HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/06/1995November 6, 1995 Vol. 29, Page 243 i 1VIINUTES ~~ z OF A REGUI,AR NYEETING s PE'I'AI.~JMA CIT~" COUNCII. a ~ MONDAY, NOVENYBER 6, 1995 5 ROI.I~ CALI, 3:00 p.m. 6 ~ Present: Maguire, Read, Barlas, Vice Mayor Shea, Mayor Hilligoss ~ Absent: Hamilton, Stompe 8 ; ~ COi1NCIL COIVIMENT i 9 Matt Maguire asked for a staff report on the retail cappuccino facility at the fairgrounds. io Mayor Hilligoss noted that the Permit Processing Technician item and the enforcement of i i Vehicle Code within Sonoma Mountain Townhomes have been removed from the agenda i2 for technicai reasons and they will be rescheduled. She also noted that the award the City is received from Midland will be presented to the public at the Lucchesi Community Center ia tomorrow ivening, November 7. 15 a36 ~~v~~Es i6 The O~ ir 16 minutes were approved a~rr~ended: i~ Page 3, Lme 27 - finish spelling Wednesday is Page 3,aL ne 29 - the sentence should read, /" Mr. Carr to find out if the Fair Board is ~9 receiving parking fees from Carter Field...~/ ~ 2o Page 6, Linle 4- the line should begin with "Vice Mayor Shea would...." 2~ ; CONSEN~' CAL~NDAIt 22 The following items which are noncontroversial and which have been reviewed by the City z3 Council and staff were enacted by one motion which was introduced by Nancy Read and aa seconded by Vice Mayor Shea. zs Ayes: Maguire, Read, Barlas, Vice Mayor Shea,.Mayor Hilligoss 26 ~ Noes: None 2~ ~ Absent: Hamilton, Stompe za I RES0.95-273 NCS a9 CLAIIVIS AND BII.,LS so Resolution ~95-273 NCS approving Claims and Bills #50026 to #50354. I 3i ~S0.95-274 NCS 32 COMPLETION - OXIIDATION I'ONI9 I)IKE 33 Resolution 95-274 NCS accepting completion of the Oxidation Pond Dike Repair Project sa which was ~awarded to Goebel Paving, Grading and iJnderground, Inc., of Petaluma, for 3s $213,336.30. The contract was awarded on July 17, 1995, by Resolution 95-173 NCS. 243 Page 244, Vol. 29 November 6, 1995 i RESO. 95-275 NCS ~ z CLOSURE D STR~~T ~ VETERANS I)AY PARADE ~ ~ 3 Resolution 95-275 NCS approving the closure of D Street and 4th Street to Kentucky a then to Washingto'n Street and Petaluma Blvd. to Walnut Park for the annual Veterans s Day Parade on Saturday, November 11, 1995, between 12 N~on and 2:00 p.m. 6 RESO. 95-276 NCS ~ STREET NAME CHANGE - VALLEY VIEW ROAD ch~nge tm TELFO~2D I,ANE a Resolution 95-276 NCS changing the name of a street in Corona Creek Subdivision fi-om 9 Valley View Road, to Telford Lane. This street name change is being done to prevent ~o confusion with a Valley View Drive which is in the County area. ii RESO. 95-27,7 NCS j iz PURCHASE PROPANE' GENERATOR is Resolution 95-277; NCS authorizing purchase and installati~n of an emergency propane i4 generator for Fire Station #3 from Cummins West of San Leandro for $23;706.98. ~s ItESO. 95-278 NCS ~ ~~ COMPLETION DIRECTIONAL DIZILLING AT ItIVER I i~ Resolution 95-278; NCS accepting completion of the directional drilling project which ~s went across the Pe'taluma River 'in the Payran Reach area; Project 9831-BRDG-O1 is part i9 of the Army Corps Payran Reach flood mitigation project. The contract was awarded to zo Arrow Trenchless of Sacramento by Resolution 95-259 NCS on October 2, 1995.. 2i RESO. 95-279 NCS ~ zz CABLE T~LEVISION FRANCHISE NANiE CHANGE 2s Resolution 95-279 NCS approving the change of control of the cable television franchisee za from Viacom Cablevision to TCI Communications, Inc., or TCIC. Parties involved in the 2s merger are Tele-Uue Systems, Inc., d.b.a. Viacom Cablevision, which is the authorized 2~ holder of the cable television franchise. Viacom International, Inc., is an indirect parent of 2~ Viacom, Inc. ; Viacom, Inc.; Viacom; Tele-Comm~nications, Inc.; and TCI 2s Communieations, I'nc., are all parties in some way to this process. TCIC will acquire all, of 29 the outstanding common stock of Viacom and will become the indirect parent of the 3o franchisee. There ! will be no change in the franchise, which will expire on August 19, 3i 2010, subject to possible term extension. 