(79 ](7 0~ Council
Ado}xion ofCAl'.T?C}C
WIIEREAS, on August. 5, 2002, City Council approved Resolution 2002-117 to be part of Cities
for Climate Protection, sponsored by the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives
(ICLEI), and undertake ICLEI's five-milestone program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and
WIIEREAS, actions taken by local government to reduce .:greenhouse gas emissions and
increase energy efficiency can provide multiple local benefits by :improving air quality and public
health, reducing energy expenditures, and saving money for the,local government, its businesses, and its
residents; and
WIIEREAS, local governments can influence community energy usage through local
government actions concerning land use, transportation, construction, waste management, energy
supply, and energy management; and
WIIEREAS, increased temperatures due to higher greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere
threaten to adversely impact water quality and supply, to exacerbate air quality problems, and to
adversely impact human health by increasing heat stress and related deaths, the incidence of infectious
disease, and the risk of asthma, respiratory and other health problems; and
WHEREAS, California has taken a leadership role in climate protection by implementing~motor
vehicle greenhouse gas emission reduction regulations, iinplernenting stringent buil"ding and appliance
efficiency standards, and on June 1, 2005, establishing statewide greenhouse gas reduction targets of
reduction to 20001evels by 2010; reduction to 1990 levels by 2020; and reduction to 80 percent below
19901evels by 2050; and
V6~IIEREAS, Sonoma County has taken a leadership role in climate protection by being the first
county in the nation where l 00 percent of its cities and the County pledged by resolution to reduce both
S:'•GIPDivi;iun`,ProgramslClimate Arotec~ionlClimate Action Plan`,City CAT' b} CPC'~Final Reporrai~d <<oun'il ,Aciion~Ft~:V. 2009 IQ 0~ Council
Ado}~tirm ufCAP:D~C
greenhouse gas and air pollution emissions throughout the community, and by being the first county in
the nation where 100 percent. of its cities and the County determined their baseline greenhouse gas
emissions for municipal operations; and, -._
WHEREAS, on May 21, 2005, thirty-two representatives from Sonoma's nine cities and the
County considered targets;for the community and consequently recommended that the cities and the
County adopt a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 25 percent below 19901evcls by 2015; and,
WHEREAS, on July 18, 2005, City Council approved Resolution 2005-118 which establishes a
goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions,produced by internal municipal operations to 20 percent
below 2000 levels by 2010.
N®W, THEREF®RE, BE IT RES®I,VEI) that`the City Council of the City of Petaluma
accepts the City of Petaluma Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Action Plan Analysis, dated July 8,
2009, and directs staff to implement Action Plan C of that analysis, subject to funding availability.
BE I'I' FURTHER RESOIVEI9 that the City Council ;declares its intent. to support staff efforts
to create and implement projects that:reduce energy consumption, increase energy efficiency, create
renewable energy, and otherwise reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
1296151.1 .
<S:`,~CIP Divuion'~.ProgramslClimate Protection`,Climate-Actign Piani<;ity C~1(' hp C:PC\Fitr~l Report a~~d Gouncl Action':F(~i:U, 2009 10 ~)~ Cixutcil
~c90ptional CAP.I~OC
Resolution I~To. 2002-~~'~.C.S.
of the City of Petaluma, California
WHEREAS, the Cities for Climate Protection, sponsored by the International Council for
Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) has invited the City of Petaluma to become a partner in
the campaign to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and
WHL-REAS, localgovernnient actions taken to reduce;greei>house gas emissions and
increase energy efficiency provide multiple local benefits by decreasing air pollution, reducing
energy expenditures, and saving money for City government, its businesses, and its residents;
WHEREAS, local governments greatly influence the connnunity's energy usage by
exercising key po~~~ers over land use, transportation, construction, waste management, and
energy supply and management.
NOW; TI-IEREFORE, BC IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Petaluma
commits to participating in the Cities for Climate Protection and pledges to:
e take a leadership role in promoting public awareness about the causes and impacts of
climate change; and
e undertake the Cities for Climate Protection program's five milestones to reduce both
greenhouse gas and' air pollution emissions throughout the community, specifically:
aconduct a greenhouse gas (GI-1G) emissions inventory and forecast to determine
the source and quantity of GHG emissions in the jurisdiction;
oestablish a greenhouse gas emissions reduction target;
Rcao[ution No_ ~~2~ 117 N:C.S.
