HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Minutes 08/22/1994August 22, 1.99=1 Vol. 28, Page 313
s MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1994
a ROLL CALL 5:10 n.m.
5 Present: Read, Hamilton, Shea, Vice Mayor Sobel, Mayor Hilligoss
6 Absent: Parkerson. Barlas
a Vice Mayor Sobel led the Pledge of Allegiance.
tt Mr. Casteen, corner of Baywood and South McDowell, requested that the Council re-
in evaluate the planned traffic signal installation at Baywood and South McDowell. City
t3 Manager John Scharer asked Traffic Engineer Alan Tilton to send out an amended agenda
to and to put this on for discussion at the next Traffic Committee meeting.
t6 Nancy Read noted that the City needs to continue to communicate with the Bureau of Indian
t~ Affairs to be certain that the City knows when the Makahmo Pomo Indian Tribe files an
is amended request for a gaming establishment south of town. Mayor Hilligoss noted she had
i9 talked to Senator Feinstein who offered to be of assistance as well.
zt The following items which are noncontroversial and have been reviewed by the City Council
zz and staff were enacted by one motion which ~~~as introduced by Jane Hamilton and seconded
zs by Vice Mayor Sobel.
2a A}-es: Read, Hamilton. Shea. Vice Mayor Sobel, Mayor Hilligoss
zs Noes: None
26 Absent: Parkerson. Barlas
z~ RESO. 94-237 NCS
z9 Resolution 94-237 NCS appointing Willie 1\~IcDevitt to the Airport Commission fora 4 year
3o term which will expire June 30, 1995, or at the time his successor is appointed; and, to
3t confirm the Petaluma. Area Pilots' .Association appointment of Glen Koby as their
sz representative for one year.
Page 314, Vol. 28 .August 22, 1994
i RESO. 94-238 NCS
3 Resolution 94-238 NCS appointing the following persons to two-year terms on the Child
a Care Committee, which terms will expire June 30, 1996, or at the time their successors are
s appointed:
6 Frances Anderson
~ Joan Marsala
a Lori Meaney
9 Tracy Tomasky
io RESO. 94-239 NCS
iz Resolution 94-239 NCS appointing.the following persons to four-year terms on the Planning
13 Commission, which terms will expire June 30, 1998, or at the time their successors are
is appointed:
is Mary Stompe
16 John T. Wick
i~ RESO. 94-24.0 NCS
19 Resolution 94-240 NCS appointing the Steve Arago to the Recreation, Music and Parks
20 Commission to complete the term of Donna Curtis. This term will expire June 30, 1.997.
zi Mr. Arago will serve until his successor is appointed.
zz RESO. 94-241 NCS
za Resolution 94-241 NCS reappointing Claudia Cleaver to a two-year term on the Site Plan
zs and Architectural Review Committee for a term of two years expiring on June 30, 1996, or
z6 until her successor is appointed.
z~ RESO. 94 242 NCS
z9 Resolution 94-242 NCS appointing the following persons to the Tree Committee, to serve
3o until their successors are appointed:
31 Bill Brady -one year term expiring June 30, 1995
3z Jim Lammers ) 2 year terms expiring June 30, 1996
33 J. Noelle Peliowski
34 Don Waxman (Professional) - 2 year term to June 30, 1996
3s ORD. 1963 NCS
37 Introduce and Adopt Urgency Ordinance 1963 NCS appropriating funds. for the period of
3s July 1, 1994, to September 30, 1994.
39 * * * * * End of Consent Calendar
August 22; 199=1 Vol. 28, Page 315
;< RESO.94-243 NCS
3 Resolution 94-243 NCS rejecting bids and arlthorizing staff to rebid the B Street and El
a Rose Storrn Drain project. There is a protest f led by the second low bidder about the listing
s of "materials, supplies and material guarantee" in all the bids. The engineering consultant.
6 had recommended adding the following words to the plans and specifications which included
~ a blank bid document, "add items as required". This was interpreted differently among the
s bidders and because of the vague nature of the please, there was no way to determine what
9 specifically should have been reported. The ne.w documents will not contain that phrase,
ro "add items as required". Both the low bidder Mr. Young and the second low bidder Mr.
ri Barella spoke to the Council complimenting each other's work and saying it is up to the
rz Council to award the bid or to rebid. The resolution was introduced by Vice Mayor Sobel
r3 and seconded by Nancy Read.