3z Before the vote was taken on the Consent Calendar the Council discussed with Assistant 3s City Manager Gene Beatty their concern about the difficulty some cable television 34 subscribers are ha~ving in their attempt to receive some c>f the television stations on ss channels which have a higher identification number and are now available. It appears that 36 there are a numberl of television sets that are not cable ready and do not have t}ie potential 3~ of receiving the all~ of stations that are available at this time. Mr. Beatty feels that as they 3a add more television stations within the next~several months, there may be an opportunity 39 to negotiate changing the current channel number .of some of the stations. If anyone has 4o such a problem, he! asked them to telephone his office. The ('ouncil asked that Mr. Beatty ai write a letter to the franchisee explaining this subscriber problem. 244 November 6, 1995 Vol. 29, Page 245 1 RESO. 95-280 NCS 2 G12ANT APPLICATION FOIt INTERIVIODAL TRANSFER S'I'ATION 3 Resolution 95-280 NCS authorizing application for the Metropolitan Transportation a Commission's Transit Capital Improvements Grant to match local funds (P.C.D.C.) for a s two year planning alloeation. These combined monies would allow the City to a planning 6 and implementation program for the block on which the old railroad station is located. It ~ is estimated that $36,000 may be available for the 1996-97 fiscal year and up to $42,500 s for the 199i -98 fiscal year through this grant. s ! * * * * * End of Consent Calendar * * * * * io ~ TEEN PROGRAlVIS ii Recreation Director Jim Carr advised they have received 27 applications from the Teen iz Coordinator and are screening the applications now. Last weekend, 122 teens came i3 through the Teen Center at Kenilworth. The skateboard design has been commenced: ia ~SO. 95-281 NCS is 'I'YtAFFIC I1ViPACT FEE i6 Resolution 95-281 NCS amending Traffic Impact Fees and rescinding Resolution 91-45 i~ NCS. The ~first public meeting at which this was discussed was October 16. Pursuant to is §11.80.050(A) of the Municipal Code, this resolution shall be effective in sixty (60) days i9 on Januaryl,8, 1996. This increase represents 4.2% for residential and appro~mately 3% ao for non-residential construction. The Finance Director advised this will be brought to the zi City Council on an annual basis hereafter. 22 The hearing was opened. There being no one wishing to speak, the hearing was closed. 23 The resolution was introduced by Nancy Read, and seconded by Matt Maguire. 2a Ayes: Maguire, Read, Barlas, Vice Mayor Shea, Mayor Hilligoss 2s Noes: None 26 Absent: Hamilton, Stompe z~ '~ REDWOOD BUSINESS PARK 3- AS5ESSIVIENT I)ISTRICT 23 - fIEARING zs The following items were reviewed and voted on at one time. Staff noted they are 29 retaining an underwriter early in the stage of this assessment district to assist in obtaining 3o as low an interest rate as possible. 3i 1ZES0. 95-282 NCS 3z ' PgJBLIC CONVENIENC~ ANID NECE5SI~'Y 33 ItEDWOOD BiTSYNE55 PA~ 3- AD 23 34 Resolution i95-282 NCS finding and determining that the public convenience and necessity 35 require the improvement. ~ 245 Page 24G, Vol. 29 ~ November 6, 1995 I i RESO. 95-283 NCS z APPROVE ENGINEER'S REPORT - ORDER IMP~tOVEMEN~' 3 REDWOOD BUSINESSIPARK 3- AI) 23 a Resolution 95-283 NCS approving the amended Engineer's Report and Assessment and s Ordering Improvement. ~ RESO. 95-284 NCS I ~ DETERMINING ASSESSMENTS REMAINING UNPAID a REDWOOI) ~i7SINESS~PARK 3- AD 23 9 Resolution 95-2841NCS determining assessment remaining uripaid. io RESO. 95-285 NCS ii APPROVE PAYING AGENT AGREEMENT - FIRST YNTERS'd'ATE BANIC iz 1tEDWOOD ~USINESS~PARK 3- AD 23 ~ is Resolution 95-285 NCS approve paying agent and registrar agreement with First i4 Interstate Bank. , is RESO. 95-286 NCS I ~~ AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF BONDS i~ REDWOOD BUSINESS~ PARK 3- AD 23 ~s Resolution 95-286 NCS authorizing issuance of bonds. i9 RESO. 95-287 NCS ao APPROVE PRELIMINAR~' OFFICIAL STA~EMEN~' zi REDWOOD BUSINESS~ PARK 3- AD 23 za Resolution 95-287 NCS authorizing the Finance Director to approve the preliminary z3 official statement. za RESO. 95-288 NCS Zs AUTHORIZE PURCHA~SE CON~'RAC'T 2~ REDWOOD BUSINESSIPARK 3- AD 23 2~ Resolution 95-288~ NCS authorizing the City Manager to enter into a bond Purchase ~ 2s Contract. 