HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/23/1998Ivlarch 23, 1998 Vo1.31, Page 343 g 1VYIN~JTES 2 OF A REGIJI,A~t IYIEE'TING 3 PETAL~TNIA CI~ COiTNCII. ~ 1VIONI9E~Y91VI.dlRC~ 23a ~99~ S I20I,I, CAI.I. 7:00 n.mo 6 Present: ICeller'`, Torliatt, Hamilton, Read*, Stompe, Vice Niayor Maguire, Mayor Hilligoss ~ Absent: None # Arrived late. ~ ~'g,OSEI) SESSI01~1 9 The City Attorney advised the Council that since preparation of the agenda, there has arisen a io potential litigation item that needs to be discussed in Closed Session. He asked for a motion ii to add that to the Closed Session Agenda. It was moved by NINI and seconded by MS to add i2 a Closed Session discussion item of potential litigation pursuant to Government Code Section is 54956.9(b). Ayes: Torliatt, ~Iamilton, Stompe, Vice Nlayor Maguire, Mayor Hilligoss ia Absent: ICeller, Read. T'he City Council recessed to Closed Session to discuss the above itern is and to discuss Initiation of Litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c). 16 PI,EDGE OF AI.I,EGIANCE 7:30 p.rr~. 1~ li~O1VIEN'T OF SII,EIVCE is PU~I.IC COIVIIV~EN~' a9 Elizabeth Meredith, commented on flooding. An article in the San Francisco Chronicle on ~o the subject indicated that FEMA and State of~icials are calling for renewed calcuYations an~ zi visions of the flood plain areas. Decisions on construction in the flood plains is reached 22 because of issues favored by developers and trade unions. ~eople who are paying for the zs flood fixes are not in control of the decisions made on building in flood plains. The Resource Za Secretary of the State has a Flood Control 'Task Force looking at drawing new maps and zs creating incentives and disincentives for such flood plain construction. She would like to see a6 the Council give the staff the resources they need to study the hydrological changes that have z~ occuned. zs Camille Przewodek - East D Street - lives near the Opportunity Center. She has beera z9 working closely with COTS and the Y~itchen to find solutions. They are e~vorlcing 3o independently to arrive at policies that are agreeable. It is time to find a new location for thi~ ~i operation. i1Ve have a disproportionate number of these facilities in our neighborhood. Let'~ s2 work together to find that solution. Y am corrung to the April 14 Planrung Commission 33 meeting to stand up for our neighborhood. 34 I'aul Kilbride - thank you for allowing me to speak. As far as the home~ess are concerned, 35 uruted we stand, divided we fall. V1~e have to come together to have a semblance of peace 36 and community. The Police do a fine job. When we worked together with Michelle Baines, 3~ it worked well. 'I'he location at 508 Petaluma Blvd. South called the Flavors and Larry's 3a Real Estate is a possibility for relocating the facility. Key to abbreviations: JH-Councibnember.Iane Flamiltorr, NRCouncilmemberNancyRead PH-Mayor ~l~f. Patricia Hilligoss, ~Y~IS Councilmember Mary Stompe DK Councilmember David Keller, PT-Councilmember Pamela Torliatt ~fM-I~ice lllayor Matt Maguire Page 344, Vol. 31 ~Iarch 23, 1998 ~ Sharon Sage - has had some trouble with two kids. She 9~as had trouble. She is not z incapacitated. My head and arms didn't work sometimes. She found records and called the 3 doctor. 'There are problems in the neighborhood by the I~tchen. It is because we stood up a to some punks. Some cops are punks. We did something for sport. She wrote it down and s got through two months of confusion. She got her drivers ~icense reinstated. All of the 6 elders of the kitchen did something. ~ gphigene Hyna, 201 I~ Street - she is a nurse. 