HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 08/18/1997August 18, 1997 Vo130.Pg 417
3 OF ~'~E
s 1VdOIVi)AY, AiJGIJ5T 18, 1997
6 1tOI,I, CAI.I. 3:00 n.rn.
~ Present: Read, Torliatt, Vice Mayor Hamiltoq Mayor Hilligoss
s Absent: Keller, Stompe, Maguire
9 (Assistant City Attorney, Lisa Goldfien was present)
ii '~here was no one wishing to speak.
i3 There was no one wishing to speak.
ia l~InTYJT'ES:
is The Minutes of July 28 were approved as submitted.
i6 The Minutes of August 4 were approved as amended:
is The following items which are noncontroversial and which have been reviewed by the
i9 City Council and staff were enacted by one motion which was introduced by PT and
Zo seconded by JI~.
2i AYES: Read, Torliatt Vice Mayor Hamilton, Mayor Hilligoss
22 NOES: None
23 ABSENT: Keller, Stompe, Maguire
za ~SO. 97-228 NCS
2s C'I.A~S ANI9 ~II.LS
z6 Resolution 97-228 NCS approving Claims and Bills 66442 through 66802.
2~ ~SO. 97-2291vCS
so Resolution 97-229 NCS approving grading prior to Final Map for Country Club
si Estates 2A and 3A Phase 3.
s2 ~SO. 97-230 IVCS
33 FAIRG~tO~TNDS PA~ &~DE PRO.bEEC'I' 9932
34 Resolution 97-230 NCS accepting Notice of Completion of the Fairgrounds Park and
ss Ride Project 9932 constructed by North Bay Construction for $581,522.02.
36 ~SO. 97-231 NCS
37 ~'~f~S~~~~.5 ~~~R~
3s Resolution 97-231 NCS Review and file Treasurer's report as of June 30, 1997.
39 ~ * * * ~' ~~ ~~~5~' N~ ~L~l.~' ~~E~.~ a a ~ ~
Vol. 30 Pg 418
i ~SO. 97-232 NCS
a Councilmember Torliatt is not in favor of this proposal as presented. Introduced by
s Jane Hamiiton, seconded by Nancy Read.
6 AYES: Read, Vice Mayor Hamilton, Mayor Hilligoss
~ NOES: Torliatt
a ABSENT: Keller, Stompe, Maguire
io It~SO. 97-233 NCS
i2 Resolution 97-233 NCS approving contract with Ralph Andersen & Associates for
~s the Executive Search for a City 1Vianager.
ia Language in the contract will be strengthened. Mr. Freedman stated that
is the $11,000 is a fixed professional services fee and includes the work they anticipate
i6 conducting with a community panel. The reimbursernent of expenses is not to
~~ exceed $4,500.
is Mr. Freedman stated that two people from his firm wilt be working on this project
i9 together and available when the need arises. During the public meetings there will
2o be two consultants present. Introduced by Jane Hamilton, seconded by Pamela
2i Torliatt.
22 AYES: Torliatt, Vice Mayor Hamilton, Mayor FIilligoss
23 NOES: None
za ABSENT: Keller, Stompe, Maguire
zs ABSTAIN: Read (She was not present during ttie consultant interviews)
27 ~I~ ~ANE~~r~~ S~I.~C~~~N
29 Mr. Freedman stated that it is important to have community involvement in the City
3o Manager selection process. His major concern with the use of a community panel is
s i ensuring the confidentiality of the candidates.
3z Part of the proposal includes individual and group meetings with the community
33 panel to gather input on characteristics and skills. This information along with the
34 City Council's input will be used to put together a brochure.
36 He proposes that the community panel meet in closed session, deliberate in closed
s~ session, and meet with the City Council in closed session in order to give Council
sa their opinions.
ao To ensure the confidentially of the candidates parameters need to be established
ai such as not giving resume's to the community panel. The City Attorney could draw
az up a document asking those members to agree not to reveal any information that
a3 they might find out with regard to the candidates in terms of narales, etc.
44 Jane Hamilton would like the opinion of the City Attorney as to the legality of the
as community panel meeting with the City Council in closed session.