29 Introduced by Carole Barlas, seconded by Nancy Read. 3o Ayes: Maguire, Read, Barlas, Vice Mayor Shea, Mayor Hilligoss s i Noes: None 32 Absent: Hamilton, Stompe I 33 ### End of Redwood Business Park 3- AD 23 ### 246 , November 6, 1995 Vol. 29, Page 247 1 RESO. 95-289 NCS z IN'I'ENTION TO ADOP'~ PE1tS AMENDIVIEN'I' 3 Resolution ~95-289 NCS stating intention to approve an amendment to a contract between a the Board of Administration of the Public ernployees' Retirement System and the City s Council of ;the City of Petaluma. For Public Safety members this amendment will add a 6 third level of 1959 Survivor Benefits and Military Service Credit as Public Service. ~ Introduced by Matt Maguire, seconded by Carole Barlas. s Ayes: Maguire, Read, Barlas, Vice Mayor Shea, Mayor Hilligoss s I Noes: None io ~ Absent: Hamilton, Stompe 11 i RESO. 95-290 I~TCS ~2 ~ POOI, 1959 S~JRVIVOR ~~NEFITS - PERS AMENDMENT i i3 Resolution ~95-290 NCS stating the City will pool the 1959 Survivor Benefits between the ia Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System and the City is Council of the City of Petaluma. Introduced by Matt Maguire, seconded by Carole Barlas. i6 Ayes: Maguire, Read, Barlas, Vice Mayor Shea, Mayor Hilligoss i~ Noes: None is ; Absent: Hamilton, Stompe 19 ORD. 1995 NCS Zo PEItS AIVIENDMEN~' Zi Introduce Ordinance 1995 NCS authorizing amendment to the Public Employees' z2 Retirement ~ System contract pursuant to the Memoranda of Understanding for Units 6, 7, zs and 10 - Police and Fire. Introduced by Matt Maguire, seconded by Carole Barlas. 2a Ayes: Maguire, Read, Barlas, Vice Mayor Shea, Mayor Hilligoss 2s Noes: None 26 , Absent: Hamilton, Stompe ~ 2~ 1tES0. 95-291 NCS 2s S'I'ANDARDIZED EMERGENCY 1VIANAGEM~NT S~'STEIVI (SEIVIS) 29 i DISASTER I'REPAREDNESS OPERATIONAI. AREA AGREEMEIVT 3o Sandy Kovall, Sonoma County Emergency Coordinator, gave an Executive Course of 3i Instruction ~on the Standardized Emergency Management System. This class is mandatory 32 if a jurisdiction wishes to be eligible for 25% state funding for local emergency situations, ss or 75% state funding if there is an emergency declared by the State. The staff members 34 who have specific tasks during an emergency and who were present to hear Ms. Kovall 35 were: Fir'efighter Kevin Marks, Katy Crump, Michael Evert, Jim Carr, Gene Beatty, ~ 36 Mary Tupa~, Michael Acorne, John Scharer, Tom Hargis, Pamela Tuft, and Pat Bernard. 3~ Resolution I 95-291 NCS authorizing the City Manager to sign an operational area 3s agreement. i Introduced by Nancy Read, seconded by Matt Maguire. 39 Ayes: Maguire, Read, Barlas, Vice Mayor Shea, Mayor Hilligoss ao Noes: None ai ' Absent: Hamilton, Stompe 247 , ,:, Page 248, Vol. 29 November 6, 1995 ~ CLOSED SESSION a The Council went into closed session pursuant to the Brown Act for the following s discussions: ' I a Conference with Labor Negotiator - pursuant to Government Code §54957.6 City of s Petalurna, City negotiating team (Aeorne, Beatty, Spilman, Salmons) - Unit 10 Public 6 Safety Mid-Managi ment Association ~ Conference with Legal Counsel - Initiation of Litigation pursuant to Government Code s §54956.9(c) I 9 Conference with Legal Counsel - Litigation, Western Marine Charters, Inc., d.b.a. io Petaluma Riverboat Company vs. City of Petaluma, Case No. C95-0805 T.E.H. Pursuant ii to Government Code §54956.9(a) I ~2 ADJOURN j i3 The Couneil adjour'ned to dinner at Mary's Pizza Shack, 359 East Washington Street. i4 RECONVENE 7:00 p.m: is Present: Hamilton, Maguire, Read, Barlas, Vice Mayor Shea, Mayor Hilligoss i~ Absent: Stompe i~ PLEDGE OF' ALLEGIAiNCE ~ is Fire Marshal Michael Ginn led the Pledge of Allegiance to th~; flag. i9 MOMENT OF SILENCE zo PUBLIC COMM~N~ ~i Bruce Hagen, 145 ~Grevillia - is opposed to the possibility of having only 3 days a year to 2a hike on Lafferty. This is not enough opportunity. This would be a bitter flame. He zs calculated there would be 4,500 visits to Lafferty per year, or 1 out of 10 persons in za Petaluma. Given 3 days a year to tour the site, that would be 1,000 to 2,000 people per zs day. Then if you take 4 two hour tours starting at 11 and finishing at 5, that's 250 to 500 z~ per tour. So what you're doing by allowing 3 days a year or 6 days a year or 9 or 12 days 2~ a year is ereating fuel for an eternal flame of bitterness against the City Council for not 2s opening it up to the public. z9 Will Stapp; 1625 Springhill Road - he told the Council he was reading from a study that 3o says people want a passive park. He said swimming facilities and equestrian facilities are 3i low on the people's priority list here. He has no environmental papers; a citizen doesn't 3z need papers to make an informed decision. He came to the Council in an attitude of grief. 