'This is a river town. There is a building foa~ a sale for less than $.5 Million. You could make this into a Delancy Street sort of thing. (508 9 Petaluma Blvd. South) io COiTNCYi. COIVIMENT ii MS - the Eastside "Street Front" (satellite Police and staff office) in Washington Square is iz now open. Perhaps we could put our T'emporary Restraining Order operation in that i3 location. She would like a status report on Computer Aided Dispatch. ia ATR - vvants Proposition 224 placed on the agenda. i~Vhen is Putnam Plaza being rescheduled. is ~.ast weekend was the Little League Parade. The games were rained out, but it was so ruce i6 to see the Little I,eague Players in that 1'arade. ~~ JH - wants to have some method in place for people to be able to donate to the flood victims, is I.et us put out a Press Release telling people how to help. i9 Finance Director Spilman said that they already have received money and a trust account has zo been established. People can send money to the Flood Victims in care of the Mayor at City Zi I~all. City Engineer ~Iargis noted that the Housing Departmen~ has collected some funds and sz toys, also. z3 PT - the railroad had a meeting recently and she wondered if a staff member is attending za those meetings. The City Manager advised the Council that staff is attending the Railroad zs meetings and reports will be coming to the Council as meeting~ occur. Cotati sent a letter ~o 26 ~he cities advising how devastating it would be if the railroad vvere to become defunct and z~ asking the cities to be rrundful of the railroad's status. 'I'he Corona Reach Steering zs Committee riunutes format have been changed. She would liflce the rrunutes to reflect who zs spoke and what the question was. so MM - likes the format of the Corona Reach Steering Committee rrunutes. Asked the City 31 IVlanager to follow up on the Cotati letter (railroad). Petaluma ~ommuruty Access is offering sz a workshop on handling the television cameras. ~'his class will be held on April 14 at City 33 Hall between 4:30 and 6:30 p.m. ~-Ie has been meeting with the Manager of the Fairgrounds, 34 Ethan Hirsch, to try to reduce the amount of racetrack noise emanating from their location. 3s '~'hey have reduced the number of events and will stop the everung activity at 10:00 p.m. 36 ~~~~.~f~ME~~~Ns s~ Mayor Hilligoss read proclamations thanking Sue Simons for her dedication to animals and 3s proclaiming Saturday, April 18, 1998, the Second Annual Christmas in April date when 22 39 homes of elderly residents will receive home upgrade assistanc~. Key to abbreviations: JH-Councilmember Jane Hmnrltorr, NR-Cour~cilmember Nancy Read PH-MayorM. PatriciaHilligoss, MS-CouncilmemberMaryStompe DK- Councilmember David Keller, PT-Cou~rcilmember Pamela Torliatt MM-Vice Mayor Matt Maguire March 23, fl998 Vo1.31, Page 345 1 ANIIVIAI. C01~1'I'ROL, a StaflF was asYced by the City Council if redevelopment monies can be used at the Animal s Control Center. The Council would like to~ have the funding alternatives identified for therr~. a It was noted that staff is working on a community facilities project update. It was asked that s the Animal Control Shelter be placed in the ttighest priority for renovation. ~'he Counci~ s would like to see a mastea° plan on capital main~enance program projects showing immediate ~ projects, 5 year program project listing and a 10 year program project listing. Also the s Council would like to see master planrung of the corporation yard for the time when the new 9 sewer plant is built. Questions need to be asked such as, is this the correct location for the io Animal Control Center. ii In response to a Council question Dan Knapp said as far as he knows he will continue to be ia working for the Humane Society and the Council will be one of the first that he will notify if i3 that situation should change. ia The City Council requested that the following be acted upon: is ~ Spen~ more money on mandatory female spaying. i6 ° Provide response to the public's after hours telephone calls. i~ ° Review days the shelter is open and consider Sunday as an additional day. is ° Give the Police Department a list of animal license tag numbers to assist in locating pet iv owners after hours. 20 ° Iteplace the broken mobile radios, immediately, in this fiscal year. si ° Correct the water pressure in the building immediately. 2z ° Include the animal shelter in the technology update for computers, E-mail and so on. zs ° Consider having a discount rate for adoptions. za ° Include a five-year capital program in the Animal Control budget for equipment and other zs needs. 