August 18, 1997
Vo130.Pg 419
i It was suggested that the community panel write their own questions. The
z candidate's could list their work experience minus their name and what city they are
3 from which could then be given to the panel.
s It was determined that there needs to be an outline created stating what the council
6 is going to do. How to select people to serve on the commuruty panel. What the
~ panel's charge is going to be, are they going to make a recommendation to the
g council. And if the panel is going to meet in open or closed session.
i i I~SO. 97-234 NCS
i3 Itesolution 97-234 NCS authorizing staf~ to send council support to the Grand Jury
~a on Emergency Medical Dispatctung. Introduced by NR, seconded by JH.
is AYES: Read, Torliatt, Vice Mayor Hamilton, Mayor Hilligoss
1s NOES: None
i~ ABSENT: Keller, Stompe, Maguire
is Rules and Proceedings of the City Council was continued to the next meeting.
zi ~S0.97-235IVCS
zs Resolution 97-235 NCS approving the 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan for Sewer
za System Improvements for FY 1997-1998 through FY 2001-2002. Introduced by
Zs P'T, seconded by J~I.
z6 AYES: Read, Torliatt, Vice Mayor Hamilton, Mayor Hilligoss
2~ NOES: None
2a ABSENT: Keller, Stompe, Maguire
30 .~~N~~E~ ~A~~ ~~l.~T-~~~E~~
3i ~'~2AlVSPOfltTA~'ION & LANI) ~JSE S'I"~TI)I'
3a Allan Tilton, Traffic Engineer presented the study to the Council.
34 7ack Balshaw, Kearny Court, is disturbed about the inaction between Petaluma and
ss Novato. He believes there are inaccuracies in the report. ~Ie has concerns
36 regarding the lack of HOV lanes between Novato and Petaluma, the rail component,
s~ if the t~ hike for Marina County does not pass, and that widerung between
3a Petaluma and Novato should be considered.
ao Duane Bellinger, 12 Fujita Road, stated that the report is flawed and the section
a~ regarding subsidizing automobiles should be omitted. There should be an
az accounting of the gasoline t~ dollars.
44 Councilmember Read stated that this report is the base necessary for Sonoma to go
as to the voters to ask if they want to have some sort of a sales tax. The money that
46 comes from sales tax is the only amount that could cover the project. Gas tax is a
a~ drop in the bucket.
Vol. 30 Pg 420
z Councilmember Torliatt stated that very little of our gas tax dollars remain in the
3 County. We need to start getting some of those dollars back to spend on our locaY
a and county wide streets and highways.
6 This item will be brought back when there is full Council ~ar~icipation.
9 Council went into closed Session for a Conference with Labor Negotiator,
io Government Code §54956.6. Negotiator: Acorne, Salmons. Employee
i i Organization: Unit 6(Police) and LTnit 7(Fire).
ADJOTJItN The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m.
~C~~~~~: 7: ~~ ~.i19.
Present: Read, Torliatt, Vice Mayor Hamilton, Mayor Hilligoss
Absent: Keller, Stompe, Maguire
(Assistant City Attorney Lisa Goldfien was present)
Paulette Lyon led the Pledge of A1legiance to the flag.
~~~~~~ ~~ 5~~~~~
Eve O'Rourke, 300 6th Street expressed her dislike of the signs on the outside of
the new Mexican restaurant at the corner of Kentucky Street and E. Washington
Street. They are large colored plastic letters in a lustorical dis~rict. She would like
to see SPARC meet at a later time other than 3:00 p.m. She is also concerned with
the number of traffic signals on Petaluma Boulevard South.
Pamela Tuft, Planrung Director advised that the square footage meets the code for
the frontage with regard to the signs. Planning has asked for a sign program for the
Kentucky Street frontages and will be working with the owners to address a more
appropriate sign program.
Sharon Sage feels the ICitchen is very important to the commuruty.
Pamela Torliatt has had several people ask her about the sign fou the restaurant.
Mayor Hilligoss, attended the River Festival on Saturday and Old Adobe ~estival
was held on Sunday.
Jane Harrulton reported that the recycling for Petaluma residential curb side yielded
an average of 39 Ib. per month per household, county wide a~~erage is 27 lb. For
August 18, 1997
Vol 30.Pg 421
i composting Petaluma averaged 82 Ib. per household per month, county wide it 46
z lb.
4 ~' ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~5~~ S~SSI~~
s Conference with I,abor Negotiator - Government Code §54956.6 Agency
6 Negotiator: Acorne, Salmons, Employee Organization: Units 6 Police), Unit 7
~ (Fire) - staff was given directions.