33 He is grieving for the political innocence in Petaluma. The political system does not 34 respond to citizensi' needs. ~ 248 November 6, 1995 Vol. 29, Page 249 li~ I ;~ f~~,_ : i Annette Davis, 1648 Northstar Drive - she expressed disappointment This is tearing our 2 community apart. She asked Councilwoman Barlas if through her contacts she might be 3 able to find~ a mediator who could meet with the entire council, and try and get everybody a understanding each other a little bit more, because it appears that the Council needs some s help. She also suggested when Moon Ranch is opened to the public, it might be nice if 6 there could be city bus trips to and from Moon Ranch for the school kids who might not ~ otherwise liave access to get there. Maybe like at 10:00, Noon, 2:00, and 4:00 there s could be city bus runs. i 9 Virginia Stevens, 206 Park Place Drive - Madam Mayor and Councilmembers - you sit io there in your seats and you look over your citizens of this community. It feels good. It is ii a feeling of power. We want our mountain top. We want to feel that power, too. I think ~z the young lady that was just here had a good idea. I think the bus trips are a wonderful is idea. But let the kids look at the country from the top of the world, not midsection. ia Michael Davis - First of all, Lafferty is not the top of the hill. There are several houses is further up than that. Second of all is if we only want passive use parks, then we shouldn't i6 have spent a Million on Prince Park. Third of all, in Mr. Hagen s statistics, I wonder if he i~ factored into the statistics that after the trade takes place, Lafferty is going to be private is property. How many private property owners would allow access to their property at i9 their own liability 3 tirnes a year? Name calling never leads to resolution of conflict. 2o Good Old Boys - who are these people? Out of 7 Councilmembers, 3 of you were elected z~ on platfor'ms that were for the Lafferty Moon trade - Nancy, Patty and Mary. 2z Collectively, they garnered close to 65% of the votes. One of you was elected on a as platform opposing the trade, Matt Maguire. The other 3 were never asked the question Za during an election, so they were not elected by tfie people to oppose or accept the trade. zs None of these people are `~ood old boys." They are people that were elected by the 26 majority of~voters, because the people knew and believed in their platforms. But the truth z~ of the matter is that the linear process has been followed to the letter. This process has Za spanned nearly four years of public review. The public has been involved every step along a9 the way. 3o Scott Hess,! 100 Union Street - When I read this `fGive Us the Moon" insert in the paper s~ here, a couple of the major things I just thought needed some kind of comment. The last 3z time I hiked it before coming down to talk, to testify at the Council, I met Peter Pfendler 3s in my car and he was threatening to tow my car away and we went around and around for sa about an hour and I said the reason we really want this for public for the town of Petaluma ss is like a you know I was just coming out it's like Petaluma's cathedral, it's like a natural 36 cathedral you know, and ,Peter Pfendler chuckled and he said its better than a cathedral 3~ you know, and which shows for one thing he valued it, he saw it he saw what it was sa worth. But you've got so here you've got Peter Pfendler who wants to buy this land and s9 you know and in a sense it is better than a cathedral. I could see what he was saying. It is ao a place that's meant to uplift and a powerful place. It's a spiritual place. It really is the ai top of the mountain in sprte of a technical low ridge just above it. a2 Peter Warner, 880 Olive Street - In reconsideration of a letter I wrote which was printed as October 27~, he read another letter which he had recently sent to the newspaper offering a 44 public apology for City Councilmembers, City Manager, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pfendler. as To Patty Hilligoss, Lori Shea, Nancy Read, Mary Stompe and John Scharer, I apologize a6 for my descripttons of you as people and as puppets and for insinuating that you aren't a~ doing your~job. To Peter Pfendler I am sorry that I labeled you a champion charlatan and aa to both you and Mrs. Pfendler I apologize for asserting that you are trespassers on a9 Sonoma Mountain. 249 ~.`fR,~...:~t:1{~,: ',,i ~ . i' , ~_ ,et,~t~ie,.