.' •
®develop an action plan with both existing and future actions which, when
implemented, will- meet the local greenhouse gas reduction target;
®implement the action plan; and
monitor to review progress
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Petaluma requests assistance from the
ICLEI Cities for C)imate Protection Campaign as it progresses through the milestones.
Uiderthe power and authority conferred ypon_Ihis Council_by the Charter of said City.
REFERL•NCE: !hereby certify ahe foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted by the Approved as to
Cnuncii of the City of Petaluma ut a (Regular) {Adjourned) (Special) meeting for t
on the ,,........5th........... day of Augusi............_ .., 20.A2, by the
following vote: ........ ._ .....................
City Attorney
»>gS_ Cader-Thompson, Vice Mayor Healy, Maguire, Moynihan, O'Brien, Tor[iatt
hOE5: None
ABSENT: Mayor Thompson
ATTEST: .' ... .._.._........._ ... ..........................................°-....... .:::::.::..:..: :....... ....._....................
City Cler[i lYlnyi~r
Council File.~.f_~t.~_._._._....._.__..__.
ftes. M1a..._....2U02•~I.17....._N.CS..
Resolution TVo. 2005-1I8 ~.~.~.
of the City of Petaluma, California
WHEREAS, actions taken by local government to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and
increase energy efficiency provide multiple local benefits by improving air quality and.public
health, reducing energy expenditures, and saving money for the Iocal government, its businesses,
and its residents; and,
WHEREAS, local governments greatly influence the:community's energy usage through
their actions concerning land use, transportation, construction, waste management, energy
supply, and energy management; and,
WHEREAS; the City of Portland recently proved the effectiveness of a concerted
community climate protection program by reducing greenhouse gas emissions citywide below
1990 levels while simultaneously increasing the community's vibrancy and economic prosperity;
WHEREAS, increased temperatures due to higher greenhouse gas levels in the
atmosphere threaten to adversely impact water quality and'suppiy; to exacerbate air quality
problems, and to adversely impact human health by increasing heat stress and related deaths, the
incidence of infectious disease, and the risk of asthma, respiratory and other health problems;
WHEREAS, California has taken a leadership role in climate protection by
implementing the motor vehicle greenhouse gas emission reduction regulations, implementing
the Renewable. Portfolio Standard, implementing the most effective building and appliance
efficiency standards in the world, and on June 1, 2005, establishing greenhouse gas reduction
targets for the State: by 2010 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 2000 levels; by 2020 reduce
greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels, and by 2050 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 80
percent below 1990 Levels; and,
Resolution No. 2005-118
WHEREAS, Sonoma County has taken a leadership role in climate protection by being
die first county in, the nation where ] 00 percent of its cities and the County pledged by resolution
io reduce both greenhouse gas and air pollution emissions throughout. the community, and by
bein ;the first county in the nation where 100 percent of its cities and the County determined
their baseline greenhouse gas emissions for municipal operations; and,
WHEREAS,-the City of Petaluma resolved to be part of Cities for Climate Protection
and follow its five milestone program, ..and,
WHEREAS, an May 2I, ?005,. thirty-two :representatives from Sonoma's nine cities and
the County considered targets for Che community and consequently recommended that the cities
and the County adopt a target to reduce greenhouse:gas emissions 25 percent below 1990 levels
by 2015.
NOW, TIE~)CREFORE, BE ITRESOLVED by the City of Petaluma to establish the
following climate protection target(s): To reduce greenhouse gas emissions produced community
vz~ide 25 percent below 1990 levels by 2015 and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions produced by
internal municipal operations by 20 percent from 20001evels by 2010.
Under the power and nuthocity conferred upon this Councl'by the Charterof said City.
1~FEItENCE: 1 hereby certify the foregoing Resolution was introduced and adopted by the Approved as to
Council of the ~hCity of Petaluma at a (Regular) (Adjourned} (Special} meeting -. form
on the :.....:.18 ............. day of ........IuLy........................................, 205.., by the 1
follwving vole: -..._1 .......... ...............
City Attorney
AYES: Canevaro, Mayor Glass, Vice Mayor Hams, Healy, O'Brien, Torliatt
NOES: \~one
~J ~ ~
ATTEST: .4~.::~~e~'ll...`.c:.L...~........._..........» .................._............ ..... ..films! ..... ...... .»..».........................
City Clerk 4layor
Council Fllr........._...._._ ...............
Rcs. Nn. __.2ildS-.LIB.........N.C.S.