9 GENE~tAIr PI~AleT 1l~ID-'~'~~Y ~VVI~W
io Pamela Tuft; Planning Director, gave the Council a summary of the General Plan
~ x Mid-term iteview document. T'he General Plan establishes communities goals,
iz objectives, policies and programs that guide future growth and development. The
~s $50,000 to fund the update would come from the Special Revenue Funds-
ia Commuruty Facilities Fund. It is estimated to take up to two years to compiete the
is update.
i6 Councilmember 'Torliatt would like to adopt into the General Plan:
i~ 1. ~Jrban Growth Boundary. Urban Growth Boundary may appear on the November
i9 1998 ballot. We want to make sure that if we are going to look at Urban Growth
2o Boundary's, or if someone comes forth with an initiative that the city is ready to
zi adopt LTrban Growth Boundary that is the same as the proposal that comes forward
22 on the initiative.
2a 2. She would also like to have the Public Safety Master Planning incorporated and
Zs adopted into the General Plan.
z~ 3. An Econorruc Deve~opment Plan. I think it is critical for this city to start looking at
2~ what we have, get a base line and then see what we're going to do in the future. I
29 think the City of Petaluma needs to reach out to our Chamber of Commerce and get
3o together and start talking about this because their supposed to be our business base,
3i and so let's form a partnership because it seems as though our Chamber of
3z Commerce and the City have not worked in uruson for a long time. The City of San
33 Rafael is doing some neat things and they have an economic vision which they just
sa put together which I think is extraordinary. Our city needs to get on board. This
3s came up during our goal setting as well and we were going to discuss a frameworlc
36 of how we put together a citizenry committee included with the Chamber to start
3~ getting that information together.
39 Pamela Tuft advised Council since the Planning Department is proposing to do a
ao minor update of the General Plan she would not be proposing any amendments to
ai the Urban Limit Line at this time. It is the recommendation of the Planning Director
~2 to allow either the Council discussion a~ such time as an initiative is submitted or we
a3 allow the natural election process provide feedback to the decision makers on an.
aa LTrban Growth Boundary. The election of the fall 1998 will not occur before the
as General Plan Review is brought back to Council because the Specific Plans will be
46 going through the adoption process at that time.
Vol. 30 Pg 422
~ Councilmember Hariulton stated ar~ Econorruc Development Commission should be
3 created. She would like the City Gouncil and the corrvnunity to formulate what is
a desired as a community which will give the City a stronger position in which to form
s a partnership with the Chamber of Commerce.
~ Yt was suggested that the city look at specific land use changes i.e., the fairgrounds.
s It was also suggested that the clty contact the Fair Board so they could start
9 discussions about relocating. The city might also look at adding a Public Facilities
io element and possibly a Sustainability element.
iz Pamela Tuft advised that her department could look at land use changes within the
i3 conte~ct of a Public Facilities element or separately as a Specific Plan effort.
zs Councilmember Read stated that she does not support dealing vvith the Fairgrounds
i6 ~oard who has a 25 year lease with the city. If there is a Communities Facility
i~ element update that is okay, but at this point an Economic Development Plan is
is more of a priority.
2o Janice Cader Thompson, The City needs to have an Econorru~ I~eveYopment P~an
z~ before decisions on land use can be made. Council needs to st~rt working with the
2z public and collecting input from them.
za Resolution 97-236 NCS approving a rrunor update effort for the General Plan.
zs Introduced by PT, seconded by JH.
26 AYES: Read, Torliatt, Vice Mayor Hamilton, Mayor Hilligoss
2~ NOES: None
zs ABSEN'I°: Keller, Stompe, Maguire
30 ~SO. 97-237 NCS
33 Resolution 97-236 NCS authorizing a three year lease agreement between
3~ Washington Square Associates and the City for a storefront office location within
3s the Washington Square Shopping Center tto increase police pres~nce on the east side
36 of town. The lease is for three years rent free. The cost to the ~ity is appro~mately
3~ $5,300 per year including cleaning, lighting, telephone service, a.nd furruslung. Chief
3~ Parks will look into substantially reducing the cost of cleaning. Chief Parks has also
39 talked to other groups that are interested in sharing this space and perhaps enter into
ao a partnership. Chief Parks has had discussions with the Fulcrum Group concerning
ai the different uses of the storefront. The Group is responsive and Chief Parks feels
aa the language can be further amended as raecessary. A one ye:ar evaluation report
43 will be brought back to the Council. Introduced by J~I, seconded by NR.
44 AYES: Read, Torliatt, Vice Mayor Hamilton, Mayor Hilligoss
as NOES: None
a6 ABSENT: Keller, Stompe, IViaguire
~ ' ~~ ,
August 18, 1997 Vo130.Pg 423
1 ~SO. 97-238 NCS
3 Resolution 97-238 NCS authorizing the implementation of two police motorcycle
a traffic enforcement units under the current Traffic Safety Program grant from the
s California Office of Traffic Safety. Introduced by NR, seconded by JH.