~;s.,iq.,~... Page 250, Vol. 29 November 6, 1995 ~ I believe one necessary response to the continuing degradation of . habitats .in~olves 2 educating people of collective environmental responsibility, caring for that to which we s belong. Bxcept in ~'the most extreme cases, I believe that exdusion of humans from land is a not the best management choice because an opportunity to enlighten is lost. s Robert Ramirez- In the interest of name calling I want to thank Michael Davis for bring it 6 up because I think we are trying in our own way to brin~ this to another level. Now ~ tomorrow night we're going to have a class on pipe bombs at Aram's Cafe so if you want s to come over we re going to be building them for everybody, Okay. I mean this is just 9 hilarious. I'm one of these people that would like to kee~p Lafferty. The people that io purportedly contritiuted to this, there are some firie people Un this thing. I can't believe i i that these people 'read this document and put their name on it. Ne~ct time you do this iz make sure you know who you're going to bed with eause this is really terrible stuff here. ~s And I know you guys better than this and you're well above this sort of stuff. The last ia thing I want to say~ is this whole thing about use in the last 3G years about Lafferty Ranch, is you know when we were offered the three days or whatever and people talked about well i6 you know it's beirig used more now than it ever was you ]cnow I ttunk I think the fact ~~ that's even brought up is totally irrelevant. I think the fact of the matter is that Lafferty ia had a particular use for a lot of years providing water to our city and if that meant not i9 being on the property because it provided then that was what it was there for. At that zo time rt provided ari open space in a sense nothing happened. there. The fact that people zi have discovered it and now sees another use for it does not mean we shouldn't use it. The 22 previous fact that ~t had not been used does not make it use~ess and I hope you wouldn't 2s consider that fact in your determination of this deal. 2a Don Bennett, 1717 Pine - My name's on that document and for the most part I'm in 2s agreement with everything that's in it, Robert (Ramirez). I think there are a tremendous z6 number of people in this community that haven't been heard but feel very strongly about z~ this issue. I was an original supporter of Lafferty and I got pretty agitated when I found 2a out the City was going to sell it. When Ross Parkerson was on the Council, and no sane 29 person can ever say that Ross Parkerson was ever bought or sold by anybody, he sat me 3o down and showedl me why Lafferty isn't going to work...fire protection, environmental si damage, access, cost, neighbor opposition, opposifion from the county. We've had our 3a elected officials being smeared, being harassed, being threatened. I've heard so many ss misstatements of fact, misinterpretations of fact and downright lies that I sincerely believe 34 that most of what people are saying is what they believe to be: true. But somebody is lying ss to them. They're being told if we keep Lafferty, we have it. We have smeared 36 Councilmembers, we've smeared a landowner who's chief sin, for what I can tell is, he is 3~ richer than we are~ we're smearing a Gounty Supervisor who's primary sin, apparently, 3a has been to tell the truth. He said you're not going to have a park. Engaging in what I 39 consider political terrorism which is smears; vandalism; lies and threats. Those of you ao who sit up here tonight have the means to say, folks, this has gone too far. As a start to 4i put an end to a stupid war that cannot be won; I. challen~;e all seven members of this az council to do one noble act. I want you to denounce the peaple on whichever side of this 43 issue they may be, ipro or con, denounce those people who would commit vandalism, who 44 would threaten, would lie, would abuse other with anonyrr~ous phone calls; who would as resort to smut and filth as means to int'imidate.-.denounce tY~em. Tell them that this type a6 of behavior has no ~place anywhere in a sophisticated democracy and tell them to take their 4~ tactics somewhere else. We in Petaluma won't tolerate it. If you really don't want war, aa then get rid of the~commandos. When Council Comments come up this evening, please a9 use that time, each and every one of you, to say that you want to get rid of this kind of so politics in Petaluma. 