26 ° Velucle purchases really need specifications of what they need. Currently their F'-150 2~ blows fuses when the air conditioner for the arumal boxes is turned on. za °'I'he accounting system should show on a monthly basis the monthly and year to date 29 variance and it shouYd be set up in a format that is compatible with the City's chart of 3o account~. 3i ~'The contractor is contracting to maintain a log of complaints. Is this being done? ~2 ° I.egislation should be prepared which contains the "3 strikes and your are out" 33 philosophy, no animal give aways in town, and no advertising for adoptable animals. 34 ° New signs for the Animal Shelter should be placed immediately on I,akeville ~iighway 3s and at other locations that would be helpful to the public. 36 ° lzepair the roof. s~ °~1 committee should be created which would do at least the following projects: ss ~~stablish specific criteria to be reported by the Animal Services so we cara 39 measure our successes in the future. ao ° lZeview the current adoption criteria. ai ° Set up a three month pilot project for after Y~ours respons~. az ~ Develop a mobile adoptions procedure. Key to abbreviations: JH-Councilmember,7ane Namilton, NR-Councilmember tVancy Reacd PH-MayorM. PatriciaHilligoss, MS-CouncilmemberMaryStompe DK Councilmember David Keller, I'T-Counci/member Pamela Torliatt MM-Vice Mayor Matt Maguire ,. , ; ~:~ Page 346, Vol. 31 March 23, 1998 i ° Establish voucher programs. z °\7Vork with other shelters in the community. 3 0 I.ook at ways to educate the public, incYuding the Spanis:h population. a °~dentify community activities in which the Animal Control people should be s involved through-out the year. 6 ° Iteview the yearly budget. ~ ° Discuss long term planning. a ° Work with the foster care program. 9 ° Committee make-up suggestions: io °--at least one and perhaps two veterinarians i i ~--2 representatives of arumal groups ia ~--representative of the I3umane Society i3 ~ --5 citizens at large ia °--1 Councilmember (MS offered to be that repreuentative) is City Manager Stouder said staff will bring back a report to the City Council which will i6 include recommendations for the Animal Control Committee structure, duties, composition, i~ term limits, residency requirements and related information. After the City Council has is agreed on the structure of the committee, staffwill solicit applic;ations. Included in the report is vvill be a schedule, costs and the list of things the Council wishes to have accomplished. Zo The City Council wants to purchase out of the 1997-98 Fiscal ~'ear Budget mobile radios, 2i water pressure correction at the Animal Control Shelter, and new directional signs to the 22 Shelter. zs ~IG~WAY lOfl FOIt~J1VI Za For the Highway 101 improvements discussion, Traffic Engineer Allan Tilton said that the zs local money will come from Sales Tax (if the November ballot measure passes), State funds a6 vvill come from STIP (State Transportation Improvement Plan - STIP), and Federal funds 2~ vvill come from the Federal Intermodal Surface Transportation ~fficiency Act - IS'PEA. 2s The possibility of funding a portion of the improvements to the Novato Narrows with Federal ~9 monies is still an uncertainty. 'I'he House of Representatives has approved some funding. It 3o is now up to the Sena.te to either approve the recommendation or to revise the amoung of the 3i a°ecommendation. 3z Assemblywoman ivla.zzoru has written a letter to the Califorrva Transportation Commission 33 (CTC) requesting the funding for widening of Highway 101 be reopened at the State level. 