6 AYES: Read, Torliatt, Vice Mayor Hamilton, Mayor Hilligoss
~ NOES: None
~ ABSENT: I~eller, Stompe, Ivlaguire
10 OR~9. 205~ NCS
ia lntroduce Ordinance 2057 NCS authorizing the City to collect attorney fees in any
i3 action, admirustrative proceeding or special proceeding to abate a nuisance. Adding
ia Section 1.15.085 authorizing the recovery of the attorney fees. A minor amendment
is is made to provide notice to persons involved in the nuisance abatement that
i6 attorney's fees will be sought by the city. Page 2 line 19 of the Ordinance add
i~ including City's reasonable attorney's fees incurred. Introduced by PT, seconded by
is NR.
i9 AI'ES: Read, Torliatt, Vice Mayor Hainilton, Mayor Hilligoss
2o NOES: None
2i ABSENT: Keller, Stompe, Maguire
Za Staff asked the City Council to discuss and give direction regarding the land use
zs development review process for development of the 42+ acre property at the intersection
z6 of Lakeville Highway and Frates Itoad. The C'reneral Plan currently designates the two
2~ parcels as a Specific Plan area although the site does not have the conditions that require
Za preparation of a specific plan.
3o Carol Whitmire spokesperson for the applicants described the project as mixed use with
3i high-end professional office use with support commercial and recreational uses in an open
3z campus design. The project is intended to provide professional jobs for the city. The
33 applicants would like Council to consider a General Plan Amendment to be accompanied by
34 an Environmental Impact Report that can address the issues related to alternative land uses.
36 CouncilInput:
ss Nancy Read suggested the following could be incorporated in this project:
ao Internal child care center
ai Park n Ride Lot
as Transit StopBus Stop
a3 Internal bus system that runs all day
aa Bike Paths
as Internal picruc area
a6 Lakeville Benefit Assessment District
a~ View preservation and design to drive the openness of tlus campus
Vol. 30 Pg 424
i Walking friendly
z Very tight CC&R's
s I,ook at underground parking
a Perpetual landscape maintenance
s Relationship to the housing across the street
6 Utilization of the wastewater
7 how can golf and active recreat~on be incorporated with the existing uses plus the rest of the
s business park
9 I~as the 5.7 acre triangle parcel been deemed for the transit area? If not, is there an
io indication of what that parcel could be used for.
iz She would be willing to give direction to work with the stai~ on this.
ia Pamela Tuft advised that the 5.7 acre parcel is proposed to be incorporated in the General
is Plan Amendment. She will be working with the property owners of that parcel concunently
oi6 with applicants of the larger parcel. She also advised that the 5.7 parcel has not be studied
~~ as yet.
i9 Mayor Hilligoss would like to know if Old Lakeville Road will be left where it is. She
Zo believes this is the best proposal she has seen for this property.
z2 Pamela Tuft stated that Old Lakeville Road is still a public right-of-way. The City would be
23 working in conjunction with any decision that is made through the land use alternatives
za studied during the General Plan Amendment and Environmental Impact Review, to address
zs the best use for it.
2~ Councilmember Torliatt: For the record Pamela Torliatt met with Tom Baker and Carol
zs Whitmire regarding this project.
3o When any piece of property comes before the city council it normally has a zoning
3i designation which distates what type of development should occur for a specific parcel.
s2 The property before us is very different from most because it has a zoning designation of
33 Specific Plan. It also is very different because this property is adjacent to our urban limit
34 line. With these two situations combines, I believe the policy makers need to look at the
3s overall utility of the property. What is the best use of the property for the city as a whole?
36 The council is not required to give feed back on the proposal that is in front of us. The
s~ council is required to give staff direction on how to proceed with planning for this particular
3a parcel. When giving staff direction we need to look at the big picture. A decision we make
39 now will have long term impacts that will effect the city for generations to come.
ai This property will be a driving force for future growth out the Lakeville corridor. I believe
az when residential industrial or retail development is allowed to cross F'rates Road any council
43 is putting the city in a difficult position to say "No" to future development outside our
aa urban limit line.
a6 My long term vision for all the property bordering the south side of Freitas Itoad is to have
a~ the city purchase it for reclamation purposes. This 42+ acres before us could be a pilot
August 18, 1997 Vo130.Pg 425
i project for a"city owned and controlled reclaimed water irrigation project." 'The uses of
z the property could include hayfields, a park facility, row crops, reuse of biosolids for
s fertilization and in addition open space in perpetuity.