250 I November 6, 1995 Vol. 29, Page 251 I I , i Brian Sobel - Wood Lane Petaluma - inside the City Limits - Give Us the Moon, this is the ` 2 newspaper that some leading citizens in this community had involvement in and signed ~ s willingly. They are not misguided. They didn't get handed a set of facts and they were ~;, ~ a supposed to buy into it. We ve got somebody else who stands up here and talks about a t~; ~ s cathedral and intimates some conversation he had with somebody who isn t even there to i:~. 6 tell his side'of it. I don't know what Pfendler said to anybody. But when we come here to ~ debate the ~issue can we come and debate the merit of it instead of who said what to s whom? I am going to ask you to talk about how we can bring this community back 9 together. Let's just assume that we all choose to have a different point of view. The fact ~o is that the folks who are here are just regular people who have had enough of enough and ii just want to get this back to talking about it on a merit basis. So anyway I am hoping that iz ~ during Council comments we can approach this in that regard and have some honor for i3 the debate instead of seeing how far down we can cut somebody. ia COUNCIi, COMMENT' is Lori Shea - Pll say sornething I guess. You know I undersfand that emotion that is behind i6 this issue, but I also have to agree that I think it's gotten into personalities before the i~ principle of it, and I believe that it's just gotten so heated. And, what Mr. Pfendler has . ' ra made a gesture of something. He tried to neutralize the situation. A customer, who was - i9 on the other side of the issue and has asked me to change my vote, came in after Mr. zo Pfendler came up with opening it for 3 times a year and told me she felt it was Christmas. zi That we were getting what we always wanted, which was limited access. I think that zz there was an agreement among everybody that Lafferty could never full public access. I ~; ~ 2s hope that we get back to the issue; and we deal with it in a constructive way. za ' Matt Maguire - I'm an emotional kinda guy. I get mad when I see Mike and Brian come j ;~; as up here and call names, and then say but none of you should call names. I think an ' 26 example is' where they say Kortum changes his tune. You know Bill Kortum's letter 2~ originally was saying we can sell the open space, the development rights to Lafferty and 2s use that as seed money, but what they left out in here that Bill said was we would retain 29 public access to Lafferty. Now to me that is just that makes this a hit piece. Now you 3o know this interesting thing was that at the same day in that same paper you look at the 3i editorial page, and this has been going week after week after week, there have been letters 3a and editorials that are running 10 to 1 in favor of keeping Lafferty. That tells me ss something. ; 34 One of the ;ones recently that was in favor of the swap by Eric Spector once again left off 3s the salient information that Eric is a wealthy landowner. ~ I'm not afraid to say it, he is 36 wealthy that is not a crime, no, but he lives up on Sonoma Mountain. This just says he's a 3~ Petaluma resident. Well actually he's a Petaluma area resident. But I have to say I did ss get laugh ~out of this when he said was it appropriate for Maguire to ask special 39 permission ~from the Petaluma authorities to go hiking on Lafferty exclusively to celebrate ao his birthday? I don't know where he got that. Nice p~ece of fiction. ' ai I think there is a an intent here to find some resolution here, and I think the fact is that if az we can come to the table and talk about some real negotiations: maybe so. All the People a3 I have talked to without exception have said three times a year is not enough. The people ~ aa that I've been talking to are saying we want to have access at our discretion. It's what I '~~,.. as want. I don't think that's unreasonable. The rest of us in this room, we need to look at ;;~.: a6 ourselves, l~ook at our approach, and look at where we are going; and I do think that we ~' a~ need to discuss the issues on its merits. 251 ~•.,`'~~~~ ?~ ~?;;7 , ~i • t~ ` «.' . ~ . , •r - , , ,.~iat.