34 Regarding lobbying for additional funds at the Federal level, no one in the room was aware of ss any information about that being accomplished. Key to abbreviations: JH-Councilmember Jane Hamilton, NR-Councilmember Nancy Read PH-Mayor M. Patricia Hilligoss, MS-Councrlmember Mary Stompe DK- Counci/member David Keller, PT-Councilmember Pamela Torliatt MM-Vice Mayor Matt Maguire March 23, 1998 Vo131, Page 347 i Regarding the possibility of obtaining funding for the "Narrows" from the State of California, z it still may be possible to obtain some of the money tlus year. ~t was heartily recommendec~ 3 by John Eells, 'Transportation Consultant, 65 Oak Crest Drive, San Rafael, by Phil Erickson, a who was Project 1Vlanager for the Sonoma IVlarin ivlulti-modal study, now of Two Company s and NR that the City take a leadership role in this situation and send a letter to the California 6 Transportation Commission requesting to be on the agenda for the funding that is available, ~ and advising the CTC there will be a group from Sonoma and Marin Counties in attendance ~ at their hearing. 9 In addition, representatives of the City Council along with representative(s) of the Sonoma io County Transportation Authority, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors, the Chamber of ii Commerce, the Marin County Board of Supervisors, the Legislators, and staff should attend ia the CTC hearing on April 1 in San Francisco. It was recommended that this group be very is well orgaruzed and cohesive in their presentation to the CTC. DK has a commitment that day ia and will be unable to attend. J~I will represent the City. is Public Comment: 16 John Cheney, 55 Rocca I~rive - I am keeping an eye on the Council. i~ Jeff Cartwright, 56 Rocca Drive - in anything you consider on Highway 101, you have to is think of sheet water run-off. After we discussed our flooding with you the other day, you iv went ahead and approved a senior housing project that drains into Lynch Creek which drains Zo into the Petaluma River. Why do you do those things? zi Richard Giddens - requested information on the study that reviewed the Corona Overpass za and the Rainier Overpass. The City Manager said he wi11 send Mr. Giddens a copy of that zs this week. za Hank Flum, 1721 Stonehenge - the evaluation on Corona Overpass in the EIR is very biased. zs There are alternatives that would cost less. ~Nhy should I pay taxes to build the questionable z6 Rainier Interchange, something that would being the opporturuty for floods. He talked about 2~ how all of this is going to cause him to pay more taxes. zs Duane Bellinger - fears the weather cycle is not natural because of people burning fossil fuels. z9 The more we subsidize automobiles, the more we will get automobiles. ~Ie hasn't gotten an ~o accounting of the Gas 'Ta~c money from anyone. 3i In answer to t~e question, if the sa~es tax measure passes, would it relieve public spending or 3z development fees, the Finance Director said fees were collected based on traffic mitigatiora 3a wluch is based on the cost of the project. The City would use the most restricted funds firsg ~a and leave the Yeast restrictive funds freed up. Y~K wants to ofFseY the city's money if the sales 3s tax measure passes. 36 Phil Erickson said the group that was most effective and helpful during the two county multi- s~ modal meetings was the Joint Executive Committee. I~e recommended that this be 3s reinstated, which would benefit both Marin and Sonoma Counties. Also, he noted that there 39 are other grants that can be sought out from ABAG and other agencies. ~o ~'RAF'FIC COIVFERENCE ai Allan Tilton said he would be pYeased to have time on an agenda to report to the City Council az on the suggested traf~ic calming suggestions discussed at the conference he recently attended. Key to abbreviations: JH-Counci/member.lane Hamrltort, NR-Councilmember Nancy 12ead PH-MayorM PatriciaHilligoss, <1~IS-CouncilmemberMaryStompe DK- Councilmember David Keller, PT-Councilmember Pamela Torliatl h~IM-Vice Mayorll~latt Maguire ..s ~:~~.W.~., ...-...~ , . . ..I; ~. . Page 348, t/o1. 31 Marct- 23, 1998 i 2 Apri16 - Putnam Plaza 3 May 4- continuation of the Rainier discussion 4 s At 10:00 p.m. the meeting was adjourned 6 ~. . ;:i3;~i' ~. . •~r . NEXT 1VIEETiNGS ADJOiJItN 8 ` / ~ ~ 9 M. Patricia Hilligoss, Mayor io ATTEST~ ~i ~- . i2 ~, ~~~~i,~ ~ z~ - - ~ i3 Patricia E. Bernard, City Clerk Key to abbreviations: JH-Councilmember Jane Hamilton, NR-Councilmember Nancy Read PH-MayorM. Patricia Hillrgoss, MS-CourrcilmemberMary Stompe DK CounciPmember David Keller, PT-Courrcilmember Pamela Torliatt MM-Vice Mayor Matt Maguire