s Possible funding sources could be:
~ Park and Recreation
~ Water Utility Enterprise Fund
9 Water Pollution Control Fund
~o Open Space District
i i Grants
iz Sonoma County Water Agency
i3 State Money for RecYamation Programs and
ia Bonding
i6 Long term goals for a reclamation project could include:
is Maintain and Solidify our Urban Limit Line
iv Support Reclamation use and reduce discharge to the Petaluma River
zo Support Agriculture
zi Provide city control over its own reclamation distribution
2z I~iversify the city's options for reclamation
2s Provide an opportunity for a better gateway to our community
Za Formulate a long term strategy to acquire property along its urban limit line
2s Reduce reclamation labor costs
26 Reduce reclamation pumping costs by irrigating flat land and
28 Reduce costs to the rate payer
29 There are also potential benefits to the property owner because if this property is located
3o wittun the Petaluma Commuruty Development district, there may be an opportunity for the
3i owner to receive the income from a purchase, tax free under redevelopment law.
33 There are a variety of questions that need to be answered regarding a reclamation pilot
3a project, but I would ask the council to give staff direction to explore the proposal for the
3s city to purchase the property for reclaimed water use and prepare a staff report outlining
36 any other options that the council has for this property. It isvery difficult to react to a
3~ development proposal with no other o~tions being presented. We need to be creative with
sx the use of ttus property, that is why the zorung designated the need for a Specific Plan.
ao Councilmember Hamilton advised that the proposal presented to them seems to be a good
ai development, but she would like staff to bring back other options for that property. There
a2 has never been a formal decision made about whether or not it is necessary to have a
43 specific plan in that area.
aa She would prefer to do this as part of the General Plan update. She would like the city to
as take the lead and identify where we would like to make changes in the General Plan.
46 -
Vol. 30 Pg 426
i Pamela Tuft asked for council's input whether they feel the process of studying land use
2 alternataves is best ac}ueved through a Specific Plan process as is currently required by the
s General Plan or a General Plan Amendment which wouid be brought by the present
a property owners with a full Environmental Impact Report that would discuss alternatives.
6 John Barella Asked Council why this piece of property has been in a study zone for so long
~ without deciding what had to be done to make it a viable piece of property and what kind of
~ zoning is going to be placed on this property? So far the applicant's have spent
9 approximately $100,000 trying to figure out a good plan for this particular project. ~Ie feels
io that the triangle piece of property should be brought into the scheme of things in order to
ii design the whole project. Because of the Lakeville widening project the triangular piece was
i~ appraised for a right-of-way for approximately $3.00-$3.50 a square foot for the right-of-
i3 way. His particular piece of property which is close to 37 acres equals about 43,560 square
ia feet per acre, it runs about a million five, a million six square foot. If we were to do an
is appraisal on our property it would come out to the same as that right-away appraisal the
i6 city bought from those people. Your probably looking at $4,500,000 to $5,000,000 million
i~ dollars for open space land.
is PT: If the city wanted to acquire that property, hopefully there would be a willing seller
zo and the city would be able to negotiate something, if it's a viable option. She believes the
zi property was purchased for approximately $1.8 million with a specific plan designation so
2a the zoning for that property is specific plan and if you revert it back to what was originally
z3 there it may have been agricultural. I don't think that there are any entitlements for the
za property as far as zoning goes.
z6 Mr. Barella stated that if the city bought a right-of-way for $3 a square foot it should be the
2~ same for his property. If the city purchases his property for open space he figures it would
Za cost appro~cimately $4,500,000 plus $458,000 paid into the Lakeville Assessment District.
a9 Were looking at what is best for Petaluma. ~Ie stated that Councilmember Torliatt has a
3o good thought and if it works financially he sees no problem selling it to the city.
sz PT understood that the parcels were going to be split up and sold off.
34 ~arella advised that some parcels could be sold off and some would possibly be kept.
36 Pamela Tuft will bring this back with some expanded alternatives.
38 I.~gs~~ ~~~~~5
39 Councilmember Torliatt reported that the Bicycle Advisory Committee went for a
ao bike ride on Sunday. The committee is working hard. gathering information and
ai doing ground work for the bike plan.
a~ The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
August 18,1997 Vo130.Pg 427
1 M.~Patricia Hilligoss,lVlayor
z '~ , ~ ,
s ATTEST: ~ ' rJ , `
5 ~, .
~ ~~~~~` ;'i ~ ~
~ ~
~ Paulette Lyon, Deputy ' Clerk