$~a's`;i;;; , ; ; 'i Page 2s2, Vol. 29 November 6, 1995 i Fire danger liability costs have been mentioned. Pve been up there with the Fire Chief 2 who looked at things, I have proposed solutions to the fire hazard. We can also close the 3 place during the hi'gh fire seasons. The people hike up on ~pen public land at their own a liability - state law.! Cost - that thing can be developed for darn little. s If you read the regional parks report, they're talking $400,000 to $650,000 to get Mbon 6 up to operating snuf. And they're still talking about charging to get in. Well you know ~ there's stuff to be ~discussed on this - both sides. If we are going to, discuss it, you guys s gotta stop calling riames, I've gotta stop calling names; when that settles down maybe we 9 can look at the issues. io Carole Barlas - I thank Brian for talking about let's keep t}us to a higher level and let's ~~ keep some honor for the debate. I will make further effort to keep personalities out and i2 keep my discussion to issues. I do take exception to Mic~ael Davis' references to my is personal and religious preferences. I think that was unconscionable. ia Michael Davis - Carole, those are my beliefs is Mayor - I think you'ye probably read my letter where I lay out just exactly why I am i~ going the way I am. We can't afford Lafferty; it will never be a park. I have never been i~ treated like this in my entire life. We have gotten phone calls that you wouldn't believe. ~a The other night I was coming home from the Open Space District Workshop and a car ~9 was following me ~closely; it scared me, and I don't scare easily. I'm afraid of people 2o now, and I never have been before in rny life. We have been treated terribly, and I think 2i it's a terrible thingi It the whole thing has been orchestratec~, we know it. And it is hard 22 to take. zs Jane Hamilton - It seems like whenever there's a eonflict nationally, or in a family, or 2a anywhere, the firstlthing people say is, `°You've got to stop this; you're tearing the family zs apart." Or during a recent tr~al, everybody was saying, `This trial is tearing the country z6 apart, not racism, which was tearing the country apart, or an ineffective criminal justice a~ system, which is causing problems in the country, but the trial." This issue is not tearing 2a our corrimunity apart. It's bringing to the surface a difference in values and people are at 29 different levels of maturity. I'm very sorry that you are feeli.ng afraid and that people are 3o confrontive in a way that's intimidating; I would to insist that everybody who ~s involved 3i in the issue move to higher ground. It's not been proven to my satisfaction that Lafferty 3z can't be used, and iI've gone through it, and through it. It may not be able to be used the 33 same way as the way 1Vloon could be used, but it has not been proven that Lafferty cannot 3a be used by the public. I would like to hear those questions answered, and I would like 35 our Council to have the time and the chance to go through those questions and search for 36 the answers. That we can't afford it; that's just simply nat been answered. We can't 3~ afford to make it into a Moon Ranch type park, buf there are a lot of things we could ss afford to do with it~. ; 39 Nancy Read - I have one thing to say about the Lafferty Moon issue. I echo what the ao Mayor states and even though one spokesperson this evenm~ spoke about threatening and ai doing pipe bombs, ~a pipe bomb at Aram's Cafe, I take that very seriously, and even in jest, a2 if people are going~ to be saying things like that please do not direct them at the Mayor or a3 myself or at any members of the Council. If they wish that I'm sure that there is a true aa issue to be made of that. 252 i November 6, 1995 Vol. 29, Page 253 `~' ~~,.., ,~; ~ ~ ~r,' :~_ i'• ~r ~~ - ~ ;. ~ i She addressed her concern about the reversal of Proposition 62. Gaming is coming back z into play. She wants this on an agenda. Telecommunications - we need to talk about this s issue. Whalt's happening with the Payran bridge? a Carole Barlas - the Healthy Community Consortium is a collaborative effort (schools, s hospital, city) to do problem solving. Their first successful effort was the 24-Hour Relay 6 Challenge.. ~ RESO. 95-292 NCS s ~ PE'TAI,LTMA ~I,VI~. N. BENEFI'I' DISTI2ICT 9 Resolution 95-292 NCS establishing the Petaluma Blvd. North Benefit District. The io district includes 16 parcels, seven of which are inside the City Limits. At the time ii development occurs on any of the 16 parcels, a charge of $4,904.76 will be made to that ~2 property for their share of the water line stub out cost which was incurred. State Law i3 requires that both a public `ineeting" and