1a A~~es: :Read, Hamilton, Shea. Vice ~~ta~or Sobel, Mai-or Hilligoss
rs Noes: None
15 Absent: Parkerson. Barlas
r~ RECESS 8:40 to 8:50 p.m.
ra DiSCUSSiON OF 1994-95 BiJDGET
19 Finance Director :David Spilman reviewed the proposed budget. He showed transparencies
zo containing Sources and Uses of Funds, Expenditures, Summary of All Fund Uses, Special
zr Revenue Funds, Summary of Sources and Uses, employee count, part-time positions, Capital
zz Equipment requests, Revenrle, and Property Tax.
z3 Specific items noted in his laresentation include:
za - There are 2S 1 employees, do~~ni from a high of 266 in 1990-91
zs - There are 5.5 employees for every l ,000 in population as opposed to the 1990-91
z6 figure of 6.2 employees per 1,000
z~ - Police is increasing staff by 4 positions: 1 records assistant and 3 police officers
zs - Capital Equipment Requests totalled over $2 Million, the amount recommended in
z9 the budget is $l. l Million
30 - Capital Equipment purchases will in part be tinanced through alease/purchase
3r agreement, $105,000, some will be purchased directly for $769,000
3z - Police cars will be purchased over a 2-year period, interest will be 6.9%
33 - The -Fire Truck will be purchased over a 10-year period so the cost will be
3a $280,000 plus $100,000 rnterest
3s - The city received $70,000 as reimbursement from PG&E for underpayment of
36 franchise fee
37 - The General Fund revenues are clown 1.4 to from the previous year
3s - Sales taxes are projected to increase due to the factory outlet stores and Orchard
39 Supply
ao - The total revenue is estimated to be up $1.1 Million
ai - The city received $124,000 from Housing and Urban Development for proceeds
az of housing loans which were made in the 1970's. It was noted there is no
a3 restriction nn the use of this money, so it is being used in public safety.
Page 316, Vol. 28 August 22, 1994
~ - Property taxes paid by the land owners is divided as follows:
z City - 10 cents on the dollar,
3 Schools - 65 cents on the dollar
a County and Special districts - 25 cents on the dollar.
s In the 1978,. the schools received the same 65 cents per dollar, but the City
6 received 15 cents per dollar at that time.
~ - There is a 23 % decrease in licenses and permits
g - The total revenue that goes to Police and Fire Departments, $9,686,000, is more
9 than the. combination of total Property Tax and Sales Tax $8,600,000, leaving
io $1,086,000 in revenue to come from other sources.
ii Police Chief Dennis DeWitt addressed the Council and alerted them to some
iz • recommendations he will .make soon:
13 1- Discontinue non-injury type of accident reports, which currently run about
is 900 per year.
is 2- Utilize more mail-out reports
16 3- Delayed responses when there are no suspects, and discontinue some calls
1~ 4- Have public events such as the River Festival utilize private security firms
is He concluded saying that "Resources =Results". If they do not have the resources, they
19 cannot guarantee that the results will be what people wish to have.
zo Fire Chief Terry Krout addressed the Council. He thanked them for their support in
zi Measure E (June, 1994, ballot) and for the capital items that are in the budget. He thanked
zz the community for the donations that have come forward. They were not. able to put a
z3 training officer into the budget this year. A Fire Marshal has not yet been found:. They are
za looking at candidates at this time.
zs The state of the rolling stock is that the department had three separate breakdowns on fire
z6 trucks last week. The aerial truck platform/lft needs to be recertified. 'He is hopeful the
z~ neighboring, Fire Departments would be interested in sharing a new aerial truck.
za He noted the new fire truck that is in this budget will take up to 14 months for delivery. It is
z9 hoped the bid specifications could be worded to include bidding on a second truck to be
3o placed in the order line now because of the long delivery time.
31 We need to look at generator replacements. We have used the bandaid. approach these last
3z few years. People m the community need to .know that. Regarding use fire trucks. We
33 must be certain that any truck we obtain meets current safety standards. The used Novato
3a truck which we purchased a few years ago will now have to be updated to meet these new
3s standards.
36 CONTINUE to August 29 at 7:00 n.m.
37 It was agreed the Council would continue their discussions of the 1994-95 budget on August
3a 29 at 7:00 p.m.
ao It was noted the County Open Space committee is continuing to discuss the possibility of
ai purchasing the Riggs property south of town.
Arigust 22. 199'4
Vol. 28, Page 317
i AI)JOiT121V
2 The meeting ~a~as adjourned at 1 1.:00 la.m.
_ //"~'
s ~. Patricia Hilligoss, Mayor
s Patricia E. Bernard, City Clerk