a public `hearing" take place in order to create ~a such a district. The public `fneeting" was scheduled for Thursday, October 19. Staff is advised there were no representatives from any of the properties at that meeting. i6 The public hearing was opened. There being no one else wishing to speak, the hearing i~ was closed. Introduced by Matt Maguire, seconded by Nancy Read. i s Ayes: Hamilton, Maguire, Read, Barlas,' Vice Mayor Shea, Mayor Hilligoss i9 Noes: None 2o Absent: Stompe 21 , ORD. 1996 NCS zz PAItKING OItI~iNANC~ 23 Introduce Ordinance 1996 NCS amending the Zoning Ordinance 1072 NCS to allow the za distance foT placing `bff-site" parking in zoning districts other than residential districts to zs be up to 600 feet from the specific site. The hearing was opened and closed with no one z6 wishing to speak. Introduced by Jane Hamilton, seconded by Matt Maguire. 2~ ~ Ayes: Hamilton, Maguire, Read, Barlas, Vice Mayor Shea, Mayor Hilligoss 2s Noes: None 29 Absent: Stompe 30 31 RESO. 95-293 NCS GEO~iGE'S TAXI 4'ELI,OW CAB, INC. 32 Resolution ~95-293 NCS approving the issuance of a certificate of public convenience and 33 necessity for George's Taxi Yellow Cab, Inc. The public hearing was opened. There 34 being no one wishing to speak, the hearing was closed. Introduced by Matt Maguire, 3s seconded by Carole Barlas. s6 I Ayes: Hamilton, Maguire, Read, Barlas, Vice Mayor Shea, Mayor Hilligoss s~ Noes: None 3s Absent: Stompe 253 ~~~~tf~~ ~ ~+t. , , . ! • , , 5_;q~s' ~1~:,7 Page 2s4, vo1. 29 ~ November 6, 1995 i ORD. 1997 NCS ; 2 1994 UNIFORIVI F1RE COD~ s Introduce Ordinance 1997 NCS adopting the 1994 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code. Fire a Marshal Michael Ginn reviewed the item for the City Council. Introduced by Jane s Hamilton, seconde'd by Matt Maguire. 6 Ayes: Hamilton, Maguire, Read, Barlas, Vice Mayor Shea, Mayor Hilligoss ~ Noes: None a Absent: Stompe 9 RESO. 95-294 NCS I io FIRE CODE PERIVIIT FEES ii Resolution 95-294 IVCS establishing Uniform Fire Code Permit Fees and tepealing i2 Resolution 92-295INCS. Fire Marshal Ginn presented the proposed fee schedule. There ~s were only a few changes over the 1992 Fire Code Permit fee schedule. Introduced by ia Nancy Read, secorided by Matt Maguire. is Ayes: Hamilton, Maguire, Read, Barlas, Vice Mayor Shea, Mayor Hilligoss i~ Noes: None ~ i~ Absent: Stompe is ~,~.tclir~:~ uivlrir:~ rxvutcAlvi A~r:iv~A - i9 Fire Marshal Michael Ginn gave the City Council an overview of the requirements that an 2o area develop a Certified Unified Program Agenda for Hazardous Materials. At this time Zi the several jurisdictions in Sonoma County are developing such_ a program. These 22 jurisdictions are working together in an attempt to develop ~similar requirements. This will 2s come back to the City Council about mid-year 1996. za RESO. 95-296 NCS ' zs STREE~' LIGHTING N: 1VIc DOWELL 26 Resolution 95-296 NCS approving plans and specifications for street lighting installation z~ for N. McDowell Blvd. between Cocona Road and Old Redwood Highway. The contract 2s is to be awarded to Morton Smith Electric, Santa Rosa for $129,125.80. The project is z9 fully funded under the State I-Iazard Elimination and Safety program which is part of the 3o Intermodal.Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) . Introduced by 1Vancy Read 3i and seconded by Carole Barlas. s2 Ayes: Hamilton, Maguire, Read, Barlas, Vice Mayor Shea, Mayor Hilligoss 33 Noes: None 34 Absent: Stompe 3s RESO. 95-297 NCS 36 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - WATER MAIN i 3~ Resolution 95-297~NCS awarding traffic signal installation ~t East Washington Blvd. and ss Sonoma Mountairi Parkway (old Ely Bl~d.) and portion of the 1995-96 water main 39 improvement project to North bay Construction of Petaluma for $324,146.00. 254 November 6, 1995 Vol. 29, Page 255 `~ .. {f. il '. ~;, ~ .~~,. F~-, ~ ~, i The traffic signal portion of the project is partially funded by the Intermodal Surface z Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA). Introduced by Nancy Read, seconded by Vice s Mayor Shea. a Ayes: Hamilton, Maguire, Read, Barlas, Vice Mayor Shea, Mayor Hilligoss s Noes: None 6 Absent: Stompe ~ I STATUS REPO1tT ON MOON & LA~FEI2TY RANC~ES s The City Manager advised that the Planning Commission will consider the Moon and 9 Lafferty Ranch ~tems on December 12. io ADJO~IRN ii 12 I / ' / r ~ n _ 13 14 15 i6 ATTEST: i~ is 19 20 255